Legal Shit 
Last updated 12/17/06 

Note: This is a modified version of the heading I had been putting on my stories 
while distributing them to selected friends and contacts online, prior to the 
establishment of my author account. As that heading was nearly a page in Word at 
10 points, I have removed it from the stories posted here and placed it in a 
separate legal notice; however, it still fully applies to all of my stories. The 
colloquial phrasing and occasional "soapbox"ing contained within this legal 
notice are not to be construed as limiting its force, scope, or applicability 
compared to a summarily analogous notice with more "legalese." 

Disclaimer: The stories featured here contains explicit depictions of sexual 
activities of various sorts, often including ?twisted? or ?perverse? sexual acts 
that many would find extremely disturbing (despite the ironic fact that many of 
those who would find them disturbing have fantasies centered around acts which, 
when performed in real life, are at least equally reviled by society at large. 
Kettle looks black today...). If you are in this category, don't read it. Seems 
simple enough to me; the codes are there for a reason. Also, it is my personal 
opinion that anyone able to deal with the topics presented herein in a mature 
and rational manner is welcome to read it. Unfortunately, the government (in 
this case, that of the United States) is as a whole not in this category, and 
consequently they fail to understand this. Due to the alarming atrophy, in 
American and to a degree all of Western society, of the concepts of parental and 
personal responsibility, I'd likely be risking a preposterous lawsuit from some 
sleazeball confusing the civil court system with the lottery (if not outright 
criminal prosecution *snicker*), and not to mention almost certainly violating 
the TOS of any site this is posted on (as if those don't have enough of these 
warnings up front), if I didn't tell you that you're not authorized to view this 
if you're under 18 (21 in some jurisdictions), or in any jurisdiction where such 
material is prohibited. I won't (read: can't) stop you and frankly don't give a 
fuck, but if you choose to access this ?adult? content, irrespective of legal 
eligibility, OR choose, by deliberate intention OR lack of vigilance, to allow 
your children to access it, you thereby agree that such access will be 
constitute a LEGALLY BINDING, UNLIMITED, and ABSOLUTE release of the author from 
ANY liability for ANY adverse consequences (being grounded, marital problems, 
etc..) or imaginary harm (that nebulous bad stuff that ?everyone knows,? but 
nobody's ever managed to prove, happens to kids if they're exposed to adult 
material) resulting from or in connection with your accessing this material. 
Bottom line, if you object to your kids reading this stuff, but are stupid and/or 
lazy enough to leave them in a position to do so, and they're inept and/or 
foolish enough to get caught doing so, don't come crying to me. Finally, as many 
of my stories involve them, let me remind all readers that fictional, written 
depictions of sex involving minors (children and ?children?) are legally 
protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (of 
which I am a resident). 

Copyright and Use: Each story on my site is (C) by me, Katryna, unless otherwise 
specified. It may be posted and distributed freely under a small number of 
reasonable conditions. First, it may not be used for any commercial purposes (specifically, 
it may not be sold or posted on a paid-subscription-only or ?free? after you buy 
an age check ID site; I have mixed feelings regarding my work being used as a 
teaser or ?sample? for such sites, but it's ok unless and until I make up my 
mind otherwise). Second, the original authorship credits MUST be retained, along 
with this heading and disclaimer. Third, it should be in its original form, 
excepting commentary which is clearly distinguishable from the main text; 
grammatical errors and such should be reported directly to me via email (katryna 
six six nine at yahoo dot com). Creation and distribution of noncommercial (per 
the above definition) derivative works is acceptable as long as they are clearly 
marked as such and you don't piss and moan if I continue my stories later in a 
way that contradicts the plot of a given derivative work. I ask that any 
derivative works created, unless they're clearly intended as satire or parody, 
remain as faithful as possible to the spirit of the original work, in terms of 
plot, themes, characters, etc., however, I have no meaningful way to enforce 
this--and no wish to even if that were not the case.