Business Studies 03

By Katzmarek

(Part 3)

I get up early, Nick is still asleep. The children are up and go
into their father's room to climb into bed with him. Apparently it's
a family routine.

I dress quickly and leave, I don't want to face Nick.

My mum has that curious look on her face, kind of 'all knowing.'

"Good night?" she asks.

I shrug my shoulders. I don't like lying to mum, I just avoid
telling her stuff instead.

"Darling?" mum says, all serious, " you ARE being careful, aren't

'Oh God,' I think, 'we're not going to have THAT talk, are we?'

"I'm always careful, mum," I reply.

"You know what I mean, Beatie. Boys don't always think of...
everything, you know what I'm saying?"

"I'm not having sex with anybody, mum, if that's what you think."

"That's alright then," she says, "I wouldn't want you to get... well
pregnant. At your age that could really spoil your life, y'know."

"I know, I wont," I tell her dismissively.

"You need to take things seriously, Beatie," mum tells me,
frustrated, " you can't be complacent about such things!"

"Look mum, I can look after myself! I won't get knocked up because I
need to be having sex, which I'm not. You also need a boyfriend,
which I haven't, ok?"

"Ok, then," says mum, clearly dissatisfied.

I ring my friend Angela, I need to talk to someone, besides mum.

She has a new 'squeeze,' like, what happened to last week's one?

"John? He was a dipstick, I went out with Jerry last night, you know
Haycock? Lives over by the park?" Angela tells me.

"Yeah, I know him. Bit of a jock, isn't he?"

"Well they all say that, but he's really quite cute when you get to
know him."

"I'm sure! Listen Ange' I've got a bit of a problem..."

I tell her about what happened last night. She's blown away, ME with
an older guy!

"You're full of surprises, Tee. I didn't think YOU of all people..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Can you keep it to yourself?"

"Of course!"

But I'm beginning to have doubts that she will. Damn, that girl is a
natural gossip. I think I've made another mistake.

She wants to compare notes with me, but I'm suddenly wary. Angela
tells me that her and Jerry had 'made out' down by the beach. I
listen to her with my reputed 'patience.'

"He's SO gentle, Y'know? I think I might let him sleep with me next
Saturday after the game. Do you think that's too soon?"

"Don't know, Ange'," I tell her, flatly, " that's your choice."

"I think I will, I'd better bring some condoms, boys don't think of
things like that."

"So I've been told," I tell her, wryly.

All she wants to do is talk about this guy. I think he's a creep,
but that's her lookout.

I hang up unhappily. Mum comes in and I tell her about Angela's new

"What about that boy..." she starts to say.

"I know, I know," I interrupt, " but that was last week, this is a
whole new era!"

Mum shakes her head,

"She'll get herself into trouble, that Angela!"

I wish she'd get pregnancy off the brain.


I watch the blue Daimler pull out of Nick's drive. Funny, I'm a
little disappointed that he didn't try and talk to me about last

Sure I flew the coup, but I didn't want to deal with
that,'awkwardness,' y'know? I still feel, however, that we need to
'clear the air.'

I spend the morning writing up my notes. I sit by the lounge window
so I can see when Nick returns.

Mum and dad have gone off for the morning, shopping. They always do
that together Saturday morning, which I think is so neat. I'm glad
because I don't want to be plagued by mum's questions and suspicions.

Nick comes back about midday and parks in the drive. I think he's
going to wash the car after lunch.

Mum calls and tells me her and dad are going to go out for lunch and
maybe on to a matinee. I have the day to myself, I'm happy.

After lunch I take a Coke and some textbooks and seat myself on the
balcony. After a while Nick comes out with the kids and starts to
wash the car.

It's the children who spot me first and call out to me to come and
play. Nick looks up and waves,

"C'mon over, if you've nothing to do," he yells, "the kids want to
play ball and I'm too busy."

Ok, call me dumb, but I go over.

The kids are kicking around an old soccer ball and want me to be
goalie. I don't try too hard to stop the 'goals.'

Nick's wearing shorts and a T-shirt with 'Daimler' emblazoned on it,
he does love his car. He bends down at one stage to polish the sills
and guards and I'm transfixed by his tight arse. I think I must have
let in three goals.

The kids say I'm 'useless' and Nick looks up and tell them not to be
rude. He smiles at me and I feel myself melting inside. I grin shyly
back at him and our eyes lock for a slightly uncomfortable time
before he goes back to what he's doing.

He spends such a long time cleaning the car, it's clearly a labour
of love.

'I wonder if he spends that amount of time on ALL the things he
loves,' I think to myself.

Every so often he looks up at us and smiles. It leaves me
breathless, restless and nervy, all at the same time. My lips tingle
with the rememberance of last night, I can't help myself! 

'God, I've got it bad!

His T-shirt is quite tight on him. As he moves I can see his pecks
bulging out. His shorts are quite tight too, I drool. I catch myself
waiting for him to move his leg so I can get a look at... well never
mind! I let past another goal.

I scramble for the ball and fall over. I catch my shoulder on the
edge of the concrete drive and yelp with pain. Nick rushes over and
bends down.

"Are you ok?" he asks.

"Yes, just a scrape, I think."

I pull out the collar of my shirt to inspect the damage, there's a
red mark of a graze just on the bone.

"Better put something on that," Nick says, all concerned, "wait
here, I've got some antiseptic cream inside."

He comes out in a few minutes and gets me to bare my shoulder again.
He then spreads the cream lightly over the wound. His hands are so
cool on my skin.

"I think it's 'Toon Time,' now kids," he says and the kids scoot off
inside to watch TV.

"Tee," he starts to say, "about last night..."

"It's alright really..."

"No! I need to say how sorry I am for... y'know."

I'm stuck for words, I smile embarrassingly, my face reddens.

He helps me to my feet, he leaves his hand on my back as he faces
me. I'm so excited to be so close to him!

"I think I just took advantage of you when..."

I'm not really listening to him, in my heart there's a riot of
feelings. I'm aware of him speaking but can't understand any of it,

"... Well you're a very pretty young girl, I mean woman..." 

(I understood that!)

"You think so?" I blurt out.

"What? Oh... um... sure, but I don't want you to take that the wrong

My eyes are fixed on his belt buckle, it has the Daimler badge on
it. I might have known!

He has such a flat tummy for a guy in his forties. I watch how it
moves when he's talking.

"... So I wouldn't want my behaviour to... to... lead you to think
that I'm... some kind of... pervert and..."

"Nick I don't think you're a pervert," I tell him.

All his 'beating himself up,' is finally getting to me.

"I was there too and I knew what I was doing!" I continue.

"You did?"

He looks puzzled.

"Yes, I'm old enough to know what I want, thank you!"

(Oops! My big mouth!)

"You do? I mean, you did?"

He steps back, his arm leaves me.

"Nick, I wanted you to kiss me..." 

My courage is starting to fade again and the admission comes out as
almost a whine.

"Tee, I didn't realise, or maybe I did, I don't know... shit!"

"It's alright, " I tell him, "I know you see me as a little girl..."

"No I don't!"

(He seems almost too quick with that response.)

"You're beautiful and... and I'm flattered, but..."

"But! There's always a 'but' in there Nick!" I say, angrily.

I go to stalk off but Nick catches me by the arm.

"Please don't go off like that," he begs, "look, this afternoon I'm
dropping the kids off with Rachael. Maybe afterwards we can, well, go
for a walk, find a little Cafe somewhere, maybe talk about all of

"If you like," I reply, offhandish.

It's a lovely warm spring day. The kids are excited about visiting
their mother and chat non-stop in the back of the car, it's a welcome

Nick pulls up outside Rachael's address and takes the kids to the
door. He has an animated discussion with his ex-wife, who looks over
his shoulder at the car, and me. I think if looks could kill...

Nick tells me in the car that he told Rachael that he was giving me
a lift to the Mall. I'm a little offended about being lied about.

He doesn't want any more trouble with his ex-wife, I understand
that, I just wish he could be honest, all the time! 

(Next he'll be getting me to hide in the boot!)

The beach is crowded and we have to go a long way out to find a
park. Nick suggests we walk back to the old band rotunda that has
been turned into a little seaside Cafe.

It's not a natural beach. All the sand was once ballast from ships
in the harbour, washed up here by the tides and currents. They call
it the Liverpool Sands, there's not another beach like it anywhere

The band Rotunda juts out into the bay. Underneath there were once
changing rooms that they converted into a Cafe, on the top, where the
bands used to play, you can sit outside. It's prominent for miles

As we walk around the bay we're at a lost for something to say. Nick
watches the ships for something to do, I watch the passers-by, it's

I dangle my hand, hoping he'll take the hint. At length I brush the
back of his hand and, almost casually, he takes mine.

Holding hands shouldn't be underestimated as an activity. I feel
this energy flowing down my arm to him, and his warmth flowing back,
it's so lovely!

He starts to talk at last, just pointing out little things of
interest, like the container terminal working at full stretch.

"Signs of good times ahead," he muses.

(Ok, so he's still thinking business, but at least he's saying

We sit down on top of the rotunda and order coffee from the busy
waitress. Although he's sitting opposite he still manages to avoid
looking at me.

"Nick?" I call him to attention.

He finally turns and looks at me.

"Sorry," he says, "I'm not being very good company. I'm just...
feeling a little wierd about all of this."

"Why?" I ask, "don't you like me?"

(Stupid question, I know!)

"Yes, yes I do, you know that, it's just... I don't know. You're so
young and I can't help thinking about the implications and..."

"What implications?" I ask him, a little 'put out.'

"Oh, you know... Rachael... and your parents... hell! I've never...
with someone so young... it's..."

"I AM legal, you know!"

"Oh sure, that's not what I meant. I'm 42 for Christ's sake, that's
25 years difference."

"I can add up!"

"Well... damn! I'm not doing this very well am I?"

I shake my head.

"If it's any consolation, you don't look 42," I tell him.

(I think he almost blushed! It's SO cute!)

We talk for a while about this and that over coffee. On the way back
to the car he naturally takes my hand and I lean into him, it feels

"What's your last name Nick?" I ask him.

"Apostolakis, it's Greek."

"I'll say!" I reply, "were you born there?"

"No, here. My parents came over from Crete after the war, assisted
passage. They arrived with nothing but their clothes, worked their
tails off. You do that when you've known real poverty."

"I guess! I'm Danish and Scottish. That's where 'Beatie' comes from.
My grandfather came from the Hebrides."

"I'll have to look that up in the atlas. Geography wasn't my strong
point," he says, "I suppose 'Karlsen' is the Danish side?"

"My mum? Yes she kept her maiden name after she married dad. She was
born in Copenhagen and came here as a child."

And so on...

(Beatie Apostolakis, hmm, I think I'll keep my maiden name too!)    

During the drive back, Nick eyes dart between the road and my legs.
I feel a little self-conscious and press my knees together. Nick
notices the movement and grins.

"Am I making you nervous?" he asks.

"No, not at all," I reply in a squeaky voice.

My tension is obvious, of course.

(So much for honesty.)

Deciding I'm being silly, I let my legs adopt a more natural
position. That is, feet crossed, knees splayed, almost touching the
centre console of the Daimler. I'm all too conscious of my knee being
centremetres from Nicks's hand on the 'J' shift.

I've noticed Nick always rests his hand on the gears, ready to snap
it down if required. I suppose it's a 'guy' sort of thing.

Nick bumps my knee with the back of his hand.

"Penny for them?" he says.

"Sorry... miles away... um, just thinking..."



He shrugs his shoulders and falls silent.

I'm terrified about what might happen when we get back to Nick's.
Will he want to have sex with me?

I'm not sure I'm ready for it yet and I'm scared he's going to be
annoyed with me. Perhaps he might want to call everything off! I
don't know.

It's maybe 4.30 when we get back to Nick's. He hits the remote
button and drives straight into the garage. I follow him up the
stairs, which open onto the hallway off the lounge.

"Drink?" he asks.

"Rum and Coke," I tell him.

He raises his eyebrows.

"I'm nearly 18!" I say defiantly.

He lifts his hands in resignation as he goes to get some glasses.

(Very Greek gesture!)

The rum sends a shiver through my body. Almost straight away I can
feel myself relaxing, getting looser.

Nick puts on some music, I don't recognise it, and stands beside me
looking out the window at the harbour.

"Beautiful view," I tell him.

(Actually it's the same view from our lounge)

"The tree doesn't bother you?"

"I like it there, don't move it!"

(Beatie 1, Rachael 0.)

"I'll never move it..."

I lean against him pointing to a large sailing ship in the harbour.

"What's that ship?"

(Like I care!)

"Training ship, the 'Spirit of Adventure'."

(Dad told me that anyhow.)


Nick orders some food delivered, Cambodian. Lots of rice and dishes
cooked with coconut milk and lemon grass. We eat on the balcony,
catching the last of the spring sun. For once there is little wind.
Nick produces a bottle of red wine, he doesn't care if it's suppose
to 'go' with dinner or not.

He tells me of his experience growing up in a Greek family, the
matriarchy and his numerous brothers and sisters.

Mothers are close to their sons, fathers to their daughters.
Daughters in law are never good enough for mother, fathers always
disapprove of their daughter's husbands.

"Mum always wanted me to go back to Greece and find a nice girl," he
tells me, "but I was terrified I'd be conscripted into the Greek
army, they do that you know."

We go inside after the sun goes down. I call my parents to let them
know I won't be home for a while, I skirt mum's questions.

Nick puts his arm around my shoulder. My body's shivering even
though it's not cold.

"You cold?" he asks.

"No," I mumble.

"Hey!" he says turning my face towards his.

He moves in and kisses me lightly on the lips. I'm feeling kind of
languid from the alcohol, my body tingles all over from the contact.
Nick pulls me tighter against his chest. I can feel my boobs pressing
against him.

He smiles then kisses me again, but this time harder. I'm light-
headed, I need to sit down. Nick eases me onto the sofa and pulls me
into a cuddle.

Oh, this is so cool! My head tucks in against his cheek, his arm
around me, I could stay like this all night!

"Where would you like to go from here?" he mumurs to me.

I don't understand what he means, go? Like, for a drive, what? 

Hmm, realisation dawns on me, he means, 'do I want to go to bed with

"Can we stay like this for a while?" I ask him in a small voice.

He slowly nods, lightly brushing the hair from my face. The music
kind of washes around me evoking dreams of the sea on a moonlit night.

Nick dims the lights low. He has this remote thingy on the coffee
table. He likes his toys!

In response, the lights of the city below increase their brilliance,
the moon hanging above shines on us like a spotlight. It's so

We kiss some more, gentle and juicy ones, Nick's right hand strokes
up from my tummy to under my arm. His wrist comes in contact with the
side of my left breast, it tingles.

Our kisses become longer and grow in passion. I'm getting into it
more. I allow his hand to explore more of my breast. I can feel my
nipple puckering up.

When Nick works his hand inside my T-shirt I get a rush of
excitment. I  start to pant. He whispers, 'I'm so pretty,' before
nuzzling me on the neck.

I am almost unaware when he eases up my shirt over my bra. He
nuzzles into my cleavage, tickling me with his tongue. A thumb dips
into my bra to tease my stiffening nipple. God, I feel SO horny!

He kisses me again very passionately, our hot breath mingling,
tongues dancing together.

His hand is in my bra now, working my boob out of its confines. I
help him take off my shirt and in a flash he has my bra strap undone.
He must have done it before!

He's lavishing kisses all over my chest, sucking my nipples and
kneading my flesh, when his hand starts to travel up my leg. I know
whats coming next!

Its not that I don't want him to touch my sex, actually I'm quite
looking forward to it. However I'm not really prepared to go all the
way with him yet and I'm not sure how to say it without him being

His hand arrives on my mound over my shorts. Nick gently strokes me
with his palm and fingers, my pussy throbs with longing. Almost
involuntarily I shift my legs apart more, allowing him greater access.

All this time I haven't really done anything besides kiss him. That
and help him get me topless, of course. Although I'm enjoying the
attention he's giving me, I want to touch him.

I guess now would be a good time!

I move my hand across to the front of his trousers and find the bar
of his hard penis. Nick grunts and shifts his position. I'm now kind
of lying back across the sofa more and Nick's leg is between mine.

He seems to take me touching him as a signal and grows more urgent
with his kissing, nibbling, sucking and caressing. I feel like I'm
becoming caught up with his passion, losing control even!

I sense the zip of my shorts being pulled down and my pussy zings
with excitement as I feel his fingers. I let out a gasp and grip him

"Ow, go easy!" he yelps.

The mood snaps, I'm back in control of myself.

"Sorry! Nick, let me up please?" I ask him.

He gets off me with a puzzled expression on his face.

"It's ok, you were just a bit rough with..." he starts to say.

"No, no," I tell him, getting to my feet, "Nick? I'm sorry..."

I'm breathing hard making it difficult to speak.

"... I have something... to tell you. Please... don't get mad?"


He looks crestfallen, and confused.

"I... I can't have... um... sex... with you... Nick, don't take it

"Hey! It's alright! Just whenever you're ready, no pressure, ok?"

Ok, so I'm standing there topless, with my fly open and the front of
my panties pushed down. A tuft of my black pubic hair is poking out.
My boobs  are bouncing in front of him and I'm saying I'm not going
to screw him, does this sound strange?

My eyes are moistening up, I feel so emotional and scared that Nick
won't like me anymore.

Nick holds me to his body, asking me what I would like to do now. I
honestly couldn't tell him but I know I don't want to go home, not

"Can I stay?" I ask him, tearfully.

"Come to bed with me. I promise I won't do anything you don't want
to do."

What woman could refuse an offer like that!

I waddle into the bedroom with him. I'm holding my shorts to stop
them dropping, it's funny and I giggle.

We decide who takes what side as Nick strips to his underpants. His
erection looks enormous and threatens to escape from the cotton, I

In bed we immediately start kissing again. Nick doesn't waste any
time and I admit his tongue into my open mouth. I'm still topless,
though I've kept my panties on and Nick is soon all over my boobs,
licking and sucking.

Nick begins to stroke me lightly on my bottom, just above my thighs.
I can feel myself losing control again, the sensation is SO
exquisite. I'm rubbing my crotch against his thigh, God, I think I
can come like this.

I push the front of his underpants down and pull out his hard cock.
It's hot and a little slippery. I'm more gentle this time, Nick
grunts and pulls me harder against him.

He pushes his hand down the back of my panties and insinuates a
finger right into my vagina, my God! 

This is SO much better than my fingers!

Suddenly I'm whining and moaning, gasping with pleasure, grinding
myself against Nick's thigh. My orgasm comes in surges leaving me
fighting for breath. I can't keep rubbing Nick so I let him go.

I'm crying again as he holds me tight, giving me little kisses on my
cheek and hair, all that his lips can reach.

It seems like ages before I can breathe, or think again normally.
Nick is still hard, I can feel it touching my thigh. I try to help
him but I've gone all floppy.

"Nick, I'm sorry, I can't..." I whisper to him.

"No problem," he says, "put your back to me... press your arse into
my leg... that's right... now let me get a handful of your tit...
like this..."

Then he proceeds to finish the job himself.

I look over just in time to see the white stuff spitting out from
his fist. Nick's face is screwed up with the effort, his body
glistens with perspiration. It looks SO beautiful I'm almost in tears

My pussy is still sensitive to the touch otherwise I think I could
be persuaded to let him push that up inside me.

Maybe another time.

I settle myself in Nick's arms, glowing with a feeling of wellbeing.

Katzmarek (C)