Author: Hardguy
Title: questions (Work in Progress)
Summary: The following story is a work in progress and is presented
as is. It may be unformatted, contain misspellings, poor grammar,
half constructed thoughts, and continuity errors. Story title may be
misleading, as the plot may change during the writing process from
the initial inspiration. If anything, it is presented in an effort to
gauge reader interest.
Keywords: m/g, ped, inc, voy, mast, 1st, cons

      Matt heard the door open and looked up from his after-school
snack to see his 11-year old sister Alyssa entering the house,
kicking off her shoes.
      "Hey," she said to him, before heading to her room.  As she
turned her profile to him, he noticed for the first time that his
sister wasn't the same little girl that he'd always known.  He'd only
gotten a glimpse before she was obscured by a wall, but she'd
definitely grown a pair of little bumps on her chest sometime in the
last week or so.  At 17, Matt certainly knew such a change was due
for his cute little sibling at this stage in her life, but he
couldn't recall seeing any girls in the 5th grade who had similar
features...or at least he hadn't been noticing such things at the time.
      He turned his attention back to the history book he had been
assigned to read from, and about a minute later heard his sister
coming down the stairs.  He glanced up at her again when she came
into view, and tried not to be too obvious as he eyed her chest.  She
very defiantly had a set of breast puffs on her, though her shirt was
loose enough to not press back against her nipples.  She went to the
dry erase message board that her family used to keep track of what as
going on every day.
      "Is Mom gonna be home before her date tonight?" she asked
Matt.  Their mother was divorced and had only begun dating again once
Matt got his driver's license.  Matt sort of hated how he was now
obligated to be his sister's chauffer for her various school
activities, but at the same time it filled him with a sense of
responsibility.  Since their mom was now exploring her romantic
options and leaving them to take care of things like dinner and
laundry, the two children found themselves becoming closer and more
reliant on each other.
      "No, I don't think so.  Remember she was fussing around about
her clothes this morning before she left?"
      "Oh, right...she was dressed really," she
could only whisper that last word, her face was crimson.  The
delivery of that statement earned a raised eyebrow from her brother.
      "Uh, yeah, I guess."  He turned his eyes back to the book,
only to look up again as Alyssa came over to the table and sat next
to him with an odd expression on her face.  "What?" he asked her.
      "Do you, uh...think Mom, uh...with those" 
Her discomfort with the topic plus her hesitance to say exactly what
was on her mind gave Matt a pretty clear idea of what she was asking
about, but he took the opportunity to tease her a little bit.
      "Well yeah," he said, getting a priceless look on his sister's
face in return.  "Of course Mom has dinner with them."  Alyssa
frowned and punched him in the arm as he started to laugh.
      "No!  I know..."
      "Yeah..." she said, looking like she just wanted to hide under
the table.
      "I dunno...maybe.  She's an adult and can do what she wants,"
Matt answered as honestly as he could.  Truth be told, his mom having
sex was not something he routinely gave much thought to.
      "But...she's not married to them or anything..." Alyssa
responded trying to mesh her brother's response with what she'd
always been taught growing up.  "Can she really do that if she's not
      "Uh, yeah, duh," Matt said, perhaps a little harshly.  He
didn't want to insult his sister's intelligence, but he'd figured
she'd at least be able to separate the concepts of sex and marriage. 
"Why are you so curious about this all of a sudden?" he asked her.
      "Noreason!" she answered rather quickly and defensively. 
Though she'd been avoiding eye contact for much of this discussion,
now she was very deliberately looking in the other direction, almost
like she was on the verge of running for it.  Instead she put her
hand into her pocket and pulled out a square, approximately 1.5 by
1.5 inches in area.  She put it on the table and as Matt saw the
raised circular shape contained within the square he realized what it
was.  "I-I found that in Mom's dresser," Alyssa explained.  "There's
a whole bunch of them, and I didn't know what it was, so I took it to
school and showed it to a friend and she told me it use
them for...when they..."
      "Okay...why were you in Mom's dresser in the first place?"
Matt asked her.  They'd both been told that if they wanted to keep
their own privacy in their rooms, then they should leave their mother
her own privacy.
      "I uh...I just wanted to try one on..." she said, embarrassed
by her admission.  Matt however wasn't quite sure what she was trying
on herself.
      "You wanted to try on a condom?"
      "No stupid!" she squealed shaking her head and punching his
arm again.  "One of Mom's...her bras...I have boobs now."
      "Not really," Matt commented, earning himself another hit on
his already sore arm.
      "I do too!" she insisted, pushing out her chest at him, doing
her best to make the soft little mounds present themselves through
her shirt.  "I'm the first girl out of my friends to start's embarrassing, and a few of them even called me a slut
because of them."
      "They called you a slut?" Matt asked, wondering how such a
connection between that word and an 11-year old girl's budding
breasts could be made.  "Do you even know what a slut is?"
      "No," Alyssa admitted.  "It's some sex thing, isn't it?"
      "Yeah, it's girl who does it with a lot of guys," he
explained, "so I doubt you're a slut...right?" he playfully
questioned her.  The little pounding fists on his arm expressed his
sister's answer.
      "Of course not!  You're the only boy..." she started to say
before getting bashful again.  "You're the only boy that's ever seen
me there."  The statement was absolutely true, as until about a year
ago Alyssa had had no qualms about nudity around her brother.  It
hadn't been anything she'd thought about until one of her friends
expressed shock at how Alyssa had gone topless in front of her
brother and mom.  That was really when Alyssa started thinking about
sex and adult things, in particular...
      "Hey, um..." she started, her ears burning as the next words
came out of her mouth.  "...did seeing me get you...hard?"  Matt
could hardly believe his ears as his own face got hot now, his mind
going back to the memory of his sister's flat chest and bald slit. 
He hadn't gotten hard back then, but he was sure getting that way now
that his sister was showing a more erotic aspect of her personality.
      "Uh...not then...not" he answered her honestly,
not really wanting to mention how he was now, sitting next to her.
      "Oh...I guess I'm not sexy then..." she said, feeling rather
put off and deflated.  She was sure she'd seen him hard before when
they'd taken trips to the river and would swim in the nude together. 
That had been years earlier though, and her understanding of
erections didn't include the involuntary ones that her brother's
adolescent body had been subject to at the time.
      "I didn't say that," he replied.  "I mean, you're real cute
and you have a nice figure," he told her, feeling a little guilty at
how his answer to the previous question had come across.  "If you
weren't my sister, I'd..." he trailed off, biting his lip, and
feeling like he'd already said too much.
      "You'd what?" Alyssa asked, her curiosity peaking.  Matt just
closed his eyes and shook his head.
      "N-nothing...this is weird to be talking about with you," he
dismissed.  Making her pout.  She wanted to know what he'd do!  Maybe
she could coax it out of him.
      "Please, Matt?" she said in her best little girl voice.  "I
won't tell mom about those videos you watch when she's not home." 
The look on his face was exactly what she'd hoped for.
      "W-what videos?  I don't know what you're talking about," he
tried to play it off.  He'd gotten some of the latest Girls Going
Topless videos from a friend who's older brother had passed them down
to him.  He had ALWAYS made sure that Alyssa was asleep or not home
when he watched them too.
      "The ones with all the boobies," she answered him, a big grin
making the corners of her lips twitch as she tried to keep herself as
innocent sounding and looking as possible.  She'd gotten up once
after being awakened by some noise in the house and saw him watching
it on the couch with a hand moving about in his lap.  She had been
too far away to see any details of what he was doing, and didn't want
to get closer in case he'd catch her, but the large bouncing breasts
of the giggling girls on the TV had given her something to aspire to.
      "If I wasn't your brother," Matt reiterated, feeling cornered
by her blackmail, "I'd..."
      "...I'd have dirty thoughts about you."
      "Ohmygod!" Alyssa giggled, as she felt her body surge with
adrenaline and heat with embarrassment.  She had more than a few
friends with whom she'd shared thoughts about kissing boys and seeing
their things.  As far as her definition of "dirty things" went, this
meant her brother wanted to kiss her and see her pussy, or maybe even
her boobs.
      "Can we talk about something else, please," Matt groaned,
thoroughly embarrassed by having to admit such things to his little
sister, who was overcome with a case of the giggles at his expense. 
"What do you want to do about dinner?" he offered as a new subject.
      "I don't know, hehe," she tittered, settling down from her
amusement.  "Anything is fine with me," she said, getting up from the
table.  "I gotta go do my math," she announced, and turned to leave
Matt there, only to stop in her tracks and turn around.  Before he
had an inkling of an idea of what she was doing, her lips pressed
themselves to his cheek for a fraction of a second.  "Thanks, Matt,"
she said softly, and then skipped her way out of the room.
      Matt watched her go, noticing how great her rear looked in
those jeans she was wearing, and cursed under his breath at how
turned on his little sister made him.  He closed his eyes, attempted
to will away his erection, and went back to his history book. 
Unfortunately for him, biology was a force greater than historiology.
      Alyssa stretched and leaned back in her chair, glancing at the
clock on the wall in her room.  It had been an hour since the chat
with her brother, and she was still a little amped up from it all. 
When she had gotten to her room, she was actually trembling a little
from how frank and honest it had all been.  Matt usually would try to
not talk about some of those things around her.  Did something change
his mind about what was ok for them to talk about?
      As she stretched, the fabric of her shirt grazed over her
sensitive little breast puffs.  She shivered a little and rubbed at
them to soothe them from the gentle friction.  Walking home she'd
noticed that they'd stiffened up a little in the crisp autumn air. 
Had Matt seen them when she got home?  They'd settled down between
the moment she walked in the door and when she sat down at the table
with him, so she didn't think it was likely he'd noticed.  It had
only been a brief moment that he could have seen the little bumps in
her shirt, and there was no reason why he'd be checking her out.  He
was her big brother for crying out loud!  But still...
      She lay her arm on the desk before her and lay her head down
on it and reminisced about simpler times.  Just after their parent's
divorce, they'd been forced to share almost everything in the little
apartment they moved into with their mom.  They slept in the same
bed, took baths together, she even had to wear some of his hand-me-
downs while mom was between jobs.  She'd always found it curious how
his old underwear had so much room around the front when she wore it.
Her old small panties had just been snug up between her legs.  Now
she knew why of course.  She squirmed around in her chair just
thinking about how she'd had his underwear on her, the same clothes
that had been rubbing on that thing that she always looked at in the
bath had later rubbed on her bald little slit.
      Bath time too was full of curiosities.  She'd always been
scolded by her mom when she'd grab at his little thing, but when mom
would leave the room she could grab it all she wanted and Matt never
seemed to mind much.  He'd even touch her back, though it was usually
nothing more than a poke at her chubby vulva.  Though he never said
why, Alyssa later concluded he wouldn't take it further because he
didn't want mom to catch him.  It was one thing for a little sister
to grab at her brother's dangling dork, but an older brother
spreading his sister's pussy open would have meant trouble.  The more
she thought about it now, the more Alyssa wanted to relive those
experiences and maybe explore them further.
      She squeezed her thighs together as she felt her slit getting
itchy.  Her friends Harriet and Amy both had talked about touching
themselves when they felt that way, but Alyssa wasn't so sure about
it.  She wondered if maybe she should give it a try.  It couldn't
hurt, could it?  Maybe just a quick rub to make it not feel so itchy...
      "Hey Alyssa!"  Her brother's voice from out in the hall coming
nearer to her room just about gave her whiplash as she whipped her
head up right and moved her hand away from the crotch of her pants at
lightning speed.  Seconds later he was in her room, a near witness to
her moment of self-intimacy.
      "Wh-what?!" she just about screeched at him, clearly frazzled
by the close call.
      "You ok, sis?" he asked her, "You look a little freaked out."
      "You surprised me!" she answered, feeling her cheeks heating
up a little.
      "Oh, well, I was just gonna go to Burrito Bell for dinner. 
You wanna come with?"
      "S-sure...yeah.  I gotta pee first..."
      "Okay.  C'mon down when you're ready," he said, and left. 
Alyssa put her head in her hands and shook her head.
      "Oh my god...oh my god..." she muttered, amazed at how close
she'd just come to being seen doing something embarrassing.  She got
up from her desk and went into the small bathroom that connected her
room to her brother's.  Each side of the mini-bath had a door that
locked from the outside to facilitate privacy to each room, as well
as a small light bulb that lit outside the room to indicate when it
was occupied.  It made for a pretty good system, and both Alyssa and
Matt had never walked in on each other.
      She pulled down her panties as she set to sit down on the
toilet.  Exposure to air alerted her to moisture in her slit.  Could
it be?  She excitedly put her fingers into her folds and withdrew
them, hoping for a red stain.  Sadly she saw nothing but clear fluids
on her fingers.  She sighed and plopped down on the seat.  Two of her
friend's had already started, and they were still flat.  When would
it be her turn to be more grown up?
      She finished, wiped, flushed, and washed her hands before
joining her brother downstairs in the garage.  As she sat down in the
car, she felt her pants rubbing between her legs, she was unusually
sensitive there it seemed.  She wondered if she'd done something
strange to herself during those 5 seconds she'd spent rubbing her
privates.  It wasn't really a bad feeling, but it was distracting.
      A good portion of the 10 minute drive was in silence, or at
least between the siblings it was; the sound system was blaring songs
from Matt's favorite rap CD, and it didn't really allow any kind of
conversation.  Matt tended to mumble along to the lyrics, only to
fall silent during some of the particularly explicit and profane
parts, which afforded Alyssa a chance to hear some of what was being
said, even if she didn't understand it fully.  She knew 'fuck' was a
bad word, but she didn't know what it meant when it was used as a
verb.  It was apparently something done to other people.  Matt turned
down the music as they got into line at the drive-thru.
      "You know what you want?" he asked Alyssa.
      "Yeah, taco salad and some spicy tots," she answered him. 
While he ordered into the microphone, she worked up the courage to
say a certain word out loud to her brother.  In practice she tried
saying it quietly to herself.  "Fu-fuck..."
      "Wha--?" Matt asked in surprise as he looked at his little
sister oddly.  Had she just said what he thought she said.  "Did you
just swear, 'lyss?"  Even though it was dark outside, he could see
her cheeks were a bright red.
      "Y-yeah...sorry..." she apologized.  "Your music...they said
it a lot."
      "Yeah, they do, but it's not something you should say.  Even I
don't say it."  That was a lie, he said it often around his friends,
just never in front of his family.
      "What does it mean?"  If Matt was caught off guard by his
sister swearing, he was certainly not prepared to answer that
question to her.
      "Uh,'s, uh..."  He could see she was hanging on his
words, and as he tried to come up with a safe way to explain the word
'fuck' to his innocent little sister, the car behind them in line
honked suddenly, making them both jump in their seats.  Matt hadn't
noticed that he was holding up the line, and gladly took the
distraction to postpone the discussion.  Unfortunately for him, they
only moved one car length until having to wait again.
      "I know the S-word means poop, and the B-word means a mean
girl, and the A-word means your bottom..." she rattled off her
understanding of various swear words, hesitating even to say
something as tame as 'bitch' or 'ass' in front of her brother.  "...I
just don't know what the F-word means."
      "It means...well, I guess it means to do sex...but there are
other ways to use it that don't mean that."
      "Oh..." Alyssa said, and was silent as she mulled that over in
her head, going through all the instances she'd heard the word to see
how that might apply.  "So if one guy says he's going to fu...I mean
F another guy up, it means he wants to have sex with him?"
      "No...not's complicated, I guess," Matt answered,
feeling a little more comfortable with the topic at hand, but still a
little on edge talking to his sister about this.  They finally
reached the window and Matt handed over the money.  He sat back in
his seat and Alyssa hit him with her next question.
      "What's a 'cunt'?  Those rap guys talk about F-ing them and
      "That's, uh...that's a bad word for talking about a girl's
privates," he answered for her, now afraid of what might come out of
her mouth next.  The window opened and the worker inside handed Matt
some bags, who passed them to his now blissfully silent little
sister.  Driving home, Matt decided to keep the music off.
      The sibling pair sat down in front of the TV with their
respective dinners.  Matt flipped through the channels looking for
something to watch, and eventually reached the parental controlled
movie channels.  He looked at Alyssa, who just grinned and nodded;
their mother wasn't very good at keeping secrets.  Matt punched in
the code number and the channel came to life.  Matt wasn't looking
for anything that was particularly adult or inappropriate for minors,
just something to watch.
      The only movie he found that was remotely interesting was
something called "Quick Times at Ridge High."  It was an old movie
from the early 80s, and Matt had heard of it, but knew very little
about it.  The movie was already more than half over, but given the
other options, Matt decided to stick with it.
      The two unsuspecting kids joined the movie during a scene at a
backyard swimming pool.  The language was a little suggestive, but
nothing that caused Matt to worry about what his sister was seeing. 
The movie cut away to a room inside the house, where a young man is
seen obviously jerking off.  Matt realized right away what was going
on and glanced over at his sister.  Alyssa just watched as she ate,
not really reacting one way or another, as though she didn't
understand what she was seeing, or at least that was how Matt
interpreted her body language with a glance.  In fact she realized
rather quickly that she was seeing an intimate moment on screen, and
that the motions of the young man's hand were doing something to his
privates; her own were starting to itch.
      The scene dissolved to the young man's fantasy, in which one
of the girls that had just been in the pool, removed her top and
began to kiss the young man.  Matt looked to see his sister's
reaction again, which was now one of visibly stunned interest.  She
glanced down at her own chest for a moment, and then back up at the
screen.  The girl opened the door of the room where the young man's
face was now showing visibly that he was nearing release, and got an
eyeful before quickly closing the door.
      "Maybe we should watch something else," Matt says, changing
the channel, and willing the fresh erection he sprung during the
topless scene to just go away.
      "What was that guy doing?" Alyssa asked.
      "I-I don't know..." Matt answered, hoping to deflect her
      "It looked like he know...touching himself."
      "How would you know what...that looks like?" Matt challenged
her correct analysis.
      "W-well...I don't, but...isn't that how boys do it?  Shaking
it around or something?"
      "It's not really shaking, it's more like..." he started,
catching himself from saying more.
      "More like what?" Alyssa asked, interest saturating her voice.
      "More like...I dunno, 'lyss, I don't think I should be talking
to you about this stuff."
      "C'mon Matt, please!  I'm not a little girl anymore," she
pleaded.  That got his eyebrow raised.
      "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked.  Alyssa opened her
mouth to respond to that challenge, but before she spoke, she broke
off eye contact and looked away from her brother.
      "W-well, just that...I know what sex is and...I've
know..."  She trailed off, not finishing that thought, but her
reluctance to admit to masturbating caused her not to make clear what
it was she had tried, and so Matt finished it in his head, getting it
completely wrong.
      "You've tried sex?!  Alyssa, what the hell?!" he freaked out,
completely misinterpreting her last sentence.  Also, being an
adolescent boy, he imagined it as well, and felt turned on by it.
      "N-no!!" Alyssa responded.  "Not sex...I-I
meant...touching...myself..." she admitted.  "You're the only boy
that's ever seen me...there."  She didn't know why she felt she had
to make that point, just that it comforted her to say it out loud;
reminded her of the close bond she had with her brother.  It made
Matt warm to hear her say it as well, though for reasons he wasn't
willing to admit.  "S-so...I think I'm old enough to know..."
      Matt closed his eyes and drew in a breath to calm himself down
from the brotherly-protective-rage he nearly flew into.  He reasoned
that her admission to him was enough to warrant a little reward. 
"Guys don't shake it around...we stroke it, up and down."  He opened
his eyes to see her still avoiding eye contact, but he could see her
mind was on his words.
      "W-why do you do it like that?" she asked.
      "Because, that's..."  That's what?  How it feels?  Matt was a
virgin, never getting more than a hand job from two of his three
girlfriends.  Sure he'd seen porn, but he couldn't say
authoritatively that he knew what sex felt like.  He couldn't do much
more than describe the mechanics of the act.  "...that's,'s
like what happens to the guy when he's inside a girl...she
kinda...pulls on him...I guess."  It sounded dumb, and he probably
wouldn't have accepted that answer if he was the one asking the
question, but Alyssa didn't know any better.
      "Oh...then what is humping?"  Matt looked stunned for a moment
before squeezing his eyes closed like he had misheard her.
      "What?  How do you know what humping is?"
      "Harriet told me...she said that's what her brother called
it."  Matt knew Harriet's brother, Clint.  He had something of a
reputation at school for dating girls from the local middle school. 
Matt had no idea why Clint would be talking to his little sister
about humping, but somehow he wasn't surprised that the grapevine
went through Harriet.  For a young girl, she always seemed a little
more mature.
      "Well humping is...I guess..." he started to realize his
previous answer was wrong...but not if the girl was on top.  This was
getting too complicated, and he knew he would sound like an idiot if
he contradicted himself.  This was going to require some explaining.
      "Ok...when a guy and a girl have sex, the guy can be on top or
on bottom..." he paused to see if Alyssa was following.  She was
looking at him with such intensity, like her life depended on it. 
" when a guy is on top, he has to...hump the know,
push himself inside of her until he..."  Until he cums of course, but
he found it a little tough to say that to an 11-year old girl.  It
was best to go technical with it.  "...until he ejaculates sperm
inside her.  When the girl is on top though, that's when
she...uh...pulls on the guy and makes him cu--...ejaculate."
      "Oh, so stroking it is like a girl on top then?" she concluded.
      "Yes," he confirmed, hoping that was the last of it.
      "So then do boys also touch themselves like if they were on
top?" she asked.  It was an honest question, Matt couldn't argue with
      "N-no, not really...I'm not sure how that could be done."
      "So you only do it like the girl on top?"
      "Yeah," he answered, maybe too quickly as it hit him what he'd
just admitted to.
      "Do you do that eeg...egak...that 'E' thing too when you're
      "Yeah...sperm comes out."
      "What's that like?"
      Matt sighed, this was starting to get tiresome, plus he felt
really uncomfortable not only telling his little sister these things,
but his imagination was starting to run wild with Alyssa as it's
subject.  Not only had she accidentally gotten him thinking about her
having sex, but her admission to masturbating had him envisioning her
quietly moaning in orgasm on the other side of his bedroom wall.  He
was hard and wanted to jerk off, but there was no way she would just
let him walk away, not to mention that standing up would give him away.
      "Pleeeeease Matt, I really want to know," she pleaded, sensing
that he was trying not to tell her.  Her statement about how he was
uniquely privileged to have seen her naked body echoed through his
mind again.  His cock throbbed as he wondered just how far she would
be willing to take that trust.
      "Well...maybe..." he led off.  It wasn't lost on Alyssa that
she was going to have to give to receive now.  "...maybe I could let
you see some..."  If Alyssa's eyes weren't already big from the
subject matter, they certainly were now.
      "W-what do you mean...what do I have to do?" she asked
nervously.  Matt couldn't help smiling.  He put his hand into his
pocket and pulled out a shape familiar to Alyssa.  It was the
packaged condom she had shown him earlier.  She had intended to place
it back where she got it from, but instead she'd left it on the table
earlier.  Her mind leaped far ahead of where Matt was intending to go
with this.  " want to...with me?"  Matt paused a moment with
a questioning look on his face, then he laughed as he realized what
his little sister was thinking.
      "Haha, no 'lyss, not THAT," he stated, calming her down
considerably.  "I'll go into the bathroom and fill this up with
sperm, if you take off your shirt until mom comes home," he proposed.
The trade was an intriguing one to Alyssa, one that she very nearly
agreed to right away.  The only thing stopping her was a mild case of
modesty.  She reasoned that this was certainly a great opportunity
for her to learn something she was pretty certain neither Harriet or
Amy had ever seen, and, once again, Matt had seen her topless lots of
times, only now she had some bumps there.  This was a good deal.
      "O-okay," she muttered quietly, her reasoning not quite in
tune with her nerves.  Matt smiled at her, a toothy eager grin, which
only made her feel more self-conscious, but also emboldened her. 
This wasn't just a trade, she realized as she lifted her shirt, her
brother was actually perving on her.  Her face felt on fire, a sharp
contrast to the cooling exposure of air on her skin as she bared her
chest.  Every nerve in each of her juvenile lumps was tingling like
crazy, and her sensitive nipples grew stiff, begging her to caress
and soothe them.
      Her shirt was covering her face as Matt got his first look at
his little sister's developing chest, so she didn't see the look of
excitement in his eyes as he saw his first pair of live breasts in
almost 8 months.  She popped her head out of the shirt, and her brown
hair fell down onto her bare shoulders and upper chest.  She pulled
her hair back behind her head again, and then sat awkwardly still,
staring at the floor.  Her hands were fidgeting like they had a mind
of their own, trying to cover her chest, only to be forced back to
her lap.  Although only about 30 seconds had elapsed, Alyssa, who
felt she had done her part sufficiently, got a little impatient.
      "Can you go make the sperm now?" she asked, not even looking
at her leering big brother as she spoke.  It wasn't a particularly
sexy request, but even so, Matt felt his cock pulse with agreement.
      "Sure, let's do this," he said, getting up from the couch. 
For the first time since the movie came on the screen that had
prompted all of this, Alyssa glanced at her brother's waist.  There
was a rather pronounced lump there, and even though she couldn't see
it, just the knowledge that there was a hard penis so close to her,
particularly one that she was having a direct effect on, shot a wave
of excitement down her spine to her pussy.  If she had been only half
considering masturbating earlier in the night, now she absolutely
wanted to rub her bald slit raw.
      Leaving her shirt behind, Alyssa followed Matt into his room. 
She sat down on his bed, and watched him go into their shared
bathroom.  As soon as the door was closed, she thrust her hand into
her pants and sighed with part shock and part relief as her fingers
rubbed over her sensitive aching parts.  Matt was having a similar
experience inside the bathroom.  Just pushing his pants down to get
his 6 inch cock out was a intense sensory rush.  Luckily for him he
wasn't skilled with opening the little condom package, so his
excitement dulled to the point where his cock was manageable...a
little too manageable.  
      Reality was much more exciting than his imagination was at the
moment, and the reality was that his topless little sister was
sitting on his bed waiting for him to jerk off so she could play with
his sperm afterwards.  He decided to take a peek at her, just for a
little recharge to his erection.  He opened the door a crack and
peeked out at her.  What he had been expecting was her sitting
patiently on his bed, maybe looking a little bored.  What he saw was
180 degrees in the other direction.  Alyssa was on her back, hand
down her pants, frigging away at parts unseen while her other hand
was stroking over and over on her perky little nipple.  
      Though it far exceeded his expectations, the view got his cock
primed and ready for action.  Matt rolled the slippery sheath down
his shaft and in two strokes he started to fill it with his
incestuous desire fueled seed.  He slipped the condom off and set it
on the counter, taking care not to spill it as he wiped his cock
clean with some tissue.  It struck him as he was pulling up his pants
that he would have to announce his entry into the room, or else
Alyssa would know she'd been caught...but would that be so bad?  She
had to know there was a chance he'd see her, so why not?  It wasn't
like he hadn't just been doing the same thing in the next room.
      He put his ear to the door and could hear her still panting
and whimpering softly on the other side.  He took a breath to calm
himself and then opened the door.  Alyssa was still completely
absorbed in her masturbating and didn't notice that she wasn't alone
anymore.  Her eyes were closed as she bucked her hips against the
pressure she was applying with her fingers to her wet slit.  She
could feel something building, like the coiling of a spring.  It
scared her a little because she didn't know what it was or what it
might make her do, but she wanted to get there because the build up
to it was the most amazing thing she'd ever felt.  The creaking of
the floor alerted her and she opened her eyes to see Matt standing 6
feet away, a swollen yellowish balloon dangling from his fingers.
      "OHMYGOD!!" she squealed and quickly pulled her hand from her
pants.  She scooted back on the bed, and put her thighs together as
if to hide her already clothed privates.  All the sudden motion
combined with her clothes rubbing against her and her built up
arousal set off a chain reaction in her clit.  Her eyes went wide and
she gasped as intense pleasure seemed to flood her nerves and her
hips thrust forward on their own.  She saw the look on her brother's
face go from what was already one of amused interest in what she had
been doing to herself to an expression of shock and wonderment.  It
was all too much for Alyssa who had just gone from aroused to
surprised to embarrassed to stunned and finally to scared because she
had no idea what had just happened, and she started to cry.
      It took Matt a moment to realize what she was now doing as she
curled into a fetal position on his bed and hid her face and bare
chest from him.  Her squeaking little sobs cemented to him her
distress and he went from horny teen to big brother like a switch had
been thrown.
      "Oh-oh god, 'lyss, I'm sorry, I know...finished
like we talked and..." His voice left him as he stood there feeling
like a huge creep for not respecting her privacy more.  He shouldn't
have peeped at her, or when he did and saw what she was doing, he
should have waited or given her some kind of warning that he was
coming out.  God, even just this entire situation was all his fault. 
What was he doing watching that movie with her or asking her to take
her shirt off for him in some kind of sick trade of brother's jizz
for sister's tits?  He just felt low.  "I'm sorry, Alyssa.  I...I'll
just go," he said, and left her crying, half nude, on his bed.
      Alyssa heard every word he said, but she couldn't bear to look
at him while he said it.  It was one thing for him to see her
breasts, they weren't anything spectacular to her, and like she had
been so eager to remind him, he'd seen her completely naked
before...even though that was before they had grown at all.  It was
because he saw her doing 'that' that had really bothered her the
most.  She felt so humiliated, particularly since she had a...she
guessed it was an orgasm.  That's what both Harriet and Amy had been
so excited about when they would talk about playing with themselves.
      Now Alyssa kind of understood what the big deal was all about
with playing with herself.  It felt great!  She'd never felt anything
like it before, but the way that it had happened to her...the way
Matt's face looked when he saw her doing it just made her feel so
vulnerable and exposed.  That sort of intimacy, even with her kind,
sweet brother who she knew felt genuinely sorry for watching without
any permission, it just shook her to the core.  What little she did
know about sex at her age, was that it was a private thing, and a
personal thing, and what just happened with her brother watching she
felt ashamed of showing him.
      She sat up on the bed in the empty room.  Her shirt was still
out in the living room where she had left it, so even though she was
alone, she covered her bare little breasts with her hands.  The
fingers she had just had in her panties, rubbing at her privates felt
warm and a little wet against her skin.  She couldn't help blushing
at the recall of the thoughts she'd had in her head while she did it.
Matt had been in the bathroom, their shared bathroom, and had filled
that condom with sperm, just like he'd promised her!  She'd only seen
it for a moment, dangling from his hand, but it looked like so much
of it...oh how badly Alyssa wanted to see it now.  If only...
      She sighed and scooted off her brother's bed, using the
bathroom's two doors as a private way to return to her own bedroom
and find something to put on.  Once she had herself covered, she took
a step towards the door, only to freeze in her tracks when she
thought about going out there and seeing Matt.  What would she say
after what just happened...what would he say?  At least when he
played with himself to make the sperm, he went somewhere private, but
she did it right there in his room on his bed, and she was surprised
when he caught her doing it?!  She felt so dumb.  This was all her
fault and she should have known better.  He'd sincerely apologized to
her for nothing and left his own room like the bad guy, when she was
the one to blame.  It made Alyssa cry.
      Matt felt numb as he returned to the living room for lack of
anywhere else to go.  He laid eyes upon the discarded t-shirt he'd
made his little sister take off and remembered that first look at her
chest.  God, he'd almost drooled when he saw them, and in hindsight,
that only made him feel worse.  His own little sister...  He bent
over to pick up the shirt and an object that still dangled from his
hand reminded him of it's presence.  It was as if his shame now had a
physical form, and he almost squeezed it in his fist as if to destroy
it before realizing what a bad idea that would be.
      Looking around, he wondered what to do with it.  He couldn't
just toss it in the garbage, mom was sure to find it or smell it or
something.  He could go back to the bathroom and flush it, but Alyssa
was back there, and he wanted to give her the space she needed right
now.  His eyes passed over the kitchen and realized the sink was
probably the best option at the moment to dispose of his cum.  With
water running, he turned the rubber upside down and watched his seed
mix into the swirling water and vanish down the drain.  It kind of
felt poetic to him, like it was a metaphor for the dissolution of the
relationship he had had with his sister until moments ago.
      The last of the milky fluid dribbled out and washed away,
leaving just the condom to dispose of.  Matt decided the best way to
do it would be to throw it away somewhere his mom wouldn't find it,
so he turned it insideout, washed it clean and planned to take it
with him to school tomorrow to throw away there.  What he hadn't
planned for was turning around and seeing Alyssa standing there,
wiping at her eyes.  He opened his mouth to say something, but closed
it again out of lack of anything else to say that he hadn't already
      "Was that..." she broke the silence with her question, not
needing to finish it.
      "Why'd you get rid of it?"
      "Didn't want mom to find it."
      "Oh."  Alyssa could only glance at him for fractions of a
second, and even then she felt her cheeks burn.  She turned towards
the TV and saw her shirt laying there.  She picked it up and sat down
on the couch looking at it, thinking about how Matt had wanted her to
take it off, and she had, eagerly to get what she wanted from their
bargain...and now that was gone and she was full of regret.  She
looked over her shoulder at her big brother, and saw him looking back
at her.  They both flinched as their eyes met, and while Matt looked
away, she still looked at him, and saw that he was just as full of
regret.  Her eyes went to the cleaned empty condom in his hand and
she felt anger.  It was a limp balloon now, empty of anything
exciting and fun.  
      Butterflies filled her stomach and she felt bold again like
she had earlier when he'd first proposed the deal.  She didn't want
to lose that feeling and make her big brother, whom she really truly
loved, feel like she had.  She wanted him to look at her again, and
fill that empty balloon up again with all the same excitement and
dirty looks at her body that he'd had the first time around.
      "M-Matt," she said, getting his attention.  He looked up at
her, and she rose from the couch.  Her hands went to the bottom of
her shirt, and lifted it up, over her head and then tossed it to the
floor.  She pulled her hair back from where it had fallen forward and
stood with her arms at her sides, no longer fidgeting with shy hiding
her preteen breasts like she had before.  She saw her brother staring
at her with wide eyes, and she couldn't help smiling broadly before
asking, "you wanna try it again?"