JZL11_10H: Talking About Love, Stark Naked In A Tree

Usual disclaimer:  This story involves sexual subject matter.  If you aren't old
enough to read this, go home!

Copyright by Jeff Zephyr (jeffzeph@hotmail.com) 2000.  Please don't distribute in
an altered form, or with any charges for acquisition.

At eleven, I get to actually experience this thing called sex. - by Jeff Zephyr
(jeffzeph@hotmail.com) 2000-2002.
JZL is my life story series.  You can find out more about the entire series at
/~jeffzephyr/jzlstories.html, and more of year 11 at

JZL11_10: Sitting in a Tree on Saturday: F U C K I N G!
 (mf mff oral rom) by Jeff Zephyr

Sherry and Jeff... Sitting in a Tree.  F U C K I N G!  (on Saturday)

JZL11_10H: Talking About Love, Stark Naked In A Tree

We were ready for a break from sex after all of this activity.  We didn't bother
getting dressed, and I really liked how it felt to be naked with them.  Just naked,
talking and having snacks and soda.

I was in love.

It wasn't just about sex, or just a crush.  Puppy love is somehow different from
grown up love, right?

This day, we started off so comfortable together.  As if we'd been getting naked
together for years.  It was exciting, but it was also so familiar, so natural.  I
belonged there.  All of us belonged together.

They had been getting together naked for years, as girls can do together. 
Sometime last year, they'd got to do much more, and now I was doing it with

Then, we had talked.  Not a casual conversation, but a deep, totally revealing trip
through our lives.

All the secrets.  Mostly about sex and romance, but anything which we'd avoided
because it was too embarrassing.  It all came out.

They accepted me.  I accepted them.  That was very special, to be able to share so
much.  I could do that, sometimes, with my siblings, but this was different.  They
weren't my family, they were my lovers.  And what we were, what we felt, was

We were still talking.  The conversation had a sweet, dreamy feel about it.  About
being in love, about what we'd done, about what we'd talked about.  Mostly,
about how much we liked being together and in love.  All three of us.

The sex also had conversation in it.  We told each other what we liked, how it felt. 
Practical sex education, studying each other.  It us two weeks to do it, after having
sex for the first time.

I'd heard that some people never get around to talking about this stuff, but it didn't
seem hard to me.  I felt very lucky to be taught about sex with girls by my

I was trying to relax, to feel as casual about this as my girlfriends seemed to be. 
They weren't really totally casual, either.  But when they looked at each other,
they seemed to relax and I wanted to be part of all that.  Sitting in a circle, seeing
both of them naked and being naked myself, I felt very happy.  I loved just being
naked with them.  No need for sex at all.  We could just be together, boy and girl
and girl...

Girls and girls together...  I knew that was a good thing.  But there was something
about it which was familiar.
Then, I realized my Aunts were Lesbians. Like, nobody ever said it to me, but I
knew them pretty well. The things which adults never say to kids can still be
discovered.  It was jarring, and enlightening. I suddenly "got" the whole need to
keep their relationship secret.  Well, I'd never understand the feelings which made
that necessary, but the way it was treated, as something to bad to even mention... 

My Aunt Elaine was my real Aunt, Dad's aunt actually.  Her partner was Auntie
Eunice, and wasn't really related to us.  Eunice was Auntie Elaine's "special
friend," and it was all so clear what that meant now.

"You know how, after you know Santa isn't real, you notice and remember all the
times the grown-ups talked about presents and things?"  I said.

"Huh?" Sherry asked.  I hadn't explained my thinking, and I wasn't sure quite how
to explain what I'd realized.  Later on, I'd call this sort of thing a non sequitur.

"My Aunts are Lesbians.  For real.  I just thought of that."

"Tell us about that, please?" Maureen asked.  And I did.

Well, I didn't really know.  Not in the sense of having absolute proof of the
situation.  But I'd noticed them touching, holding each other close, very friendly.  I
knew that there was something odd about them, a touchy thing which the adults,
especially Dad, didn't like to talk about.  I knew that Mom explained, ‘Auntie
Eunice is Auntie Elaine's special friend,' without spelling out what it meant.

"They live together, and I know they love each other.  I know, people don't like to
talk about them, what they are.  But they seem happy together.  I mean, I think
that we could grow up and you could still be together.  You and Sherry, Sherry
and Maureen, together forever.  Like my Aunts are."

"What about you?" Maureen asked.

"He can get to be with us too.  We can all be together."

"Remember back in 2nd grade, when we got teased?  Sherry and Jeff, sitting in a
tree?  K I S S I N G?"

"Yeah.  It wasn't so funny then," Sherry said.  "Now, oh, we are doing lots more
than just kissing in a tree." She laughed, and that triggered a long bout of laughter. 
It was so funny, the three of us, naked in a tree together, and fucking.  Even just
naked and talking about sex was more than enough to make it scarily funny.

I mean, no way to explain that in school.  Nope, nothing that would be safe to say
there at all, not about what we were doing.  But between us, we could.  We could
say and do anything.

"I love you . . .  Both of you.  What I'd really like is to really be with you forever. 
I mean, seriously.  Like the ending of the rhyme.  Love and marriage..."

":... go together like a horse and carriage..." Maureen sang. She liked old movies
and musicals, lots of show tunes and stuff.  I wasn't the best singer, but we all
joined in, humming along even though I couldn't remember the words.

"Like, for real, us being married?" Sherry said, when the song was done.

"Yes, I think that's what I mean.  If you want to do it, that is."

"Yes, I do.  If we can have Maureen too."

"Sure.  It has to be all of us together, you know.  I don't know how that will work
out.  But I know it's what I want."

"What about Annie?" Maureen asked.

"I love her too.  This is so confusing," I said.  I got up, then turned around. 

 The girls got up and stretched as we all had been laying down and, well, working
a lot of new muscles hard.  After we'd walked around the tree house without
talking for a minute, we sat back down.  All cross-legged style, the girls' pussies
open in front of my eyes.  And my legs spread to give them a nice view too.

But though I was looking at them, I was thinking about Annie.  I couldn't leave
her out of our arrangement.  Not if I really loved her.  I thought I did.  I mean, it
wasn't just sex, even if we hadn't been together for years like Sherry and Maureen
and I.

"Jeff?" Sherry said, getting my attention.  I looked and listened, waiting for her to
go on. "You know, Annie loves you."

"Yes, she told me."

"No, I mean like really seriously in love with you, like I love you.  We talked.  She
and I, just us.  But I knew before that.  She ‘liked' you," Sherry said, emphasizing
the word ‘like' to make me know that it was the serious love sort of liking, not just

"Really, Jeff, I mean it!  She always walked home with you, holding your hand. 
She even told you that she liked you, remember?"

I did. I'd skipped home that day, delighting in the thought: ‘Annie likes me!'  

"I know, I like her too," I said. "I mean, I didn't want to not be liking you two
either, so I just let that be . . .  Well, I don't know.  No, I did like her then, all year. 
And when we saw that naked girl, it was like a sign.  She wanted to play naked. 
With me, I mean."

"Playing naked, I like that," Sherry said.

"We called it playing bare.  You know, me and Debbie and Jack, and sometimes
Cher.  We get to sometimes just get naked inside, but it is fun to just find places to
be naked outside.  I love it a lot!" I said.

"It is a lot like playing.  Isn't sex like a game, the game of love, you know?"
Maureen asked.

"I guess.  Yeah.  Anyway, I love doing it, no matter what we call it.  Playing
naked, playing bare.  And making love, that is a nice one."

"Fucking is funny nice too," Sherry said.  Then, she dropped her last little

"Annie wanted to do that.  To fuck you."

"I kind of figured that out after we did it.  She just asked me, right after we got
naked and kissed.  Well, I did lick her pussy up first."

"No, even before that.  She told me that she was thinking about getting naked with
you, and when it happened, she knew.  She wanted to do it, for real, not just play
naked.  She did it..."

Sherry stared at me for a while.  I'm not sure what she was thinking, but I was
even more confused now.  Of course, making love with the girls was a great thing. 
I'd definitely pictured them in my fantasies when I masturbated.  That counted as
thinking about fucking them, right?  Annie was thinking the same thing.  About

"Only me?"  I asked, breaking our silence.  Maureen wasn't saying anything either.
"Oh, yes, only you, you're the only one for her, on purpose.  I mean, she did it
with you because that is what you do when you're really in love.  I mean, uh, well,
that is what I want to do, now that I know about it.  Sex, I mean.  I adore your
penis, your naked body.  It is so beautiful, so lovely.  I love kissing you.  And
Annie really loves you too.  She really does."

"Like marrying love?" Maureen asked, interrupting a bit.


"I'd marry her," I said.

"That gives you three wives, Jeff.  I don't know how that would work out."

"Well, we get along so nicely.  I couldn't leave Annie out, you know.  I really love
her too.  I do, I mean that too."

Love was different than just wanting her for sex.  I'd been thinking about that all
along, truly.  It wasn't just that we were good friends and sex was a nice thing to
do together.  That was part of it, sure.  But I had no doubt that I loved them . . . 
All three of them.  It wasn't the same with each of them, but that didn't matter.

"Maybe," Maureen said, "you and Annie can get married . . .  And Sherry and I
can.  Equal rights are coming for everyone.  They have a constitutional amendment
going for that.  By the time we're grown up, it should be OK for girls to marry
girls.  What do you think?"

"You'd still be around us.  Maybe we could all live together, all four of us.  Yeah,
I think you're right.  I hope so, all the civil rights marches and riots and that stuff. 
Martin Luther King's dream.  It still makes me sad, thinking about that. 
Remember when our teacher made us learn "Abraham, Martin, and John"?  I
remember seeing those things on TV in the news.  Especially when the

It was getting too serious.  I didn't want to keep talking about this stuff, not the
sad real life growing up parts.  I had little tears in my eyes from thinking of it.

Maureen said, "You meant Martin Luther King Junior, you know that?"   She
laughed, I think she knew that this was very intense for me.  Probably was for her
too, trying to figure out what we'd really do when we grew up all the way.  The
rest of the way, since we were pretty grown up in our own minds right now.

Maureen knew that it bothered me to get corrected about mistakes like that, but
she also knew I didn't usually make them unless I was distracted.  I might have got
mad at being teased, but instead I knew that she loved me.  Plus she really knew
that I knew it.  I didn't like feeling bad about being wrong about school stuff like
history and math, but my best friends understood me.

We were all quiet for a while again, just sitting there.  Finally, Sherry got up and
got another soda.

"Well, all of us should be together, friends forever, lovers always.  We can do it,
can't we?" Sherry asked me.

"Of course.  I know we can do it, for real.  I love you, and Maureen, and Annie. 
All of you.  Why can't we grow up and get married togther?"

Maureen said, "We'll work it out somehow.  Sherry and I have been together since
we were little kids, and now we're still together and lovers.  We've been your
girlfriends for years.  I know we can stay together, somehow."

"Remember how we got teased, well Sherry and me anyway, back in 2nd grade?  I
told you then that it would be OK if we got married someday."

"Yeah," Sherry said.  "I didn't really think so far ahead, not then.  I mean, believe
it or not, I thought that we'd wait until we got all grown up before doing it."  She
giggled, and added, "Both things, I mean.  Getting married, and having sex.  I
knew that moms and dads sleep with each other, and do more than sleep.  You
knew that too, right?"

"I guess so.  No, yes, I did know.  I didn't think too much about it, but I did get
the idea.  Only now, it makes a lot more sense.  You know, because we've done
the wedding night thing."

"Other than sleeping together.  But we can take a nap.  I'm kind of tired anyway,
I'd love to cuddle up with both of you for a while."

We were quiet for a while, lost in our own thoughts.  Sipping on our sodas, right
from the bottles because we didn't bring separate glasses.  We didn't have a
cooler, but the cold glass would keep them chilly for a while, in a sack out of the
sun.  I thought about cuddling up with both girls, how nice that would be.  All
naked together, like we were. I didn't need anything else to make me think of sex
or love.  I wished we could do this all the time.  When we got married and lived
together, we would.  Thinking that was scary and wonderful.

Annie really loved me.  OK, she said she liked me before, and I did the same.  I
knew that meant about the same as it did between Sherry and Maureen and I.  But
she'd been like that for a while, and knowing that made a difference.  It wasn't just
some instant change which happened when we got naked.  Sex was part of love,
and maybe we'd rushed things, but she'd wanted to do what she did with me,
thought about it.  She'd told Sherry, not me, but maybe that stuff is harder to talk
about than how to fuck.

But knowing it, that was magic.  I knew I loved her, and I was overjoyed to find it
so mutual, and so real.  All of us could be together, in love.  I didn't quite get sex
without love, not yet.  Not sure that I ever did, though love doesn't have to mean
being in love, one and only forever.

It sure wasn't just ‘one and only' for us four.  And I was glad that we could be
four, not losing our lovers to make up just one pair, by the rules.

We could grow up and the girls could still be together.  We decided to do that. 
Get married, somehow, all of us.  Even Annie, who also loved me!

We could stay together, always.  So we would do that.  Nothing could stop us,
and I had no desire for anything else.

Our conversation revolved around this discovery for quite a while.  It was a totally
easy decision for me, because in my heart I really did want to be with my
girlfriends forever.  The problem of having more than one, usually against the rules
for marriage, didn't apply for us.  I looked forward to telling Annie about this, and
felt sure that she'd like the idea. 

Maybe if we were older and more experienced, we wouldn't have so easily and
simply decided that our love was good enough for our whole life together.  But
Sherry and I had agreed back in 2nd grade to marry someday, and I was overjoyed
that we hadn't changed that.

Sitting in a circle on a blanket, drinking soda from the bottles we'd brought and
having chips as a snack, just like other times we'd been together like this, was
perfectly comfortable.  It wasn't that I'd forgotten that we were all totally naked. 
I was well aware of that, and found it very exciting.  It was just that if we were
going to be married, and be together forever, this was just one of the first times for

"I wish we could just get married now," I said.  "I really want to be with you all
the time."

"Me too," Sherry said.

"Yeah, I know it is so nice how Sherry and me get together all the time.  Still, it is
OK, we can be together now?  And other weekends, we can get naked a lot too,
right?"  Maureen asked.

"Kind of like Sonny and Cher?  Well, not exactly, but you know that song..."
Sherry said.  Then she started singing "I've Got You, Babe."  We joined in, the
whole bit about "they say we're young and we don't know..." seemed to fit us

We stood up and held each other, singing along, "...Babe, I've Got You Babe..."
over and over.  It was funny, doing a chorus line sort of singing dancing game
while naked, looking out of the tree house.  No one probably could see us.  We
couldn't see anyone either, but it didn't seem to matter.  To us, all that mattered at
the moment was us, and our love and friendship.

We got the end of the song, the parts we remembered well, and just stood there,
arms around each other, Sherry in the middle between Maureen and I.  I felt very
tired suddenly, emotionally wore out, maybe sexually too.  Our break for snacks
hadn't really relaxed me like I'd expected.

"I wouldn't care if Annie did sex with us together", said Sherry.  Like my comment
about my Aunts, this was a sudden break from what I was thinking.  I hadn't
thought about that, not really. 

"Annie doesn't seem to want to do that," I said.  "But she likes doing sex with

"Well, you could marry Annie, and maybe it would be OK," Sherry said.  "But I
mean, when we grow up maybe things will be different."

"Like I said," Maureen explained, "even if you marry Annie, and Sherry and me
stay together, we can still all be together.  Always.   Really, I really like Annie too. 
I'm happy that she loves you so."

I kissed Sherry, and held the kiss a while.  Maureen watched me, and I could see
her looking at us.  Sherry couldn't, she was turned towards me, and had her eyes

"You kiss boys you like.  Making love is just more of that, more kissing.  Like
Sherry and me, I guess Annie just didn't want to wait."

Sherry stopped to say, "Annie really wanted to do more with you.  Just kissing at
first, that's all.  She told me that later, but getting naked just meant that, well, it
was obvious to her.  She knew that she loved you, and that is just what you do
when you're in love."  Sherry smiled at me, grinning, licking her lips.  "Besides,
I'm so glad that it happened.  I do want to do it with you, I love you."

We spent some more time kissing.  I wasn't ready for more sex yet, and wasn't
getting a hard-on yet, despite all the nice contact.  I was very excited, very happy,
enjoying the sensations.  I knew that a bit of touching in the right place, and I'd be
ready to go.  But we didn't do that.


Copyright by Jeff Zephyr (jeffzeph@hotmail.com) 2002.

 Please don't distribute in an altered form, or with any charges for

If you liked this story, want to put it in a free collection, want to
tell me how I could write better, or just say hello, write to me at my
hotmail address. 

You can find more of my stories and other things at my website:


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