Title: Sixty Eight Years: Year Fifty Plus Six
Part: 2 of 10
Keywords: furry, nosex, cubs, med, mc
Universe: Shattered Tears
Author: just_lurking
Summary: Rei's first year of school.

=== Rei ===

It was my first day of school.  I was extremely nervous.  I gripped my
dam’s hand a little tighter and brought the thumb of my free hand to
my mouth.

“Stop that Rei,” she chastised me in a motherly fashion as she gently
slapped my free hand.

Stood next to us were a pair of dark furred wolves.  One was my next door
neighbour and best-ist friend in the whole world Æð and the other was
his sire Isegrim.

My dam talked to Isegrim about boring grown up things that I didn’t
understand.  They were both MPs for Lyngvi City.  I didn’t know exactly
what an MP did, only that my parents were and that it was something
to be proud of and that they spent a lot of time talked about lots of
really dull stuff.

I looked across at Æð who was fidgeting in Isegrim’s grasp.  He was
obviously as bored and nervous as I was.  I smiled at him and he smiled
back.  We were unable to talk since we were on opposite sides of our
parents who were too engrossed in their conversation to pay attention
to us so long as we were behaving.

The playground, which was designed to hold the first and second years cubs
and one adult supervisor, was packed to it’s seams with parents and
their cubs.  There was a lot of conversation and some milling around in
the limited space by the adults.  There was the occasional high pitched
shout from unknown areas in the crowd and some of the less controlled
cubs were running around the forest of adult legs intent on some wild
game of tag or hide and seek or both.  The heat given off by the sheer
numbers in the crowd was stifling and I’m certain that there wasn’t
enough oxygen filtering down to my comparatively low altitude.

We stood their waiting for the school staff to finish whatever it was
they were preparing.

Finally the bell rang.  The big moment had arrived - my heart leapt into
my throat.

The parents found their cubs and escorted them into the classrooms.
I’m glad they knew where we were supposed to be going because I didn’t
have a clue.

Isegrim and Æð were right behind us as we entered our classroom.
I was relieved, at least I would know one person in the class.

I looked over my shoulder at Æð.

“Are you scared?” I asked.

“Nope.” He puffed his chest out with false bravado.

“Me neither.”

We ended up sitting next to each other which made me feel a lot better.

There was another cub sitting on our table, a tod with wild eyes
and too much baby fat.  The moment I saw him I though he was crazy -
it was something to do with the way he looked everything.  His intent
stare seemed to drink in everything around him.  I wouldn’t have been
surprised if the tables and chairs were vacuumed up by his glance -
it was that intense.

Finally he turned and looked me in the eye.  There was no change in his
expression.  His face was as passive as it had been when he was examining
the desks and the paper and the pencils and the view out the window.

“Stop looking at me!” I said, freaked out by this strange kit.

The teacher looked round at me and I buttoned my lips in embarrassment.
Deciding that I wasn’t going to cause any trouble she returned to
talking with our parents.

I looked back at the wide eyed cub.  He seemed shocked and he immediately
busied himself looking at something else.

I talked to Æð for a bit and tried to ignore the other cub.

Finally it was time for our parents to leave.  My dam kissed me on the
head, told me she loved me and walked away.  I cried out a little and
reached for her as she went.  I suddenly felt so alone and very small.
My bladder tightened in anxiety but I managed not to embarrass myself.

The teacher, a kind looking vixen in her early thirties, strode to the
front of the class and stood in front of the black board.

“Good morning cubs,” she sing-songed, “My name is Mrs Glenys and
I’m your teacher.”

She wrote her name on the board as she began to tutor us, “Now when
I say ‘Good morning Cubs’, I want you to say ‘Good morning Mrs
Glenys’. Shall we try that now?”

And thus began my education.

Mrs Glenys launched into all the school rules.  She soon had us
chanting ‘Good-morn-ing-miss-us-glen-ys’ in response to her welcome.
She explained where the lunch room was, when we would be allowed to go,
what to do if we needed the toilet, when we would be allowed on the
playground, how to line up at the beginning of the day and where our
classroom was in relation to the rest of the school.

Finally she explained what ‘taking the register’ was.  I felt dread
again for what seemed like the hundredth time that day.  Mrs Glenys had
managed to put me at ease with all the talk about rules and I had just
been thinking that maybe school wasn’t going to be so bad after all.

Inevitably Mrs Glenys declared that we were going to “give it a go”.

She called out the each name which was followed more or less promptly
with a “Here Miss” from the respective cub.  As she worked her way
down the list I go more and more apprehensive.  I didn’t know anything
about the alphabet, but I knew as more and more cubs called out my turn
was getting closer and closer.  My tail trashed behind me in agitation.

As I grew more and more worried, Æð’s grin grew wider and wider.
He knew what was coming and he was enjoying it.

“Æðfrid Lycaon”

Æð’s grin became and all out smirk, “Here Miss.”

He didn’t have any problems.  A few more names were called and then…

“Reimond…” was as far as Mrs Glenys got before Æð burst out
laughing at my hated full name.

Æð managed to fall backwards off his chair he was laughing so hard.
He even continued to laugh on the floor.

The freaky cub beside me looked at Æð like he was the strangest thing
he had ever seen.  For my part I just tried to make myself look as small
as possible.

And that was my first day of school.

The freaky cub’s name turned out to be Eachann.  He was very introverted
but he was okay once you got to know him.  Æð was still my best friend
but we let Ea hang out with us as well.

Ea seemed to soak up information like a sponge soaks up water, almost
learning by osmosis.  In the first week he had learnt to write the letters
of the alphabet up to ‘m’ while the rest of us were still on ‘c’.
He seemed to have some sort of hyper focus thing and it was obvious he
was going to be the class geek.  I felt kind sorry for him.

I also managed to convince Mrs Glenys that my name was Rei not Reimond,
after a lot of huffing and stamping of feet and after Æð fell out of
his chair laughing three days in a row.

On the second week of school the whole first year had a medical exam.

A nurse would come by every half an hour or so to take a group of ten
of us to see the doctor.  Æð and Ea weren’t in my group when it was
my turn.  We held hands and walked in single file as the nurse led us
towards the staff offices where the doctor had requisitioned two rooms
on opposite sides of the corridor.

As we approached an earlier group of cubs was being led away by another
nurse.  We stopped and pressed back against the wall to made room for
them to pass.  As they passed I noticed that they all had a happy spaced
out look plastered on their faces.

In my youthful innocence I took this to be a good sign - the doctor
couldn’t be that scary.  I still had problems going to the doctor
after receiving my first vaccination from our family’s doctor a year

We were taken into the room on the right hand side which was obviously
someone’s office but was being used as a waiting room for today.

Once we were inside the nurse arranged us in a row and cautioned us
to behave and remain silent and not touch anything in the room because
“You wouldn’t want anyone messing with your things, now would you?”

She then told us to to strip down to our underwear and socks.  The odd
cub needed help with lace up shoes or a tricky belt but eventually we
were stood in a line shivering slightly, our clothes in neat piles in
front of us.

The nurse had already read us the riot act about keeping our hands and
taunts to ourselves but she didn’t say anything about looking.  I used
the opportunity to surreptitiously look at my classmates semi-nudity.

Most of the other cubs were doing the same but we were too embarrassed
and afraid of being branded ‘weird’ to acknowledge it.  One or two
were busy intently examining their toes, their ear tips bright red.

We were quite a diverse group, boys and girls, kits and pups, aged five
to six.  It was the first time I realised that boys and girls were
different ‘down there’, although I couldn’t see enough to work
out how we differed.

As I looked down at myself, in puzzlement, I realised that I’d put my
undies on inside out this morning.  I was terrified of being identified
as the dumb kid who couldn’t put his clothes on right for the rest
of the year.  But the fear was short lived as I realised that the print
(green race cars) went all the way through the material and no one could
tell they were backwards unless they could see the stitching up close.

The nurse took the left most student, a dog, and led him across the
corridor to the second room.  She opened the door, gave him a gentle
push on the shoulder to guide him in, closed the door and returned to
supervising us.

I was the second from last in the line so I had a long wait ahead of me.

Eventually the door opened and the pup walked back into the room.  He had
a dopey smile plastered on his lips and he was swaying slightly as he
walked.  The nurse place a hand on both his shoulders to steadied him and
guided him round so that he was standing behind his pile of clothes again.

The nurse took the next cub in line, a bitch, and led her away.

The pup who had just returned to us stood, eyes unfocused, staring at
the wall straight ahead.  He was swaying gently and he didn’t appear
to have a care in the world.  He was scratching his balls but he didn’t
seem to be any more aware of that than he was of us.

The nurse returned and we waited in confused silence.

Eventually the young wolf girl returned in much the same state as the
dog had been.

The third child was a vixen - the routine was the same for her.  As I
watched her swaying a small amount of apprehension crept into my chest.
The fox girl had been one of the cubs too embarrassed to look at the
others.  Now she was rubbing herself without a care in the world.

One by one we went in and came back dazed.  Finally it was my turn.

The nurse put her hand on my shoulder. I let her lead me across the
corridor without being told. As with the others, she gave me a gentle
push across the threshold and closed the door behind me.

As I stumbled in I got my first look at the examination room.

This room was also an office, but more changes had been made to it.
I could see by the impressions in the carpet that the desk had been
moved back.  A fold up examination bed, with a paper towel dispenser
at its head, had been wheeled in.  A large set of medical scales stood
next to it in the corner.  Medical equipment and paperwork was scattered
haphazardly across every available surface.  There was also a device
which would turn out to be very influential on my life.

It was a cream coloured, eight inch, metal cube with rounded edges.
The top face was dotted with many small lights and switches around one
large green button.

There were four rubberised cables about half a centimetre in diameter
which ran into the box.  A power cable ran from a socket on the wall
into the right hand side.  A cable on the left attached to a rectangle of
black plastic which was about an inch by an inch and a half and mounted
on a long leather strap.  Two cables ran from the front of the machine
and terminated in a PDA-like device and a cream coloured plastic stylus
with a metal tip and a button.

I regained my footing at looked up at the doctor.

He was a tall dog in his late 50’s.  His fur was timber-wolf grey.
He wore a nondescript ensemble consisting of black trousers, a white
shirt, a red tie with darker red diagonal stripes and a white coat.

“Hello there little fella”, He greeted me with a paediatrician’s
enthusiasm which totally failed to put me at ease, “What’s your

Skittishly I tried to avoid his eyes as I softly answered “Rei.”

“Well Rei”, he made some scribbles on the clipboard as he spoke,
“My name is Doctor Johnson and I’m just going to give you a quick
check up.”

He patted a spot on the bed and, sensing my obvious embarrassment,
said “If you’ll just sit down on the edge of the bed we’ll have
you back in class before you know it.”

I clambered onto the bed with a little help from the doctor and sat
with my legs together and hands on my knees. I kicked my legs idly and
I watched with innocent, trusting eyes as the doctor busied himself for
a few seconds with his paper work.

He located my papers and, gathering them up, turned back to me.

The papers were crisp, white, heavy a4 sheets.  The top right corner of
each page was embossed with a purple rosette surmounted by two symbols:
‘l’ and ‘3’.  The first I knew because Ea had show me one in
class, the second I’d learnt at the same time as the other cubs.

Dr Johnson proceeded to run me through a battery of tests: vision,
reflexes, lung capacity (not much though I gave it my best shot), hearing,
muscle development (almost none) and bones.

The doctor scribbled the results of each test down on my papers with a
fury and truly awful handwriting.

Then he helped me off the table and on to the scales for height, weight
and lots of measurements: tail, shoulders, inside leg, arms.  It was
more like being measured up for a suit than a medical exam, although in
my youthful ignorance I didn’t see anything wrong with it at the time.
Then he took some pictures “for the file”.  He took full body photos
of me, standing with my right arm raised slightly and my legs slightly
apart, from the front, side and back.

Finally he was done. He hoisted me back onto the bed and took up the
black strap.

His reassurances that there was “Nothing to worry about” as he
strapped it around my forehead had the opposite of the intended effect
and made me immediately fear for my skin.

He pulled up a chair so he was sitting in front of me with his eyes
level with my little chest.

“Are you ready?” He asked me.

I nodded.

“Then we’ll begin. Just relax.” He spoke before reaching across
to push the button.

The button made a solid click as it was pressed and my world came to a
sudden stop.  My head was filled with white noise.  It drowned out all
my thoughts and feelings.  There was no transition.  The doctor flicked
a switch and turned off my conscious, just like that.  I was still self
aware, I could see and understand events going on around me, but I had no
thoughts or feelings about them.  I didn’t even feel surprised or upset.
In fact the closest I came to feeling anything was a sense of peace and
contentment which came from not feeling or thinking anything.

There were also pictures in my head.  I didn’t see them, they were
more like memories.  They appeared in my head for just an instant and
then, before I could examine them, they would disappear as if I’d long
forgotten them.

“There we are. Feels good doesn’t it?” Doctor Johnson asked.

I focused my eyes on him and stared blankly.

He took my hands from my knees and put them either side of me.  Then he
reached for the waist band of my undies and pulled them down my legs.
I followed his hands with my eyes as he pulled my underwear over my
knees and off.  He deposited them in a pile on my right.

I was now sitting in front of him, completely naked and completely
passive.  If I’d been in my right state of mind I would have been

“Good boy.” He breathed. I felt no reaction to the words.

I continued to watch as he put his hands on my knees and separated
my legs.  He took the metal tipped rod in his right hand, holding it
like a pencil and the PDA-like device in his left.

The images and the noise still filled my head.

He studied the PDA intently and then pressed the cold, metal tip of the
stylus squarely to my 1 inch, russet furred sheath.  He paused for a
moment and then pressed the button.

Pleasure blossomed from the cold, metal tip of the device which rested,
dead centre, on my sheath.  The noise in my head got louder and seemed
to raise in pitch, pushing out more of my conscious and making the images
seem less elusive.

My head was bowed as I intently watched the doctor working in between
my legs.  So I didn’t miss a moment as, for the first time, my sheath
plumpened and then expelled my erect, pinkie-finger sized, kit hood.

The doctor released the button, the sensations stopped and the noise
slowly returned to it’s original level.

He moved the probe to my inside left thigh and pressed the button again.
The noise came back, a slightly different tone this time but just as loud.
My body, tail and cock spasmed from the pleasure.  The world faded out
just a bit.  And then he released the button and everything died away.

He moved around my body, inside thighs, balls, outside my sheath, tucked
inside my sheath, my nipples, my heart, my knot, my cock.  Studying
whatever it was that the PDA was telling him.  Each time he zapped me
the noise was a slightly different tone and took longer to fade away.

He continued to play me like a musical instrument. Creating a tune only
I could hear, using notes which only existed in my mind.  The pleasure
got more and more intense and it was harder and harder for me to keep
following his actions with my eyes as my conscious was pushed aside and
the world became less and less distinct.  The noise in my head was fading
very slowly now and I could almost hold the images in my mind for longer
than a split second now.

The doctor brought the probe to the tip of my cock and pushed it slightly
into my urethra.  I looked on blankly.  He pressed the button.  The last
thing I remembered was spasming, then the noise drowned everything out
and I knew nothing at all.

I was walking towards the door when I regained consciousness.  My undies
were back on and I wasn’t certain that anything I remembered had
actually happened.  In fact my memory was pretty fuzzy about the whole

“There we go Rei, that’s everything.” Doctor Johnson said.

My head felt fuddled in a good sort of way, but I felt some unease.
I wasn’t certain if what I remembered happening to me had actually
happened.  The answer came to me suddenly, crystal clear in a sea of
otherwise murky thoughts.

I’d put my underwear on inside out by accident - if the doctor had
put my undies on while I couldn’t remember then he would have put
them on the right way!  I looked down slowly, my body only seemed to
respond sluggishly.

My undies were on inside out.

As I saw the evidence I convinced myself that the whole episode had
been some strange day dream and I let it go.  The pleasant fog in my
head was making it harder and harder to recall clearly in any case.

I staggered uneasily towards the door which Dr Johnson opened just in
time to stop me walking face first into it.

“You’re such a good boy Rei.” He said.

A pleasurable tingle enveloped me at his words.

Once I was in the corridor the nurse guided me back to my spot and took
the last cub.  I was left blissfully unaware of my surroundings with a
stupid grin on my face and my hand cupping the front of my undies.

Finally cub number ten came back and the nurse told us to get dressed
again.  We needed more help with our clothes this time but the effects
of our treatment were wearing off now.

We all linked hands and the nurse led us back to class.  On our way we
encountered the next group of cubs.  I made sure to smile reassuringly.

By the time I was in class I was mostly back to normal.  I took my
seat and reassured Æð and Ea that it was no big deal and nothing much
had happened.

Throughout the remainder of the lesson My hand kept drifting back to
my lap and I had a ‘good feeling’ whenever Mrs Glenys praised me.
Once I had made the link between feeling good and praise I resolved to
be the hardest working, most well behaved, obedient cub I could be.
Strangely, I didn’t make the connection between the ‘tingly good
feeling’ and the medical exam I had just experienced.

Æð was next to go from our table and then Ea was taken in the last
group before lunch.

I was oblivious to the foundations of my future enslavement which had
been freshly laid in my mind.

=== Æðfrid ===

Rei and I tossed and turned on the tarmac as we fake wrestled.  I felt
a tingle as I pinned him.  Ha! I was the stronger!  Of course, I was a
wolf so that went without saying.

A teacher came and separated us and, after we satisfied her that we were
only mock fighting, told us to play something else.

We ran off into the bushes, which bordered the playground, in search of
some adventure.  Rei started talking about some wild story he’d made
up involving dragons and pirates and treasure.

My thoughts turned back to the moment I had him pinned down and my hand
drifted back to my crotch of its own accord.  The rubbing jerked me
back to reality and I clasped my hands together behind my back hoping
to prevent another lapse.  As I looked around the playground I realised
that I wasn’t the only cub with this problem.  It was subtle, but
it seemed most of the cubs, tods and vixens, dogs and bitches, were
having the same problem.  With the logic of a five and a half year old
I decided that if everyone else was doing it too then it couldn’t be
unusual and dismissed the worry from my mind.

It was about this time that Eachann stumbled out onto the playground.
He’d been late to playtime since he’d been in the last group to see
the doctor.  He still looked dazed.

Rei shouted to him, “Over here, Ea!”

Ea turned his head sharply and, spying us sitting in the undergrowth,
unsteadily made his way towards us.

“Hey Ea! Feels good doesn’t it?” I grinned as he approached.

“Nuh-Uh.” He replied.

It was around then that I realised he was looking pretty grim.  There was
an odd tint to his completion.  He couldn’t have looked worse if he’d
been beaten up by a dozen bullies.

Suddenly he lunged forward between Rei and me towards the back of
the shrubs.

“Ewww! Gross!” Was Rei’s assessment.

“That is so sick!” I agreed.

Ea had just hurled up.

I held the fox who had landed belly down on my lap as he chucked up some
more in the borders next to the fence.

“I’m going to get the teacher.” Rei declared.

Ea started at this, “No! Please don’t,” he said between laboured
breaths, the contents of his stomach now completely expelled.

“Why not?” I asked, fear, concern and confusion all in my voice.

“Don’t want the others to know…Don’t want them to know I’m
weak…No one…else is hurling.” He answered haltingly as he tried
to regain his breath.

My heart went out to the poor, weak, misfit fox.  If the others found
out it would be just one more reason for them to tease him.

Rei obviously had the same thoughts, “If he hurls again we’ll get
the teacher.” He said.

I felt a tingle as I ordered Rei to fetch some water for Ea.

I continued to hold on to Ea once we were alone.  The tingle was there
throughout as I tried to silently pass some reassurance to the pitiful
fox in my embrace.

Rei returned presently with a bottle of and we set to getting Ea back
on his feet and cleaning him up.

We were all very, very lucky that our youthful loyalty and naïvety
prevented us from alerting an adult to Ea’s condition.