Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. July1, 2012 I set in the interview room in my dress uniform waiting for my turn to give my version of the ambush. I knew all the survivors were all going to be interviewed. Too many had died and they were looking for a scapegoat. I hoped it wouldn't be me. This was to be a Fact finding investigation so no counsel was allowed but level of brass that came through the door looked a lot more serious to me. I stood at attention while they set down. The officer that appeared in charge was a one star general. The rest were majors six of them total. The general made the opening statement. Today we are here to continue the formal investigation into the ambush of convey 12630. Convey 12630 left Penshaw Pakistan at 0400 on 6 June 2012 to deliver fuel, ammo and supplies to Camp Little John Afghanistan. Sergeant Jones? "Present sir" State your full name for the record. "Sergeant Roberta Josephine Jones serial 294229595 Sir" Your birth date is shown as 10 July 1984 and you have been a Marine for 10 years is that correct? "Yes sir" Lets start at the beginning, were there any unusual events in putting the convey together? "Yes sir , The number of Afghan scouts were less than we normally had and the convey makeup was different. The Afghans' were new to us and they seemed nervous. Captain Walsh was also a rookie to convey duty. His initial make up of the convoy would have been suicide. He ordered trucks carry ammo to be pulling fuel trailers, a bad combination. We convinced him to make changes and the Afghans' were not happy about the delay. The final make up of the convoy was a Lead humvee with Captain Walsh, a driver and two gunners A duce carrying supplies pulling a fuel trailer then a duce with ammo another with supplies pulling a fuel trailer another humvee with driver three gunners . Two more duce with supplies and fuel trailers , two more with ammo. Finally another humvee with driver and three gunners. Each of the duce carries two soldiers. A total of 10 trucks,4 trailers and 26 soldiers. The Afghans' were in the lead with their own 4x4. How many of the soldiers were female? "a total of fourteen. Two in each of the duces ". You had the highest rank of the female soldiers? "Yes sir two field promotions" So you were second in command. "Yes sir" Where were you in the convoy? "I was driving the duce behind the second humvee." They are looking to blame this on the female soldiers I thought. When did the trouble start? "As soon as crossed over into Afghanistan about 1200. The Afghan scouts turned on a road that was not on the mapped route. I questioned Capt. Walsh, he radioed back the scouts said that the mapped road was under attack up ahead and we were going around the attack. I radioed Capt Walsh back requesting air cover. He said he would consider it if anything happened. I reminded him that anytime we left the mapped route it was sop. Five minutes later I heard him make the call for air support." How long after the call for air cover did the action start? "Maybe thirty minutes. The lead humve took a direct hit from an RPG and was on fire .The driver and Capt Walsh were out side on the lying on the ground. We started taking small arms fire from a ravine on the left". What was the situation on the ground? I assumed the Captain was dead and took over command of the convoy. I exited my truck and told my partner to take over as driver. I ran forward to the humvee and climbed in as it was returning fire and lobbing grenades in the direction the enemy fire was coming from. I called in our position and that we were under attack and needed air support now! The ambush set up must have been fast because the place was poorly chosen, the road was wide enough two vehicles to pass so I ordered the rest of the convoy to go by the burning humve to try to escape. I ordered the two remaining humvee's to go to the left of the duces and provide covering fire until the convey was past the ambush area. As we pulled out to the left around the duce ahead I saw our two Afghan scouts by the burning humve , one was shooting the driver on the ground and the other was shooting into the duce behind the humve. I killed both of them. I heard a tanker explode behind us. This blocked the convoy. Air control was calling on the radio to coordinate the strike. I established direct radio contact with the strike group. "We have the audio and will play it in this afternoon's session" The general said. A few moments later an f18 dropped bombs on the enemy positions. A few minutes later I heard the sweet sound of ground support A10 warthogs . There were four of them, those Gatling guns were a beautiful sound. I ordered the humvee's to sweep the enemy area and make sure everyone was dead. What I didn't say was that I had told them to take no fucking prisoners. I also ordered to convoy to stop so we could regroup and sort things out. While this was going on the medivacs arrived and started checking everyone out. It was at this time I realized that I had taken a couple of minor hits, I was bleeding from shrapnel cut on my leg and a bullet graze on my arm. I was at this time one of the medics said I was needed at the duce I had been driving. I ran back to find that my driving partner Betty Smith had taken several rounds of small arms fire and was dying. Betty and I grew up together, lived next door and had been inseparable even joining the marines together. She and I always seemed to have a kind of silent connection no matter what. She almost knew what I wanted before I did sometimes. This was going to be bad. I knelt down and she reached up to pull me close and whispered "I'm sorry, I love you and then she was gone." I broke down sobbing. It was as if something had been ripped from my chest I had other soldiers die in my unit before, this was totally different. It seemed like several minutes before I regained my composer but I know it was only seconds. The losses were as follows We has lost the lead humvee , the drivers of the duce behind it and a duce with supplies and fuel tanker that had been behind the second humvee the one I had been driving. There were seven causalities the four men in the lead hummer including Capt Walsh and three female soldiers. The general cleared his throat and said "Lets take a lunch break and then we will layout the aerial photographs review your statement for errors. We will resume at 1300