he had been so mean. as she lay on her bed crying and rubbing her
butt she couldn't believe it. it felt like her butt was on fire.
as she lay there trying to make the pain stop she had her thumb
in her mouth. she was suckling on her thumb as hard and as
desperately as she could. trying to make the fire go away. all
she had done was want to play. sure she knew she was supposed to
do her chores. she just hadn't wanted to. was that so terrible?
it wasn't like she wasn't going to do it. she had been sitting
there at the table thinking about the the comic book she had
read. it had been so good. she could imagine flying in the ship
and going to the hidden astroid where the colonists were setting
up the compound. she had even arranged the dishes on the table to
model the path they had taken. then it started. "don't forget you
have to clean the kitchen." all she did was bark back "i know
that why don't you just go away and leave me alone." was that so
bad. alright she shouldn't have told him she didn't have to
listen to him. and maybe calling him a dork wasn't right but did
he have to interupt her game. maybe she had gotten mad at him for
a silly reason. and maybe she didn't get things done on time or
even right but she wasn't a baby and who was he to send her to
her room.  i mean making her go to her room!! she wasn't
a`baby!!. and by then she didn't even want to play her game she
was so mad. of course, she knew she shouldn't have watched tv or
at least  done her room while she did but it was a really good
show. he actually called her a brat. but that wasn't the worst.
her tears increased not just from the pain but because she
remembered how he had made her ask for her own spanking. it felt
like she was begging him to do that to her. it was like she
didn't know what came over her. she never would have told mommy.
she loved their new home and that he praised  her and got her
presents. he even liked to talk to her and she could tell him her
stories. there were so many things. but just because she had told
him  she had done enough and was not doing anything more,
couldn't he tell it was cause she was mad. ok so there was no
reason to be mad at him but did he have to make her admit her
feelings. that wasn't true either she thought. it had just sort
of come out. she was sorry when she told him that but then she
couldn't help but blurt out the rest. how she didn't  want him to
hate her and she so wanted him to love her. he must have thought
she was just a silly little baby. as she lay there naked on her
stomach with her legs spread to releave the burning, her tears
continued  she continued sucking her thumb as she looked again at
the bright red mound of her butt.  it hurt so bad but the warmth.
oh no, she was dribbling. she quickly pulled her knees under her
so her puss was no longer touching  the bed fortunately he had
torn her clothing into rags and she pulled them under her. she
felt a`twinge and she watched as a light spray escaped her and
landed on the pile of rags she had placed beneath her. she let
her knees`slide back as`she lowered herself on the pile. the damp
warm cloth felt good against her mound laying there  toes
pointing out, her knees turned slightly in with thighs separated.
she slid her left hand under  her hip so one finger lightly
touched her nub. her left cheek rested against the mattress as
she felt  her right thumb against the rear of her tongue. twinges
of the burning throb that was her butt mingled with the warmth of
the soft damp cloth. she lay motionless as she also felt the
pleasant pressure of her finger. she knew the sweet warm wetness
beneath her would cool but she let  her mind drift as everything
she felt entered  her mind and she floated into a bright garden.