Title: "Mind Control: Cubs be Aware!" Chapter 1: Denny
Part: 1 of 3
Keywords: furry, mc, teen, cubs, alien, scifi
Universe: unsorted
Author: just_lurking
Summary: The students of IG-72C primary school watch a PSA on the dangers of mind control and alien abduction.

"Copyright MMMCIV Industrial HoloFilms PLC" Hung in the air for a
few seconds.

"This film is produced in association with the CityDome IG-72C Police
Department and the IG-72C School Board." A respectable sounding voice
over announced.  The recording was unaware it was competing with soft
chatter in the background.  "Mind Control: Cubs be Aware!"

The lights came back up on the year 6 class.  The cubs looked around

"If you are talking over the video then you aren't going to learn
anything." Their teacher, Mr Marcus, chastised them.  His lean cheetah
finger still held against the pause button.

He nodded as they quietened down.  "That's better." He tapped the
button again, and the ghostly 3D image resumed moving.

"Mind control!" The voice continued.  "It's a frightening idea.
You might have heard stories in the newsfalls or by word of mouth.
The problems might seem distant.  Like something that will never effect
you, but it can!  Anyone can fall victim to a mind controller, but by
taking a few simple precautions the chances of becoming enthralled can
be greatly reduced."

"Lets take the case of Denny." The narrator suggested.  "An ordinary
ten year old boy in an ordinary suburb."

The scene dissolved to show the prototypical two-story, one-garage
suburban house-with-a-garden in the suburbs.  ('It must be a model,'
Mr Jacobs thought, 'it's the same perfect house we see in every holo.
I doubt any kid in this school has ever seen suburbia, let alone a house
like that.' ).  A ten year old kitten walked out of the house waving
to unseen parents inside.

"Like many people Denny had seen the flying saucers that flew overhead
from time to time."

The video showed wobbly flying saucers passing over busy streets.
The people, though certainly aware of them, didn't seem overly troubled
by their presence.  A few, Denny among them, looked up at the intruders,
others simply ignored them altogether.

"Nobody seemed to like them, but they didn't seem to bother anyone
and they diddn't disturb Denny much." The tone of the video changed.
Becoming darker and more serious, as the video pulled into a tight shot of
Denny looking up at the saucer with innocent eyes.  "What Denny didn't
understand was that the saucers seldom bother large groups of people.
They are cowardly beings who only abduct and enslave stragglers."

The scene changed to an outdoor basketball court, where a rowdy
session of under-12's coaching was going on.  Denny was just one of
the rambunctious boys in shorts-vest-and-trainers that the 30-something
leopard coach was trying to teach ('I feel your pain brother.' Marcus
thought glancing over his own pupils).

"Denny had never been on his own when a saucer visited Earth, until
one fateful Thursday after basketball practice." The holo showed
the session coming to an end.  The coach mutely dismissing the boys,
and Denny waving goodbye to them as they parted.  "His best friend
was sick that day, and while Denny normally walked around the long way
through town with him on the way home today he decided to cut across
the fields between his house and the basketball courts."

On screen Denny silently but obviously weighed up the pros and cons
of cutting across the fields.  He quickly made up his mind to follow
the script, and climbed over the fence into the innocent and peaceful
looking field, as the music took a slightly more ominous turn.

The class, meanwhile, was rapt; the cubs waiting on the edge of their
seats for something bad to happen to Denny.  They could all sense the
direction the narrative was going.  There were a few soft gasps around the
room as, a few seconds later, a saucer crept up in the sky behind Denny.
Of course, it went unnoticed by the young protagonist.

"It was then, when Denny was alone and at his most vulnerable, that
a saucer swooped down and captured him in its blinding beam."

Denny shielded his eyes as the saucer swept down.  The long grass being
tossed around by the breeze the extraterrestrial vehicle kicked up as
the scene turned white...

The light faded away to show the scared cub cowering in the middle of
a large, round, metallic blue room.

Two buff teen boys marched forward, a lynx and a fox.  They wore nothing
but shiny, rainbow-tinted, sliver goggles which obscured their upper
faces.  It was obvious from a single glance that the teens were only
slightly older than Denny, but physically they were worlds more mature.

The teens grabbed the shivering boy impassively, ignoring his struggles
and protests as if they weren't even aware of them.  "The saucer
people waste no time once they have their prisoners."

The two guards carried Denny into the next room to be processed.  It was
another round metallic room, but it had beds, free standing showers and
tables filled with all sorts of alien medical equipment.

The PSA switched into montage mode.

"Denny was stripped..." The class watched as the clothes were pulled
from the cub's body.  An unknown force disintegrated each item of
clothing as the teens let them drop to the floor.

Denny's shaking form was pulled under a shower head.  The blushing boy
trying to cover his sheath from the teens.  It was a wasted effort though
they looked as unmoved by his nudity as they were by everything else.

"Washed..." The shower started without any visible interaction.
The teens held Denny under the deluge.

An stranger might have been surprised by just how many cubs eyes went
straight for Denny's junk when it was revealed by the startled boy,
but Marcus was far too experienced teaching year eight students for that.
He knew the class was divided in three; those who watched the video
because it was more fun than 'real' school work, a smaller number
who watched raptly because they wanted/needed information on the topic
for whatever reason.  The third and by far the largest group just wanted
to see bare fur.

The shower ended and a collar was wrapped around Denny's neck.
It closed with a snap, becoming a single unbroken black ring.
"Collared... and finally taken for brainwashing."

The teens took the shocked Denny through to another chamber.
The distraught, stunned look on his face showing that he was starting
to realise just how bad the situation was.  He still hadn't covered
himself.  His hands instead feeling the rigid circle around his neck,
as if checking to see if it was real.

He snapped out of 'it' when he saw where he was being lead.
The room was full of glass tubes; cylinders that reached from floor
to ceiling.  Each contained a cub who had been as foolish as Denny.
Some were struggling, some looked dazed, all were enveloped in a light
mist.  A few of the advanced cases were idly rubbing themselves; their
compatriots looking on in horror.

Denny tried to step back, but the teens propelled him into a tube of
his own which closed around him.  The helpless cub leaned forward,
both paws on the glass, fear etched on his face.

The tube started to fill with smoke.  Denny's ears twitched as if
something were bothering them or he could hear something.

"Soon ideas began to seep into his mind." Both the narration and the
music turned more sinister as the PSA set out to show the consequences.
"Ideas that were not his own.  Ideals and new ways of thinking."

On screen the boys fought or succumbed inside their cloudy prisons.
Some visibly forcing themselves awake on one side of the spectrum and
others rubbing out orgasms against the cool glass on the other.

Denny fell somewhere in the middle of the spectrum.  He was dazed but not
surrendering fully.  Not that the class was paying that much attention
to him.  The sight of the wetness running down the glass walls of the
enclosures meant many of the cubs fidgeted in their seats with pubescent

Marcus smiled wryly in the shadows.  He remembered being that age,
and being aroused by the strangest things too.  They would grow out off
it too.

The holo continued oblivious, and uncaring, of its audience's reaction.

"Why, Denny started to wonder about silly notions like freedom and
personal responsibility." The cubs watched on; some more intently
than others.  All imagining what it must feel like for a red blooded, all
IG-72C kid like themselves to be mind-warped like that.  "He felt more
pliable; more open and ready to receive instruction from his superiors.
Less likely to question the orders he received."

Denny stumbled out of the glass tube.  He was lead to a fourth room,
a dormitory with endless bunk beds.

About half the beds were filled, either with cubs or teens, but there was
no desirable pattern to which bunks were occupied and which weren't.
Other slaves milled around the grid of bunks.  They chatted and played
in a state of dream-like docility.

There were furs of every species and variation represented, but there
was one constant: all were nude save for their collars and shiny goggles.

The voice over lost all subtlety as it hammered home the next line.
"The alien's programming starts to take effect from the very first

Denny was lead over to a bed with out resistance or complaint.  The cub
clearly too dazed to think of resisting.  The guards plonked a pair of
goggles over his eyes and left him.

Denny's new neighbours crawled out of their bunks or ambled over.
Attracted by the new boy.  They all seemed happy and content.  Few words
passed between the slaves, but lots of casual looks and touches were.

"The other slaves welcomed Denny and helped him settle in.  Showing him
kindness and Denny felt a need to fit in and belong.  The boy felt a
strong bond to his new brothers." Again the narrator's voice lifted
to the tone used throughout the ages by those delivering unquestionable
certainties.  "An artificial bond crafted by his abductors and inserted
into his mind!"

Denny's body started to respond to his 'brothers' explorations,
and Denny's reciprocation only encouraged them more.  Soon all the
boys around Denny's bunk sported a hard on.

From the smallest prepubescent slave to the eldest teen; they all throbbed
with their raised heart beats.  Some leaked pre, others just radiated an
angry red.  Though all the boys were flushed with heat none were ashamed
of their nudity or excitement.

Without any guilt to get in the way, one thing quickly lead to another,
and soon a mini orgy played out centred on Denny's bunk.

"Over the days and weeks to come Denny was slowly began to accept
his training and even assisted in it!  The former captive was quickly
transformed into a willing soldier of the saucer people.  Eager to take
part in their galactic war alongside his new brothers-in-arms."

The holo showed Denny and his brothers returning to the tubes time
after time.  Denny no longer resisted his captors, and each time he
stepped out his face was a little blanker and a little happier; as if
he had lost a little more of his previous life.

The scene switched again showing a smoke filled battleground on an
ice planet.

"Before he knew what had happened Denny had assisted in the invasion
and successful subjugation of the planet Telos."

Denny ran up a ridge and onto camera.  Stopping to pose dramatically.
He was in full gung-ho mode, clutching a plasma rifle across his chest
and clad in skimpy armour.

He fired at something off camera, before running down to join the fray.

"Cubs beware!  Don't let what happened to Denny happen to you!
Take heed, and always travel with friends and stick to public spaces
where you are safe!"

The scene changed again...