Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title: Getting Even or Getting Off Summary: It's April Fool's, but who's fooling who?  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot It was past midnight, encroaching on Saturday morning, as I stood before the sink in the upstairs bathroom. My condom covered cock was in my fist, and I was beating my meat with an intensity that seemed rather forced given the circumstances. "Come on Kyle. You got this buddy," I whispered to myself, squeezing my eyes shut tight as I tried thinking of anything other than the reason behind my awkward masturbation. A rattle of the door handle startled me just before I heard Jessica's voice. "How's it going in there, Big Guy?" she called through the door. "Jesus, Jess. You just set me back like five minutes," I cursed her. "You'll know when I'm done. You'll be able to smell the shame from down the hall." I muttered that last from under my breath. "I just wanted to let you know that your sister's all ready for you, Stud," she said, not even trying to suppress her giggles. "You don't want me to cum at all do you?" I asked to no one, because Jessica's footfalls were already fading back down the hall. "Like ever." I sighed as I got back to the task at hand, as it were. I should probably back this up for you, and tell you why I'm jerking off into a condom, or why my sister's best friend Jessica was encouraging me, or even what my sister had to do with this whole fucked up situation. Well for that, I'll have to take you back to last year, and reluctantly share with you the single most humiliating experience of my life... It was April 1st, a day of innocent jokes and harmless pranks. It was also my sister Ashely's birthday. Ever since she discovered that her birthday was April Fool's Day, she had taken more pleasure in pulling pranks than she did in receiving gifts. Being two years younger, and behind the curve when it came to her devious mind, I inevitably became the butt of many of her pranks. Ashely wasn't above the classics, like saran wrap on the toilet, or blue Kool-Aid powder in the shower head, but for April 1st, she liked to pull out all the stops and try something special, and usually convoluted. The worst part of her convoluted ideas, they usually went off flawlessly, to my own personal discomfort. Last years' experience was some of her best work yet, to my misfortune. I had woken up in a heightened state of paranoia, anticipating something from her. I took each step with great care, analyzing everything I saw as I moved throughout the house. I spent most of the day on edge, waiting for some sort of tripwire, or a bucket of hot tar to fall on me before I was beaten with a feather pillow. Every moment that I delayed the inevitable, the more paranoid I became. The only time I felt truly safe was when I was mowing the lawn later that afternoon. Whether it was for my own safety, or hers, she never risked a prank on someone who was operating heavy machinery, or something that could be potentially dangerous. At least she had that boundary. I had worked up quite the sweat, and after hydrating, I went to go clean the dust and itchy grass fragments from my skin. Still on edge, I took the time to make sure she hadn't put some sort of dye in the shower head, and then snagged a brand-new unopened bottle of shampoo from under the sink just to be safe. Despite the freezing water, I found myself getting hard, and I decided to indulge myself. I was only human, and I was finding myself more aroused by the second. I was well into my stroking when I heard something from deep in the house. A moment later I heard it again, and I had to shut off the water to hear it more clearly. "AHHHHH!" a blood curdling scream filled my ears, and every other thought left my mind as I hopped from the shower. Rushing for the door, I grabbed a towel from the rack, wrapping it around myself as I rushed into the hall and towards the terrifying sounds coming from the living room. Halfway down the hall I lost my footing, and my feet slipped out from underneath me. In the tumult, I lost my towel as I slid down the hall feet first with my dick pointing up like a fleshy periscope. As I skidded past the kitchen and into the living room, it dawned on me that I had once again let myself become another one of Ashley's punchlines. Trying to cover myself with my hands, I slid all the way into the living room to stop right on the rug between Ashley and all her friends as they pointed and laughed. It's kind of hard to pick your dignity up off the floor when you're using both hands to try and cover the world's most painful erection. To their great amusement, I climbed to my feet, slipping as I tried to catch my footing on the tiled floor that was inexplicably covered in baby oil. Adding insult to injury, all her friends stood outside of my bedroom door for the next hour, taunting me, jeering me to jerk my cock. It turned out, that the refreshing Iced Tea I drank was filled with a few tablets of vitamin V...for Viagra. That should explain sufficiently how much I dreaded April Fool's Day. This year, as the day came closer and closer, I felt that dread rising inside of me once again, anticipating something exceptionally cruel. Our parents were out of town, celebrating their 20th anniversary, and everything seemed too quiet, too calm. From personal experience, it was the kind of calm that foreshadowed disaster for me. That is how I found myself at the mall a few days ago, stocking up on emergency provisions. I know what you're thinking, She's your sister, not a natural disaster. Well, you'd be wrong. She's both. Despite her cute, wholesome exterior with those big doe eyes and long blonde hair with sweeping bangs that made her appear so innocent to our parents, she was a tornado on two long legs, intent on plowing through my life, leaving it ruined like the remnants of an upturned trailer park. Where were we, again? Ah, that's right, I was at the mall two days ago, preparing for the coming April Fool's day... I had just finished most of my shopping and stopped at the food court for a bite to eat before heading back home when I spotted someone coming over. She was beautiful; long brown hair that had a way of shining, a killer body, and these perfect pouty lips that always made me imagine kissing them whenever I saw them. She was one of the last people I wanted to see. "What are you doing here?" Jessica asked, sounding surprised to see me as she slid into the seat across from me. "Getting a new phone case," I lied. "A phone case?" she mused, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers as she leaned over slightly to glance into the top of one of my bags. "I didn't know that Games Galore sold phone cases. It looks to me like you're planning on shutting yourself in for the big day." she said knowingly. "What's the plan? You gonna lock the door and play video games all day and eat junk food?" she asked. "Of course not," I lied again. "You know Ash will just smoke you out if she has to," she said, ignoring my protests. "We'll see," I said. "What about you? What are you doing here? I thought you would be in class right now with the birthday girl herself." "My dad thinks I need a job if I'm not taking enough classes to be considered a full-time student," she said, reaching forward to pluck a fry from my tray. "You, working at the mall?" I scoffed. There was no way she would stoop so low. Her parents were loaded. "Oh, God no," she laughed. "I'm just pretending to look for a job. That should be enough for least until he forgets that he told me to get a job." "It must be so hard being you," I mused, barely veiling my mild condescension. "It is, but I manage," she mused, catching the slight tone in my voice but ignoring it. She knew she had it good. "Have you ever tried getting her back?" she asked curiously. "She's always screwing with you, have you never thought to give her a taste of her own medicine?" "I don't think that's a good idea," I said. "You know Ash, she can get vindictive. The last time I pulled even a small prank on her, she made my life miserable for months before things died down again. In her eyes, only she is allowed to prank people. God help the hopeless soul who tries to get one over on her." "Not even after what she did to you last year?" Jessica asked, disbelieving. "You're not really going to let that go, are you? You've gotta be planning something special for her this year." Jessica pried. "No. I don't have anything planned. I replied, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Jessica had been one of the people there to witness my naked misadventure. It's not like I'm ugly or deformed. I have nothing to be embarrassed about in the looks department. I work out and keep myself in great shape. The embarrassing part is that to all of my sister's gorgeous friends, I'm just a punchline, a walking joke that Ashley parades around for them when they want a good laugh. "And if I was going to do something to Ashley, do you really think I would be telling her best friend?" I asked. "Don't be like that," she persisted. "Do you think you're the only one that she does that shit to? Two years ago, we were shopping for clothes, and she grabbed all of my shit and bolted. I was left in the dressing room in only a pair of socks. I didn't even have my undies. I was stuck there until I finally shouted for someone to help me. This fifty-year-old guy came and found me, and he had to bring me some clothes, and I had to buy them just so I didn't have to walk home naked." "That sounds kind of bad," I said, listening to her story. "So, what do you say we team up this year?" she mused. "I bet you we could get her so good." "What would we even do?" I asked, not believing that we could come up with anything that Ashely wouldn't see coming a mile away. "Well, your parents are out of town until Monday, and I'm having this party on Friday night," she mused, her plan slowly beginning to unfold. It took several hours, and a few more baskets of French fries before a plan began to take on a solid shape, and as great of a prank as it sounded, I wasn't feeling very comfortable with the part I would be playing. "Don't be a pussy," Jessica scolded. "But it's my sister!" I exclaimed. "It's not like you're actually going to fuck her," she explained. "We're just going to make her think that you guys had sex. After you let her stew for a bit, you throw out the ole' April Fools, and it's done. No one's going to think that you actually had sex with her." "Still, you're messed up in the head. You know that, right?" I asked. Her plan was perverse, way beyond anything a sane person might conceive. "Hey, do you want to get her back, or not?" Jessica asked. "If you're fine with always being her doormat, that's all up to you. I can easily come up with my own prank." "Fine," I conceded grudgingly. "But this better go off like you said it would." "Yes!" she exclaimed, a huge smile sweeping over her face. "Don't worry Kyle, I know what I'm doing. Now, let's go over this again. We'll be at my party, and I'll make sure she gets drunk enough to where she blacks out. With your sister, it's easier than it sounds. After that, I'll get her to your place, and we'll set the stage for her morning after," she said, ticking off her mental bullet points. "After she wakes up and freaks out, she'll call me, and I'll fill in the blanks for her," she laughed. "How do you know she'll call?" I asked. "You keep saying that it's the pacing, the rapid assault of events and information that'll keep her wound up in this prank, but you're putting a lot of faith in what you think she will do." "I know Ash," Jessica said knowingly. "I've known her since before you could walk. Something like that happens and she'll call me," she assured me. "Now quit interrupting. Okay, so after that..." Her plan was nearly as convoluted as one of Ashely's. Based on what I'd been hearing, I only gave it a potential success rate of fifty percent. Still, here I was, trying my damnedest to dump a load of my jizz into a condom, at Jessica's instruction, just to add to the realism when Ashely woke next to me in the morning. Finally grunting, I felt myself flooding the condom, leaving me feeling gooey and ashamed. I carefully peeled off the condom, taking great care not to spill any, and pulled up my boxers. Shutting off the bathroom light, I headed back down the hall to my bedroom. Jessica had been insistent that we used my room. "If she wakes up with you in her bed, she's gonna think you crawled into bed with her," she had said. "We want her to think that she crawled into bed with you. Trust me." Trust her? It was strange putting any trust in her at all. Traditionally, she and my sister had always been thick as thieves. Hell, Jessica had been present for each and every humiliation I had endured at my sister's hands. The only reason I continued with Jessica's bat shit crazy plan was that I knew my sister could have nothing to do with this. I had already analyzed it from every single angle, and I couldn't see any beneficial outcome for Ashley based on the events that we were fabricating. Slowly easing open my bedroom door, I found Jessica arranging our clothing around on the floor, trying to create a strategic chaos. She insisted on the realism. It had to look like we had undressed ourselves in a hurry. Jessica paused for a moment before picking up a white thong from the floor and hooking it on one of the knobs on my dresser. "Is she..." I began, shocked as my gaze moved from Jessica, to my sleeping sister snuggled up under my covers. "Is she naked under there?" Ashely was lying on her stomach, and my thick grey comforter was thrown over her, leaving her upper back and shoulders conspicuously bare. Her blonde hair was tousled, already looking as if she'd experienced the wild night Jessica was simulating for her. "Of course, she's naked," Jessica scoffed quietly. "Who has drunken sex and then goes rooting around to get dressed before they pass out?" Then noticing the spent condom in my hand, "Is that it?" "Um...yeah," I said as she snatched it from my hand. I couldn't stop staring at my sister in my bed. She was naked underneath there, and I was going to have to crawl in there with her. "How does that look?" she asked, stepping back. Our clothes were scattered across the room in quite a believable fashion. Jessica had even taken the time to scatter some of the contents of my dresser top, making it appear as if one of Ashely's heels had landed there violently. The piÃ"ce de rÃ(C)sistance was the used condom hanging over the edge of my waste bin, a small bit of semen pooling out onto a Green Day CD case on the floor. "Looks real enough to me," I said nervously. "Only one more piece left," she smiled at me mischievously. "Time to strip, Lover Boy!" "Can't I just keep my boxers on?" I asked hopefully, already knowing what she would say. "If she's naked, you've gotta be naked too. It's all about realism. Besides, we want her reeling from the moment she wakes up. The last thing you want is for her to see through her hangover and realize what day it is," she said. "So, pants off." The way she smiled as she waited seemed like she was enjoying this part a little too much. Embarrassed, I got under the covers, keeping as far to the edge away from my sister as possible, and slipped off my boxers underneath the covers. As I tossed them out, Jessica had a cheeky, knowing grin, as if she knew that I had purposely cheated her out of the look that she wanted of me naked. "Well, it looks like my job here is done," she said, looking around. "I'll lock the front door on my way out. Don't forget to call me after the initial fallout." "I know my part," I assured her as I tried to adjust myself on my side of the bed. There wasn't very much room for the both of us and being naked only made things that much more awkward. "Have a good night!" she smiled wickedly as she left, closing my bedroom door as she went. My strained ears could hear the tell-tale groans from our house as Jessica made her way down the stairs and out the front door. As much as I tried to find sleep though, I couldn't. Even in the pitch darkness, I could still see Ashley lying naked next to me in my mind's eye. Try as I might to push that image from my head, I could feel her body heat radiating onto me beneath the covers, forcing the thought of her back to the forefront of my mind. Biting back a frustrated sigh, I eased myself from bed and carefully made my way to my closet in the dark. Despite the knowledge that my sister was seriously down for the count, and hearing Jessica talking so confidently as Ashely lay passed out, I tried my damnedest to keep silent as I reached behind one of the boxes on the floor to pull out a hidden bottle of lemon flavored vodka. It was a parting gift from a friend's house party over a month ago. I quickly unscrewed the cap and took a long drink. Covering my mouth, I coughed and sputtered as it burned my throat. Steeling myself, I took another long drink and replaced the bottle before returning to my bed. Using my hands in front of me as a guide, I felt my way to the edge of the bed, and slipped back under the covers just as I began to feel the alcohol pull me down into a nice warm place that made everything feel fuzzy inside. Adjusting the covers over me, I felt the warm skin of my sister against my side, and after hesitating for a moment, I turned away from her and lay on my stomach, as far from her as I could while still staying in the bed. ***Ashley*** Light pierced my eyelids like torturous blades, forcing me awake to realize my agony. My skull felt like it might split open at any moment. Desperate to fall back asleep and forget the pain, I pulled the covers over my head and shut out the light. Just as I moved, so too did the mattress I was on. I held still, thinking for a moment that the room had begun to spin. When it shifted again, I realized that It was not a bed I was sleeping on, but someone's well-muscled back. "Shit!" I groaned, realizing that I'd done it again. I had to quit waking up like this. Every time I would drink too much, I ended up in bed with someone, and I couldn't even remember it. The most embarrassing part, besides being that girl, was not being able to remember the names of the guys I would wake up next to. I'm going to kill you, Jessica, I thought. "Hey," I said in a cracking morning voice. "Hey It's time for you to go home now." Giving him a nudge, I raised my voice. "Listen dude, I know it was really awesome last night, but it's time for you to go now." "Five more minutes," the slumbering mass of naked muscles mumbled. "I'm not kidding...dude." I said, still not recalling his name. "You've gotta go before my brother wakes up. If he tells our parents that I had another guy over, they'll be pissed." "I said five more minutes, Ash!" he mumbled louder. As soon as he said my name, I froze. I knew that voice. My head was still ringing like church bells as I leaned closer, over his body to get a better look at his face. As soon as his profile came into view, I couldn't prevent the scream coming from my mouth as I leapt away from him. As I flew backwards, my scream finally pulled Kyle from his sleep, and he sat bolt upright. I barely missed the edge of the bed and slipped off, making a loud thump as my bare bottom hit the floor. My brother's eyes met mine, and naked and panicking, I snatched the blanket from the bed and pulled it around my body. It might have been a mistake, Kyle was just as naked as I, and after a slight look of naked panic, he rolled off the other side of the bed, crouching there to hide himself. "What the hell, Ashely?" he shouted, only his head now visible over the mattress as he stared at me accusingly. "What are you doing in my room?" "I'm not!" I began, before finally taking in my surroundings. I held a light grey blanket around my naked form, and there were old rock band posters decorating the walls, as well as a guitar on a stand in the corner. My clothes and underwear were all over his floor. My mouth moved wordlessly as I realized I was in his bedroom, and my heart stopped when my eyes caught his waste basket sitting next to me. Hanging carelessly off the rim was a used condom. "No, no, no!" I began, shaking my head. "We didn't!" "We didn't what?" Kyle asked, his eyes looking around. He seemed to take in the picture, and his eyes found mine again, hard and accusing. "Did you..." he began. "Did you? "No, I didn't!" I explained. "Did you sleep with me when I was wasted?" he accused. I tried to tell him no, but my lips couldn't even form words any longer. Panicking, I jumped to my feet and ran. Pausing for only a moment, I opened the bedroom door, but as I dashed through, the blankets caught on something. My momentum ripped the decency from my body, leaving me standing bare in the hallway as my brother looked on. A strangled cry emanated from my throat, and I ran for the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. My heart threatened to drum itself from my chest, and my hands trembled as I leaned back against the door, sliding down to sit naked on the cold tiles. ***Kyle*** As I knelt there on the floor next to my bed, my eyes still seemed glued to the empty space in the hallway outside my bedroom door. Her form was gone, but it felt as if the image of her body had been branded into my vision -"her soft milky skin, her round breasts and hard nipples, her nice round ass, and the close-cropped hair above her sex. I tried to shake the image from my mind, but even so, I could still faintly recall how her body had felt draped across my back, our naked skin caressing each other, her silky soft warmth teasing my body. "She's your sister," I mumbled angrily. What I was thinking was gross beyond belief, Ashely was my sister. All this was, was a joke. We didn't really sleep together, I had to remind myself. Getting to my feet, I closed my bedroom door, and grabbed my phone to call Jessica. "How did it go, Lover Boy?" Jessica asked without preamble. "Was it everything you ever hoped it would be?" she asked dreamily. "Cut it out. That's not even funny," I told her. "We just woke up, and so far, it's working. She's flipping the fuck out." "I told you," Jessica said smugly. "Now all we need to do is wait for her to call me, and I'll give her the rest." "Are you sure you shouldn't be the one to call her?" I asked. "I'm sure," she replied. "Now, don't forget to make your exit. Avoidance is key right now. She's going to have to talk to someone, and it can't be you...not yet." "Fine. I'll go get some coffee and something to eat." I replied. Jessica had gotten us both this far, I just had to trust her. Besides, even if it all fell apart right now, the look on Ash's face had already been worth it. "Just remember, you're pissed. You didn't want to be fucked by your sister." Jessica reminded me. "I would never want anything like that...ever," I said, overly defensive. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt myself blush. One stray thought and my mind was in tangles. That image of my sister standing there in the hallway flashed through my mind and was gone again. "That's what I said," Jessica said awkwardly. "Whatever. Just get out of there. She's going to be calling me soon." I hung up the phone and began searching through the discarded clothing on my floor, dressing quickly as I picked through Ash's clothing and mine. My eyes lingered on her white thong panties, still hanging from the knob of a dresser drawer, as I stomped into my boots and did up the laces. Tearing my eyes away, I rose to my feet and made a beeline for the front door, making sure to give it a good slam as I left. ***Ashley*** My mind was racing, trying to figure out how any of this could have happened. I couldn't even remember how I'd gotten home. I should have woken up at Jessica's house, safe and snug in the guest room, recovering from the party. For that matter, Jessica and I had made a pact to never let each other get so drunk again, not after the 4th of July incident. I tensed as I heard the loud footfalls coming from Kyle's room, heading down the hall towards me. Oh God, I fucked my brother! The thought rippled through my mind once again. I could still see his face when I closed my eyes; his face and...other things. He had looked so hurt...and pissed, and why wouldn't he after what I'd done. As his footsteps neared, my muscles tensed, as if waiting for a blow. His footfalls never stop though. They carried on past me, where I cowered in the bathroom, and continued down the stairs. After a moment of silence, I heard the sound of the front door slamming. The force of it was hard enough that I could feel the vibrations through the tiled floor. Carefully, I climbed to my feet and cracked the door, listening to make sure that he was really gone. Through the silence I heard his truck starting, and then the sounds of his engine fading away as he truly left. With a pitiful sigh, I padded the rest of the way down the hall to my room to grab my phone. Not even wasting time putting on clothes, I sat on the edge of my bed naked, and called Jessica. "Hey girl!" Jessica said cheerfully. "What happened last night?" I cut in. As angry as I was at her, I was unable to keep an edge of fear from tainting my voice. "Nothing," Jessica said, all too quickly. "It was a know." "Don't give me that shit," I said, feeling myself panicking again. "What the fuck happened? I woke up at home. How did I get here? And what happened to not letting me drink too much? We promised each other." "You had a little too much to drink, so you got a ride back to your house to sleep it off." Jessica said carefully. "That's all. No harm, no foul." I didn't know what it was in her voice, but I knew she was holding something back. "Jessica?" I said threateningly. "Who took me home?" There was a pained pause before Jessica answered, "Your brother." "What the hell was Kyle doing there?" I asked. Kyle had always tried to slip into our parties, and he knew that he wasn't welcome. No girl wants their brother hanging around when they're trying to have fun. "He showed up around midnight," Jessica said. "I guess he had been out partying with his friends and took a detour before going home. What's with all these questions? Did...did something happen?" "Did what happen?" I asked, feeling my chest tighten. "I don't seem kind of freaked out," she said. "You called me asking all of these questions. First you want to know how you got home, and about the party, and then your brother. You're kind of all over the place. I don't know- " "Don't fuck with me!" I yelled. "What happened at the party!" "Ash..." she said quietly. "You don't want to know. Just forget about it." "Tell me, Jess," I pleaded. I was scared, but I had to know. I needed to know. "You were making out with Kyle," she finally said after a long silence. "No. No way!" I assured her. "That would never happen." "I saw it," Jessica assured me. "You were both out by the pool house, and the lights were off, but I saw you. It was...heavy." "No way!" I denied, my mind spinning, looking for some explanation. "Maybe it was someone else, or I didn't know that it was Kyle," I offered desperately. "Hun..." Jessica said carefully. "You knew exactly who it was. You were calling him Kyle. You even called him...your brother." "I don't believe you," I said. Try as hard as I could to avoid it, my mind conjured images of my brother and I kissing in the shadows, his hands on me, and our bodies pressed tightly together. "You're lying..." "I have to tell you something," Jessica began. "Do you remember last 4th of July? You blacked out, and we made that pact to never get so wasted again?" "Of course, I remember it. Well, I remember not remembering anyway," I said. "And we both blacked out." "No hun, it was only you that blacked out. I remembered it," Jessica said. "I remember all of it." 4th of July. I had woken on a motel bed in a tangle of naked bodies. Jessica and I were in bed with a strange guy. Somehow, we had gotten ourselves into a threesome. It was the one and only time that either of us had ever done anything like that, and we realized that we needed to dial back our drinking from then on. "We had sex with that guy," I said. "What about it?" "You had sex with him," Jessica began. "We were all there, ready to get things going. We were all totally onboard for a three-way. Then, you two started kissing, and you called him Kyle- " "His name could have been Kyle," I interjected defensively. "His name was Todd. He told you that no less than ten times," Jessica said flatly. "And," she continued loudly, forestalling me from speaking, "you also moved to calling him your brother." "No!" I gasped. "He must have been into it, because he started calling you his sister," she continued, ignoring my denial. "I spent the whole night watching the two of you screw your brains out, pretending that he was your brother," Jessica finished. I couldn't speak. My mind screamed no, but there had always been a cloud around what had happened over the 4th of July. I'd always had the impression that Jessica knew something, but she had insisted that she couldn't remember anything either. Todd, I guess that was his name, had left in quite the hurry when he woke up. Come to think of it, he had a very hard time meeting our eyes for someone who had supposedly just had a threesome with us only hours before. "Why?" I finally asked. I didn't know if I wanted to know why she told me, or why I had done something like that. "Because you're in love with Kyle," she said plainly. "What?" I scoffed. "That's ridiculous! I'm totally not in love with my brother." "You could have fooled me," Jessica said. "At least he's hot. Could you imagine if Kyle was a cringer?" "Quit joking," I told her angrily. "This isn't funny." "Come on," Jessica continued. "You've seen him at the beach...those muscles!" "Jessica!" I shouted. "Fine...fine," she relented. "So, what happened. Why the panicked call?" Her question had taken all of the rage out of me. We had been beating around the topic for a while, but it had been some time since I had actually thought about the incident. A flash of memory came of me lying across my brothers bare back, my hard nipples digging into his skin, my pussy warm, and my lips damp with arousal. I knew that it was a lie. It hadn't been like that at all, but it seemed as if my mind wanted to change things. Shaking away those thoughts, I took a deep breath. "I...uh. I woke up in bed with Kyle." I said hesitantly, uncomfortable that I was even telling Jessica something like this. Jessica whistled loudly through the phone at my revelation. "That's...uh. That's...humm," she began. "Did you two have sex?" "Pretty sure," I replied. "Our clothes were everywhere, we were naked...and there was a condom in the trash...used." "That's not so bad," Jessica exclaimed. "You guys used protection!" "Not cool," I said flatly. "Too soon?" Jessica asked. "Really too soon," I replied. "What am I supposed to do? When Kyle woke up and saw me, naked in his bed, he was pissed." "Does he know that you guys fucked?" Jessica asked. "Yeah. It was kind of hard to hide that one from him," I said. "And could you please not say fucked? I feel weird enough about this as it is without adding that connotation to what happened." "How about made love with?" Jessica offered. "We slept together," I countered. "Okay? Slept!" "Fine, you slept together," she conceded. "As far as what you should do, I would make sure he doesn't tell anyone about what happened...If I were you at least." "He's not that stupid," I said, before adding, "Is he? It's a law of society that guys cannot be victims, and either way, he still slept with his own sister. No one would want to tell people about that." "It depends on how mad he is. He could say something before he even realizes what he is doing," Jessica mused. "And, if you really think he won't tell told me, didn't you?" "Shit!" I cursed. "My advice, find a way to keep him quiet," she offered. "Hey, I gotta go. Someone is puking in the hot tub." "Wait! Jessica?" I called into my phone. "How do I keep him quiet?" She was already gone. I sat on the edge of my bed for a moment before realizing that I was still completely naked. Getting up, I grabbed my towel and went for a shower. I smelled like sweat, alcohol, and what I was sure must be underlying tones of sex. The water washed over me as I tried to process the events of the morning. There was no denying it, I had fucked my own brother...or slept with rather. And after what Jessica had told me, it was most definitely my fault, if there had ever been any question of that in the first place. I still couldn't remember the events of that 4th of July night, but my mind seemed to be happily filling in the blanks for me. I was riding that man's cock, in every position I could, even on all fours while he fucked me roughly and pulled my hair. All the time I moaned for my brother to fuck me harder. In a flash, that stranger's blurry outline was replaced with the crisp image of my brother, his cock slamming into me. I felt an ache between my thighs, and I could swear there was more wetness there than could be blamed on the shower. I had a feeling that Jessica's assessment might have been right, I was in love with Kyle. At the least, I had a very unhealthy sexual attraction. Hell, I had gone out of my way to play jokes on him so I could see him naked, even dosing him with Viagra so I could see his hard cock. Just thinking about it sent another painful jolt through my loins, demanding my attention. Refusing to acquiesce, I turned the water all the way to cold, and braced myself as the chill washed over me, shocking me out of my disturbing arousal. I needed to get a grip on myself. With my libido well and truly doused, I turned off the water and dried off. After a quick trek back to my room, I tried to decide what to wear. As Jessica had suggested, I was going to have to confront my brother about what had happened, sooner rather than later, and that meant actually standing in front of him. I thought about a nice top and a skirt, something I would normally be wearing on a day like this, but looking myself over in the mirror, I saw how attractive I looked, and how it accentuated my body. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was seducing him or something. Besides, my attire was definitely not situation appropriate. Next, I tried on a pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt, but I felt extremely homely. Nothing I had on was flattering in the least. It should have been acceptable for my purpose, but the part of me that realized I liked him couldn't let him see me looking like that. "Shit." I sighed, almost a whimper, as I realized what I was doing. I was primping for my brother. Picking out an outfit to wear while I talked to my brother about our accidental intercourse should have been a lot easier. ***Kyle*** I sat outside in my truck, just around the corner from our house. I'd already received the call from Jessica, letting me know that she had finished filling in Ashley with the events of last night. Everything was moving along smoothly. My sister had even called her like she'd predicted. After being fed the story we had prepared (of Ashley coming onto me by the pool house when we were both wasted), my sister was well and truly spiraling. I checked my watch again. Jessica had told me to give Ashley some time before I got home to push our prank across the finish line. She had been alone for almost two hours now, but I figured I could give her another few minutes just to be safe. I still couldn't believe how well this was going. Jessica had thought out every detail. As far as either of us knew, my sister still had no idea what was going on. As quickly as she had been hit with the information this morning, Jessica was sure that it would keep her mind well occupied, preventing her from realizing what day it was. Checking my watch again, I decided it was time. Starting my truck, I pulled around the corner and eased to a stop in front of our house. As I got out, I made sure to slam the old door loudly so Ashely would be alerted to my return. Walking up the porch steps, I thought of something and slipped my phone from my pocket as I opened the front door. Jessica had been right, Ashley needed to be kept on her heels. As I walked through the living room towards the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of Ashely from the corner of my eye. She was at the top of the stairs, watching me nervously as her fingers clutched to the banister. I made no move to acknowledge her, and instead I pretended to dial a number into my phone, bringing it up to my ear just as I was rounding the corner into the kitchen. After a moment of waiting, I began speaking just loud enough that Ashley would be able to hear. "Hey, Mom? Can you and Dad call me as soon as you get this? Something happened and we really need to talk." Smiling, I set my phone down on the kitchen island and grabbed a bottled water from the refrigerator. ***Ashley*** What is he thinking? I screamed mentally. Shit-shit-shit! The whole delicate plan I had come up with vanished from my mind as I rushed down the stairs to confront my brother. Sliding slightly in my haste as I came to a halt in the kitchen, I stared at my brother for a long moment as I tried to remember the plan I had painstakingly come up with. Kyle stood there by the refrigerator, staring back at me as I nervously fumbled with the hem of my jean shorts. I had gone with a somewhat modest look to face him, a pair of cute cut off jean shorts, and a yellow and white striped polo with a small pocket on my breast. My makeup was minimalistic, but just enough eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes really pop for him. It was perfectly sisterly, while avoiding a homely look. I couldn't even force myself to confront him without makeup. I was pathetic. I knew how this had to end though, this was a mistake, and it would never happen again. I would most likely have to pay for what I'd done, but hopefully no one else would ever have to know about it. "What?" Kyle asked sharply. "Umm," I began. Spoken words felt so far from my comprehension at the moment. "What is it, Ash?" he said, sounding like he was running out of patience. "I'm sorry," I finally said. My voice was so quiet I wasn't sure if he could hear. "You're sorry?" he asked. "For sneaking into my room and fucking me? Do you think a sorry is going to fix that?" I winced as he echoed my words back at me. I wasn't supposed to say that. Saying sorry felt too much like admitting that I had known what I was doing last night. "I drank too much...we drank too much last night," I corrected myself quickly. "We didn't know what we were doing. I don't even know what we did." None of this was going the way that I had hoped. "So that makes it okay?" he asked. "You slipped into my room and had sex with me! If I were a girl, it would be rape!" "Don't put this all on me!" I said, my voice rising from a sudden surge of anger. How dare he claim that I raped him. "For all I know, you carried me up into your room and took advantage of me!" "Oh no, don't even..." he said shaking his head. "When mom and dad hear about this-" "You can't!" I broke in quickly, taking a step closer, my hands reaching out to him. "Please!" I stared into his eyes for a moment, seeing that anger in there. I was afraid that he would actually tell our parents. Taking a deep breath, I lowered myself to my knees. "Please, Kyle. Please don't tell anyone. I'm begging you." He still didn't say anything as he watched me. Desperate, I inched myself closer, kneeling right at his feet and letting him tower over me. Carefully, I reached up for his hands, but he pulled them out of reach. Instead, I grasped onto the pockets of his jeans as I looked up at him. I felt like I was holding my breath as I silently begged him to forgive keep this all a secret. It felt like an eternity as I waited for him to speak. The silence felt thick, like a wall forcibly shutting out everything around the two of us. The only things I could hear were his breathing, and the steady thump of my heart pounding in my ears. I didn't realize it at first, I was so caught up waiting for him to finally speak, but I felt something hardening beneath my hand. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what it was, and I felt a flutter of hope inside of me. It was wrong, and I knew it, but if I could keep him quiet, it would be worth it. That's what I told myself anyway, as I felt a wetness build inside my panties. Adjusting my grip on his right pocket, I let my hand brush against his growing erection. Kyle's eyes widened, but he never moved. My heart skipped another beat as I watched his panicked eyes, and I felt his cock jump against the side of my hand. Becoming slightly more bold, I let my thumb move to run along his thickening shaft, caressing him gently. Kyle's eyes still held mine, and he wasn't stopping me, or pulling away. Taking a deep breath, I forced my fingertips to let go of his pocket and moved my hand deliberately over his cock, letting its bulge rest easily in my palm before giving it a squeeze. He couldn't stop the groan, even as he bit down on his lip. I had to fight back a smile. I wasn't going to enjoy this. This wasn't for me. I kept trying to convince myself of these things, but I knew better. With my realization earlier with Jessica, came another, more sad realization. My greatest fantasy was to fuck my own brother, and I'd actually done it. But I would never remember it, and it would never happen again. It kind of hurt knowing that. It seemed, however, that there might just be a chance for a mulligan. With his cock still gripped in my hand, I felt it jump again in excitement, and it felt incredible. Nervous, but determined not to let this opportunity pass me by, I lifted my other hand to his button and zipper, slowly unfastening his pants. Once they were undone, I pulled them down his hips slightly, just enough to free his brotherly cock. My hand slipped inside his pants and boxers, and slowly pulled him free. It was magnificent, long and just the right thickness with a swollen head, begging to be sucked. His skin felt so soft and warm in my hand. My heart battered away at my ribcage as I looked up at my brother, still silent for all I was doing. There was something else in his eyes now, as I slowly stroked his smooth cock in my hand, pointing it right at my waiting mouth. "Please, Little Brother," I whispered, letting my tongue flick against the tip of his cock. "Please don't tell anyone what your sister did to you." Taking my eyes off of his, I focused on his cock, letting his warm shaft brush against my cheek as I kissed one side, and then the other. The kiss I placed on his tip lingered, and my lips slowly parted to take his whole head in, letting my tongue swirl around him and tasting his delicious precum as it coated my taste buds. Finally having him in my mouth, I closed my eyes and moaned deeply in satisfaction. I could hear Kyle's moans echo my own, and it only drove me further. Opening wider, I took more of him into my mouth, taking him as far down as I could. There was just too much of him though. Nearly half of his cock still sat beyond my lips as his tip touched the back of my throat, forcing me to fight back my gag reflex. Not to be deterred, I sucked on what I could reach, and stroked the rest, making sure to coat it all with a thick layer of my saliva. My panties felt soaked in my shorts. The more I sucked, the more I was sure my juices were soaking the denim and dripping into a puddle on the floor. Finally, unable to control myself any longer, I snaked a hand down between us, and into the front of my shorts. I was a mess. My fingers were instantly coated in my juices, but I couldn't care less. I began rubbing my clit, moaning harder on my brothers cock as I blew him. I had never gotten so much pleasure out of giving head before, and deep down, I knew it was only this hot because of who's throbbing shaft it was that was in my mouth. Opening my eyes again, I looked up at my brother, seeing his face contorted in a tortured pleasure as he watched his own sister worshiping his cock. I felt him begin to swell between my lips, and I started fingering myself faster. If he was going to cum, I wanted to cum with him. Just as I was sure he would burst in my mouth, Kyle grabbed me by the hair and yanked me from his delicious cock, staggering back a step as he took deep breaths. For a moment, I thought he had reconsidered what we were doing, but once I recognized the look in his eyes, I knew better. He lifted me to my feet by the hair and pushed me against the kitchen island facing away from him. With both of his strong hands, he yanked down my jean shorts and soaked panties to my thighs before bending me forcefully over the counter. With my upper body splayed out on the granite countertop, the balls of my feet barely reached the floor. I couldn't see what he was doing behind me. There was a long pause as I waited hopefully, then a rustle of clothing before I felt it. It brushed slightly against my wet folds teasingly sliding up, and then back down. He was so warm against me, and all I wanted was for him to drive himself deep inside of my desperate pussy, to take me any way he wanted so long as he showed me who was in charge. I had never before wanted to be the submissive in a relationship, but the thought of being dominated by Kyle, by my little brother, made my body ache and tremble. Just as he was sliding down my wet lips once more, he slammed himself inside of me, burying himself as deep as he could. I let out a cry of both surprise and bliss as I felt him stretching me to fit his impressive size. He barely paused before he began fucking me with slow powerful thrusts, his fingers gripping my small waist as his hips crashed into my ass. I stretched my arms out in front of me, grasping to the opposite end of the counter as I tried to press my ass back into his assault. He felt incredible inside of me, and I could feel my juices running down my thighs. The slap-slap-slap of our fucking filled the quiet kitchen, and I moaned out my pleasure, urging him to fuck me harder. "Do you like fucking your sister?" I cooed, falling into a sex fueled haze of depravity. "Does my pussy feel good wrapped around my little brother's cock?" "Fuck!" he grunted as he began fucking me harder. "That's it," I urged him. "Punish me! Fuck me harder! Fuck me to pieces!" The more I spoke, the more violent his assault became. In no time, he was forcibly pulling me back to him with each powerful thrust. Each time our bodies connected, another paralyzing jolt of pleasure shot through my body from my punished pussy. I could feel myself getting closer and closer, like a glass vase slowly being pushed towards the edge, knowing it would shatter from the fall. My voice was a loud, high pitched keen of pleasure as my brother continued fucking me. I was right on the edge, begging to be pushed over. "Oh fuck, Sis!" Kyle cried, squeezing my hips tighter. "I'm gonna cum!" I didn't know what was hotter, him telling me he was going to cum for me, or him calling me Sis while his cock was pounding ruthlessly into my pussy, but it sent me over the edge. My body went limp, and my legs trembled uncontrollably through my climax, curling my toes painfully. Kyle's cock continued pounding into my over sensitive pussy even after my orgasm ravaged my body, torturing me, making me delirious with pleasure. I couldn't think, I could hardly breath. My body was limp as he used me, my legs dangling unsupported off the side of the counter. I thought my punishment would last forever, until... "Oh, Fuck!" Kyle cried, his thrusts becoming more sporadic. "Oh fuck, Ash!" He drove deep inside of me, mashing our bodies tightly together as he emptied his cock into my brutalized pussy. Panting heavily, he leaned over my back for support. After several moments, he slowly withdrew his cock from my worn cunt and sat down right on the kitchen tile. With him no longer supporting me, I let my helpless legs pull me down off the counter as well, and I found myself lying right next to him as I tried to remember where I was, and what had just happened to me. My shorts and panties were sitting around my ankles, but my muscles were too sore, and I was too tired to do anything about it. I could feel cum dribbling out of my pussy and down my ass. I looked beside me, and my brother was lying there with an arm over his eyes, and his pants around his ankles as well. That's right, I thought. I just fucked my brother...again. My memory came back to me, and for the first time since I'd let his cock slip into my mouth, I remembered the whole reason I had been there in the kitchen talking with him. "So, does this mean you're not going to tell now?" I asked. "What?" he asked, looking slightly confused as he pulled his arm away from his eyes to look at me. "I figured, since you just fucked the hell out of me, that you wouldn't be telling Mom and Dad about last night," I said hopefully. "Oh...yeah," he said, looking a bit sheepish as his cheeks redden. "About that...Uh...April Fools?" "What?" I asked, momentarily confused. " was just an April Fool's joke," he said, carefully looking anywhere but at me. "Nothing actually happened last night. Jessica and I just put this together to get you back..." he trailed off awkwardly. "So, we never had sex?" I asked. "Well, just now..." he said. "You're an ass," I said, still too exhausted and sexually fulfilled to even work up a small amount of anger. "And you're sick, you know that?" I asked. "Totally fucked up in the head." "You're the one that seduced me," he shot back. "Did not!" "You were on your knees, and you pulled my cock out and started sucking it!" he protested. Shit...I did do that, I thought. Try as hard as I might though, I couldn't find it in myself to get angry. First, it was an excellent prank. Second, I got to fuck my brother, and prank or not, I had finally realized how much I'd been wanting to do that. "By the way," Kyle added. "Happy Birthday." "Thanks," I replied. A moment later I kicked off my shorts and panties from around my ankles, and sat up, facing him. "Speaking of, there's something I want for my birthday..." I peeled off my yellow and white polo shirt, leaving myself completely naked for him as I swung my leg over to straddle his thighs. I let my hands run up my body from my legs, up over my smooth tummy, and finished off by giving my round perky breasts a teasing squeeze. Kyle's eyes were glued to my body, and I watched his cock, lying limp on his belly right in front of me, begin to grow in anticipation. ***Jessica*** Jessica watched, crouching near the kitchen window in her friend's back yard. Her panties had been long discarded, and the insides of her thighs were stained with the remnants of her arousal. She had planned everything out so perfectly, but she still never expected something so hot to happen, but she had hoped. Ever since that 4th of July, and seeing Ashley call that guy Kyle while she fucked him, Jessica had developed this overwhelming perversion. She wanted to see her best friend actually fuck her own brother. It was so wrong, but that one night had changed her, and now incest was a huge turn on for her. Not her own family, of course, but watching others cross that line...just thinking about Ashely with her brother drove her wild. Jessica watched as Ashely finally sat up on the floor and pulled her top off. Seeing her best friend straddling her brother, she realized that the show wasn't over yet. Ashely lifted herself, lining her brother's cock up with her battered cunt, and Jessica let her fingers dip underneath her skirt once again. As Ashely's faint moans reached her ears, Jessica had only one thought, this was the greatest April Fool's joke that no one would ever hear about. THE END For Pics visit:---->>>