Once On Halloween {Ray Grunwald} (mf inc)

     Heavy feet crashed up the wooden steps and
shattered the calm of the kitchen.  The door flew open
and Lynn and her mother stared as a Dachshund, tiny
legs struggling to keep belly above ground, wiggled in
panic into the kitchen. 
     "Oh, Spooky!" Lynn said as she swept him into her
arms.  "Where have you been?"
     "Hiding.  Under a bush by the back fence."  Jay
stepped into the kitchen and the screen door slammed
     "Hiding?" she asked.
     "From the neighbor's cat."
     "Oh, he was not!" Lynn answered vehemently.  "Oh,
big old 'Pooky, you aren't scared of wittle kitties,
are you?"  She made baby noises at Spooky for awhile
before looking back up at Jay.  "You're always making
stuff up," she said. 
     He looked quickly over at his mother.  Lynn
sounded innocent enough but she still made him nervous. 
     "You two are a pair," he said trying to make her
feel stupid.  He leaned his spare frame against the
wall and frowned at Lynn.  She might be as slim and
lean as he was, but they were two different people. 
She was such a mouse.  He shook his head, no, she
couldn't know anything, not much anyway.  She's just
being annoying in that whiny way of hers.  He'd fix
that, sooner or later. 
     His mother slid the last of the clean dishes into
the cupboard and turned towards Jay.  She waited.  He
watched Lynn and the dog for a moment, fiddled with his
hair, looked around the room.  Finally, he met his
mother's eyes.
     "Hi mom," he said.  He looked at the single plate
that remained on the dinner table.  "Smells good in
here.  Chicken?"  His mother tilted her head to the
side but remained silent.  "Sorry I'm late but I don't
have any time for eating.  Gotta get ready for
     His mother turned back to her dishes.  Jay pushed
himself off of the wall.  He paused before leaving the
kitchen and looked back at Lynn.  "Hey, what's the
mouse up to tonight.  Another night sitting around, I
     Lynn frowned at the name but kept her head down
and watched Spooky wiggle in her lap.  "No, I'll be
alright," she answered in a soft voice.
     "Yeah, right," Jay said.  "Tell you what, you can
come with me it's an open party, not everyone will have
costume.  Only you've got to hurry.  I'm running late
     "I'm going to a party," Lynn said shyly. 
     "I'm going to a party of my own," Lynn said
louder.  She dropped her eyes away from Jay and dipped
her head to kiss Spooky.  Dark, blonde hair spilled
over and hid her face from Jay. 
     "I don't believe it.  Got a costume?"
     "Yeah."  Lynn's answer sounded like a question.
     "Cool," Jay said as he turned to leave the
kitchen.  "Put it on.  I want to see it before I
     "Jay!"  His mother stopped him before he left the
kitchen.  "I saved your supper."
     I don't have time," Jay complained.
     "Eat or not.  I don't care.  But get rid of it and
then wash and dry your dishes.  The rest are already
     Jay glowered at his mother from beneath his eye
brows but walked back into the kitchen. 
     "What's your costume?" Lynn asked.  
     Her voice made Jay think of a mouse again and he
answered roughly, "Model yours for me and I'll tell
     Lynn frowned but stayed silent.  She picked Spooky
up and started to leave the kitchen but stopped.  She
looked at Jay for a few seconds but her eyes showed
nothing of what she was thinking.   "What were you
doing back by the fence?" she asked.
     Jay automatically felt for the cigarettes stashed
in his back pocket as she turned and left.  Somehow,
she managed to know more than was good for her and he
wondered how much she shared with their mother.   He
glanced at his mother's back but she hadn't seemed to
     "Don't be so hard on your sister," she said
     "She's such a little mouse.  She does it to
herself.  It's not my fault."  He stuffed a piece of
chicken into his mouth, drained a glass of milk.
     "And don't call her a mouse.  You have no idea how
bad that makes her feel."
     Jay ignored his mother and poked at his chicken. 
He snapped his head up and listened.  "Ah, hell.  She's
in the shower.  She'll be there for hours."
     "Watch your tongue," his mother said automatically
as she left the kitchen.
     Jay rushed through his dishes and trotted up the
stairs.  The water was still running in the shower.  He
carefully tried the knob.  Locked, as usual.  He moved
down the hall, threw a look towards the bathroom door,
and disappeared into his sister's bedroom.  What was
she going to wear as a costume?  He looked around.  Her
room was much neater than his with hardly anything on
the floor just the shorts, undies, and bra she had
dropped on the way to the shower. 
     He walked around the room, then poked into her
closet.  Nothing.  He turned to leave and saw Lynn
standing in the doorway.  He froze, then laughed at
himself.  He was just seeing clothes hanging on the
back of her door.  Leave it to a sicko like Lynn, he
thought, to hang stuff up. 
     He poked at the shiny, black cloth.   A witch, he
guessed.  How appropriate.  
     The shower stopped.  His heart pounded and he
hurried out the door.  Something underneath the black
cloth caught his eye and he leaned back around the
door.  He poked at the cloth.  A mask.
     Cat Women.
     He shook his head.  It would be funny if it wasn't
so sad.  She might as well be Wonder Women for all the
good that would do.  He left the room and half-ran down
the hall and into his own room.  He grinned with
excitement as he waited inside his door.
     The bathroom door opened and he peeked around the
edge of his door.  "Shit," he said softly.  As usual,
she was wrapped tightly in her towel.  He could count
on one hand the number of times he had caught her in
her bra and panties.  And catching her nude was just a
     She was watching his door out of the corner of her
eyes.  Little sneak, he thought.   "Done?" he asked as
he stepped into the hallway.
     She nodded, then kept her head bowed as she
squirted into her room.  Nice legs, though, he thought,
really nice.  For a sister, anyway.
     He shucked his shirt and pants and walked towards
the bathroom in his underwear. He walked around
upstairs in his underwear as much as possible.  He
liked the way Lynn flinched when he came near her like
that.  God, what a fraidy-cat.  Maybe dressing up as a
cat was a good idea for her after all.
     He shut the door, cranked the shower up, and
kicked his underwear into a corner.  He stood in front
of the mirror to look at himself, then glanced towards
the door.  He wanted to walk out into the hallway naked
and really give her a thrill.  He always backed down,
though.  He looked back at the mirror.  It would be
easier if he really had something to wow her with. 
Those porn stars didn't care who saw them.
     He showered in a rush to keep himself from
thinking about jerking off.  He might get lucky tonight
and needed all the confidence he could muster.
     Back in his room, he was holding his devil's mask
and wondering if he could wear it all night.  It was as
heavy as a football helmet,  Heavy horns stuck out the
top and a huge jaw extended out from where a face mask
would have been.  He tried it on.  Not too bad.  He
took hold of the jaw and tilted the mask up.  He could
easily drink.  Hopefully the guys would come through
like they were supposed to.  He could already taste the
     The front door thumped shut.  He pulled his mask
off and stuck his head into the hallway.  His mother's
voice drifted up the stairs as she talked on the
telephone.   That was Lynn going out the front door, he
thought.  Damn, she must have been in a hurry.
     He picked his cape up off the floor.  He wasn't
sure about the cape.. It looked like something Dracula
would wear but maybe devils wore this kind of stuff,
too.  He draped it around his shoulders, fastened the
little clips around his neck, then pulled the devil's
mask over his head.  He stood in front of the mirror
and acted like he was eating and drinking.  No problem. 
He would be a total mystery.  A lot of people were
going to be fooled tonight.
     He hurried out of the house and caught the bus
down the street.  He rode all the way to the Wal-Mart
stop, crossed the parking lot and headed behind the
store.  Across the abandoned field sat a large, white
farmhouse.  His destination.  He looked down at the
devil's mask he was carrying and headed across the
field towards Hell.
     The wooden steps squeaked just like a real haunted
house as Jay climbed onto the porch.   He pushed the
door open and strutted into the building the way he
supposed a top-dog devil would strut.
     Loud bass beats thumped at his head and voices
came out of the dark from everywhere, from nowhere.  He
tried to guess where Derek would have stashed the beer. 
The noise played with his head and he looked from side
to side, his vision hampered a bit from the mask, like
an old bull buffalo checking out the prairie.  He stood
still and let his eyes adjust.  The noise resolved into
voices and music. 
     He smelled smoke.  Cigarettes and something
illegal.  The music rattled against his ears, thumped
deep into his belly.  Underneath the pulsing beat he
began to recognize individual laughs, shouts and
     The taste of beer rolled across his tongue.  First
things first, he thought, giving the main room a single
glance as he headed towards the kitchen. 
     A wolf dressed in prison stripes appeared in front
of him.  "Hey, buddy, glad you could make it."
     Jay jumped, then cursed himself.  He was going to
have to be careful with his mask.  He was a traffic
disaster in the making with blind spots everywhere.  He
looked at Derek a little disappointed that he had been
recognized so easily.
     "And who might you be?" Derek asked him.
     "Jay son, Jason," he answered, catching himself
just before he gave himself away.   Derek didn't know! 
"Jason Anderson.  I'm from Reedsville I was told to
check you guys out."
     "No problem.  Hey, I'm Derek.  You need anything,
just get a hold of me."  Jay was grinning like a crazy
from behind his mask.  Derek, his best buddy, had no
clue who he was talking to.  "We got a cover charge
though.  Five bucks."  He held a coffee can out and Jay
dropped money into it.  "Enjoy yourself, that covers
everything."  He started to leave, then turned his head
back.  "Unless we run out of the good stuff and need to
run a collection don't worry, we'll find you," he added
with a cackle.
     The kitchen was another success.  Two more buddies
who didn't have a clue who he was, brownies stuffed
with weed, and, of course, the beer.  He was feeling
fine.  He wandered towards the front room.  No sense to
push his luck, he would spend as much of the night as
possible moving around, never letting anybody get too
long of a chance to figure him out, stick to the plan.
     Jay surveyed the front room from the hallway.  He
felt dizzy for a moment and looked at his cup.  Nearly
empty.  He had guzzled that one way too fast and was
feeling light-headed.  And the brownies hadn't even
kicked in yet.  Slow down, he thought, just a bit.
     He leaned against the doorjamb and took inventory
of the current population.  He recognized most of the
girls and ruled them out, at least for now.
     "Excuse, hey?"  
      He was plugging the entrance.  As he moved
farther into the room, his eye latched upon the back of
a lone girl with a nice pair of legs.  Long legs that
molded into slim hips and a round little bottom.  He
walked around the edge of the room and the rear view of
the girl slowly turned into a profile.  Safe behind his
mask, he made no effort to hide his grin of approval as
a tight little bosom came into view.
     He tensed.  He felt her watching him.
     His eyes automatically flashed to the side  What
the hell, he thought,  let her know she was being
inspected, wasn't that the point?  He looked back and
finished the inspection.  He studied her was slowly and
deliberately.  She ought to be the one feeling
uncomfortable.  He slowly let his eyes drift upwards,
legs to hips to boobs to face.
     And looked straight into the eyes of Cat Women.
     He shut his mouth, glad that nobody could see him
standing like an empty headed fool.  He drained his
beer, then shrugged.  Might as well have a little fun
with the mouse, he thought, as he turned and headed
back to the kitchen. .
     He returned quickly with a beer in each hand.  He
found Cat Women standing in the same corner and began a
long circle around the room until he could approach her
from the rear.   His eyes stayed glued to her ass.
     Tingling zipped through his body as moved closer
behind his sister.  It's just the beer, he thought,
maybe he shouldn't have chugged that second beer in the
     The panty-lines formed hard little ridges around
her ass and he wondered how she managed to pack herself
into there without hurting herself.  He glanced around
guiltily.  Remembering that the subject was his sister
brought him back to Earth.   He buried that type of
thinking somewhere close to the wasteland of his
subconscious.   He was just gong to be messing with the
mouse.  It wasn't like he was trying to hit on his own
     As he came up upon her shoulder he looked down at
her boobs no lines there.  Braless.  Little Lynn?  He
was learning a lot.
     She turned and her eyes studied his mask.
     This was it.  He swallowed, tried to think of
something to say.  He forced his voice steady and tried
to disguise it with a lower, raspy flavor.  "Hey,
kitten, are you the kind that purrs or the kind with
     "Is that supposed to be a pickup line?"  She
giggled, "It could be the worst ever?"
     The familiar laugh coming out of that costume took
his breath away.  "What kind of answer is that?  Purr
or claws?" he asked.
     She shrugged, hesitated, glanced around.  "I"m not
sure.  Yet.  I guess it depends."
     "I'm hoping for the purr," Jason said, then added,
"I could deal with the claws, though."
     Lynn glanced quickly up and Jason realized she was
nervous as hell.  Cat Women or not, she was still
little fraidy-cat Lynn.
     He offered her one of his beers and was surprised
when Cat Women accepted.  Her lips, just barely visible
underneath the mask, tested the beer.  Kissable lips,
really kissable, and he felt that nagging guilt bother
him again.  He stared at her lips.  With the rest of
her face hidden, he looked at them as if for the first
time.  He wouldn't have noticed before, she being a
sister and all, but then he'd hardly expected her body
to look like this either.  But, no doubt about it, this
was Lynn.
     The thought of sneaking a kiss crossed his mind
and he immediately dropped it.  Still, it gave him an
idea and he let his arm brush against hers.  She
disappointed him by not jumping away.  He got better
results when he paraded in front of her in his
     They talked nonsense, the little things that he
immediately forgot, couldn't remember a minute later. 
His beer was gone.  He pointed at her half full glass. 
"Finish it, I'll be right back."
     He came back and her glass was empty.  He traded
the full one for her empty.  Standing next to her, he
let his arm brush against the side of her breast.  She
froze, then pressed back.  Then she did one of those
female things where she dragged her breast across his
arm while acting as if her attention was elsewhere. 
     Jay sipped his beer slowly, keeping pace with
Lynn.  Their arms and shoulders remained pressed
lightly together as the talked.  Their hips and legs
touched lightly together at times and Jay stopped being
surprised at the twinge in his groin.  At sometime,
perhaps during the last beer, his guilt had given up
it's futile nagging. 
     He brought back yet another pair of beers and they
talked some more.  Her face was flushed red beneath the
mask and at times she seemed unsteady against him.  Was
she being coy or just drunk, he wondered.  Probably
     He draped an arm over her shoulder and let hand
lay against the outer edge of a breast.  It felt soft
and naked.  She made no move to stop him.  He leaned
against her, cupped the side of her breast, and felt
her hip press firmly against him.
     She seemed to stumble as she leaned back to drain
the last of her beer.  Her hip knocked against his
groin and his cock jumped like a cobra.  He thought
again about this being his sister but decided he might
as well enjoy it.
     "Want another beer," he asked.
     "I think so.  Sure.  But I've got to pee first,"
she giggled.  "Okay?"
     "No problem.  That way," he pointed.
     She took his hand.  "Follow me.  I don't want to
lose you."
     He leaned against the wall as she went into the
bathroom.  She stopped, leaned back into the hallway.  
"What about you?  Don't guys ever have to pee?"
     "Sure.  So don't waste too much time, okay?"
     She smiled, then latched onto his hand.  "Come in. 
We girls are used to sharing."  The door shut behind
him before he had time to think.
     "Turn around, please," she said.
     He faced the door, heard some rustling, then the
tinkling of pee.  Facing her again, he found the Cat
Women peering his way.  Her one-piece leotard was
bunched around her knees.  His eyes worked upward,
traveling up bare thighs, to the dark pubic hair that
disappeared between tightly closed legs.  Her pee gave
a little spurt, then continued harder before weakening
again.  Her arms were crossed above a bare belly,
hiding her breasts.
     "I didn't think you were trustworthy," she said.
     "Hell.  Sorry," Jay mumbled and started to turn
     "Oh, lighten up," she said, then giggled.  "Damage
is done, anyway."  She hugged her tits tighter.
       Jay smiled sheepishly, looked around, not
wanting to stare yet needing to catch a glimpse of her
boobs.  He didn't have much time, he figured.  In
seconds ,he would be ordered to turn around again while
she wiped and put herself together.  And then she'd be
hidden under that leotard again.  His heart did a
leap she didn't expect to watch him, did she?  He liked
the idea, but damn, he'd need a few more beers before
he tried that.
     She raised a finger and beckoned him over.  He
stared stupidly and remained stationary.
     "Come here," she said like she was talking to
Spooky when he wouldn't behave.
     Numb, he forced a foot forward, then another. 
What was she up to?  She kept wagging her finger and he
kept moving forward.
     He stopped in front of her knees.  Her pee still
dribbled into the toilet.  He felt too close.
     "What are you thinking?" she asked sounding
     "I'd like to sit on your lap and kiss your tits,"
Jay said, trying to shock her.
     He felt a moment's satisfaction as she stiffened
with surprise.  Then a smile showed at the bottom of
her mask as she spoke.  "Take your mask off and go at
it."  Jay continued to stare at her tits, then shook
his head, no.
     Lynn was holding her hands in front of her like a
school girl waiting for first communion.  Slowly, hands
still together, she reached forward and slid finger
tips inside the folds of Jay's cape.  Her hands slowly
spread and the cape separated. 
     He felt naked as her eyes focused upon his crotch. 
He felt it pulse against his jeans and there was
nothing he could do about it.  He wondered if anything
showed down there.  Did he care?
     He wished she hadn't been so delicate, wished her
fingers had brushed his crotch, his cock.  He tried to
bury that thought.
     "Are you going to pee?"  Her whisper, although
soft, was harsh and forced.
     "What do you mean?  That's why I'm here, isn't
     "I'll get you ready." 
     Jay flinched as she reached forward, then stared
as she fumbled with the tab of his zipper.  She began
to pull on the tab and he bent away from her.  Her
eyebrows raised and he forced himself to hold still.  
She took the zipper again and continued to pull it the
rest of the way down.
     "Oops," she said.  "I think I touched something
     "I noticed."  His voice was hoarse, barely
audible.  He wanted to touch himself, to know exactly
what she had felt.
     Her head cocked to one side.  "Hear anything?"
     "No."  His voice sounded stronger.
     "I'm all done peeing."  A single drip sounded loud
in the room.  "Whoops!  Now, I'm all done."  She
wiggled her hips on the toilet.  "I think."  
     He felt like he had been standing in front of her
forever but he kept waiting, waiting for something.  He
watched the tip of her tongue wiggle from side to side
across her upper lip.  He was distracting himself.   He
didn't know what to do next.
     "Your shampoo smells good," he said trying to fill
the silence.
     "It's my brother's."  She smiled and shrugged.  "I
forgot mine and was in a rush."  She sniffed.  "Smell
anything else?"
     "How about pee?"   She spoke soft but quick, her
eyes unfocused, not looking at Jay.     "Oh.  Well, not
really.  I guess.  Maybe, a little."
     "Gross you out?"    
     "No.  I ," he answered quickly before he stopped
himself.   Musty and sharp, he had been going to say
but he didn't know how she would take that.
     "What?  What were you going to add?"
     "I was just going to say it was new.  I've never
been this close, like this."
     She tilted her head sideways and her eyes flicked
upward towards his head, then back to his crotch.  She
reached inside the fly and he couldn't stop his hips
from buckling backwards as her fingers brushed against
his underwear.
     "There it is." she said.   "The little guy is
trapped in there."  Jay grit his teeth as she talked
about his cock like Spooky was trapped in there
     She pulled the fly of his underwear apart.  His
cock jumped and her hands flinched back.
     "Did you do that?" she asked.
     He shook his head.  "It just reacts."  Then he
added, lamely, "Your fingers are cold."  He was afraid
he was going to do something stupid like whine or
whimper some awful sound.  He held his breath, then
slowly released it, trying to keep it quiet and
     "I got inside, didn't I?"  She seemed to find that
     Her fingers wrapped around his cock.  She tugged. 
She was having trouble getting him out.  He was already
getting hard and she couldn't get him to poke out of
the underwear.  He felt unable to do anything.  He
couldn't help, he should be stopping her, but instead
he bent at the waist and tried to make more room.
     A finger looped around the head and pulled it out
of the fly.  He popped out and she jumped, her hands
snapping back underneath her chin.
     The release from pressure was a relief yet he
missed the touch of her fingers.  He looked down at his
rod hanging in space.  He felt on display and
ridiculous but didn't have any solution.
     She didn't seem to know what to do now that she
had him out.  Her hands were lightly curled, held
slightly raised, like a praying mantis still waiting
for her prey.  Her tongue had stopped wiggling and her
eyes were locked onto his cock..  Against any desire,
it started to rise.
     "Look at it bob," she giggled, then looked up. 
"Are you doing that?"
     "Not on purpose."
     "It's huge."
     "It really isn't."  Despite the surge of pride she
had sent his way, he said, "Don't go thinking I'm some
kind of miracle."
     "Well, it is to me.  Why is it bobbing like that?"
     His cock was sticking straight out now,
horizontal, and as they watched, it started to curl
upwards.  Jay's guts were twisting inside him.  God, he
wanted to grab it, it wasn't made to hang there on it's
     "It wants to be touched," he gasped.
     "Go ahead," she answered.
     "Oh, shy, are we?"
     She reached a hand forward, pointed a finger.  She
touched the head of his cock and it jumped.  She
jumped.  And giggled.  Jay was afraid that forever
more, every time he heard her giggle he would have the
picture of her finger and his cock flash in front of
     She became braver and pushed it around, then
rubbed her fingers across it.
     "Look, it's reaching for the sky," she said
sounding thrilled with her new toy.
     She slid her hand beneath it, brushed lightly
across the skin.
     He groaned, a strangled sound of pain.
     "Did I do something wrong?  Are you okay?"
     "It's fine, it's fine.  It's it's just like a bad
itch.  Or a tickle.  Be firm."
     She apologized, her hands held back nearly
underneath her chin.  "I'm new at this," she said,
sounding like she was ready to cry.
     "Just hold me."
     She took him in her fingers, just the tips of her
fingers.  The pressure was too light, agonizingly
     "Hold it," he said.  He grabbed her and stuffed
his cock into her palm and wrapped her fingers around
the shaft.  Her fingers felt dead, then slowly
tightened.  "Oh yes, oh yes."  He started to pant, his
breathing was short and rough.  He released her hand
and slid his fingers across the back of her hand.  His
sister's hand.  She reached for him with her free hand
and their fingers intertwined, tightened and toyed with
each other, exploring, but he slipped his hand away.
     She was holding him tighter, even moving her hand
tentatively up and down the shaft, but still just
     "It's cute," she said.
     "It's not scary.  Close up, it's not scary, not
like I thought."
     She held it, her face close.  Not moving her head,
she very softly asked, "Can I kiss it?"
     She spoke softly and Jay couldn't hear her
clearly.  He simply murmured, "good girl," several
     She leaned forward and gave him a delicate peck
right on the end of his pee hole.   It jumped.  She
held it, then let her tongue tickle the end.  Jay
couldn't hold back his sigh.  His total satisfaction
was impossible for Lynn to miss.
     She held him firmly and painted the end with her
tongue, then kissed him again.  A firmer kiss, not the
little, momentary peck.  Again, and than again.  Her
lips widened and a fraction of the head passed her
lips.  She held it there, pressed her lips against the
tip, pressed harder and the tip slip just inside her
     "Does it feel good?"
     "Oh yeah, oh yeah."
     She kissed him again, then drew a little more into
her mouth.  Jay stopped trying to control the sounds
coming from his throat.  Lynn looked up with a smile
while she let the head slide in and locked her lips
around the ridge.
     It popped out.  "I'm not very good at this, am I?"
     "You rock," Jay said as he tried to catch his
     Lynn brought his cock close to her mouth again,
then pulled her head back.  "Don't come in me.  That
scares me.  I'm not in the movies."
     "Hell, no, 'course not," Jay said but it scared
him, too.  "Don't worry.  But when it goes, it goes. 
If I say I'm cumming, I'm cumming."
     "What will happen?"
     "Don't you worry about it.  Just stop what you're
doing a let me grab it."
     Good Lord, Jay thought.  He felt ridiculous
talking about his cock.  Personal stuff cumming,
grabbing his own cock.  He shook his head, it was
comical worried about talking about his cock while his
own sister was giving him head.  Was he nuts?
     He reached for her mask and started to lift but
she snapped her head back.
     "Don't do that!"
     "Calm down.  Christ." Jay said frustrated by her
     She looked away from him, past him, towards a
corner of the room.  "Please?"  Her voice was very
soft.   "Just leave things as they are.  Humor me?  I
couldn't do this if you were looking.  Okay?"
     "Okay, don't fall apart on me," he said
scornfully.   His voice was rude and rough.  All of her
body English was saying 'Mouse' again.
     "Okay M--."  He stopped himself in shock.  His
heart thumped.  He had almost called her 'Mouse.' 
Almost given himself away.  He tried to speak gently. 
"No problem.
     He tangled his fingers in her hair and gently
kneaded it.  He swayed his hips sideways and pressed
the shaft of his cock against a cheek.  A tentative,
shy smile appeared on her face.  She turned her face
and let the head of his cock tickle across her lips. 
She kissed him and his cock jumped away from her lips. 
He took her hands and wrapped her fingers around his
     "Tighter, tighter," he said as he clamped roughly
down upon her fingers.  "Ahh, yeah.  That's the way."
     More of his cock slid into her mouth.  He let go
of her hands and she began to use his juices, her
juices to make his cock slick as she slid her hand up
and down his shaft.
     Almost immediately, Jay jerked his body in panic.
     "I'm cumming!"
     She jerked back as he grabbed at his cock.  It
started to buck in his hand and he covered the end with
his hands.  She reached and gripped his shaft, her hand
pressed tight against his pubic hair.
     "Oh, oh, oh."  He tried desperately to control his
voice as he started to spurt cum into his cupped hands. 
     His cock jumped forever but finally slowed to a
slow throb.  Sperm seeped between his fingers.  
     "Damn, I should have squirted in the toilet," he
said.  He felt a terrible weariness.
     "Just a sec."  Lynn turned and reached for the
roll of toilet paper.  She pulled a wad off and gave it
to Jay.  She pulled more for herself.  Jay watched her
legs spread, her hand wipe across her secret place.
     She stood up and moved aside.  A red ring from the
toilet seat was painted across her bottom.  Jay leaned
over the toilet and let his cum drip like wet taffy
into the bowl.  Next to him, Lynn was pulling her
leotard ever higher, watching him.  Her dark triangle
disappeared, her belly, then her beautiful tits were
back inside.
     Jay leaned over the toilet forever.  He struggled
and was finally able to pee.  It was a slow process. 
Someone banged on the door and Jay hollered back that
he'd be out in a minute.   Finally, it seemed like
forever, he milked the last drops out and stuck himself
back into his jeans.
     "Peeing with a hard-on is not recommended," he
said to a watching Lynn.  He washed his hands and they
left the bathroom.  A Norse god of some sort, holding a
big hammer, gave them a long look as they left the
     They each had another beer but Jay could hardly
swallow.  He told himself it was just the aftereffect
of cumming but he couldn't stop his shakes, stop his
fear that he had already hung around Lynn too long.  It
was all going to come apart.  He made an excuse and
left the party, left Lynn sitting on a couch looking
like she was going to puke.  
     He stepped out the front door but a voice called,
"Hey, leaving so early?"
     He stopped and turned.  Derek was standing in the
     "Gotta catch a ride," Jay said.  
     "No problem.  Catch you later, Jay."
     Jay froze.  He was sure he had fooled Derek. 
Everything depended on him being a mystery.  He
nervously looked back at the house as he trotted down
the steps.   Well, maybe, he thought, Derek was just
shortening the name of Jason.  That had to be it.
     He continued to walk but his good mood had
     He crossed the field, tricky in the dark, crossed
the Wal-Mart parking lot, and headed towards the bus
stop.  The hard, cold lights gave everything a flat,
hard look.  Cold.  The autumn nights were getting
cooler and he shivered as the breeze tickled the sweat
on his neck.
     "Get a load of that guy," a voice said from
somewhere behind him.
     "All kinds of crazy stuff going on tonight," a
second voice answered.
     He looked at the mask in his hand.  He felt
stupid, dressed like a moron.  He climbed onto the bus
and buried himself in the corner of his seat.
     He stared at the mask in his lap and realized he
had to dump the evidence.  No way he could dare leaving
it around the house.  He couldn't ever wear it again,
anyway, not while Lynn was still living.
     He got off of the bus a stop early, hurried behind
a gas station, and dropped his mask into a dumpster. 
It landed with a hollow, metallic thump.  His cape
followed.  He took one look over the edge, then headed
back down the street.
     The memory of his costume, rumpled and sad, at the
bottom of the dumpster flashed in front of his eyes. 
It had looked so sad in the dumpster.
     His costume.  On the floor next to his bed.
     The bottom dropped out of his stomach.   He forced
himself to keep walking.  He had to think this through.
     How had his costume looked from the bedroom door? 
A black mound at the foot of his bed.  Was that how he
had dropped it?  Had it been moved?  How could he know?
     Could Lynn have seen it while he was in the
     His cock prickled.  How could he ever know?
     He shook his head.  She had to be clueless, she
couldn't have any idea of who Lucifer really was.  But
what if she had known?  Or, worse, what if she had known
that he knew who she was?
     He felt tired.  Walking was a chore.  He wondered
what he would see in Lynn's eyes the next time he met
her.  He couldn't talk to her.  He would never know
what he was seeing.  He would never know what she knew. 
He would never know what she was thinking behind those