The following story contains some explicit sexual material.
Though not blatantly pornographic, reader discretion is advised. Were this a movie, it would probably gain an R rating.
This story was written as an exploration of character and while
it might be considered erotic, the intent was to delve into
the minds of the characters rather than to sexually arouse the
reader. If you are looking for that you should look elsewhere.
However, if you are offended by sexuality, you should look
somewhere else as well.
This story is Copyright 2000, Krystoff Vagabond. It may be
freely redistributed as long as it remains completely intact
and unmodified (including these headers). I welcome comments
and criticism. Please send any thoughts you have on the
story to
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Fall From Grace
    "Do  what  thou wilt shall be the whole  of  the  law." 
Words  issued by a god, but, unfortunately, not by her  own.
Many  tales were told by man. Man, favored above all of  the
Lord's  other creatures. Many tales, and she knew them  all.
Years,  as  the men called it. Years  had she studied  their
ways,  their cultures, and their stories. To be among  them.
To  be  one of them. Favored by her Lord. Mastering her  own
destiny.  To  hope. To dream. To feel. To live  a  life.  An
actual  life.  Breathing in air and experiences,  treasuring
each because it could be her last. Loving every moment.
    Moments.  The term had no meaning for her. Time  is  an
invention  of  man, one she had yet to come  to  understand.
Time  was  a  means to an end. A way of segregating  reality
into  easily digestible chunks. Better her way she believed.
Better to perceive each an every experience at once. She had
not  studied  for  years. She had always  studied.  She  had
always  enjoyed it, and when the would come, as  it  already
had  and will again, she would study still the ways  of  men
and take delight whilst she wroth in the pain from the bolts
of his hand.
    His  breath was warm and her skin tingled as it  rolled
down  her  neck  and  over  her shoulders.  Tension  in  her
stomach. Her very insides pulling her toward him as her mind
tried  to  pull  her away. Something she had never  felt·  a
cloudiness  in  her mind. Her mind could not  focus  and  if
breathing  had  been  a  necessity for  her,  she  knew  she
wouldn't  be  able to. "No" she told him. Refusing  him  not 
because  she  wanted to because she didn't. Not  because  it
would  do  any good, because she knew it wouldn't. It  would
end  as it had. It would end as it did. It would end  as  it
would.  "No" she told him because that is what she did.  The 
word hung in the air as he reached around her waist and slid
his hand across her stomach. "No" the word floated away from 
her  lips  and  with it her protests as her silky  feathered
wings folded down to her sides.
    His  skin was hard. Rough. More like stone, but in some
way  the most pleasing thing she would ever touch. His very
touch  was warm as though thousands of torches burned within
his  body.  As  the scaly red fingers of one  hand  traveled
along her hip and up her side raising her arm high above her
as he cupped her breast. Sharp black claws on the other hand
combed  through the golden tresses of her hair  and  trailed
down her cheek. She closed her eyes  as the inevitable came.
She  reached  behind  her, tiny fingers trailing  along  the
slender  horns,  snaking to their base and grasping  at  his
skull. At long last the words escaped her lips.
    And  he  was inside of her. Her mind racing.  Her  body
flowing. Feeling, as do the humans. And yet flying, like the
angel  she  was. Two bodies entwined throughout eternity.  A
moment. Forever. A pulsing in her flesh. In her heart. In  a
soul  eternal yet already damned. Her halo glowed  brightest
it  ever had and pulsed raced as her heart tried its hardest
to burst from the chamber of her chest. Her wings spread and
her  soul sang from her lips. This instant. This moment. All
that she had ever been was enraptured in this single act  as
sin  itself coursed from between her legs and throughout her
body.  And yet if this moment did exist then it was the  one
she  had always felt and the one she had always yearned for.
Pleasure. Ecstasy. Emotional. Physical. Spiritual. Timeless.
It couldn't end and it didn't but it already has.
    Cold. Another feeling, heretofore unknown. Ice shooting
through her veins. Yet light blinding her. Fear, a word  the
men  use and another she had not understood. Tied so closely
to  time. Fear is the anticipation of something yet to come.
Fear is the anxiety of what may be. There can be no fear  if
there is no next, and yet fear is what she knew.
    "I'm  sorry."  She  would  plead  as  she  stood  her 
judgement. No answer would come. She knew as he did that she
was  not.  Knowing that her moment came because it must  and
knowing  that  it was and could not not be. All  times.  All
emotions  conflicting. Wonderment. Pleasure.  Fear.  All  at
once.  All at all. Studying the exploits of the children  of
god.  A  god  who's law she had broken and  that  event  had
resulted  in  greater pleasure in her life than  any  other.
Fear  of  the pain that was soon to come. Fear of  the  pain
that already had. Pain that was now.
    She  felt  as though she would explode as the bolt  hit
her  back.  Pain.  One  emotion,  all  others  replaced.
Electricity.  A  lightning  bolt  casting  her  from  heaven
falling towards the earth. A trail of smoke followed her and
she  coughed as she realized her wings were on fire. Coughed
because  she  couldn't breathe.  She plummeted like  a  star
falling through the sky but it all stopped when she hit  the
    Darkness engulfed the alley save for that cast out from
a  single beam shining down on her from the heavens and from
the  light cast by the flames engulfing what was left of her
wings,  the only remnant of the celestial creature that  she
had  once been. And with her wings her angelic grace  burned
away.  Her  halo  faded a final time  and  there  she  laid.
Mortal. Naked. Alone in an alley awaiting what might come to
|| /~kvagabond      || ||
||  "Booze, sex, prayer  --  whatever gets you through the night."   ||