Story Codes
Explanation of content coding usage 

I have created a few of my own story codes, and beyond that, use some of them in 
nonstandard ways. The following page describes these uses.

P-: Participants. Basically, who's involved in sex. As follows. 

-M#: The number of adult males (ages 21+) in the story. 

-F#: The number of adult females (ages 21+) in the story. 

-m#: The number of teenage males (ages 13-20) in the story. 

-f#: The number of teenage females (ages 13-20) in the story. 

-b#: The number of male children (ages 3-12) in the story. 

-g#: The number of female children (ages 3-12) in the story. 

-B#: The number of male infants (ages 0-3) in the story. 

-G#: The number of female infants (ages 0-3) in the story. 
So, a code of P-M3f1B1 means there are 3 adult males, 1 teenage female, and one 
infant boy involved in sex in the story. This section is also used to establish 
dominance and submission dynamics, if applicable. The dominants are on the left 
side of the slash; the submissives are on the right. So, a code of P-M1f1/M2B1 
means there are one dominant male and one dominant teen female sexually involved, 
and two submissive adult males and one submissive male infant (a rather strange 
situation, but instructive as an example). 

H-: Holes. Basically, which parts of a character's body are employed in sex to a 
significant extent, usually meaning to the climax of one or the other partners. 
It's geared mainly towards penetration, hence the name, but is more inclusive. 

-M: Mouth. One or more characters has a cock in their mouth. 

-A: Ass. One or more characters has a cock in his or her ass; which one is 
detailed in another code. 

-P: Pussy. One more more characters has a cock in her pussy (are we noticing a 
pattern here?) 

-D: Double. One or more characters is double-penetrated. Generally excludes the 
mouth, so this means a cock in her ass and one in her pussy, two cocks in her 
pussy, or two cocks in his or her ass. 

-H: Hand/fingers. One or more characters is masturbated, either by their own or 
another character's hand. 

-C: Cunnilingus. Oral sex on women, where penetration isn't really involved. 

-T: Toys or other objects; penetration with or other use of objects for sexual 
stimulation, whether said objects were designed for the purpose or not. 

-O: Other appendages, like tentacles. 

-N: No sex in this chapter/story. So, a code of H-APD means that the story 
include anal and vaginal intercourse, and a character being double-penetrated. 

I-: Incest. What kind of incestuous interactions occur in the story, as follows: 

-Sm: Sex between male siblings. 

-Sf: Sex between female siblings. 

-Sb: Sex between male and female siblings. 

-Mm: Sex between father and son. 

-Mf: Sex between father and daughter. 

-Fm: Sex between mother and son. 

-Ff: Sex between mother and daughter. 

-Wf: Sex among all family members, a short form of SbMmMfFmFf. 

-Ex: Sex with extended family members. (I rarely write these.) 

Trag - Tragic. Meaning there's a sad component to the story, but it's usually a 
bittersweet/quasi-romantic one. 

E-: Erothanasia. Codes on the right of the - are identical to those for P-. As 
for erothanasia itself, it's a new word coined by my friend and reluctant editor 
(name withheld), who is a much more serious writer than I am and who could be 
famous (despite the mild handicap that intelligence, insight, and literary 
talent seem to be in that regard these days, see Ann Coulter's sales figures for 
details) if he'd GET OFF HIS LAZY ASS AND PUBLISH SOMETHING. Anyway, the term "is 
derived from the Greek roots 'eros' (love, sexuality) and 'thanatos' (death), 
following the structure of 'euthanasia'; the proper form is probably 'erotothanasia,' 
but try saying that ten times fast." It refers to actions which result in the 
death of one or more participants, where this result is planned or expected and 
where the person dying does so voluntarily, decides to do so primarily on their 
own initiative rather than primarily to please another, and finds the overall 
experience positive and pleasurable. While this sort of thing would normally be 
covered by the code "snuff," I contend that both the technical characteristics 
and the "feel" (particularly the latter) of the actions described are 
sufficiently distinct from those usually denoted with the code "snuff" (in which 
the person dying is usually portrayed as either an unwilling victim or a 
submissive, even slave, trying to please their dominant) that they deserve a 
separate coding classification. The term "erothanasia" has approximately the 
same correspondance to "snuff" that "making love" has to "rape." And speaking of 

NC-: Nonconsensual. A blanket term, indicating that less-than-consensual sex 
acts are a notable part of the story, matching the legal definition of "rape" (if 
penetration occurs, in some jurisdictions) but perhaps not the popular 
connotation. This can take several different forms, as detailed below. 

-C: Caution. The nonconsensual sex is unusually violent or brutal even for a 
rape scene, or may have other unusual and potentially squicky attributes. 

-A: Aggressive sex/ravishment. Sex where one or more characters is willing, but 
if he or she wasn't, the other character(s) wouldn't take no for an answer. In 
other words, basically consensual, but if the character resisted, they'd be 
raped. Generally excludes BDSM-type scenarios. 

-S: Semiconsensual/reluctant. This term covers two different kinds of situations. 
The first is where the character(s) are being forced to have sex against their 
will but present no resistance and more or less accept the outcome. The other is 
where a character is initially resistant but gets into it by the end, or at 
least comes like crazy and finds the experience pleasurable and satisfying 
despite emotional turmoil. Most of my NC stories are of this sort. 

-F: Force. Sex which is coerced through physical force: by threats of violence, 
by being physically restrained but conscious, or with one character simply 
holding another down and having their way with him or her. Generally excludes 
cases where the victim enjoys the sex or is "ok" with it at the end, these being 
covered by S or perhaps A. 

-B: Extortion/blackmail. Sex that is coerced by threats of a non-physical nature. 

-I: Intoxication. Sex where one or more characters is conscious but intoxicated. 
Generally excludes cases where the character in question would definitely be 
amenable to the sex if he or she were sober. 

-U: Unconsciousness. Sex that is nonconsensual because one or more of the 
participants is unconscious or otherwise unaware of what is going on. This may 
be due to being asleep, or to being passed out from substance use or some other 
cause. Generally excludes cases where the character in question would definitely 
be amenable to the sex if he or she were awake. The "unaware" part generally 
does not include simple cases of mistaken identity. 
So, in other words, a code of NC-SFU would refer to a story in which one or more 
characters are unconscious, forced physically to have sex, and forced to have 
sex which they wind up enjoying. These may occur at separate times or be 
different aspects of the same incident. 

Viol: Violence, generally of a non-sexual nature (sexual violence would be 
covered above). 

B-: Bestiality/zoophilia. Basically, sex between humans and non-sentient 
organisms, mainly meaning other members of kingdom animalia, or perhaps some 
analogous group from another planet. Rather than creating abbreviations for each 
possible category, the "-" will be followed by naming the creature involved ("Dog," 
"TentacledAlien," etc.), followed by the number involved and the letter codes (from 
P-) corresponding to the categories of human participants with which they 
interact sexually (along with the number of said participants). In keeping with 
the theme of my stories these are usually consensual, mutualistic, and 
affectionate. Usually... (by which I mean sometimes the creatures may be forcing 
themselves on humans; it is safe to say that I will never present an animal 
being abused as a sexual plot point). 

Other notes:

"Purring." Not a story code, but one of my idiosyncrasies is that I habitually 
use the term "purring" to describe the "mmm"s and other noises of pleasure that 
aren't loud enough to fit the connotation of "moaning," stark enough to fit the 
connotation of "gasping," or pointed and urgent enough to fit the connotation of 
"whimpering." No, I'm not imagining everyone as a cat. ;P