Spoons Part II

--Leslie Schmidt

The usual stuff about this being fantisy and don't
copy my work is true. If you have any comments or
suggestions, e-mail me at lschmidt@boardermail.com

It was almost three years before I saw Lee again. I had been 
transferred to my company's Washington, DC office and 
had found an apartment on the 17th floor of a high rise in 
the Maryland suburbs.

Lee came off the New York shuttle, she had traveled to 
New York from Barbados with her father. He continued on 
to Toronto while Lee joined me for two weeks in DC. She 
was the only ten year old on the flight, and I had no trouble 
picking her out. As I approached, she recognized me and 
came over to me.

She hugged me, "I like your beard."

"You've grown your hair even longer." I didn't mention 
that she had also grown about five inches taller. I'm sure 
that kids her age get tired of hearing that from adults.

I took her bag and we walked up the corridor of Regan 
National, holding hands. It was a hot summer day, typical 
Washington weather, and I began to feel uncomfortably hot 
in my suit as we stood waiting for the Metro. I doubt that 
Lee was at all uncomfortable in the cut off Tommy shorts 
and yellow tube top. I was intrigued and turned on by the 
slight swelling in the tube top, but I was also not going to 
assume that our relationship would be anything but plutonic.

I was relieved when the train arrived and we escaped into 
the air conditioned car. As the train moved through Crystal 
City, it began to fill up and, when we left the Pentagon 
Station, there were many people standing.

The train was quiet as we crossed the Potomac River. I 
pointed out the Jefferson Memorial and Washington 
monument before the train dove into the subterranean 
regions under Washington.

A few minutes later we arrived at Metro Center and most of 
the passengers emptied out, transferring to other lines. We 
left the train at the next station and waited on the same 
track for the one which would take us to our destination. 
When it arrived we shuffled into a crowd and where pushed 
together, packed in like Herefords in a cattle truck.

With the rocking of the car and the pushing mass of people, 
Lee put her arms around me, pressing against me and 
putting her head against my chest. I wasn't expecting this 
familiarity, but her hug was so sweet, I put my free arm 
(the other was holding Lee's bag) around her shoulders.

Lately, I had been quite unlucky at love, the breakup of a 
recent relationship had left me sad (mainly because I had 
been such a stupid asshole) and I had been feeling very 
alone. The feeling of human warmth made me melancholy 
but also at peace. I had really enjoyed having Lee around 
during her last visit (our last night not withstanding!) and it 
seemed that she also felt good about spending the next two 
weeks with me.

The train stopped at Fort Totten and a throng moved toward 
the door. Lee and I separated and, while attempting to 
move out of the way, a woman hit her shin on the suit case.

"I'm terribly sorry," I said. In reply I received a scowl.

As the car emptied out, we were able to sit down. Lee took 
the window seat. When we were settled, she clutched my 
arm and put her chin on my shoulder. 

"I want to pick up were we left off," she whispered.

My heart instantly started to pound. The train came out of 
the tunnel and was flooded with sun. As it climbed onto an 
elevated track there was a glimpse of century-old town 
houses through the tree tops, then we settled onto an 
established railroad right of way and passed parked box 

I shifted my hand over and put it on Lee's thigh, squeezing 
it lightly. Lee spread her legs slightly. I looked at her, she 
was giving me an unmistakable smile. My dick firmed, and 
I smiled back. Lee reached up and kissed me on the lips. I 
was astonished when she bit my lower lip. My dick started 
moving from the firm to the hard category.

The train reached the Greenbelt Station, the end of the 
Green Line and our stop. I had to hold the suit case in front 
of me to cover my semi-erection as we shuffled with the 
crowd to the door. Lee was behind me, with her hands on 
my shoulders. Then she reached around me and rubbed my 
penis. From behind me, she gave a wicked giggle.

Once we were free of the car, I had to put the suit case by 
my side, I figured that I would call attention to myself if I 
kept it in front of myself. Anyway, walking briskly would 
help and everyone was going in the same direction.

We donated our fare cards to the turnstiles and headed to 
the parking lot. 

When Lee saw my car, a white STS, she said, "Nice car!" It 
was hot inside, and the A/C started to blow hard as soon as 
the engine started. I rolled all the windows down to let the 
hot air out as we joined a line of six or seven cars waiting 
to pay. Once through the pay booth, I entered the traffic on 
Green Belt Road, heading toward the Beltway. I put the 
windows back up and the car cooled off quickly.

"Whew," Lee said. "It's as hot as Barbados here."  She 
fanned her face, then reached down and pulled her tube top 
away from her chest, fanning herself with it. She turned to 
me, "See, I'm getting bigger!"

Lee pulled the top down, giving me a view of her 
developing breasts. Her nipples stood above the beginning 
of womanly swelling. They were quarter sized, forming 
small dark cones above her tanned skin. She had no tan 
lines, obviously she was used to being topless. My dick 

"Ya know, that's really not allowed in this country," I told 

"Stupid Americans," she said, letting her top snap back. 
Lee turned her attention to the radio and soon the car was 
vibrating to some rap pounding. The Beltway was bumper-
to-bumper 55 miles an hour.

After three intersections, I worked my way over to the right 
lane and exited. It was only a couple of blocks to my 
building and my parking space in the lower garage. The 
elevator stopped at the lobby level and an old lady who 
lives on my floor got on.

"Well hello, William. This must be your little niece you've 
been telling me about," she said.

As the door closed and we resumed our trip to the 17th floor 
I introduced them. "Lee, this is Mrs. Billings, she lives 
down the hall."

"Hello Ma'am," Lee said.

"You are such a lovely girl. William said you were pretty."

"Thank you," Lee replied.

The door opened and we waited for Mrs. Billings to exit. 
"You take care now, Mrs. Billings," I called after her.

"You take care of that beautiful little girl, William," she 
answered as she dug in her purse for her keys.

"Oh, I'm sure he will," Lee answered. I smiled at her 
double meaning as I unlocked my door.

Lee walked around, inspecting the apartment. The door 
opened into the living room. There was a breakfast bar 
which separated the kitchen from the rest of the room. 
Opposite the door was a glass wall which opened on to a 
balcony. Down a short hall to the right were two bedrooms 
and a bathroom. The master bedroom also had a bath, this 
one with a whirlpool.

"Nice place," she said as she looked around. "Can I go 

"Sure." I said as I crossed the room and unlatched the 
sliding door. I followed Lee out.

"Wow!" she said.

"When it's clear, not hazy like today, you can see the 
Capital building and the Washington Monument," I said. 
"It's down New Hampshire Avenue there." I pointed down 
the major traffic artery which was about 200 feet below.

Lee peered over the balcony. "Kind of makes you want to 
spit," she said. She hacked and spit, the mucus floated out 
and down.

"Be careful, sometimes it'll come right back in your face."

She looked around. "Seems pretty private."

"Yeah, you have to lean way out to see the balcony next 
door. Don't try it."

"I need to piss," she said, heading back into the apartment. 
She went down the hall and closed the door to the 
bathroom. I went into the kitchen and retrieved a beer from 
the fridge. Lee came out. I offered her a drink, I had earlier 
stocked up on most of the popular sodas. She settled on a 
Dr. Pepper, and we went back out on the patio and sat 

"What have you been doing for the past three years?" I 

"I don't know, I guess the usual. Ya know, school and 

"Do you still play soccer?"

"I'm a half-back and sometimes goalie. Last year we 
traveled to Granada for the championships."

"How'd it go?" I had gotten a picture of Lee in her red 
jersey in my brother's Christmas card that year.

"Not too well," she laughed.

"What about school?" I asked. "You must be in fifth grade 
now, right?"

"Yeah. It's alright I guess. My school is for English kids. 
Dad is saying that he might get transferred to London next 
year, so I'll know the lingo."

"London's neat, but you may have to get used to the 
weather," I said.

"I love the beach," she said.

We were silent for a few minutes as the traffic moved 
below, oozing down the avenue in fits and starts as the 
lights changed. At one point, a fire truck made its way 
along, making a frustrated push through the steel throng 
with its siren wailing.

"Ya know, the best pizza on the planet is right here, just a 
few blocks away," I said.

"No it's not," she said. "The best pizza on earth is at Ono's 
in Chicago."

"Oh yeah. I had forgotten about them," I said in all 
seriousness. We had eaten there on her last visit. "Well, the 
best thin pizza in the planet is here."

"You have a thing for pizza, don't you," she said.

"Well, we have to change to go out. I need to get out of this 
suit and you should change out of the cut offs. Also, 
sleeves might be a good idea."

We went in, I went to my room and Lee to the spare room 
where I had put her suit case. I debated whether I should 
close the door and decided not to, after what she had done 
on the train, I didn't want to make her feel I was putting her 

I had taken off my jacket and tie when we came into the 
apartment. I had pulled off most of the rest of my clothes 
and was standing in my skivvies when I heard her behind 

"Will this be OK?" she asked.

I turned around and had to catch my breath. She was 
standing in the doorway holding a white sun dress, and that 
was the only clothing showing. God, what a beautiful 
creature! Her dark hair framed her face, she has a broad 
forehead, wide spaced brown eyes and small features. Her 
shoulders were strong, for a girl. She is thin, but not skinny. 
Her ribs showed above a flat and muscular stomach, she 
still had the slight six pack that she had had three years 
earlier. However, now her breasts were beginning to 
develop, her nipples were no longer small pink spots, they 
were about the size of quarters and topped half apricot 
sized mounds. She still didn't have any hint of hair on her 
full pussy lips. Her legs looked very strong. From the looks 
of her, I could see that she ran a lot. Her skin was tanned an 
even golden, no tan lines anywhere. My heart was 
pounding in my ears.

"Hey, you can close your mouth, silly," she said. "We 
never wear anything on the beach in Barbados. A lot of 
people have seen me like this."

I laughed at myself, trying to regain my composure. "That 
will be wonderful, honey," I said.

"Don't worry, you can look a lot closer later," she said and 
turned and left with a giggle.

I had to get my breathing under control and concentrate to 
get my dick back down. I put on some khaki pants and a 
polo shirt.

She was really cute in the sun dress. It was white muslin, a 
very straight cut which reached just above her knees. The 
top was open, a straight line from under one arm, across her 
chest, to the other arm. Two inch-wide straps held the dress 
up. There were two large pockets, one on each thigh, and a 
smaller one over her left breast. On the pocket was the blue 
and yellow trident flag of Barbados.

"So, what's this great pizza place?" she asked as we went 
down the hall to the elevator.

"It's called Ledo's. Been around for over 50 years."

The elevator arrived and we got in.

As we started our fall downward, she said, "Do you know 
what I'm wearing underneath?"

"What?" I asked, a little amused.

"Nothing!" she said and lifted her dress over her head, 
exposing herself from the navel down, her face was 

"I think that's beautiful," I said. The elevator slowed. "Now 
straighten your dress before whoever's waiting sees what I 
love most about you."

She pulled her dress down and the older couple waiting on 
the fifth floor were amused to see her sticking her tongue 
out at me when the doors opened.

We had to wait about 20 minutes before we were seated 
and another 20 for the pizza, but, as usual, it was worth it. 
With dinner, I drank a couple of glasses of wine and Lee 
stole a couple of sips. It was dark when we got back into 
the car.

"Do you want to go anywhere else?" I asked as I started the 

Lee was busy twisting around to put her seat belt on. At 
least that's what I thought. "No, I want to go home and 
loose my virginity."

I looked at her, my mouth agape. She had pulled her dress 
off over her head. I pride myself on not showing shock, I 
quickly closed my mouth and put the car in gear. "Ok."

We made our way all the way back with Lee naked as the 
day she was born. Looking at her wonderful preteen body, I 
was reminded that that wasn't too long ago.

The traffic had cleared out, so the trip didn't take long. At 
one of the stop lights, Lee pulled my hand off the wheel 
and put it in her lap, slouching down so I could run my 
finger along her bald slit. My dick was threatening to split 
out the front of my pants.

"You really should put your dress back on before we get 
out," I said as I pulled into the parking garage.

"Spoil sport!" she said as she struggled into the shift again.

There was a crowd in the elevator as we went up, we stood 
in silence, holding hands. As soon as we were in the 
apartment, Lee pulled the dress off, then turned around and 
started tugging my shirttail out.

"Hold on, honey," I said. "Have you really never done this 

She stopped, her expression changed. "Noooo."

"Have you ever been with anyone, you know, other than 
that one time?"

"No Billy. The cute guys won't look at a girl my age, and 
the boys in school are so...stupid."

I wrapped my arms around her naked shoulders and hugged 
her. "That's alright, honey. And, this is your first time, and 
I'm going to make sure it's the best. Don't be in a hurry, 
I'm going to make very gentle love to you-it's the only 
thing a beautiful young woman like you deserves."

She melted against me, the sensation of this wonderful girl, 
just starting to be a woman, against me was intoxicating.

"Come on," I said as I took her hand and led her down the 
hall. "First, I want to get in the bath, making love is always 
a lot better when you're not grimy."

We went into the bathroom, I turned on the water into the 

"Just a minute," she said and ran out the door. I heard the 
door to the other bathroom close. I took the opportunity to 
empty my bladder also.

I was in the bath when Lee came back in. She stood at the 
edge and looked at me. I slid back and pulled my knees up, 
making room for her. She stepped in and sank down on her 
knees between my feet, facing me. Her look was pensive 
and questioning, sort of asking, "What do I do now?"

I leaned forward and kissed her, a simple light kiss, then 
pulled away, looking into her deep eyes. Then I leaned 
forward again and she met me half way. I slipped my 
tongue between her lips and we shared a light, incredibly 
erotic kiss. She put her hands on my shoulders.

When I broke the kiss, I said, "Do you want some wine?"

Lee smiled, lowering her head slightly. I knew she was 
overwhelmed. "God, I love you," she whispered.

I leaned forward, lifting her chin, and kissed her. "I love 
you too." I know that it sounds silly, but it was the right 
thing. I was going to make this evening the best first time 
anyone could ever have. I wanted Lee to always cherish 
this night.

I got out of the tub and went to the kitchen. I got a bottle of 
Merlot out of the fridge and two glasses. Then, grinning to 
myself, I grabbed a candle and a lighter. I put the stuff on 
the bathroom floor, then went out for more candles. By the 
time I got back in the water, the room was under candle 
light and the Moody Blues were on the stereo in the living 

I got back into the tub with my wondrous preteen lover. I 
sat down and pulled her against me, the back of her head 
was against my chest and her hips were nestled between my 
thighs. My dick was hard up against my belly and her small 
of Lee's back.

We each took a sip of our wines. "So, do you always bring 
girls to your bathtub?" she asked.

"Actually, no. You're the first." This was the truth.

"Have you been with many women?" Her voice was small, 
I could feel that she was tense.

"Fewer than you'd think," I said. "Generally, I've been 
pretty unlucky lately." I paused for a few seconds. "It 
doesn't matter. Right now I'm with the most beautiful and 
desirable woman I've ever known." When I think about it 
now, I realize that this was also the truth. "I only want you 
as my lover."

I moved one of my hands up from her waist to her chest 
and started to rub one of her developing breasts. It was 
surprisingly firm; her nipple was a hard little knot between 
my fingers. She relaxed against me. I lowered my other 
hand to her sex. I ran my finger along her slit. She spread 
her legs, putting one of her feet over the side of the tub, 
making her most treasured parts open to me. I ran my index 
finger down, between her smooth lips and over her pea-size 
clit, then to the entrance of her vagina. I pushed my finger 
into her, she sighed, humped slightly against my hand.

I pushed my finger deeper into her, it slid easily into her 
warm, tight snatch. I wondered that I didn't encounter a 
hymen; I had to wonder whether she was lying to me.

Lee was breathing harder as I finger fucked her. She started 
to hump against my hand, making my finger go deeper into 
her. I pushed another finger into her. Her tight pussy 
accepted it, stretching but still holding my fingers tightly.

Lee turned her head up and we kissed, our tongues mixing 
in an open kiss, somewhat in a gap between us. She was 
breathing hard. She lowered her head and grasped the sides 
of the tub. She was now humping hard against my hand, 
lifting her butt off the bottom of the tub as her orgasm built. 
When she came she groaned, driving her head painfully 
against my chest and lifting her hips so that my hand and 
the front of her thighs were out of the water. Her pussy 
spasmed around my fingers, then she relaxed back into the 
water, melting against me.

Her breathing slowed. "Did you enjoy that?" I asked.

"You're wonderful."

We sat in silence for over a minute. I took my glass and 
sipped, then I put the glass in front of her. She took my 
hand and directed the glass to her lips. I felt her swallow. 
Then she took another sip. She sighed deeply.

"This is so...., I love you so much, Billy," she said.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. I could 
reach completely around her and almost touch my own 
sides.  I leaned down and stuck my tongue into her ear and 
I was rewarded with a girlish giggle. She squirmed out of 
my arms and slid down to my feet.

The water splashed around in the tub, some sloshed over 
the edge onto the floor. There was a hiss as a candle died 
and a stream of smoke rose next to the tub.

"Oops," she giggled. "Lights out."

"Not quite all of them," I said.

Lee looked down. My dick was sticking out of the water, 
only the head was visible.

"I want to see the spermies come out." She reached out and 
cupped the head of my dick with her hands.

"Here, honey," I said. I positioned her hands around my 
shaft. "Cup it like that. Put your thumbs up and rub the 
bottom of the head like that."

She started stroking me, giving me a wonderful hand job.

"You really liked it when you...e-jack-u-lated in my 
mouth," she said.

"That was wonderful. Did you like it?" I asked.

"Well, it didn't taste good, but I didn't mind." She paused. 
"I want to watch you this time."


I lay back as Lee stroked me. I had been pretty close when 
she started, so it wasn't long before my balls were boiling. 
As the beautiful ten year old watched, I quickly built. I 
started to hump to meet her strokes. Lee grinned, realizing 
that she had taken control of me. I was lost, only her hands 
glazing up and down my shaft existed. She concentrated on 
the glans with her thumbs and I went over the edge. My 
first stream of cum shot ten inches in the air and splashed 
onto my chest. More shot up and fell back, running over 
Lee's hands and into the water. Lee giggled as I blew my 
load. My heart was pounding as the wonderful afterglow 
ran through me. I sank back down into the water.

"Wow," Lee said. "So that's what it looks like." She held 
her cum covered hand to her nose and sniffed. Then she 
licked a little off her knuckle. A thin string of cum 
stretched from her hand to her mouth. She sort of wrinkled 
her nose. She inspected my jez again.

"Billy, I can't get pregnant, can I?"

I came back to consciousness. "Not with me. I've been 

Lee looked up at me, a questioning expression on her face.

I lifted out of the water, a gob of cum was grounded in my 
dick hair. "Here." I moved my dick to the side. "See that 
little scar? A few years ago, I had a vasectomy. I can't get 
anyone pregnant any more."

"Oh," she said.

I'm not sure she really understood, but I wasn't going to go 
deep into a biology lesson.

I pushed my still stiff cock to the other side. "There's a scar 
on this side too."

Lee took my dick moved it back and forth. "How does it 
get hard like that?"

"Being with a beautiful, sexy girl like you gets my blood 
boiling and the pressure fills up my dick."

Lee giggled again. Then she leaned down and wrapped her 
mouth around the head, sucking lightly.

"Ohhh....God, you're wonderful."

Lee looked up at me, her eyes smiling and her mouth full of 
my dick. She continued to suck the last of my jez out of me. 
She released my dick; it fell against my belly, still 
somewhat stiff.

There were several gobs of cum floating in the water, more 
on my chest and on Lee's hands.

"Let's shower off," I said.

I opened the drain and we both stood up.  I turned on the 
water to the shower heads; there were two in this bath. The 
warm water splashed across us and filled the glass 
enclosure with steam.

Lee turned and faced me, looking up as water cascaded 
over her face from her wet hair. I squirted some soap into 
my hands and started to spread it on her chest. Lee closed 
her eyes and her nipples stiffened against my palms. I ran 
my fingers into her arm pits and caressed her nipples with 
my thumbs.

Lee reached across me and took some soap, she reached up 
and started washing my chest. I moved my arms around her 
and drew her to me. She was slick and smooth against my 
belly, my cock was stiffening again, pushing against her 

I pulled away and, taking more soap, began to wash her in 
earnest. I soaped up her arms, belly, chest and back. She 
sighed when I washed her pus and giggled when I pushed 
my hand into the crack of her ass. I squatted down and 
washed her thighs and legs.

Then it was her turn. Her little soapy hands were exquisite 
as they ran over my chest, stomach, and back. She 
concentrated on washing my dick and balls, grinning up at 
me, but shied away from my ass. When she knelt down to 
wash my legs, she was looking directly at my swelling dick. 
It was firm, but not hard. When I wasn't looking, she 
leaned forward and bit my dick lightly, then giggled. We 
rinsed off.

"So far," I said, "this has been all about me."

I knelt down in front of her. My face was level with the 
most beautiful sight in the universe. Lee's pussy lips were 
full, the pink of her clit was trying to push out from 
between them. I leaned forward and ran my tongue along 
the slit, it was slippery and tasted of the soap which was 
running down from her chest. Lee sighed and leaned back 
against the tile wall. I pushed my tongue out farther and 
nuzzled into her hairless crotch, my nose against her lower 
belly. Lee lifted one of her legs and put her foot on the 
opposite side of the tub. This gave me better access to her 
and I was able to run my tongue along her inner pussy lips 
and taste her juices. However, in the confined space of the 
bath, there was no way I was going to be able to give my 
preteen lover a proper mustache ride.

"Let's get out so I can make love to you properly," I said.

We dried each other off and, while I clumsily brushed out 
her hair, I was reminded of the evening, three years before, 
when I had watched her drying her hair.

We went out into the darkened living room. Below the 
window, a field of lights spread out to disappear in the haze. 
New Hampshire Avenue was parallel streams, one of bright 
white head lights and the other of the dimmer red tail lights.

"Can I go out there?" Lee asked.

"Sure, we'll just keep the lights off."

Lee opened the door and the smell of the warm, moist air 
filled the room as did the dim roaring sound of the city. We 
walked out on the balcony. The air enveloped me, feeling 
soft on my back and thighs. It was windy, and air currents 
played across my skin.

Lee was standing at the railing. I wrapped my arms around 
her from behind and put my chin against her wet hair. She 
leaned back against me.

"I have a mattress I sometimes put out here and sleep."

I released her and went back in, to the closet in the spare 
bedroom where I kept the mattress standing. I dragged it 
across the living room. I had to open the door fully and 
move the two plastic chairs I kept on the balcony out of the 
way, then I lay out the mattress.

Lee sat down, her knees bent and she leaned on her hands 
behind her. I just couldn't believe the sight. In the dim 
orange lights which came up from below she was a goddess, 
a witch, a nymph, a siren, a Venus, a sprite. Nowhere in the 
universe was there anything more desirable.

I knelt at her feet and leaned forward. We kissed, our 
tongues wrapping around each other in a mad embrace. I 
moved my hand forward and slid it along her slit. Lee 
spread her legs farther, her knees moving outward. I pushed 
her gently back, and she lay down.

I was still kissing her, supporting my weight with one arm 
as I continued caressing her pussy with the other. I kissed 
her chin, then the side of her throat. That got a giggle. Then 
I kissed her shoulder. I placed my mouth on her collar bone 
and, sucking slightly, ran my tongue along it. I moved 
slowly down until my mouth was over her left nipple. I 
sucked gently and played with it with the tip of my tongue. 
Lee groaned and humped against my hand. Then I lifted up 
and moved to the other nipple.

Lee made small mewing sounds, pushing her chest against 
me. I continued this treatment of her nipples as she became 
more and more aroused, alternately humping against my 
hand and pushing her chest against my mouth. Then I felt 
her hand on the top of my head, unmistakably pushing me 
down. I looked up at her. Her eyes were wide and dark, her 
mouth was slightly open, she was rising and falling with 
her deep breaths. I smiled and leaned down toward her sex.

When I ran my tongue along her slit, Lee started 
uncontrollably humping into my face. I push my tongue 
between the lips and circled her clit with the tip. Lee's head 
was thrown back, her hands were by her sides and she was 
humping so hard that she was lifting her entire body, from 
shoulders to feet, off the mattress. I pushed into her pussy, 
her juices were flowing, wetting my chin and pooling on 
my tongue. I put my lips completely around her mons, 
sucking on her sex as I pushed my tongue into her. Lee 
exploded, "Ahhh!" and her entire body convulsed with 
orgasm. She broke out in a sweat, I could feel the warm 
moisture on the inside of her thighs which were against my 
cheeks and ears, and I could feel it on her butt which I was 
cupping with my hands. She shivered with ecstasy as the 
feeling washed across her preteen body.

She relaxed, laying back against the mattress, still panting. 
I lay down beside her and took her in my arms, cuddling 
her. Her breathing quieted as I listened to the traffic sounds 
from below.

Lee opened her eyes and looked at me. "Thank you," she 

I rolled on my back and pulled her on top of me, holding 
the back of her head and kissing her deeply. She was so 
light, with my other hand I pushed her up on top of me. 
Then I reached down and, grabbing the back of both her 
thighs, pull her legs apart and her knees up beside me. Now 
the bottom of my dick was along her slit.

She lifted up, looking down at me in the darkness, I 
couldn't see her face. Her hair, still wet, was cool on my 
shoulders and neck, a couple of strands were across my 

"It's better this way," I said. "You have control and I won't 
hurt you."

Lee lifted up and I reached between us, running the tip of 
my dick along her little girl slit to the opening of her vagina. 
She pushed down some but her lips were closed. I reached 
around her butt with both hands and gently spread her lips. 
Lee leaned back again and, this time, her preteen pussy 
opened and the head of my dick was enveloped by her. She 
stopped for a moment, then bore down more and I slid deep 
into her. I could feel her accepting most of my nine inches 
inside of her. The warmth, softness, and tightness of her no 
longer virgin canal was like nothing I had ever imagined.

Lee started rocking, at first moving just slightly as she 
adjusted to the feeling of me inside her body. Then she 
started moving more and with more purpose. She had her 
hands on my shoulders as she moved up and down, pushing 
me deep into her, then withdrawing. Again, my sack was 
filling and I started humping to meet her.

The child's breathing was deepening, in time with her 
rocking. She started making small "oh's" with her 
movements. They were becoming more and more violent, 
she was no longer sliding back and forth on me, she was 
slamming me deep inside her, to the depth of her sex, 
impaling herself with force.

My cum was building to intolerable pressures as she put her 
hands flat on my chest and threw her head back. Again, she 
screamed and I felt her vagina spasm, squeezing my over- 
full cock. I blew deep in her preteen cunt, filling her with 
semen. Eight or ten times I shot into her, each flood 
crashing into her cervix. As my rod was slammed into her, 
the sperm was squeezing between my dick and her vaginal 
walls, to be shot out, down into my dick hair and down the 
insides of Lee's thighs.

Her orgasm continued, driving both of us to an ecstasy 
beyond description. The universe contracted, the only thing 
was this preteen goddess, her smooth and soft body, her 
light frame, her mild aroma, her low cries. 

My little ten year old lover sank onto me, her head nestled 
under my chin. She was panting, her body was streaming 
with sweat. "God. I never dreamed it would be like this," 
she said. I cradled her head in one of my hands. I could feel 
her heart beating in her pussy. Or, was that my heart 
pounding still?

She looked up and me and we kissed. "I want to stay like 
this all night." Then she put her head back down. A few 
minutes later she started to snore quietly. As my dick 
softened, it slid out of her.

I dozed. Awhile later I gently pushed her off of me, got up 
and went to get a blanket. When I came back out on the 
balcony, Lee was curled up in a ball, still sleeping. I lay 
down and covered us up with the blanket, then wrapped 
myself around my angel. For the second time, we were like 
puppies curled up together-spoons.

I woke up with the sun shining in my face.

I looked at my watch, it was 6:30. I got up and went in to 
take a leak. When I went back onto the balcony, Lee had 
thrown the blanket off. She looked up at me and smiled. 
She stretched, raising her arms straight above her head and 
arching her back, her toes pointed. Her skin was bronze in 
the morning light, her nipples were dark. Around her pussy 
there were some white flakes.

I knelt next to her and kissed her. She wrapped an arms 
around my neck as she pushed her tongue through my lips. 
The kiss was nice. Lee pulled away. "I have to pee."

"I'll make us Belgian waffles with creamed chipped beef 
for breakfast, but first, I want to go for a run," I said.

"How far do you run?" Lee asked.

"Usually about three," I said.

"That's all! What a wimp!" she exclaimed.

I was a little non-plused, then I realized why she was 
saying this. "Wait, honey, that's three miles, not three 

"Oh," she said. "How far is that in metric?"


"How long's it take you?"

"A bit over 20 minutes."

"I can do 5K in 25."

I smiled. I was really amazed. In the States you will never 
find a ten year old who's interested in any more exercise 
than using their thumbs on a game controller, at least in 
individual exercise.

"Get your running gear on, we'll go."

We really had a nice run. I went a bit slower than my usual 
pace and Lee kept up with no real troubles.  She seemed to 
be in excellent shape, she ran with an easy, efficient pace. 
After about a half hour, we got back to the apartment.

As soon as I closed the door, Lee pulled her tee-shirt off. 
Then she bent down to untie her shoes. Her back was 
shining with sweat, her spine and ribs stood out, still rising 
and falling a little rapidly.

She stood up and kicked off her shoes, then pulled off her 
socks by stepping on the toe of one while pulling her foot 
out of the other. I walked around her and into the kitchen. I 
pulled a bottle of water out of the fridge, I got one for Lee 
also. When I turned around, she was standing on the other 
side of the breakfast bar. Her hair was stringy wet, sticking 
to her shoulders and neck. She looked absolutely sexy.

"What do you want to do today," I asked.

"Other than fuck?"

I blurted out a laugh. "Yeah, other than fuck."

"Well, what are my options?"

"The museums downtown are the best in the world. Also, it 
looks like it may be a good day for sailing."

"Can we fuck first?"

"Let's go hit the shower," I said.

Lee turned and headed down the hall, she had pulled her 
shorts off while I was digging in the fridge. The site of her 
firm preteen ass made my schlong swell in my running 
shorts. I followed her down the hall.

I was walking into the bedroom as Lee was coming out. "I 
need my brush."

I stripped off my shirt and worked out of my shoes. I was 
just pulling my shorts off when Lee walked in. She stopped 
in her tracks, staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

Lee started to giggle, "Why are you wearing a thong?"

Then I realized that she had probably never seen a jock 
before. "It's a jock."

"It looks silly," she giggled. "Two straps."

"Well, it keeps things from juggling around when you run. 
Sometimes, they have hard plastic cups in them to protect 

A look of understanding crossed her face. "Oh. I've heard 
boys talk about them. The coaches always insist that boys 
wear them when they play."

"Yes, it's a common part of any guy's gym bag."

"Well, take it off!" she said.

I pulled the jock off and threw it at her. She squealed and 
ran out of the doorway. I shrugged and went into the 

The water felt good, I had the shower turned a little cool 
because I was still sweating from the run. Lee came into the 
bath and stood watching me through the glass while she 
brushed out her hair. It made me feel a little self conscience 
as I soaped up, being watched by her. As I washed my ass, 
she looked away, but she watched closely and smiled while 
I soaped up my balls and dick.

"Well, come in here and wash them for me," I said.

Lee giggled and put the hair brush down, opened the door 
and stepped into the shower. She looked up at me, her eyes 
wide, a shy look on her face. I leaned down and kissed her. 
Our mouths opened and our tongues met. I felt her arms 
move around me and up my back as I wrapped my arms 
around her small shoulders. My dick started to stiffen, 
pushing against her stomach.

She broke away, "Could we make it a little warmer?"

I turned around and adjusted the temperature. When I 
turned to her, she wrapped her arms around me and we 

"Here," I said as I released her. I took some shampoo and 
started to massage it into her hair. Lee turned around, I was 
blocking the shower of water from her, so I was able to 
spread the shampoo down her long hair. The suds worked 
through the mane, I lifted the soft mass up onto the top of  
her head as I worked the shampoo through. The suds made 
streaks down her back and over her butt cheeks.

She faced me, and bent backwards, rinsing the shampoo out 
of her hair. She was reaching over her head, her elbows in 
the air, as she worked the soap out. I looked at her arm pits, 
not a hint of darkening from hair. Her small breasts stood 
out above her rounded chest. Standing close to her, I could 
not see her sex, but my partially erect cock was probably 
pointing down at it.

As she continued working the shampoo out of her long hair, 
I soaped my hands. She flinched and folding forward when 
I put my soapy palms on her chest, but then she smiled and 
leaned back again, encouraging me to massage her preteen 
nipples. As I did this, my dick swelled more, when the head 
poked into her stomach, she again flinched. This time, 
when she saw what had touched her, she smiled, then 
reached down and wrapped her soapy hands around the 

I reached down and lifted her chin, again giving my ten 
year old lover a deep passionate kiss. Lee was making long, 
slow strokes along my cock as our tongues wrapped around 
each other in a wonderful embrace.

After a few moments of this attention, I reached down and 
ran my finger along her slit. As I pushed farther back 
between Lee's thighs, there was a sharp intake of breath, a 

Lee stepped back, breaking off the kiss. "I guess I'm still a 
little sore."

I laughed quietly, "And I'll bet the run didn't help any. 
Didn't it hurt?"

"Well, actually, it did, a little," she said.

"Can I kiss it and make it feel better?" I asked.

"I suppose," she said. "But first, wouldn't you like me to 
take care of you?" Lee started stroking me again.

A wave of pleasure passed through me.


Lee looked down at my penis as she stroked it. All I could 
do was lean back against the tile wall. As she moved her 
hands up and down the shaft, my balls started to churn. I 
had my eyes closed so I didn't see her lean over, but, there 
was no mistaking the feeling of her mouth closing over the 
head of my cock.

I know I groaned as I felt her lips move down the shaft and 
the head push into the softness of Lee's throat. I looked 
down to see over half of my dick buried in her mouth. She 
slowly sank down onto her knees, keeping me deep in her 

Then she started, slowly, moving back and forth. She 
would pull my cock out of her, until she had just the tip 
wrapped by her lips, then she would slowly move forward, 
and my dick, a fraction of an inch at a time, would slide 
into her mouth. She would push me into her, until my head 
fitted into the back of her throat, then she would pull back. 
After the third time she did this, she shuffled back on her 
knees a little, then, again, she took me into her mouth. 
Again she stopped when I felt the head against her tonsils, 
but then she leaned forward, straightening her neck some, 
and pushed more. I felt my dick slip down her throat. Her 
lips continued along my shaft until her nose hit my belly, 
buried deep in my curly dick hair. Her softness and the 
warmth of her mouth and throat was unbelievable. 

I put my hand on the side of her head as she slowly pulled 
back. This time, she released my dick and looked up at me 
and smiled.

"I've wondered if I could do that," she said.

I'm afraid that all I could do was respond with some 
incoherent noises.

Again, she took my entire nine inches into her mouth and 
down her throat. In my experience, I had only met two 
women who could deep throat, now I had a third, and she 
was only ten years old.

The incredible blow job continued. Lee seemed to know 
exactly what to do. She would suck on my head, bobbing 
up and down three or four times before shoving my entire 
manhood deep. Then she would hold my cock head in her 
mouth, sucking, then releasing it a couple of times before 
pushing deep again. Occasionally, she would take it out of 
her mouth and continue stroking the entire length with her 
hands. She would lift it up against my belly and suck on my 
balls. With my sack in her mouth, she would gently move 
my nuts around with her tongue while gently biting down 
on my scrotum. Then she would lick up the entire length of 
my dick, circle the head a couple of times with her tongue 
before, again, taking all of me down her throat.

As my cum pressure rose behind my balls, I put both my 
hands on her cheeks and held her head steady. Then, as I 
held her, started to fuck her in the mouth, pushing my dick 
through her lips, then pulling back.  The warm water 
cascaded over us as I fucked her face, she took what I gave 
her. I was careful not to push too hard and hurt her throat, 
but it took a lot of control not the try to just shove myself 
down her throat.

Lee reached around me and grabbed my ass, and, with her 
hands, guided me. Once, as I pulled back, she resisted, and 
then she pulled me toward her as I humped into her mouth. 
Together, we pushed my dick deep down her throat. She 
held me there for several seconds, I'm sure she couldn't 

I just couldn't stand it, the urgency was too much, I pulled 
back and then shoved into her mouth again as I shot a huge 
wad of semen into her mouth. Again I humped and fired 
into her mouth. White jez spurted out of her mouth and ran 
down her chin. I shoved again and she took me down her 
throat, I could feel it contracting as she swallowed more 
cum I was firing.

I had shot a huge load of sperm, but Lee wanted more. 
After I had stopped cumming, she held my dick in her 
mouth and continued to suck, sucking every drop of semen 
out of me.

She looked up at me as she did this, her cheeks being 
pulled in by the vacuum, a smile in her eyes. There was 
cum around her mouth and smeared on her cheek. The 
feeling was exquisite, almost painful. After a minute or so, 
I had to pull her off.

I picked Lee up, holding her against me, her face even with 
mine. We kissed the most passionate kiss as she wrapped 
her arms around my back. Our tongues were one, she tasted 
still of my cum. She was light and warm against me. She 
hooked her legs around me and we embraced for a long 
time as I was lost in her kiss.

I put my ten year old angel down, she looked up at me with 
an expression of awe and love.

We spent the next half hour gently washing each other as 
the warm water flowed over us. Neither of us said a word 
as we massaged the other, working the soreness from the 
run out of our calves, hams, quads, and tris.

We left the shower and dried each other off, wiping 
droplets of water off of our backs, legs, arms. I brushed out 
Lee's beautiful dark hair and dried it, remembering the first 
night we had ever pleasured each other.

This whole time, we never said a word, although there were 
more than a few laughs and giggles. I took my lover's hand 
and lead her out of the bath and down the hall.

I went into the kitchen and started breaking out the cooking 
gear I would need to make the promised pancakes. As I 
pulled out bowls, the mixer, flour, sugar, and the like, Lee 
went out on to the balcony and stretched her arms over her 
head in the sun. The light of the sun, now well up in the sky, 
lit up her naked body. She was beautiful! Then she stood at 
the railing, looking down on the world. I put some butter in 
the microwave to soften, poured myself the third cup of 
coffee for the morning, and went out on the balcony.

She was still at the railing; she didn't seem to hear me 
behind her. I put my arms around her and kissed the nape 
of her neck.

"It's such a beautiful view," she said.

The air had cleared up some over night. I pointed down the 
avenue, "You can see the Capital dome there, and to the 
right, the Washington Monument."

She stared off into the distance for a few moments. "Oh 
yeah." Then she paused. "What's that thing that looks like a 
flying saucer?" she asked, pointing a little to the left of the 

"That's JFK Stadium. The Redskins play there. They're 
building them a new stadium near her. Those spires to the 
right on that hill is the Washington Cathedral, it's just like 
the ancient cathedrals in Europe."

"I was at St. Paul's in London last summer," she said. "It 
was so neat."

"Those modern glass buildings you can see behind the 
Monument are Crystal City, that's where I work."

She turned around and put her arms around me. "Can we go 
to the art museums?" she said. "I've never been to the 
National Gallery."

I recalled how she had loved the Chicago Art Institute the 
last time we had been together. Another thing about this 
remarkable young woman. There was seventeen years 
between us but I was really beginning to wish it was less. If 
she was 20 or 25, I'd be beginning to think about a really 
long term relationship.

We went in and feasted. Then we dressed and drove to the 
Metro station.

Once on the Mall, we avoided the crowds at the Air and 
Space Museum. Lee was mesmerized by the National 
Gallery, and really seemed to enjoy the Cochran Gallery. 
She wanted to see the Hope Diamond, so, toward the end of 
the afternoon, we crossed over to the Natural History 

"Please Bill, buy it for me!"

"I'll ask at the information desk."

On the way home, we stopped at a grocery store. Lee, as 
usual, showed herself to have unusual tastes, asking if I 
could make the chicken scampi which I had made when she 
visited me in Chicago. We left the store with an assortment 
of fresh vegetables, linguini, and chicken breasts.

Once back at my apartment, I prepared the butter sauce 
while Lee sliced onion, peppers, mushrooms, and zucchini. 
I filled two glasses with white wine when I put a splash of 
it into the saute pan. The meal started with a Caesar salad 
and ended with a chocolate fondue which I made using a 
hot fudge topping, strawberries, grapes, and pieces of 
cantaloupe. During the meal, we killed the remaining 
Chardonnay; I had three glasses and Lee two.

All during the meal, I continued to be amazed by this 
incredible young woman. She could carry on a thoughtful 
and informative conversation on subjects ranging from 
astronomy to what's the best bait for catching mahi-mahi. 
She had showered while dinner was cooking and was 
dressed in the plain white sun dress. She had put on just a 
little makeup and had a thin gold chain with a small Celtic 
cross around her neck.

I had also cleaned up for dinner and was wearing slacks, a 
western shirt, and docksiders.

It was still fairly early, 7:00, and it would not be dark for 
another hour and a half. I asked Lee what she would like to 
do for the evening.

"Other than pretend we're a couple of rabbits?" she said.

"Later, I intend to screw you until your eyes role all the 
way around in your head," I said as my dick swelled. "The 
evening will be a failure if I don't make you cum at least 
ten times."

"Really, and how many times do you think I can make you 
cum?" she asked.

"This conversation is making me work on the first," I said.

"Oh, poor boy," she replied as she put her foot in my crotch 
from the other side of the table.

"Later, Dear," I said as I tickled her arch. She giggled and 
pulled her foot away. "Let's go for a walk, I bet you 
haven't seen a real forest for a while."

We drove less than a mile to a county park which snakes 
through the suburbs along a stream. There is a nicely make 
walking/biking trail through the old white oak trees. The 
stream has, over thousands of years, dug a steep gorge 
which was mostly untouched except for the occasional 
street passing overhead. At one point, the Beltway stretches 
across the gorge, trucks and cars roar one hundred and 
twenty feet overhead. The bottom of the bridge can only be 
seen in glimpses through the green canopy of oak leaves.

We walked hand in hand along the path. I pointed out 
several different species of trees and shrubs. Lee was 
excited to see a robin. "I've always heard of them, but I've 
never seen one before."

"They have sky blue eggs," I said. "When I was growing 
up, there was a nest outside our window and we watched 
the chicks grow up."

"What was my daddy like when you were growing up?"

"Well, John is seven years older, you know, so we weren't 
really playmates. But, I really looked up to him, especially 
when he was in high school and on the football team. He 
used to give me and my friends a lot of pointers." We 
walked on for a while, "I really missed him when he left for 
college, but it was a really a kick to see him playing on TV 
when he was at Notre Dame."

"Yeah," Lee said. "He told me that he might have been a 
pro if he hadn't been injured."

"He was really broken up when he blew out his shoulder. 
He was home for almost eight months recovering before he 
could go back to school. He never played football again. 
But, not for lack of trying, he tried out for the team but 
injured himself in a practice and couldn't continue."

"I didn't know that," she said.

"I think it was a really trying time for him. He turned it 
around, though. Got to work and became a marine 

We continued along. "When I was in high school, he really 
turned me on to math and science, so now I'm an 

We walked on in silence for a couple of minutes.

"What do you want to do when your done with school?" I 

Again, Lee astounded me, "I'm going to become a doctor 
and work for Doctor's Without Boarders."

All I could say was, "Wow."

We walked along in silence, holding hands. As the path 
followed the stream around a bend, a small playground 
came into view. In a small clearing, a set of monkey bars 
and a swing set sprouted.

"Push me!" Lee called as she ran to the swings.

From behind, I put my hands around her small hips and 
pulled her back, lifting her until the small of her back was 
even with my eyes, then I pushed her and she sailed away. 
At the apex of her forward flight, she folded up into a ball 
and fell, arcing back toward me, rising in front of me, 
coming to a momentary stop at my head level. I put my 
hands on her shoulders as she straightened out and pushed 
her again.

It was a joy to watch Lee flying on the swing. I went to a 
picnic table and sat and watched her. After a couple of 
minutes, she jumped off when she was a good five feet off 
the ground, landing squarely on her feet, then she came 
over to me.

She took my hand, "It's getting dark, let's go home and 

When we got back to the apartment she turned around and 
faced me after I had closed the door. She was looking up at 
me with a haughty look on her face. I stepped to her and 
took both her hands. Then I leaned down and kissed her. 
For a few moments, only our hands and our mouths were 
touching as we shared a gentle, wet, sexy kiss. Then she 
reached up and started unbuttoning my shirt. I let her work 
down the buttons, she pulled my shirt tail out and undid the 
last buttons. Then, she ran her hands around me, under my 
open shirt and put her face against my lower chest. I 
wrapped my arms around her as we held each other in a 
warm embrace. I felt her breath brushing my skin, warm 
under the fabric of my shirt.

I pulled my shirt off of my shoulders and let it fall to the 
floor behind me. Lee again looked up at me, her eyes were 
wide, her face was relaxed. I reached down and pulled at 
her dress, lifting the white fabric. She raised her arms and 
let me pull the shift off over her head. Then she stood in 
front of me, wearing only white bikini panties.

With a small smile, like the Mona Lisa, she reached out and 
pulled at my belt. I let her release it, then the button at my 
waist, then unzip my fly. I stepped out of my shoes, then 
lowered my pants. Lee pulled her panties down, then stood 
in front of me. Again, the big eyes and Mona Lisa smile.

I reached down and lifted her chin, then kissed her. Lee put 
her hands on my sides. As we continued kissing, she slowly 
moved her hands down to my waist and gently started to 
pull the elastic of my briefs down over my hips. I reached 
between us and helped her pull my underwear free of my 
hips and bulging cock, then I leaned over and pushed them 
down to my feet and stepped out.

Lee wrapped her arms around me, hugging me and laying 
her lovely soft body against me. My dick was against her 
stomach, not yet hard, but swelling. Her skin was so warm 
against me. She lay her cheek against my chest, then turned 
her head and kissed my solar plexus, moving her tongue 
through my sparse chest hair. I had my hands around her 
shoulders, I brought one of my hands up through her thick 
hair to the back of her head, feeling the cool weight of it.

My heart was pounding in my throat, this was by far the 
most erotic time I had ever been in. I put my hands on her 
shoulders and pushed her gently away, then to the sofa. Lee 
sat down, slouching with her legs spread, again the Mona 
Lisa smile.

I knelt onto the floor in front of her and pulled her up to 
kiss her. I kissed her lips, then her forehead, then each of 
her eyes. Next I kissed her chin before returning to her 
mouth. Then I leaned down and nuzzled her neck, kissing 
the side of her throat, then each of her collar bones.

Lee was beginning to breathe heavily. I ran my tongue 
from her collar bone to her right nipple, circling the stiff 
nipple, then moved to the left. I kissed, then gently sucked. 
I opened my mouth so the entire swelling of her young 
breast was encircled by my lips, then ran the tip of my 
tongue around her nipple.

Lee let out a soft groan, really a sigh. I straightened up and 
took in her entire naked preteen beauty. I was kneeling 
between her spread legs, her ass was on the edge of the sofa. 
I leaned down and kissed her vulva, just at the top of her 
slit. She sighed again and flared her hips, pushing up to me. 
When I started licking along her slit she groaned again and 
I felt her relax as she put her arms along the back of the 

I pushed her knees farther apart to give me better access to 
her sex and started licking her snatch in earnest. She started 
to breath with my strokes and a rush of pussy juices wetted 
her. I circled her clit three times with my tongue, then 
pushed it into her vagina. I wasn't expecting her to shudder 
and groan so soon, her vaginal fluids coated my lips and 

"OOOh, God!" she groaned. Then she relaxed and sank 
into the cushions. "That's one," she said.

I straightened up and looked at her. "Yeah, and here comes 
the next one."

By now I had a raging hard on and my dick was pointing 
directly at her hairless snatch. I reached down and moved it 
along her slit a couple of times before I started pushing into 
her. I used my thumbs to pull her lips apart, opening her red 
inner lips to the bluish-pink head of my cock. Then I slowly 
pushed into her and watched as first the head and then the 
shaft slowly slid into a ten year old pussy.

Her cunt was tight and warm and soft. I pulled back, then 
again pushed in to her, watching more than half of my nine 
inch dick disappear. I started a regular humping, in and out. 
It was amazing how quickly Lee built. After only five or 
six thrusts she was close and with my next three humps, she 
went over the edge; "ah..., Ah..., AAH!" Her vaginal 
muscles clamped down around my cock as she had her 
second orgasm in as many minutes, then collapsed back.

Breathlessly, she said, "That's two."

I lost the urgency of my own building orgasm in the humor 
of the moment and just knelt there, my dick buried in this 
wonderful child and chuckled. Then I resumed my 

She was incredibly slick and my manhood slid effortlessly 
in and out of her. The sight of my dick in her preteen cunt 
was too much and I built quickly-as did Lee.

I leaned back on my heels, pulling my little lover with me. 
She was now astride my hips, her shoulders still on the 
couch, her pelvis impaled on my dick.

I grabbed her narrow hips and started lifting her, pulling 
my dick out, then I would lower her on me. I was now 
totally controlling our coupling. She was so light, maybe 80 
pounds, and she was helping by lifting with her legs. I was 
mesmerized watching my cock slid in and out of her.

My balls were boiling when she was again overcome with 
ecstasy, her tiny pussy grabbing and sucking at my dick. As 
Lee groaned I shoved twice more, then I shot my load deep 
into her girl womb, my sperm splashing against her cervix. 
As I pulled back, I filled the void of her vagina with more 
jez, and when I slammed my cock back deep into her, white 
semen spurted out around my cock.

Lee was arching her back and lifting her shoulders off the 
sofa as she met my thrusts, her head was thrown back and 
her face buried in the back of the couch. She was using her 
hands to push herself toward me. Her entire body was 
damp and drops of sweat ran down her ribs. She was 
rocked again and again as our climax washed over her. I 
must have shot ten streams of semen into her.

We both came down slowly. I pulled Lee against me and 
held her, her face was against my chest, her head fit under 
my chin. She was panting, I could feel her heart pounding 
against my chest and in her pussy walls.

"God," she said through her pants. "I think that was sixteen 
or twenty."

I lay her back onto the sofa, she put her arms above her 
head, still breathing deeply, her eyes closed. My cock was 
still buried in her hairless pus, the lips were stretched wide 
around my shaft, her clit standing out. Jez and her pussy 
juices soaked my dick hair and the insides of her thighs. 
More wetted her ass and the top of my thighs.

My heart was slowing as I contemplated the gorgeous 
creature impaled on me-so pretty, so smooth, so soft, so 
perfect. Lee came too.

" Mmmmm, that's wonderful. Let's do it again."

My dick had moved from the enraged rock hard stage to the 
firm stage. I smiled. "Later Dear. It takes a while for me to 
recharge my batteries."

I slowly lifted her up and my dick slid out of her. As the 
head slipped out and her pussy lips close, a stream of pussy 
fluid and semen oozed out, a drop running down into her 
ass crack.

Lee slid up onto the sofa, now sitting above me. I 
straightened up and we kissed, a wonderful, loving, sexy 
kiss. Then she pulled back, "What other fun things can we 
do Mister Taylor?"

"I don't know," I said. Then, without thinking, "Want to 
get high?"

Lee had a surprised and happily shocked look on her face. 

Now I was thinking. I had really gone off the edge. I had 
fucked a ten-year-old, multiple times, provided a minor 
with alcohol, and now I was going to provide her with 
illegal drugs. 

"Have you ever smoked pot before?"

Lee opened her mouth to answer. "Don't lie."

She slumped, deflating, her face falling, "No."

I smiled. "Well, have you ever smoked a cigarette?"

"Yeah, a couple of times, they make me cough."

Now we were on the same wavelength. I gave her a warm 
smile, "I can't believe I'm doing this. My brother is really 
going to wonder what I've done to you."

"Oh, Daddy can't complain. He gets high all the time."

I leaned forward and kissed her. "Ok. Let me get my bong."

I stood up and went into the kitchen where I poured us both 
glasses of wine. I went back into the living room where she 
met me. I held her glass to her lips, Lee looked into my 
eyes as she sipped the full-blooded Burgundy. She took the 
glass from my hand. Silently, I went into my bedroom, Lee 
followed. In the bottom drawer of my dresser, I pulled out a 
black lacquered jewelry box with inlayed mother of pearl 
dragons. I opened the top and took out a baggie of the 
highest quality Columbian Sensamealian. From the 
compartment under a bed stand, I retrieved a large red glass 
bong. Lee watched everything with quiet interest.  She 
followed me back into the living room where I placed 
everything on the coffee table. Then I went back into the 
kitchen and retrieved a lighter from one of the drawers and 
two large glasses of water.

We kneeled on either side of the glass topped table. She 
watched as I emptied my glass of wine into the bong, then 
carefully packed the bowl. I lit the flame and put the bong 
to my mouth. The pot smoke bubbled through the wine 
while I filled my lungs with the sweet drug. I held it as long 
as I could, then let my breath escape me in a throaty hiss.

My eyes were burnt by the heavy smoke from the bowl as I 
moved the bong away. I breathed a couple of deep breaths. 
"Here, just take a small amount." I held the bong to Lee.

She took it from me and examined it as if it was a holy relic.

"Just take a small hit," I said.

She put her mouth to the end of the tube as I lit the lighter. 
As I put the flame to the bowl, I said, "Just a little."

Lee pulled in, the smoke bubbled through the wine, then I 
watched as it rose in the glass tube to her mouth. She 
continued pulling and a wisp of smoke went between her 
lips. She pulled the bong away and held her breath, I could 
see her eyes watering as she suppressed a cough. After a 
few seconds, she started to shake as she tried to hold the 
sweet smoke in her lungs and fought coughing. Finally, she 
relented and coughed out the smoke. I gave her a glass of 
water, then emptied ashes out of the bowl on to a small 

"Are you ok?" I asked.

Through watering eyes she nodded.

"It's kind of harsh, I know," I said as I repacked the bowl. 
Lee took another drink of water as she watched.

"Here, you get the first hit this time," I said, handing her 
the bong. I lit the bowl as she pulled. This time, she took a 
deep hit, drawing a long stream of smoke through her lips. 
When she pulled the bong away, her head was engulfed by 
smoke, she waved it away as she struggled not to cough.

As I took the pipe, Lee exhaled, then drew in her breath. I 
held the lighter over the bowl and took a long toke, feeling 
the sweet smoke burn my throat and fill my lungs. When I 
put the bong down on the table, I felt the first of a buzz as 
the room started to contract. Lee looked at me and smiled, 
then emptied her wine glass. I poured her another glass, 
then packed the bowl again. I offered it to Lee.

Again she took a deep toke, this time holding it for a long 
time, long enough that I was lighting the pipe for myself. 
As I sucked in, she exhaled, then leaned back on her hands 
behind her. She was sitting on the floor, cross-legged, and 
as she rolled back on her ass, I got a wonderful view of her 
pussy, the lips were pulled apart and her vagina was open. 
Her inner lips were still glistening with juices and cum, on 
her outer lips and the creases between her vulva and her 
thighs were some white flakes of dried cum.

Through the smoke, I said, "One more bowl, then we 
should stop." Lee threw her head back and smiled at the 
ceiling. I was definitely beginning to get buzzed. Lee got 
up and went into the kitchen with her water glass, I 
watched her shapely ass bouncing away and around the 
counter. "Hey, bring me a beer."

I had the bowl packed when she returned and stood across 
from me, her hairless ten-year-old pussy at my face level, a 
pussy I had fucked and was going to fuck again-many 

She knelt down on the floor across the table from me. She 
put two beers on the glass top. I took the tops off them, 
took one and drank, Lee took three big swallows from hers, 
then put the bottle down. The foam came up and a little 
rolled out of top and ran down the neck.

Lee giggled, "That's what it looks like when you cum."

"Yeah. But it's supposed to do that in your mouth," I said.

"Or my pussy!" At that, Lee started to giggle. The giggles 
ran out of her like water as I sat there with what I'm sure 
was a stupid grin on my face.

She came under control when I turned my attention back to 
the bong. I handed it to her and picked up the lighter. Again, 
she put it to her mouth and I lit the bowl. She took an 
incredibly long drag, sucking a huge amount of smoke into 
her lungs. The pot flared a bright red as it was reduced to 
grey ash. When she pulled the bong away, I was amazed to 
see that she had sucked down the entire bowl.

As I emptied the bowl, she let out a long breath, melting 
lower. "Oh, wow," she said through half closed eyes.

I repacked the bowl. As I lit the bong, Lee stood up and 
walked to the balcony door. I was sucking in the dope when 
she went outside. I held the smoke and admired her slim 
silhouette against the dim orange light of the sky, the street 
lights of the city reflected off the hazy air. 

I put the bong down and followed her outside. She was 
standing at the railing, looking out at the city. I put my 
hands on the rail on either side of her, feeling her warmth 
radiating against me. She reached up over her head and 
behind her, putting her wrists around my neck and pulled 
me against her. Her head was tucked under my chin, her 
shoulders even with my ribs, my dick in the small of her 
back, just the head reached down to the beginning of the 
crack of her ass.

"The lights are so beautiful," she said. "The cars look like 
blood cells moving in a vein."

"It used to be that the dome of the Capital and Washington 
Monument were lit up, they were white, but now they've 
turned off the lights." I paused. "On nights like this, when 
it's hazy, the beams of light would shoot way up into the 

"Why'd they turn them off?"

"Security. 9-11 and all."

"Oh," she said, a disappointed note in her voice. She put 
her arms down and put her hands on top of mine. "I love 
being here with you Bill."

I moved my hands from the rail and wrapped them around 
her, pulling her tightly against me. I kissed the side of her 
head. "I love having you here Lee."

Lee turned around in my arms and we kissed. The entire 
world had a dull orange glow, warm, soft, comfortable. The 
kiss and the alcohol and the dope all crashed together. I 
really don't remember much of what happened except that I 
ended up on my knees behind Lee. We were fucking doggy 
style while looking out over the dark city. Lee was holding 
the bars, peering out as she rocked back and forth, sliding 
my dick in and out of her. I was reaching over her, holding 
on to the railing as I watched an airliner fly by in the 
distance. Below us, hundred of cars passed on New 
Hampshire Avenue, thousands of people could have looked 
up and seen us, to lovers coupling in the darkness on a 
warm night.

As we built toward our mutual climax, Lee started to groan. 
Her voice was remarkably deep, the sound was coming 
from deep within her, "Oooo, Oooo, Oooo." As she 
reached ecstasy she became louder, now her cries filled my 
head and mixed with the feelings from my loins to push me 
farther. As she came, a voice, not her own, yelled, "Oh God! 
Ahhhh, Ahhhh, AHHHHhhhh....." As she rode the waves 
in her river, I started to cum. My cumming was not a 
singular event, my semen just started to flow out of me, I 
just kept pumping a slow stream of jez, it ran down my 
dick and emptied into her preteen vagina, first filling her, 
then running out of her cunt and down her thighs. At the 
same time, her juices were flowing, mixing with my cum to 
form a solid stream of our love. I was amazed, afterward, to 
see a small puddle of our fluids gathered below her knee.

We were both dripping with sweat. My heart was pounding 
as if I had just run a three minute mile. Lee hand collapsed, 
her face on the concrete floor, her head up against the bars, 
her ass still high in the air, still impaled on my cock.

Then, from out of the darkness above us came an angry 
male voice, "I'm glad you to are enjoying yourselves, now 
could we have some quiet!" 

Lee started to giggle again, then the giggles changed to 
laughs. I could feel her pussy squeeze my cock with each 
laugh. I tried to shush her, but this just made us both crack 
up in hysterics. I picked her up, still impaled on my cock, 
and carried her inside.

In this strange and awkward way, her legs swinging in mid 
air below her, I carried my ten-year-old niece through the 
living room, down the hall, and into my bedroom. We 
flopped down on the bed, and as we fell forward and hit the 
mattress, my dick was jammed deep into her.

We lay there for a moment, me on top of her, then I started 
to slowly hump, pushing in and out from behind. Lee 
started to flare her hips back to meet me as I slid easily 
with the left over wetness from our fuck on the balcony.

Soon, we were at it again, fucking like two rabbits with no 
tomorrow. I rolled onto my back, pulling Lee with me. 
Now she was spread on top of me, entire front exposed. I 
wished there was a mirror on the ceiling but, as it was, my 
hands had free reign over her, from her stiff nipples on her 
small breasts to her smooth and hairless pussy lips and 
erect clit. As I rubbed her clit with my finger, feeling my 
cock moving in and out of her, she put her hand on top of 
mine, putting pressure on my fingers to maximize her 
pleasure. I lifted my hand, then positioned hers on her 
pussy and felt her movements as she masturbated while I 
fucked her.

Soon, Lee was leaning forward, both hands at her pussy, 
her knees up and her feet on the edge of the bed. As her 
orgasm rolled over her, I pulled her against me. She dug 
her head painfully into my shoulder as I bit a thick strand of 
her hair. Again, I pumped my sperm into her while she 
rubbed her clit and I rubbed her nipples.

Panting, we rolled on our sides, fitting like spoons, my 
cock still deep in her pussy. I pulled the bedspread over us 
and we went to sleep like that, me wrapped around her, still 

In the night, we woke like this, the lights were still on, my 
cock was still inside her. We fucked again, laying on our 
sides, me inside her from behind. We both came, not an 
explosion, but a gentle release, and fell asleep again. It was 
3 AM when I got up and turned off the lights in the 
apartment. Then, I pulled down the covers and lifted Lee 
properly into the bed. Again, I cuddled my little ten-year-
old lover and we slept until after 9.