Thank you for taking the time to read my stories.  Some of
you may have read most of them before on another site, but I
decided to start posting them here because some of the planned
content of future stories is not allowed on the other site.
       I always welcome questions, comments, and constructive
criticism so don't be afraid to contact me.  I welcome the
opportunity to converse with readers.
       For those of you that are wondering, my stories are
fictional and not based on real life events.  Although I am a Dom
I am currently without a sub.  If you want to learn more about
that aspect of my life, check out my profile on
       While I do like constructive criticism, my stories are my
own and are already planned out so they won't be changing just
because you want them to.  If you don't like the things my
characters do, then simply don't read it.  No one's forcing you.
       I generally don't do requests either.  I have to be
inspired to write, and someone asking me to write a story about a
blonde with big boobs getting gangbanged isn't very inspiring.
       If anyone is interested, the first 11 parts of Dan and Cock
Socket are available in e-book format on Amazon.  I don't know if
I will do this in the future, and would like feedback on whether
anyone finds it more convenient.