This story is inspired by, stolen from, or (as they say in the
          Art world) homage to the wonderful, much longer story by
          quinn rogan, "Linda's All-Over Tan"
          .  I read that story and so liked some of its ideas that I began
          to think of small variations on parts of it.  I extracted only a
          small part of the total set of actions, changed the
          motivations, and rewrote it as the fantasy took me.   The
          result, below, is frankly a rip-off.  But, as the saying goes,
          there are only seven original stories, and six of them are
          stolen.  So with apologies and thanks to quinn rogan, here's
          my version of one of his ideas.
                          The Piano     
         by Margery Pinchwife 

      (c) Margery Pinchwife, 2002 
               Martha and I had been married for 17 years.  We had
          decided, even before we married, that we didn't want any
          children and never regretted that decision.  It turned out to
          be a particularly good decision because, with me only
          earning a low-level civil servant's salary and Martha unable
          to find a full-time job, we were barely able to make ends
          meet, and certainly wouldn't have been able to if we had a
          child to care for and Martha couldn't work.  Lack of money
          was a continuous problem for us.  
               Martha's part-time job in a library had the virtue that
          it left her time to indulge her passion, playing the piano.  We
          had, by dint of careful husbanding of our resources,
          somehow managed to buy a used upright piano at which she
          spent hours almost every day trying to master more and
          more difficult pieces.  The piano didn't have a great tone to
          it, and we couldn't afford a professional tuner - I learned
          how to do a creditable job, but could never get the high
          notes quite tight enough - but Martha still managed to
          produce some beautiful music.  She was really quite talented
          and would have profited immensely from first-class lessons,
          if only we could have afforded them.  Martha's skills were
          well beyond the point where she'd get any benefit from any
          piano teacher within our financial reach.  Still, she kept at it
          doggedly and it brought us both a lot of pleasure. 
          Fortunately, the library had a rather extensive collection of
          sheet music, so at least we were spared that expense.
               It was while she was working at the library that
          Martha met Susan, who had come in looking for some
          obscure piece of music.  Susan, it turned out, also played the
          piano and, while Martha was hunting down the piece of
          music, they had had a very enjoyable discussion about music
          that ended with them exchanging phone numbers with the
          promise that they'd get together for lunch sometime soon.
               Barely a few days later, Susan called to invite Martha
          to her house for lunch, an invitation that Martha readily
          accepted. When she returned late in the afternoon after the
          lunch, Martha was ecstatic.  First, she and Susan really got
          on with each other.  They had had a wonderful time just
          talking to each other.  Martha sang Susan's praises and felt
          that Susan reciprocated the feeling of admiration.  Second,
          although Martha had known by Susan's expensive, tailored
          clothes when they first met that Susan was well-to-do, it
          turned out that that was a major understatement.  Martha
          was enthralled with Susan's house. 
               Susan lived  in the most elegant section of town. 
          After leaving the public road, Martha had driven down a
          long, tree-line avenue, eventually coming to a large circular
          drive in front of the house.  The house was build of yellow
          stone, a two-story middle section with one-story wings on
          either side.  To enter, Martha had mounted the two steps to
          the large front door.  From there she had looked back at the
          landscaping, which was done in the "natural" manner,
          woods and trees and grassy areas all designed to look
          natural.  Susan had given Martha a little tour of the garden,
          during which she saw that there were charming "viewing
          points" throughout the garden from which one could look
          back at the house and get a lovely scene.  This landscaping
          surrounded the house, broken only in the back by a kitchen
          garden on one side, a path leading to the garage, and a large
          swimming pool surrounded by a patio with tables, chairs,
          and air-mattresses for sunning.
               But what appealed most to Martha was one of the
          few rooms she got to see  inside the house.  It was a high-
          ceilinged music room containing a grand piano and
          decorated with wall paintings of satyrs and nymphs romping
          through a garden, very much like the one around the house,
          and accompanied by fawns playing pan pipes.  The
          windows, which the paintings surrounded,  looked out on
          the garden, giving the appearance that these wood creatures
          were actually in Susan's garden.  This was a far cry from
          Martha's "music room" at home - a large but low-ceilinged
          room that was shared by her upright piano and my small
          desk, decorated only with a print of Vermeer's "The Music
          Lesson," and with a view of a bus stop.  
               They had had a small, elegant lunch evidently
          prepared by Susan's cook and served by her maid.  They had
          talked music for hours and Martha had even tried sight-
          reading one of the pieces Susan was working on.  And what
          excited Martha the most, Susan was taking lessons from the
          rather renowned Madam Obolovsky.  Every Tuesday
          morning, Madam Obolovsky would come to give Susan her
          lesson, and Susan had invited Martha to come and watch
          next Tuesday's lesson.
               Martha walked on air for the rest of the week in
          anticipation of that lesson.  This was as close as she was
          likely to get to anyone of Madam Obolovsky's stature.  She
          was sure that she would learn from just watching the lesson,
          in addition to the thrill of seeing Madam O teach.
               On the morning of the lesson, although all she
          expected to do was sit quietly and watch, I could see that
          Martha was nervous.  But when I got home from work, it
          was an entirely different story.  If she had been ecstatic after
          her lunch with Susan, she was out of her mind that evening. 
          It took quite a bit of calming her down before I could get the
          full story from her in any coherent fashion.  First, when she
          got there she had met Susan's husband Peter, who it turned
          out would stay around to watch the lesson.  He was, Martha
          told me, basically ordinary looking - well-built with a full,
          dark head of hair but with otherwise plain features -
          however his air of quiet confidence, which undoubtedly
          reflected his wealthy upbringing, made him look rather
          attractive.  Then, Madam Obolovsky turned out to be more
          wonderful than even Martha had expected.  In addition to
          being able to draw out the absolute best from Susan, who
          was quite a respectable pianist according to Martha, Madam
          O had also shown an interest in Martha when she learned of
          Martha's piano playing.  She had insisted that Martha play
          the piece that she had sight-read at the previous lunch, and
          had then been extravagant in her praise.  More, she had
          offered to take Martha on as a student.  Because of time
          constraints, she could only offer her lessons right after
          Susan's and at Susan's house.  She told Martha what her
          price was and invited her to call if she was interested.
               Martha had been in seventh heaven with the offer,
          even though she knew that she couldn't make that
          imposition on Susan and that, in any event, we could never
          afford it.  It just thrilled her to receive that kind of praise
          from Madam Obolovsky.  What happened later, after
          Madam O left was even more exciting.  
               They had decided to eat lunch on the patio.  The
          meal had been prepared ahead by the cook, but Susan had to
          serve it because "Tuesday is the servants' day off."  While
          Susan was inside getting the lunch, Peter had taken
          advantage of their privacy to encourage Martha to accept
          Madam O's offer.  In his quiet yet forceful manner, he
          dismissed Martha's concern about the imposition and, when
          Martha admitted that we couldn't afford the lessons, insisted
          that he'd pay for them.  His motivation, he said, was that
          Susan didn't make friends easily, that she had spoken so
          highly of Martha to him during the past week, and that the
          cost of the lessons, though perhaps beyond our budget, really
          was completely negligible to him.  Martha, of course,
          declined his offer, but he insisted.  He explained that their
          wealth had always stood between Susan and the possibility
          of friendship with people she liked, that this time there was
          an opportunity for the money to actually help the friendship
          develop, and that there would be no obligation on Martha's
          part other than to enjoy herself.  Susan would really enjoy
          having Martha visit every Tuesday and would profit by
          watching Madam O teaching Martha.  Additionally, Peter
          knew that Susan would love to spend the rest of the
          mornings with Martha and have lunch with her.  It would
          really make Susan happy.  He insisted that he wasn't
          offering this for Martha's sake but rather for Susan's. 
          Eventually, Martha agreed that she would discuss it with me
          and let him know.
               By the time I had got home that evening, Martha had
          convinced herself that it would be ok to accept Peter's
          generosity and was ready to convince me.  I wasn't happy
          about accepting Peter's charity.  It seemed to me to be way
          out of line, but I could see how much it meant to Martha and
          I knew how badly she had been wanting lessons from a
          really good teacher.  Really, I had very little choice, I had to
          go along with it.  As soon as I agreed, Martha was on the
          phone, first to Susan and Peter and then to Madam
          Obolovsky.  A half hour later everything had been set up. 
          Her first lesson would begin the following Tuesday, right
          after Susan's.
               That Tuesday turned out to be a beautiful day.  It was
          pleasantly warm late April day, the sky was a cloudless blue,
          wild flowers were in bloom throughout Susan's garden, and
          Martha was more nervous than she had been on our wedding
          day.  In the evening she gave me a full report.  Madam
          Obolovsky had spend much of the first lesson getting to
          know Martha's capabilities, her strengths and weaknesses,
          always offering praise and encouragement, but not hesitating
          to correct faults and point out weaknesses.  It was just what
          Martha needed.  On the basis of her observations, Madam O
          had laid out a plan for the next several weeks, choosing
          pieces for Martha to practice that would let her work on her
          biggest needs.  Following their two lessons, Martha and
          Susan had been exhausted.  Since it was such a beautiful
          day, Susan had suggested they go for a swim in the pool.  Of
          course, Martha hadn't brought a bathing suit, but Susan
          insisted that they never wore them.  They were completely
          isolated, out of anyone's view, and there were just the two of
          them there because the servants were off, as they were every
          Tuesday.  So they had spent the rest of the morning naked,
          first swimming and then lying out on mattresses by the pool
          and sunning themselves.  In order to avoid the damage of the
          sun's rays, Susan had been well prepared with sun-block,
          which they had applied liberally, each doing each other's
          back.  Then they had lazed around for several hours. 
          Eventually, they had dressed and Susan had brought out a
          salad for lunch.  It was well into the afternoon before Martha
          got home and by then she was sufficiently relaxed that she
          could begin to attack the homework Madam O had assigned.
               Of course I asked what Susan looked like naked. 
          Martha gave me an arch look and would only say that Susan
          had a "lovely, large-breasted body," but would not provide
          further details.
               So the two of them developed a routine.  Every
          Tuesday, Martha would go to Susan's early enough to watch
          Susan's lesson.  Then, after Martha had her lesson and
          Madam O had left, they'd take off their clothes, put on their
          sun-block, go swimming, and then lie around in the sun until
          they were ready to dress and eat lunch.  It wasn't long before
          I could hear the improvement in Martha's piano playing.  I
          had never seen her happier.
               Then, one Tuesday evening in May, Martha said that
          something embarrassing had happened.  After their swim,
          Martha had closed her eyes and was enjoying lying naked in
          the sun, when she suddenly heard Peter's voice coming from
          right next to her.  She had opened her eyes and seen him
          standing there, fully dressed in a business suit and tie,
          looking at her.  Having nothing to cover herself with, she
          had made a futile attempt to hide her breasts and crotch with
          her hands.  Peter, on the other hand, had shown no signs of
          embarrassment.  Quite the contrary, he had continued to
          look at her boldly and admonished her for trying to cover up. 
          "You have too beautiful a body to cover up, you're very
          attractive, you know" he had said. "Besides, I've already
          seen you and in any event I'm leaving now.  I just came to
          remind Susan about the dinner tonight."  Somehow, it had
          then seemed silly, or pointless, to try to cover herself with
          her hands, so Susan had, reluctantly she said, brought her
          hands down by her sides.  Peter looked for another moment
          or two and then left.  When Martha had spoken of her
          embarrassment to Susan, Susan had belittled it.  "We always
          swim nude here, even when the servants are around," she
          had said, "so Peter just took it for granted.  It didn't meant
          anything."  She had managed to get Martha to admit that we
          had once been to a nude beach and said it was just like that,
          nothing to fuss about.
               Still, it bothered Martha and she didn't know what to
          do.  She wanted to continue with  her friendship with Susan,
          and she certainly wanted to continue the lessons, but she
          didn't know what she should do about Peter.  I wasn't
          terribly fond of Peter staring at the naked body of my wife,
          but I knew how much the lessons and Susan meant to her. 
          "Well," I said, "just check if Peter's around before you take
          off your clothes next time."  This simple solution seemed to
          satisfy Martha and any further misgivings disappeared as she
          turned her attention to her piano exercises.
               The following Tuesday evening, I asked Martha if
          Peter had again been there that day.  "Yes," she replied
          somewhat hesitantly.  
               "So what happened?"
               "We all took off our clothes."  She was blushing
               It seemed that Peter had come in sometime during
          Martha's lesson.  She hadn't noticed him there until Madam
          Obolovsky was leaving.  He had praised Martha for her
          playing and then, after a little more small talk, had said
          "Why don't we all go for a swim?"  At that point, he and
          Susan had begun taking off their clothing.  Martha said she
          had felt that it would be rude and ungrateful to reject them
          now, so she hadn't thought she had any choice but to join
          them.  At first she had felt very self conscious in Peter's
          presence, both of them naked, but after a half hour or so of
          his looking at her and her somewhat more surreptitious
          looking at him, she got used to the nudity, and they spent the
          rest of the morning comfortably swimming and sunning.
               "So you looked at him?"  She nodded.  "Did you like
          what you saw?"
               "He's got a good body and..." she turned away from
          me, "he's rather big."
               "Big."  I could only repeat her word.
               "He hangs down pretty far."  She paused.  "Do you
          mind my looking at him?"
               I didn't mind her looking at him, it was his looking
          at her that disturbed me.  But, thinking back to our nude-
          beach experience, I convinced myself that it wasn't that big
          a deal.  Certainly not in comparison to the joy that she was
          getting out of her lessons and her friendship with Susan.  
               "No, I don't mind.  Look all you want."  I said, with
          as big a smile as I could muster.
               My reward was a hug and a kiss, which led to
          considerably more.  So I guess I had to thank Peter's big
          cock for some pretty exciting sex that night.
               Thereafter, that became the new routine.  After every
          lesson, Peter would show up and the three of them would
          swim naked and then lie around in the sun.  Despite the sun-
          block, Martha was developing a modest tan and seemed
          pleased that she had no tan lines.  Her piano was progressing
          nicely and her happiness was reflected in everything she did. 
          This included our sex life, which seemed to grow richer and
          fuller in proportion to the joy she was feeling.
               It was shortly after this that Peter raised the issue of
          the piano.  It seemed that they had what he called a great
          opportunity to upgrade the piano Susan had been using. 
          Although the new piano would be expensive, Peter's
          accountants had worked out a way that, by taking advantage
          of various tax laws, would allow them to get the new piano
          virtually without cost.  The plan depended, however, on
          Martha and I having enough room for the old grand piano
          that she and Susan had been taking their lessons on.  If we
          did, and Martha readily acknowledged that we did (we'd
          have to move my desk into the bedroom, but she was sure I
          would go along with it), and were willing to give up the
          upright that we owned, then the following deal would work. 
          Susan would get the new piano.  She, in turn, would rent her
          current grand piano to Martha.  Martha would pay for this by
          giving Susan the upright plus $1 per year.  This rental would
          include not only the use of the grand piano, but the regular
          professional tuning of it.  Somehow, because of the
          peculiarities of the tax laws plus whatever they could get for
          our old upright, this would save them enough to virtually
          pay for the new piano.
               Of course, for Martha, it meant she'd have a real
          grand piano to practice on instead of the inadequately tuned
          upright.  It would also get me out of the tuning business.  It
          seemed like a boon all around.  Still, I had reservations
          because it seemed we'd be even more obligated to Peter and
          Susan.  In addition to getting the Madam Obolovsky lessons,
          which they were paying for, Martha would also be playing
          on their piano.  We'd have given up the one we owned for
          one that, strictly speaking, would belong to Peter and Susan. 
          But I couldn't refuse Martha this wonderful opportunity
          when it would so obviously mean so much to her.  So we
          agreed and Peter quickly arranged for the piano swap.  For
          his tax purposes, we had to sign a formal rental agreement,
          in which we gave them our upright and agreed to pay the $1
          per year.  
               The next day, Martha was playing in our home on
          the grand.  Aside from the fact that it was tuned better, the
          sound was so much richer and fuller that it almost brought
          tears to my eyes to hear her so happily playing on it.
               A few weeks later, another change in routine
          occurred.  Normally after they had undressed, Susan would
          put the sun-block on Martha's back first.  Then Martha
          would do the rest of her body and then do Susan's back. 
          This Tuesday, however, before Martha could start on Susan,
          Peter had taken the sun-block from her.  Susan had lain
          down and Peter had spread the sun-block over her back. 
          However, he hadn't stopped there, but had started on her
          buttocks and the backs of her legs, even in the crack of her
          buttocks.  Susan had then turned over and Peter had put the
          sun-block all over her front, including her breasts and
          nipples, and between her legs, giving ample attention to her
               Then, Susan had returned the favor.  Peter had lain
          down on his stomach and Susan had rubbed sun-block all
          over his back, including between his buttocks.  Then he had
          turned over and Susan had done his front, even his genitalia. 
          She had rubbed the sun-block into his scrotum fairly
          carefully, and then poured more sun-block into her hand,
          wrapped her hand around his prick, and stroked it from top
          to bottom.  Since her fingers didn't reach all the way around,
          she had had to do this several times to be sure to cover it all. 
          All this in full view of Martha.  Finally Peter had got up, his
          rigid prick sticking out, and they had all gone out to go
          swimming.  On the way out, Susan had said to Martha
          almost innocently, "He once got a sun burn there, which was
          pretty awful, so he doesn't take any chances now."  
               My first thought, when she told me this, was that
          Martha should quit.  But now there was the piano in addition
          to the Madam Obolovsky lessons and the friendship with
          Susan.  When I commented on Peter's exhibitionism, she
          said, "Well, if you had a prick that size, I bet you'd be an
          exhibitionist too."  When I questioned whether she should
          continue the lessons, she looked at me longingly, her eyes
          begging me to let her continue.  Seeing that she didn't take it
          very seriously, I couldn't refuse her.  If she was willing to
          pay the price of tolerating Peter's behavior, I couldn't deny
          her what meant so much to her.
               And so, for every succeeding Tuesday, well into
          July, after the piano lessons Martha would watch Peter
          fondling Susan as he applied the sun-block all over her
          body, and then watch Susan rubbing sun-block all over his
          body, finally with particular attention to his balls and cock,
          ensuring that when she was finished he'd have a large,
          raging hard-on.
               Being erect seemed to be Peter's goal.  All through
          the morning, as they would swim or lay in the sun, he would
          stroke, or fondle, or embrace Susan.  These gestures seemed
          to help him maintain his erection pretty much the whole
          morning.  Susan had not seemed at all embarrassed by this
          display of erotic affection.  Martha said she tried not to let it
          bother her and, after a while, had got used to seeing Peter
          rigidly sticking out.
               While I was not at all pleased by this sun-block
          rubbing, I had to admit that Martha had never been happier
          and, surprisingly, neither had I.  Martha's happiness was
          reflected in her every action, which naturally made my life
          more pleasant.  Further, her improving technique and
          confidence at the piano filled the house with more and more
          wonderful music, music that she passionately threw herself
          into.  Nor was that her only exhibition of passion.  Our love
          life, especially the sex that went with it, was now fuller,
          more varied, and more rewarding.  These were good times,
          indeed, for which we were both willing to tolerate a little of
          Peter's exhibitionism.
               Then, early in August, the next step happened. 
          Susan had been lying on a mattress, enjoying the sun.  Peter,
          his penis erect, had sat down beside her and begun stroking
          her breasts.  This always embarrassed Martha, she said, so
          she had turned away.  When she had happened to turned
          back a few minutes later, she had discovered Peter kneeling
          between Susan's legs in the process of thrusting his now
          ever-present erection into Susan's cunt.  Martha had let out a
          gasp and turned away again, but Peter had insisted that she
          turn around.  "Don't turn your eyes away from love," he had
          said.  "Turn away from violence, from hate, from brutality,
          but never from love."  He had begun thrusting in and out of
          Susan.  "Sit down here and watch the most beautiful act in
          the world," he had insisted.  Not wanting to argue under the
          circumstances, and fearing that to turn away now would be
          taken as an insult, Martha had reluctantly sat down and
          watched the rutting couple, watched Peter's ass rise and fall,
          faster and faster, watched Susan's legs wrap around Peter as
          if to pull him further into her, watched as their passion
          became more and more audible, and watched as they came
          to their impassioned climax.
               She had sat there rigidly, motionless until they had
          finished their love-making, decoupled, risen, and gone
          inside.  After a few moments, she had hesitantly followed
          them in to where they were dressing.  There she had quickly
          pulled her own clothes on.  Then Susan had put out lunch as
          if nothing unusual had happened and they had all eaten
          without any reference to what had just gone on.
               When Martha told me about this, I felt that I had to
          do something.  Watching Peter with a hard-on was one
          thing, but I could not tolerate the idea of Martha being a lone
          voyeur for Peter's fucking, even if he didn't actually touch
          her.  However,  figuring out what to do to prevent this was
          not so simple.  The obvious thing would have been to end
          the lessons, but considering how much they meant to
          Martha, I felt that I couldn't do that.  There had to be
          someway for her to continue without being subject to this
          kind of behavior.                       
               It finally occurred to me that if I were to accompany
          Martha to Susan's, ostensibly to listen to the lesson, Peter
          would be unlikely to continue as he had.  Further, I thought,
          in the unlikely event that Peter did continue in my presence,
          I'd be there to shield Martha, to establish what the
          boundaries had to be.  If Peter were to embrace Susan, I
          would embrace Martha, making it clear that any sex Martha
          would be involved in would be with me.  If Peter were to
          somehow insist that we watch him fuck Susan, then Martha
          and I would watch as a pair.  In short, I would convert
          Peter's bizarre three-person sex into two pairs of ordinary
          two-person sex.  If that, in the extreme case, turned out to
          involve Martha and me screwing while Peter and Susan
          watched, so be it.  At least it wouldn't be just Peter and the
          two women.   However, I was reasonably confident that it
          would never come to that.  In my presence, I felt, it was
          exceeding unlikely that Peter would be such an exhibitionist. 
          I felt that nothing beyond some nude swimming would
          occur.  Further, I felt that one visit would be sufficient to
          establish my presence and get Peter to behave, so I wouldn't
          have to go every week.
               The problem was that for me to get off from my civil
          service job on even one Tuesday was not easy.  It was our
          busiest day of the week and to get off would require a series
          of approvals.  Except in a medical emergency, which I could
          hardly claim this to be, it would take at least a couple of
          weeks for the approvals to go through.  The sooner I started,
          the sooner I'd get the approvals, so Wednesday morning,
          first thing, I put in the request.
               The next Tuesday, everything was the same - the
          undressing, the sun-block, the caresses of Susan, and finally,
          Peter kneeling between Susan's legs, about to fuck her. 
          Martha had tried to busy herself elsewhere, but Peter had
          called her over.  
               "I know why you turn away, you feel left out."
               Martha had stammered something.  She certainly
          hadn't wanted to participate.
               "Did it excite you last week, watching us make
               She hadn't wanted to reply, but when it became clear
          that Peter was going to wait expectantly for an answer, no
          matter how long it too, Martha had reluctantly admitted that,
          yes, she had felt a certain amount of excitement.
               "Well, then that's it.  Sit down here, watch us, and as
          you feel the excitement, react, express yourself, stroke
          yourself, bring yourself along with us.  Won't it be
          wonderful if we all three climax together."
               Peter then had slid his prick into Susan and begun
          humping her.  "Go on," he had called to Martha, "stroke
          yourself, enjoy the pleasure."
               She told me that it was somehow a command she
          couldn't refuse.  The excitement of the sexual tension, the
          visual stimulus, her sense of obligation, all had combined to
          reinforce the command.  As Peter's large cock had slid in
          and out of Susan, Martha said her hands almost of their own
          accord had begun moving on her body.  One hand had softly
          fondled a nipple, first gently stroking it, then as it hardened
          pulling on it, twisting it, squeezing it.  The other hand
          somehow had found her crotch, fingered her labia, and
          starting rubbing her clit, softly at first, then harder, in time
          with the beat of Peter and Susan's panting bodies.  "I lost
          control," she said, "I stroked faster and faster until Susan's
          orgasm set off a chain reaction and we all came together."  
               After they had all calmed down, Peter had risen and
          helped the two women up.  "That was so nice," he had said. 
          Susan then had kissed Martha on the cheek as they had gone
          in to dress and set up the lunch.
               This story upset me terribly, not only for the intimacy
          that Martha had shared with Peter and Susan, but because it
          had even exceeded anything Martha had ever done with me.
               "You've never masturbated in front of me." I said
          that evening, when she told me about the day's events.
               "It's wrong, I know it's wrong," Martha said.  She
          paused, hesitated, and then finally said, "But I have to admit
          that...well, that I enjoyed it.  All day I've been thinking
          about it and the more I think about it, the hornier I get.  I
          could hardly wait for you to come home."  She came at me
          then with a passion.  And during our subsequent activities,
          she showed me what she had up to then only showed Peter
          and Susan.  With me, however, she didn't have to bring
          herself to orgasm.  I was there to help her.  
               By the time we had finished it was too late to start
          making supper, so we sent out for pizza.
               In spite of the good sex, I felt frustrated.  However,
          as my day off was still more than a week away, so there was
          nothing I could do for the time being besides grumbling to
          myself while I waited.
               The next Tuesday Martha went to her lesson as
          usual.  The lesson had been one of her best yet, she said, and
          after it there had been a repeat of the previous week, except
          that this time Martha was a more willing participant.  For a
          change, Susan had been on top of Peter, her large breasts
          swinging from side to side as she rose up and down on him. 
          Peter's eyes, however,  had been fixed on Martha.  Martha
          admitted that she was so excited that she had actually turned
          and spread her legs to give Peter the best view as she rubbed
          her cunt in time with Susan's humping on Peters stiff prick. 
          This time Martha had started to come first, but her gasps had
          quickly set off a reaction in Susan, whose violent trembling
          had brought Peter to his climax.  Martha said she couldn't
          help but return their smiles as they were getting dressed.
               Understand me.  I was furious that Martha was
          involved in these threesomes, even if she kept her distance
          from the other two.  But insofar as I could tolerate it, the rest
          of my life was good.  Martha was happy.  She somehow
          managed to avoid consideration of those events and spent
          her time concentrating on the piano and on making life
          better for both of us.  She derived tremendous satisfaction
          from the musical progress she was making, and that
          satisfaction brought me pleasure.  It would have been the
          best of days for me if only I could suppress those images of
          her masturbating in front of Peter and Susan while they
          fucked.  In short, I was happy when I wasn't in a black funk.
               My approval for a day off finally came through, so
          the following Tuesday I accompanied Martha to her lesson. 
          She was not keen on my coming with her.  Before we left
          the house, she looked at me and almost tearfully begged,
          "don't spoil it."  She understood and agreed with my plan,
          but she was worried that somehow I'd do something that
          would mess up everything.  I told her that I expected that my
          presence alone would end the exhibitionism/voyeurism, and
          that even if it didn't, I'd do my best not to create a scene.
               The lessons were wonderful.  Madam Obolovsky
          worked lovingly with Susan.  Susan would play a passage,
          then Madam O would suggest that she play a little slower
          here, a little louder here, and so on.  Susan would then repeat
          the passage and the difference was palpable.  Where Susan
          had trouble playing a difficult sequence, Madam O would
          patiently get her to repeat it, giving her words of
          encouragement until Susan got it right.  
               With Martha, the lesson was of a different sort. 
          Whereas with Susan, Madam O had talked about technique,
          with Martha it was about emotion.  What was the piece
          "saying"?  How did it express itself to you?  How else might
          one interpret this passage?  What do you feel at this point? 
          Then, when Martha played, the music seemed to sing with a
          life of its own, somehow changing from a mechanical
          pressing of keys to an emotional experience.  Madam O was
          clearly pleased.  She said that she was glad that I had come
          because Martha had passed a milestone that day.  She felt
          that Martha was now ready for a recital and maybe, after
          that, even a competition.  If Martha wanted, Madam
          Obolovsky would try to set up the recital for early October. 
          Martha was delirious with joy.  "Of course," Madam O
          added, looking a little questioningly, "this would involve
          some extra expenses."  
               Before Martha or I could react, Peter said "Oh, that's
          no problem,"  
               "Good, I'll have my assistant call you about possible
          dates and next week we can talk about what you might
          play."  Martha gazed open-mouthed as Madam Obolovsky
          gathered her things and left.
               There were congratulations all around.  Susan
          embraced Martha.  Peter insisted that he get some
          champaign and put it on ice to celebrate at lunch.  And
          Martha looked as if she didn't know what was going on.  For
          Madam Obolovsky to ask her to do a recital meant that
          Madam O thought Martha was playing on the highest level. 
          From practicing alone on an upright, she had improved to
          the point where she would play for Madam O's friends in
          the music world, she'd gain recognition, she'd really be a
          pianist.  It might even be the start of a career.  It was all too
          wonderful for her.
               After he had put the champaign on ice, Peter said,
          "Let's go swimming," and immediately began undressing. 
          Susan was not far behind him and a moment later Martha
          started to strip.  She gave me that "don't spoil it" look, so I
          had no choice.  It was clear that my presence was not going
          to inhibit the nude bathing.  I hadn't really expected that it
          would and had previously resigned myself to the likelihood
          of this, so I went along and took off my clothes, taking
          advantage of the opportunity to admire Susan's "lovely,
          large-breasted body.".  
               A few minutes later we were all naked and Peter was
          spreading sun-block on Susan.  I had brought extra sun-
          block to allow Martha and me to put it on ourselves at the
          same time Peter and Susan were doing each other.  So while
          Martha was putting sun-block on herself, Peter was putting
          it on Susan's nipples. And as I was putting it on me, Susan
          was rubbing it onto Peter's stiffening prick, which, I had to
          admit, was certainly large. I was really unprepared for this. 
          Deep down I had not expected this stimulation to happen in
          my presence, so had made no plans for what to do.  I stood
          there helpless as Susan's fist stroked up and down on his
               While she finished, I resolved to make sure that I
          would be ready for Peter's next move, which I could now
          easily anticipate.  Peter would, as he had in the previous
          weeks, fuck Susan and expect Martha to participate
          somehow.  I would be there for that, I thought, as we all
          went out to the pool.
               We took a quick swim and then lay down in the
          warm August sun.  From time to time, Peter would fondle or
          embrace Susan.  Somehow, despite my planning, whenever
          Peter did that, Martha would be on the other side of them
          from me, so I couldn't embrace her to reaffirm that she was
          my wife.  It was evident to me that these exhibitionist acts
          were having their effect on Martha.  Although she did her
          best to conceal it, I knew her well enough to notice that she
          was moderately excited by them.  Still, Peter hadn't done
          anything really outrageous, just some petting that had better
          have been done in private, I thought, and his omnipresent
          erection.  I didn't know if he'd actually start fucking Susan
          in front of us, but I'd want to be next to Martha if he did, so
          I started paying closer attention to all our positions.
               "Susan and I are so proud of Martha," Peter said.  "
          We talked about this just now and we've decided that we'd
          like to give her a little gift in celebration.  We'd like to buy
          her a suitable dress for her recital.  Susan would like to go
          shopping with Martha later this week to pick one out." 
          Martha, of course, protested that she couldn't accept that,
          that they had done so much for her already, that today Peter
          had further volunteered to cover the extra expenses of the
          recital, and so on.  But Peter, with Susan's backing, insisted
          on it.  
               "Really, we look on you as our discovery, our
          protegee, and it gives us great pleasure to help you.  Seeing
          you progress so marvelously is more than enough pay back
          for the little that we've been able to do.  We really want to
          do something special for your special occasion and this
          seems the best way we can express our joy in your success." 
          There was no way to refuse, so Martha thanked them and
          she and Susan agreed on a day to go shopping.  Martha's
          resistance had undoubtedly been weakened by her thoughts
          of Susan's exquisitely tailored clothing and the mental
          images that evoked of what they might get for her to wear at
          the recital.
               Eventually, Susan asked me to help her set up the
          lunch at a table in the shade.  Martha was sunning on a
          mattress on the far side of the pool and Peter was standing
          close to Susan.  He obviously couldn't start fucking Susan if
          she was with me, so I felt safe going with her into the
          kitchen to gather up the table cloth, napkins, plates, and
          silverware.  As I came back out, I saw that Peter was now
          sitting on the mattress with Martha, talking quietly with her. 
          It was unclear what he was doing because his back was to
          me and blocked my view of what, if anything, might be
          going on.  Concerned, I wanted to move closer for a better
          view, but without being too obvious in case it was all very
          innocent.  I was very conscious of my promise to Martha not
          to "mess things up," so didn't want to make a scene if they
          were just sitting there talking, but I was conscious of the
          slight flush that was developing on Martha's face.  Susan
          helped me by asking me to bring out the ice bucket with the
          champaign.  I hurried to do that, thinking that I when I
          brought it out I'd have a perfectly good excuse to get closer
          to them on the far side of the pool, as that was where the
          champaign needed to go.
               It took longer than I had expected.  Susan wanted me
          to pour off the melted ice and add some fresh ice to the
          bucket and in my haste to do so I managed to spill ice cubes
          all over the floor, which I then had to clean up.  When I
          finally managed to return to the pool area, there was no
          longer any ambiguity about Peter's actions.  His mouth was
          at her breast, capturing her nipple, while his hand was
          fondling her pussy.  This, of course,  was beyond
          exhibitionism and voyeurism, and I wasn't about to tolerate
          it.  I put the ice bucket down and hurried towards them,
          intent on stopping this at whatever the cost.  I was only
          about three steps from them when Martha looked at me.
               Her "don't spoil it" look brought me to a screeching
          halt.  Suddenly, I was in a quandary.   On the one hand, here
          was Peter playing with my wife's tits and cunt in front of my
          eyes.  On the other, there were the lessons, the piano, the
          recital, the dress, the career.  I stood there frozen, unable to
          move, until Susan placed a chair next to me, facing Martha
          and Peter, and gently guided me to it.  Weakly, I sank into it.
               I sat there paralyzed and watched as Peter slid his
          finger in and out of my wife's cunt.  Susan lightly rested two
          fingers on my shoulder, as if symbolically to restrain me in
          my chair, and I could do nothing but stare.  I could see that
          Martha was responding as she always did when finger-
          fucked, pushing up her pelvis as if to capture more of Peter's
          finger, her hand resting on his head, holding it to her breast.
               Susan, her fingers still barely touching my shoulder,
          said in a voice just audible yet unmistakably clear, "Martha
          is giving us so much pleasure." 
                And then I knew...
               It was finally obvious to me as I watched...  Peter
          positioned himself between my wife's legs and brought his
          mouth to her cunt.
               The realization hit me as clearly as if it had been
          printed in bold letters on a billboard in front of me....  Now
          it was his large, stiff cock pressing against her labia.
               I knew as well as I had ever known anything in my
          life...  His prick slid into her and began to hump in and out.
               I knew clearly... they had bought us.  They owned us
                           THE END 
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