Title: Sixty Eight Years: Year Fifty Plus Eight
Part: 3 of 10
Keywords: furry, Mm, cubs, rape, mc, ws
Universe: Shattered Tears
Author: just_lurking
Summary: Rei sleeps over at Æð’s.

=== Rei ===

“On your left!”

“Gottit! Ha, double bonus!”

We lay in our jim-jams, belly down, controllers in hand, on the end of
Æð’s bed as we watched spaceships looping around and blasting aliens
on the tri-d.

Did I mention that Æð, my next door neighbour was also my
bestest-friend-in-the-whole-world?  I did?  Good.

It was Saturday and my parents had allowed me to sleep over next door.
We had a seemingly unlimited supply of fizzy drinks, junk food and, since
tomorrow wasn’t a school day, no curfew.  We whooped and hollered at our
antics on screen, or at our lame jokes, or at just about anything in fact.
We were loaded up on sugar, artificial colourings, caffeine and freedom;
a pulse racing shoot-em up was in the games console; and our tails were
wagging about million miles an hour from shear joy.

This was cubby heaven made real.

Eventually though, the soft drinks caught up with me and I needed to go
to the bathroom.  When my ship crashed next I didn’t press the start
button to respawn.  Instead I got up and headed to the door.

“Where you off to?” Æð asked, looking away from the screen.

“I need to go pee.” I said.

Æð laughed like an idiot at the ‘dirty’ word.  We were both innocent
eight year olds and our vocabularies were squeaky clean.

He made sure I saw him taking a long swig from his drink as I left -
just in case I was bursting.  Yeah, he really is my friend, honest.

I headed down the corridor towards the bathroom.  Our houses were laid
out the same so I had no problem finding it.

I was just reaching for the handle on the bathroom door when I felt a
paw on my shoulder.

“Rei, I would like a word with you. Come to my study.”

I looked up to see Isegrim, Æð’s sire, towering over me.

=== Isegrim ===

Rei looks up at me with his adorable wide eyes as I grip his shoulder.
His gaze is innocence itself.  He simply has no experience with, and no
conception of, the evils of the world.

Well, I’m about to put an end to that.

He stammers as he replies - a cautious child who doesn’t want to
contradict an adult.

“I was just going to the…” He says as he makes the appropriate
motion towards the bathroom door.

“No worries Rei,” I smile with false warmth, “This won’t take

Not waiting for any further arguments from the youthful tod, I guide
him down the corridor to my study by his shoulder.

Before we continue, I should probably describe my study a little so that
you can better visualise it.

Wolven politics is a cut throat business.  Assassinations, or at least
attempts at them, are not uncommon and not always by your opponents
either.  In this business you have to be almost as wary of your
‘allies’ as your enemies.

Therefore, in order to ensure at least some semblance of continuity in
the government, all members of the parliament of the Wolven Republic
were required to have a secure ‘safe-room’ in their residences in
which they could retreat to in case of attack.

My study, as with all government designed safe-rooms, was made to be
totally sealed from the outside world for prolonged periods.  It is
reinforced against sustained attack on all six sides.  In it are all
the necessities for the occupants’ survival, food, water, bedding,
bathing and toilet facilities, it even has its own oxygen supply.
The kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom are partitioned off from the main
room, the office, by internal walls.  There is only one heavy door to
the outside and it can only be locked or unlocked from the inside.

In many ways it isn’t part of the house - you could set off a bomb
outside the front door, levelling the rest of the building, and the
safe-room would still be intact.

Of course that’s just the basics - the government doesn’t mandate
these measures out of the goodness of their hearts - an MP cowering in
a box, cut off from the outside world, is just as useless as a dead MP
to them, perhaps more so.  So the rooms are also equipped with the best
high rate, secure and reliable data lines that money can buy.  In theory
at least, with MPs snug and secure in their sanctuaries, the work of
government could continue unaffected in the event of all out nuclear war.

My study is so much more than just a reinforced cube though.  Since it
doubles as my office when I’m not at parliament, which is most days,
I’ve seen fit to have it decorated more to my tastes.

It’s all red fabrics, polished brass and mahogany surfaces now.
I had a heavy thick carpet put down, a couple of sofas brought in,
some art to liven the place up, a safe and some filing cabinets for
my work, shelves from my books, a desk to work at, numerous chairs.
In short everything you would expect to find in an MP’s office.

There is one other important feature which needs to be mentioned,
and it’s this feature which is the reason for my bringing young Rei
to my study in the first place.  When the door is closed the study is
completely sound proof.

Rei is of course familiar with the concept of a safe-room.  His parents,
those upstart vulps Cælin and Mor, are also MPs and have a similar room,
built to the same specification, in their house, next door.

In any case, I guide the trusting tod into the centre of the room by
his shoulder and deposit him there.

With my hands now free of the child I continue towards my desk and the
door controls, taking off my jacket and unbuttoning my shirt as I go.

I reach my desk as I am working my shirt off my torso.  I look up to see a
very agitated fox boy looking back at me.  He is innocent, but not stupid
- he knows something is very wrong about this situation.  I’ve got
the shirt down to the cuffs now, but I seem to be tangled - damn cuffs
are half a size too small, I’ll have to talk to my tailor about that.
Rei sees my predicament and takes the opportunity to bolt for the door.

He doesn’t make it half way.

I take a deep breath and bellow in my most commanding voice, “Rei,

It has the desired effect.  Rei stops stock still, staring at the open
door and freedom, his breathing is heavy.  The poor kit obviously has
no idea why he obeyed me or why he cannot disobey me now.

Ah, that’s it, got the damn shirt off.  I fold it neatly and lay it
on my desk.  Then I reach for, and press, the door lock button.

The heavy reinforced door starts to swing slowly on its hinges.
The locking process takes about half a minute to complete.  There’s
more than enough time for a fearful, young, agile fox cub to dart out
to safety, but Rei just stands there.  The poor, confused boy really
doesn’t understand why he’s just watching dumbly as he lets his only
chance for escape slips through his fingers.

I slip my belt and trousers off and lay them on the desk also.  Now I’m
nude except for my boxer shorts.

I take a few pleasurable moments to watch Rei, as he stares in disbelief
at the locked door, then I give the kit another order.

“Turn around.” I bark.

Rei does a little hundred and eighty degree pivot on one foot to face me.

“Walk to the centre of the room.” I order in a more normal voice,
now I’ve got him used to one or two commands I don’t have to shout
as much to add authority.

The cub walks uncertainly back to the centre of the room.  I should
explain that Rei is quite concious of what he is doing.  His motions
are not those of a mindless zombie bound to my will - fun though that
would be.  No, Rei, is obeying me - as far as he is aware - of his own
free will.

I’d just like to make clear at this point that everything I’m about
to do to this miserable fox child I wouldn’t be doing if my wife were
still with me.  My wife, sadly, was taken from us seven years ago and
not a day goes by that I don’t think of her.  I haven’t remarried
and I have no intention of doing so.  I couldn’t bring myself to,
nor could I ever find anyone to, replace her in my heart.

If she were still alive today’s job, pleasant though it maybe, would
be the duty of another wolf.  However, no matter how much I may wish
it wasn’t true, my wife is gone from me forever and I do have certain
needs - needs that Rei is going to help me with.

He stands in front of me, his wide, fearful, cubby, eyes begging me -
the much larger, adult, wolf standing before him, hands on his hips,
in just boxers - for mercy.  He’s shivering slightly.

I have no mercy on the cub, “Strip.” I command.

I swear I can see his little package jump at that command.  The tod
hesitates and then pulls off his ’jammies.

I smile down at the, now nude, eight year old - there’s no fake warmth
in my expression now.  I proceed to lead Rei down the next step on the
journey we have so meticulously planned for him.

“Why did you strip Rei?” I ask.

Rei looks confused and embarrassed by my question, “I dunno.” Was
all he could offer.

“You must have had a reason.” I press, “What was it? How did
it feel?”

=== Rei ===

I don’t know the answer to that question.  I don’t know why I stopped
and striped on command.

I was running.

But when Isegrim shouted at me to stop I was hit by the obedience tingle.
It was stronger than it had ever been before.  It felt like I had been
punched in the groin, except that instead of hurting it felt good.
I wasn’t sure why, but somehow the tingle was so much stronger when
a big, powerful, male wolf was giving me orders instead of my smaller,
weaker, mostly female teachers.

It felt so good just to do as Isegrim said.  So I stood and watched as
my escape route was closed off and I was left totally powerless.

My dam and sire always told me just to get out of situations like this.
But they never told me what happens to cubs who get caught.

The funny thing is, I think I do know.  It’s like someone told me
what is about to happen but I forgot it.  No matter how I try I can’t
remember who told me or what they said, but the ghost of the memory
tickles my mind.

All I know for sure is that I’m confused and Isegrim is scaring me.

I stammer a quiet, “I don’t know.”

=== Isegrim ===

“Well, you keep thinking about it Rei.” I say with kindness I
don’t feel.

My cock is already half hard, I whip my sheath out of my boxer shorts.
Rei just stares, his head dipped slightly, his eyes glued to my crotch.
He’s just a bit too tall for what I have in mind, his ear tips are
about level with my elbows.

“Kneel Rei.” I order.

The nude kit nods and drops down on his knees in front of me.  In this
position his head just clears the top of my sack, the perfect height.
I step forward until my balls are just in front of his eyes and slightly
above his muzzle, peel back my sheath and let my semi hard cock flop on
to the top of his head.

“Rei, do you know what marking is?” I ask.

The kit’s head fur tickles my cock as he shakes his head in the negative
- it’s a very pleasant sensation.

“A canid marks the things which belong to him by pissing on them.”
I explain crudely and to the point, “Marking them with his scent. Rei,
I’m going to mark you now.”

I get another pleasant tickle as the cub shivers.

“How does it feel Rei?” I ask.

Being between my legs his reply is muffled, “I dunno.”

I’m getting tired of hearing him say that.  But even if I wasn’t,
the objective of today’s session is to get him to admit his feelings.

Memories are such unreliable things.  Left to his own devices, He’d
probably construct a story to explain away this evening’s events.
However, if I can get him to admit his feelings out loud, in detail and
truthfully, he won’t be able to explain away his actions to himself
so easily.

The joke of it is that I have a better idea what he is feeling right now
than he does.  After all, we were the ones who put those thoughts and
feelings in his head in the first place.  The affirmations of ‘his’
feelings are purely for his ‘benefit’.

“Think about it Rei.” I coax, “How does it feel knowing that in
a moment my hot piss will be running through your fur - marking you as
my property?”

Another shiver and then his voice, “It feels funny.”

I chuckled to myself at his answer then I let loose.  My urine runs
over his head, behind his ears and down the base of his spine, until it
reaches the base of his tail where it drips and drizzles onto my very
expensive carpet.  I let him have a few seconds of it and then stop.

I move a step away from the child, dragging my cock over his wet head
until it plops onto his muzzle, coming to rest directly in front of his,
oh so wide, eyes.

“And how did that feel?” I asked as I stood, eye to eyes with the
cub as it were.

“Good.” The confused tod panted in disbelief, “It felt good…
like I belong to you now.”

“You’ve always belonged to me Rei,” I said - it wasn’t far from
the truth.

Rei didn’t understand the hidden meaning of course.

“Always?” He asked, trying to work out what I meant, “You mean
because you’ve always been more powerful than me?”

The idea of me overpowering the kit was obviously attractive to him.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I meant.” I lie, “You like that
don’t you? You like the fact that you couldn’t resist me even if
you wanted to?”

“Y-yeah.” The cub agrees in a wavering voice.

“Good boy Rei.” I praised, “We’re going to try something different
now. I’m going to pee and you’re going to move about and make sure
I mark every single part of your body, okay?”

There was definitely a reaction in the cub’s privates that time -
a definite jump and a hint of pink showing.

“’Kay.” Rei nodded eagerly.

“’Atta boy.” I encouraged him, “Lean back. Here it comes.”

The small form beneath me leaned back on his arms, causing my cock to slip
off his muzzle and exposing his front to me.  I relaxed my bladder again.

The little slut moved back and forth under my stream.  Moving so that
his belly was soaked, chest, shoulders, arms, hands.  Lifting his head
to expose his neck.  Screwing his eyes shut to drench his forehead.
Thrusting his hips forward to do his crotch - a good deal more pink
showing itself as he did so.  Bringing his tail up between his legs to
get his brush good and wet.  Then, turning over so he was on his hands
and knees, he thrust his perfect childish bum up to give each cheek a
good washing.  He was giving his back a second go over when I started
to run out of steam.

“Rei,” I got the cub’s attention, “I’m almost done. Drink the
last of it and mark the inside of your belly as well as the outside.”

The cub flipped over deftly and positioned himself to catch the golden
stream in his maw.

“Take it in your mouth Rei”, I said as I moved forward.

Rei’s lips moved to meet my cock and he drank the last few drops
directly from me.  We stood like that for half a minute as Rei held the
tip of my cock on his young lips and I stroked the back of the urine
soaked boy’s head.

Finally I broke the embrace, such as it was, and Rei’s eyes followed
me as I walked over to one of the many chairs in the room.  There I sat
down and contemplated the boy in front of me who had willingly assisted
me in humiliating him.

“How did that feel Rei?” I asked again.

“Like I belong.” Rei breathed, “I belong here, beneath you. Letting
you…helping you…to do what ever you want to me.”

His basket, bounced and throbbed as he spoke each confession.

“My little pet boy.” I say with condescending mock affection,
“Mine to do with as I please?”

“Oooh, yes sir!” The kit groans, the triggers we left in his head
are obviously in full swing now, “You’re so much more powerful -
a big, strong, powerful, wolf. I’m just a small, wet, weak, marked,
fox.” He’s practically panting the words now, “I couldn’t resist
you. I shouldn’t. I should obey. It’s my place. Beneath you. Sir.”

“Well then, come here boy.” I slapped my thigh.

Rei started to stand up to walk over, his small kithood fully exposed
and rock hard.

“No.” I said, “Crawl.”

He dropped down onto his hands and knees and compliantly crawled over.
When he reached me I lifted him into a kneeling position with his hands
on my knees.  He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, the fear of earlier
long gone.

“Rei, I want you to make my cock hard using your hands and then I
would like you to suck it until I cum.” I ordered him as levelly as
if I was asking him to bring me today’s paper.

“Hard? Cum?” The boy echoed, perplexed.

Mentally I sighed, realising I was going to have to explain the
mechanics to him - aren’t vulps supposed to be born knowing how to
yiff instinctively?

“Yes. Hard,” I began as I placed a finger beneath his stiff little
member and flicked it up, “Like you are now.”

He looked down at himself realising, seemingly for the first time, the
state he was in.  It seemed to fascinate him - erections were obviously
an entirely new concept for him.

“Just rub my cock for a bit and I’ll start to feel really good and
I’ll get hard like you.” I finished.

“Oh,” He said as if that explained everything, perhaps it did for him,
“And what is cumming?” He asked.

“Don’t worry about it now.” I said, “Just get stroking boy.”

Rei wasted no time and neither did I. I was hard almost immediately. A
little tod with his elbows resting on your knees and both hands eagerly
wrapped around your wolfhood, gazing into your eyes looking for approval,
will do that to a guy.

I cupped the back of his still wet head and moved him towards my dick.

“Suck it Rei,” I whispered, “Suck it now.”

He complied, opening his muzzle wide and trying to take it all.
He wasn’t very good, he was too young and completely inexperienced,
but he tried hard to please me.  In any case, the situation was so kinky
that it didn’t matter how good he was.  I was rapidly approaching the
point of no return.

“Rei,” He tried to look up at me as I spoke, “I’m about to
cum. When I cum a lot of liquid is going to come out of my cock. I want
you to drink it just like my pee. Okay?”

The slut tried to nod on my cock.

“Good boy.” I cooed, “Verry goood boyyy…Here it comes Rei…
Drink it all!”

And I came.

And Rei drank almost all of it.

As he pulled off there were just a few strands coating his lips and the
inside of his muzzle.

“Did you enjoy that as well little one?” I asked as I tried to get
my breath back.

“Yes sir.” The kit answers, not realising how much control I have over
him now, “Obeying you…serving you…feels so good…so right, sir.”

“I think you’ve been a very good obedient boy Rei.” I said, “I
think you’ve earned a reward. Would you like that?”

The idea of a reward for his obedience obviously sat well with Rei - his
tail flicked behind him, sending droplets of urine flying about my study.

“Yes please sir!” He gushed from between my legs.

“I’m going to show you how good it feels to have your hard cock
sucked on.” I said as I hoisted him to his legs.

He gave the cutest surprised squeak as I took him by the waist and
flipped him around so that his legs were waving in the air.  I rested
his legs over my shoulders and placed his hands on my knees.  I was now
eye level with the slut’s throbbing package.

I stuck out my tongue and licked at his small, but proud, member.
He squealed.  A lot.

It was only to be expected.  We’d made him more sensitive, more
receptive, to this sort of treatment.  The effect it was having on him
was understandable.

He was small enough that I could take his entire package into my maw,
cock, sheath, balls, knot and all.  I’ve never given fellatio to any
one before but I have had many years of having the act performed on me.
So while I cannot claim to be an expert, I was at least able to give
the cub a very good time.

I brought the cub to the first, and very loud, climax of his young life.

I wasted no time in starting over. He was young and unlike me he would
be ready to go again in seconds.

I stuck a finger in his mouth and told him to suck it.  This had the
dual effect of shutting up his squeals temporarily and getting me ready
for the next act I was going to introduce him to.

He moaned and wiggled as I gave him his reward.  Then he came, again.

I pulled off him, partly for air and partly to ask, “Ready for a third
time, boy?”

The little whore just ‘mmm-hummed’ around the fingers in his mouth.
I licked at his bum hole, relaxing and lubricating it.  Then I returned
to his cocklet.

I drew my fingers from his sticky maw slowly.  The hungry kit, slut that
he was, kept trying to suck them back in.  As soon as they had passed
his lips the squealing started up again.  I would give him something to
squeal about in short order.  I brought my fingers, wet with his saliva
and the remains of my orgasm, to his back door.

I spread the mix around his hole and pushed in slightly.  I penetrated
him slowly, ever so slowly, with my fingers.  Spreading more of the mix
around his tight hole as I went deeper.

I went slowly and it was just before he was about to climax for the
third time that I found what I was searching for.  I jabbed upwards as
he reached his peak.

He screamed.  Loud and long.  Until he was breathless.

I waited until he had calmed down and withdrew my fingers.

“How did you like your reward, Rei?” I asked, knowing the answer
full well.

“That…was…the…greatest…thing…ever!” He said between gasps.

I wanted to flip the boy over again and force him onto my cock and
show him what real sex felt like, but he was too small and it would be
difficult to hide the damage from his parents.  Besides I had already
earmarked this one as a gift for my son and I didn’t want to wear out
his present.

Instead I picked the spent cub up in my arms and carried him into the
bathroom.  I turned the shower on and stepped in.  The hot spray helped
revive the tired kit and I set him down on the tiled floor.  I set to
cleaning us both, only speaking to the cub to order him to raise his
arms or to turn around.

Finally we were clean, I dried the child off and told him to put his
pyjamas back on.  Meanwhile I got dressed, took a cloth and started
working on the puddle soaking into the carpet.

It would be impossible to lift the scent from the rug and truth be told
I wasn’t eager to.  It was a pleasant reminder to me of the rape that
had taken place in this room, but I needed to mask my scent on the boy
and my carpet so no one would ask any difficult questions.

Fortunately I had the answer, it was the reason I had waited until I
saw Rei entering the bathroom before waylaying him.

“Rei, go stand in that puddle, facing the door.” I ordered the now
clothed cub as I walked into the kitchenette.

When I returned with a large glass of water I was happy to see the tod
standing in the centre of the puddle.  I passed him the glass of water.

“Drink.” I ordered simply.

The boy complied wordlessly.

“Now Rei,” I said in the most commanding tone I could muster, “You
will not tell anyone what happened in this room.” I traced his jaw
line with a single extended claw, “Do you understand?”

The boy nodded still drinking his water.  I didn’t have to worry about
providing a rationalisation for his silence, his own mind would do a
far better job of that than I would.  We had stuffed his head full of
excuses and explanations for situations just like this.  Subconsciously,
he would pick a good excuse, one he could believe utterly.

“Good boy.” I praised, “Now wet yourself.”

The order obviously surprised him but before he could even consider
it a large wet spot had appeared on the front of his pyjama bottoms.
Soon it was a stream running down his legs.  Rei looked mortified but
I just stood there encouraging him.

“Go on boy. That’s it, let it all out. Just let it flow. Good obedient
kit.” I cooed.

That ought to mask my scent and provide an explanation for the puddle
on my carpet.

I pressed a button to unlock the door and another to summon one of the
household staff.  The fox who arrived a minute later was my majordomo,
an old vixen who I had bought as a slave and, for a ludicrous wage,
had stayed on after being freed.

“Ah good, you’re here. Young master Rei here has had a bit of an
accident.” I began, lying through my teeth like the master politician
I was, “Entirely my fault, I wanted a word with him so I waylaid him
on the way to the bathroom. As you can see I obviously kept him too
long. Do you think you could get him cleaned up and find a fresh change
of clothing? Oh and send someone to take care of the carpet.”

“Of course sir,” my servant respectfully replied, “come on little
one, lets get you cleaned up.”

She took Rei’s paw in her own and led him out of the room.  The little
slut glanced back at me longingly as he left.

I opened the safe, fished out a brown envelope from inside and sat down
with it at my desk.  I slid the contents, a sheath of forms relating to
little Rei, out onto the table top.

I surveyed the cover sheet.  There were fields for name, gender, date of
birth, place of birth, family, sexual orientation - all fairly standard
stuff.  In the top right corner there was the embossed ‘L3’ emblem.
The only thing which distinguished Rei’s pile of papers from the
thousands of others the L3 had was a stamp in the centre of the cover
page which read ‘Special Circumstances’.  I couldn’t help but grin
when I thought about how special those circumstances were and the many,
many ways Rei was going to be of use to me in the future.

I fanned out the paper work and began filling in the details of Rei’s
latest experience.

=== Rei ===

I stumbled back into Æð’s room.  He was still playing the game.

“Hey. What took you?” He asked, “Why’d you changed your

“I decided to take a shower.” I lied, “I hope you don’t mind me
borrowing your clothes?”

He shook his head, “You’re really weird you know that? C’mmon
there’re aliens that need blasting.”

“And we’re the guys for the job.” I replied as I resumed my position
on the bed, picked up the controller and hit the start button.

I drooled a little as I surreptitiously looked at his young, cotton
covered rump.  I wondered if he would would grow up to be as muscular as
his sire one day.  The thought of doing dirty things with another strong,
powerful, male member of the Lycaon family sent shivers down my spine
and caused my sheath to swell.

“I’ve got something to show you later on.” I confided.

He probably wasn’t interested in the pee play - that was just weird -
but I bet he would really enjoy everything else I learnt in the last
hour or so.

Concentrating one hundred percent on the game, he just gave a perfunctory,
“Cool,” in response.

I smirked at his unsuspecting attitude.  He was in for a memorable night.