Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Chapter 8 Scared to death Kit over to the door. There's lots of things going threw her head. The biggest thing is. What is she going to do if Angie's arrested? Her best friend in the world and half of the rent. Well as soon as they both get a job. She'd be devastated without her. Not to mention she would have to go back home. Something she don't want to do mostly because now sh'es away from Bill. The boy who almost raped her and constituently tormented her because for some reason he thought she liked it. She opens the door and two police officers are standing there. The one of the right clears his throat and says, "Is there a Angela Greystone here"? Kit freezes. "Angie", she nervously calls out to her. Their's a lot of fear in her voice. She hasn't heard Angie's full name in years. Not since they where in school. No matter how many times Angie asked her and Kit's teacher Mrs. Globalton. She always called her Angelia instead. Kit also got the same treatment". Angie carefully walks over to them and says, "Can I help you"? The officer nods and says, "Yes mam. Could we please talk to you, outside"? Kit's scared and says, "Please don't arrest her". The officer looks at Angie and asks, "Have you done any thing to be arrested for"? Angie shakes her head. Then steps out with them and closes the door. It's hard to tell if she's scared. She's showing no more emotion than she always does. Though Kit can see something different about her in her eyes. Something that gives her a gold chill. It's sort of like a fire, she just knows it's something that shouldn't be there. In a moment like this. Kit is left standing alone in the room on the verge of crying. She don't know what to do. Then figuring there's no other option, she puts her ear up to the door and listens. She hears the first officer say, "OK Angela. We know you worked at The Den nightclub, but we'd like to know. Did you have any idea what was going on"? Angie with a scared sound in her voice. Something Kit's never heard before, says, "No sir". "You sure you didn't know of any illegal activity"? "No sir I didn't". "OK now for the next thing. Their was a lot of illegal activity going on there. Not to mention. The trafficking of people." Kit gasps hearing, the last part. Then holds her breath and listens. The officer continues, "Their was other things going on there like selling of illegal drugs. So what we'd like to know what was your job"? Angie replies, "I was a barmaid". The second officer immediately says, "Are you licensed". Angie then with a sound that clearly her holding in tears says, "No sir". The first officer replies, "OK. How old are you"? Angie don't reply holding in tears. After a grown the first officer says, "Can I see a ID"? To Kit's shock the door opens pushing her back on her butt. She giggles and waves at the cops. As Angie runs pass her to her room. Not paying any attention to her. They don't show a expression. Seconds later Angie returns with her purse. After the door shuts Kit stands back up and returns to her post. "Here you go sir", she hears after a few seconds of scuffling sounds. The officer after a minute says, "OK here you go mam thank you for your cooperation". Angie replies, "Am I in trouble sir". Kit almost collapse to the ground when she hears, "No mam we just needed information. Again thank you". Angie replies, "Your welcome". Kit's legs get weak from relief. She sighs and steps back knowing the door is going to open, and not wanting to get knocked down again. Angie walks back in with a smile and that small fire is giving her a exited look now. Kit runs and gives her a big hug, saying "Oh thank God". Angie with the hungry look says, "Kit go to your room". Kit stands there and asks, "What"? A deviant smile forms on Angie's face. She then says, "To the room. We're going to fuck". Kit shakes her head and says, "Angie you where almost just arrested". Angie smiles that smile again and say, "I know. Hot as hell ain't it"? Kit can feel fear growing inside of her. She's seen Angie horny many times just never like this. Angie rolls her eyes, sighs, then says, "Damn it Kit. You have your magazine I have my thing to. Now go to the room and undress". Angie beginning to push her into her room, is kisses Kit on the lips repeatedly. Kit's not returning them she don't know what to think. Finally she pushes Angie off and says, "Angie what the hell"? Angie frowns and says, "I get horny in dangerous scenarios. Or close calls. I almost went to jail. Now go to the fucking room and undress". Kit not really wanting to after the close call, says, "Angie I'm not really in the mood". Angie frustrated, "Fuck! Now I know how men feel". Kit is scared now. Never seeing her friend this horny. Angie then begins pulling Kit's shirt up. Kit starts crying and says, "Please Angie. No. What's gotten into you"? Angie don't stop. She then grabs the sides of Kit's face and forces her to French kiss. Beginning to panic that her friend is going to rape her. Kit pushes Angie off then slaps her face as hard as she can. Angie grins very deviantly and says, "I like it rough". Kit's shaking and shoves Angie. Who falls backwards and lands a few feet back. With a dumb founded look on her. Angie thumps the ground with the side of her fist and screams, "Bitch"! Kit panics and runs in her room and locks the door. Where she stays with Angie knocking on the door, and saying, "open up". Kit is on her bed crying, very scared, and don't know what to do. Except stare at her window thinking about jumping out and running home. But then she remembers she don't have enough cash for a bus or train. It's to far to actually run to. Angie starts knocking louder, and yelling, "Come on Kit. I'm horny". Kit curls up into a ball and cries. Then pictures of the night Bill tried to rape her begins flashing in her mind. She's laying there screaming, "NO"! As he holds both of her wrist and pulling down her pants. She's screaming and crying. He looks down and says, "Shut up I'm horny". With that memory her cries get harder. Now she don't know what's going on. Or how long it's going to last. But just outside her door is her best friend. Or former best friend. The thought that her friend since she started school will no longer be her friend, Gives her a hollow feeling. As the knocks get louder. Kit just cries,scared that she's going to be raped by her. She crawls in bed under the covers. Just like she did when Bill tried. She ran straight to her room and hid under her covers. Now she's doing the same again. Then everything goes silent. Kit still laying in bed listens for anything. The silence last about a hour except for a low vibrating hum. Then the hum stops, and she hears a soft knock on the door. "Kit we need to talk". Scared Kit whimpers out, "No". "Kit please. I'm not going to try that again. I promise". Kit lays under her covers trembling and says, "Go away". She then hears Angie whimper, "I'm sorry Kit". Their's lots of things going threw her head. Mostly how could Angie do this. She was there for her when Bill tried it. She was there for her in school, when a girl named, "Sally Estep, pushed her in a creek. She smiles remembering Angie jumping on her. They fought for a while till Sally took off running. Never bothering Kit again. She wants to know why her friend tried this. How she could? Would Angie of actually raped her? She lays in bed fighting the urge to run in the living room to talk to Angie, but then remembers. The reason she locked herself in her room. Kit now cries staring at the door. She hears, "Please Kit". Kit shakes her head even though Angie can't see her, and says, "No Angie go away". She hears Angie sob then say, "Please Kit". Kit replies, "Angie please I said no but you kept coming. I haven't been this scared since Bill tried it". Angie then says, "Oh my God. No Kit I wasn't going to rape you". Kit cries harder and says, "Then why wouldn't you stop"? She don't get a reply. Instead it's quite. After a couple of hours the inevitable hits her. She's thirsty and needs to pee. So she slowly opens the door and sees Angie on the couch crouched over crying. Kit feels a ping of guilt. But her bladder is full so she runs to the bathroom. After words she watches Angie for a minute. Then walks over and sits beside her. She's still bent over crying. Kit's still scared but does care for her friend.Or at least the person she thinks is still her friend. Kit sits, and puts her arm around Angie. But she scoots over and says, "No Kit". Kit feels guilty and says, "Sorry Angie it's just you scarred me". Angie nods and says, "We do need to talk". Kit now in tears again nods and says, "Yes". Angie sits up and says, "Kit you know how your magazine gets you turned on"? Kit blushes but nods. Angie sighs and says, "Every since I was a pup. I get turned on by dangerous events or close calls". She closes her eyes, "I swore they'd came to arrest me. But didn't". She sniffles and a tear runs down her face. Kit puts her hand on her shoulder and says, "Angie. They didn't come here for that". Angie nods and replies, "Yes but I thought they did. The relief drove me nuts". She breaks down crying then says, "I lost control. I have no idea what I was going to do Kit. I just knew I wanted sex. At work when I get like that I'd take one of the boys, in the back where'd we screw. Or me and Misty would get on stage and make a few bucks. Now all that's gone, I'm scared. Your all I have Kit and if I lose you I'd lost everything". Kit frowns and says, "So you weren't going to quit". Angie shakes her head and says, "I was. I just was going to make a deal that, I'd still get some benefits. So I was going to still hang out there". Kit feels a little hurt. Angie grins and says, "I'm sorry". Kit hurt replies, "But Angie you was still going to be there". Angie frowns again and says, "Kit. I'm sorry I like sex", grinning. Kit has tears running down her face and says, "But you lied". "Kit I was going to quit. That was all I said I'd do" Kit starts to get up. But Angie puts her hand on her shoulder and says, "Kit, I was only going to be there twice a week just so I could get laid". Kit frowns but can't stop from giggleing before saying. "Well in school boys did like you". Angie grins and says, "Yeah, and I loved them". Kit hugs her and says, "Sorry". Angie hugs her back and says, "For what"? Kit crying now says, "I don't know". Angie laughs. Angie smiles and says, "Kit, from now on I'll hit the streets when I'm like that". Kit smiles and says, "How about not getting like that"? Angie smiles with a grin and says, "OK just throw away your magazine". Kit looks up with a little fear that makes Angie laugh. She feels a little tingle between her legs. Thinking she's cute also. Then Kit smiles. Angie laughs laying her head on Kit's shoulder and says, "Kit, thanks for forgiving me". Kit shakes her head and says, "Who says I forgave you"? Angie replies, "We're talking again. So now do you"? Kit shrugs. Angie sighs and says, "I really scared you didn't I? So now are you going to be afraid of foxes"? Kit frowns replying, "Come on I am a fox. I'd get over it as soon as I look in the mirror". Angie laughs. Kit then says, "So why didn't you stop. When I said, to"? Angie sighs, opens her mouth to say something but just shakes her head and says, "If you need time alone just say so. I'll go out and start looking for a new job". Kit shakes her head and says, "Are we still best friends"? Angie laughs and replies, "Why are you asking"? "You tried to rape me Angie." Angie takes her hand and says, "I need to get more control of myself. You don't' aggressively go after me after seeing someone jogging". Kit grins and says, "But I do want to". Angie grinning, "Well I thought watching people excising didn't turn you on". Kit frowns and says, "Angie". Angie replies,"Yeah". Kit sighs and says, "Sorry I didn't want to fuck you", avoiding the question. Angie grins then says, "It's OK Kit I shouldn't of went after you like I did". Kit looks into the kitchen and says, "I'm getting hungry". Angie smiles and says, "now that you mention it". They both giggle and head to their small kitchen, putting the ordeal behind them. Kit opens the fridge and says, "So what would you like"? Angie sighs and says, "Hum Chicken Gordon Blue sounds good". Kit replies, "I can make eggs". Angie frowns and says, "So you still didn't learn to cook"? Kit shrugs and says, "I tried. But nearly burnt the house down. Literally". Angie nudges Kit out of the way and looks and says, "Please tell me more". Kit blushes and says, "Well mom was trying to teach me to cook fried chicken..... well lets say I put the chicken in the oil and it got mad". Angie holds in a laugh. "Well the grease popped and burnt me. I screamed knocking some grease out of the pan. It went everyone and of course a little bit on a burner causing everything to burst into flames. Luckily we didn't loose to much because of the fire extinguisher under the sink but I was never allowed in there again". Angie nods and says, "I'll take their warning. Now step back I'll cook". Kit frowns. Then Angie pulls out some milk, eggs, and a pack of pork chops. She smiles and makes a motion to her to get out. Kit bows her head frowning and says, "you could teach me"? Angie laughs and says, "Sure. Lets just throw the security deposit out the window". Kit turns and leaves saying, "My past haunts me". A hour later she hears, "Kit". Kit to excitedly gets up and runs into the kitchen. Where Angie has a plate of fried pork chops with Macaroni and cheese on the side and a side salad. In a side dish beside it. Kit smiles and says, "Nice Angie". Angie nods and says, "Thank you". They sit and eat. After words Kit gathers and washes the dishes.