Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Title: Dad, Do I Turn You On? Ch. 01 Summary: Dad resists his attraction to his daughter. Keywords: inc,fic,father,daughter,reluctance The phone rang on the second Friday in June. Caller ID said it was my daughter Suzy. "Hi, honey, what's up?" "Daddy, can I come stay with you early?" Daddy only came out with her begging voice, which she was using now. Otherwise she had only called me Dad since starting high school. She used to use the begging voice a lot back before her mom and I divorced, when Suzy was 15 and her sister Amanda was 13, but now that she was 20 and done with her first two years at college, I hardly ever heard either one any more. It felt both good and bad to hear it again, as I knew I was about to get manipulated. Sweetly, but still manipulated, even if the answer would have been 'Yes' regardless. I chuckled under my breath. "Honey, I was just about to buy the plane tickets tomorrow so you and Mandy can be here the first of July, so I'm glad you're asking now, before it would cost me extra to change it." I had moved from Minneapolis to Dallas for a promotion during the divorce, making weekend custody difficult, so had settled on having my girls for a month each summer, and a week at either Thanksgiving or Christmas. It sucked not seeing them more often, but I was working hard at my job to provide for them, which seemed more important at the time. Mandy's birthday is July 5th, while mine is July 9th, while Suzy's in April 18th, so we had chosen July as the month they would stay with me, and always observed all three birthdays together in a combined party on Mandy's birthday. This would be the year Mandy turned 18 and I realized this could possibly be the final summer we had together, as either girl could opt out of these visits after that. This was the third summer since Suzy turned 18 that she'd voluntarily continued coming to visit along with Mandy, so I was certainly happy she wanted to spend more time here, rather than less. She didn't need to beg to get a 'Yes' on that. "Why the change?" She sighed, a bit over-dramatically, "Mandy's being even more impossible than ever. Since I got home from college, she's been stealing my clothes left and right, stole my iPod twice, and yesterday she even stole my car, although she calls it 'borrowing'. She knows you and Mom are getting her a car of her own once she graduates next week, like you did for me, but she can't wait, and the butt-nugget decided to ignore me when I said she couldn't drive mine. I need to get out of here, or I'm going to kill her, I swear." "Have you asked your mom?" "Yeah, she's not entirely happy about it, but since I'm an adult, she knows I don't really need her permission to leave, just yours to be at your place. She does want me to wait until Mandy's graduation, but since you're coming here for that next Friday, I thought I'd just go home with you on Sunday. Can I, please, Daddy?" Oh, that voice. "You know you're always welcome here. It's just that I won't have any vacation to spend much time with you until Mandy arrives in July. Are you going to be okay hanging out for two weeks alone, while I go to work?" She giggled, "Your condo complex still has that great pool, right? I'll have the awesomest tan before Mandy gets there." A mental image from the previous summer of a tanned Suzy in a yellow bikini lying in one of the pool chairs flashed in my head. Stop it, you pervert. She's your daughter. "Yeah, and they just enlarged the hot tub this spring." "Cool. I'll be better off by myself, rather than wringing Mandy's neck, at least. Hopefully, that will let me calm down by the time she arrives." "Okay, sweetie, I'll get all the airfare set up for both of you, and I'll see you next Friday for your sister's graduation." "Bye, Dad, love you! Let me know your flight info, and I'll pick you up from the airport." "No, I've got a rental reserved. I'll see you at your mom's house Saturday morning. Bye." ---- I shopped the next day for some additional non-perishables, so the fridge and pantry would be well stocked for Suzy to be here, including some chicken breasts thrown into the freezer so I could make my Garlic Chicken Fettucine Alfredo, her favorite dish, to welcome her home. I'd shop for the birthday party later. Then I straightened out the guest bedroom where I kept fullsize bunkbeds for the girls. The next Friday after work, I flew from Dallas to Minneapolis, and checked into a Marriott near my ex-wife Paula's house, and sent my girls a text message saying I had arrived. I ate a late dinner in the hotel's restaurant, then went to sleep. The next morning, I drove my rental over to my former home, four hours before graduation, to pick my ex up, so we could go take delivery on the used silver Accord we'd bought Mandy as a graduation present, to complement the gold one we'd gotten Suzy two years earlier. Paula answered the door. "Hi, Steve. How are you? Still married to your job?" she asked grumpily, as we walked towards my car. The time demands of my career, particularly when I was working towards the promotion that took me to Dallas, had turned into the primary wedge that broke up our marriage. I hadn't seen Paula face-to-face since Suzy's graduation, and this is what she leads off with? "At least my bosses appreciate my hard work." I stopped myself. "Look, I'm not here to have a repeat of the same old arguments, okay? Today's about celebrating Mandy. Can we at least be on the same page about that?" "You're right. I'm sorry," she replied, in a tone I half-believed was sincere. We got in the car, drove over to the dealership, dealt with the final paperwork, then Paula drove Mandy's car home, while I followed in the rental. We parked the cars in front of the house, and were in the middle of attaching a big green and white bow (those being the high school's colors) to the Accord's hood, when we heard the front door flung open. "Daddy!!" screamed Mandy, running down the walk in her pajamas. I was still Daddy to Mandy, perhaps because she'd been younger during the divorce. "You're here! Oh, Mom, I love it. Can I drive it right now?" Suzy followed behind her, smiling at her sister, in a navy blue T-shirt and jeans shorts, and Nike sneakers. The forecast for the day was upper 70s. I felt my eyes drawn to her long legs, before I forced them away. Paula answered Mandy, "You need to get dressed, and have your license with you. And we only have a little while, before we have to get ready for Graduation, okay?" "Okay Mom. Thank you both so much!" She ran back to the house, but I caught sight of her sticking her tongue out at Suzy as she passed. Suzy got back at her with a backhanded swat of her butt. Suzy reached the sidewalk and said, "Hey, can I 'borrow' her car right now, to make up for Mandy doing it to me? Pretty please?" In accord, Paula and I both said "No!" Paula continued, "Mandy just got done being grounded for that, so letting you do after she was punished for it sends the wrong message. You'll be out of each other's hair tomorrow. I want the fighting between you two to stop, do you hear me young lady?" "Yes, mom..." She turned to me. "Hi, Dad," she said, before giving me a tight hug. I felt her breasts press into my chest, and had to push the thought out of them out of my head. They seemed a little bigger than the last time I'd been hugged by her, at Christmas. When she stepped back, my eyes confirmed that she looked like she'd gained about 10 pounds, mostly muscle from volleyball, some not, and it had all settled in the right places. 'Okay, enough checking out your daughter,' I thought. Suzy and I sat at the front window in the kitchen while Mandy and Paula went for their drive. I said, "So, it doesn't sound like the conflict between you and Mandy is as one-sided as you made it sound. What's actually going on?" She signed. "Really Dad, that's just Mandy trying to convince Mom that I'm provoking her into stuff, when I'm not into playing those teenage games with her at all. I think she just got used to my being away at college, and having Mom's attention all to herself. And while coming to stay with you early was my idea, she's even convinced herself that she got me to do it." "Okay, I'll have to take your word for it. But I don't want the fighting in Dallas, either. Clear?" "As crystal," she replied. "I really don't think it will be a problem. The same thing seemed to happen last year, to a lesser extent, but cleared up as soon as we were with you. It really does seem to be about her time with Mom versus my time with Mom, so that gets neutralized when we're with you. Maybe after Mandy spends a year at college, she'll be better about it." "I hope you're right. So, are you all packed up to leave in the morning? Best I could do when I booked for myself a month ago was an 8 AM flight, then got lucky that they still had seats to add you and get us side by side on the same flight. I'll need to pick you up around 5:30." "Ugh, that's early. Except for my toiletries bag and some stuff to go in my purse, everything's been packed for a couple of days, though. I'll be up and ready." We saw the Accord pull back up to the curb, and Mandy and Paula got out and Mandy ran up to the house. "Daddy?" she called from the entryway, before spotting me in the kitchen. She ran and gave me a big hug, and a peck on the cheek. "Thank you so much for the car, Daddy! I love you!" Before I could respond, she ran for the stairs, saying, "Gotta get dressed." While Mandy was getting changed for Graduation, Paula's younger sister Nancy arrived. Suzy hugged her Aunt Nancy, then headed upstairs herself. I gave Nancy the polite brother-in-law hug. "What's it been, ten years, Nancy?" I asked. "It was when Larry and I came out to visit ten Christmases ago, so nine and half?" "Sorry to hear that you and Larry split, too," I said. It had happened two years before, and I'd only heard about it through my girls. Nancy had moved back to the Minneapolis area from San Diego just two months after I'd been to Minneapolis last, for Suzy's graduation. "Well, I'm not, she replied. "It was actually a long time coming. Best thing for both of us, really. So how are things for you down in Dallas?" "Pretty good. Work has been going really well, and I still find time for the occasional date. Just haven't found 'the one' yet." ---- Graduation was the typical affair, full of processional, "We'll remember these four years", "High School is a stepping stone" and "Be awesome" speeches, and the presentation of diplomas, while everyone in the audience strove to take even one really memorable picture from their cellphones other than the meta picture of everyone else's cell phones in the air, while a professional photographer associated with the high school got all the best angles. We cheered for kids we knew, even some we didn't. And like that, I had another graduate on my hands, headed for college in the fall, college funds ready and waiting. Part of the reason I worked so hard. Afterwards, we co-hosted a graduation party at Paula's house, together with three of Mandy's best friends' families, so the girls could celebrate together. Burgers, sausage, grilled shrimp and salad made for a good dinner. I'd hardly been involved in planning and didn't know the other parents, so my "hosting" duties were limited to grilling the meats. About midway through the Party, Suzy came to me and said, "Dad, since we need to be at the airport so early, would it be okay if I came and stayed at your hotel tonight instead, and we can go straight to the airport from there? I checked with Mom, and she's okay with it, since it lets her sleep in tomorrow." "That's fine with me, it'll save me half an hour. They even gave me a room with two double beds, so all we have to share is the bathroom." My mind formed an image of Suzy climbing into the same bed with me, but I pushed it away, not really noticing a look of disappointment on her face. As the party wound down, we loaded Suzy's big suitcase into the rental car's trunk, then went back in to say our goodbyes. Mandy thanked me again for her car, and even said a sweet goodbye to Suzy, telling us both she'd see us on the 1st. I politely said goodbye to Paula, and promised her Suzy would call when we landed. At the hotel, I pulled Suzy's suitcase into my room, and set it on the floor next to mine, then got a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt from my bag and said, "I'm going to get dressed for bed in the bathroom. You can either change here or wait for me to come out." "I'll change out here," she answered. "Just knock when you're done." I changed in the bathroom, peed while I was in there, and brushed my teeth. When I knocked, Suzy said, "Okay, Dad, you can come out." When I did, all Suzy was wearing was a T-shirt. One of my old concert ones, in fact, that I hadn't seen in awhile. "Oh, so you complain about your sister taking your clothes, but it's okay to take mine?" I said, keeping my tone lighthearted. She looked down at it, and said, "This? I found this and a couple other of your old tees in Mom's closet last fall, and she said you let her wear them to bed sometimes, and left them behind when you moved out. I asked her if I could have them, since I didn't think she would still want to wear them, so she gave them to me, and I like sleeping in them. Makes me feel closer to you even when I'm not with you. Do you mind?" I couldn't tell her that I was jealous of my T-shirt, like I used to tell Paula, so instead said, "No, I don't mind. Looks better on you than me, anyway." 'Not sure saying that was better, perv,' I thought. She blushed, and said, "Thank you, Dad." Changing the subject, I asked, "Feel like a movie before sleeping? Whatever's on HBO?" I grabbed the remote, and pulled down the covers and got into the bed furthest from the bathroom. Suzy got under the covers of the other bed, and I got a quick flash of her panties under the tee, as she did. I turned on the TV, and turned off the last light in the room, the one between the two beds. The light in the bathroom was on, past Suzy's bed, letting me barely see her, mostly in profile, or when the TV was bright. The movie turned out to be "Friends With Benefits", a very-R-rated romantic comedy I'd seen before. I asked Suzy, "This is pretty racy, sweetie. Are you okay watching this with me?" "Why not, Dad? I am 20, remember? It's not going to embarrass me, unless it's going to embarrass you." So we watched the movie. I got a hard on at the second sex scene, but didn't dare do anything about it other than keep it from tenting the covers, and when I looked over at Suzy, I saw hard nipples poking through my old T-shirt, backlit by the bathroom's light. Her eyes were riveted to the screen. My first thought was that I was definitely jealous of my T-shirt. My second was 'Stop it, she's your daughter!' I was about to turn my eyes back to the movie, when I noticed Suzy's right hand, the one away from me, was between her legs under the sheet, and moving in a way that told me she was masturbating to the scene. She definitely wasn't feeling embarrassed. Knowing that my own hard on gave me no moral higher ground, I simply chose to try and ignore what was going on in the next bed, and turned my eyes back to the movie. But my ears were now focussed on Suzy, listening to whether or not she would moan, hearing the slight rustle of the sheet, thinking I could hear the squish of wet pussy. And I swear I could actually smell her from across the room. Gawd, this is your daughter! Stop it! Finally, the movie was over, it was after 12:30, and we each said goodnight and I turned the TV off, then lay on my left side, with my back to her. I was still rock hard, and couldn't sleep. The alarm was set for 4:45, but when 4:00 rolled around and I was still both awake and erect, I quietly got up and moved to the bathroom. I started the shower to cover any noise, and sat on the toilet, and started to jack off. I tried to keep my focus on the images from the movie, to keep Suzy out of it, and managed to squirt my semen onto my stomach and hand in just a couple of minutes. I got into the shower, washed the jizz off of me, then washed my hair. I got out, dried off, then put the sweat pants back on just long enough to retrieve my clothes for the day, then went back into the bathroom to put them on. I packed up my toiletries, and finished packing my suitcase, except for zipping it. By the time I was done, it was 4:30, so I decided to start the room's coffee maker, while I waited for the alarm, rather than wake Suzy directly. She woke when the alarm went off, sat up, and said "Happy Father's Day, Dad." I'd forgotten about the holiday, so used to celebrating it with the girls when they arrived on July 1st. I handed her a cup of coffee. "Thank you, sweetie." I replied. "We've got an hour before we hit the road. We'll grab breakfast at the airport, so this coffee will be all until then. Grab your clothes before you shower, and I'll police the room." I picked up my own coffee, and went over to the far side of the room, beginning to look for anything I might be leaving behind while Suzy got up and moved first to her suitcase for clothes and toiletries, then to the bathroom, where she closed the door. I heard the shower start as I zipped my suitcase and then continued checking the room. As part of my hotel checkout routine, I check under the bed covers, to make sure loose socks and such don't get lost. And when I checked Suzy's bed, I found her panties. The gusset was still damp. I was briefly tempted to sniff them, then got revolted with myself, and instead dropped them on top of her other dirty clothes from the day before, on top of the laundry bag she had. At 5:15, she came back out. She still had the same T-shirt on, with an unbuttoned long sleeve flannel shirt over it, and jeans on. Her blonde hair was still damp. She walked over to her sneakers, and spotted the panties as she sat down to put the sneakers on. I could see her blush, but neither of us said anything about it. She slipped them into the laundry bag, put it and her own toiletries in the suitcase, and zipped it up. "All set," she said. A whole 15 minutes early. During the drive to the airport, she asked, "Dad, do you think if I drive you to and from work a few times over the next couple of weeks, I could use your car, so I wouldn't just be stuck at the condo? I'd like to explore Dallas and Fort Worth a little on my own." "I think that would be okay." We got to the airport, returned the rental car, checked our luggage and got through security all by 6:30. With an hour before boarding, we ate at the French Meadow Bakery there, then walked to our gate. Suzy seemed to get more nervous the closer we get to boarding. "Still scared of flying, honey?" I asked. The girls flew to see me twice every year, but it had been a long time since I'd actually flown together with Suzy. It was always the two girls flying together between Minneapolis and Denver. "A little bit. It's the takeoffs. Once we're airborne, I'm fine." So I wasn't surprised, once we were onboard, that Suzy wanted to hold my hand. What surprised me was the feeling of her breast pressed into the side of my arm as she slipped her elbow between mine and my body to take my hand, and leaned her head against my shoulder. Maybe I should have pulled away, but I didn't. It felt good. My conscience was trying to tell me to stop, but I ignored it. Once we were off the ground, she let go, and busied herself with her iPod for the rest of the flight. I, on the other hand, started feeling guilty for noticing her boob, and promised myself that I was just comforting her fears. Landing in Dallas, we got Suzy's bag in baggage claim, got them to my car, and started home, about 11:15 AM. Feeling hungry from the early breakfast, I decided to stop at a barbecue place that served great brisket sandwiches, which Suzy loved. What I forgot was that I'd have to endure watching Suzy licking her lips, every time she got sauce on them. I managed to not get an erection from this, but only because I was feeling guilty about imagining her lips doing what a father shouldn't be imagining. I'd stopped asking 'What's wrong with me?' I knew what it was, I was close to getting turned on by my daughter. Maybe not to the point of an erection, so far, but that might only be a matter of time. Finally back to my condo, I got our suitcases stowed in the respective bedrooms. I told Suzy I was going to go check the mail, and to settle in. When I got back, Suzy was just coming out of her bedroom, wearing that yellow bikini I remembered from the previous summer, but now it was definitely a size too small on her! Her tits looked to be C cups now, and weren't fitting too well, in a bikini I knew was two years old. "Is it okay if I go say hello to your pool, Dad?" I actually stammered a bit before I finally had to point at her chest, and spit out, "Honey, do you have another suit that fits better? You're about to fall out of that one." She didn't blush at all. "I don't, actually. My others are probably even tighter. I just haven't had a chance to shop for new ones. This one still fits, although I do admit it shows more sideboob than it used to. I won't fall out, I promise." Sideboob, my daughter's talking to me about sideboob. Her sideboob. Oh, gawd. "I hope not," I managed to say. What I managed to NOT say was, 'I hope I'm there to see it if you do.' "Okay, go swim. I'll probably join you in an hour. Use the sunscreen, okay?" Before I joined her, I needed to try and get ahold of myself. I thought I could push the mental images of her out of my head if I watched some porn, so I closed myself in my bedroom with my iPad, and watched several porn videos featuring actresses who were decidedly the opposite of my blonde athletic-but-stacked daughter. The sexual imagery got me hard, and I jerked off to a nice cum, but as soon as I was done, the image of Suzy in that bikini was right back at the forefront of my thoughts. I guessed I was just going to have to endure it, to control my actions, even if I couldn't control my eyes or my thoughts. Finally, I cleaned myself up, and put on my swim trunks, and applied sunscreen before heading to the pool, remembering first to take the chicken and a loaf of italian bread out to thaw.. Suzy was swimming some laps, and I dove in and joined her, trying but failing to match her 20 year old athlete's pace. After about five laps, I hopped up onto the side of the pool, and just watched her swim. For a change, I wasn't fixated on her body parts, wasn't staring at her ass, or looking for peeks at her boobs, just watching her as an athletic young woman that I was proud to call my daughter. I must have just been horny, and masturbating relieved that, I told myself. She eventually stopped, surfacing next to me, and said, "You didn't swim for very long, Dad." "I don't have the stamina you kids do, Honey, particularly when I don't have you around to encourage me to get to the pool and gym more often. I probably haven't swum a lap in three months. If I'd done any more than that my first time back, I'd have really been feeling it in my legs tomorrow. I'll get better before summer's over. Might even be able to beat you in a race!" "Not happening, Dad," she challenged. 'Well, I'm going to head in and get started on dinner - your favorite. Come in around 5?' Back in my condo's kitchen, I got out the chicken, and started preparing it with a garlic marinade, before putting it on the indoor grill. While that started cooking, I finely chopped some garlic and onion, and put water on to boil. When the chicken was mostly cooked, I cut it into strips, dipped it in some more of the marinade that I'd set aside, then put it all back on the grill to finish it. As the chicken was cooking, I started the fettucine noodles, and started warming alfredo sauce, with the garlic and onion mixed in. I alternated between turning the chicken, stirring the pasta and stirring the sauce. Suze came back in, rubbing her hair with one towel, and had another wrapped around her, just as I had scooped the chicken into the Alfredo sauce and was draining the noodles before mixing them in, too. "Oooh, Chicken Fettucine Alfredo! Why is yours always better than Mom's?" she asked. "Your mom doesn't add garlic and onion on the chicken or in the sauce like I do. It adds that extra zing that's missing from plain alfredo sauce." "Well, I love it, and love you for making it for me!" she said. "Let me get changed, and we can dig in." As she turned, my eyes were immediately drawn to her tush, where the towel didn't cover her suit bottoms, which had risen up into her crack a little. 'Oh, gawd,' I thought. 'Here I go again.' She came back out in a nice turquoise polo shirt and dark blue shorts, but barefoot, and sat at the table while I served the pasta and the bread. I would normally have served a salad, too, but with flying to Minneapolis, had not wanted to buy the greens before the trip, and had no chance to go shopping for fresh produce since getting back. I would pick some up tomorrow. Didn't much matter, because Suzy scarfed down two large servings of the chicken and pasta, complimenting me and saying 'yum' between nearly every other bite. I ate quietly, trying to keep my mind off the sauce that kept dribbling from her lips, reminding me way too much of cum dripping from the lips of actresses in those porn videos. A battle was being waged inside myself, and I wasn't sure which side was going to win, or even which side I wanted to win. I'd say it was hard, but even that word now carried loaded meaning. "Hungry, sweetie?" I asked, as she finished her second helping. "I've missed your Alfredo, is all. Almost as much as I've missed you." You could feel the sugar crystallizing in the air. "Awww, that's sweet. And also a load of crap!" I said, in a joking tone. "If you really missed me, you'd call more often without wanting something from me." She stuck her tongue out at me, then started clearing the table. She washed up all the dinner dishes and pans. It was a division of labor carried over from my marriage to Paula that whoever cooked didn't have to wash. It used to result in my washing a lot of dishes when my daughters would lend just enough of a hand with dinner to get out of doing dishes, but here in Dallas it meant the girls did so more often than not, as I did most of the cooking. While she did that, I went into the living room to see what might be on TV that night. Didn't look like much more than reruns on the networks, but I saw a couple of good movies on Netflix, but wasn't sure Suzy would be interested in them. When Suzy finished with the dishes, she joined me on the couch. "Anything good on?" she asked. "You know how it is in June. All the network series wrapped up their seasons during May Sweeps, so all we've got for June are reruns and reality shows. We could find something on Netflix, maybe, or you could look through my DVDs." She got up to look through my DVDs, and actually came back holding 'The Incredibles', an animated movie about Superheroes that I actually liked for its sense of style and humor. Certainly would be easier to watch with her than another R-Rated movie. "Really? I can remember you and Mandy teasing me about liking this about four years ago. You both called it 'kids stuff', if I remember right?" "Well, I was trying really hard to act like an adult back then, instead of actually being one." Probably the most mature words I've ever heard from her mouth. "I've heard nothing but good things about this from some of my classmates, but I've never seen it. Can we?" "Sure, let's do it to it." Suzy put the disc into the player, then lay on pillows on the other end of the couch, and put her feet in my lap, clearly wanting a massage. I grabbed another pillow, and put it under her feet, to keep her away from my privates. I just didn't trust myself not to get hard under her feet, as I massaged them. The erection didn't happen, and I spent about half of the movie rubbing her feet and ankles, then we just sat and watched the rest, as the Incredibles family defeated the main villain. I felt like just her dad, again. It felt good. When it was over, I asked, "So what did you think?" She swung her feet down to the floor and sat up, before answering, "I liked it. I really liked that they gave all the characters some varied motivations for doing what they did, even the bad characters, and let them make mistakes along the way. And I really like the two kids. By the end, you're really rooting for them all to win. Not what I would usually expect from either a superhero movie or a cartoon." "Yeah, I hope they do a sequel some day. Well, hon. I've got to get to bed. Work tomorrow. Did you want to drive me in, like you mentioned this morning?" She thought for a couple of seconds before answering, "Yeah. I think I need to go shopping for a couple of new bathing suits, at least. You still leaving for work at 7AM?" "Yeah, I need to make up for leaving early on Friday. Do you need me to wake you at 6?" "No, I can set my alarm on my phone, then come back for a shower after I drop you off. Good night, Dad." With that, she got up and headed for her room, and I went into mine, changed into the sweatshorts I usually sleep in, and got into bed. And couldn't sleep. My head started churning up all the sexual images and thoughts I'd been having about Suzy again, and I started getting scared of what might happen if I dreamed of her. Which just led me into imagining what a dream like that might be. Her bikini top falling off and my being unable to resist touching her tits. Her sitting in my lap, and my developing a hardon. Her coming to my bedroom and waking me up with a blowjob. Her walking into my shower. All the fantasies you see played out in porn, but with her in the starring role. I felt like I was going nuts. I didn't need to even have the damn sex dream, I was imagining them while awake! I finally decided to get up and make some tea, hoping that would settle my nerves, and let me get to sleep. The guest room in my condo is on the other side of the dining room and kitchen, so there was more privacy. But walking into the kitchen, I could see that the light was still on in Suzy's room. And then I heard her moan. And the words "fuck, fuck, fuck" plain as day. And then the buzz of a vibrator. Oh, shit, she's masturbating again. And you're just standing here listening to it, you pervert. I forced myself to turn around, abandoned any thoughts of tea, and headed back to my bedroom, to at least close my eyes. It must have been around 2 when I finally drifted off to sleep. Dreamless sleep, thankfully. Or at least I don't remember any dreams. My alarm went off at 6, and I dragged myself to the shower, which I ran cold to wake me up. When I was done and got dressed, it was 6:30, and Suzy was making pancakes when I walked into the kitchen. "Mom finally get you to learn something besides cereal and toast?" I joked. "Actually, it was my roommate Sandra in college this year. I learned a few dishes from her, and if you'd like, I want to make dinner for you a few times." "Sounds good, sweetie," I answered. Even though it would mean me washing dishes afterwards. She put a plate of pancakes and some bacon in front of me, and sat down with a plate of her own. She'd done a really good job on both. Breakfast for me was usually an english muffin and peanut butter, or some Starbucks sandwich on the way to work. "My compliments to the chef. These are excellent." She smiled sweetly, and said, "Anything for my Dad." She drove me to my office, and I told her, "I expect I'll be done around 6, but I'll let you know if I need to stay later. Be careful driving, okay? Dallas is crazy sometimes." "Bye, Dad, I'll be fine." Work was busy, but not too bad, and soon it was 6, and I was done with the day's tasks. Headed down to the lobby, I called Suzy for an ETA, and she said "Just pulling into your parking lot, actually. Where are you?" "Just exiting the lobby - I see you!" She pulled the car up to the curb, and hopped out. "You're right, the drivers here ARE crazy! Will you drive us home?" I got behind the wheel of my Audi, and said, "Actually, we need to make a stop at the grocery store, to pick up some fresh salad ingredients and a few other things, so I can make dinner tonight." She laughed. "I made a stop at the store today for lettuce, carrots and red onion for salad, coffee and cream and a gallon of milk, since you were nearly out of those, and some pork chops and potatoes and a few other ingredients so I could make you dinner tonight. Okay?" "Thank you, honey. The only thing that was on my list that you didn't mention was peanut butter, but it can wait. But you don't have to buy our groceries, that's my job." "I set aside the receipt, and you can pay me back for everything but tonight's dinner. This is my treat, okay? Do I need to call you Daddy to get my way on this one?" "Not the begging voice!" We had joked about her little "Daddy" voice several times in the past. It didn't keep her from using it, and didn't keep it from working, either, but we were both aware of what it was - something she reserved for when she really wanted something. "Okay, honey, your treat - this time." "Thank you, Daddy," she said with a big grin. Home smelled heavenly. Suzy had found my crockpot, and had both pork chops and potatoes cooking in it, in a sesame-ginger-teriyaki sauce of some kind, and some other veggies. She pulled the potatoes out of the pot, and hand-mashed them, adding just a little butter and a little more ginger, then served them along with the pork chops, carrots, onions and bok choi that had cooked under the pork chops, along with a small salad with a sesame dressing. Everything was perfectly delicious. "How'd I do, Dad?" she asked, as I was raising fork after fork to my mouth, without talking. "Scrumptious, Suzy. You learned this in a dorm?" "Cooking Channel, I think. But it was a pretty big hit among my roommates. We actually do a lot of crockpot cooking in our campus apartment. I wasn't actually in a dorm last year, Dad. I started in one, but then got asked to join a group of Juniors in a six-person apartment unit when one of their original six decided to transfer over last summer. It's still on-campus housing, but with three bedrooms, one bathroom, a sitting area and a kitchen. The college charges for it the same as a dorm room, so they didn't have to bill extra for it when I switched from the dorm, and I guess I forgot to tell you. I'm tagging along with Sandra into a four-person unit for next year. Anyway, one of us will get something started in the crockpot in the morning or at noon, and by the time we're out of classes we have lunch or dinner ready. I sized the recipe for this down for just the two of us, because the bok choi doesn't do well as leftovers. Plus, all that you usually have to clean is the crockpot and whatever plates you use. It saves us a lot of time." I put my fork down, having cleared my plate. "I've already mentioned that I'd like you to call more - there'd be less of this 'I forgot to tell you' if you did. End of lecture, though. This was excellent, honey. Have you made this for your mom?" "No. She still doesn't let me near the stove, after I set it on fire when I was 13." "I'll have to talk to her about that. You deserve the chance to learn how to cook from her, and you can't do that if you're still locked out of her kitchen." A nervous look crossed her face. "About that, Dad. I've been thinking. Now that Mandy's turning 18 and the custody agreement won't be in force for either of us, I was wondering whether it would be okay if I just lived here from now on, when I'm not on campus, that is. I've only got this summer and next left before Senior year and I graduate, but I'm actually thinking I would rather look for work here, rather than Minneapolis. There's actually an internship I'm interested in applying to for next summer, and it's in Fort Worth, so I'd definitely need to live here next summer, but I'd rather stay here all summer this year, too. If that's okay with you?" "Have you talked to your mom about this?" I asked. "Not yet. It doesn't make sense to talk to her about it, if you say 'No'. And I won't even get out the begging voice. This needs to be an adult request from me to you. Will you help me get that internship by letting me stay here?" "Let me think about it," I said. "It's a big change from your being an occasional visitor for four or six weeks, to you living here, especially once you do graduate. Can I have until the end of the week to decide?" "That's fair. So, do you want to see my new bathing suits, before or after doing the dishes?" "How about, we do it after, and you run down to the mailbox and check for any mail?" "Okay," she chirped, grabbing the guest keys from a hook by the door and heading out the door. My mind was in another whirl, as I started washing our plates and setting the crock pot in the sink to soak for a little while before scrubbing it. Move in? I was having a hard - difficult! - enough time with my apparent attraction to her when I knew she'd eventually be going home to Paula in a few weeks. But now to have her here until college started, and all next summer? How was I going to handle this? But how could I say No? What good reason could I come up with to block what she wanted to do with her career? Suzy came back through the door, with a small bundle of mail, which she handed to me, before heading to her room. "Looks like all junk to me, Dad." A quick scan confirmed that to be the case, so I dropped the whole lot into the recycling bin I kept under the kitchen's desk. I went back to the sink, and scrubbed the crockpot, then set it aside to dry. Just then, Suzy's head popped out of her bedroom door, and asked, "Ready for the fashion show? Go sit down on the couch." I did so, and called out 'Ready!" She walked into the living room, in a bright green bikini, that looked to be the same basic style as her yellow one, but obviously the right size now, as she didn't look like she was about to pop out. It still made her look sexy, though, and my mind inserted it into that fake-dream I'd thought up of her top popping off from the night before anyway. Damn, what did I need to do to keep from having these thoughts? The second suit, in black, left much less to the imagination. Barely a thong down below, it showed most of her tits up top, showing far more than the yellow suit I already thought showed too much. I actually gasped. "Honey, you can't wear that to the pool here!" "So I save this one for Spring Break, or someplace else I don't have to worry about little kids seeing me in it. Do you like it, though?" I sighed. "On my daughter, I don't think it's appropriate. But I know that's not what the guys at Spring Break are going to think. You're going to need a can of Mace!" It certainly wasn't what I was actually thinking. My daughter looked absolutely HOT in that suit. And even if I never saw her in it again, I wasn't going to forget it. "Okay, one more." She went back to her bedroom, as I watched her uncovered butt-cheeks flexing the whole way. The third suit was a more modest silver one-piece, cut high up the hip, but covering her chest and ass more thoroughly. After she turned to let me see the whole view, I said, "I think I like this one the best of the three. But that's a Dad's opinion. Which one do you like best?" "I like this one, too. I think I can actually swim better in this one, but the others are what I'd wear for tanning, or to attract men, if my saying that doesn't raise your Dad hackles." "Honey, I don't expect you to be a virgin, now, or in the future. Your Mom and I agreed that we needed to prepare you to be responsible, not abstinent. Sex is part of life, and attraction is part of that." As I knew too well. "Do you want another movie tonight? Or are you tired of that?" "Can I pick the movie? Something more mature this time?" "Sure," I said. "After that dinner, I owe you one. I'm going to go get changed, and you pick out the movie." I got into my sleeping shorts and a tshirt, and returned to the couch. Suzy's choice on Netflix was "Silver Linings Playbook", another movie I'd seen before, and remembered it being romantic, but without much in the way of sex scenes between the leads. Its R rating came more from language. 'Ought to be safe enough', I thought. Suzy had also changed, into another of my old tshirts, with a pair of sweat shorts underneath. But instead of lying at the end of the couch, she sat right next to me, putting her head against my shoulder, her hands wrapped around my arm. And her tits against my arm. I tried to ignore them, I really did. But I gradually became aware that I was getting an erection, and I couldn't blame it on the movie this time. This one was because of her and her alone. I was hoping Suzy wouldn't notice, but I suddenly saw her glance down at me, and I knew she'd seen it tenting out my shorts. And she didn't freak out. She just cuddled closer into my shoulder, and kept on watching the movie. It finally subsided, and we finished watching the movie. I didn't know what to say to her, so I didn't say anything. She decided not to drive me to work the next day, said she was going to work on her tan, and we said good night. She was going to stay up and watch another movie, but promised to keep the noise down. I went into my bedroom, and as tired as I was from lack of sleep the night before, I managed to fall asleep. And again, remembered no dreams. Suzy was still in bed when I got up in the morning, so I just made an english muffin, with the last of the peanut butter, and hit the road. I stopped at the store on the way home for peanut butter and some apples, and a six-pack of beer. I was planning on grilling some burgers on the communal grill, and thought apples with peanut butter and caramel sauce might make for a nice dessert. When I got to the Condo, I saw an "out at the pool" note from Suzy, so I put the groceries away, and walked over there. She was in the green suit, swimming a few laps when I got there. But I could already see her tan developing, so she must have spent quite a bit of time laying in the sun earlier in the day. She spotted me, and swam over to the side of the pool. "Hi, Dad," she said, pushing her wet hair behind her. "How was work?" "Oh, the usual, keeping the wheels of commerce turning." I responded. "How do burgers and sliced apples and dipping sauce sound for dinner? "Yeah, that sounds fine. Just one burger for me, though. And salad. I'm going to do another half-a-dozen laps, then I'll come in and help with the salad." I prepped the burgers, hand-made from ground turkey, one egg to help bind it and plenty of spices, and took them out to the condo complex's gas grill, and had them cooked in no time. I made some extra, since they made good leftovers. I put cheese on my two, and none on Suzy's. When I got back inside, Suzy had the salad made, and two of the apples cut. She was still in her bikini, but with a robe over it. I scooped some peanut butter and caramel sauce into a small bowl, and tossed them in the microwave to soften while we started to eat the salad and burgers. When we were done with those, I took the sauce out, gave it an initial stir, then popped it back in the microwave for another 30 seconds. As we sat around the table, dipping apple slices into the sauce, I asked, "I haven't made a final decision yet on you moving here, but I wondered how you planned on dealing with your car?" "I figured I'd fly home at the end of July with Mandy as planned, and pack up the rest of my stuff into my car, and drive down. It's about a 14 hour drive, right? Probably too much for one straight shot solo, but my roommate Sandra's family is in KC, so I thought I'd spend the night with them before finishing the drive here the next day." "Sounds like you've got a lot of this planned out already." I was proud of her for not just being impulsive, and was leaning towards telling her it was okay. We made quick work of the few dishes from dinner, and I asked, "Another movie? Or would you like to maybe play a game like Scrabble or Yahtzee?" "Does that Wii system still work? I haven't beaten your butt in Mario Kart in some time." "Oh, game on, kid!" I jested. "Let me just get out of this suit, before I start to chafe, and I'll meet you in the living room." When she came back into the room, my eyes nearly bugged out. She was wearing an old, and I mean really old, nightshirt, that I'm sure I'd gotten her for her 14th birthday. It was so worn out from years of being worn and washed and washed again, that it was nearly transparent, just like old TShirts sometimes get. I could actually see through it to a tattoo I knew she had on her hip, and the whole of her areola was visible through it, and her nipples were erect and pointing through the fabric. On top of that, she'd grown so much since then that it was now skin-tight, and barely covered her. A couple inches shorter, and I'd be seeing her panties - but I wasn't even sure she was wearing any, that's how transparent the shirt was. And when she walked over to pick up the second Wii U controller, and bent over, I could clearly see the crack of her ass. She didn't flash me, but the only part of her I couldn't see was her pussy. This was just too much. I actually moaned out loud, and said, out loud, "Gawd, I need to keep the mental image of you dressed like this out of my head..." I sat down on the couch, my arms on my knees and my head in my hands. She knelt on the couch next to me, legs together, knees turned to face me. She put her hand on my shoulder and asked, "Why?" She paused. "Dad, do I turn you on?" Her tone appeared to be one of serious curiosity, not disgust, which relieved me. I paused a moment before turning my head slightly toward her and saying, "I really wish I could say 'Absolutely not, you're my daughter,' but the shortest true answer is that it's complicated, not a clear yes or a clear no, either. Are you willing to listen to the long answer?" "Okay..." she said, moving her hand to the back of the couch. How to say this without coming off as a total pervert? I couldn't look directly at her. "Let me start off by saying you're a beautiful girl, with a very nice body." She smiled, but didn't blush. "I would have to be blind not to see that. But that's not all this is about. What it's about is me getting horny from time to time and trying hard - no, let's not use that word - trying my best to keep thoughts of you and your body from being mixed up with that. And mostly succeeding, at least until recently. Since the divorce, I've dated some, but haven't had much luck at it. I think you should be able to guess that my main relief from horniness is masturbation, and the longer I'm going without sex, the more often I'm feeling horny. And the last thing I want is for you to be my fantasy while I'm jerking off. It's just not appropriate." Her expression was serious, but I couldn't read how she felt from it. "So then I guess the next part of your question is whether your body makes me horny? And all I can say is that I don't really know what makes me horny most times. I can't pinpoint it to a specific person or event, it's more like I just get horny unpredictably, and once I AM horny, I start noticing women, all kinds of women, from strangers, to friends, to coworkers and yes even you. I know I especially notice breasts. And that's what happens if I'm already horny and your nipples are showing or I just become aware of your body in some way. I notice you. A lot. Too much for comfort. But it's not always you, either. I can be walking through the supermarket and be noticing the tits of every woman I see. And when I realize I'm horny, I know jerking off will usually take care of it, and I try my best to make sure I'm not jerking off to mental images of you. Because noticing you, noticing your body, is bad enough, getting off to you would be worse. So I watch or read porn, to make my jerking off be about someone else, anyone but you." I turned my face more towards her so I could look her straight in her eyes. "But lately, it's getting to be more difficult to keep you out of my head. I've had to stop masturbating a couple of times when I found myself imagining you in whatever scenario I was watching in a porn clip, and had to switch to something else completely different. So far, I've managed to not have any orgasms or sex dreams that were about you. At least not directly, I hope. But even just being worried about that happening has warped my thinking - two nights ago, all I could do was think about what having a sex dream about you would feel like, and how it would affect you and me if I told you about it. I even invented a few dreams to have, and debated in my head about lying to you that I'd actually had one, to see how you'd react. It was almost as bad as actually having the dream, because I was replaying it in my head the same way. I wasn't getting hard from thinking about it, but I was probably getting close, too close." I hoped like hell she wasn't noticing the hard on I had right now. "So that's why I said I needed to get the mental image of you, your breasts and nipples and butt in that night shirt out of my head. I don't want to be turned on by you, but it's getting clearer to me that I've already passed that point, and I'm not at all in control of it. Does that make any sense?" She gave me an intense look and responded, "Dad... but what if that's what *I* want, to turn you on, what then?" She lifted her butt up, reached down to the hem of the nightshirt, and pulled it over her head. Oh, gawd. Her tits were astounding, high, firm, round, the pink areola puckered and her nipples poking forward. As I thought, she had neither bra or panties on, although I couldn't see between her legs the way she was sitting. I do know I wasn't seeing any pubic hair. "If what I want is for you to touch me, because you're the man who turns ME on?" "Oh, honey, it's wrong, it's incest." "Dad, weren't you the one who has always told me to never just accept what society said was wrong or right, but to figure out right and wrong for myself, based on who got hurt or helped? I've applied that standard to what I feel and don't find anything morally wrong with wanting you to be my lover, so long as I don't wind up pregnant, and Mom had me on the Pill at 14. I know society thinks it's wrong, so it would have to stay a secret, but I'm okay with that. Can you be?" She tried to take my left hand from where I was shielding my hard on from her sight, and grazed its tip as she pulled my hand up to her breast. "Oh, you're already hard, Dad. Whether or not you're scared to be turned on, you are. For me, or just because you've been talking about jerking off?" In a whisper, I admitted, "For you. I'm sorry." "Don't!" she cried out, sounding hurt. "Don't apologize to me for reacting to me exactly the way I want you to. Not when my wishes are so close to coming true. Every birthday wish since I turned 18 was for you to feel for me what I feel for you." "Really?" "Yeah. Cakes here, cakes at Moms, even cakes at school. I even wrote a letter to Santa last year, asking for you as my Christmas gift." "That's a lot of wishes." "You might not want to get turned on by me, but you do. I don't know whether it's because all the wishes actually had some power, or because my body finally looks like an adult woman instead of a skinny teenager, and I don't really care. I have certainly been trying to dress sexy around you, from wearing those tshirts Mom used to wear to bed with you, to buying that black swimsuit just for you. But please don't deny that you're turned on by me, and don't apologize for it. It means something, and I think it's something good, not something bad. I definitely get turned on by you, or did you think that I wasn't aware you were looking at me in the hotel the other night? I wasn't masturbating to that movie - I was imagining you in bed with me. Fucking me. Hard. The movie just gave me an excuse to frig in front of you. I was actually hoping your room only had one bed, so it would force us to be close. Masturbating with you in the room seemed the next best option to get you thinking about me. And still you resisted me, and resisted me, and resisted me..." "I was hard that night, too," I admitted. "I think it was from the movie, at first, but seeing you with your hand moving like it was kept me hard the rest of the night, until I finally had to jerk off before my shower. Oh, sweetie. Are you sure about this?" "Yes, Dad. Let me make it plain for you. I want to be your lover, I want to make love to you, to fuck you, to have you fuck me. I think you want it almost as much as I do, you just need to stop resisting it. Please Dad, just let go..." "Please, Daddy!" The voice was different, not sweet but pleading, desperate to get her way. And with that, she kissed me full on my lips, and my resistance just crumbled, never to return. I pulled her to me, running my hands all over her back, down to her butt, and back up. The kiss intensified, our tongues getting involved. I pulled back, and sought her nipples with my mouth, licking them each in turn, then sucking them in and swirling my tongue. She still tasted slightly of chlorine from the pool, but I didn't care. I realized that I simply loved my daughter, and wanted to show her just how much. To bring joy to her body, to her heart, to her soul. And to receive the same from her in turn. The taboo, the incest, didn't matter to me now. It wasn't what was turning me on, but it wasn't stopping me, either. I slid one hand between her legs, and made contact with her pussy lips. As I expected, they were wet. She shifted her knees apart, giving me more access, and I slid a finger inside her, just to have that contact, as I continued making love to her breasts. She started moving her hips, to push my finger in and out. Her mouth was open, her hands running through my hair, as I sucked her nipples into my mouth, one at a time, kissing her chest as I moved between them. "Oh, Dad, that feels so good. I love you." "I love you too, honey," I answered, looking her straight in the eyes again. "I'm done fighting this. I want you, right now." And kissed her again. I felt her fingers working the buttons of my shirt, as she mumbled something about my having too many clothes on. I grabbed for my belt, and unbuttoned my pants, and stepped off the couch momentarily to push them down and take my shirt off. My daughter attacked my briefs, pulling them down quickly to get at what lay beneath. Her hand wrapped around my dick, her eyes gleaming, and suddenly I was in her mouth, her tongue swirling around me. My legs almost buckled, so I grunted, "" She let me, and was immediately kneeling next to me on the sofa, her head back in my lap, licking up and down the side of my shaft, working her way down to my balls. I stroked the back of her head, not pushing or guiding, but just to caress her hair. My other hand was making its way down her back, feeling each bump of her spine, every muscle, to reach her butt, which I ran my hands over. Her mouth worked its way back to my tip, then engulfed me again. I moaned, and said, "Oh, Suzy." I took my hand from off of her butt, and stroked my way over her hip, then under her, until I could reach her pussy again, and stroked a finger across her clitoral hood for the first time. The suction of her mouth intensified, as her whole body tensed. I ran that finger down through her lips, until I reached her opening again, then slid it back up, and directly across her clit. Her turn to moan, around my shaft. "Lay down, sweetie," I said. "I want to taste you." She quickly flipped over, her head against my leg. I shifted my body over her along the couch, getting into a 69 position. Before I could even reach her pussy, she grabbed my dick and had it back in her mouth, then down into her throat before I knew it. I nearly came from the surprise. Where had my little girl learned to deep throat? Well, I guess she wasn't little or a girl, any more. She was all woman now. And now my lover. My hips thrust, pushing the last inch of my dick into her throat. She didn't gag, but pulled her mouth back smoothly, her tongue very active. Then thrust her mouth all the way onto me again, then started an in and out motion on me that was making my toes curl. I braced my elbows on either side of her on the couch, and lowered my mouth to her pussy lips, and extended my tongue for my first taste of her. Heavenly. I swirled my tongue through her labia, until I reached her perineum, then I drove my tongue into her vagina, as far as it would go. I shifted my weight onto my left arm, to bring my right hand into play, thrusting first one, then two fingers into her vagina, seeking out her g-spot, as my tongue made its way back up her labia, towards her clit. I teased around her button for a minute, making contact only with its hood, pushing it this way and that, and just as I found her g-spot, I finally licked across her clitoris. She arched her back under me, moaning around my dick, as I licked her clit again and again and again, my mind focussed on her pleasure, my body absorbing pleasure of its own. Both of us working towards our first orgasms together. And we indeed came together, shuddering then collapsing, as I shot over and over into Suzy's mouth, feeling her mouth swallow around me, and I sucked her clit into my mouth, pressing and stroking her g-spot. My mind was somewhere else for a moment, nothing but giving and receiving orgasm registering in my consciousness. Finally my ability to think in words returned. And the first ones that registered were "Oh. My. God!" I slipped my fingers out of Suzy, realizing that somewhere along the way I'd added a third, and lifted my mouth off of her. At the same moment, she let my softening dick out of her mouth with a final slurp of her tongue. I rolled onto the floor, and looked towards her as I sat up. A little glob of my cum rested on her lip, instantly reminding me of both our alfredo dinner and the pornos I'd watched the night before it. I watched her lick it off her lips, and swallow. Our eyes locked, and in unison we said, "Wow." "How did Mom ever let you go?" she asked. "Do you really want to talk about your Mom right now? I don't." "You're right. So, what now? We just crossed a pretty big line with each other. Are you okay with it? Please tell me you are." I took a moment to consider that question, and answered, "No guilt, whatsoever. I thought there would be, but there isn't. Something's shifted, I think forever. This moment, this just feels right. We'll need to be extremely careful, and realize that this can't be a permanent thing between us, but I don't have any problem with it in the short term. I mean, I can't marry you, you can't have my children, all that. You eventually need to find another man to love, and leave me. I love you, that part is permanent, but beyond that, we'll just have to figure out as we go along. How are you feeling about it?" "Two words: Wishes fulfilled," as she pantomimed a check mark. "I've wanted this for so long, and it feels even better than I thought it would. My heart has belonged to you my whole life, Dad. Now my body does too. Like you said, this is probably something we can only do in the short term, as much as I might wish otherwise. But I'm okay with that. And I want to do as much of it as we can. Ready for round 2?" "No, I need to recharge. Still want to play Mario Kart?" I chuckled. So we played three rounds of Mario Kart while still naked, and Suzy beat me all three. I think I won just two races out of the dozen we raced. I think I was distracted by her tits. Yeah, that's the ticket. The erection that arose between my legs during the last match was certainly because of her effect on me. We shut down the game console, and quietly taking each other's hand, walked into my bedroom. I pulled the covers down and lay her down, and lay beside her and began kissing and caressing her, as she ran her hands along my body in turn. I kissed her breasts, and she moaned. Between her legs, she was either still wet from earlier, or was wet again. Not that it mattered which. "It's time, Dad. Make love to me," she softly said. I knelt between her legs, and lined myself up. Looking right into her soul through her eyes, I entered her, slipping slowly down into her tightness, until I reached bottom, where I paused to say "I love you, baby." Then I pulled back, and slammed back into her. She squealed. I remembered that she said she fantasized about me fucking her hard, and was going to give that to her, to us, right now. We could, we would, do the tender love-making later. Right now was for fucking her brains out. "Oh, fuck, Dad! Give it to me!" she panted, thrusting her hips back into me, as I pounded into her, over and over and over. After cumming once, I knew I was going to last longer this time, so wasn't worried about going slow. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Ah! Ah!" she screamed, reaching her next orgasm. "Dad... keep... going... another," came from her lips. I leaned down and kissed her, as passionately as I knew, then sucked on one of her nipples, grazing it with my teeth, and she came again, "Daaaaaaaaaaad! Fuck me!" erupting from her mouth. Her pussy clenched down on my dick, and the sensation triggered my own orgasm, much sooner than I thought it would, sooner than I hoped I would last. Six more thrusts, as my dick shot over and over into her. I collapsed to her side, then pulled her into a full body embrace, engulfing her into another long kiss. When I stopped she looked me right in my eyes, and whispered, "Thank you Daddy," closed her eyes, and fell asleep. I pulled the covers over us, and joined her in slumber. ---- When the alarm went off in the morning, she was still cuddled into me, and I knew I had not dreamed the night before, hadn't invented it as some fantasy dream. She was my lover, and I was ecstatically happy about it. I slipped from her embrace and went to shower. She was still asleep when I got out, so I let her sleep, and simply left her a note saying, "I love you from the depths of my soul. So happy last night happened. See you when I get home from work. Daddy." Work flew by, my mind full of bliss, and I returned home at my normal 6:30, a little anxious that it might be Suzy who felt guilty about the night before. I shouldn't have worried. She was already in my bed, waiting for me, in a pink baby doll negligee I'd never seen on her, her hands lightly stroking herself between her legs. A vision of loveliness wrapped in lust. "Hi, Dad! I ordered Chinese, it'll be here in an hour. Can you think of anything you'd like to do between now and then?" I was hard by the time I got undressed, and lay beside her. She took control, pushing me onto my back, and dropping her pussy onto me in cowgirl position, and rode me, up and down, rotating her hips, and directing me to hit her g-spot. Despite its name, the baby doll top made her look nothing like a baby. She was all woman. Her tits were not hidden, but enhanced by it, and I put my hands over both, and squeezed through the fabric. She moaned, loudly, as she came, and spasmed atop me, then resumed her thrusting on me. Her eyes were looking down at me, full of lust, as I began thrusting up into her. "Honey, you look so sexy right now", I said to her, before I dropped one hand down to her, to stroke her clit as she rode me. She came again at the contact, then kept cumming as I stroked her and squeezed her through the hood. "Fuck, fuck... fuck... FUCK!" she screamed, as a huge orgasm erupted from her clit, and radiated into every part of her body. She fell down onto me, and I enveloped her in my arms, and really began fucking her fast and hard from underneath, then rolled us over, and continued from above, driving her into the mattress. I felt my prostate spasm, and exploded, my dick hosing her insides over and over and over. I lowered my head, to give her a much gentler kiss than the fucking I'd just given her. Then got up and got a washcloth to clean us both up. Just as I finished with that, the doorbell rang for the food delivery, so I quickly threw my pants back on, and answered the door. Suzy had already paid with her credit card, so I only had to sign the slip. As I set out the food on the dining room table, Suzy came out from the bedroom, saying, "I do like the way we build up one appetite by satisfying the other." Over dinner, I said, "Okay, time for a little seriousness. Your sister arrives in a week. We're going to have to cool it once she's here. Can we do that?" "I think I can manage that," she said. "Plus, my period is due to arrive a day or two before that, so we'll have to stop fucking then, anyway. If I stop giving you head, too, that ought to give you just enough time to not look like I've been fucking you silly," she said, grinning. "Because I plan to, between now and then." "Very funny. Looked at yourself in a mirror, lately? You're glowing." "I know. I'm very happy right now. Oh, and Dad? What are you going to do if you start getting horny towards Mandy like you did towards me?" [End, Chapter 1] ~~~~~~~~~~ to be continued.... For pics visit ---->>