Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title: Homecoming Summary: A father and daughter cope after she sustains injuries. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot My life turned upside down a few days after my daughter turned 18. I'll never forget that day. It was a Saturday afternoon and I was laying on the bed reading my tablet. Zoe came in and sat down on the bed beside me. She wore an oversized t-shirt and cotton pajama pants. It was her normal morning/weekend ware. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a ponytail, and her equally dark brown eyes looked into mine. Her slight frame hid her ferocious personality. Even at 5'2" I've watched her stare down bullies twice her size. On more than one occasion she had to defend one of her older brothers from their tormentors. While this caused them some embarrassment, in the end they were grateful for not getting their asses kicked. "Dad? You got a minute?" "Sure honey." I set the tablet down. "What's up?" "There's something I need to talk to you about." she said nervously. Her hands were in her lap, clutching at the thin fabric of her pajama pants. She wasn't usually this nervous or anxious unless it was something major. "Okay. I'm listening." "Okay." she took a deep breath. "Just, please, let me get through this without interrupting me, okay?" I nodded. "See, here's the thing. There's something I've been thinking about for a long time now. I've tried putting it out of my mind, but it just keeps coming back stronger. I've tried to fight it, telling myself that I shouldn't be feeling this way, but I just can't any resist it any more. And I know you'll probably freak out when I tell you, but if you think about it you probably already know; I've tried dropping hints for a while now. Maybe you do, maybe not, I don't know. Thing is, if I don't say something now I'm gonna explode or regret it for the rest of my life. Just promise me that you won't get mad or hate me or anything like that?" "I promise." I said, my concern now at an extreme level. "See, dad, the thing is..." she paused, then said the five words that I'll never forget her saying. "I'm joining the marines, dad." I just sat there for a minute, absorbing what she just said. My little girl, my youngest, was going into the military. I guess I shouldn't have been all that surprised. Looking back I could suddenly see all the hints she spoke of. Loving marine movies, saying "Hoo rah" when she was excited, and a hundred other little things that now fit into place. Zoe was our third child. Adam and Michael were her two older brothers, and growing up she was just one of the boys. She was the stereotypical tomboy and she had to toughen up in order to play with two older boys. Even when she moved into high school and cliques formed, she stayed her usual tough self, not falling into the social traps many teenage girls do. Still, when it was just the two of us, her sweeter side would come out and she'd be my little girl again. Yet now she was going into the military, doubling down on the tougher side, and I was scared out of my mind. "Dad?" she said, breaking me out of my thoughts "Yeah. Just processing." "Are you upset with me?" "Upset? Never! Terrified shitless? Hell yes! Are you sure about this, baby?" "More sure than anything else I've ever done or wanted to do." She said, almost as if she had rehearsed it. "If this is about tuition-" "It's not, dad." she interrupted. "It's about doing what I... need to do." Adam had recently graduated with an accounting degree. Michael was still in college working towards the bar exam. In hindsight, their career paths were identifiable years before college. Zoe's path, however, was never clear. We were always curious what she was going to do, though I admit this was the last thing on my list. "You know mom will freak out." I said "That's why I was hoping you'd be there when I told her?" she looked hopefully at me. "Of course." I said, even though being around Kathy when we told her was the last thing I wanted. Oh, the sacrifices we make for our children. Later that evening, the three of us sat around the kitchen table as Zoe went through her spiel one more time. Kathy was stunned, as expected. Then she blew up, also as expected. She bargained, pleaded, threatened, but in the end Zoe stood her ground and countered every argument. I was proud of her for that. Maybe this really is what she truly wants. When we went to bed that night, Kathy directed her anger over Zoe towards me. Again, as expected. "You're okay with this?!" She growled at me "Not really. I'm terrified for her." "Then why are you just sitting there letting her throw her life away?" "Woah, hold on a second. She's not throwing her life away." I paused, considering my next words carefully. "She's just taking a different road than we expected. Or wanted really, but that doesn't mean she's throwing anything away." "So you're not going to talk her out of it?" "When have we, EITHER of us, EVER been able to talk her out of anything she's wanted to do when her mind is set?" I asked, waving my arms for emphasis. "She gets that from you, you know?" she said, shaking her head "Yep." I nodded "I cannot believe this." Kathy sighed as she fell back onto the pillows "Could be worse." I said as I turned off the lights. "How?" "Well, she could be going into porn." Kathy just made a disgusted sound, rolled over and went to bed. As expected. **** A month later Zoe and I were in the car headed to the airport. She stared out of the window at the passing trees. The airport was a little over an hour away, and the small talk had dwindled after first few miles. After a few minutes of silence, I reached over and took her hand in mine, enjoying her soft touch for a moment. Zoe looked over at me expectantly, then just smiled and squeezed my hand. It was a gesture that spoke volumes. When we arrived at the airport, I walked her into the terminal instead of just dropping her off at the curb. She had one carry-on bag with a few of her clothes and other essentials, so we were able to skip that part of the check in. We paused briefly at the security gate, giving us one last moment. "You be careful baby, you hear me?" "I will dad. I promise." I wrapped her in my arms, holding back tears as I gave her one last hug. "I love you, baby girl." I whispered "I love you too, daddy." she whispered back. She only called me daddy when no one else was around to hear her, letting me know she was still my little girl. After a minute I knew she had to go, and I reluctantly released her. "Give 'em hell." I said, grinning at her "Hoo rah." she said, smiling back at me though glistening eyes. She picked up her bag and went through the security point. I stood there and watched until I could no longer see her, then waited a few minutes longer just in case she completely changed her mind. She didn't, of course. The drive home was long and painful, each moment made worse knowing that Kathy had refused to join us. She said she didn't want to see Zoe make this big of a mistake, especially when it was expressly against her wishes. She hugged Zoe goodbye at the house, but didn't get in the car to join us. I tried to call Kathy when I was driving home, but it went straight to voicemail. When I finally pulled into the garage, Kathy's car was gone. When I went into the bedroom, I realized what was going on. All of the drawers in Kathy's dresser were open and empty. Likewise, her side of the closet was devoid of clothes. A simple note on the bed had my name scrawled on the back. "Dear Will, I need some time to myself. I've gone to stay with my sister for a while. I'll call you when I get there. Kathy" I knew what this meant. She wrote it as if to give me some hope she would return, but I knew the truth. We'd talk tonight, maybe tomorrow, then in a week she'd realize she was happier there. Then she'd admit to herself that she wouldn't be coming home. Then the final step: divorce. My sons had long ago moved out. I had just dropped my daughter off at the airport. Now my wife has left. I sat on the bed buried my face in my hands, and for the first time in a long time, I cried. **** Zoe was furious when she heard the news. I couldn't tell if she was mad because Kathy waited until now to leave, or if it was because she used Zoe's departure to hide her own. While she and Kathy never truly got along, Zoe was also upset that she couldn't be there to comfort and console me. I would have loved her being here, but her being here would mean she'd be going AWOL from there. I wanted Zoe to live her dream, regardless of what her mother or I did. Adam and Mike offered the usual words of sympathy and support. They had figured out long before I did that we were only together "for the kids", but everyone was surprised at how quickly it happened. Both offered to come over if I needed them to, but I politely declined. There was nothing they could do other than offer support, and as far as I was concerned they could do that as well over the phone as here. I figured I had two options: I could either wallow in self-pity or do something production. So, I dove head first into work to keep me occupied. I'm an architect by trade, specializing primarily in designing custom homes and landscapes. I had been semi-retired for the past couple of years; I worked mostly only when I wanted to. Now, I really wanted to work... A lot. I bid on contracts that before I wouldn't have even looked at twice. I was able to bid low since I wanted the work more than the money. It felt good to immerse myself in the job again, even if it was only to take my mind off of my personal life for a bit. As I anticipated, divorce papers came a few weeks later. I had already contacted a friend in the legal profession who had counselled me on what to do. I called him and the negotiations began. For the past several years Kathy had been the primary bread-winner, so she didn't push for any alimony and since I was working again I didn't want anything anyway. The only thing I really cared about was the house. It was one of my first designs, and I had spent months obsessing over the plans back then. I knew every support, nail, wire, and pipe in this place. I agreed to pay Kathy half of the market value, which she readily agreed to. The lawyers handled the back and forth and by the time Zoe was ready to graduate from basic training our divorce was finalized. I flew out Tuesday morning, picked up my rental car, and drove to Paris Island. The next few days were a whirlwind of tours and flood of information. I was beyond proud of my daughter's accomplishments. I barely recognized her when she ran up to meet me. Even in fatigues I could tell she had put on muscle. When she hugged me, I could feel her toned body against mine. Her new fit body was a stark contrast to my body-by-pizza self, and a harsh reminder that I needed to hit the gym. Still, feeling her back in my arms made everything right again. Adam was also able to attend Zoe's graduation, but Kathy and Michael were both tied up with their work. That Kathy never approved of Zoe joining was probably also a factor. After the graduation, the three of us spent a week in Savannah Georgia before she had to return. We said our goodbyes and returned to our homes. I'm not sure what her MOS was to be honest. I know it involved intelligence gathering and analytics. At least it was a safe position, right? A little over a year later I'd find out how completely wrong I was. **** Of all the moments burned into my memories, having two uniformed Marines walk up my driveway is the most chilling. I was getting ready to leave to inspect a construction site when I saw them. I was halfway out of the door, blueprints bundled in my arms when I realized who they were. I vaguely remember everything in my arms spilling to the ground as my increasing heartbeat filled my ears and breakfast suddenly soured in my stomach. In retrospect, I realize I was a bad move cliche right then. "Mr. Jones? We need to inform you that your daughter is alive, but has been injured in the line of duty." Alive? I didn't hear much after that. I remember one of the Marines holding me up as my knees started to buckle. "What happened?" I managed to choke out "We're not at liberty to discuss the details, sir, though to be honest there's still a lot we don't know. What we can tell you is that she is on her way to Walter Reed and should be arriving shortly." "I... I have to... have to get there." I stammered, various airlines running through my head. "Sir?" one of the Marines spoke up, "I've taken the liberty of contacting Luke's Wings. They help with transportation of wounded service members and their families. There's a Civil Air Patrol KC-135 leaving for DC in a few hours. They were able to work out a jump seat for you." I took a few deep breaths, forcing myself into father-mode. Do what needs to be done, take care of what needs to be taken care of, deal with emotions and worry when the dust settles. "Sir?" he asked me. "Can you wait five minutes while I get a few things?" "Of course, sir." I ran back inside, grabbed a travel bag, threw a couple of changes of clothes in as well as a few toiletries, and locked the house as we left. Anything I missed I could buy up there. I made a couple of calls on the way to the airport to have some friends check on the house and make sure I didn't forget something that would cause it to burn down. The drive seemed to take forever, but there was nothing that could be done about it. I just sat there and, despite my best efforts, became consumed by worry. "Thank you, by the way." I said to the Marine who spoke to me at the house earlier "Of course, sir." He nodded, then looked back at me, "I have a daughter." He offered as way of explanation. I just nodded, two dads understanding the unbreakable bonds that form. As we drove, I stared at my phone, and for the hundredth time contemplated calling Kathy. She needs to know, but what could I tell her at the moment other than 'I have no real information yet.'? Finally, mainly out of nothing else to do, I decided to call. "Will?" she said, surprised to hear from me "Hey. Where are you?" "At work, where else would I be?" "Okay, listen, I don't know all the details yet, but Zoe's been hurt." "What!?" "I'm headed to the airport now. They don't know everything yet." "What happened?!" "I told you, I don't know. She's at Walter Reed or will be soon. I'm on my way to meet her." "So she's alive?" "Yeah." I answered, not knowing for certain myself if that was still true. "I knew something like this would happen." she said, almost smugly. "Well, powers of prognostication aside, I'll let you know the minute I find out anything." "You'd better." she said, hanging up. Well, that went about as I expected. **** The KC-135 landed at Andrews Air Force Base with a heavy thud and jolted me awake. I was chilled to the bone and the earplugs were starting to hurt. All the anxiety must've worn me out more than I had expected for me to doze off on this flying chest freezer. There was a Marine representative waiting for me when I exited. She was dressed in her fatigues and took me to a waiting car. Traffic meant it took us 45 minutes to get there, but eventually we made it to Walter Reed. As fast as I could, I made my way to the surgical ward. Unfortunately, the nurses there could only tell me that she was in surgery and the doctors would be out to speak with me as soon as possible. It was an agonizing six hours before one of them finally came out to meet me. I don't remember half of the medical jargon he used, but it boiled down to the fact that Zoe was alive, but extremely injured. He was able to give me more information about what happened, though I still didn't get all of the details. She was in a convoy when they hit some IEDs. One of the blasts went off directly underneath her side of the vehicle. He had me sit down as he delivered the hard news. he wasn't sure how much of either could be saved. While they were amazed that was there wasn't more internal The blast had severely damaged her right arm and leg, and damage, there appeared to be some minor damage to her spine. She was still in surgery; the 2nd shift of surgeons had taken over. The doctor, went into some more detail, but I didn't hear much of that. I just sat there and tried not to throw up. After the doctor left, I ran to the bathroom. The call to Zoe's mom went about as well as anyone could expect. I was yelled at for not calling again sooner, and my explanations that I didn't have any new information were not acceptable. I managed to give her a brief synopsis of what the doctor told me, which spurred her to get on a plane. The calls to her brothers were easier with much less yelling. I wandered the halls of the hospital, trying to think but completely unable to. Eventually, I found myself in the chapel, though I have no recollection of seeking it out. I sat in a pew, stared at the non-denominational stained glass, and felt the tears flow. It was the 2nd time in recent memory I had cried. **** After the final round of surgery, the doctors broke it down for me. It was not pretty. Her right leg had to be completely amputated at the hip joint. Her right arm was removed from the below the elbow. There were a few minor scars on her face that a little plastic surgery could repair. The final blow was her spine. Until she woke up they wouldn't know how extensive the damage was. Assuming she wasn't paralyzed, the road to recovery was going to be long and difficult. When I was finally able to see Zoe, they had moved her into a private room. I almost fell to my knees when I saw her. She looked so small and frail on the bed. She was covered in bandages, and what little skin was exposed was bruised or burned. I pulled a chair beside her and took her hand in mine. Weariness set in and I wondered how long it had been since I last slept. This morning? Yesterday? It was on the plane, but I couldn't remember when exactly that was. I leaned forward and put my head beside her hand. I blinked, but I don't think I opened my eyes. I was, however, jostled awake suddenly by hearing my ex-wife's voice. "Oh my God!" She practically screamed. It took a few moments for it to set in who was speaking. I noticed it was daylight outside, though I could have sworn it was dusk when I sat down. I must've been more tired than I thought, though I was still exhausted. "Hey." I said wearily. Sitting up, every muscle in my back screamed at me for falling asleep slumped over. "How could you let this happen?!" Kathy glared at me through squinted eyes "I didn't let anything happen." I said, maybe a little too calmly and slowly "The hell you didn't! You let her join the army-" "Marines" I corrected her automatically "Whatever." she hissed. "Same difference." 'Don't let them hear you say that!' I thought, wisely not saying it "I don't care if they hear me!" Oops. Guess I did say it out loud. Told you I was tired. I was about to force myself into the argument when a moan from Zoe grabbed my attention. "I'm talking to-" Kathy tried to refocus me onto her. "Shhhhh!" I shushed her. "I think Zoe's waking up." We both huddled beside her, watching and listening intently. "mom?" we heard her say weakly "I'm here." "shut up." For the first time since this started, my tears were tears of laughter. **** The following weeks were some of the most stressful and exhausting of my life, and I cannot imagine how Zoe handled it as well as she did. The silver lining to this hurricane storm cloud was that she was not paralyzed. She was, however, severely weakened. I only somewhat understood or still understand what happened to her spine. The doctors tried to explain it, but there was much I didn't comprehend. In addition to explosive and shrapnel damage, she was thrown from the vehicle which caused damage to the C6 area of her spine. The nerves weren't completely severed, but there was some major "signal loss" in that area. The doctors tried to explain it as a garden hose that had a kink in it. The end result is that she had some limited motor control, but had no strength or stamina when it came to moving her arms or leg. If she tried really hard she could crack an egg in her hand, but it wore her out. Kathy left soon after the news was delivered. She said she had work to deal with (as well Zoe's apparent dismissal of her), but I truly believe she was too disturbed by seeing Zoe's injuries. Both Michael and Adam came to visit as well. They stayed for a couple of days each, but there really wasn't much they could do. It was the thought that counts. Zoe's attitude during all this was a lot more upbeat than I would have thought. She was joking with me, with the nurses, and even with her brothers. Even her therapists were surprised by this, though still worried that she was repressing something. Zoe just waved them off saying that she would just have to make the best of a bad situation. The only thing she kept asking was "When can I go home?" After a couple of weeks of her insistently asking, the doctors agreed to move her to a VA hospital near our home. A few short days later, we boarded a medical plane and were soon being whisked home. Of course, that didn't mean she came home immediately. The doctors told us she would be in the hospital for a little over two additional months as they monitored her progress through her physical therapy. This gave me time to get some work done on the house. Being an architect, I had more than a couple of friends in the construction industry. After a couple of calls, I was able to get them working on the constructions of the plans I had spent the last week working on. Approvals were fast tracked; it's good to have friends in high places. The plans completely renovated her bedroom, expanding it into one of her brother's old rooms and creating her own private bathroom. Additional supports were added for rails and any equipment she may need. Doorways were widened to accommodate her wheelchair and ramps were installed on the handful of steps around the house. As the renovation of the house continued, Zoe's therapy progressed. As her release date neared, she was able to stand with support for a minute. While walking wasn't possible, doctors were hopeful of it happening "one day" with a prosthesis. By the time the doctors cleared Zoe to come home, the workers were finishing the renovations. She had asked that there not be any celebration or parade or anything. She just wanted a nice, quiet ride home where she could rest and enjoy not being in a hospital any more. The whole ride home, she just stared out the window, absently watching the landscape blur past. I tried to engage her in a conversation, but she just answered in short answers while still looking out the window. In the end, I just let her be and drove home. Zoe's benefits included in-home assistance, and the nurse assistant was waiting for us when we pulled into the driveway. She helped Zoe out of the car and into her chair. Zoe looked over at me, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. "Now I'm home." she smiled as we went inside. **** The next couple of months went pretty much as expected. Zoe worked on her physical therapy with the nurse while I attempted to return to my previous day to day activities. Jamie, the nurse, was very professional and friendly, but mostly kept to herself. We would exchange pleasantries and have conversations regarding Zoe's progress, but nothing in depth or personal. Even with my semi-sabbatical, my business had grown more than I thought possible. I decided to bring on two junior architects who took on the smaller jobs that my company handled. That left me time to work on the projects I wanted instead of what I needed to keep the lights on. Things were going good. Which should have been my first warning sign. It was a Friday afternoon when I pulled into the driveway and saw Jamie get into her car. She saw me and gave a sympathetic shrug and held out her hands as if saying "nothing I can do, sorry." This worried me. I went inside to hear Zoe unleashing a torrent of anger at the phone. "What form?! We've filled out dozens of forms, how did we miss one?! Well what the hell am I supposed to do now? Okay, well how long will it take after that? WHAT?! Three months?! I'm kinda dependent on this you know? Is there anything else-. Fine, fine. Yeah, thanks." I stepped across the threshold of her room, knocking gently as I did. "What's going on?" I asked "I'm fucked, that's what's going on." she said bitterly "What happened? I heard something about a form we missed?" "Yeah. Some kind of continuing benefits-slash-need form. Something that apparently needs to be filled out quarterly and something that wasn't in any of the instructions or ever even mentioned!" I let that sink in for a moment. "Oh." "Yeah. Oh. As in 'Oh shit, how am I going to survive without Jamie to help me do any God damn fucking thing I can't do myself!?" her voice started breaking as the sobs started choking her. I rushed to her side and hugged her close to me. I held her until she finally lifted her head and slowly wiped her tears on my shirt. "Okay." she sniffed, "So what can we do in the meantime? How do we manage?" That was the Zoe I knew. Recover from bad news and look for a solution. "How much would a live in nurse cost?" "About 3 grand." "Well, that's not too ba-" "A week." "Oh. Maybe your mother coul-" "Seriously?" she asked incredulously. "Mom hasn't visited once during this time, what makes you think she'll stay for three months to re-live those baby days but for an adult?" "Right." I nodded slowly "Dad? I really hate to ask this, but I don't see any other option." "Me? Oh, I don't know about that, hon." "I know, but I don't see any other choice right now. I'll be okay with it. Besides, you managed before." "Are you sure? I mean, things are a little different now." I gestured to her now adult body " I can't go back and live in that hospital while we wait. I just can't. So if you have an alternative, I'm all ears." I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "Not at the moment." "Okay, because I REALLY have to pee." Zoe slowly moved to the edge of the bed so she should brace and steady herself to be helped into her wheelchair. I had watched Jamie do this several times before and knew what to do. "Ready?" I asked as I slipped my hands under her arms "Yep." As I mentioned before, Zoe wasn't big by any stretch of the imagination. The last several months had been hard on her and any muscle she had gained in the Marines was slowly vanishing. So when I lifted to move her into her chair, I was as surprised as she was that I was able to pick her up completely. We were both so completely surprised that we both stumbled. I had to almost toss her back onto the bed to keep from falling. "Woah!" she said, smiling at me. "That's different." "Sorry." I apologized. "Didn't mean to fling you about." "That's okay, this may be quicker. Just wanna carry me to the bathroom instead?" Shrugging, I put one arm under her leg and another behind her back while she wrapped her left arm around my neck. With a quick motion, I pulled and lifted Zoe from the bed and into my arms. "I could get used to this." She giggled as I carried her into the bathroom. I was thankful that I had put in wide doorways so I was able to easily enter without contortions or bumping into the wall. I did, though, have to roll Zoe towards me a little to make sure her head didn't thump against the door jam. Maybe it was my imagination but the male in me couldn't help but notice her breasts pressing into my chest. They were small, accommodating her small frame, but very firm. I could also tell that she wasn't wearing a bra under her nightgown. Shaking off the thoughts, I silently admonished myself and gently set her down so she could stand (at her request). "Okay," she began instructing me, "Hold me steady please." I held her under her arms while she began pulling up her gown. I tried to look away but Zoe would start to wobble to slip and it would draw my attention back. So it was beyond my control to not notice she was also not wearing any underwear of any sort! Yep, completely out of my control. It was also beyond my control to notice that she was shaved smooth, which didn't strike me as odd at the time but would become paramount. More on that later. At the time I just shrugged it off and dismissed it as a thing modern women did. When she was done, she cleaned herself and I helped her stand up so I could carry her back to her room. She asked to be placed in her motorized chair so she could start researching and filling out the needed forms. I went back out to the living room and sat down, trying to take in all that had happened this morning. Just a few hours ago everything seemed to be going great but now it was all topsy-turvy again. Okay, I thought, we can handle this. It's just for a few months after all. **** The next day I discovered was that I really didn't have time to work anymore, at least not to the degree I was used to. I wasn't resentful about it, but it was a change I had to adjust to. Zoe needed my help for just about everything, which wasn't a problem for the most part. At least until she needed a shower. "Come on dad." she said as she wheeled towards the bathroom. "I'm going to need help with this." "Um, okay." I said a little hesitantly "Don't worry. I got a plan." she smiled at me, hoping it would allay my fears. Her shower was a large, open tiled area that would allow her to sit in a sturdy chair that was affixed to the floor and wall. She could use it for support to get in and out of a wheelchair. Unfortunately, she wasn't strong enough to transition from the wheelchair to the shower chair on her own. "Normally Jamie would undress me and get me in the shower." she said as we stood at the shower threshold, looking at it as if it were an impassable gorge. "But if you can get me in the chair I should be able to get undressed on my own." "Sounds good." I said as I leaned down and picked her up. I gently sat her down in the shower chair and left her to her own devices. I wasn't two steps out of the bathroom when I heard her grunts of struggle and frustration. I paused at the door, waiting for the water to turn on. After a few moments, instead, I heard "daaaaaaad!" I slowly walked into the bathroom, "Everything okay?" "No!" she sighed, and when I looked at her I could see why. Her nightgown was tangled around her head, with her left arm trapped inside. With her right arm she tried to cover her exposed chest but wasn't very successful at it. "Help please." she said, resigning herself. I tried not to look at her while she sat there as I undressed her. I freed her arm and pulled the gown over her head. "Sorry about this, dad." she said, not even trying to cover up any more. "Nothing to be sorry about." I said, trying to sound nonchalant "I guess you'll have to get used to seeing me, ya know, like this." "It's okay, baby." I tried not to look at her breasts, but it my eyes were drawn to them, especially when she motioned to her nude body. "Remember, like you said, I used to change your diapers." "Yeah, well, like you said, a few things have changed since then." I couldn't tell, but I could swear I could see her blushing "A few, yeah." I chuckled and turned to leave, "Holler when you're done." I stepped out of the bathroom and took a deep, shuddering breath. My erection was straining against my jeans. I heard the water turn on and hurried out of the bedroom as well. I leaned back against the wall and caught my breath, willing my body to obey and relax. Within a few minutes I felt I was in control of myself and my urges. That's when Zoe called for me that she was ready to get out. Dammit. I went back in and, thankfully, Zoe had wrapped a towel around her chest and held it under her arms. I bent down and scooped her up, feeling her damp body press into my chest. She was still hot from the shower, and her lilac shampoo scented hair dripped still from the water. "Okay, what now?" I asked as I carried her back into the bedroom "Help dry me off please?" she said meekly I sighed and nodded my consent. Gently sitting her up on the bed, I got another towel and returned to dry her hair, arms and legs. I cannot say whether it was an accident or planned, but when I looked up at her I caught a glimpse between her legs, of her slit nearly hidden between her thighs. I looked away before she could catch me. She had already picked out a clean night gown and I helped her into it, getting another eyefull of her chest. "It's been a long day." she sighed, "I think I'm going to call it an early night." "Okay baby. I'm just down the hall if you need anything." "Thanks dad. And thanks." "No thanks needed, baby." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I love you." "Love you." she said, smiling I tucked her into bed, smiling as she turned off light and I walked out of the room. This was going to be harder than I expected. No pun intended. **** A few days later I was in my home office, exhaustedly trying to finalize a new home blueprint, when it suddenly vanished from the computer. I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to computers, but try as I might I could not find the damn files anywhere. "Fuck me!" I said through gritted teeth, angrily tapping the keyboard. "That might raise a few eyebrows." Zoe said, silently wheeling into the room "Wha? Oh, sorry, no, I just lost some plans and I can't find the damn things." "Lemme see." She maneuvered closer to the computer "Be my guest." I rolled my chair aside to give her access. She typed slowly and deliberately with her one hand, bit I was at a loss as to what she was doing. Windows and prompts I'd never seen were popping up with commands and information that was complete Greek to me. As she worked, Zoe started humming and making odd clicking sounds with her tongue, obviously consumed by the task at hand. I watched as the old Zoe I remembered emerged ever so slightly. "Gotcha." She said victoriously a few minutes later. Sure enough, my missing files were all restored. "How the hell did you do that?" "Training. It's not like I was big enough to be on the front lines, plus I guess I had a natural aptitude to this sort of thing. A lot of what I did was recover data miscreants thought they'd deleted or destroyed." She looked up at me smugly, "You'd be surprised how much data you can pull off a hard drive, even after it's been smashed with a hammer." "Wow." I said, genuinely impressed. "Any other skills I should know about?" "Tons." She said, then added, "with computers." "You know..." I said, an idea taking form, "I'm obviously hopeless when it comes to some of this stuff. What do you say to helping me out?" "Help you out? I don't know anything about architecture." "Not asking you to draw plans. Just help with the computer and office stuff. That's always been my weakest area." "Well, maybe." Zoe paused to consider it. "I'd have to check my schedule." She chuckled **** Over the next few weeks we got into a routine. I'd help Zoe in the morning, she'd help me at home with the company, then at night I'd get her cleaned and ready for bed. Occasionally we would go out to a site together, but she admitted she felt uncomfortable outside of the house so we would only leave when it was necessary. When Zoe wasn't helping, she would be working on her strength and motion and there was steady, albeit slow, improvement. Everything seemed to be going pretty good. I should have known something would happen to screw it up. "Um. Dad?" she asked one day, and I could tell something was bugging her. "Yeah? Everything okay?" "Well, yeah, I guess. You know, I'm really grateful with all that you've done, right?" "Yeah, but you know it's no big deal to me, right?" "Yeah, I do, I guess, but, you see, there's something else that I need help with, well, going to need help with, I guess." "Slow down." I said, trying to stop her rambling. "What do you need, baby?" "Well, you remember when Jamie left?" "Yeah?" I wondered where this was going "About three weeks ago?" "Yeah?" "Well, when she left I had just, you know, ended?" "Ended?" "Yeah." she said, looking away, "My period." "Oh. Oh!" I said as realization kicked in "Yeah." she said, nodding "Okay. well, what do you need me to do?" "I know guys can get grossed out by this, so-" "I've been wiping your butt for several weeks now. I think I can handle this." I said smiling "We'll see." Zoe chuckled at my teasing. "The thing is, I really can't, or at least shouldn't, use tampons given my limitations." "So... pads then?" "Yeah, pads. I really hate those things. Gets all messy and sticky down there." "What's the alternative?" "Nothing, but if I gotta use those things, I need to prep." "How so?" "It's really a personal preference, but it's going to be easier to clean if I'm, you know..." she kinda moved her head as if I knew what she was talking about. "If you were?" I prompted She sighed, resigned to having to spell it out for me. "Shaved. Down there." While I had been helping her into the bathroom, I had thus far managed to avoid dealing directly with her vagina. That's not to say I hadn't caught a brief glimpse every now and then. It was unavoidable. Honest. Looking back, I can say that I remember her going from being bare to more natural. I never really gave it any thought; I guess I just thought it was a preference. It never occurred to me that she couldn't shave herself. I couldn't shave my face without a mirror and complete control over my hands. Zoe didn't have the motor control to maneuver a razor around that area or the stamina to stay bent over so she could see what she was doing. "Well. Okay. I guess, uh." I took a slow breath, "I guess I'll have to help you out." "I'm sorry dad." she said, and I could see her starting to tear up. "It's okay baby." I tried to comfort Zoe, kneeling beside her and wrapping my arms around her. "No, it's not!" she said thickly, "I hate being so fucking helpless." "You're not helpless. You just need a little assistance every now and then." "Sure..." she said, not sounding like she believed me. "I'm just going to read." Zoe kissed my head and wheeled herself out of my office. I stood up and leaned on my desk, trying to figure out a solution. I felt confident I could safely use a razor on a woman, but this wasn't just a woman. This was my daughter. And to be fair, that area had a lot more folds and curves than my face. I went into my bathroom and started to inventory what I thought I would need. As I reached for some towels, I saw what I thought was going to be my salvation tucked away in the linen closet. A barely used Norelco razor. For those of you unfamiliar with these razors, they're an electric and, in this case, rechargeable razor with guarded blades. I almost cheered out loud as I realized this meant I could take a more 'hands off' approach to this! I plugged it in so it could charge, testing it after a minute to make sure it at least spun. I spent a few minutes after that cleaning it and inspecting it. With the sideburn trimmer, I could trim the long hair to a stubble and then use the regular razor bit to get it smooth. I had a plan! This was going to work. **** "I'm not sure when I'll start." she told me earlier, "I'd like to go ahead and be ready, if that's okay?" "Sure." After all, I had a plan. That night, after her shower, Zoe lay back on the bed and looked over at me expectantly. With a towel underneath her I slid her nightgown up and revealed her most private area. She moved her leg aside and I was faced with the hard truth. For weeks I had tried very hard (mostly) to avoid eye-contact with her pussy. Now I was forced to stare at it. The dark hair around her labia matched the rest of the hair on her head. Also, I now saw that other hair on her body had grown as well. If this worked, I figured I'd be helping her groom the rest of her if she wanted me to. As her leg moved, the lips parted slightly. She wasn't wet, but the slight musky smell was unmistakable. Despite my best efforts, I felt myself getting hard. Doing my best to ignore my the growing tightness in my shorts, I started to work. I used the small trimmers on the long hair at first, gently sweeping the strands away. When I felt comfortable that was done, I turned the device around and began sliding it across her skin. I was so focused on my work that I didn't see what was happening to Zoe. In hindsight, I probably didn't want us to look at each other because I didn't want her to be embarrassed. Had I looked up earlier I might have seen the changes sooner. It was faint, but I could feel her leg muscles tense up slightly. I looked up at her and saw her eyes were closed, lids fluttering, and her breathing was shaky. Being clueless, I wasn't sure exactly what was happening at first. Then I felt a small tremor run through her body. She let out a sharp, shuddering breath, then relaxed. My cock seemed to know what happened before my brain did. Almost instantly I was rock hard and had to turn on my side to avoid hurting myself. Without meaning to, I had given my daughter a small orgasm from the buzzing of the razor! I pulled the razor away, looking again to see her lips slightly parted and a thin string of fluid dripping down. "Zoe-" I began, but was cut off "I, uh. uh. I'm tired, dad." she said breathlessly, not looking at me. "Uh, yeah, okay." I folded the towel and pulled it from under her. "I'll uh, see you in the uh, morning, okay?" her eyes were wide and looking everywhere but at me. "Yeah, sure baby." I quickly left her room and went into mine. My erection wouldn't be tamed with a few minutes of concentration. I did the only thing I could. I dropped my pants and jerked off into the towel. I tried to think about any other woman, but as soon as I pictured Zoe climaxing I shot my load into the towel. **** After I cleaned up, I tried to figure out what happened. The razor wasn't that powerful, and I never once touched her clit. That must've meant she was super-sensitive down there. Thinking about it, I knew what it was like. I've been overly sensitive before, especially when it had been a long timeI stopped in my tracks, realizing what was going on. She's been in the hospital for months, then here for months, and the whole time she's had limited use of her arm. Other than her injuries, she's a healthy, normal, young woman, and with the same needs. I wasn't blind or ignorant to the fact that she'd been sexually active for a while before she went into the Marines. Lord knows what happened while she enlisted. Now, she had all contact suddenly cut off, and with her muscle damage she couldn't use her hand for any length of time. No wonder such a small thing had made her orgasm. Running it through my head made me start getting hard again, and as much as a part of me wanted to make her cum I knew I had to take the sensible approach. So, I did the only thing I could do. I went shopping. It's amazing what you can find on Amazon. Within a few minutes, I found a small bullet style vibrator and had it rush delivered to the house. Of course, the next day her period started, so the rush delivery could have waited. Oh well. I'd give it to her when she had finished. We didn't talk about what happened, but we both knew that the other knew. The only thing I offered was to use the razor on her legs and armpits if she wanted, something she readily agreed to. **** A few days later, as I was helping her into bed for the night, she surprised me. "Um. Dad?" "Yeah?" "Just to make it easier for next month, maybe we should keep my, you know, shaved?" "Keep it from getting long again?" "Yeah, plus it's kinda itching now. Would you mind...?" "Right now?" I asked, knowing she was asking for this for other reasons as well. "If that's okay, yeah." "Sure." I said, getting her towel and getting it ready. "Be right back." I retrieved the razor and new vibrator from my bathroom, keeping the vibrator in my pocket. I went back into Zoe's room to find her ready and somewhat eager. This time I didn't need to use the trimmers. Instead, I quickly slid the razor around and removed all the stubble. Unlike last time, when I was trying to be careful and went slowly, this time was faster which kept me from arousing her. "All done." I said, smiling "Oh." she was unable to hide the disappointment in her voice. "That was quick." "Yeah, well." I sat up and patted her leg. "Honestly, I know what happened last time, baby." "Oh God." she groaned, turning beet red. "Nothing to be ashamed of. It's natural." Zoe said nothing, just looked away. "Here." I pulled the vibrator out of my pocket and put it in her hand "What's th- DAD! Oh my God!" her eyes were wide as she looked between me and the toy in her hand "Oh shush. I'll leave you alone." I left the room and closed the door. I sat down in the living room, turned on the TV and felt quite proud with myself. Zoe had a need and I felt like I had fulfilled that need as diplomatically as possible. And that feeling lasted all of 15 minutes. "God Dammit!" I heard Zoe scream from the bedroom, and it didn't sound like an orgasmic scream. I bolted from my chair and ran into her room. "Go away!" she sobbed into her hand "What's wrong?" I asked, rushing to her side, but she wasn't saying anything else, just quietly crying "Zoe, baby, you can tell me anything, you know that. What's wrong?" "What's wrong?!" she asked rhetorically. "I can't use the damn thing!" "What do you mean? It seemed pretty easy to turn on." "I know how to turn it on!" she said exasperated, "I can't... keep it where it needs to be. My fucking arm gets weak and I can't keep hold of it!" Damn. In helping, I'd made it worse. Given hope only to give despair instead. I felt horrible. I hugged her close, rolling her towards me. In doing so, the vibrator rolled against my leg, still faintly buzzing. Right. "Lay down, sweetie." I said, gently guiding her down, her head resting on my arm. "Wha-" "Just close your eyes." I reached down and picked up the toy. She looked at me a little confused. As I held the vibrator against her pussy, she took a sharp breath in. "Dad, you don't have to-" "Yeah." I hushed her. "I kinda do. Just tell me what where you need me to move it to." Zoe rested her head in the crook of my arm. I lay beside her on her right side, which gave me easier access to her wet center. "Up a little bit." she said, closing her eyes. "To the left, a little more." she shuddered and stiffened, "Oh God, right there." I held the little vibrator where I was instructed, and I could feel Zoe's body shudder and twitch as it sent waves of pleasure through her. Her head rolled and her breath was fast and ragged as I gently moved the vibrator against her clit. For several minutes, the only sounds in the room was her increasing breathing, the faint buzz of the vibrator, and the occasional squish from her very wet pussy. I tried to avoid direct contact, but my fingers inevitably grazed bare flesh and became slick with her juices. The rest of my body wasn't immune to what was going on. My heart was pounding in my chest as a small, barely audible voice in my head told me I shouldn't be doing this. But the other part of me knew my daughter needed help, needed satisfaction. And the raging erection in my pants that was straining the zipper was screaming at me to keep going. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum." she whispered and started to shake, "I'm gonna cu-AHH!" Zoe's orgasm was undeniable. Where before with the razor it was subtle and small because of the limited stimulation, now she had everything full-force. She jerked and spasmed against me for several seconds. Her face contorted and her mouth opened in a silent cry of pleasure, held until she sighed as it ebbed. "Too much." she finally panted and twitched a couple of times, pushing gently on my hand with her's. I pulled the toy up, coated with her juice, and switched it off. "I'm sorry, dad." she said finally, looking away. "For what?" "For that. For needing that." "Nonsense." I smiled and kissed her forehead, a small sheen of sweat forming. "Sometimes you need what you just need." "But you're my dad." she protested weakly "Yeah, I am. And you know I'd do anything for you, right?" "I guess this kinda proved that, huh?" she chuckled I got up, doing my best to hide my erection, and hurried into her bathroom. I washed the toy and my hands, then went back to her bed. Zoe was laying there, eyes closed and looking like she was about to fall asleep. She had pulled the blanket over her, hiding her pussy from view. "Good night, baby." I said, kissing her head again "'night dad." she mumbled. I put the vibrator in her nightstand, turned off the light, closed the door on my way out, and retreated to my bedroom to relieve my own aching arousal. **** Over the next several weeks, our routine changed to include "shaving". She wouldn't overly ask for it, but every two or three nights the razor and vibrator would be sitting on the nightstand. It was a subtle but clear signal of her desires. Zoe also became a little less shy about her body and her needs. I guess when someone has seen you cum multiple times, you become a little more open. We would talk while she showered, usually about work or some TV show we both watched. When she was through, I helped dry her and get into a clean gown. I had thought that I would eventually get used to her naked body, but every time I saw her I would feel the desire inside myself growing. One afternoon, I was working on some new plans when I heard Zoe call out for me. "What's up?" I asked, entering her room. She was sitting on the other side of the bed with her tablet in her lap. "I need a favor please?" "What'cha need?" "To put it bluntly..." she paused, building up her resolve, "I need to cum." "Oh." This was as forward as she'd ever been. "Sorry, but I started reading something a friend recommended. It has some really, really hot scenes in it. Every time one would end, another would start up and, well, yeah." "Uh, yeah, okay. Sure." Zoe slowly scooted down the bed until she could lay down comfortably. I retrieved the vibrator from the nightstand and lay beside her. It was a little different since I was on her left side this time. I slid my arm under her head like I usually do, but since I was on her other side she was able to wrap her good arm around my neck. I switched the vibrator on and positioned it where I usually did. Normally she's a little wet but it takes some time to get her fully lubricated. This time she was already dripping, so when the vibe touched against her clit she jolted like she'd been hit with a live wire. "Oh fuck." she hissed through gritted teeth, "Right there, dad. Don't stop, right there." her words trailed off as she started moaning louder and louder. Her body bucked against the vibe, trying to rub herself against it. She moaned more and more until she cried out, climaxing against the buzzing toy. I started to move away as I knew she became very sensitive. "No. Don't stop." she said, shuddering still "You sure?" "Please, daddy. Make me cum again."' she begged softly Her voice and words damn near made me cum in my pants! I pressed the toy against her clit hard. Two of my fingers to either side of the toy slipped and pressed directly into her incredibly wet and hot pussy. As soon as my fingers made contact with her sensitive flesh, a guttural moan escaped her lips. "Oh fuck, daddy!" she said between breaths, "You're gonna make me cum again. Oh God!" With surprising strength, her arm pulled at my neck and dragged me down. Her breath was hot against my ear as she came again, her pussy flooding my hand with her slippery juices. For almost a minute her body spasmed as she held onto to my neck. Finally, she nodded and I pulled my hand away and switched the toy off. She sighed contentedly and smiled up at me. Zoe kissed my cheek and released my neck. Without any thought, her arm flopped onto the bed in between us. Every other time I had masturbated her, I had been on her right side. On that side, her arm barely came to my stomach and without a leg on that side she never knew how hard all this made me. On her left side, however, her arm could reach further. Her hand fell and her wrist landed on my painfully hard erection. The loose slacks that I wore did little to hide anything, and it was obvious what she was touching. "What's tha-Oh my God, dad!" she exclaimed, pulling her hand up and away. "Oh God, Zoe." I stammered as I shot up out of her bed, "I'm-I'm-I-I-I'm sorry. I-I-I should-I should go." "Dad, no, wait!" she called after me, but I was already out the door and halfway to my room. I sat on my bed, feeling ashamed and horrible. I started running excuses through my head, and while it wasn't really under my control I should have done more to at least keep it away from Zoe. I cupped my hands around my mouth and nose, and immediately smelled her fluids on my nose. Oh God she smelled incredible... "Dad?" Zoe called for me from my doorway. She had managed to get herself into her chair and drove to my room. "I'm, I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have let that happ-" "Shut up dad." she said, smiling at me. She wheeled herself closer to me and took my hands in hers. Her hair was plastered to her forehead and I could all but smell the pheromones from her. "This isn't the first time that's-" she pointed to my groin, "happened, is it?" "No..." I sheepishly admitted "Yeah, kinda figured." she regarded me, "I'm not mad if that's what you're thinking of." "You're not?" "No, well, not at you anyway." she grimaced "Huh?" I asked, lost "I think I'm the one who needs to apologize to you." "It's not your fault." "It is." she leaned over to me, "I was selfish. I was so focused on my own needs I never thought about yours." "It's okay, baby." "No, dad, it's not. It's not fair, and I'm really sorry. I just smiled faintly at her, accepting her apology. It's usually pointless to argue with her when she gets like this. "So..." she said, a little glimmer in her eye, "What do you usually do about it?" "What?!" I said, leaning back, "You mean..." "Yeah." "No." I said, shaking my head "Oh come on." "No!" I said but not angrily. "Hmpf" she said, and wheeled beside the bed. I watched as she leaned forward, standing shakily, and finally half-falling and half-climbing into my bed. After arranging herself, Zoe took a second to catch her breath and patted the bed beside her. "Come here. Please dad. Pllleeeeeaasseee" she knew I couldn't resist it when she begged like that. I scooted back on the bed and lay beside her, staring up at the ceiling. "So what do you do?" Zoe asked again, persistently "Wha? Oh, for crying out-. You know what!" I finally relented "Yeah." she said, grinning at me, "Why don't you want to say it?" "I dunno. It's not something a dad should be telling his daughter." "You know," she took my arm and pulled it around her, "I think we're in new territory here." "Yeah." I chuckled, "I guess." "So." she teased again, "Do you need to?" "What?!" I couldn't believe my ears "Do you need to?" she asked again, matter of factly "I think I'm good, thanks." "You sure?" she said, peering down my body. I wasn't raging hard, but I definitely had a semi. Slowly, Zoe slid her hand down my chest to my belt, resting it on the buckle. "Zoe, baby, I'm not sure-" "Hey." she stopped me, "You've helped me so much, why don't you let me help you a little?" "You don't have to do this. You don't have to repay me." "I know I don't have to." Slowly, she pulled the belt out of the loop and tried to unbuckle it. Luckily for her, the belt wasn't tight to begin with and was even looser with me laying down. The slacks themselves were just hook fastened and she easily opened them. I lay there transfixed, watching as my daughter's hand slowly undressed me. With a few gentle tugs, she pulled the zipper down, exposing my boxer-covered cock, which had grown harder and was obviously outlined by the stretched fabric. "I want to." she whispered in my ear and rested her hand on my bulge. "I need to. I think you need to too. Anyway, " she squeezed me gently, "some part of you is enjoying this." It had been quite a while since anyone else had touched me there, and the feeling sent shivers through my spine. "Zoe." I said through a shuddering breath, "seriously, why are you doing this? What's come over you suddenly?" She regarded me for a moment, then rested her head on my chest so the only thing I could see of her was the back of her head. "It's not suddenly, actually." she said quietly. Facing away from me I could just barely hear her. "What do you mean?" "It's one of the reasons I joined the Marines." she started lazily tracing the outline of my cock with her fingertips, causing me to shiver again. "You see, I wanted to do this, well, more than this, for years. But I couldn't. You and mom were married. And I knew I'd always be your little girl. I knew it would drive me crazy if I stayed here as I got older and couldn't do anything. If I went to college I knew I'd only go to somewhere around here. So I left. I guess part of me hoped that if I joined the military that you'd stop seeing me as a little girl and start seeing me as a woman. I started stroking her hair gently as she spoke. "Then IT happened." she said, sighing. "And I was so scared that I wouldn't make it. But you were there when I woke up." "Where else would I be?" It wasn't lost on me the irony of her opening up about all this while gently stroking me. "You brought me home, and I resigned myself to the fact that you would never want me." she paused and I could hear a small sniffle. "You know, disfigured and all." she said thickly "Zoe, you're not-" "You know I really did forget about that form that made us lose Jamie. Never knew about it. Because of that, in a way, it made me your little girl all over again I guess. You had to really start taking care of me." Through my shorts, she wrapped her hand around my cock. A small groan escaped my lips that I was helpless to restrain. "You helped me shower. Helped me go to the bathroom. Helped me dress. Helped me live. Hell, you even took me to work with you." she squeezed gently. "I feel so vulnerable when you help me like that. At first I thought I'd hate feeling like that, but I liked it. I love it. Love it so much that I started getting really, really horny every time you helped me shower. But I couldn't do anything about it. I tried, but I couldn't hold the shower head long enough, and I sure couldn't use my hand." "Then you found the razor. God bless that razor. I confess, it was a bit of a ploy on my part." she chuckled, "I hoped it would get you to touch me a little, but I really do prefer my pussy bare. Oh! You jumped a little when I said pussy." she giggled a little. "You have no idea how grateful I was when you got me my toy. I was surprised, yes, and at first I was disappointed it wouldn't be you, but it was better than nothing. But even that didn't work. Then you came in and made everything better, like usual." She slowly turned her head to look at me in the eye. "The entire time you were making me cum, I wondered if it was having any effect on you. Didn't think it was really, but now I know that's because of how we were positioned." "Yeah. I tried to hide it." "Well, you did a damn good job of it." she smiled, "Until today anyway. Feeling how hard you were earlier, how hard you are now, I realize that I did have some effect on you." "More than you know." I admitted "And knowing that you'd come in here and cum because of me? I love it. Thank you, dad. For everything. I love you. So much." "I love you too." "I have another confession." she smirked "Oh? Do tell." "My arm is getting REALLY tired." her hand stopped caressing and rested on me. "Damn, I really hoped you'd cum by now." "I'm not 18, baby. I have a little more self-control than that." "I really, really want to see you cum, dad." I didn't say anything. I just nodded slightly and reached around her to free my cock from its confines. Zoe turned her head around, gasping slightly as she finally saw what she had been asking for. "That better?" I asked "Mmmhmmm." she hummed. Then I felt her hand wrap around my shaft, holding it up and squeezing it a little. I didn't dare ask if it was big enough for her. I was sure she'd seen plenty bigger in the Marines. "Sorry I can't do it for you." she said wistfully I didn't answer. Instead I wrapped my hand around hers as it held my cock. Using her hand, I slowly started pumping, squeezing her hand to increase the pressure. "Oh dad." she breathed, watching me masturbate with her hand, "Make yourself cum for me." I started moving faster, feeling myself getting closer and closer. "I'm gonna cum, Zoe." "Cum daddy." she said, giving me permission almost. With a groan, I felt my cum shoot out as her hand tugged as best she could. I came harder than I had in years, feeling like all the pent up hormones were being let out as well. After 5 or 6 pulses, I let go of both of us and lay there panting, trying to recover. "Is that. what. you. wanted?" I said in between gulps of air Zoe lifted her head and looked at me, smiling like she'd won the lottery. Streaked across her face were thick strings of semen, the biggest going from her cheek to right under her nose. Instead of wiping it off, she ran her tongue across her mouth. "mmmmm." she hummed again. "Want a towel?" I asked "No thanks." she worked her arm under her gown and used that to get most of it off. "Help me get this off please." I helped her up and pulled her gown up and over her head. I was still fuzzy headed, because only when she lay down did it occur to me that she was completely naked now. "Can I cum again?" she asked. "Please." "Of course. Be right back." I started to get up to go get her vibrator. "No." she stopped me. "Just use your hands." I nodded gently, lying beside her and sliding my hands down her body. I could feel her trembling slightly under my touch as I slid across her mons to her pussy. I could feel the heat radiating from her already. My finger slipped between her lips easily and she gasped as I explored her body. "You're dripping, baby." I whispered in her ear. "Oh daddy." she opened her eyes and looked into mine, "You make me like this. You've always made me like this. You-ooohfuck." Whatever she was saying was lost as I found her little clit and started rubbing it. I'd never really seen or felt it before and it was smaller than I would have thought, a hard little nubbin hidden in between the softest and wettest pussy I'd ever touched. Her eyes closed as I continued to massage her button. Zoe reached over and ran her fingers through my hair, rubbing my head and pulling me closer to her. It was instinct that brought our lips together. It was gentle at first, but her tongue quickly snaked into my mouth. She pulled me against her tighter as I rubbed her faster and faster. I moved my hand down, letting my thumb focus on her clit while I pushed my middle finger inside. I began to pump my finger in and out, pushing her over the edge. She broke our kiss, threw her head back, and cried out as her orgasm began to overtake her. I pushed inside as deep as I could, letting her pussy spasm around my finger. "Oh my God, that was good." she said after a moment of recovery. "You okay?" "Better than I've been in a long time, daddy." she said sweetly, kissing me again. "I'm exhausted. Can we take a nap?" I pulled the covers down and helped her get underneath. At her urging, I stripped nude and slipped under the covers as well. "You sure you're okay, dad?" she asked as she snuggled against me. "Yeah, I am. Why?" "Well, we've kinda crossed a lot of lines in a short time." "Yeah, but we're crossing them together, right?" "Together." she agreed, pressing her body against mine. I felt her breast against my skin and her nipple pressing into me. I lay there, savoring the sensation of her cuddled against me and soon heard the rhythmic sound of her sleeping. I followed her in a few short minutes. **** I slowly woke up, feeling Zoe still against me. "Evening, sleepy head." she said in singsong "What time is it?" "2am." "2?! Damn." "That's okay." she said, resting her head on my shoulder and smiling at me. Under the covers, her hand slid towards my dick. "Careful." I cautioned playfully "Nah." she shook her head I wrapped my arms around her, rolling her onto her back. She let out a squeal that was quickly muffled by my kiss. This wasn't like before, a kiss born in the heat of passion. This was a tender kiss, one that comes from two lovers. It felt amazing and strange at the same time. Zoe was still my daughter, and always would be, but now she was something more. As our kiss turned deeper, my hand found her chest and I started to gently squeeze and massage her breasts. Her nipple hardened under my palm, almost asking me to pinch and roll them. Zoe moaned into our kiss, and continued to as I gave equal attention to the other side. "You're making me so horny, dad." she gasped as she broke our kiss. I just smiled and began to kiss down her body. I stopped at her chest first, sucking on each nipple while I played with the other. I looked up at her and saw her smiling down at me. I kissed down her stomach, giving her bellybutton a quick lick, before continuing down. The sheets slid down with me, giving me a clear view of her pussy. Her lips were tight and closed, with just the barest hint of dampness showing. But that's not where I started. I kissed her directly above her slit, the kissed towards her scar. "Dad, wait." she said with a tinge of fear in her voice. I knew where that was coming from. She was afraid I'd be repulsed by the scar, or maybe she was repulsed by it and didn't want me to bring attention to it. "I love you, baby." I said, looking up at her. "All of you." I leaned down and kissed her scar. "As you are now." Another kiss. "As you will be tomorrow." Another kiss. "However you will ever be." A longer kiss. "You're beautiful. Each kiss sent a shiver through her and caused a sharp gasp of air. Probably because she was ticklish here. I'd have to remember that. "Thank you, daddy." she said caressing my face softly I kissed across her scar and made my way to her waiting pussy. Her scent was intoxicating; breathing deeply sent a shiver down my spine. As much as I wanted to dive in, to taste her, I knew this was a major milestone. "Zoe?" "Mmm?" "Are you sure you want me to do this? Are you okay with it?" "Kinda late now, dontcha think?" she chuckled "Maybe, but this is a definite line we're about to cross." I reached up and took her hand in mine. "I just don't want you to look back and think I'm taking advantage of you or something." Zoe smiled at me and gently squeezed my hand. "Thanks dad, but this is what I want. What I've always wanted." "I just want you to be sure." "I am sure, dad. I want you to use your tongue on my pussy. I want to cum from you doing it. I want to kiss you after and taste my juices on your lips." Zoe let go of my hand and placed it on the back of my head, gently pushing me towards her. With all doubt erased, I gently kissed her lips and felt her body shudder as I brushed them with mine. I kissed them again, longer this time. I looked up at Zoe's face, wanting to see what she was feeling. Her mouth was parted and she was breathing harder. With my hands, I spread her lips apart, revealing the delicate pink folds inside. Her clit, barely visible, glistened with her juice. Her scent was intoxicating, and my mouth watered knowing I was soon going to taste her source. I wrapped my lips around her clit and began to drink all I could. My tongue slid across it, each time causing her to buck slightly against my face. Mixed with my own saliva, her juices ran down my chin faster than I could swallow them. I let go with my hands letting my mouth keep her lips open. One hand slid under her ass, squeezing and massaging the supple skin. With my other, I slid two fingers inside her. Moaning mixed in with her pants as my fingers explored her insides. I began to move my fingers inside her, massaging and bringing her closer to orgasm. "You're gonna make me cum, daddy." she whispered faintly, "Oh fuck, you're gonna make me cum." I pressed harder with my tongue, flicking it across her clit faster and faster. When she came, her pussy became even wetter. I didn't think that was possible. I lapped at all the new juices, savoring their flavor. As she cooled off, I slid up and kissed her. Zoe moaned into my mouth as our tongues met. "Thank you." She breathed as we broke the kiss. I propped up on my knees in front of her, my rigid cock pointed towards her now swollen and open pussy. Zoe looked up at me, then down to my cock, then back up to me. "Wait." she said me, and I stopped dead in my tracks. I looked at her expectantly. "Don't you need to put a condom on? You always the one warning me about safe sex." "Yeah, but I know we're both clean." "I'm not worried about that." she chuckled, "but I really don't want to get pregnant." "Oh, that." I moved so I was over her, but still not yet inside her. I leaned down and whispered in her ear, "I'm fixed." "What?" she said, surprised. "Shortly after you were born, I got a vasectomy." "So you mean...?" "Yep." I nodded. I reached between us and ran the tip of my cock up and down her wet slit, getting it as wet as I could. Smiling, I rubbed the head against her clit, making her shiver underneath me. "Tell me what you want, baby." "I want you, dad." "Want me to what?" I teased playfully "You know." "Maybe, but I want to hear you say it." Zoe paused for a moment, looking down at my cock and biting her lower lip. "I don't want. I need." she said softly. "I need you. Inside me. Please." she looked back up at me, "Please, daddy. Make love to me." I found her opening and pushed forward, slowly sliding inside her. We continued to look in each other's eyes and I saw each moment pass through her. When we came completely together, we both looked down amazed. "Holy shit, dad." she sighed, "You're really inside me." "You okay?" I asked, not moving yet and letting her body adjust. It'd probably been awhile since she did anything like this. "Better than okay. You?" "I'm incredible, baby. You feel incredible. My body's need to move overcame my mental commands to remain still and I started sliding in and out of her slowly. Each pull made her sigh and each push made her moan. I kept a steady pace, slowly making love to my daughter and focusing on her pleasure. For several long minutes, the only sounds were her moans and the occasional wet sounds coming from between us. I couldn't take my eyes off her face, eyes closed, mouth open, lips quivering. Her nipples dragged across my chest as her small breasts jiggled each time I thrust into her. "I'm gonna cum." Zoe gasped, "Oh God, fuck, I'm gonna cum. I didn't speed up or slow down, but keep the same pace. As she climaxed, her eyes squeezed shut and her whole body started shaking. I tried to time my thrusts with her contractions, pushing her orgasm further and longer. When her orgasm subsided, I bent down and kissed her forehead, then her nose, then finally her lips. "Ready for more?" I asked "uhhuh." she said breathlessly I leaned back, making sure I stayed inside her as I went to sitting on my knees. From this angle, I could take in her whole, beautiful body. With one hand, I reached down and squeezed her tits, savoring the feeling of her soft flesh. With my other, I took her hand in mine and kissed the fingers. She smiled up at me. "I love you." she whispered, squeezing my hand in hers. "I love you, baby." I whispered back. It took a few tries to start correctly, but soon I was able to continue thrusting into her dripping slit. After a couple of additional kisses, I licked one of her fingers and placed her hand on her pussy. Zoe looked a little confused at first. "I'll help." I whispered as I placed my hand over hers. As I slid in and out of her, I used her fingers to massage her clit. She helped of course, but in the end Zoe was content to let me take charge and control her. I pressed her fingers, pushing them harder against her swollen sweet spot. Between my cock thrusting into her, her clit being rubbed, and her breasts getting massaged, it didn't take long for Zoe to start climaxing again. I watched her areolas contract and darken as she crested, and I felt her pussy tighten around my cock. She spasmed, pushing against me and driving me deeper into her. I held myself as deep as I could and let her ride through each wave of her orgasm. "I'm really close, baby" I said, running out of breath. I had held off as long as I could, but her last orgasm brought me to the edge. "I want you to cum in me, dad." She said breathlessly, staring at my cock sliding into her. "I've never let anyone do that before. They always had to use condoms." She looked up at me. "I want to feel you cum inside me now." I repositioned back to where I was before, on top and close to her eyes. She smiled at me, gasping and cooing as I sped up with a gleam in her eyes. Zoe brought her hand up and placed her finger into her mouth, the same finger that I had running her clit. Watching as she savored her juices pushed me over the edge. Instinct took over and I pushed as hard as I could into her, trying to shoot my cum as deep into her as possible. Everything went white as I unloaded inside her pussy. From a long way away I could hear myself crying out until, slowly, I came back to my senses and looked down at my daughter. Her hair was plastered to her head by sweat and she had the biggest smile on her face. "That felt amazing, dad. I felt every time you spurted into me." "It was incredible, baby. I rolled over, holding her and bringing her with me. Zoe cried out in surprise as I held her atop me. She brought her arm under her chin and rested on my chest to stare up at me. I could feel myself getting softer, slowly slipping out of her as I ran my fingers down both of her upper arms. "Comfortable?" I asked as I caressed her "Very." she sighed, "But we can't stay like this." "Am I hurting you?" I asked, worried that I was cutting off her air supply or something "Not at all." she giggled. "It's just that if you don't get me to the bathroom soon, the afterglow is gonna have a golden hue. Yep. She's my kid alright! **** Four months later we were in the living room, watching TV and relaxing on the sofa. In her lap, Zoe had printouts of invoices she was inspecting for billing errors. In the other, she had a small weight and continued to push herself to lift it. "Don't strain yourself, baby." I cautioned "I won't." she said through gritted teeth. "You've really been getting after the exercise lately." "I have more of a reason now." she grinned at me "Oh?" "Yeah. <grunt> I really wanna make you cum <grunt> all by myself. The phone interrupted my laughter. "Sunnyside Home Health." I said, reading the caller ID out-loud "Oh." Zoe said, letting her arm fall to the sofa. She looked worried and a little scared. I knew what she was thinking. A live-in nurse would really screw up everything we had. "Hello?" I answered "Hello, Mr. Jones?" "Yes?" "Hi, this is Daisy with Sunnyside Home Health. We received all your approvals from the VA finally. I'm calling to set up your in-home nurse." "Ah." I said, looking at Zoe and smiling. "You know, we've already made other arrangements." "Really?" she asked, and the surprise in her voice mimicked Zoe's expression. "Yeah." I said, winking at Zoe. I reached over and gently cupped her face. She smiled and rested her head in my hand. "Yeah, we're doing good over here." The end, for now. For Pics visit:---->>>