Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title: Dog Co-Parents Summary: Extreme methods needed to get a brother over an ex. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot There was no answer at the front door. Skye didn't let that stop her. She walked in, scanned each room as she passed it, and found her brother sprawled across his couch in the living room. Jace was wearing shorts and an oversized hoodie with the hood pulled as far around his face as possible, in spite of being indoors in the middle of summer. The AC running at least made it less of a recipe for dying of heat. "You couldn't answer the door?" Skye asked. "Didn't hear it." "Like fuck you didn't. I knocked loud enough. I know." "Oh." "Oh?" "Oh." Skye sighed. "You been moping all day?" Jace shrugged, barely a flick of his shoulders on his otherwise inert frame. "More like all week." "That seems unlikely. She's only been gone three days." Jace flinched even at the oblique mention of Hailey. "Is that all?" "By my count." "Huh." "It's not the end of the world, you know." "I know. Sun keeps coming up. Fucker." "Just doing its job. Don't blame the sun." "Why not? It can't hear me." "It's unproductive, that's why." Jace snorted. "You think a lack of productivity is my concern right now?" "No. But it's the first reason that came to mind." Skye swiped her fingers through her hair, pushing it back some. "I mean if you want, go ahead and blame the sun. But honestly, if you're gonna pointlessly seethe and rage at anything, prolly should be Bitch-Face." "Don't call her that," Jace said automatically. "Why not? She left. You don't gotta defend her anymore." "You never liked her." "I briefly did. Before I knew her." "Always with the name calling." "Turned out she was a Bitch-Face though, wasn't she?" Jace sighed heavily and draped his arm over his face, blocking it out even further from what little light made it into the room through drawn curtains. "Yeah," he mumbled. "So I'ma call her Bitch-Face if I want." "Three times is enough." "For now." Skye climbed up the arm of the couch and perched herself on the back, looking down at her woebegone brother. "Are you gonna make me kick you off the couch?" "Not making you do anything. And I'd prefer if you didn't." "Ah, but you are making me do something. You know how many sad texts I've had from you in three fucking days?" "No." "Me either. Too many to count. So if I want my phone not to get filled up with misery, I do in fact have to do something about you." Skye put her foot on Jace's hip. "Starting with booting you to the floor if you make me." Jace groaned and rolled a bit, though didn't actually sit up. "There. I moved." "Well... it's a start." Skye prodded Jace's ribs with her toe. "Have you eaten today?" "I think so." "Worrisome, but we'll circle back to that answer later. Has Calypso eaten today?" "I left the bag open for her." "Oh for fuck's sake." "And the back door open." "Jace, seriously." "An' I filled a bucket with water in case she got thirsty." "That's fucking horrible, dude." "Why do you think I asked you to come get her?" "I'm not taking your dog for you, Jace. She's yours." "She's... she was..." "She was yours and Hailey's. I know." "She's sad, Skye. Sad as I am. Yesterday, she didn't even move hardly. Just laid here next to me." "Yeah, probably because she doesn't know what to do with you either. Dogs get sad when their people get sad, you know." "Her mom's gone." "Fuck off. Callie's smart enough not to miss her." "Now who doesn't understand dogs?" "Yeah, yeah. I know. Callie wouldn't judge Bitch-Face for being a cunt. But for real, she's moping 'cause you're moping. So stop moping." "Oh, gee, thanks. I'll just stop. Never occurred to me. So very wise of you." Skye gave a solid thrust of her legs and toppled Jace to the floor. He swore, and slowly pushed himself to his feet. "You're a dick," he said. Skye grinned. "You're lucky I love you enough to care, is more like it. Now come on, where's Callie at?" Calypso was lying outside, curled in a shady spot on the deck. She lifted an ear at Skye's approach, but then made a grumbling sound and went still again. "You've spent too much time with Jace," Skye told Calypso. Calypso said nothing. "Wanna go for a walk?" Calypso yawned, making an odd yowling sound in the process, then lay her head right back where it had been. "Way, way too much time with him." Skye looked over her shoulder. "Jace? Put a fucking t-shirt on. And some sneakers. We're going for a walk." "Leash is by the door. I'm going for a shower." "I said 'we'! If you wanted a shower you should have goddamn well taken one earlier." "I'm not going out." "You fucking are." "I'm not." Skye set her jaw. "Fucking. Are." **** "See, it's nice out today?" Skye said pleasantly. Jace grumbled next to her. "Swear at me all you want," Skye said, tugging gently at the leash in her hand. "It's good for you." Calypso followed along behind, hardly even stopping to sniff Interesting Things. Jace and Calypso were almost scarily alike today. At least it hadn't been necessary to leash Jace as well to get him out of the house. Only just barely, though. "I'm gonna get a sunburn," Jace said, somehow still squinting in the sunlight that he should have adjusted to by now. "Then I'll be miserable in a whole new way." "Well there. Broadened your horizons, at least." "I'ma whine so hard at you." "Ya big baby. We won't be out long enough for sunburns." "You don't know that." "Look, I know you've been trying to turn into a fungus or whatever, what with the melding into the furniture in a dark environment and all, but a little sunshine and fresh air truly won't kill you." "Better not. If I die out here thanks to your silly walk, I will haunt the shit out of you." "I accept your terms." Skye threaded her fingers between Jace's and cheerfully swung their arms back and forth together as they walked. "Besides, Callie needs the walk. Not fair on her holding back on the exercise like that." "That's why I wanted you to take her. I didn't need to be here for this." "She's your dog. Not mine." "I mean, yeah, but... damn, Skye, I'm not ready to be a single dog-parent." "A what now?" "You know. Like... when you have kids and then split up-" "No, I got that, thanks. I'm just flabbergasted that you think you can't handle this. You love Callie." "I do." "And she's the sweetest, easiest doggo one could ever hope for." "True." "And you're complaining?" "Not complaining. Just... I feel bad. I haven't hardly been out with her for... well, since Hailey left. Yesterday we spent half the day on the couch together. Just lying there. I don't want that for her." Skye glanced sidelong at her brother. "But you want that for you?" "No." "But you're still doing it?" "Yes." "Oh. Ok. Well as long as you're making rational decisions. That's the main thing." "Don't be an ass. I know perfectly well I'm not being rational." Jace shrugged. "Emotions. What the hell." "Fair enough." They kept walking. Calypso picked up the pace a bit, trotting ahead, sniffing poles and garbage cans they passed. Like she was cautiously taking an interest again. "Hey, ice cream truck," Skye said. "So it is." "Let's get ice cream." "... ok. Sure." "You're buying." "I have no money with me." "You're useless to me!" Skye shook her head. "Fine, I'm buying. You hold Callie." They only had to wait for a couple of kids in front of them, then they were on their way, each licking their frozen but increasingly melty treats. "See?" Skye said. "How can life suck when you can literally just go have ice cream every day?" "I really don't need constant ice cream with my current zero-activity lifestyle." "We're working on that." Skye nudged Jace. "Admit it. It's good." Jace nodded. "It is." "And you're a little happier now." "I am." "Good." Jace licked some more of his ice cream. "Skye?" "Yeah?" "I appreciate this." "You better." "No, seriously. I'm prolly gonna be grumpy again once the sugar wears off, but thanks for coming over today." Skye grabbed Jace's tummy and gave it a rub. "You need food, dude. We'll have to get some more in ya." "That might help." "Definitely will." **** "Do you know," said Skye slowly, "that in spite of having plenty of food in your kitchen, you have basically nothing to just... eat." Jace leaned against the counter. "I picked over all the easy stuff already." "Like you have one egg left. One. What's even the point of that? And your bread's started going moldy." "Sounds right." "There's cereal, but no milk." "Correct." "So many cookies, but-" "Cookies? Where?" "-but I'm not letting you eat whole bags of cookies. Don't even think about it." "Aw." "Canned food. I could just open some of that up and... and do something with it." "I mean, I guess. How'm I gonna wanna eat a pile of that, though?" "Well that's the question alright." Skye opened the freezer on the fridge again. "Ok, listen. There are frozen pork chops in here. They'll take some time, but I can cook them, maybe with mushroom soup and rice. You have any onions? No, I imagine you don't." "Probably not," Jace agreed. "Is that what mushroom soup is for? I was wondering. People don't just eat it, do they? Gotta be for casseroles and whatnot." "Ok, first of all, there's no reason you couldn't just eat it. It's a soup. That's what they're for. Second of all, why do you have mushroom soup if you've never eaten it?" Jace shrugged. "Pretty sure I never bought it. Maybe it was Hailey. Maybe it was one of those random-ass canned goods that just appears. Like that can of mixed vegetables. What's even the point of that?" "In case you want to pretend to be healthy without any real effort. Or flavour." "Oh. Right. I don't often feel that way." "No. I suspected you didn't." Skye made a shooing motion. "Go play with Callie or something. I'll be a little while." "Yeah, I should probably, like, fill her dish properly. And her water bowl. Take down the all-you-can-eat buffet." "That'd be good." Jace sighed. "I'm not cut out for this." "You've had her for, what, a couple years now? You'll be fine." "Co-parenting, though." "Owning. Or co-owning. Or whatever. Enough with the parenting shit. I love Callie, but she's a dog, dude. You were even ready to adopt her out an hour ago." Jace flinched. "Not adopt her out. Just... have someone else look after her. I'm worried, Skye. What if I'm not enough on my own. What if I have more days where I just, like, don't walk her?" "Then I'll come over and kick your ass off the couch again. Easy." "Yeah. Ok. Easy." **** They sat out on the deck to eat. Not so much because it was nice out, but rather because Jace had been sitting out there with Calypso, and she'd refused to remove her head from his lap, even once ear scritchies time was done. Jace made use of a footstool Skye brought for him to set his plate on, and awkwardly ate while disturbing his pupper as little as possible. "And you think you can't be a doggy daddy," Skye said, an amused smile gracing her lips as she watched Jace twisting his torso in attempt to eat somewhat gracefully. "You seem to be deliberately ignoring the qualifiers I put on those sentiments." "I do, don't I?" Jace pointed his knife at Skye. "See, if you were here all the time, it'd be no sweat." "Well sure, if I'm here to take you both for walks and feed you and stuff." "Not even that. Just... just 'cause I need the support sometimes. I need to not have all the responsibility on me." "It's a rough patch, Jace. It'll fade." "Hope so." Jace took another bite. "These are seriously good." "I'll have to try making 'em again sometime when you're not half starved. See if you still think so." "Anytime. For real." "We'll see." Skye eventually finished her plate, only just ahead of Jace despite him having started with more food and a less comfortable position to eat it in. She leaned back in her chair, let her eyelids droop, and waited for Jace to finish as well. "You have any booze or anything?" she asked. "It's a 'get mildly drunk' kinda afternoon." "Not that I know of, or I assure you it'd be gone too." "Figured." "I honestly probably shouldn't have any in the house for a little while." "Yeah, that's fair. 'Sides, I'll need to drive myself home sometime." "You could stay." "Stay?" "Just for the night. If you wanted." Jace shrugged. "The place is pretty empty currently." "I s'pose it kinda is." Skye shook her head. "This better not be a ploy to try getting me to stay permanently." "Why would it be? We'd drive each other crazy a few days in. We both know that." "We do." "Just... for the night. If you wanted. If you don't have anything too pressing tomorrow. Or tonight, even." Skye chewed on her lip. "Well... I'm definitely getting a bit tipsy, then. So I'll have to make a supply run. What do you want? Beer?" "Uh..." "I know, but I'ma only get you, like, two or something. And I might even drink those on you. Not enough to get stupid drunk on even if you wanted to." Jace shrugged. "Yeah, ok, beer's fine." "Good. And I'm gonna pick up some milk and stuff. You have any money?" "Me?" "They're groceries for your house. And I already subsidized your ice cream." "Uh... maybe in my wallet. By the front door. If not, I'll have to owe you." Skye got up and ruffled Jace's hair on the way by. "Yeah you will." **** Skye and Jace lazed the rest of the day away. Jace nursed a single beer to the point that Skye actually got kind of impatient with him, but she couldn't fault his restraint. She, meanwhile, got quite a bit tipsier than her brother. Despite the fairly slack day, it was still only mid-evening when Jace stood up, stretched, and yawned. "I should get to bed." "Already?" "Yeah. Callie's ready." "Callie's always ready for bed." "Only once it gets dark out." "Sun's only just barely down." "I know." "You're gonna just leave me alone to my drunken stupor?" "You're not that drunk, sis. But I can take your booze away from you if that would help." Skye clutched her glass protectively. "Nuh uh." "Seriously though, I should get to bed. Get up early tomorrow and all that." "Yeah?" "Yeah." Skye shrugged. "Ok." "I really appreciate you coming over today, you know." "Yeah, no sweat. Coulda warned me it was gonna be an early night, is all." "I didn't know it would be." "Sure you didn't." Jace spread his arms and Skye stood up to meet his hug. Jace pulled her tight, and she squeezed him back with just as much force. They held each other longer than normal, hugging out some of the emotions of the day, and of the past week. "Hey, Jace?" "Yeah?" "You're poking me." "Yeah. Sorry." "You gonna let go or what?" "You haven't let go yet." "True." They clung together a while longer, Skye doing her best to ignore her brother's erection. It wasn't a big deal, in some ways. But it was kind of weird coming from him. "Hard up for female attention, huh?" Skye said. "No pun intended." Jace cleared his throat and tried to turn so the tent in his pants was less prominent. It didn't really work. "Sorry. For real. It just... felt nice." "I'm your sister, dude." "Not like that. Just the hug. And... and maybe you're right. I haven't had any attention for... over a week anyway. Maybe longer, when I think back. Even before she was gone... she was kinda gone. Y'know?" "Oof. Rough. You're jerking off though, right?" Jace flushed. "Well... no." "No?!" "Yeah. No." Skye punched Jace lightly on the shoulder. "You idiot. No wonder it's hitting you so hard with Bitch-Face leaving. Fucking go rub one out. Or a couple." "You don't think I tried?" "What d'ya mean 'tried'? Just go do it." "Not that easy." "In what world?" "I know, it sounds stupid. But legitimately, I haven't been able to for a while. Certainly not the past couple days." "Well... watch some porn?" "Not interested." "In anything?" "No." Skye put her hand on her head. "Oh good lord, Jace. How bad a shape are you in, anyway?" "I mean, you saw it. This morning." "That was this afternoon, dude." "Well whatever." Jace shrugged. "It's not been good." "No. It seems not." Skye sighed. "Do you think you can, like, go take care of shit now at least?" "Maybe." "Well you got hard from me. Go look up some of that fake sister porn that's all the rage these days." "First of all, ew. Second of all, you shouldn't tell me to do things like that." "Why not?" Jace rolled his eyes. "And besides any of that, it was the physical contact that did it. Porn's not gonna help with that." "Counter first of all, don't 'ew' me." "Wasn't. Was ew-ing the suggestion." "Still, though. And also... what the hell am I gonna do with you?" "Beats me." Skye put her hands on her hips and frowned at her brother. His erection was fading, at least. "You said it was the physical contact?" she said slowly. "I think so. Just 'cause, and don't take this the wrong way, but it felt really nice just holding you for a minute. And vice versa." "I'm-" "Because you're a girl. Not because you're my sister," Jace added hurriedly. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Well, as a girl, I'm about to suggest something very stupid." "Like what?" "Bearing in mind it's only because I care about you. And probably because I'm a little drunk." "Ok. Fine. What's the suggestion?" "And you can't ever tell anyone I said this, no matter what happens." "Skye, I get it. Tell me." Skye stepped closer to Jace, well inside his personal boundary. "I'm gonna have to jerk you off." Jace stepped back quickly. "The fuck you say?" "You need to get off, Jace. You need it." "Yeah, but, not like that. Surely there are prostitutes or something?" "Do you know how to hire one?" "... no." "Me either. And I don't know anyone I could ask that wouldn't just make things more complicated, if they'd even say yes in the first place." Jace twirled his finger. "This right here, this is things already getting hella complicated." "No it's not." "Yes it is." "Not it's not!" "Yes. It is." Skye threw her hands up. "Fine. Whatever. Deal with it yourself." "I-" She stabbed a finger at Jace. "But you better go jerk off. Right now. Go." "That's so weird to hear you say." "I'm serious! If I'm putting all this work into you, I need you to at least start flushing her out of your system." "Not sure that's how that works." "Try it first, then criticize my methods later if it doesn't help." "That... fine. I'll try it." "Good boy." Jace started to say something, then stopped, shook his head, and stalked off. Calypso stood up and stretched, ready to trot after Jace, but Skye caught her collar. "Whoa there, Callie. Daddy needs some alone time." Calypso looked unimpressed, but settled for curling up on the couch with Skye for a while. **** Skye knocked on Jace's door a half hour later. There was no answer, so she knocked again. "Yeah?" Skye opened the door and slipped in. "Surprised I managed to sneak away from Callie." "Why did you need to sneak away?" "Grown up talk. She doesn't need to hear it." "She's a dog." "I know. I just felt weird bringing her, alright?" Skye stepped closer to the bed. The lights were on, and Jace's naked top half was bared above the covers. His lower half had a blanket across it. "So, you did it?" Skye asked. "Don't wanna talk about that stuff." "We don't have to. As long as you did what you were sent up here to do." "None of your business." Skye put her hands on her hips. "All of my business, actually. You didn't, did you?" Jace sighed. "No. Still couldn't. Can barely start without thinking of Hailey. And that kinda ruins the mood." "That's ok. Luckily you've got me, still." "Skye, no." "Jace, yes." Skye stepped closer still. "I'm sobering up, and I still think it's the right call. But we gotta do it before I lose all that alcohol in my system and I don't have the nerve." "If you wouldn't do it full sober, maybe we shouldn't do it at all." "Not saying I wouldn't. But it'd be harder to convince myself to actually go through with it, is all." Skye pushed Jace's covers back and knelt on the bed. He clung to what was covering him, preventing easy exposure. "Then don't convince yourself," Jace said. "Hey, I gave you a chance. You didn't do it." "Couldn't." "Didn't, couldn't, whatever." "Doesn't mean I'll let you." Skye put her hands on her hips. "Yes you will." "Won't." "Will!" "Skye, I-" "You need this, dude. I'm not gonna let you wallow in her forever. I care about you too much for that." "So let me wallow another day or two, then-" "Nope." "I just-" "Nuh uh." "You can't... oh." Skye took advantage of Jace's distraction and flicked the covers out of his grip. She tossed them past the foot of the bed to the floor, out of range of recovery. "Just lemme take care of it," Skye said. "I'd rather you didn't." "Is that what you'd rather?" "Yes." "Are you sure?" "Yes!" "Dude, I can see your dick. It's getting hard." Jace flushed and covered his cock with his hands. "Shut the hell up. That's just... it's confused. It happens." "Sure. Sure." Skye made piercing eye contact with her brother. "Jace, you'll feel better afterward. I promise." "I'll feel like I took advantage of my sister is what I'll feel." Skye blinked slowly at him. "What kind of male-centric view of the world you runnin' on, Jace?" "What?" "I'm here tryin' to convince you into something, and you're worried about taking advantage of me? Good goddamn, dude." "No, just 'cause... because if you did the thing..." "You got nothing, do you?" Jace sighed. "I got nothing," he agreed. "It made sense in my head." "I bet." Skye slapped gently at his hands. "Just lemme do it. It'll be quick and done, you'll feel better, and it'll all be over with." "Promise it won't scar the both of us?" "I promise nothing of the sort." "... you're not even gonna lie to me and tell me it'll all be ok?" "It'll be better. I promise that." Skye shrugged. "But it's not like I've ever jerked my brother off before. I don't know how it feels afterward." "So maybe we shouldn't-" "But no time like the present!" Skye darted her hand in and gripped Jace's partly hard cock. He groaned and instinctively reached for her, then stopped and let his hands drop. "Feels ok, right?" Skye said, gently squeezing and running her hand up and down. "... yeah." "Not like you want it to stop right away?" "No. Just... kinda wish it wasn't you." "That's fair. Close your eyes and pretend I'm someone else. Not Bitch-Face! Anyone else. Emma Watson or Natalie Dormer or someone." "Does it have to be a celebrity?" Skye smirked. "Not at all. I can be anyone you want. With the aforementioned excepton, of course." "Ok." "Better?" Jace shrugged, eyes tightly closed. "Not really. I still know it's you." "Well imagine harder, then." "It's not working." "God you're hopeless." At least Jace was hard in Skye's grip. She could work with that, even if he was going to keep complaining. Skye got into a pretty nice rhythm, casually working her brother's cock. He found it harder to protest when she was jerking him good. Sister or not, she had him in the palm of her hand, in more ways than one. "That feels good, doesn't it?" Skye asked rhetorically. Jace grunted something that could have been either a positive or negative response. It didn't really matter which. His compliant, increasingly relaxed posture told a more truthful story either way. "We'll give you a nice li'l cum, and it'll be all better," Skye said soothingly. "Don't talk like that." "Like what?" "Like I'm a dog and you're trying to teach me a trick." "Fine." Skye lowered her voice, making it significantly huskier. "Cum for your sister, Jace. Cum all over her-" "Not that either!" "Picky picky." "Just... be normal about it." Skye smirked. "So it's normal now?" "No. It's... you know what it is." "Sure do." Skye kept working her hand up and down Jace's hard shaft. She teased him some more, but got quieter the closer he got. Her eyes focused harder on his cock, on the way it pulsed and twitched in her hand. Even though she wasn't the one getting played with, her cheeks developed a rosy tint, and her breathing ran slightly ragged. The room went nearly silent, except for Skye's handjob and a soft, mutual panting. Those small sounds became amplified with nothing else to cut them. "You close?" Skye whispered. Jace grunted. "Yeah." "Do it." "Skye..." "Do it! You have to!" Jace bit his lip. He couldn't argue. He didn't have time to. His body went stiff and taut, then an explosion of cum, all over himself and Skye's hand. Beautiful jets of white all over, arcing briefly in the air, landing messily wheresoever they chose. Skye's eyes were wide and alert. Her hand kept moving, increasingly lubed by cum getting all over Jace's shaft. He finally had to slap her away, and this time she heeded, sitting back and almost tucking her hand away before realizing just how slick and gooey it was. "You were seriously backed up," Skye said in an awed tone. "You knew that already." "No, I know, but I mean... that was a lot, dude. More than I've ever seen." "How often are you looking?" "Just sayin'." Skye shrugged. She turned to Jace, who was hiding his face with an arm draped over it. "Feel better though? For real?" He didn't answer at first, but eventually gave a grudging, "Yeah." "Good." "Just 'cause I came, though." "I know. That was the whole point." "No, I mean, like, it's not necessarily gonna fix anything." "Doesn't have to all by itself. It's just to help." "Uh huh. Sure." "It did, didn't it? It felt good, right? You're all 'oh it's gonna be so terrible,' and all like-" "I never thought it would be terrible." "The hell you didn't. The amount of complaining you-" "I was worried it wouldn't be." "That... you... what?" "And it wasn't." "So-" "So now I'm the guy that got a handjob from his sister, and... and liked it." There was dead silence for a moment. "Well, to be fair, if more boys got handjobs from their sisters, I'm sure-" "Don't say it." "-lots of them would-" "Seriously don't." "-enjoy it too. Not that they all would, but-" Skye was cut off with an indignant squeak as Jace nailed her with a pillow. She threatened to smack him right back with it, but he made no move to even defend himself and she relented. "You told me I was being all... what was it? Male-centric?" Skye shrugged. "Something like that." "But now I gotta live with being that kind of guy." "What the hell kind of guy, Jace?" "I-" "And why the hell is whatever kind of guy you are so much worse than whatever kind of girl that must make me?" "It's not-" "Can't you just enjoy it?" "I did." "Good." "Good." "Fine." "Fine." Skye looked down at Jace's pillow she was still clutching. "I think I got cum all over this thing." "Makes sense." "Sorry." "S'ok. There's kind of a lot of mess." "There sure is." Jace hesitated. "Skye, it was good. Great, even. I've just, like, been with Hailey so long... and I feel like it's on me that we just did what we did." "I offered, Jace. I pressured, even." "Only 'cause I'm being a sad sack." "Not just 'cause of that. Also 'cause I love you and I want you to get over Bitch-Face, and I mean really, it's only a handjob. Not a big deal." Jace found Skye's hand and squeezed it. "I hate myself a little for feeling this, but... it kind of is a big deal. In a good way." "Yeah?" "Yeah. Like... you care enough that you'd do that for me. That's pretty huge. I mean, fucked up and probably not the correct way to help, but huge all the same." "We gotta work on your pillow talk, my dude. It lacks a certain something." "Don't call it that." Skye grinned. "Or what?" "Or I'll take that pillow back and smack you with it again. And it's full of cum now, so it'll-" "Ew!" "So don't make me do that, is what I'm saying." "Uh huh. Sure." Skye looked down at her still-messy wrist. "I probably should go clean up." "Yeah. Me too." "Definitely you too." Skye bounced to her feet, lightly tossing Jace's cummy pillow back to him. "But me first." "Hey, Skye?" Skye stopped at the edge of the room, just before opening the door. "Yeah?" "I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow, but... thanks. That was kinda awesome." Skye smiled cautiously, suddenly shy in the face of appreciation for jerking off her brother. "You're welcome. I..." She shook her head. "Night, Jace." "Good night." Skye slipped out of the room and closed the door behind her. Calypso was waiting out in the hall, and slowly climbed to her feet as Skye came out. "You guarding daddy?" Skye asked. "Yaaaoooouuu," Calypso said, stretching and letting out something like a yawn. "Don't worry, I'm all done with him. Once he cleans up, he's all yours." "Whuff." "Hey, you watch your language." Skye scratched Calypso's ears with her clean hand as she went by. "He'll be happier. I promise." "Whuff!" "No, you can't go in yet. I know it's bedtime, but just wait for it." Calypso gave Skye a dirty look, but sat her butt down and waited for Jace. "Good dog," Skye murmured as she kept walking and hit the bathroom to clean up. **** Jace was up surprisingly early the next day, and was far more cheerful than Skye had dared to hope. She herself was nursing something right on the cusp of being a hangover, which put his smile into a starker contrast first thing in the morning. "Someone's chipper," Skye said. Jace shrugged. "Had a good sleep." "Is that all?" "And a good... something else." Skye cracked a smile. "Glad to hear it." "Coffee's ready. Still fresh." "Even gladder to hear it." Jace and Skye sat out on the deck in the early morning sun, sipping coffee. Calypso curled up on Jace's feet, doing her best to pin him in place. "So," Skye said once she was feeling human enough for the conversation, "how you feelin' this morning?" Jace was slow to answer. "Really good, actually." "Yeah?" "Yeah. I've been waiting all morning for the massive wave of guilt to hit me-" "You've got nothing to be guilty about." "No, I know. I'm coming to terms with that. Slowly." "Good." "How 'bout you?" "How 'bout me what?" "How do you feel about it?" It was Skye's turn to hesitate and really think. "I've honestly been doing my best not to think too hard about it. Too early for that." "Oh. Is that... bad?" "I hope not." Skye sipped her coffee. "I don't regret it. At all. You're so clearly better than you were yesterday." "I can't help feeling like that's more because of you caring than you... jerking me off." "You needed a release, Jace." "Yeah, no, I get that." "And I don't feel bad that I was the one to do it. I really don't." "Good." "I feel a little bad about how I keep thinking of all that cum coming out of you." Jace snorted and spat some coffee back into his cup. He wiped his chin and set his mug down. "Don't do that when I'm drinking." "It was a lot of cum, dude." "I hadn't jerked off in a while!" "I know. Just sayin'." "Are you honestly hung up on that, or just messing with me?" "Why not both?" Jace studied Skye's expression. She casually sipped some more coffee with and enigmatic ghost of a smile on her lips. "Well if you want to see it again..." It was Skye's turn to choke on her drink. "Dude!" "'Cause I'd be happy to-" "Alright, alright. You made your point." "Oh good. Glad to hear it." Skye sighed and set her coffee down. "But now I'm gonna be thinking about it. So thanks for that." "About last night? Or about doing it again?" "Obviously we're not doing it again. That was a one time deal." "Yeah. Obviously. But are you thinking about it?" Skye eyed her brother sidelong. "None of your dang business." "Fair enough." They sat in silence for a few minutes, each occasionally taking a sip of increasingly cool coffee. "Next time I jerk off, I'm definitely gonna think of last night," Jace said. "Are you, indeed?" "I think so. Hard not to." "True." "Is that ok?" "Do I have a say in the matter?" "Not really. Still asking, though." Skye nodded, then shrugged. "I knew the risks." "So it's ok?" "Ok as any of it." "That's not really an answer." "I don't really have an answer." "Oh." "Yeah." **** Skye was making lunch when Jace sidled up to the counter next to her. She glanced at him inquisitively, but he didn't say anything right away. She went back to what she was doing until he spoke. "I think I'm getting horny again." "Good for you." Skye glanced at her brother again. "You probably don't need to announce it." "Well it's partly 'cause of you." "All the more reason not to tell me." "Well-" "I'm not doing it again." "Are-" "One time. We established that. You shouldn't even want me to anyway. You were so resistant the first time." "... what did you think the odds were I'd both give in that time, and not ever want it again? Honestly?" Skye hesitated. "I mean-" "'Cause it's a pretty small target you were trying to hit." "Well fuck, dude. I dunno. I just wanted you to get past Bitch-Face." "And you helped, for sure." Jace sidled closer. "'Cause now I got different thoughts to kinda obsess over." "Goddammit." "About you." "Yeah, I got that." Skye glared at Jace. "You're not, like, crushing on me or falling in love or something, are you?" "Oh hell no! You're my sister, doofus. I just, y'know, want you to jerk me off again." Skye sighed and washed her hands. "Fine. A quick one. Then I'm making lunch, 'cause I'm fucking hungry." "Deal." Skye reached for Jace's crotch at the same moment he started to walk away. They both stopped and stared at each other suspiciously for a moment. "Where you going?" Skye asked. "Well we're not doing it here." "What part of 'quick one' are you not getting?" "That's a little too quick and dirty." "Too good for a kitchen jerk off all of a sudden?" "I mean... there's a perfectly good couch we could use. Or bed. Or something." Skye sighed. "Alright, dude. If you're gonna be picky about this, we're gonna eat first. Go, I dunno, play with yourself or something while I finish up. You're gonna have to be patient if you want some romance." "I am most certainly not looking for romance." "You're looking for something more romantic than getting jerked off against the counter in the kitchen." "That's such a low bar to set. Seriously." "Yeah, well..." Skye waved her hands in a shooing motion. "Away you go." "For real?" "Yes. For real. I'm hungry." Jace rolled his eyes, but vacated the kitchen at Skye's insistence. She carried on making lunch in peace. Once Skye had finished up and was carrying two plates of food into the living room, she stopped at the doorway and just stared at her brother for a moment. He was naked from the waist down and idly playing with himself while watching tv. "Oh goddamn, dude." Jace flushed slightly, but didn't stop. "What? This is literally what you told me to do." "You couldn't have kept your pants on?" "Why would I?" "So we can eat with... with your pants on. With your dick not hanging out." "Listen, you said-" "Yeah, I know what I said. Fuck's sake." Skye strode over, handed Jace a plate, and sat down next to him. She started eating, ignoring his boner right next to her. "Eat up." "Or we could-" "After lunch." "Just-" "Later! Be patient or you get nothing at all." "Oh. Ok." Jace finished eating well before Skye. It was only to be expected, given his anticipation of what was to come afterward. Skye resolutely took her time and continued to ignore her brother, even while he just sat staring at her hopefully while she tried to enjoy her meal. "Stop staring." "Sorry." "You're still doing it." "I know." "Go... play with Callie or something." "I can't." "Why not?" "I have no pants on. And I'm... you know." "Jesus." "Well I am. I left her outside for a bit so it wouldn't be weird." "It's definitely getting weird anyway." "Yeah, it is a little, isn't it?" Jace scratched his head. "I imagined this going differently." "Like last night?" "Yeah. Like last night. I mean, some parts of it." Skye pursed her lips for a moment. "Last night was about getting you over Bitch-Face." "Which definitely helped." "You're saying you need more help?" "Uh... I mean, I guess?" "You're not very convincing." "Well, like, mostly it just felt kind of amazing, and it really did help, but I don't know if it was so much about forgetting Hailey." "No?" "No. More like... like reminding me that I don't need her, I think." Skye set her plate down, half-finished. "Alright." "Alright?" "Yeah." Skye scootched closer to Jace and put her hand in his lap. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and stroked them up and down. "Aw, shit. That's good," Jace moaned. "Like that, huh?" "So much." "Good." Skye snuggled in closer while still jerking Jace off. He put an arm around her shoulders in response, hugging her into him for a mix of cuddles and naughtiness. "You know this is definitely the last time, right?" Skye asked. "Is it?" "It is." "Oh. You think?" "Well I can't keep masturbating my brother. That wouldn't be right." "I mean... you could, though." Skye craned her neck around to stare at Jace for a moment. "Is that what you'd want? Coming home every day to handjob from your sister?" "It wouldn't have to be every single day or anything." Skye snorted. "Oh good." "And it could be other things." "You idiot. We are not doing... other things. This is only so you get over Bitch-Face. Nothing more." "Yeah, no, of course. But, like, it might take some time for me to get over her." Skye nodded slowly. "I might need to come over more often. For a while." Jace groaned as Skye's fingers tightened on him. "Maybe, yeah." "Just 'til you're over her." "Absolutely." "And jerk you off sometimes, just so you don't relapse." "Very noble of you." "Don't be flippant. It is. Kinda." "Oh I agree." "You'd agree with literally anything right now. So long as I'm jerking you off." "You're so right," Jace agreed happily. Skye snorted again and rested her head on Jace's shoulder. She kept stroking him, working him toward orgasm, but without any real urgency. They were snuggled all warmly together in what would have been a beautiful picture of sibling bonding, if not for Jace's cock wrapped in Skye's fingers. That was something else entirely. "I get you off, you let me eat in peace after," Skye said. "Oh, yeah, of course." "That's the deal." "And the terms are so very fair." "And we only do this again if you really, really need it. It shouldn't be a habit." "Well..." "Now hurry up and cum for your sister already. Jeez." In spite of her words, Skye's hand didn't move any quicker. She kept moving at a steady pace, unhurried, all comfortably resting against her brother. Jace was about to say something further, then thought better of it and simply kissed Skye on the side of her forehead, then settled his head against hers. They snuggled together, in no hurry to actually finish up. **** The next time Skye visited Jace, he wasn't actually home yet when she first arrived. She didn't let that stop her. Calypso sprang to attention as Skye walked in, and dutifully collected her ear-scritchy toll for allowing entry. "Hey, girl," Skye said. "Dad's not around, huh?" Calypso tilted her head and accepted more pats. "That's ok. Wanna go for a walk 'til he gets back?" "Rowr!" "Thought so." Calypso held regally still while her leash was affixed, then led the way on a jaunt around the neighbourhood. Jace had returned by the time the girls did. Calypso raced into the kitchen to greet him, followed much more slowly by Skye. "Hey, Callie," Jace said. "Did Mommy take you for walkies? What a lucky girl." "I'm not Mommy," Skye said. "Don't even start." "Well you're gonna have to be at least a step-mom. Callie won't do well with a single dad." "Why ever not?" "A lack of good female influences, mainly. Also fewer walks." "I will be an aunt. No more." "We'll see." "No we won't." Skye stepped closer, sniffing the air. "You cooking something? That's very unlike you." "Supper. For both of us, assuming you're staying, and further assuming you don't make too many wisecracks about it between now and then." "I promise nothing, but I am definitely getting some food. I'm starved." Jace knelt down and whispered conspiratorially to Calypso, though loud enough to be sure Skye heard. "Mommy's getting cranky. Better get her some food, hm?" "Watch it." Jace grinned. "Speaking of food, you mind filling Callie's dish?" "Sure, I can do that." Jace turned back to Calypso. "Mommy's gonna get you-" "Call me Mommy one more time. I dare you." Jace laughed and stood up to wash his hands, then went back to food prep. Skye watched him through narrowed eyes, then dealt with Calypso's dinner. The siblings ate a little while later, out on the back deck. Calypso curled up between them just in case either of them felt like sharing. "You seem happier," Skye said. "Happier than what?" "You know. Happier than last time I was over." "I'd almost have to be." "Sure. Just sayin'." "I mean, it's nice having you around more too." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "For my scintillating conversational skills? Or because I'm great at handjobs?" Jace choked on his mouthful. Skye grinned. "Don't do that." "What?" "You know what?" "Seems unfair. I jerked you off twice, and now you're too delicate to even bring it up?" "Not hardly. Just... if you talk about it, you know I'm gonna think about it. And, like, want it." "You want me to jerk you off again?" "I'd want it if you keep talking about it, yes." "But not yet?" Jace hesitated while Skye gave him a teasing little smirk. "I mean, yeah," he said. "But... not that badly yet." "But you do want it though? From your own sister? Again?" Jace flicked a bit of bread crust at Skye, who only giggled in response. "Of course I do, dammit. How'm I not gonna want that again?" "You're not s'posed to want your sister playing with your penis, you know." "I am aware." "But you still do?" "Yes." "You at least know I'm not gonna, right?" "I don't know that at all. You've done it twice already." "Mitigating circumstances. You needed me." "I still do." "No you don't. You're fine." "I mean... I'm better. I don't know about fine." "You seem fine." "Well sure. If you mean I'm not curled up in a ball crying into a pillow, then yeah, I seem fine." Skye pursed her lips. "Now I'm confused. Are you actually feeling like that?" "No. Just being overly dramatic to make a point." "Oh." "But, like, the less extreme version of that sentiment is true." "... what, like, if I jerk you off, you'll be happier?" "Essentially, yes." "Well gee, what a revelation this has been." "Just sayin'." "Yeah, I know." Skye finished the last of her plate and set it down on the deck. Calypso sniffed at it cautiously, then began licking the traces of remaining flavour off the dish. Jace glared at Skye, but didn't get a guilty reaction out of her. "If we're gonna do this, we should do it now while I'm feeling all full and contented," Skye said. "Do what?" Skye made a jerking off motion with her hand. "Really?" Jace asked. "Yeah, man. Someone's gotta look out for your well being." "You don't mind? Like I don't wanna pressure you or anything, or like-" "Dude. Don't talk yourself out of a handjob." "Fair point." Jace glanced at Calypso as he and Skye entered the house. "Don't worry about her, she'll be fine," Skye said. "I know. Just... might give her issues, us always sneaking off like this." "It's not hardly always. Third time ever. And also, she's still a dog, dude." "She'll pick up on it. It's getting to be a habit." "Dream on." **** A few weeks and several visits later, Skye entered Jace's place as usual. She greeted Calypso with head scritchies, then her brother with a perfectly chaste kiss on the cheek. Skye and Jace snuggled together on the couch after a bare minimum of small talk, and shooed away Calypso's attempt at joining them. "You wore makeup today?" Jace commented. "I always do." "More than usual, then. Nicer. I like it." "Uh huh. Trying to get me into your pants again, are you?" "Kinda. But it really is nice that you'd put the effort in just to come see me." "Who says I don't have a hot date to get to?" "Do you?" "... shut up." Skye unzipped Jace's pants and settled her hand on his cock in a move that was becoming dangerously familiar to both of them. She stroked him softly to life while he cradled her head to his shoulder and teased her hair. "I remember you claiming this wouldn't get to be a habit," Jace murmured. "I lied." "Oh." "You know something else?" "What?" "I don't think you're pining over Bitch-Face anymore." "No, I'm not." "And yet you happily let me play with you." "Sure do." "That makes you a bad boy." "Does it?" "Yes." "Well I think you're a good sister." Jace pulled Skye tight to him and nipped playfully at her ear while sneaking his hand to her chest. "Maybe the best." Skye squealed and giggled. She tried to pull away, but with only the bare minimum of effort, and without letting go of Jace's cock. "Stop, you goof. That's my boobies!" "I know." "You can't touch them!" "Why not?" "'Cause... 'cause." "Oh. I see." "It's bad." "That doesn't seem fair." "Tough." "I'm only touching them through your shirt. That's not hardly that bad at all." "Still pretty bad." Jace kept fondling Skye's tits. She in turn jerked him with a firmer grip and an increasingly enthusiastic pace. "I'll have to be bad then," Jace said lightly. "Guess so." "Speaking of which..." "No." "No what?" "Whatever you're going to say." "You don't even want to hear it?" "It's gonna be naughty, isn't it?" "Most definitely." "Then we can't be having that." "We're already being naughty." Skye squirmed, but didn't dislodge her brother. "That's different." Jace cupped one of Skye's tits more firmly, flicking his thumb up and down over her nipple, though only through her clothes. "It's not, really." "It iiisss," Skye whined. "I was helpiiinnng." "You were, and I love you for it. But now you just waaannnt toooo." "Shut uuuppp." "You liiike it." "Shutupshutupshutup!" "You wanna jerk off your broootheeerrr." "Argh!" Skye tried to tackle Jace, but didn't have nearly enough leverage. She ended up ineffectually wrestling him while he laughed and slowly pushed her backward until she was lying down with him on top of her. His cock was rather prominently jammed between them. Skye's breathing grew heavy as she went still beneath Jace, arms pinned to the couch, essentially helpless to her brother's whims. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?" she asked in what was almost an accusatory tone, but with too much denied excitement hiding in it to work effectively. "Not actually, no." "No?" "No. I honestly just wanted to finger you a bit." Skye stared at Jace incredulously, then laughed. "For real?" "Yeah." "I thought you were gonna be all pervy and shit." "No. Just some fingering. Which... some might still consider pervy." "I mean, sure. Just not... I dunno." Jace sat up. Skye followed more slowly, brushing her disheveled hair back behind her shoulders. "We shouldn't get any naughtier," Skye said. "Yeah, you're right." Skye waited, staring into Jace's eyes. He stared right back for a moment, then regretfully settled back into his seat. Skye pouted, but Jace wasn't even looking anymore. Skye snuggled back in with her brother and wrapped her fingers around his cock. She didn't jerk him off, just held him. "You wanted to finger me?" she asked softly. "Yeah. Thought it might be nice. Feels good when you do me, you know?" "It probably would be nice." "But if you think we shouldn't..." Skye bit her lip. "We shouldn't," she agreed. "But maybe... you remember that last guy I was with?" "Matt?" "Yeah. Maybe... maybe I'm not over him yet." "It's been a few months, hasn't it?" "... yeah." "So if you're not over him yet... it must be pretty bad." Skye shrugged. "I don't know about that." "And you must really need some, uh, help." "... I mean yes. Yes it is pretty bad." "Thought it might be." Skye held her breath as Jace slowly turned to her. Her eyes widened as he slipped off the couch, kneeling before her, still studying her face even as he reached for her waist. "Need to get these off," Jace said matter-of-factly. "Those are my pants!" "Yes. Exactly." Skye squirmed and wiggled, though in spite of her uncertainty, her movements were more to help her brother than to hinder him. "Cute panties," Jace said. "Shut up. Don't look." "You know I'm gonna be looking, Skye." "Well..." "And I'm gonna see more than your cute undies." Skye squeezed her legs shut, but let them fall open again almost immediately when Jace went for her panties. She shut her eyes instead as her underwear was dragged slowly and smoothly down her thighs, and eventually past her feet. "That might be even cuter," Jace said, gently pushing Skye's knees further apart. "Stop looking at me! You're just meant to be... helping. Not being weird." "Can't help without looking. S'not possible." "Don't think you tried very hard." "No, you're right. I really didn't." Jace put his hands on Skye's hips and gave her a solid yank to the edge of the couch. Skye yelped and opened her eyes just in time to see Jace dive face-first into her pussy. Skye's eyes and mouth went so wide, but no sound came out. Her brother's tongue flashed across her surprisingly wet slit, forestalling any protests as the feeling of it shot through her. Slowly, carefully, Skye leaned back and let some of the tension exhale from her body. She was still very much on edge-it was hard not to be with her brother busy between her thighs-but the exquisite feel of his tongue helped mollify her, as well as the self-reminder that it was Jace, after all, and he'd stop if she really wanted him to. "You were only s'posed to finger me," Skye said. Jace paused and looked up at her, chin already damp. "This seemed better." "For who?" Jace shrugged. "You taste good," he said instead of answering. Skye screwed her face up and swung her legs shut as Jace tried to get back to work. Once again, she let them fall open at the slightest pressure from him. In fact, she held them spread wide, knees pointing nearly opposite directions. Skye bit her lip and let her lids fall half-closed. Jace's quick little tongue was taking altogether too many liberties with her naughty bits. She started to protest more than once, but decided to put it off a moment, then another, then gave up entirely. A soft moan escaped Skye's lips before she could stop it. Her body relaxed even more, slinking into decadent lounging as she was licked out by her 'helpful' brother. "Just to help me forget," Skye murmured, mostly to herself. "That's right," Jace whispered back, pausing to kiss her pussy softly before going back to licking. "Forget all about... what's his name." "Matt." "Clearly you haven't forgotten yet." Skye arched her back, lips forming a silent groan as Jace attacked her more vigourously. His tongue was nimbler, quicker, and more cunning than she ever would have given him credit for even fifteen minutes ago. Now she knew better. And now she had to deal with the consequences: both the questionable, and indeed the oh-so-lovely. "Oh my god, Jaaace." Skye's fingers found her brother's hair, tangling in it and encouraging him. She gasped and moaned, hips giving involuntary little thrusts. Her thighs gradually closed on Jace's head, not to try and block him out, but instead locking him in a cozy, sensual embrace. Skye enjoyed every second of Jace eating her wet little pussy. He skillfully built her up, higher and higher, until she was whining and squirming, and oh so very horny. "Goddamn, Jace," she whispered. Jace grabbed her butt and squeezed firmly in response. "So close," she moaned desperately. Another butt squeeze. "Good brother. So good." Squeeze. "Almost." Squeeze. "My clit. More on my cliiittt." Skye nearly kicked Jace on his ass, purely by accident, as she came all over his face. He grabbed wildly at her legs to stop them flailing and keep himself stationary. Skye's body rocked and tensed. Her fingers tugged on Jace's hair. Her thighs tightened around his face as she went stiff, then she relaxed all at once. Jace pulled away with a wide, slightly smug grin. Skye stretched out languidly and ignored his smirk. "What do ya think of Matt now?" Skye shrugged lazily. "Who?" Jace kissed the inside of her thigh. "Good girl." They fell into a loose, disorganized cuddle on the couch, sexy bits still hanging out. "That was nice," Skye murmured. "Not too naughty?" "Oh it definitely was. But... y'know." They held each other, lightly petting and caressing as the mood struck them. "Skye?" "Yeah?" "Is it my turn again?" Skye giggled. "I was tryin' to do you, silly. But you got all up in my cooch instead." "These things happen." "You couldn't help it, huh?" "I mean... not easily." Skye bit her lip and brushed Jace's hair back from his forehead gently, repeating the motion until he met her gaze with big, horny eyes. "Did you really like it?" she asked in a hushed tone. "Eating out your sister?" "Are you serious? Of course I did." "What about me?" "I very much assumed you did too." "No, silly. If I used my mouth, I mean. My hands get so tired after a while, you know." "Oh. Do they?" Skye nodded. "They do." "Well then," Jace said slowly. "You'd better try something different. Just to see." "Yeah. Just to see. For health reasons." "Oh sure. Health reasons." Skye slipped from her brother's embrace to kneel on the floor. She made him spread his legs wide and scootch to the edge of the cushion, while she made herself comfortable. "Ok, pants gotta go," Skye declared. Jace nodded and started sliding them off. Skye helped pull them down, somewhat awkwardly as she'd already settled herself directly in front of Jace. His underwear was easier. They were a more or less matching set of sibs now, with their mutual bottomlessness. The obvious difference being Jace's rather lewd erection, practically stuck in Skye's face. Skye moved her hand toward Jace's cock, then stopped herself. She looked up at him as she set her hands on his thighs, poked out her tongue, and gave him a quick, soft lick. "Oh wow," Jace groaned. "That's ok?" "Dude, that's amazing." "Haven't even hardly done anything yet." "So just think how good it's gonna feel for me when you do." Skye flushed and gave her brother another lick, then a soft, lingering kiss on the underside of his shaft. "That's so surreal feeling you do that," Jace said. "I've touched you down here lots." "Touched, sure." "And you just ate out my pussy." "I did." "What's surreal, then?" "I dunno. My beautiful sister on her knees, with no bottoms on, putting her soft little mouth on my penis. Something about that's surreal to me still, I guess." Skye bit her lip and squeezed her thighs together involuntarily. "Well when you put it that way..." "You didn't feel like that when I was licking you?" "I felt like it was way too naughty. But... maybe it just didn't seem that out of character for you. Like, weirdly, it was stranger that you hadn't tried something like that before." "Before? Like, how long-" "I meant since I've been getting you off." "I know. Still, though, you wanted me to reciprocate more? 'Cause I didn't-" "Of course I didn't! We were only just helping you." Skye shrugged. "Until we weren't." "I'm confused." Skye gave Jace's cock another lingering kiss. "Don't you dare let this go to your head," she said in a soft, mildly threatening voice. "But when you were licking me... it honestly just felt right." "Oh?" "Not surreal. Just... just like something we both wanted, and that felt incredible." "Hm. Maybe that's what this feels like too. Do it some more so I can figure it out?" Skye grinned. "You silly. If you'd just stop talking, you'd probably already be balls deep in my mouth." "I-" Jace cut himself off almost immediately and firmly closed his mouth. Skye snorted and shook her head, but as promised parted her lips around the tip of his cock and gently bobbed her way down his shaft. Jace groaned and brushed Skye's hair back as she took him deeper. The smoothing motion he made with his hand naturally caused her eyes to raise and meet his gaze. They shared quite an intimate look for a moment before Skye gagged slightly on her brother's cock and had to back off a bit. "Damn you look hot doing that," Jace whispered, even as Skye neared the base of his shaft. Skye rolled her eyes. "I know, I'm biased right now," Jace admitted. "But seriously, though." Skye stuffed the last of her brother's cock down her throat. She met his gaze again, mouth all full up, eyes watering slightly. "Seriously adorable," Jace said, caressing her cheek with his thumb. "Unnhh gnnuuhh? Oo mmhh nnuh." "Yeah, I can't understand any of that. But for real, it feels amazing." Skye pulled back far enough to take a couple quick breaths, then impaled her throat again. "So fucking good," Jace whispered. He leaned back, relaxing into his sister's sensuous blowjob. She throated herself on his cock over and over again, taking him balls deep, choking herself with ever greater enthusiasm as Jace moaned and encouraged her. Skye snuck a hand down to play with her pussy a little while keeping the other on Jace's thigh. She jerked him off some when she needed a breath, or fondled his balls when she felt like it, but mostly she kept her mouth and throat busy working him. She flicked her eyes up regularly to check on the cute expressions he made as he got close to cumming in her. Skye eventually got her creamy reward for her self-throating efforts. Jace's body tensed and his cock twitched, just before unleashing a load of hot cum. Skye swallowed some directly, but then pulled back to let it flow over her tongue first. As Jace's orgasm came to an end, Skye diligently milked every last bit from him, pumping her fist slowly up and down his shaft, then finally releasing. She sat back on her heels with a satisfied grin, while he gazed back happy and temporarily worn out. "I think I like that better than the handjobs," Jace said. Skye snorted gently. "Yeah. No shit. Don't go thinking you're getting that all the time or anything." "Why not?" "What do you mean 'why not'?" "I think I'd like that all the time." "Yeah, well..." "And I'd like to play with you more. If you wanted." "So not the point." "It could be." "No it couldn't." "Sure it could." Jace patted the couch beside him. "Come sit up here and lemme finger you a bit." "Gee. So subtle." Still, Skye bit her lip and stared at the spot her brother had indicated. She remained frozen in indecision for a moment. "We don't have to," Jace said. "But the more I think about it, the more I can't see any reason not to just do what we want." "That'll happen when you're horny." "I'm not, though. You just sucked me off. I've got a precious few minutes of near-perfect clarity." Jace leaned forward and ran his thumb along Skye's cheek. "Even when I'm not horny, I'm still excited for the next time you're going to... help me." "How very romantic." "Just sayin'." Jace shrugged. "You know I don't miss Bitch-Face at all anymore? I mean, I haven't forgotten her, but I'm always thinking about you coming over. Not her." "You called her Bitch-Face." "I know." "You're really over her." "Far as I can tell." "But then... you're not just rebounding on me, are you?" "I... is that even a thing?" "Rebounding? Of course." "On a sibling, though." "Huh. Maybe? I dunno." "Well I don't think I am. But maybe." Skye nodded slowly, then abruptly stood up. "We don't have to decide anything now anyway. Let's take Callie for a walk, yeah?" "You're saying there's still something to decide?" "Don't look so hopeful. It might be a no." "Yeah. But it's not yet, though." Skye rolled her eyes. "Don't push your luck." She headed for the door, eyes scanning for Calypso's leash. "Hey, Skye?" Jace called, still from the couch. "Yeah?" "You want your pants?" "... shut up." **** The next time Skye came over, Jace found her already settled on the couch, Calypso curled up beside her getting ear scritchies. "Well hello, girls." "We just got back from a walk," Skye said. "And you've gotten so cozy together." "Well, y'know. Callie might like me. Sometimes." "'Course she does. You're quite lovable." Skye stuck her tongue out. Jace smiled and sat down on Calypso's other side, giving her some greeting pets. "Callie's gonna get jealous when she realizes she's not who either of us actually wants to be petting," Skye said lightly. "Oh really? You're in that kind of mood, huh?" "Maybe. Maybe not." Skye shrugged. "Just kind of seems to happen when I come over." "True." Jace stood. "Come on, Callie. Mommy and Daddy need some private time." "Enough with the mommy shit!" "It'll grow on you." "It really won't." Upon returning from sending Calypso outside, Jace got a pair of panties flung expertly in his face. Skye sat almost exactly where she'd been a moment ago, now without any bottoms on. She arched an eyebrow, daring him to whine about getting some underwear flicked at his face. "You really are a horny girl, hm?" Jace casually slid out of his pants, letting them and his boxers fall to the floor in a small pile. "You'd get me out of them sooner or later. Might as well save the trouble." Jace cozied up to Skye. Her hand wrapped around his growing cock. His went to her pussy, already feeling some moisture there as she got excited. They both sighed and leaned into each other as they toyed with one another. Jace found the tv remote with his free hand and turned on some background noise while they teased each other. "This is nice," Jace said. "Yes, I've noticed that you enjoy having your dick rubbed." "Not just that. All of it. Knowing when you show up we're gonna get snuggly and... naughty." "Making it too easy, am I?" "Not hardly. But, like, are you still pretending like we need an excuse to do this stuff?" Skye was quiet a moment. "I think we did at first," she said slowly. "Maybe not now. Maybe now it's too late for that. And it really wasn't naughtiness that first time." "Yeah, no, not the first time." "But after that... I mean, what if I was getting you into something you didn't want, or-" "Seriously?" "-or something that was gonna backfire hard? I don't know these things." "I woulda told you to stop if I didn't want it." "You did tell me to stop. I pressured you." "That was... that was different. It's different now." "Yes. It is." Skye rested her head on Jace's shoulder. He was fully hard in her hand now. His fingers were sneaking their way inside her. "Very different. Very nice." "Right?" "I'm glad it didn't go badly." "Me too." "And... and it's getting to be my favourite thing. Days when I can come over." "You could come over more. You could stay, even." "You asking me to move in all of a sudden?" "No. Yes. Maybe. Only if you wanted to. But, like, I've got room." "I really would have to be Callie's step-mom then." "That's what I've been saying." "You were only saying it to annoy me." "No. Not just for that." Skye kept stroking her brother. She chewed on her lip thoughtfully. "Jace?" "Yeah?" "Technically my lease is up in a couple months. Well, just under two months now, I guess. I was gonna stay. I like my roommate. But maybe... if you still want me to move in by then..." Skye gasped as Jace started rubbing her clit, while still exploring inside her wet little pussy. "I'd be very happy with that, I think," Jace said. "Very happy?" "Yep." "You think it's a good idea?" "The best." "You wouldn't be able to play with me whenever you wanted," Skye warned. "Oh yes I would." Jace kissed Skye's neck. The feel of him nibbling her sensitive skin while still fingering her made her all squirmy. "Noooo," she whined. "Yes," he whispered. He took her earlobe lightly between his teeth, tugging gently at it. Skye held out a moment, but not for long. "Yes," she agreed. "Yes?" "Yes. But I'ma play with you whenever I want too." "I sure hope so." "You don't get all the fun." "I would never have assumed I did." "Good." "Good." Skye squirmed some more as Jace's fingers did lovely, interesting things to her pussy. He gasped as her grip tightened on his cock and her thumb rolled around the tip. "Wanna go upstairs?" Jace asked in a husky tone. "... to your room?" "Well, your room isn't ready. So yeah." "I'd get my own room, would I?" "What, you think you'd just move into mine and pester me for sex every night?" Skye snorted. "Like I'd be the one pestering." "And I've got all my stuff in there already, and you'd want room for your stuff..." "Quite the ordeal, alright." Skye caught Jace's lip with her teeth, effectively silencing him for a moment while she nipped at it. "Who says we'd have sex anyway?" "Well... you know. Stuff like this." "You'd call this sex?" "... it's in the neighbourhood, at least." "Sure. But you'd want more, wouldn't you?" "Most definitely. Sooner or later." "Sooner or later?" "Yeah." "Well... for practicality's sake... we probably ought to try it before I move in. Just to be sure it's for us. Y'know? It'd be awkward getting all moved in and finding out we're incompatible." "You think we would be?" "Dunno. But it'd be a shame to find out later." "I mean... for practicality's sake, then..." "Yes." Skye stood, regretfully dislodging her brother's fingers from her naughty bits. She offered him a hand up, and didn't let go once he was standing. "For practicality," she repeated. "And no other reason?" Skye looked dead at Jace. "And because I'm horny." "Oh good. Me too." She leaned closer. "And I kinda wanna bang my brother." "Me too!" "You haven't got a brother, silly." "I... you know what I meant." "I hope you meant you want to bang me, 'cause-" Jace aggressively pushed Skye against the wall and kissed her. His tongue forcefully slipped between her lips and grappled hers. His hands were down at her hips, then her bare ass, holding and squeezing, helping to pin her helplessly. His cock throbbed hot against her skin. Skye's arms went around Jace's neck. She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, making him support her weight. She kissed him back just as fiercely, tongue snaking around his in an extremely naughty dance. "You forgot to take me to bed," she whispered once he needed a breath. "Din't forget. Just din't get that far." "You can't bang me against the wall." "Oh can't I?" "S'not romantic." "Depends on who you ask, maybe." "Our first time is not gonna be against the wall!" Jace paused and bit his lip, staring into Skye's eyes. "It is the first time, isn't it?" "You didn't notice?" "Just... I dunno. Feels more right than that. For a first time. Usually it's more... uncertain?" "I'm a sure thing now, am I?" "Not like that. More like... I don't know if the girl's gonna like it. Or if I am. Or what we're gonna feel after. Or any of that junk." Jace spared a hand holding Skye's butt to rub her cheek and gently brush her hair back. "This just feels easy. Like whatever happens, it's all gonna be good afterward." "Even if I change my mind and don't wanna do it?" "Yeah. Even then." Jace shrugged. "You're not gonna ever stop being my sister." "True. But I could stop wanting to play with your dick." "Are you, though?" "Probably not." "And you still want it inside you?" Skye's eyes rolled back for a second. "Most definitely," she whispered. "You want your brother to fuck you?" "Yes!" "You want your brother to-" "Fucking yes, you dick!" Jace grinned. He lowered his hips, pressed his cock to Skye's pussy, and somehow got it in on the first try. She sucked in air, eyes going wide as his cock spread her pussy open. "S'posed to take me to bed," she mumbled. "Sorry. Couldn't wait." "You couldn't wait two minutes to bang your sister?" "Correct." Jace sank deeper into Skye, letting gravity do some of the work for him. Her soaked little pussy made things pretty easy. "Fuuuccck that's gooood," Skye moaned. "Fuck yeah it is." "Gimme more." "Working on it." "Mooorrre, Jace." "I said I'm working on it!" Jace thrust hard into Skye's pussy. She purred happily and dug her fingers into his back. He thrust a few more times, a bit awkwardly while holding her up, but burying himself nicely inside her, much to their mutual delight. "So good," Skye whispered. "God I wanna pound you so hard." "So fucking do it." "Is it... are you..." "Fuck's sake, Jace. Yes. Do it. Don't tease." Skye kissed Jace aggressively, parting his lips and filling his mouth with tongue. He thrust into her, tentatively at first, but increasingly fast and hard as she took him balls deep again and again, only getting more worked up every time he pushed back into her. "God you're so tight," Jace breathed. Skye giggled. "Is that what you tell all the girls?" "Just you." "Just your sister?" "... yes." "That's she's got the bestest, tightest little pussy around?" "Not if she's gonna be smug about it." "Is it the bestest though?" Jace groaned. "It really is." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Good. 'Cause I think I like you filling me up the best too." "We're kinda fucked, huh?" "That's the idea." Skye dragged her nails up Jace's spine. She lifted his shirt partway up his back to get at the skin underneath, but she couldn't take off either of their tops while he was holding her. "Not what I meant." Jace grunted and pressed Skye even harder to the wall. His thrusts were causing a deep, rhythmic thumping as he pounded her. "I know." Skye grinned wickedly before kissing her brother again, just as deeply as before. "But I've really only got one thing on my mind right now." "Bet I know what that is." "Getting railed by my brother." "Yeah. That was it." "Good guess." "I've got an instinct for these things." Skye's nails were creating sexy red marks all up and down Jace's back. Her legs squeezed tight around him. Her lips found any break in conversation or breathing to kiss and suck and nibble at him. Jace's pace was becoming frantic. His hips slammed against Skye's over and over, pounding her horny little pussy so hard and deep. He was breathing much heavier, and his muscles were starting to tremble from the exertion. "M'gonna cum," he mumbled. "Not yet, silly. But I'm close." Jace shook his head. "Can't wait." "Can wait! I wanna cum while you fuck me all hard and slutty like this." "Better do it fast, then." "That's not how it works." Jace just grunted. A moment later, his rhythm changed, burying himself in Skye's pussy for longer, with only small thrusts out and back in. Skye's eyes rolled back. "Oh fuck, you're cumming in me. Oh shit, dude. Oh wow." Jace grunted again, then buried his face in Skye's shoulder. "Mmm, fill me up, Jace. Give your sister's pussy all that hot cum." "Fuuuccck, Skye," he hissed. "Give it to me. Everything. I want it all." Jace went still, fully inside Skye, finishing the last of his orgasm balls deep within her hungry little hole. "Everything," he repeated faintly. "Just for you." "Good brother." Skye kissed Jace's cheek. "Even if you didn't wait for me." Jace slapped Skye's butt lightly. Then a little harder. She let her legs fall, finding her feet to support herself. Jace let go of her, and semi-gracefully fell back on the floor. "Wore yourself all out, huh?" Skye said, smiling down at Jace. "Kinda." "Well I have to admit, that wall thing was more fun than I expected." "Hard on the muscles after a bit." "I would imagine so." Skye sank down onto her knees, straddling herself across Jace's tummy. "Fun though." She reached behind her and casually toyed with his shrinking, cummy cock. "Whoa. Whoa! I'm sensitive." "I know." "You can't do that right now." "Sure I can. I need you hard again. It was pretty hot getting all cummed in and shit from you pounding me like that, but I still need to get off, y'know?" "Can't it wait a few minutes?" "Not really, no." "But-" "Whuff." Skye and Jace's eyes both slowly tracked toward the source of a rather annoyed sound. "How long's Callie been there?" Skye asked. "Hopefully not long. Wouldn't want to scar her with seeing what Mommy and Daddy just did." "I think she'd be fine." "Well she wants something now." "Wrhuff!" Skye sighed and patted Jace's chest. "I'll get it. You just get hard for me again, m'kay?" She stood and slipped her panties back on, for some bizarre sense of modesty. "Come on, Callie. Let's see if you need fed or something." It wasn't really food time for Calypso, but Skye diligently filled food and water dish for her anyway, then rather pointedly set both dishes outside in a shady spot. "There you go. Now Mommy wants some more alone time with Daddy, ok?" "Ruuurrff." "That's none of your business." "Whuff!" "No we're not going anywhere right now. You're gonna amuse yourself out here, and maybe later we'll all go for a nice walk, ok?" Calypso gave Skye a dirty look, but slunk off and found a nice sunny spot to stretch out in. "That a girl." Jace was still right where Skye had left him, though he did seem to be hard again, as requested. "Didn't get very far, did you?" Jace shrugged. "Here's fine." "Coulda gone to the bedroom or something." "What fun would that be?" "What indeed." Skye stood above her brother, eyes roving over his prone form. "Lose the shirt." Jace smirked and awkwardly slid his top off, leaving himself naked beneath her. "Yeah, that's better," Skye said approvingly. "You like that?" "Very much." "I kinda liked you bottomless." Skye pouted. "No love for my boobies?" "Oh I love those too. But there's something sexy about fucking you with your shirt still on. All innocent and naughty at the same time, kinda." Skye pushed her panties, now somewhat soaked, past her thighs and let them fall to the floor. "Like this?" "Mmm, just like that." Skye clasped her hands behind her back and stuck out her chest a little more. "That helps the naughty sister fantasy, does it? Makes me a horny girl who just wants to jump on her brother's dick?" "I mean... that's not even a fantasy. It's just what you are right now." Skye shrugged. "Can't really argue with that, I s'pose." Jace ran his hands up Skye's calves as she stepped near, once again straddling him, but still fully upright for now. "Maybe, too, I'm just used half-nakey times meaning sexy things now." "Hm?" "You know. 'Cause when we've been messing around... playing with each other..." "We've mostly been bottomless," Skye finished. "Yeah, I could get that, I guess. I like you better with your shirt off, though." She artfully slipped her top off and let it fall next to her panties. Her bra joined the pile as well. "And my boobies are feeling neglected now." "Oh, well, we can't have that. They're such lovely boobies." "Glad you think so." Jace's hands ran as far up Skye's legs as he could reach. "And you look kind of fucking amazing all naked like that." "Better with the shirt off?" "Fucking hot either way. But... yeah. Maybe better with your shirt off. Fully naked." Jace grinned. "My naked, horny sister." "Very naked," Skye agreed. She knelt down. "Very, very horny." Her butt bumped against Jace's cock. "Very ready for being filled up by my brother again." "With cum?" "Not that. For now. I meant more like... getting all stretched out again," Skye said, lowering her pussy onto Jace's cock as she spoke. "Feeling you all up inside me. So deep. All warm and pulsing. Feeling how badly you want me." "So badly." "Yes. So very badly." Skye moaned and shivered as she sank down onto her brother's hard shaft. "'Sides, I've still got all that cum from last time." "Yeah you do." "But maybe a little more wouldn't hurt," Skye whispered, leaning down until she was nearly kissing Jace. She held just far enough away from him that he couldn't get her, teasing the promise of kisses without delivering. "I've got more for you." "Bet you do." "Fill you up even more." "Mmm." "You like that idea, don't you?" "I really do." Skye rocked back and forth, building a nice, smooth motion atop her brother. His cock remained snugly buried in her cummy pussy as she grinded around on him. Her posture gradually straightened higher and higher until she was riding Jace with an arched back, eyes half-closed, a blissful smile quirking her lips. "I'll be very annoyed if you cum again before me, though," Skye warned in a soft, only partly present tone. "Wouldn't dream of it." Jace's hands slid up his sister's body, over her warm, sensuous skin, cupping her tits as she wiggled around on his dick. "Bet you wouldn't," Skye murmured. She opened her eyes wide and stared down at him. "Bet you're not thinking at all about how you wanna cum in me again." "Well... I'm definitely thinking about it." "Just wanna make me happy." "That's true." "So selflessly thinking of your sister's needs." "Um... half true?" Jace pinched Skye's nipple, making her hiss and rock a little faster. He moved his open palms down to her butt, squeezing it tight and helping its sexy, rhythmic motion. "Jace?" "Yeah?" "I'm gonna cum." "Ooh!" "On your cock." "Do it." "Rub my clit for me?" "I-" "Please?" Jace fumbled a bit in his over-eager haste to do as he was bidden. His gaze locked on to where his and Skye's bodies joined as he sought her clit, then back up to her eyes. "There?" "Mmm. Right there." "Harder?" "Yes, please." "Like that?" "Yesss." Skye moaned, leaning on Jace's chest for support. Her muscles tensed, her rhythm got a bit unsteady, and it was all Jace could do to try and keep his fingers rubbing on target. "Yes yes yesssss," Skye hissed. She writhed around with even less coordination as she came. A rush of juices flowed from her, making a mess of Jace's naughty area. Her eyes rolled back and her arms strained. Her hips and butt wiggled like crazy, then went nearly still, then rolled slow and gentle toward the end, milking the last of her orgasm from herself. "Damn," Jace said reverently. "That looked like a good one." It took Skye a second to focus on him, still shivering slightly, and eyes not quite wanting to cooperate. "S'alright." "Alright? You look like you're about to fall over." "Shut up." Despite her defiance, Skye carefully lowered herself down until she was lying nearly prone atop her brother, his cock still somewhat keeping her in place, throbbing within her happy pussy. Jace toyed with Skye's hair. Her chest went up and down heavily for a bit, then faded back to normal breathing. "Am I allowed to finish now?" Jace asked. "Soon." "How soon?" "I dunno. I'm tired now." "But I need to cum. You got me all worked up again." "Not so fun when it happens to you, hm?" Jace pouted. "Skyyyeee." "Shush. I'm basking." "How long's that gonna take?" Skye sighed and propped her head up a bit to try and glare at Jace. Her effort didn't start out particularly firm, and it only devolved further when he booped her nose. She swatted lazily at his hand in response. "You really wanna cum again?" "Of course. Why is that in question?" "In me?" "Yes please!" "Right now?" "Uh..." "Even though I'm all relaxed and comfy and-" "I could be quick." "You want to disturb your poor, worn out sister, who's been so very good to you, just so you can-" "Oh shut up." Jace rolled Skye over in one smooth, surprise motion. She squealed and flailed a bit, but her grin suggested it wasn't entirely unexpected. Jace was on top of Skye before she could go anywhere, cock slipping back inside her like it was the most natural place in the world for it to be. He kissed her deeply, silencing her indignant protests, smothering them with lips and tongue until she was quiet and kissing him back just as firmly. Skye dragged her fingernails along Jace's back, not quite hard enough to leave marks, but enough to make them known. She grabbed his butt, urging him deeper and to thrust harder. He'd been fucking her gently as soon as he'd reentered her, but at her insistence he picked up the pace quite significantly. "Do it," Skye whispered. "Fill me up again." "I'm gonna." "Then we're gonna cuddle for a while." "Deal." "No complaining." "I'm not." "An' I want lots of hair stroking." "You'll get it." Skye nuzzled into Jace's shoulder. "Cum in me, Jace," she encouraged in a soft, adoring tone. "Cum in your sister. Again. I want my cuddles." Jace snorted. "You want my cum." "Nuh uh. Just cuddles." "You like being all filled up." "Shut uuuppp." "You'll probably leave it there all evening." "Oh my god, no. You weirdo. You think I want my little pussy all gooey from my bro-ther?" "Fuck yeah you do." "No, no, no!" Skye shook her head firmly, but her fingers were digging almost painfully into Jace's ass. "Yes," Jace said gently. "All gooey and creamy and filled up and naughty and bad and... and..." Skye trailed off and paused a moment. "Only for the cuddles," she repeated. "It's gonna make such a mess." "The best kind." "I'll make you help me clean up," Skye warned. "Oh no. Not more playing with your pussy. Anything but that." Skye nipped at Jace's shoulder. He yelped, then laughed and dug his fingers in her side, tickling her and making her squirm. "Gonna cum in you," Jace said, voice going a bit ragged. "Cum in my sis-ter. Make her all messy. Make her all mine." Skye's voice was, if anything, even more breathless. "Make me yours?" "Yuh huh." "That better mean lots of cuddles." "Cuddles, sure. Hair stroking, sure. But mostly fucking and fingering and lots of cumming in you." "Gee. So romantic." Skye gasped as Jace pushed her legs farther apart and slammed deep into her pussy. He fucked her harder, nearly out of nowhere, pounding her sopping little pussy. "Tell me you don't want it," he dared her. "Shut up," she growled, wrapping her arms around him and clinging tight. "Tell me." "Shut up! Just... just... goddammit, fuck me harder." "I am." "Harder!" "Ooh, so-" "Don't even start." Skye kissed Jace rather savagely, nearly drawing blood as she caught his lip between her teeth. "Yes I want you to cum in me, ok?" "Even if it's messy?" "Especially if it is." Skye pushed Jace's hair back, running her fingers through it and forcing his head back just enough to stare into his eyes for a moment. "Pound me. Cum in me. Make me yours. Make yourself mine." "Yeah?" "Yeah. Give me that brother cum. I want it." Jace pushed Skye's legs even further back, giving them an almost painful stretch. He pounded her pussy hard. She only cooed and moaned louder the harder he slammed into her. "Mmm, fuck me, Jace." Jace only grunted in response. "Fuck me. Fill me. Give it to me." "Hnnggghh." "That's it. That's it!" Skye's voice devolved into babbling as incomprehensible as Jace's grunting. They were sweaty and tired, and Jace was railing Skye with everything he had left. Their bodies slipped against each other, coming together hard and fast, slapping and rubbing. Skye clung tighter to her brother, always tighter. Her eyes bored straight into his, when either of them was looking at anything at all. Their mouths met in a long, adoring embrace as Jace's cum poured into Skye, giving her a promised second dose of his sexy, brotherly mess. He kept fucking, slower and slower, until they finally were only writhing together, and even that slowed to an eventual total halt. Only panting was exchanged between them for a while. But it was happy, satisfied panting, and every time their eyes met, both siblings grinned like maniacs and had to look away again. "I need... off... this floor," Skye said. "Good luck... I don't... know... if I can move." Skye beat weakly on Jace's arm. "Help me... uuuppp." "You help... me up... first." "You're... on top." "Well then... we've got... a problem." They giggled stupidly at each other and made token efforts to rise that mostly went nowhere. They only barely managed to eventually drag themselves to the couch where Skye stretched herself out mostly on top of Jace, who comfortably settled himself beneath her. As promised, he set to work lazily playing with her hair. "My ass hurts now," Skye murmured. "Well don't blame me. I didn't do that." "You pounded me into the floor pretty hard, dude." "Oh. That kind of hurt." "Yeah." "Sorry. Want me to kiss it better?" Skye snorted. "You can't possibly have the energy for that right now." "No. Probably not." Skye sighed contentedly and snuggled deeper into Jace's loose embrace. "This is nice, though." "The cuddles? Or being all filled up with-" "The cuddles, silly." Skye bit her lip. "Although..." "Yeah, thought so." "It's very naughty." "Isn't it, though?" Jace twirled some of Skye's hair around his finger. She matched the movement, tracing her finger around Jace's chest roughly in synch with him. "You still want me to move in?" Skye asked. "You think I'd change my mind?" "Well... you might be on the rebound. Looking to hit it and quit it." "Yeah. That'd go over well, I'm sure." "You never can tell with boys." Jace kissed Skye's forehead. "I'm pretty sure you're just fishing, but I'll bite anyway. Yes I want you to move in. I love you. I want you around more." "And you wanna fuck me more?" "Well... yes. That too." "Ah. All about sex. I knew it." Jace jabbed his free hand into Skye's side, making her squeal as he tickled her unprotected flank. "I bit already. Cut it out." "Ok, ok. Jeez." Skye giggled softly again, then smiled at Jace as she held his hand away from her. "Love you too, you goofball." "Glad to hear it." "I bet." They kissed softly, lingering on each other's lips. "Callie'll be thrilled having a live-in mom again," Jace said. "Yeah. That's the real takeaway from this, alright." "Just sayin'." "Mmhm." "I mean, I'll be more thrilled, though." Skye's warm, broad smile belied her slightly sardonic tone. "I'm sure you will." **** The eventual move went pretty smoothly. Skye was practically living with Jace even before it was official. Even though she had her own room, it was more or less irrelevant as they slept together nearly every night anyway. Skye awoke one morning cozied up to her brother, as was usual. She smiled at him, then lifted her head to examine the warm weight by her feet. "Jace. Jace!" She nudged him. "You up?" "Hm? Well if you're gonna poke me like that, guess I will be." "Callie's in bed with us." "She likes it there." "We've been over this. You're s'posed to close the door." "She gets lonely." "She'll be fine, dude." "You don't know that." Skye sighed and rolled her eyes. "Fine then. Just sayin', though, kinda kills the mood for morning sexy times if she's gonna sleep with us." Jace was quiet a moment. "I'll go let her outside, maybe." "Yeah. Maybe you just do that." Jace padded into the bathroom, pausing barely long enough to don a pair of boxers. By the time he got back to fetch Calypso, she was already curled up in the warm spot he'd just abandoned, getting slow pets from Skye. Calypso gave a couple heavy tail thumps on the bed, then went still again. "Oh now really." "Hm?" "Thought you wanted sexy times?" "I did. Callie got here first." "But... you were just complaining about her sleeping with us." Skye shrugged. "Yeah, well, she's snuggly." "I know. That doesn't-" "You snooze you lose, dude." "You're infuriating, you know that?" "Deal with it." "I'm just gonna have to." "Mmhm." Jace sighed and cuddled in behind Skye, barely finding room on her side of the bed. "You got me all excited for sexy times," he grumbled. "Maybe you'll shut the door next time." "Yeah. Maybe." Jace grinned. "She's getting you just as wrapped around her little finger as me, you know." "Not hardly. You're a total sucker." "I stand by what I said." "Pfft." "You're a dog mom now." "... maybe. So?" "It's nice." "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Jace kissed Skye's shoulder. "S'like our own li'l family." "Hurray for us." "Love you, you know." "I do know. And if you keep sweet talking me, maybe you'll get those sexy times after all." "Yeah?" "After you put Callie out." Jace looked at Calypso over Skye's arm. "In a bit. She looks so comfy." Skye nodded lazily. "In a bit," she agreed. She caught Jace's hand and squeezed it. "Love you too," she mumbled. For Pics visit:---->>>