Marshall_3 [ bottom ]

               .     Marshall sped down the highway on his motorcycle, his
               black coat dancing in the wind behind him. His hat was in one
               of his saddle bags, and his short brown hair flittered as he
               enjoyed the scenery of Mexico. He hadn't ridden his
               motorcycle since before the war. There are no gas stations in
               the US. The country lost every oil drilling and refinery
               plant to the destruction of World War Three. Being American,
               he had to show his travel visa three times while filling the
               tank of his bike; still the bliss of riding it again after so
               long had him tempted to crack a smile. He was heading south
               to the tip of the Baja Peninsula. On his right, he could see
               the peaceful, beautiful beaches of Mexico a few miles from
               the highway. The sand was light brown, soft looking and
               inviting. He thought about how different the beaches in
               California were left by the war. The heat from explosions had
               melted sand into dangerous black shards of glass that
               littered the coast. Body parts, decayed rotted flesh and
               bones washed in and out with tide. Marshall shook the
               memories from his head and watched the highway roll beneath
               him as he sped south.

               .     In a small town close to the border, Jonahs, and the
               other deputy who was still being called Rookie, sat on a
               hotel bed. The hotel room was nothing special. Two beds, a
               small desk, a bathroom and a television, but it was a plush
               comfort of perfume cleaned softness that two of the three
               guests hadn't experienced in over six years. The rookie
               pushed the power button on the remote control and watched
               wide eyed as the television flickered to life. A young
               attractive man and woman stood looking dramatically into each
               others eyes. A deep Latin voice narrated in Spanish as the
               camera zoomed in on their emotional faces. They kissed as a
               swell of melodramatic music filled the room. The screen faded
               to black with the music dropping and commercials started. A
               rush of annoyingly fast images sped by with even more
               annoying music and sound affects. The rookie turned the TV
               off and tossed the remote control across the room.

                                   ROOKIE 1
                         I don't remember television being
                         that bad when I was a kid.

               Jonahs chuckled. With the TV off, they could hear the water
               filling the tub in the bathroom. It stopped and they looked
               as Anna stepped into the open doorway. She was nude, leaning
               on the arch precariously.

                         Jonahs, would you mind getting my
                         back for me.

               The light of the bathroom was bright and made a near
               silhouette of her soft curvy figure. 

                                   ROOKIE 1
                         Lucky bastard.

               Jonahs shrugged and walked with Anna into the bathroom. As
               she stepped into the tub he grabbed a washcloth from the rack
               and began rubbing a lather from the tiny round bar of hotel
               soap. He handed her the small cube and began gently spreading
               the bubbly lather across her shoulders. Anna slid the soap
               along her thick, shapely calves beneath the water. Jonahs
               noticed as she rubbed her cheek. She still had a small red
               mark from where the man had struck her before they crossed
               the border. He stopped bathing her shoulders.

                         It wasn't easy.

               Anna twisted and looked at him.

                         What wasn't easy?

                         Sneaking around, staying out of
                         sight. Waiting while those men did
                         that what they did to you.

               Anna went back to gliding the soap along her legs.

                         That's sweet of you, but if you
                         hadn't, we would all be dead.

               He sat in silence. When she didn't feel the towel on her
               back, Anna turned to look at Jonahs again. His face was
               twisted with sorrow and confusion.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         You live in one of the northern
                         states, don't you, kid?

                         How could you tell?

                         You're what, twenty one?

                         Twenty two.

                         That would make you about sixteen
                         when the war ended. Canada swept
                         into the US like saviors from
                         Rebuilding cities, providing law
                         enforcement. They restored a lot of
                         peoples' lives, but it didn't go
                         any further south than the Dakotas.
                         I was in California, the only state
                         to get hit with two nukes before
                         the end.

               She leaned back and bent her knees, letting her chest sink
               into the warm water. 

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         Before it became total chaos,
                         everyone was told to head north. We
                         migrated in packs like animals,
                         hoping to find safety in numbers.

               She chuckled softly at the thought as she rubbed soapy lather
               around her large breast.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         Larger packs of travelers would
                         attack smaller ones... Sometimes,
                         they'd kill the men and take the
                         women. Sometimes they'd kill
                         everyone and take all the supplies.

               She paused and looked at the ceiling.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         And sometimes, they were just
                         really hungry. You have no idea
                         what evil things humans will do to

               An uncomfortable silence hung in the air as her meaning
               slowly crept into Jonahs' understanding. He sat on the edge
               of the tub holding the washcloth.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         Those men at the border were
                         nothing more than angry children
                         playing bully. They fell right into
                         Marshall's hands. That man's gift
                         for tactics goes beyond genius.

               A wash of anger poured across the young man's face.

                         I don't understand how you can be
                         so loyal to a man who would use you
                         as bait that way. How can you still
                         follow him so blindly?

               Anna sat up swirling the water into small loud splashes and
               glared at Jonahs.

                         You're a good kid, but you're
                         young. You have a lot to learn
                         about loyalty, and even more to
                         learn about what it means to be in
                         charge of a situation.

               She snatched the washcloth away from him and folded her arms.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         You're done here. Go tell the
                         Rookie I need his help.

               Jonahs paused with a puzzled look, not knowing what he had
               done wrong, then slowly walked out of the bathroom. A second
               later, the Rookie strutted in with a cheesy grin. His eyes
               widened as he watched a bead of water roll down her cleavage,
               over her belly and into the tiny patch of pubic hair
               decorating her pussy. Anna sighed and shook her head with a
               smile, handing him the wash cloth and soap.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         Give me the works, rookie and make
                         it feel good. You can kiss any part
                         of me you caress well enough to
                         make me moan.

                                   ROOKIE 1

               His smile widened and he beamed as he took them from her and
               began working a foamy lather. 

               .     The sign on the side of the highway read forty miles to
               Todos Santos. Marshall sat on his motorcycle watching the
               scene. Not far up the road from him, an army unit milled
               around in the center of the highway. He counted twenty five
               men, two small jeeps, three covered trucks and one large
               tank. The soldiers checked their equipment and vehicles,
               quickly sounding off reports to each other in Spanish. One
               man sat in the passenger seat of one of the small jeeps
               smoking a large cigar and doing nothing useful at all.
               Marshall recognized him as the obvious man in charge. He wore
               the standard dark green uniform of the Mexican Army and a hat
               comically reminiscent Fidel Castro. Marshall wondered what
               kind of man in charge of soldiers fashions himself after a
               dead foreign dictator. None of the men seamed to notice him
               as he turned off his motorcycle and walked it off the road.
               Setting it on it's kick stand near a large tree, he turned
               back to road and began approaching the jeep where the man sat
               smoking his cigar.
               The moment his route was clear, twenty five guns pointed at
               him, the men behind them ordering him not to move in Spanish.
               He stopped and put his hands in the air, watching as the top
               of the tank slowly rotated to point it's barrel at him. Two
               of the soldiers closest to him stepped slowly towards him,
               fingers posed to pull the triggers of their large hand guns.
               One of them yelled something in Spanish. Marshall stood
               still, arms raised, gazing at the man still sitting in the
               jeep smoking, as if he hadn't a care in the world. He exhaled
               a long puff of smoke and twirled the cigar in his fingers as
               he smiled at Marshall before barking at the soldiers.

                         Back to work.

               He stepped down from the jeep and approached Marshall. A wave
               of his hand, and the soldiers slowly lowered their guns and
               went back to scrambling around the vehicles. 

                                   CONTRERAS (CONT'D)
                         You must be the ONE man Senator
                         James sent to deal with our monster
                         problem. I have to confess, when he
                         said he was sending one man, I was
                         tempted to end our friendship with
                         some very angry words.

               He held out a hand and Marshall shook it. Contreras squeezed
               his hand hard, as if to start some juvenile display of
               strength and dominance. For the first time since he could
               remember, Marshall smiled slightly. Between the number of men
               trying desperately to show their dominance over him and the
               number of guns he had pointed at him, the grim man in black
               was really starting to like his trip to Mexico.

                         I thought everybody wanted this
                         done quietly.

               Contreras looked back at his unit. They were slowly filling
               in to the vehicles.

                         These men... They have all
                         volunteered to spend their weekend
                         off taking part in a training
                         exercise. Nothing more.

               He let go of Marshall's hand and there was a moment of
               silence. Contreras' face twisted showing how put off he was
               by the stoic silence of the man in black.

                                   CONTRERAS (CONT'D)
                         Your country must think Mexico is
                         full of backwards, superstitious
                         people to try and run the idiotic
                         propaganda your government spits
                         out. We know exactly what were
                         dealing with, and we know exactly
                         where it came from. Your country's
                         genetic experiments are worse than
                         anything Hitler ever attempted. Why
                         do you think the UN gave an
                         unanimous green light to attack?

                         It's not my job to think about that

               A whistle came from behind Contreras. All the men were
               sitting, the engines were running and they were ready to ride
               into glory. The general looked at Marshall with confusion and
               a hint of pity.

                         My men have orders to shoot anyone
                         not wearing an official army
                         uniform, so I suggest you stay
                         clear of the town until we come
                         back this way.

               With that, he turned and walked back to his jeep. A big puff
               of heavy cigar smoke rose to the air as his jeep slowly led
               the formation of vehicles down the narrow highway. Marshall
               walked back to his motorcycle and pulled his hat from the
               saddlebag. He slipped it carelessly on his head and took off
               his coat as he stepped over to the large tree next to his
               bike. It was late in the evening, but the sun hadn't yet
               begun to set. A bright gold filled the sky as Marshall sat
               with his back against the tree and rolled his coat into a
               tight ball. Placing it carefully behind his neck, he adjusted
               his sitting until his comfort peaked, then tipped his hat to
               block the sun from his eyes and drifted off into slumber. 

               .     Todos Santos is a small town on the southern tip of the
               Baja Peninsula. Before World War Three, it was a quaint, yet
               extremely busy tourist stop. It had beautiful, plush villas,
               a plethora of nearby natural hot springs and guided tours of
               some of the most beautiful temple ruins you could ever
               imagine. Though Mexico wasn't directly involved in the war,
               tourism fell to almost zero. That mixed with global export
               problems had a severely crippling affect on Mexico's economy.
               Just as this town was starting to revive itself as a tourist
               destination to the recovering world, the entire towns
               population vanished.
               Of those sent to investigate, the few who returned rambled
               about an ancient demon sucking the life out of men. The
               Mexican government knew immediately what this creature was
               and where it came from. Despite Senator James' assurance that
               he would clean up this mess, General Contreras had his men
               ready to remove this problem from existence on his own. The
               vehicles stopped at the entrance to the town. A large festive
               sign Marked it's border on the side of the highway. The
               General's jeep led the formation, and he sat in the passenger
               seat staring at the woman standing in front of the sign. She
               wore nearly nothing. Bracelets of sharp animal teeth strewn
               through a leather band were wrapped around her wrists and
               ankles. Her skin was very pale with bright freckles peppering
               her arms shoulders and chest. Her short hair was dark black
               to the point of almost being blue and she had a number of
               Gothic style tattoos from neck to ankle. She said nothing,
               simply stood and stared at the General with an inviting
               smile. He stared back at her with a lost look in his eyes. He
               was enchanted. As he opened the door of the jeep, the soldier
               driving put a hand on his shoulder.

                                   SOLDIER DRIVING

               Contreras didn't respond as he stepped out of the jeep, still
               looking into the strange woman's eyes as he approached her.
               He stood inches from her. She reached up and touched his
               cheek, then gave him a soft short kiss on the mouth. The
               General walked back to his jeep and began giving instructions
               to the driver. As he did, a driver from one of the large
               covered trucks stepped out of his vehicle and walked towards
               the woman in the same lost haze, the General was in. She put
               a hand to his cheek and kissed him as well. As he returned to
               his truck, another soldier slowly approached the woman, with
               others trailing behind him. Contreras knew there was no need
               for him to instruct the men now. He didn't know why, but he
               felt happy and relieved not to be the one in charge any more.
               Soon, the woman had kissed all of his soldiers and they all
               moved with a new understanding. Six of them went to move the
               vehicles while the other nineteen soldiers stood in front of
               the pale, tattooed woman waiting to have their birth of
               loyalty rewarded.

               .     Not a single man uttered a word. The only sound was the
               gentle breeze as they all slowly undressed. They stood in a
               line, their bare feet on the highway's median. The pale,
               naked woman walked down the line. As she passed each man, his
               penis erected. They stared at her with obedient smiles as she
               occasionally let her fingers graze the skin of swelling head.
               When she reached the end of the line, she looked back to make
               sure that all of her new slaves were erect. All twenty six of
               their cocks were hard and throbbing. Satisfied with that, she
               spoke her first words.

                         You belong to my master now.

               Her voice was soft and alluring with the slightest hint of a
               Scottish accent. As she continued speaking, she walked back
               down the line to the end closest to the sign.

                                   RITA (CONT'D)
                         Serve her well and your reward will
                         be pleasure beyond anything you've
                         ever known.

               She stopped at the front of the line and looked at Contreras. 

                                   RITA (CONT'D)
                         You were the leader of these men?


                         And they served you with utmost


                         Then you are the perfect man to
                         show them what true loyalty is. Are
                         you willing to give your life in
                         the service of your new master?

               He looked down the line at his soldiers, peace and
               contentment the only emotions on his face, then looked back
               at Rita and nodded in agreement. She put her hand on his
               cheek again, but this time kissed him long and hard. She held
               the back of his head as the passionate kissing grew more
               intense. The General's body began to change. His muscles
               began to shrink, his skin became loose and sagging. His arms
               went limp by his side, reduced to nothing but floppy skin and
               bones, but he somehow moved his mouth as she continued
               kissing him. Finally his lips stopped moving. Rita let go of
               his head and his lifeless body fell to the ground in a
               crumpled heap. She smiled and took a deep breath, her naked
               body almost glowing in the golden light of the setting sun.
               Looking at the twenty five men still standing on the line
               with full, throbbing hard-ons, she stepped over the remains
               of the General and walked to the center of the line.

                                   RITA (CONT'D)
                         Now that you've seen your fate, who
                         wants a taste of the pleasures that
                         are your reward for service?

               The men responded "Yes Please" in a single unified chant of
               obedience, And Rita's smile grew even wider as they formed a
               large circle around her. She walked slowly around the circle,
               stroking each of the hard cocks for a few seconds at a time.
               As she stroked each penis, the man it belonged to would
               delight in the privilege of touching her body. As she
               squeezed the fleshy rod of one soldier with a small
               uncircumcised penis, he made no attempts to touch her. She
               looked into his eyes and a shy embarrassment mixed in with
               the vacant happy obedience.  

                                   RITA (CONT'D)
                         Are you a virgin?

                                   SOLDIER DRIVING

                         That won't do at all.

               She took him by the hand and led him to the center of the
               circle. From there, she took a second to look every man in
               the eyes. The energetic glow from her skin dimmed slightly,
               but every man understood her unspoken instructions to them.
               The virgin soldier lay down on his back and she straddled
               him. As she took his hands and had him cup her breasts, eight
               of the men formed a tight circle around them. She guided his
               hands over her chest, teaching him how to gently squeeze her
               breasts, supporting their weight as he teased and pinched her
               nipples. Releasing his hands to let him do it on his own, she
               grabbed the virgin's penis and raised her smooth round hips
               until his head was at the entrance of her pussy. She lowered
               herself, letting his small penis spread it's way into her wet
               pussy, then slowly rolled her hips back and forth. The virgin
               moaned with pleasure he had never known as his penis slid in
               and out her, being squeezed sucked and messaged all at the
               same time. Rita grabbed two of the cocks surrounding her and
               stroked them hard. She pulled one to her mouth, began sucking
               it and grabbed a third. The eight men generously rotated the
               circle to let her switch this movement between evenly without
               interrupting her cowgirl ride of the virgin. He was in
               heaven, and took to playing with her breasts like a natural.
               At one point he raised himself and sucked hard on one of
               Rita's nipples, causing her to let a cock pop from her lips
               as she moaned uncontrollably. She stopped rolling her hips
               and felt the soldiers cock throbbing inside her as she looked
               up at the circle of men. 

                                   RITA (CONT'D)
                         Hands at your sides.

               They all obeyed, cocks throbbing so hard they bobbed, as they
               looked down at her. She raised a hand and snapped her
               All eight men looked to the darkening sky with loud moans as
               their cocks erupted. Sperm plastered Rita from every angle,
               her face and hair dripping with creamy white spunk. The
               soldier she was riding got his far share as well. His chest
               and arms were sprinkled with ricochets of cum as the other
               men blasted four or five long thick streams of cum. Sticky
               white globs stuck to Rita tits and a big chunk dripped down
               her cleavage. She cupped the back of the virgin's head and
               pulled his face to her chest, smearing cum on him. He made a
               sour face, then went back to playing with her cum covered
               breasts. As the eight men left, and the next eight formed a
               circle around her, she took his hands and placed them on her
               hips. She guided them up and down her waist, around her
               thighs, then had him squeeze her ass hard. He picked up on
               this as quickly as he picked up on playing with her breast.
               She began riding him again as she sucked and stroked the
               second group of men. After a while, she finished them off
               with the same snap of her fingers as the first. Then the
               third and last group of men had their turn. She was careful,
               not to let the soldier she was riding reach climax. If his
               breathing changed, or he even started to moan, she would stop
               moving her hips until she felt the throbbing inside her
               subside. They were both soaked in sperm. She let his penis
               slide out of her and pulled him up to his feet. From the
               waist up, he looked like a half frosted cake, sperm dripped
               down his legs. On her knees, she sucked him until he panted
               for her to stop. She released his cock from her mouth and
               yanked him down to his knees with her. Standing up, the put a
               thumb on his chin and pressed until he opened his mouth. She
               spit a big globing mouthful of his own sperm and the no
               longer a virgin choked and gagged slightly as he quickly spit
               out onto the pavement. Rita giggle to herself as she turned
               and walked towards the town. As she passed the festive sign
               reading welcome to Todos Santos, the soldiers slowly followed
               her, some of their cocks still hard and dripping cum.

               .     Marshall woke to the sound of a soft purring engine. He
               opened his sleepy eyes to see Anna in the front passenger
               seat of the jeep, her arms resting on the door, smiling at

                         Where's my monster?

               He didn't answer, only rubbed his eyes and grabbed his coat
               from behind his neck and straitened his hat as he stood up.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         Don't tell me you wanted a whole
                         day's head start so you could spend
                         the entire time sleeping under a

                         Don't be absurd...

               He climbed into the jeep and laid his coat next to him on the
               back seat. Jonahs was in the drivers seat and the Rookie was
               no where to be seen.

                                   MARSHALL (CONT'D)
                         At some point I also made a fire
                         and ate a can of beans. 

               Anna shook her head.

                         What about your motorcycle?

                         You're out of your mind if you
                         think I'm taking my baby into the
                         shit storm we're facing.

               Anna and Jonahs looked at each other with puzzled expressions
               as Marshall tipped his hat back over his eyes and slid into a
               comfortable leaning position.

                         Let's get going.

               She slapped Jonahs on the knee and he began driving them down
               the highway in the evening sun. The silence was thick as he
               kept looking expectantly to the back seat. Every time he did,
               Marshall gave no indication that he had the slightest concern
               for the whereabouts of their missing team member. After a
               while, Ann became annoyed with his fidgeting.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         If he cared about the Rookie, he
                         would have asked by now. Remember
                         when I told you, you have a lot to
                         learn about loyalty. It starts with
                         trust. The rookie proved we
                         couldn't trust him and we are
                         better off without him. Marshall
                         trusts me enough to know that if he
                         isn't here, I have a very good
                         reason for that. That's all he
                         needs to know.

                         I get it. It's just, he didn't even
                         ask. The man gives nothing of
                         himself to anyone and doesn't seem
                         to care who he puts in harms way.
                         How can you trust someone like

                         Did he ask you you're name?


                         Like you said, he gives nothing of
                         himself to anyone. So if he asked
                         you you're name, it means he'd take
                         a bullet for you if it came to
                         that. He's a grim man carrying more
                         pain than any human ever should,
                         but he's a wonderful person
                         underneath it all.

               There was another long silence, at the end of which Jonahs
               turned to Anna with a guilty face.

                         It's my fault what happened in the
                         hotel room.

               She shook her head and put a hand to her head in frustration.

                         We are better off without that
                         cowardly piece of trash. Get that
                         through your head and move on
                         before Marshall or I come to the
                         same decision about you.

               Jonahs hit the brakes hard. Marshall straitened his hat and
               sat up to see what was going on. They had arrived. The large
               festive sign marking the entrance to the small mysterious
               town was a couple hundred yards away, but that wasn't why
               Jonahs stopped so abruptly. The three of them stared at the
               side of the highway. The tank was first, then the two large
               covered military transport trucks, then the two jeeps. They
               were parked neatly in a line just off the highway, no signs
               of any soldiers left behind to guard them.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         What the hell?

               Marshall hopped from the jeep and pulled the left revolver
               from his belt. He carefully approached the line of vehicles
               and looked inside each. The hatch to the tank had been left
               open. He climbed to the top and looked inside to find it
               empty. The trucks and jeeps were the same.
               At the end of the line of vehicles nearest the sign, he found
               a pile of clothes. Next to that he found a pile of weapons.
               As he put his gun back into it's holster and walked back to
               his own vehicle, he stepped on a pile of dust. It was a small
               heap of fine grey cinders sitting on the highway's median.
               Marshall walked back to the jeep and leaned his back against
               the warm hood, folding his arms in a strange silence.

                                   ANNA (CONT'D)
                         Do you want to tell me what's got
                         you so scared?

                         That's him scared?

                         Ran into this army unit on the
                         highway where you found me. Said
                         they were going in to kill anything
                         moving that wasn't wearing an army
                         uniform. Then they put all their
                         weapons down, got undressed and
                         vanished into a tiny pie of dust.

               Wind was the only sound for a while as they all contemplated
               driving north at the fastest possible speed. Finally,
               Marshall undid his holsters, laid the leather and heavy guns
               in the back seat and scooped up his coat.

                         What are you thinking?

                         I'm thinking getting a monster to
                         join our team may have been the
                         worst idea I've have ever had.

                         We could just leave.

               He unrolled his coat and draped it over one arm looking at
               Anna a long time before he started walking towards the town.
               He spoke loudly with his back to them as he walked.

                         Stay here. If I'm not back by the
                         time you get bored, come and rescue

                         Why aren't you taking any guns?

               Marshall stopped and turned sharply.

                         Does it look like guns did the
                         soldiers any good, Rookie.

               He turned away and continued walking. Anna chuckled. 

                         Looks like you just got demoted.


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