Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. A tale from krisnjamie. This is a work of fiction, enjoy it or not but don't get heated. It involves themes of a sexual nature. Some of those themes may sit uncomfortably with you. If in doubt don't read it. I love to get feedback from readers and hear from friends old or new. Feel free to email me knjfriend(at) The Grange Part 2 The Sunday after the party was a fairly quiet affair. Of course Ann made a point of telling Mr Stevens that she couldn't possibly accept so much money and, of course, Mr Stevens explained that she had earned it and deserved it. A moment of hesitation and realisation later and it was confirmed that her parents need never know. The trio had breakfast alongside the pool and then Matt went off to his room to do "stuff". "He's probably got his hand down his pants thinking of you" Stacey whispered to Ann who in turn went bright red. The morning slipped by and a relaxed lunch was had, again by the pool. It was over lunch that the subject turned to homework. Mr Stevens was pleased that both Matt and Ann had finished theirs on the Friday evening. He was less content that Stacey didn't even know what had been assigned. "Right then" he said in a fatherly tone "this afternoon I'm afraid you'll have to go home Ann. Hopefully that will allow young Stacey here to do what needs to be done." He turned to his daughter "Perhaps, if you were as hard working as Ann and your brother, we wouldn't need to have conversations like this quite so often." Stacey's eyelids fluttered sadly and "yes dad" whispered from between her lips. She still winked at Ann as soon as her father wasn't looking though. Lunch over Ann got her things together, said her goodbyes and left for home. She was only a few feet up the gravel driveway when Mr Stevens caught up with her. "Hey Ann, mind if I walk you home? I need to have a chat with your dad." Ann wasn't about to refuse and so the paid sauntered the short distance up the lane exchanging a few words about nothing very much. Frank Mitchell just happened to be looking out of the front window when his daughter, accompanied by his boss, Mr Stevens, appeared together. His immediate thoughts were along the lines of "what has she done"? as he rushed to the front door to greet them. "Mr Stevens, how was the party?" he asked. "Not as good as it might have been Frank. It turned into more of a business event really. Can I have a moment of your time Frank?" Mr Stevens was ushered into the lounge as Frank Mitchell sent his daughter to tell her mother to put the kettle on. "It's a pity about the party" Frank gushed trying to fill silences "You really should have sent Ann home if she was in the way." "Not at all Frank. Actually, it's Ann I wanted to talk about." Franks eyes clouded over and a professional frown appeared on his brow. "I do hope she hasn't been causing trouble, Sir." "No Frank. No you misunderstand me. Ann was a delight at the party. She was charming to the guests and generally a great help all round." He held up a hand to stifle interruption. "No I wanted to say how proud of her you should be and how pleased I am that my daughter has a friend like her. I hope that Stacey learns from your Ann. As far as I am concerned Ann is welcome at The Grange any time she likes." "Well" replied Frank Mitchell "That is gratifying to hear. You never quite know if the rules you have used to bring up a child are working or not. Thank you Mr Stevens. Thank you very much. Will you stop for a cup of tea?" "er no thanks Frank. I should be getting back.... But please thank Mrs Mitchell for me and remember what I said. Ann is a true asset." Ann had scampered up to her room after giving her mother the message about visitors and the kettle. She heard the front door click shut just before she saw Mr Stevens walk away down the path. "ANN" her father's voice bellowed from below. Knowing better than to keep her father waiting, especially if she was already in trouble, she scampered down the stairs and back to the lounge where both parents were waiting for her. She scanned their faces for a clue. Her father's face was expressionless as usual but there was a glow and slight smile to Mrs Mitchell and Ann knew that all was well. "Well young lady" started Mr Mitchell "I've had glowing reports from Mr Stevens about how helpful and charming you have been. Well done Ann. Just remember to keep it up. Remember your manners, remember that you are a well brought up young lady and you will gain powerful friends there. An added bonus is that you are home in time for the evening service." Mr Mitchell beamed at his daughter. It was Wednesday before anything of import happened in the Mitchell household. The girls had seen each other at school of course and Stacey had teased Ann about all the old men who might have been fantasizing about her all weekend before the whole subject was forgotten and the conversation moved on. On Wednesday evening Ann was sat at the dining room table finishing her homework when her father burst through the front door. "Joy" he called out to his wife "Joy, where are you?" The two parents quickly ensconced themselves in the lounge and shut the door. Ann's mind flicked through the possibilities. It came down to being very good or exceedingly bad. She dared not move closer to the door to try and listen and had little option but to try and concentrate on her science homework until one or other parent was prepared to let her know what was happening. It seemed to take an age but eventually the door opened and the pair came out as one. Once again the glow around her mother told her it must be good news but she waited patiently for the formal announcement. "Ann" started Frank Mitchell formerly "You will not be aware that my firm, the firm owned by Mr Stevens, has a suggestion box scheme. The scheme works by employees making suggestions about ways that things might be improved around the factory. If the suggestions are tried and they work then the worker who made the suggestion gets a reward. The reward is linked to the value to the company so the more effective the suggestion the bigger the reward." Ann's eyes started to glaze over at this point and Frank must have recognised the signs. "Anyways" he sped on, his enthusiasm starting to affect hi voice "One of my suggestions has proved to be rather effective. I can't say how much the bonus will be, but I seems that it will be significant." "That's great dad. I'm really proud of you" Ann slipped in. "Ann don't interrupt your father" "No Ann" her father continued "There's more. I've been asked to head the team putting my improvements in place. That's a permanent promotion on top. Mr Stevens asked me personally if I would oversee the work for him." The gap in the flow of words indicated that Ann could speak. "That's great news, well done dad" the girl exclaimed into the slight hubbub building between her parents. "Oh and Ann" her father remembered "Mr Stevens asked if you would help out at a barbeque at The Grange Sunday lunchtime. He said there would be an opportunity for you to use the pool if you wanted to. Under the circumstances I think you can miss Sunday school and church this week to help him out, don't you?" CLICK! A slight glow at the back of the girl's head became a full on fluorescent tube. "My Dad is offered promotion and a big bonus and I'm offered the chance to "help out at another "business" event for his boss. Oh well." The school week finished in the usual fashion. Ann rushed home and started her homework to be sure to be free for the weekend proper. She was almost finished when the phone rang. She paid little heed to her mother's end of the conversation until the woman burst through the door and told her to hurry and finish. "Mr Stevens has been on the phone" she gushed "He specifically asked if you could spend the night at The Grange so that you could get an early start in the morning....and he invited me and your father down for sherry tomorrow evening!" Her excitement was palpable. Almost as palpable as Ann's fear. What if her parents took one look at the scantily clad Stacey and decided that she might be a bad influence. What if Stacey or Matt made some vaguely sexual joke or remark? What if........ What if...... "Oh that's great mum" was all the girl could spit out. 45 minutes later her father had arrived home, been told of the invite and was now organising the women of the house to pack whilst, at the same time, reminding Ann about how she should act around Mr & Mrs Stevens, be polite and courteous, do as you are told, don't speak until you are spoken to.......... It went on and was only stopped by three beeps on a horn outside. Mr Stevens had decided to stop on the way home and see if Ann was ready to go. She was about 3 seconds later and her father bundled her into the large 4 x 4 for the short journey with a cheery "see you tomorrow Sir" for Mr Stevens. The evening meal finished Mr Stevens called a conference for the troops. This was obviously something that Matt and Stacey were used too. Ann, of course, was more used to decisions being made and her being told what to do afterwards. In fact, that is largely what happened at The Grange, but at least the kids and Mrs Stevens felt like they might have had some input. After apologising to Ann for anything that he might say to upset her, Mr Stevens described how he believed the Mitchells lived as people. He pointed out that the rather liberal values on show at The Grange might not meet with Frank Mitchells approval and circumvented cries of "so what" by reminding Matt and Stacey who Ann's parents were. "In short people" he paused for effect "If we want to make sure that Ann can be part of this little group in the future then we have to tone it down whilst they are here tomorrow." He silenced his daughter with a further glance and went on. "I suggest that the three of you do get in the pool for a swim. You will be wearing very conservative swimwear and you will cover up as soon as you get out. Matt, Stacey, you will speak quietly, politely and preferably only when spoken to." He turned to Ann "You already know the drill Ann" "Um dad" muttered Stacey "There is a problem." He motioned for her to continue. "I don't have anything other than bikinis to swim in." "No problem" announced Mr Stevens "tomorrow we shop." Ann was sat between Matt and Stacey on the rear seat of the big 4 x 4 as it swept up the lane and past her own home. The darkened rear windows meant that she could see out but be confident that her being seen was unlikely. Not that there was anything to see in either direction. Up front Mr Stevens drove and Mrs Stevens sat in the passenger seat chatting happily on a mobile. Rather than the local shops Mr Stevens had decided on a trip to a city more than 90 minutes away so they had left early to give time to arrive, shop and return before the Mitchell's arrived for sherry that evening. They hit a sports store first. It covered most sports but seemed to specialise in swimwear, especially the very brief bikinis much loved by Stacey and she was in amongst the racks immediately. Mr Stevens went up to the counter, had a few words and the assistance scurried away. A moment or so later and an older man appeared from the rear of the shop, greeted Mr Stevens like a long lost brother, exchanged a few words and then passed instruction to the young man at the counter. Moments later Stacey and Matt were each handed a few swimsuits and bundled into changing rooms to try them on. Mr Stevens turned to Ann. "You already have a suit suitable for this afternoon right?" she nodded "So have a look and see what you can find for the barbeque then. You know the style I mean." Ann swallowed hard as he pushed her towards the racks of bikinis. By the time Matt and Stacey had acquired suitable bathing costumes Ann had found three bikinis that she quite liked. Mr Stevens immediately discarded one for being "too frumpy" suggested that she get both of the others and added a third that he thought would suit her well. Ann was slightly worried about the cost and began fumbling in her purse to see exactly how much of her valued £100 would be used up but Mr Stevens told her not to be silly and put her money away. Outside of the shop he took her aside. "look Ann, you're a bright girl. You know what I need for these business events and I'm grateful that you are happy to play along. There is no way that you should have to pay for what is, as far as I am concerned, work clothes so, if you see anything you like that you are certain your father would disapprove of then I pay for it. Right?" Ann giggled at that "Thanks Mr Stevens." Over the course of the day Ann also picked out a couple of pairs of shorts, a skirt and a pair of shirt dungarees, all of which finished so far above the knee as to ensure a certain explosion from Mr Frank Mitchell. In addition she acquired 2 halter tops which left her midriff bare as well as 3 matching thong and bra sets. With a little help from Stacey and Mrs Stevens a few other items were purchased in Ann's name too, although she didn't know about those until later. Laden down with bags and giggles the group were back in the car and heading home by 12.45. The extended family ate a quick meal at a pub on the way home and were back at the Grange by 4.30. "Right" said Mr Stevens "Assuming that the Mitchell's are on time" Ann nodded to confirm that they would be "We have an hour and a half before sherry is served. Stacey, don't forget you don't drink!" he finished as Stacey giggled. The group disbanded to get ready for battle. Ann found it both amusing and exciting that this well to do family would put themselves out so much for her benefit. Well partly for her benefit, as long as she wandered around half naked and let old men look at her. She cut that thought off with "it's good enough for Stacey......" By the time the doorbell sounded the trio of teens were, by pre-arrangement, already in the pool. Mr & Mrs Stevens led the Mitchell's into the pool area where Mr Stevens asked what anybody would like to drink, Frank & Joy Mitchell both asked for sherry and, whilst the drinks were being poured, made the correct oooh and ahhhhh noises about the house. Sherry distributed Mr Stevens apologised loudly for his children's lack of manners and barked at them to get out of the pool and come and say hello to Mr & Mrs Mitchell. Matt was first to the side. He looked rather different in his long swimming shorts which he quickly covered up with a deep blue bath robe before marching towards the assembled adults. Stacey too looked rather different in a demure lilac one piece that showed little more skin than the coverall that Ann had been provided with by her parents. Again, once out of the pool both girls donned bath robes immediately and then made their way over to the adults. Ann got there in time to hear Matt greet her father. "Very pleased to meet you sir, my father tells me that you are about to undertake some important new work for the business." Matt said formally. Ann didn't need to be able to see her father to know that he had just grown 2 inches in height. Stacey even managed a brief curtsey much to the dismay of her own father but Frank Mitchell was delighted. "Ann" he said "You would do well to follow in the footsteps of these children. You could learn a lot about manners from them." "Yes dad, hello mum" replied Ann. For 30 minutes the adults talked and the teens sat quietly and listened, or rather tried not to listen as the subject was inevitably the difficulties in bringing up children these days. Ears did prick up though when Frank Mitchell announced boldly "I have no qualms about a little corporate punishment if it is done correctly. I wouldn't hesitate to spank Ann if the need arose." Ann blushed, Stacey smirked at her and Matt gave her a wink. Mr Stevens steered the conversation away and suggested a brief tour of the grounds. In fact, Mr Stevens and Mr Mitchell went for the tour of the grounds whilst and excited Mrs Mitchell was shown the kitchen by Mrs Stevens. It was only afterwards that Mrs Stevens confessed to Ann that she hadn't been able to answer her mothers questions about which bit of equipment did what, eventually explaining that they often ate out or used caterers for functions. By 8.15 the Mitchell's had departed and everybody, especially Ann, breathed a sigh of relief. "Drinks?" queried Mr Stevens proffering a couple of bottles of red wine. Ann joined in with the rest although once again, red wine was a new taste to the girl. It didn't seem to take long for both bottles to empty. Ann didn't know how many glasses she had had but she did feel a little woozy. Still she was aware that Stacey was slurring a bit too and Mr Stevens just kept laughing at them both so all was well. Eventually, around 10.00 a bottle of cognac was produced and Mr Stevens poured himself a large glass. Only Matt accepted the offer when the bottle was passed around the group and when Mr Stevens dragged out a substantial Cuban cigar he also pulled out a smaller version for his son. As clouds of bluish smoke circled above him he turned to the girls. "C'mon then girls. Floorshow time." Stacey saw the look of incomprehension on her friends face. "He means" she said to Ann "He wants us to try on the bikinis we bought earlier." Ann looked at Mr Stevens, saw him wink back, and giggled slightly. "Oh Ann" he called after the departing girl. "Leave the one I bought `til last will you." She nodded as she bounded off to catch up with Stacey. The girls quickly changed into the first of the bikinis and decided to take the others downstairs to save time at the next change. After all, there were cubicles alongside the pool for guests to use. Entering the pool area Ann was surprised that after the initial fog of lighting up, the cigars gave off little smoke but left a rich and vaguely pleasing aroma hanging in the air. Mrs Stevens had decided on an early night so their audience was only Matt and Mr Stevens. After dumping the other bikinis in adjacent cubicles the girls made their way to the "stage" a well lit area between their audience and the pool. Carefully co-ordinating their movements as best they could in their alcohol induced state of imbalance; they discarded their bath robes and cat walked up and down. At a signal from Mr Stevens they turned their backs and Ann followed Stacey's lead as she bent to touch her toes. Clapping and whoops were heard from behind and the girls giggled off to change into the next suits. The second suit for Ann was a bright red number with, for her, daring string ties and little triangles of material to cover her growing breasts. Stacey wore much the same in pink but with smaller patches of material both above and below. As they exited the cubicles and looked each other over Ann let slip the first thing that came to mind "slut" Stacey giggled. "Possibly" she replied as she led the way back to the display area. If possible the claps and whoops were even louder as the girls touched their toes this time and once again they bounced away giggling to try on the third and final outfit of the evening. This time as they exited the cubicles and moved towards the display area Ann led the way. Behind her she heard her friend whisper "slut" and she giggled loudly. The third bikini for Stacey was more of the same. String tied brief patches of material stretched over her young body. This time the suit was white and there was some speculation that it might provide even less cover when wet. Unlike her outfit from the previous party this one had no sequins for protection. Ann had barely noticed the detail of her bikini, the one chosen by Mr Stevens. It was a pleasing sky blue with embroidered decoration above her right breast. That decoration was repeated at the very corner of her right hip where the material triangle gave way to the favoured string ties. She was aware that it was riding up at the rear rather and continually tried to adjust it until Stacey barked at her to stop. This time as she touched her toes the noise was fearsome and the word awesome was repeated several times. Ann glanced at Stacey who nodded and both the girls ran and jumped into the pool. As they surfaced alongside each other it was Ann who spoke first. "Jeez Stace I can see right through your suit." "Oops" replied a slightly tipsy Stacey "I thought that might be a problem." "What will you do? Your dad and bro will see." Ann asked "I'll let them look silly" replied Stacey without hesitation. "Anyways, that was daring for you" The quizzical look on Ann's face encouraged explanation. "It's a thong bikini Ann, you must have known. You just flashed your bum at my dad .... And Matt of course." The colour change in Ann's face told Stacey what she really already knew, that in her slightly drunken state the young innocent hadn't even noticed the lack of covering at the rear. "C'mon" Stacey replied "Lets go have a drink." When Ann held back Stacey took her hand, led her out of the pool and straight to where Matt and Mr Stevens were sitting. Ann blushed madly when Mr Stevens told her how much he enjoyed her particular show and to cover any embarrassment she happily accepted a small cognac "to keep out the chill". Another option would have been to dress to keep dry, or at least wrap a robe or towel around herself, but that really wasn't an option. "For the barbeque" announced Mr Stevens "I think Ann should wear the red. I think the delightful little blue number should be reserved for quieter family occasions." Ann breathed a sigh of relief but wondered how many quiet family occasions might require such a display. Mr Stevens went on "Stacey, I have to say that you are quite alluring in the white bikini. I think though, that you should keep it dry during the barbeque." Stacey giggled, stood and bowed. "Your wish is my command oh master" she squealed to much laughter around the group. "Matt" he went on "The usual speedo arrangement I think. We have to keep the wives happy after all." Matt simply raised his glass in salute. The pool complex benefited from large sliding doors that opened almost one entire wall to the patio and gardens beyond. For the barbeque the doors would be left open, justifying the teenagers dress code, and the barbeque itself would be cooked and served on the patio. The trio waited upstairs until the guests had a chance to arrive and settle and then Matt led them down the stairs and towards the pool complex. Mr Stevens saw them coming and hurried towards them. "Hi kids, good timing. Listen girls, see those two men talking together near the bar." He pointed and the girls followed his direction. "Well I didn't really expect them to show but really need them happy." "Who are they" asked Stacey "Dan and Paul Martin. You have met them both before but not for a few years." "So I could call them "uncle"" she queried. "Ah sweety, "uncle" would be a delightful tactic. Thank you." He left the trio to make their own entrance and joined another group of men and women discussing climate change nearby. "Whats with the uncle thing?" queried Ann. "You always have to be extra nice to uncles - just follow my lead." Replied Stacey. A ripple ran through many of the guests as the scantily clad trio marched into view, robes discarded along the way. Matt allowed himself to be beckoned by his mother and was soon engaged in brisk conversation by a circle made up almost entirely of women. Quite deliberately Stacey led Ann away from the Martin brothers. Directly away from the Martin brothers and Ann couldn't help but notice he extra swing in her hips that seemed to have developed in the last few minutes. The girls did a slow circuit stopping and chatting as they went. It was slow progress and often the circles that they joined would enlarge magically, dwindling again only when the flirtatious teens moved on. Eventually the two teens found themselves heading towards the Martin brothers who were still keeping themselves to themselves and chatting quietly over drinks. Apparently only just noticing them Stacey suddenly squealed. "Uncle Dan, Uncle Paul - how lovely to see you again" as she moved quickly towards the two men with Ann trailing slightly behind. "Uh, um Stacey right?" said Dan "I'm impressed that you remembered me, we haven't seen you for quite a while." He looked her up and down "You have grown quite a bit since then." "Uncle Dan" exclaimed Stacey "Really I'm probably about the same height I think." Ann smiled inwardly as her friend pushed her still forming breasts out of her chest so that they strained against the thin material encompassing them. "Hey anyway this is my friend Ann. Ann these are two of my favourite uncles, it's really amazing I haven't seen them for soooo long." She gushed. Ann moved up closer also trying to project her breasts to match Stacey. "Very nice to meet you both." She whispered shyly. "C'mon" said Stacey grabbing Dan by the hand "Let's find somewhere t sit so we can talk a bit." Stacey led the group over to a table and chairs that had just been vacated and the group sat. She made sure to position the chairs so that the table didn't spoil the view of the bikini clad teens and then, as Dan started to speak, she leant forward to offer the best possible chance of a view of cleavage. On the other side of the table Ann put her hands behind her head and leant back, apparently to lap up the sun. In doing so her bikini top rode part way up her breasts and threatened to slip over and expose her nipples. Dan and Paul exchanged glances and then went right back to studying the bodies set our before them. Mr Stevens stopped by briefly, asked if the girls were annoying them and pointed out that cubicles and spare suits were available if the men wished to cool off at any point. Stacey noticed the subtle way that her father removed the dry bikini rule and smiled up at him as Dan Martin confirmed that the girls were no trouble. Paul slipped away briefly and came back with four drinks. One was put in front of each of the girls. "I shouldn't really" hissed Stacey in a hushed tone "But I will if Ann does." "Go on Ann, bet you can down that in one" urged Paul "There's plenty more at the bar." A slight nod of encouragement from Stacey and Ann did indeed drain her wine glass in one quick gulp. Stacey followed suit and made a funny face as if she didn't really like it. Moments later more glasses were in front of the girls. "hee hee" giggled Stacey "Are you naughty men tying to get us drunk?" "As if we would do that" replied Dan "drink up and we'll try something different next time." The alcohol disappeared down two teenage throats and true to their words the brothers produced something different this time. A large glass of gin and tonic appeared before the girls. The Martin brothers were still on their second glass of wine. Stacey was halfway through the gin and tonic, which was far more gin than tonic, and starting to slur a little when Dan asked if she thought her father was serious about using the pool. "ooooh yes"she squealed "I quite fancy getting wet." The men exchanged glances again and then rose, encouraging the girls up and carrying their drinks into the pool area. Settling the girls at another table Dan slipped off to change whilst Paul "kept the girls company" there was no way that they wanted to risk these little lovelies being snared by anybody else. Moments later Dan appeared wearing a modest pair of swimming shorts and it was Paul's turn to go and change. Stacey continued to slur and flirt and Ann, less practiced, just slurred. When Paul rejoined them the girls were encouraged to finish their drinks which they did with a flourish. Stacey then looked at Ann, yelled "C'mon then" and dashed into the water with Ann just behind. The two men were still standing on the edge when the girls surfaced. The piece de resistance was Stacey allowing her body up and splaying legs ad arms to float. It took seconds for the transparency of her bikini to kick in and Dan audibly groaned as Paul hissed "little beauty". Moments later and the men were cavorting in the pool with the girls, totally oblivious to the barbeque a few feet away. A splashing game turned into tag. Tag turned into the girls being chased around the pool and the obvious and inevitable result was the girls being frequently caught, manhandled and released for further capture. The first time that Dan slipped his hand between her legs Ann looked at him, thought about saying something and then swallowed, giggled and broke away for another chase. Over the next few minutes breasts, bums and cunts were fondled through the thin bikini material. Not once, not twice, but with joyous abandon. Bulges appeared within the voluminous folds of the swim shorts that Dan and Paul wore and the game of chase gave way to more obvious hold and grope manoeuvres. Ann felt her top loosen and fingers find a nipple. Looking across at Stacey she could see her top hanging loose and two red and puffy looking nipples under attack. She could also see her friend was looking around for an escape. This was going too far. And then it was over. As Ann felt her top drift away completely she heard Mr Stevens at the pool edge. "Gentlemen, I think you are abusing my hospitality. In fact I think that you are abusing my daughter. I suggest that you dress and leave before I call the police." Suddenly cowed and sheepish the two brothers made there way out of the pool and towards the cubicles in silence. Once they were out of sight Mr Stevens helped the obviously drunk teens out of the water, wrapped robes around their shoulders to cover their now naked breasts and passed them into the care of his wife who ushered them upstairs to change. End of Part 2