Title: My Big Trouble Making Cock
Summary: John is sent to a small Christian college, where she hoped her son and his large
cock would not get into trouble. But his enormous phallus proves to be too much temptation
for a few girls, and then for the rest of the girls on his floor. 
Keywords: MF, Group, MFF, rom, impreg

It was the beginning of my college career. Mom decided I needed to go away to college, to a small private Christian college in a small city in rural Kentucky. How rural? Well, let's just say that it took a week or two before yesterdays news reached us. And, looking at the town I was going to call home for what I had thought was going to be at least two years, I thought I stepped back into the nineteen-forties. I grew up in Chicago, and I was really wanting to go to Northwestern University, a Big Ten school with a lot more possibilities of me having fun. Not like the previous four years at the military school I attended back home in Illinois. But mom and I made a deal. I would go here for a minimum of two years, get my basic credits for my BA in accounting, then I could transfer to Northwestern. Why to Mountain College? (Not it's real name, so don't bother looking for it on any map!) Because it was the one mom decided on. She controls the money, so that was her choice.

We were to arrive on the Wednesday before classes were to start for Freshman orientation. For being a Christian College, we were surprised that they had mixed dorms. Of course, they only had seven rather small dorms, none over four stories high. Like I said, this is a small college. And expensive. Mom could have saved a hell of a lot of money by sending me to Northwestern, and that's expensive. But, since we're not lacking for money, and she was wanting me to experience a small Christian community, I had no choice. My room was to be on the ground floor of Smith Hall. And the only thing mom was concerned about was that the female students were in the same dorm as I. The college was an all-woman's college for over fifty years, and just in the past five years had it started to accept male students. And it seems they were having a hard time accepting the influx of male students and how to house them. I guess you could say they got a bit too liberal in their thinking for their own good. So when we arrived, mom was in total shock when she found out that thanks to a heavy influx of incoming Freshmen, my floor had girls on it. Worse than that, my room was one of only three on the floor of my wing that had males. The other twenty-four rooms on the floor housed females.

I smiled, and told her "Don't worry mom, I'll be okay."

She frowned as we unpacked, not saying a word. At noon, she sighed, hugged me and gave me a kiss good-bye. I waved as I watched her get into the Cadillac, and headed back to Illinois. Well, my room mate and his parents arrived in the afternoon, and I met him. His name is Mike Cop, and I helped him bring things into our room and get things put away. Since I moved in first, I took the right side of the room. No reason why, I just did. And a few hours later, his parents left. Well, we talked to each other, and it was pretty obvious that we would get along fine. He didn't want to go here either. He's from Knoxville, but originally from Detroit. So us two northerners were happy to be roomed together.

Our first floor meeting. An interesting time. As well as Mike and I, the other four guys on our floor were also Freshmen. Our rooms were right down the line on one side of the floor. Us six guys soon introduced ourselves, and I found their names being Doug Wall and Aaron Clark, who were in the room next to us, and the room on the other side of them was Stan Merts and Ben Miller. There was only one room between Stan and Bill's room and the end of the hall, and that was the RA's room. And she was the first to introduced herself to everyone at the meeting, her name being Karen Adams. Between our hall on this floor and the other hall were the bathrooms and shower rooms.

So the meeting began with Karen introducing herself and starting in on us guys. We were informed that we had a set time to shower in one of the shower rooms, from six until seven each morning and at night from eight until nine. At other times we were to go two floors up and use the showers on the men�s floor. There was a visitors bathroom, just a small half-bath, which we were to use whenever we weren't allowed in the shower rooms which had bathrooms as well. No problem with us guys, as we figured six guys and one bathroom is plenty. Only six toilets and forty-eight females, and just twelve sinks? I knew where the problem was going to be. Of course, we were told that we were to be wearing bathrobes to and from showering.

There were more rules. Ninety minutes of them. Nothing earth shattering, usual safety issues, and of course, code of conduct issues. No booze, no drugs, no firearms, no smoking. Usual shit. Having been at a military school for four years, I was use to it. As Karen talked, I checked out the Freshmen coeds. There were sixteen in all. All white, and of all shapes and sizes. Most seemed to be as wary of us as us six guys were of them. The upper-classmen were not due to arrive until Saturday. I was seated on the floor during the meeting, and I kept seeing Karen glance my way, a strange look on her face. Of course, I knew what was bothering her, but I just sat there and listened. Her room mate was looking at me as well, and I was feeling a bit out of place.

Finally, she announced the meeting was over, and that if us guys wanted to use the shower, we could. We went to our rooms, and I stripped down to my briefs, and pulled on my bathrobe and grabbed my shower bag. I turned, and Mike had a shocked look on his face. I asked "You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure." He replied, as he followed me out the door and into the shower room.

Both shower rooms were the same. A door on each side for each hallway. To the right, a bank of sinks, and across from it, four stalls. To the left, two individual shower stalls, and a large open shower stall. There was one shower pole with four shower heads on it, and since two of the guys were in the single shower stalls, I went and hung up my towel and robe, stepped out of my briefs and walked over to the shower pole. Mike came on in, not saying a word, and he kept glancing down at my crotch. Nothing unusual there, it takes a while for anyone that has seen me in the shower to get use to it. And when Stan and Bill came in, they stopped talking as they looked into the shower area, and I saw the shocked looks on their faces.

I laughed, "You guys act like you've never seen a naked man before, hope to hell none of you are gay."

Bill laughed, hung up his stuff and came into the shower area, saying "No, I sure the hell ain't. And damn glad I'm not if you were."

I laughed, and Stan said in a cracked voice, joining us in the shower, "Damn John, I ain't gay either, but, well."

"Yeah, I know. I've always got kidded about it." I said with a chuckle, as I started to wash my hair.

Mike snorted, "Shit, I've only seen ones that big in porno's, and they were on black guys."

I was grinning, "Yeah well, it isn't all that great. I've yet to find a girl that won't take a look at it and run away."

Bill stated "Who can blame them?"

Aaron blurted out "One things for sure, I'm not doing sloppy seconds if you were in first." We all broke out with laughter at that one.

Yes, I'm hung. I'm only five-ten, barely weigh one-thirty, and soft my cock is seven inches long and a good two inches thick. When I'm naked, it hangs down along my thigh like a thick rope. When I'm dressed, it pushes out even the loosest of pants. And that's what Karen was looking at. Of course, the jokes started flying, with me saying some of my own. And Doug and Aaron, once they were done showering and were drying off, they joined in on the joking around. After we all finished up, we went and got some clothes on. The rest of the evening, us six guys sat and shot the shit in Doug and Aaron's room, laughing and joking. Being guys mostly, and we would see the girls walk by from time to time, glancing in quickly and smiling before walking on by.

Just before eleven, Karen came by, saying "Don't forget guys, quiet time is normally ten on weeknights, eleven on weekends."

One of the others said "No problem Karen."

We all told her in one way or another that we were just breaking it up, and the ones not belonging to that room got up and went to where we belonged. And I smirked as I watched her eyes, glancing down to my crotch. Once in our room with the door closed, Mike snorted out "Man, did you see her looking at your crotch?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, I get that a lot." I pulled off my pants and climbed into the bed with my briefs on. "Like I said, it isn�t easy with this thing."

He laughed, as he turned out the light and went to bed. In the morning, us six guys went to the dining hall and had breakfast. Once back at our dorm, we were told our schedule for the day. During the morning we were grouped with the girls on our floor, and we did some games that were organized by Karen. Nothing much, just simple things that helped everyone get acquainted with each other. This was definitely a different thing for me, as at the military school, we didn't have females to mingle with. Sure, there were girls there...on the other side of the campus and in their own dorm. Guarded. And even in classes the girls sat in front and us boys in back. We were rarely allowed to even talk to the opposite sex, that's how restrictive it was. So this was great! Us six guys were having a blast with the girls, getting to know the sixteen girls. Although none really stood out.

Then it was time to head to lunch. Us guys took turns draining our bladders in our little bathroom, and soon we were out the door, along with the girls on our floor. It was while we were walking that I noticed the smirks from the guys. I was puzzled at first, wondering what the joke was. I couldn't really ask, as at the table sat a few of the girls from our floor, along with Karen. And she kept watching me. By now, I was getting a bit nervous. The way she watched me, not in a good way. More like a suspicious way. After lunch, it continued. And I noticed some of the girls were checking out my package. I really hadn't been paying too much attention to it, since I'm sort of use to that anyway. I mean, I bulge out rather big in the crotch there. That's another reasons I don't wear shorts. And I never swim! Shit, my meat would be hanging out the bottom of my suit!

It was almost dinner time, and Mike and I went into our room, and he was grinning from ear to ear. I sighed, "Okay, what?"

He laughed, "Karen asked Bill and Stan about you."

"What about me?" I asked.

"Well, about the package you're carrying, actually." Mike replied.

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling "Oh great. And what did they tell her?"

He was laughing hard, saying "They told her about last night in the shower room. She was in total shock over it."

I sighed, shaking my head, "Well, at least she knows now that I'm not aroused." He snorted. I looked at him, asking him "What?"

"She asked how big you are when erect."

"Like how would any of you guys know?" I grinned, "Not that I wouldn't mind showing her."

He frowned, "Forget it. She's a bit miffed that you're pecker sticks out so obviously."

"Great, what she going to do? Have me expelled by having a big cock?" I asked.

As it turns out, she tried. But I'll get to that later. The rest of the weekend, we hung around together with the girls, interacting with them. For the most part, all had grown accustomed to my 'condition' by then, and I had even talked to a few of them on friendly one-on-one sessions. No, nothing even close to being sexual. And not for the other guys either. Unfortunately, being a Christian school, the girls were, well, lack for a better term, rather inhibited. At least for the first month anyway. However, they were still curious.

The upper-class ladies arrived en masse on Sunday. For the most part, us guys for the day after morning church services met up with the other guys from our dorm for some fun on the baseball diamonds. We were given bats, balls and gloves and we all had a good time. Then it was shower time. Well, bad news. It wasn't time yet. So us guys donned our robes and went upstairs to the third floor and showered there. Once done, we came back down and dressed for our evening meal. I was walking down the hall to the lounge on our floor, when I heard a female voice boom out "So which one of these is our well hung stud."

I turned, and there she stood. A tall busty redhead. She glanced at my loins, and let out a whistle. I chuckled as Mike came out of the room, as did the others. I said "Hi."

Karen's voice from behind me said "That's enough, Brittany."

I walked towards the door, as I heard Brittany say back "Oh lighten up, Karen. The boy has a nice package there."

Mike and I didn't stick around to hear more, as we got out of there, and both of us were laughing. He said "Man, I think she likes you."

I shook my head, "No, she just wants to be a joker, that's all."

At dinner, we were soon joined by the other four guys, and eight of the Freshmen girls. Of course, the subject of discussion was Karen and Brittany. It seems they got into a verbal argument after Mike and I left, with Brittany getting the upper hand. And I was surprised somewhat by how the girls talked about Karen. It seems that they're not too impressed with her attitude towards us all. Not only towards us six guys, but to everyone on the floor. I was just hoping things would get better. After dinner, we did get our class schedules, and were told there would be one more day for orientation tomorrow before classes actually start on Tuesday. Looking at what we had, Mike and I, as well as Aaron, had the exact same schedule. And talking to the Freshmen girls, about five did as well. So after a boring Monday, where we met faculty, got lectured for over two hours from the College President on adjusting to being away from home, and another three hours of listening to both the Dean of Men and Dean of Women, we were very much looking forward to our first day of class.

No problem so far. Or so I thought. Things were going well in class. I was having no problem in any of them. And as for dorm life, us guys were behaving nicely. As for the girls, some would always make a comment about the package I was carrying around, and I saw Karen was getting a bit annoyed at it. We also had a few incidents of the upper-class females 'walking' in during our shower time, apologizing, and then leaving after they got a good look at what meat I was carrying. The fourth time was the last straw for Karen. It was the following Tuesday, and we hadn't been in our rooms five minutes when I looked up after hearing a knock to see her glaring face, as she said sternly "Come with me."

I looked at Mike, and he just shrugged. I got to my feet, and asked "Where we going?"

She replied tersely, "Dean of Students."

I heard Mike say softly, "Shit!" and then he said "Wait for me."

I looked at him, a bit puzzled, and Karen said "You're not invited."

"And why not? Maybe I want him to come along." I replied.

"I'm a better talker than John is, so I'll go along with him." He said.

She turned red with anger, and she turned and walked away. I looked at Mike, seeing something, but not what. Then it hit me, he knows something. He closed the door and we walked behind her out of the building, noticing the glares directed towards Karen as we walked by others sitting in the lounge. The short, silent walk brought us to the College office building and we entered, and she told a receptionist who she was and who we were to see. We were told to wait, and five minutes later, a heavyset woman came out, not smiling mind you, and she said "Come with me, please."

We stood and followed her into an office. Inside, the lady went and took a seat in a chair to the left of a desk. Behind the desk was a thin lady, and to the right of the desk stood a large man in his late forties. I recognized them all, from right to left, Dean of Women, College President, and Dean of men. The president didn't even smile as we entered, first looking at my grin, then at my face and Mike's. She sat up straight, and said to Karen, "Close the door, Miss." Karen did, and the thin lady said "As you know, I'm Ms. Strahl, the College President. This is Miss. Sanders and Mr. Lewis, dean of students."

She picked up a paper, and looked at it, then at me, and asked "You must be John Widgen."

"Yes Ms. Strahl, I am." I responded.

She glanced at Mike, and asked "And you are?"

He said firmly "I'm John's room mate, Mike Cop, Ms. Strahl."

She asked quizzically "And why are you here?"

"To help represent him." He responded.

"Do you know why you're here, Mister Widgen?" she asked me.

I shook my head no, replying "I have not been told yet."

She looked at Karen, and said "No, I'm sure you have not." Then she asked Karen, "Miss Adams, what seems to be the problem with Mr. Widgen."

She replied "He's a disturbance to the girls on the floor, Ms. Strahl, and I would like for him to be removed."

"And what kind of disturbance are we talking about here, Miss Adams?" she asked.

"His thing, Ms. Strahl. It's always erect." she replied.

Mike snorted, and said "No it's not."

I butted in, as I turned my head slightly towards Karen, and corrected her with "It's called a penis, Karen."

Miss. Sanders said gruffly "We didn't ask you two to talk yet."

I saw Ms. Strahl turn and look at Miss Sanders coldly, before she looked my way and asked "Thanks for correcting her on the proper nomenclature of the human anatomy, Mr. Widgen. Now, are you, always erect like that?"

I cleared my throat, "I'm sorry Ms. Strahl, but I'm not even close to being erect right now."

Mike jumped in, "Ms. Strahl, being his room mate, I have seen him naked plenty of times already. He is rather enormous in the non-aroused state, and then one morning when he woke in the aroused state, it darn near scared me."

I swore I saw her crack a smile, as Mr. Lewis snorted, trying his hardest not to laugh. Miss Sanders, with a raised voice, said "We did not ask..."

A higher raised voice, from Ms. Strahl, "Silence!" It wasn't a glare, more of a stare down towards the Dean of Female students. She asked me "Are you saying then that this is your normal size?"

I nodded, "Yes, it is."

She turned to Karen, and asked "So what seems to be the problem, Miss Adams?"

Karen croaked out "It's obscene, Ms. Strahl. The way his thing, I mean penis, bulges out."

Mr. Lewis asked "And what would you like for him to do? Tuck it up underneath between his legs?"

Mike laughed, adding "Or how about getting him to wear a holster under his pants to stick it in?"

Miss Sanders started to say something, but Ms. Strahl raised her hand to stop her. She looked at Mike, and said "You're doing a fine job of representing your room mate, Mr. Cop. But please do not be smart."

He smiled, and said "Sorry Ms. Strahl."

She looked back at me, and said "You two may return to your dorm."

I asked "I'm not in trouble then?"

She looked down at the paper, sighed and said "I can't punish you for being well endowed, young man. Just please be careful with it around the young ladies." Mike and I started to get up, and so was Karen, when she added firmly, "Stay seated, Miss Adams."

We left the building, not saying a word until we were out the doors. I exhaled, and he slapped me on the back, saying "Wow, that was fun."

I chuckled, "Yeah, right."

"Did you see the look on Miss Sanders face when Ms. Strahl said there was nothing wrong?" he asked.

"Uh-uh, I didn't." I said.

Laughing hard, he said "Totally priceless."

Back at the dorm, we walked onto our floor with smiles on our faces. The guys all shook my hand, and quite a few of the upper class girls did the same. Karen didn't get back for another hour, and it was obvious that she had been crying. And after dinner, she came to my room, and gave me an apology. I accepted it graciously, and she left. No, she wasn't fired from her position. Mainly because there was no one else that would have wanted it. And so, for the next three weeks, everything went fine. And us guys have become rather close to a bunch of the girls, especially the ones in our class. And then there was Brittany. We were sitting in the lounge, talking one evening in late September. There were about twenty of us, all six of us guys, and the rest being our floor mates. It was a Friday night, and it was almost quiet time. As usual, the guys sat away from the girls. When it was eleven, Karen came out of her room and announced the time. For the most part, that's all she has done since our meeting with the Dean's.

So, we all headed for our rooms. Along the way, I stopped off in the small closet bathroom to do my business. A quick leak, and washing of my hands, and I exited the bathroom. I went down the hall to my room, opened the door, and was met with an interesting sight. On Mike's bed sat Joan and Diana, two of our fellow classmates. And on the other sat Brittany and her roommate Shirley. In his desk chair sat Mike. He smiled, and said "Close the door.", real softly, as not to be heard down the hall. I did, and I walked across the room and took a seat at my desk.

I smiled, and said "You know, if Karen finds out you four are here."

Brittany snorted, and said "Just keep your voice down, and we'll be okay."

Mike asked "You sure?"

Shirley giggled, "Yeah, she's still in enough trouble concerning John and his big, fat cock."

I blushed, and they all got a chuckle out of that. Of course, I really never talked that much with a girl before, and I wasn't sure what to do. But the girls were good. Well, at least Brittany and Shirley were. They started talking, asking Mike and I questions and such. Mainly about our life history. And of course, while we talked, I checked them out. Joan and Diane were room mates, in the room right next to ours. Joan is a small heavyset blonde. A few inches taller than five feet, and she weighs in I'm sure a good one-fifty. She also has a very healthy rack on her. Diane is the complete opposite. A much taller brunette, with a small chest. Like all the other girls, she dresses modestly. A cute figure though. Shirley is a cute blonde. Damn cute. A lot quieter than her room mate, but who isn't? About the same height as Diane, but more to her in a very nice way. She seemed to be really sweet, not mouthy, and she makes everyone fell comfortable when they talk to her.

Then there's Brittany. At six foot, she's the tallest woman I've ever known. Busty, and definitely not fat. Her breasts were probably even bigger than Joan's. Her fiery red hair matches her disposition, all hot and ready to fly. Her and her room mate are both Juniors, and neither one enjoy being here that much. While Joan and Dianne are good southern girls, former from North Carolina, and Alabama for the latter, Brittany is from New Jersey, and Shirley is from Iowa. Of course, looking at the girls was having an effect on me, and I could feel my pecker wanting to start to uncoil in my jeans. This was causing me to feel a bit uncomfortable at that moment, my cock twisting as it filled with blood, causing me to fidget. Brittany saw me squirming on my chair, and she asked "You okay?"

I smiled, "Yeah, I'm fine."

She then asked "We're not making you feel uncomfortable, are we?"

"No, not at all." I croaked out.

She smiled, and asked "Would you mind telling me something though?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and said "Maybe, what is it?"

Shirley smirked, as Brittany asked "Well, we want to know how big your prick is, once it's fully erect."

I snorted, "Don't know, I've never measured."

"Is it getting big now?" asked Shirley.

"Maybe." I replied, noticing Joan and Diane looking on, somewhat nervously. "Um, you know, we can get into trouble if you guys get caught in our room after eleven."

She sighed, saying "Well, maybe we should just come back in the morning then."

"That�ll work." chuckled Mike. I was pretty sure he wasn't going to be of much help here.

"I want to see it." stated Brittany.

"No way" I said with a smile.

She stood and stepped my way, and said "We'll show our breasts."

"Do it, John." said a rather excited Mike. Yep, he ain't going to be of any help.

I looked at Diane and Joan, and they had a frightened look on their faces. I smiled at them, then I looked up at Brittany, and I said as I gestured towards Joan and Diane, "They don't have to. But, if you and Shirley take all your clothes off, I'll show you."

I looked at Shirley, and she was wearing a grin. Brittany looked at her as well, and saw her face. Turning back to me, she made a side glance to Mike, and asked "What about him?"

"You want him naked too?" I asked.

Mike snorted, and Brittany said "No, I want him out of the room."

I shook my head no, saying "Uh-uh, us roommates got to stick together."

She frowned, and backed off to my bed and took a seat. I smiled, thinking it was over, as the two of them whispered into each others ears. I looked at the other two coeds, and asked "How did you two get talked into coming to our room, anyway?"

"Blackmail." stated Shirley.

"Their room is next to yours, and we didn't want them to hear us in your room." replied Brittany.

"What about Aaron and Doug next door?" Mike asked.

Both snorted, and Shirley said "Girls will tattle, boys will just be envious and harass you for details."

"Good point." I then puzzled, "What blackmail?"

Joan and Diane fidgeted somewhat, and I was feeling sorry for them. It was obvious that now they were both a bit uneasy of the whole situation.

Then, Brittany said softly, "Okay."

"Okay what?" I asked.

Both her and Shirley stood up, hand in hand. Then, they started shedding their clothes. I heard Mike say a terse "Damn!" under his breath. My mouth was hanging open, and my eyes were bulging out, as both girls quickly stripped down to nothing. They both had sly grins on their faces, as I took in the sight. I looked from the top of their heads down to their toes, admiring their form. I admired the breasts of both. Shirley's were half the size, round and gently sloping to a point, with very stiff nipples. Brittany had a set that hung down, full and fleshy. My mouth was watering as I looked. And their snatches, I was surprised to see that both were devoid of hair down there.

Brittany broke my gaze, saying "Well?"

I sighed, and got up and took off my shirt. As I was pulling it over my head, I heard Shirley tell Mike, "You too, mister."

He snorted, and soon both of us were naked, and we then sat down. All four girls were staring wide eyed at my cock. Brittany finally croaked out "God it's big."

I smirked, saying "And it isn't even all the way hard yet."

Diane asked with a bit of fright in her voice, "You mean it gets bigger?"

"Yeah, a lot more." I answered.

"Shit, it's already damn near ten inches!", exclaimed Shirley.

I lifted it up, and waved it at them, saying jokingly, "Give me a hand and it'll get fully erect."

"I feel sort of short changed." stated Mike.

"I know how you feel." was Diane's response. Mike and I looked at her, and she pointed to the older girls, "I'm flat chested and those two have a lot."

I smirked, and then I felt it. I jumped at first, looking to see Brittany had reached out and had her finger tips under the tip of my cock. She asked "You've ever gotten it into a girl."

I frowned, "You kidding? Every date that I got very far with turned and ran whenever they first saw or felt it."

"What's it feel like, Brit?" asked Shirley.

She moved off to my right side, saying "Feel for yourself." as she slid her fingers around my shaft and down towards my balls. I raised my right hand, and pet her left breast. She didn't stop me, as she continued to look my cock over.

Shirley reached out, and wrapped her left hand about my post. "Darn." she said, "It's unbelievable." My cock twitched, and I reached out with my left hand, and gently cupped her right breast. Her face lifted when I touched her, looking at me with a surprised look on her face, then a smile. Mike placed his hand on her left thigh, and I watched as she moved her foot out a bit, and I was surprised when she offered no resistance when his fingers grazed her slit. Of course, I was wondering if this was going to go any farther. And what were we to do with the other two girls? Hell, let's worry about these two first!

Then Brittany lowered herself down to her right knee, my hand grabbing her breast, and she put her mouth at the end of my long cock. She pulled the head into her warm wet mouth, and I felt my nuts start to broil. I wasn't paying any attention to anything else, just to her face as she started sliding her mouth up and down the last four inches of my cock, her mouth stretched wide to accept it's girth. It didn't take long at all. The first blowjob I ever received, and only after maybe thirty seconds at most, I groaned. Her eyes, they damn near popped out of her head, as my first jet of cum slammed into the back of her throat. She gagged, her throat bulging as she tired swallowing as fast as she could. But she wasn't able to keep up, as my cum dripped from both corners of her mouth, falling onto her big breasts.

I muttered something, and so did Shirley and Mike. I felt like I was in a daze, as I turned to see Shirley on Mike's naked left leg, her hand down and pulling on his relieved cock. I smiled, seeing globs of his cum on both his chest and hers, and she had a glazed look in her eyes, his fingers still in her twat. And the other two, I was surprised. I hadn't heard them move off the bed, but both were now standing next to each other, right in front of Mike and Shirley, watching Brittany nurse the remaining spunk from my cock. I was trying to catch my breath, when she finally had enough of sucking my cock. She kept it in her hand as he stood up, and I said "Thank you." I sighed, "Anything I can do for you?"

It wasn't said in a nasty way, just a short "Not tonight." as she kept looking at my cock, while my cum slowly rolled down her breasts. She looked down at her tits, then at Shirley, and she giggled, saying "You got a towel we can use?"

I laughed, pointing to my closet. She went over to my closet and pulled out a towel and wiped my cum off of her breasts. She then handed the towel to Shirley, who wiped her own body as well as Mike's. Joan asked in a low voice, "What did it taste like?"

Brittany smirked, and went to her and took her face in her hands, and they kissed with open mouth. It was obvious that she was giving the Freshman girl some tongue. They broke the kiss, and Brittany asked "Well?"

Joan blushed "Different."

Diane giggled, saying "Next time roomie, maybe you can get it from the source."

Suddenly we froze, as we heard someone walking down the hall. Mike reached over and turned our his desk light, the only light on in our room, plunging the room into darkness. Whoever it was, stopped by our door, not moving. I could hear my heart pounding, thinking that this was it. Me naked as the day I was born, along with my room mate and four coeds. We waited, the only sound to be heard was our own heavy breathing. After ten minutes, and not hearing a sound, Brittany whispered, "Where's your robe?"

My eyes were use to the dark by now. The light from our clock radios just giving off enough light so we could see shapes and forms. I crept over to my closet and brought it back to her. She giggled, saying "No silly. Put it on and go down to the bathroom. Leave your door partially open when you leave."

I grinned, as I went to the door and turned, seeing that the other five lowered down so as not to be silhouetted against the backdrop of the window. I took a deep breath, and pulled the door open a crack, and looked around as I stepped outside into the hall. The coast was clear, and I turned to the right towards the direction of the small bathroom. I went in and closed the door, sitting down and waited for five minutes. With the tile floors, I could hear the sound of the girls footsteps, as they returned to their room, and the sound of their doors being gently opened. At least, I thought it was doors.

I flushed, and left the bathroom and went to my room. Closing the door, I hung up my robe and climbed into my bed, only to be met by a big surprise. I about jumped out of my skin, as I hissed out a shocked "Shit!", for my bed was occupied. A soft giggle, and the voice of Joan, saying in a loud whisper "Quiet."

From the other bed, I heard Mike and Diane have a quiet laugh, as I slid under the covers next to a very naked Joan. She kissed me, saying "Sorry about the surprise."

"I about crapped." I stated, my heart still pounding, as I felt her warm, soft flesh up against mine. "Um, not that I mind, but are you sure about this?"

She gave me another kiss on the cheek, as her hand reached down and grabbed my cock. "Don't worry about it. We just wanted to see what it was like to be in bed with a guy."

My hand easily found her large left breast, and I felt my cock grow, as I asked "To see if it's any different than with another girl?" She froze, and I knew I shouldn�t have said that. I sighed, "Sorry, but I figured it out rather quickly that either Brittany or Shirley must have caught you two together."

She sighed, saying "Both of them. They caught us last weekend together."

I heard her sniffle, and I reached my hand up and gently pet her cheek, brushing her blonde hair off her face, saying "Hey, it's okay."

She buried her face into my chest, and sobbed a bit. I heard the other two moaning, and I wasn't sure what was going on, but it was obvious they were having some sort of fun. I wrapped my arms around Joan, and pulled her tight against me, reassuring her with a soft voice and tender kisses. Her sobbing stopped after only a few minutes, as I felt her tears dry up on her face. She then said "John? Thank you."

I replied "No problem." I paused, and asked "You want to leave?"

I heard the hurt in her voice, as she asked "You don't want me here?"

I snorted, and kissed the side of her face, "No, I want you here. But I wasn't sure if you wanted to be with me."

She said "Oh." and she laid her head back down. I ran my hand down along her side, towards her hips. She said "Your hand does feel nice, John." I felt her grab my swollen cock, and she sighed, saying with some fright in her voice "It's so big."

I chuckled, "Don't worry, I�m not about to put it in you."

I heard her giggle, "Thank you." I slid my hand down the front of her hip, and she rolled slightly away, allowing my fingers to fall to her bush.

I kissed her nose, and asked "Would you like for me to get you off?"

She nodded her head yes, and a gasp came from her mouth as I edged my finger into her hot, damp slit. I hadn't been this far with a girl before, not knowing exactly what to do. And I heard her giggle, as she placed her hand on top of mine and pull my fingers back up along her slit. She gently showed me where she wanted touched, as she bent her left leg and moved it off to the side. A happy sigh came from her lips, and as I soon found her clit, I rubbed gently.

Leaning into her, I kissed her lips, her cheek, working my lips down her throat and then to her slowly rising and falling breasts. I soon found her stiff nipple between my lips, me sucking gently on it, as she moaned out. Then, her body shook, and a sharp gasp came from her mouth. I was all smiles, as I felt her twat get even more wet.

A few minutes went by, and by then I moved my hand down and was working a finger into her hot wet hole. Her hips were bucking gently while I stroked the walls of her tight cunt. My cock was throbbing hard, wanting some sort of relief. I heard movement from the other bed, and a hand touched my shoulder, with Diane's sweet voice announcing "Come on, it's time."

My reaction was to say "Damn!" under my breath, causing both girls to giggle. I rolled onto my back and sat up and got to my feet. I reached down and took Joan by the hand and helped her up, her kissing the head of my drooling large cock once she was on her feet. I was expecting them both to grab their clothes.

I wasn't expecting Joan to go over to Mike's bed and crawl in with him under his covers. And nor was he, as I heard him exclaim a happy "Wow!".

And Diane was getting on my bed, pulling me down to it. As soon as I was on my back, she had her body on top of me, but with her face over my cock and her butt over my head. I could smell her sex, an intoxicating aroma, making my cock throb in the best way. She lowered her cunt down and I grabbed her by the hips, pulling her wet beaver to my face. My first experience at eating a girl, and I soon found her adjusting her snatch to meet my tongue. I licked her whole sex, tasting her juices and finding she had one enormous clit. Of course, the whole time I'm munching on her carpet, she's trying to take as much of my cock into her mouth as she could, which is only a fraction of it's entire length. I could hear Joan's soft whimpers, making me wonder what Mike was doing. Whatever it was, I was pretty damn sure she was enjoying it. I reached between us and found her left breast. Not much there, but she had nipples that felt like they were an inch long and a good half inch around. I pulled on them, making her moan on my cock. And then, as her hips slammed down into my face, she came, her girl cream washing my face, as my cock pulsed, flooding her mouth with my potent load. I could feel her gag, wondering how much she missed, as she tried to swallow all of my seed. She pulled my dick from her hot mouth, and began to lick my shaft. I groaned, enjoying the feeling of her tongue, as my own tongue dove into her hole. She giggled, wiggling her hips, and I herd her say "Your tongue is just as big as your dick, John."

I chuckled, and I heard Mike snort at her comment as well. Then I heard him groan, and the sound of Joan gagging. Yep, I knew what happened over there. I kept on feasting on Diane's cunt, and she was content with this, her body shuddering once in a while as she would have a good cum. Finally, she raised herself up, and stepped off the bed. She leaned down and kissed me, saying "Thanks."

I laughed, "Thank you."

I then heard her say to Joan, "Come on, let's get to our room before our luck runs out."

Mike turned on the light, and both of us watched as they dressed. We smiled, admiring their nude bodies as they pulled their clothes on.

I then saw them reach down to the floor, and pick up Brittany and Shirley's clothes. I looked at Mike, and he grinned, "It was sort of dark in here, they left their clothes where they lay."

We both got up once the girls were dressed and we hugged and kissed them good bye. Mike grabbed his robe, and we repeated the process from before. He going to the bathroom this time, checking to see if the coast was clear, and the girls taking the opportunity to high tail it to their own room. Once Mike returned, he got onto his bed and exclaimed "Shit, tell me that all didn't just happen."

I laughed, saying "Go to sleep, maybe it was just all a dream." I heard him laugh, as I snuggled down under the covers, smelling the overpowering scent left behind by the cunt cream of both girls.

In the morning I woke, my cock rock hard, and feeling like shit. I smiled, remembering the previous nights activities. Looking at the clock, it read almost noon. Good thing this is Saturday. I sat up and looked about, seeing that Mike was still asleep. I reached for my underwear, still laying on the floor, and I picked them up and soon I was in them. I needed a shower in the worse way. And I was extremely hungry. And in order to take a shower, I had to go up to the third floor. I frowned at that. Living on a girls floor is quite a bitch. Once I had my robe on (And after the swelling had subsided in my pecker so it wasn't pushing out my robe), I grabbed my shower bag and headed on my way. No one in the hall as I exited the room and went for the doors to the stairs. I passed the other guys rooms, and their doors were closed. As a matter of fact, I didn't see anyone! I took a quick shower, and just as I was drying off, in walked my room mate. He had a big shit eating grin on his face, and he said "Good morning."

I laughed, "Yeah, might have been. Too bad we slept through it."

We both laughed, and he asked "Did you see the note?"

"What note?" I asked.

"The one slipped under our door, from Brittany and Shirley." he responded.

"No, what did it say?"

"They said they want to take us for a ride in Brittany�s car this afternoon." He replied, I saw his smirking face.

And all I could say was "Well I'll be damned."

Laughing, he said "And maybe more than that."

I knew what he was referring too, as I pulled on my robe and headed back downstairs to our room. I dressed and waited for him to come down, and then we left to go eat. As we walked through our lounge, I saw it. The smiles directed our way from three of the girls. Smiles showing that they knew already about last nights activities. And once outside, I commented "Did you see that?"

With amazement in his voice, he exclaimed "Hell yeah, what's up with that?"

As luck would have it, we ran into the other guys on the way to the dining hall, and we didn't even get the chance to say hello, when Doug said loudly, "Hey, it's about time you two got out of bed. Those girls must have worn your sorry asses out."

Shit, does everyone know? I asked "What you mean, Doug?"

Aaron chuckled, "What he means is, whoever was in your bed did a lot of moaning?"

"For crying out loud, you kept us up until after one in the morning!" added Doug.

Stan asked "So who was she?"

I grinned, as Mike relied "You guys don't know who they were?"

The four of them got shocked looks on their faces, as they asked as one "They?"

Laughing, we started back on our way, with me saying "Oh, never mind."

My side was hurting so damn much, and Mike goes "Oh my god, I don't fucking believe this."

I just shook my head in amazement as we entered the dining hall and ate. No sign of the girls, thankfully. Any of them! And yes, the four guys made our lives hell once we got back to the dorm. They followed us into our room, closing the door behind them, and then started asking for details, rather loudly even. We just grinned and ignored them, forgetting all about Brittany's note. And so we were a bit surprised when Brittany, Shirley, Diane and Joan came waltzing into our room, completely unannounced. Brittany asked "You boys ready?"

I looked at her, and asked "Ready for what?" It hit me, and I jumped up to my feet, saying "Oh yeah, we forgot, I'm sorry."

Mike stood as well, saying "If you guys will excuse us, we promised to go for a ride with these guys this afternoon."

I saw the looks on the four guys, utterly priceless. Well, we chased them out of our room, and left with the four girls. Of course, I was wondering, why four? I mean, not that I didn't mind, but! Yes, last night Brittany gave me one hell of a blowjob, and Diane played a fine skin flute herself a bit later on. And it seemed that Joan did the same for Mike, although I never did ask him. So off we went, Mike and I with big smiles on our faces, and the girls chattering away. It was Brittany�s car, a big old Cadillac. She smiled, saying "Daddy said it's big and I won't get hurt in an accident."

She had me sit up front between her and Joan, while Mike sat in back between the other two. And then began an interesting trip. We didn't go far, just up the road about twenty miles and to a very remote national forest day use area, which also served as a trailhead. Not a soul around, as we got out and I took in the sight. A scattering of picnic tables, and a small covered pavilion, which looked like it had been built back in the days of the CCC, so I am talking old! And quite sturdy. There was a few picnic tables around, and we took a seat around them, with the same seating arrangement as in the car.

Well, it was an interesting talk. Mike and I found out that Brittany and Shirley had dared Joan and Diane to stay with us last night. And of course, they explained the reasons why. Of course, the first one was to find out more about my throbbing big white snake. The other was to see how well we kept our mouth shut. As it turns out, it was Diane that couldn't be quiet, as she accidentally let it slipped this morning about her and Joan spending some 'quality' time with Mike and I late last night. Hence the reason for the girls on the floor giving us the once over this morning. However, the other guys didn't know who, although they did hear us in action.

I was surprised when Brittany informed us guys that the other four had secret admirers, and that her and Shirley were working on the girls to get them to approach them. Of course, she wouldn't say who. And then, the news that Brittany and Shirley were more interested in the sex, and Joan and Diane were more interested in romance. Mike and I smirked, and I asked Joan, "You okay with that?"

She shrugged, "I've never had a boyfriend, John. And if it means I have to share, I'll go along with it."

Mike asked "Which one of us are you interested in?"

She grinned, "Both." I looked at her funny, and she said "Well, if have to share, so do you two."

"No way am I going to argue with that logic." stated Mike, giving me a good chuckle.

I asked Brittany, "Alight, you obviously knew about this place."

She had a big grin on her face, saying "Yep, I've been up here a few times."

"Not many people visit then, huh?"

She shook her head no, saying "In all my visits, only once was I interrupted. But the pavilion isn�t the place for the real fun."

Mike and I raised an eyebrow, and I asked "Okay, where is the action?"

"There's an old camping shelter up the trail about a forty minute hike, we're going up there." She replied.

I smiled, "Interesting."

Shirley smiled, "Yes, and we'll be there for the night, so we don't keep the neighbors awake."

We chuckled, and I looked around, asking "What about food? And bedding?"

Brittany didn't bat an eye, "In the trunk. Two backpacks, six sleeping bags. I'm a member of the campus outdoor club."

I snorted, "Well, you're definitely experienced at this."

She grinned, "Cute, John." She stood, saying "Now, let's go get our gear. It's getting close to dinner, and we need to get a fire going and to cook dinner."

Mike and I just looked at each other, wondering what we've gotten ourselves into. She opened up the trunk, and Mike and I looked inside. Two very large backpacks laid there, and I reached in to pick one up. Damn near busted my back getting it out, as well as the other one. I asked her "What the hell you got in here?"

Joan and Diane giggled, as Shirley said "Supplies."

"For what? A bloody week?" Mike asked.

"Oh quit your whining, we're not walking that far." she said as I helped Mike get a pack on his back. He then helped me as I saw the girls throw the sleeping bags onto their shoulders. Mike and I stood there as Brittany and Shirley attached a sleeping bag to the back of each pack. Then the girls each grabbed a sleeping bag, and away we went, with me closing the trunk and telling Brittany, "Lead the way."

Forty minutes my ass. I was going at a good pace, busting my ass with Mike right behind me. Brittany was in the lead, behind Mike was Diane and Joan and Shirley at the rear. Finally, with sweat dripping from my nose, we made it. I didn't see it at first, just the voice of Brittany exclaiming happily, "We made it." I lifted my chin up, and looked.

Yep, definitely an old lean-to. Maybe fifteen feet across, twelve feet deep, and a fireplace in the back, along with a wood burning stove. I felt immediate relief when I stepped up to the edge and sat down. and dropping the pack on the floor. There was about a two foot drop at the edge of it to the ground, and I leaned back against the pack, as did Mike. We had both had our arms out of the pack straps, as Brittany and Shirley started telling everyone what to do. Brittany pulled the pack away from me, and opened up the top, and pulled out a case of beer. Say what? I looked up at her, and asked "You had me carry a case of beer?"

She looked at me, a bit hurt, "Well, Mike carried the firewood."

I saw Mike's head jerk up, and we looked at each other, completely astonished. We didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. I looked at Shirley, as she pulled out the pieces of wood, and no kindling. Mike asked the same thing that I was thinking "How you going to start that, Shirley?"

She grinned, "I brought a lighter!" She said, pulling out one of those long butane lighters.

Mike and I looked at each other again, and I said "Right." I looked out to the woods that surrounded us, and spied a few pines, all with plenty of squaw wood. "Shirley, put down the lighter, and don't move, and give Mike and I about ten minutes, honey."

He saw it too, and we went over there, breaking dried limbs off. Best thing about the lower dead branches of a pine, or any conifer for that matter, excellent starter fuel for almost any fire. As we picked the pieces up, I said "You think we should just use the stove?"

He looked up, "It's pretty warm out, I think that will do. Besides, I'm pretty positive we'll be sharing plenty of body heat."

"Good point." I stated. We came back and went to work. Five minutes, I had the kindling ready. In thirty seconds, it was blazing, and then I started adding the pieces the girls had us haul up. I really wanted to mention to Brittany and Shirley, that it would have been a hell of a lot easier to pick up wood off the ground to burn, as looking around, there was plenty. Of course, they neglected to bring a hatchet. It was obvious that whowever they came with before didn't let them plan this out. She did however, bring a large pan. And also in the packs were eight liter bottles of water. And the girls eventually learned patience, letting the water heat up to a boil, before mixing it with the freeze dried dinners that they had chosen to bring.

Actually, it didn't taste all that bad, as I ate mine up rather quickly. Of course, I'm a guy, I tend to eat anything. The girls cleaned up, although there wasn't much to do with that, save bag up the garbage. Mike and I looked around some. Brittany had brought along two large self-inflatable air-mattresses along, and she had them on the floor of the lean-to, and the sleeping bags were all unrolled and on top of them. They had the mattresses side by side, and we saw that she somehow had them tied together, so they would not separate. We just smirked at each other, knowing that we were both in store for a good time.

I had drank one beer during the meal, and the girls took off their shoes and joined Mike and I on the mattresses, brining along more beer. I opened the next one up and took a sip, trying not to make a face. Yes, this is the first time I had ever had a beer. Definitely takes some getting use to....just like eating pussy. It looked like Mike has had a few before in his life, as well as Brittany and Shirley. But Joan and Diane were as inexperienced as I. We all sat in a circle, Mike across from me, Brittany and Diane to my right between him and I, and Joan and Shirley to my left. And the conversation was mainly about others on our floor. We were told that practically all the girls knew that the four of them were in our room last night, which we had guessed correctly. Then they told us about the questions they got, all being about my cock. I turned red with embarrassment as they talked so blatantly about it. An Make sort of sat there, a bit sheepish looking.

I was about done with my second beer, when Joan asked "Um, Brittany, where�s the bathroom?"

She snorted, and Mike pointed towards the woods, saying "Out there, babe."

She got a look of fright, and I asked Brittany, "Did you at least bring toilet paper?". Laughing, Brittany got up and went to the pack. I started to stand, and I said "Come on, I'll go with you."

She looked up at me, and sort of smiled. Shirley said "Hey, it'll be easier to get your jeans and panties off first."

Mike smirked, adding "Yeah, it sure would."

Joan was just drunk enough to sit back down, take off her shoes, and then her pants and panties. As she was pulling her shoes on, she asked me, "You going to take yours off too?"

The others, who were trying not to laugh while watching Joan strip, started telling me to do just that, including Mike, the bastard. I sighed, sat down on the wood floor and took my shoes off, then my jeans and boxers. Standing, I offered my hand to a giggling Joan, as Brittany exclaimed "Damn, I get wet just looking at it."

I smirked, as I took Joan by the hand and listened to the cat calls from the other three girls. She obviously was feeling a bit happy, as we went down the trail a short way, and I took her to a downed tree. I said "Sit on the edge."

She did, but she looked up at me, a pleading look in her eyes.

I sighed, and said "Oh all right, I'll go over here and pee while you go, okay?" She smiled, showing that was what she wanted. I went to my right and aimed my half swollen prick for the side of a tree and removed parts of two beers from my system. I stroked out the last few driblets and turned to see her staring at me. Well, to be more precise, my cock. I asked "You finished?" She jerked her head away, looked down and I saw a stream of urine hitting the leaves. I heard her sigh, and I came over as she wiped her slit. She looked up smiling devilishly, and reached out and grabbed my cock. I was smiling broadly as she took the head of my long fat shaft into her mouth, watching as her cheeks bulged out. She had the fingers of both hands wrapped around my meat, gently tugging on my cock as her tongue swirled around the end, occasionally digging into my pee hole, making my whole body tingle. I was grunting while she started to yank harder on my throbbing cock, which was now a bright red. I felt it, my cum, as it left my balls. God I love that feeling, as I said "Here it comes!" through clenched teeth. Poor girl, hadn't a clue. She looked up at me, a bit puzzled. But not for long, as my cock swelled and the first shot nailed the back of her throat, causing her to gag. I groaned, a smile of relief on my face as I felt three more wads tickle her tonsils.

I looked down at her, and I saw the questioning look in her eyes, with the end of my long fat cock in her mouth, my white cum dripping out from the corners of her mouth. I smiled, and eased my cock from her mouth, and I saw her swallow. I asked "You okay?" She nodded, but she wasn't smiling, as she kept looking at my cock, then back up to my face. I reached down, and said "Come on."

She took my hand in hers and she stood up. We started walking back, still holding hands, and I asked "You want to talk, before we get back to the others?"

She shrugged, and she looked up to me, and then a sigh. I saw a large rock outcropping along the side of the trail, and I said "Let's stop here for a minute, Joan."

She did as I said, and I pulled her over to it. Even though it was a bit chilly, I pulled my sweatshirt off and spread it down on the cold rock, and had her sit on it, with me sitting next to her. She smiled, and said "Thanks, John."

I asked "For what?"

She sighed "For liking me."

"What is there not to like? You're a wonderful lady." I stated.

Nothing was spoken for a few minutes. Except for the sounds of the birds in the trees, and the squirrels scurrying about, giving us hell for being in the area. And, the sudden shriek of a female in heat coming from our lean-to. She lifted her head up, and giggled, saying "Sounds like they've started without us."

I laughed, "Yes, it seems they have." I put my arm around her, and asked "You going to be okay with this?"

She sighed, as her fingers reached over and ran along my naked shaft, "Yeah, I'm just worried, that's all."

"About what?" I asked.

She snickered, "About getting a reputation, I guess."

I leaned towards her, and kissed her cheek, saying "Don't you worry about it. Once you've got your degree and get out of Mountain College, you can start a new life."

She turned her face and smiled, and I kissed her lips. She then asked "Can I ask you to do a favor?" I nodded, "Can you eat me? Here?"

I was a bit surprised, and I had a hard time keeping from laughing, as I asked "You don't want me to do that with the others around?"

She smiled, "I want it to be private. At least that. I know when you take my cherry later on, the others will be around, but for now, I want some privacy."

Take her cherry? Never mind. I chuckled, saying "Sure!", as I stood up off the rock and turned to face her. She leaned back against the hillside, and I grabbed her legs and as I went down I pushed on the back of her thighs, getting her legs to part, presenting me the view of my first pussy I could see while I went down on one. Last night when I ate Diane, we had the lights out. But here sat Joan's. Nice sight, a thick covering of blonde curls, and as I got my nose into it, I could smell a musky type smell. With the tips of my fingers, I gently edged her lips apart, and she sighed. I looked up to see her smiling at me, before I pushed my tongue out and let it glide along her slit. Her body jumped at first contact, and a surprised look came on her face, followed by a broad smile. I was happy, as it was obvious that I had done something right. I brought my tongue back up to the top of her slit, and I found her clit, and began to lick it fast. She gasped, her body trembled and she muttered out a few words.

I then moved a pair of fingers from my right hand into her wet hole and started sliding them in and out. I could feel her vaginal walls keep gripping them then releasing them, as I licked away. Then, her body froze, followed by a sharp gasp. I looked up to see her face, her mouth hanging wide open, a croaking sound coming from within, as her eyes were bulging out, then her head fell back as she closed her eyes, trying to scream but not enough air in her lungs to make much of a sound. Her whole body shook, damn near yanking my fingers off of my hand, and I felt her juices flowing heavily on my fingers and hand. I lowered my tongue and began licking her cream, finding the taste rather pleasant.

She then was running her hands over my head, and she was panting, trying to catch her breath. I stood and sat back down next to her and wrapped my arms about her. I then kissed her, saying "Was that okay?" She nodded, and she turned and gave me a kiss. I kissed her back, as I held there on that rock, and I asked "You want to go on back?"

She didn�t move, and a few seconds went by, and she said "John, is this okay? I mean, what we're all doing?"

I snorted, "Well, I'm enjoying it."

She giggled, and rubbed my thigh with her left hand, which then moved to my very stiff cock. "No, I mean, well, for us to have sex like this. And to enjoy it."

I sighed, "You worried about enjoying it too much?"

"Well, it sure does feel good. But, sex should be for love."

"And you think you're not getting love in return!" I stated. I felt her exhale hard. "You know Joan, this is your first relationship, as it is mine." I laughed, adding "Although I never in my wildest dreams think it would be like this." She giggled, and she squeezed my cock tightly in her hand. "But, we've hopefully each a long life ahead of us. There's more men for you to meet, and more women for me. What I'm thinking is, is that this is just a springboard to use to discover what the opposite sex has to offer. I mean, before last night, I've never gone down on a woman. And Diane showed me how to do that." I took my hand and put it under her chin and turned her face to me, as I added "And it seemed I did well on the second time."

She smiled, and we kissed. "You did a wonderful job down there, John. It was even better than your fingers last night. And just as good as Mike, for he ate me last night while you were doing the same to Diane." She then leaned her head against my shoulder, as he said "I don't know, I'm just scared, I guess."

"We're all scared Joan." I replied. "After all, life is pretty scary at times. We're scared of failing in our classes, and not succeeding. We're all scared of rejection."

"You know, that's it." She said "I do think I'm afraid of that. Being rejected. Or being used, as well."

I chuckled, "I can feel for that."

"You can, how?" she asked.

I gestured my hand back towards the lean-to, saying "Brittany and Shirley, they're using me for their own pleasure." We then heard another feminine cry for joy, and I chuckled, "And it seems Mike as well." She giggled, and snuggled up against me. I said "I don't have to take your cherry, if you don't want me to."

She turned, and smiled, "No, that's something I want to take care of."

She stepped down off the rock, nod pulled me by my hand, as I asked "Really, why?"

Laughing, she said "Because, I've heard it can be painful, and I want to get the pain over with."

I laughed with her, as we went back up the trail. When we got to the lean-to, we looked in, and I chuckled, while I heard Joan gasp. There was Mike, on his knees behind Shirley, his cock sawing in and out of her cunt. Shirley had her head down in Diane�s cunt, and although I couldn't see Diane's head, by the muffled sounds I recognized as hers, I suspected I knew where her face was. And Brittany, she was on her knees on the other side of Shirley's hips. Her hand was underneath her, playing with her hanging tits, while Mike was leaning over, sucking on one of Brittany's boobs.

Brittany saw us, and she smiled, saying as she stood, "It's about time." She came towards us, adding "I'm all lubed up and ready for you big fella." She was at the edge, and she reached down and grabbed my hand, helping me up. I was laughing as I reached back and grabbed Joan's hand, helping her along as well. Brittany pulled me down on top of the air mattress, and we kissed each others lips. She let out a giggle, and she exclaimed as she looked at Joan, "Tastes like girl juice, his cock doesn't too, I hope."

Joan laughed nervously, and said "No, we didn't take condoms with us."

Brittany rolled backwards on her back, and said "Well, I don't need them, that's what the pill's for." Oh yeah, a heck of a sight, her snatch wide open and waiting for dick. My dick! I moved to her, and grabbed her knees. As I got a little closer, I heard Brittany instruct Joan, "Come here, and guide it in me." Joan was a little shocked at the request, but Brittany was insistent, saying "Go on, you know it won't bite."

Joan came to the side of me, and took my cock in her hands and rubbed the head of it along Brittany's slit. She moaned, moving her hips, trying to get my cock at the entrance to her fuck hole. Joan giggled, saying "It looks like your pussy wants it, Brittany."

"Come on, Joan, stop teasing, get it in me." Brittany gasped. Joan rubbed my cock at her entrance, and I watched as her hole widened, starting to take my rock hard cock. Damn, my first fuck! I was rather happy. And hearing Mike grunt, so was he, as he just filled Shirley's cunt with his load. I eased some more into her tight cunt, and she exclaimed, "Oh god! It's fucking huge." Another gasp, "Are you all in?"

Joan laughed, "Not hardly." Brittany grabbed Joan's arm, and croaked out "Sit on my face, I need a distraction while his cock fills me."

Joan smiled, as she soon was straddling her face, and I saw her eyes bulge out when she felt Brittany�s tongue start licking her sex. She moaned, closed her eyes and lowered her head. I reached out and grabbed her boobs, petting them softly. The other two came over, Diane to my right, and Shirley to my left, and soon both were suckling away on Brittany's rapidly rising and falling chest. I had about six inches in, when she let out a wail that was muffled by Joan's muff, her body quivering and my cock felt like it was being strangled. I felt my cock slip in another three inches, and she groaned, and them another wail. I held still, smiling as I felt her body shiver, enjoying the feeling of what her cunt was doing to my cock. And the other three girls, Joan looked to be almost there, while the other two each still were sucking and playing with a breast, and fingering their clits. Shirley sat up, and looked at where Brittany and I were joined, and her mouth dropped. Joan cried out, as she had her orgasm, her cunt glazing Brittany�s face. Brittany pushed a panting Joan off her face, and she said "God damn." while panting.

Shirley reached down to Brittany's groan, and placed a finger at her clit, and rubbed it gently. Brittany responded with an ear piercing scream, as her ass rose off the mattress and slammed back down again. She was whimpering, and I leaned down and kissed her cheek, before moving down to the breast that Shirley had vacated. She was grating as I was fucking her with what cock I had in her, and as she came down form her high, she asked "Is he, ugh, in, ugh all? Oh no, not anNOOOOTHHHHHEEERRRRR SHHHHHHHHHEEEEET!" she screamed out. Shirley had a shocked look on her face, and Diane and Joan looks of dread.

Mike was standing on his knees, a few feet behind Diane, and said "God damn, you still have about four inches left at least."

Brittany, with eyes closed, pleaded, "No, don't push any more in. Fuck me, fuck me with what you got. I want , oh my!" She bit down on her upped lip, arched her neck and back, and shuddered. I grabbed her body at the waist and started pumping her hard and fast. She was screaming, as the others watched mesmerized. Then I groaned, as my cock let loose. She then cried out, as my pecker slammed home it�s payload deep inside her tight snatch. I was hot, and a bit tired as I pulled my long, fat cock from her hole. I sat back, and looked. My cum was running like a river out of her twat. And I was surprised when Diane crawled down and started licking it up, making Brittany whimper. I looked over at Joan, and she was looking nervously at my spent tool, still somewhat hard, glistening with Brittany's girl juice and globs of my seed. Shirley came to me, and grabbed my tool and started licking the sides.

I raised my hand, motioning Joan my way, and she did, the whole time looking nervously at my big fuck stick. She sat next to me, watching as Shirley continued to clean me off. Yeah, it felt great, as I ran my hands through Shirley�s hair. I whispered into Joan's ear, "It's okay, you don't have to continue." She didn't move. Then finally she reached for my cock, and started jerking it into Shirley's mouth. Brittany was still on her back, muttering some shit, I have no idea what. And Diane was now on her back next to her, Mike between her legs getting ready to have a good fuck after pulling a condom onto his meat. A thought occurred to me, "Hey Mike, you already take her cherry?"

Mike chuckled, "Yeah, while you were gone."

I whispered into Joan's ear, "How about he take you first, it might be better if he goes and takes care of you before I try you�re wonderful body out."

She turned to me, and she smiled. She then kissed me on my lips, and crawled over to Mike and Diane. I watched, as he stopped what he was doing, while she crawled over her room mate, her head above Diane's head, her cunt just above hers as well. Mike said "Wow."

I said "Be easy on her Mike."

Shirley stopped sucking "He damn well better be!" There was a bit of warning in her voice, and he looked over his shoulder, and smiled. Mike got a bit higher on his knees, and I heard Diane saying something to Joan, while wrapping her arms about her. He moved forward, and I saw Joan's body jump as she cried out in a loud groan. Mike stopped, and then I heard it. Her sexy sigh. He started to slowly take her, probably enjoying every inch he was giving her.

I was watching intently from my spot, behind Mike about three feet as he took Joan's body. She was moaning, and I could hear Diane talking to her, but I wasn�t sure what. Looking at Brittany, she was still on her back, legs spread out and knees bent, her tits still rising and falling. I felt hands pushing on my back, and Shirley, all smiles, say "Well, my turn to try." I smiled, as I laid back, and she straddled my body. Standing on her knees, she picked my cock up with her hands, and placed it at her entrance. And just like Brittany, she groaned. She closed her eyes, and breathed in a deep breath, and slowly started to sink down my shaft, a look of concentration on her contorted face. She was half way down, when she stopped, looked, and announced "Oh shit" I reached up and grabber her breasts, and gently kneaded them, while she bucked her hips. Her cunt seemed to be stuck on my cock, not wanting to take another inch, and not wanting to give an inch back either. I was clenching my teeth tightly. I can't begin to describe how tight her cunt felt. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure, and unfortunately, pain seemed to be winning at the moment. She stopped moving, my cock was throbbing inside, and I could feel my heart beat in my head.

She lifted her face up and looked at me, stating "Shit, there's no way."

I could vouch for that, as she just stayed here, stuck on my cock. I could hear the others, but not see them. It seemed that Mike's cock had gotten Joan's motor running, as she cried out for a good three minutes before she settled down to soft moans and whimpers. I'm sure that after already two fucks, Mike was in for the long haul, getting her tight cunt stretched out for my turn. But then, look how much trouble Shirley's having! She laid down on my chest, and softly moaned, moving her hips, trying to encourage her cunt to take more of me. Then, I felt it. Someone was moving up my legs behind Shirley. She moaned, a smile coming to her face, and I felt a tongue at where we were joined. I looked over to see the top of Brittany�s head behind her round ass, and Shirley said "Oh god, that must be Brittany." Shirley stretched out on top of me, and we kissed, before she lifted her head up and said "No one licks my ass like she does."

I just closed my eyes, gently thrusting my hips up, feeling Brittany's soft tongue occasionally slide along what part of my cock was not inside her friend. And her delicate hands softly played with my large cum filled balls. Brittany knew what she was doing, working Shirley up to a good orgasm, and Shirley was grinding her snatch into my belly, stimulating her clit. Of course, with Brittany�s hand on my nut sack, I wasn't long in cumming. With a roar, my cock exploded, which triggered Shirley�s passionate cry. We laid there together, her body occasionally having a little quiver, before she rolled off of me, and Brittany getting between her legs to happily suck out my load. I was exhausted, as I looked over at the other three. Mike was laying between them, a smile on his face, as both girls were snuggled up against him. Diane raised her head and looked my way, and then at the other two girls. She smiled, and waved me over. I chuckled, as I crawled up onto my knees and went to her. I leaned back on my heels, and she rolled to face me, taking my cum coated member and pulling it into her hot mouth.

She started licking me clean, while I reached down and put a pair of fingers into her hole. As she cleaned, I finger fucked her, eventually getting all four fingers inside of her. She was humping on my hand by now, and she stopped sucking my cock, saying to Mike, "Go get him a condom. Someone here has to get all of him inside."

Mike laughed, as he went to the pack, saying "Well it sure the fuck ain't going to be me."

We all laughed, including Brittany and Shirley, who were in a sixty-nine. I looked at Joan, laying a few feet away, and I asked "You okay?"

She had a dreamy look in her eyes, and she smiled, as she stretched her naked body out, saying "Yeah, I am."

"Did it feel good?" I asked.

She giggled, saying cheerfully "Better than I ever thought it would."

Mike returned with a condom and he handed it to Diane, who opened the packet and pulled it over my cock. She laughed, "Damn thing barely fits. Do these come in extra large?"

I heard Brittany and Shirley laugh, as Diane got up on her knees and turned around. She leaned forward, laying her chest on the mattress, her ass sticking high up in the air, ready for me to start. I started slowly, gently pushing my cock inside, and she had the same reaction as Shirley and Brittany, a loud groan coming from her mouth. I sucked in some air, and slid some more in. I commented , "It seems to be going in easier."

Brittany groaned out "Must be the lubricant. Next time, I'll have a lot of K-Y jelly handy."

"I could use some now!" Grunted out Diane. Joan came over, and kissed her face. Diane kissed her back, and smiled, then she pushed herself up and Joan scooted up underneath her. I smiled as I looked down, seeing Joan's face, watching intently as my cock worked farther and farther into Diane�s body. I heard her first, an animalistic wail, her whole body then shaking hard as she came. Joan raised her head, and I could feel her hair brushing against my shaft as she tongued Diane�s clit. It wasn't long before she was shaking again. I smiled, as Mike came over, handing me a beer. We both laughed, as he went and took a seat with Shirley and Brittany, who parted to allow him to get between them. I didn't even have as much in as I had in Shirley, when she said "God, no. I can't."

I asked "You sure?"

She gasped, her body trembling, saying "Yeah, let me, oh god, let me roll over." She groaned, as I pulled my cock out, as she added "Do Joan now." I leaned back, and the two of them rolled as one. I came around and got behind Joan, who was watching intently over her shoulder. I repeated the process with her, easing in slowly, and getting the same response, as she groaned loudly, followed by her croaking out a hoarse "Oh fuck." She lowered her face to Diane's cunt, and I saw Diane smile, her eyes closing while she enjoyed Joan's tongue. I slid in a lot farther with her, and it took me about five minutes to get about two thirds of my fourteen inches inside her tight box. I think it was because she was concentrating on carpet munching on Diane's rug, while Diane did the same for her. And ten minutes later, I felt it. My balls against Diane's nose. Joan's body was shaking violently, as orgasm after orgasm swept through her. And then I heard Diane exclaim, "Oh my fucking god, she's taken damn near all of it."

The others crawled on over, and took a look, with Mike exclaiming loudly, "God damn."

Brittany and Shirley patted Joan the back softly, with Shirley saying "Way to go, girl. You got all but less than an inch in."

Brittany asked "How's it feel?"

Joan raised her head, saying with a grunt "Fucking stuffed. And so damn good."

We all laughed, as I slowly pumped her, not wanting to hurt her. She had another orgasm, as the others stayed gathered around. I said to Mike, "You might want to put another log or two in. I think we're all about ready to crash."

Laughing, he stood and went to the wood and then to the stove and tossed two pieces in. I could feel the evening chill on my sweat covered skin, and a few minutes later, she whimpered out "Oh god, John, that's enough."

She pushed me back, and I pulled my cock out of her cunt, while the other three went to the other mattress. Both Shirley and Brittany looked frazzled, as they got under the covers, soon joined by Mike. My pair did the same with me, but they were far from finished, as Brittany turned out the electric lantern. Both crawled down and licked and sucked my cock, finally causing me to groan as I drained my balls inside the condom. I was sleeping in no time, as they curled up along side of me, draping their arms over my body. The next morning, we ate breakfast and headed back. I was extremely sore, and looking at the girls, so were they. It took even longer to get back to the car, and then the ride back to campus, none of us saying a word.

That's how my relationship with those four started. Yeah, I know, totally unbelievable! Hell, I had to pinch myself from time to time to believe that one girl or the other would sneak into my room after that, one in my bed, another in with Mike, and we would trade back and forth for a shot each. This went on for three weeks, and it was now late October. Both Joan and Diane were on the pill now, so no more condoms. I was also now able to get all fourteen inches inside all four women, thanks in part to a large amount of lubricant. Of course, everyone on the floor knew. The other forty-four girls, the four other guys, and of course, Karen.

As for the guys, we told them which girls were interested in them, and within three weeks, they had their own entertainment. Of course, the other girls on the floor had a mixed reaction, or so I thought. It seemed to me, that some were okay with it, some were indifferent, and some were rather pissed that it was going on on their floor. I believe some of these were jealous that they were without boyfriends, as it seemed the girls that didn't mind were dating guys from not on our floor. Of course, I soon found out that the girls were bragging about my size, proud that they're able to take all of me. I didn't know it, but this would turn into something interesting.

But first, about Karen. She had been ignoring our antics, turning the other cheek so to speak. Us guys have been following the rules faithfully concerning the bathrooms, so no problem there. But, Karen, she didn't like the idea of walking out of the bathroom early in the morning and seeing one girl or another leave my room or the other two rooms of Aaron, Doug, Stan and Bill. It was a Saturday morning. John had gone home for the weekend, and so had three of our four ladies. It was actually Veterans day weekend, so most of the students had gone home. Joan, who seemed to spend the most time in my bed, had stayed for Friday night, but she had somewhere to go in the morning. It was about nine in the morning when she crawled gingerly out of my bed, pulled on her robe, and left my room. As she opened the door, I heard her gasp, and say "Oh, good morning, Karen."

I cringed, thinking that Karen would finally do something. But, I heard nothing, save for Joan closing my room door and her footsteps down the hall. I waited, nothing. I then went back to sleep. After all, Joan had fucked me hard all night long. Every Friday and Saturday night one would sleep with me. Although we didn't get much sleep. During the week was easier, as we would limit the sex to an hour. I'm not sure how long I had been sleeping since Joan left. And the knock on the door startled me at first. I groaned out "Who is it?"

A voice from the other side said "Karen."

I sighed, and asked "What you want?"

She demanded in a stern voice, "I want to talk to you. Now!"

Ah shit, I didn't want to deal with her now. Or ever. I got up, holding the blanket over my naked body, and opened the door a crack, and asked "What is it, Karen?"

She was wearing just a bathrobe and she had her hair wrapped in a towel. She glared at me, "I want to talk to you, right now, Mister Widgen."

I sneered, "No, go away." I stared to close the door, but she put her foot in-between the frame and the door. Luckily, I wasn't pressing on it that hard, as I looked down, sighed, and turned and walked back to my bed, laying on it on my bare belly, my bare backside exposed.

She demanded "Cover yourself up."

I lifted my head, saying "Go to hell, girl. You were the one barging in."

I thought I could see steam coming out her nostrils and ears, as she turned a bright red, as she shouted out "Listen here Mister. I'm getting sick of you guys constantly having sex on my floor. Do you know how hard it is to keep discipline on this floor with you guys having sex so freely with the girls?"

I protested, "Hey, I didn't invite them into my bed, they invited themselves. And I sure the hell am not going to stop them either." I sat up, keeping myself covered while pulling the blanket over me, saying "Why are you so negative towards sex? Just because you're a virgin doesn't mean others have to stay that way." I didn't stop, as I continued to bash her, giving her a piece of my mind, and then reminding her about our last visit to the Dean's office. Then, as I finally noticed she was almost in tears, I finally asked "Why don't you try sex sometime, maybe you'll enjoy it?"

Uh-oh, now she's crying. And I felt like a jerk. Ah shit, now what. I got to thinking, I struck a nerve, but what. I sighed, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said all that."

She sobbed, her body turned away from me, and I heard her mutter out "No, you should not have."

Oh well hell. I said "Come here and sit." She didn't move, and I repeated myself, "Come on, I didn�t mean it, really." She moved and walked backwards to me, and took a seat. I reached over to my dresser and pulled a tissue, and handed it to her.

She took it, and wiped her eyes. She said "You know, this isn't easy for me."

I snorted, "You think it's easy for me?" I said softly, wondering if I should put an arm around her or not. I decided not to.

She went "Hah, how could it be rough on you?"

I replied "Well do you like it when guys constantly look at your breasts, their eyes undressing you? That's how these girls look at me. You've said so your self."

She sighed, "Yeah, I do know that feeling." The way she said that. "I know that feeling real well."

Okay, interesting. I cleared my throat, "You've had a bad experience, haven't you?" Shit, here comes the tears. Lucky guess! I asked "You want to talk about it?" She shook her head no, and I finally moved my arm, placing my hand on top of hers. "It might help you, you know."

She sighed, and she asked "You promise not to tell?"

I stated, "I have yet to tell anyone what someone has told me in private."

She turned, and looked at me. Her eyes were red, as she wiped them again. I grabbed another tissue, and I gently wiped her nose. "Yeah, I've heard things said that you're honest." I had no idea what she was talking about, but I enjoyed the praise. She sighed, and stated "A long time ago, I was raped. By someone that I'm related to." She spent the next hour telling me the story. I won't go into details of the event, just that it was a tragic moment in her life, one that went on all through her Junior high and high school years. Yeah, I felt sorry for her, and after she was finished, I held her tight against me. Finally, a bit after one in the afternoon, I squeezed her tight, and said "Come, go get something to eat. If you want to talk later, we can, okay?"

She nodded her head yes, got off my bed and left the room. I sighed, and laid down, totally emotionally exhausted. And hungry. I eventually went up to the third floor and showered, and came back down, dressed and went in search for something to eat. The dining hall was long closed, so I came back to the dorm, and waited for the evening meal at five. I was there early, and I ate a ton. I actually ate so much, that I felt sick on my walk back to the dorm. I ended up watching a little television, before my eyes closed for the night, with me not bothering to turn off the tube.

My head jerked up when I heard it. I looked around, seeing some late night show on the television, and my clock radio reading twelve-twenty. I heard the sound again, a soft knock on my door. I said softly, "Coming." as I pulled on my robe. I opened it, and there stood Karen, wearing her robe.

She smiled, looked around nervously, and asked "You mind if I come in."

I replied "Sure, please do." as I opened the door wide and let her pass. I closed my door, and she took a seat on my bed and she said "I heard your television, I figured you were awake."

I went to it, and turned a desk lamp on, saying "No, actually, I must have fallen asleep some time ago."

She was all apologetic, saying as I turned off the television, "Oh, I�m sorry. I, um, I can catch you at another time."

I chuckled, saying "No, we can talk now. We may not get another chance."

She got a hurt look on her face, and she asked "Why's that?"

I grimaced, knowing that was probably the wrong thing to say, "Well, it would be hard for you to see me to talk to, what with the girls around. After all, you don't exactly get along with them."

She sighed, "Yeah, I don't."

I asked "So, what more you want to talk about?" God, I didn't know I was a shrink!

She said "Well, I really just wanted to thank you."

She was looking at her hands, playing with the tie to her robe, and I said "Don't worry about it. It's nothing, really."

I wasn't expecting much. After all, as far as I knew, she hated my guts, up until this morning. She sighed, and lifted her head up, and stated, "I've never been loved, John."

I tried to keep a straight face, not wanting to hurt her, as I said "I'm sorry Karen, I mean, well..."

She got to her feet, and I thought she was going to leave. I was surprised when she turned around to face me, and said "If only for one night, I want to feel loved." as she pulled her robe off, letting it hit the floor. Oh my god. She reached her hands out to me, and I took them, and pulled her to my lap. I kissed her lips softly, and she smiled. I gently rolled her off my lap and onto the bed, where I started to slowly kiss her face, while may hands gently stroked her body.

I whispered, "You sure about this?" and she nodded. My pecker was sure, as I went down and licked her breasts, and sucked on her nipples, causing her to gasp, and moan. Her breasts were a good size, probably bigger than Brittany�s, as I tenderly massaged them, while leaving a wet trial down her belly where I had kissed her. She parted her legs, and I kissed her thighs, moving to where her legs joined, and I nudged my nose into her sex. A soft sigh escaped her lips, and I started to tongue her pink hole. Another sigh, and a moan. I move my tongue up to her clit, and she jumped. Looking up at her face, I saw her eyes closed and a smile on her face, as she reached down and put her hands along the inside of her thighs as she spread her legs out, draping one off the side of the bed.

As I licked her sex, I was really thinking that this was not a good idea. But her beautiful beaver, it tasted so damn good, and my tongue was not the only thing wanting a taste. I was surprised at how fast her orgasm came. Maybe two minutes at most, when she cried softly into the night, her body shaking, that hot tight cunt of hers clamping down on my invading fingers. I continued working her sex, getting her off twice more, before I lifted my head and kissed my way back up her body. Her chest was rising and falling at an alarming rate. and after I kissed her lips, I asked "Are you sure about this?"

She put her hands on my chest, and pushed me up. She looked down at my cock, and as she looked at it, she said "Yes, I want to feel why those girls are always screaming in here." I chuckled, as she tilted her head back, that all familiar gasp emanating from her mouth as my wide cock entered her cunt. She groaned out, as I brought my knees up along side of her hips, with her saying "Oh god. I feel like, oh god!" Her fingers dug into my forearms, as she started to wail.

I quickly lowered my mouth to hers, to keep the others on the floor from hearing her. She was whimpering into my mouth as I fed her twat more of my mat. I released my mouth from hers, and said "Let me know when you've had enough, Karen."

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around my hips, and started to pull me deeper inside her tight body, grunting wildly with each inch that gets to taste her cunt. Finally, I was surprised to see that I was buried to my balls inside of her, as her hips started bucking up against me. I moved my hands underneath her at the chest, and I lifted her up, causing her eyes to bulge out, letting her settle down on my lap. I got up on my knees and she wrapped her legs and arms about me, her chin on my left shoulder as I moved around and was sitting on the edge of the bed. I put my hands on her fantastic ass, and started lifting and dropping her on my cock. She was grunting, flexing and rolling her hips as we worked towards a mutual goal. And five minutes later, with our mouths locked together, we cried into each others mouth, as our bodies convulsed as I pumped a quart of cum into her womb, causing her whole body to shale hard as she screamed into my mouth.

My body relaxed, and hers went damn near limp, and I whispered into her ear, "You okay?"

She giggled, "Yes, that was great."

"You've had enough?"

She sounded hurt, saying "No, do I have to stop?"

I laughed, my hands roaming her back and massaging her skin, as she rolled her hips, squeezing the remaining cum form my shaft. "No, we can go on. All night if you want."

She looked at the clock, which read one-thirty in the morning. She sighed, "The night is almost over."

"Well then, I guess we had best get started, huh?"

She giggled, as she started humping on my bone. It would be a long night. She finally had me stop at five-fifty, long before anyone was to rise. And giving us plenty of time for us to steal away into the shower room, where she locked the doors as we enjoyed each others company for some soapy fun. We had done it three times during the night, with her riding me for most of it as I played with her warm, soft flesh. We left the bathroom, and as we walked down the hall to our rooms, she said softly "John, I really enjoyed this. You've made something inside of me wake up."

I chuckled, "Glad I could be of some help, Karen."

She turned, and we hugged and kissed, before saying "I hope sometime to repeat this little event."

I replied "I'm not sure how you'll get in line for it."

She laughed, "It'll be difficult, but the first chance I get, your cock is mine." I went into my room, and crashed.

Karen was a changed woman after that night. At least, towards everyone but me. She kept up a good act, giving me grief for anything and everything. I was all smiles inside though, remembering the night I spent between her wonderful thighs. And I did a great job of keeping quiet. Although I had to really bite down on my tongue a week later, as the girls and us sat in our room. They were talking about her, and how nice she had been lately. I about lost it, when Brittany said loudly, "I wonder what's got into her."

But all was not good. Early December, and Karen seemed a bit cranky. Directing her anger at me on occasion. It was a Friday night, and just before finals. All were on edge anyway, because of it. I just figured that was the reason for Karen's sudden hostile behavior. Mike and the guys and me went to see a movie together. Nothing unusual there, as we try to get a guys night out and have a good time. When us guys returned at about midnight, our ladies greeted us with a rather strange mood. But nothing was spoken, as we all went to bed...alone. Yes, mighty strange.

In the morning, Mike and I checked to see if the girls wanted to go have breakfast, and they declined. We thought this to be odd behavior. And it was even more odd when Aaron, Doug, Stan and Bill went with us without their girlfriends either. Us guys were to play basketball in the morning, the finals of the intramural season, so we didn't get back until after lunch, which again we ate without the women. Of course, us six guys were a bit worried. We arrived back at the dorm to find pretty much all the girls of our floor there, as well as some from other floors, talking and shooting the breeze. But talking ceased once we entered the lounge. We looked about, seeing eyes watching us.

And, I noticed it. Couldn�t not notice it, sitting there on the table, five bottles of rum, three now empty. Us guys walked down the hall, and we took note that none of the women said a word. We ended up in my room, and we closed the door, and we started blabbing away, wondering what the fuck was going on. Mike finally said "Okay, shut up, let's think about this." We all quieted down and looked at him, and he said "One of two things are going on. Either they're highly pissed at us, or they're just trying to blow off steam due to exams coming up."

We looked at each other, "Has to be the latter." stated Aaron, "I mean, I don't recall doing anything to piss off Melanie. As a matter of fact, she was all over me before we went to the movie."

Bill blurted out "Maybe it was because we went to a movie!"

I shot that down, "No, all of them are out there, and they were drinking."

"So was Karen." added Doug. We looked at him, and he said "She was sitting on the floor in the corner, looking a bit like she was going to cry."

That same line again, this from Stan, "I wonder what's gotten into her?"

A thought entered my mind, but I dismissed it. I said "Well, we might as well go out and see if they're receptive to us joining them."

We agreed to this, and we opened the door and walked down the hall. Entering the lounge, we looked around, and Mike asked "What's up, guys? Having a party?"

I heard a girl snort, and Brittany said cheerfully, "Yes, sort of."

Now, we knew something was up, and we had no idea what. Bill asked "What we having a party for?"

Shirley staggered to her feet, came to me and said "Okay girls, let gets this show on the road." She handed me a drink, and said "We're just celebrating the beginning of exams."

Bullshit! I wanted to say that, but instead, I drank the drink she gave me. And the other guys were given drinks as well. We sat down, and the girls started talking. Then the world started getting fuzzy. Quickly. I could see, hazily, I could hear, but I'll be damned if I could move. The other guys, they were in the same shape as I, and about four girls pulled me up, with one saying "Shit, next time, let's get them tied up before we slipped him the drug. I was half dragged, half carried to the small bathroom, and three girls held me up against the wall, while another undid my belt and pulled down my jeans. I heard a giggle, one of them saying that they weren't joking. Another commenting that she's been waiting since August to see what was bulging out my trousers.

I felt my ass was getting cold, but I couldn't talk, as they pushed, pulled and carried me to the toilet. Then they pulled my arms back and I felt my arms being tied to the plumbing behind me. I still had my shirt on, and the girls left, closing the door behind them. And all was dark, save for the light coming in from the bottom of the door. I heard a lot of talking, but I couldn't understand a single word being said. Then, the door opened, and someone carried a lit candle in and placed it on the sink. It was a small candle, barely lighting the small room up. I saw it was Brittany, and I tried talking, but it was gibberish. She came to me, and kissed my lips, saying "Just relax. We're having a contest."

I saw movement behind her, and saw Shirley come in, with Joan right behind her. Joan was sobbing, and the other two told her to settle down. Shirley was carrying a glass of some liquid, and she had a pill in her hand. She opened my mouth and popped the large pill into my mouth, and had me drink. I swallowed the thing, and wondered what the fuck were they doing, and why was Joan crying? Then, they left the bathroom and closed the door. A lot of things were running in my mind, none making sense. I kept thinking, trying to piece things together, but nothing was fitting. I had no idea how long I had sat there, my ears hearing talking outside the door, but I was unable to hear. I lost track of time. Finally the door opened, and there was Diane. She came in as did Joan.

Diane was smiling, with Joan crouching down right next to me. I looked down at her, and she first looked at me, then she looked away, as if she was embarrassed to see me. I felt a hand on my cock, and I looked to see Diane on her knees in front of me, and she started to suck on my shaft. Diane said "Give me a hand." and Joan reached over and started to jerk on my shaft. I watched, amazed at my cock. She only did a bit of licking and tugging, and my shaft was as hard as a rock. And then, she pulled a condom out and pulled it down over my hard cock.

Diane stopped sucking, and the door opened behind her, with Shirley asking "Is he ready?"

Diane sighed, and without turning around, she stated "Yes, but I'm riding him first." Diane stood and then straddled my lap. I felt her grab my cock and guided it paradise. She smiled, as she slid down my shaft, and I watched as she leaned forward and kissed my lips. I heard the air come out of my lungs, I was trying to talk, but I couldn't. She saw my face, and she whispered, "Don't worry. We'll make sure nothing happens to that precious cock of yours." Her eyes shut tight, and I felt her body shudder.

Joan said "Time, Diane" Diane sighed, kissed my lips once more, and climbed off. "Tell them we'll start in a second." Joan stated, as Diane went out the door. I thought my other lover was going to climb on, but I was surprised when she pulled something out of her pocket, and reaching down, I saw her cut a small hole in the end of the condom. She sighed, leaned over and gave me a kiss, and went to the door and pulled it open. She stopped, turned slightly, and smiled, then she was gone. Well, I knew I had a condom on my cock for some reason, but I just didn't know why. Not five seconds later, I hear the girls cheer, and a chant of "Go, go, go.", and cheers went up as the door opened, and in walked in one of the girls from our floor. A Sophomore, cute, nice shape, and nothing on below the waist. She was smiling, somewhat nervously, and my eyes took in the sight, as she came to me, straddled my legs as she grabbed my cock and guided it to her hole. She let out a loud groan as my cock penetrated her body, and I heard a cheer from behind the door.

She started to ride my bone, getting about half way down when I felt my cock erupt inside her, and she cried out as her pussy clamped onto me. As my cock spurted into the damaged condom, she rose me for a short spell, until I heard the word "Time!" loudly announced from behind the door. She whimpered a bit as she got off my cock, and walked slowly to the door. And a second later, the scene repeated itself. Girl after girl, coming in and taking a ride on my fat cock. I had no idea how many my pecker had the privilege of seeing that day, as I quickly lost track of time and the number of ladies that came in for a ride. My arms were aching from being tied behind my back, and my hips were sore from having one girl after another come down hard on my fat, long member. Joan would come in from time to time, with Diane, squirting water into my mouth from a sports bottle about after every fourth or fifth girl, it seemed. And Joan, she would check my condom, and she would turn and say "We need another one."

And each time, after pulling one off, she would pierce the tip, look up to me, and shoot me an evil grin. Eventually, the drug they had given me had worn off, but I didn't try to stop it. Joan was in once again, changing a filled condom, and tossing it into the waste basket by the toilet. As it landed, in the basket, I had just enough light to see a glob of my semen squished out from around the hole she had made in it. She was pulling a new one on, and after putting a hole in, she stood to go. I tried to speak, as I croaked out "Joan."

She was starting to get up, and her eyes got big, a scared look on her face, I asked "Why?"

She looked over her shoulder towards the door, then back at me. She sighed, went to the door, and opened it a crack, and I heard her say loudly, "Give me a moment, I want to ride it for a spell."

As she closed it, I heard a girl yell out something rather crude. She came over to me, and from the light of the candle, I saw the tear. She straddled my body and lowered herself down, and whispered, "Long story, lover. But this might be the end of the road." She put her chin on my shoulder, as she gently bucked her hips, my cock sliding the length into her hot box. "Last night, some of the girls had an argument with Karen and us. They wanted something to be done about you boys having sex. Karen told them to fuck you themselves."

She sighed, and I asked "And then?"

"One of them announced they saw you and her leave your room and go into the shower together."

Oh my. Someone screamed out "Time!"

She sighed, kissed my lips, and said "I'll tell you more later." Another kiss, and she said "Don't talk."

She left, and another girl entered. Five strokes, and I refilled the condom. I had no idea what time it was. And now I was getting hungry. A girl left, and the door opened. I couldn't hear anyone outside, just casual talking. I lifted my head, and saw Karen. She smiled, turned and locked the door. Then she pulled her shirt off her head, and climbed onto my pole. She sighed, and she moved forward so my face was in her breasts. She said "I'm sorry, John."

She froze, when I said "I'll think about accepting that apology at another time."

A sigh was heard from her, and she started moving up and down my cock. "Feel my breasts? They're awfully tender." I moved my face to them, and I kissed them. She purred softly, and said "Yes, a woman's breasts get tender when she's with child."

I pulled my head back, and looked up at her. "I guess it's my turn to say I'm sorry."

She smiled, and looked at the wall behind me, closing her eyes, and went on rising and falling on my cock. "No, you had no idea that night that I wasn't on any sort of protection. I guess I bared more than my soul to you, and I paid for it."

I tried to say something, but someone was knocking loudly on the door, saying "Come on Karen, you weren't suppose to lock the fucking door, bitch."

I chuckled, even though it hurt. "How much longer?"

"Another ninety minutes. Then they have to stop." she replied as he pulled off my tired cock. I saw it, more of my cream leaking out of the hole in the condom. She did to, as she smiled, and said "Looks like Joan did a good job."

Now I was totally confused, as she picked up her shirt and went to unlock the door, leaving me for the next girl. She's with child? And she knows about the hole?" I leaned back, as a little redhead named Jill was all smiles while she tried taking my cock in her little burning bush. Yes, it started to make sense. I had noticed it, the girls giving me glares, as well as the four girls I've been dating. They were wanting some action, as there were a hell of a lot more women on campus than guys. Words were finally exchanged, and what? A dare maybe? I was the object of the dare, and I wondered about the other guys.

I woke hours later, on a hard surface, hearing myself moan. I heard a voice say softly, "He's awake."

I opened my eyes, and saw two people standing over me, and the one said "John, can you hear me."

I started to sit up, as my head was pounding, saying "Yeah," and I laid back down again, moaning as my hand went to cover my eyes. A blanket was over me, and I was naked. I recognized the voice as that of Joan's. She sat down beside me on my left, and on my right, I saw it was Karen. Both were wearing nothing, as Karen pulled a cushion off the bed, and helped me to sit up and I leaned back against it. I looked around, and then at Karen, asking "Am I in your room?"


I asked "What happened?"

"Long story, lover." She said, as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I chucked, and it hurt, causing me to moan, and I saw it felt better with I kept my eyes closed. A short pause, and I stated "Okay, I'm listening."

I heard both sigh, and finally, Karen said "It was all a dare, actually. All because of my mouth, and your cock." Both crawled under the blanket with me, and pressed their bodies up against mine. "Last night, just after you boys left, Joan, Shirley, and some of the guys girlfriends were in the lounge. Sarah Wells came in...."

I interrupted her, "She's a Sophomore." The first one that rode me tonight. I smiled, recollecting her tight cunt riding me for such a short amount of time.

Karen said "Yes, anyway, Sarah was causing a big stink about you and the guys, and the girls getting taken care of from you guys. An argument started, and I heard it and came out to try to stop it. Sarah screamed at me that she saw you and I walk from your room into the shower room and lock the door. She asked "How did you like it?", and I sort of got nasty with her."

Joan snorted, "Sort of? Hell, you told her it was damn good and then you yelled at her and the other girls to try it for themselves."

Karen giggled, as she said "I then dared them to do it, telling them they didn't have the guts."

"Karen told them if they wanted, we would even tie you and the other boys down so they could all have a ride." Joan added.

Karen sighed, and snuggled against me, "I didn't think they all would agree to it."

I asked "How many were there."

Joan sighed, "Word spread fast. It was only to be three at first. Then the next thing we knew, it was in the forties."

"Thirty of of the forty-eight women from our floor, and another twenty from the dorm. And maybe ten more from other dorms.", added Karen.

I groaned, "Oh god, that's sixty-eight." My head hurt thinking about that. Both of them!

"Not all tried you, though." Joan said, and she went on to say, "Only maybe thirty five or so went into the bathroom. Although most did at least twice."

I blurted out "What about the condom?" You putting a hole in it?"

Both sighed, and I'm sure they were feeling guilty. "I did it to get back at them, to make them be in the same condition as Karen and I."

I said "Oh." And then it hit me, as I said "Wait, you're pregnant as well?"

"Yeah, I didn't give my body enough time to get use to taking the pill, at least that's what Karen and I figured out. I did some figuring, and I was only with you at when my peak fertile time was. So, I'm pretty sure it's not Mike's." She giggled, adding "That's how I found out about Karen."

"She came to me three weeks ago. I already knew I was carrying your child. And she wanted someone to talk to, as she knew she was pregnant. That's when I told her I was as well, confessing that I had slept with you when everyone was gone. She's probably two weeks farther along than I, as I'm only just past one month."

I asked "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, blood tests confirmed it." she replied, giving me a soft kiss.

"You see John," said Joan, "Sarah and a whole bunch of other girls had been harassing us ever since they found out that we were sleeping with you guys. And well, since Karen dared them to get their cunts stuck on your cock, I decided to pay them back."

I finally opened my eyes, and turned to Karen, "And you let her?"

"That was her doing, I didn't realize she had done that until I climbed off of you and saw your seed leaking from the condom." She said.

I asked "What about the drugs involved?"

"That was Jill's idea. She is a Botany student. She went to the botany lab this morning and rounded up some natural narcotics." said Karen, adding "They did a good job, didn't they?"

I chuckled, "Yeah, real good." I paused, and asked "What was that pill?"

Both girls snorted, and Joan explained, "Bill's girlfriend Stacy got a few of those about a month ago. It's Viagara. That worked well, too!"

I chuckled, then, "So now what?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter, I've already turned in my resignation as an RA, and have withdrawn from school at the end of the semester.", stated Karen. Her hand grasped my meat, tugging on it.

Joan said "Dianne and I had a fight after I talked to Karen, and I told her why I talked to her. I didn't tell her about you and Karen. You probably remember it, about ten days ago."

I recollected something, but I just passed it off. "Yes, sort of. You were both upset about something, but neither one of you wanted to talk about it."

"She by then had decided that she wanted Mike, only sharing him with Brittany and Shirley if she had to." she added. "And, like Karen, I have withdrawn from college after exams anyway. Of course, we probably will be get kicked out as it is, once it gets out that we're both pregnant."

Karen kissed me, then Joan, and Joan asked "So John, what would you like to do?"

I watched the side of her sweet face, as Karen slowly sucked her succulent lips around my shaft. Reaching with my right hand, I smiled as I brushed her long hair to the side, and back over her neck. She turned her head slightly, grinning as she pulled on my fat, long cock. I admired her naked body, her full breasts, just begging to be milked by our soon to be born son. On my left shoulder rested Joan's head. My left arm was over her, on top of her big, round pregnant belly, just weeks before her due date for her twins. I leaned my head back and thought.

It had been five months since I left Mountain College. It was decided to be the best thing for all parties involved. When I went home for Christmas, I told my mother what had happened, and she immediately had Karen and Joan move north to our large house, all the while saying she knew that cock of mine would eventually get me into deep trouble. I meant to finish, really I did. But like I said, it was a mutual agreement by all parties that I leave. That was during the meeting between my mom and her lawyer and I, and the college Deans and they're lawyers. Things sort of were up in an uproar, over the simple thing of nineteen coeds getting knocked up that night in December. Of course, the obvious was clear, I was used as a sex toy against my will. The girls all admitted that I was tied to the toilet, with no way to stop them. Amazingly, there was no proof of tampering of the condoms, as they were long gone. And I wasn't about to divulge a thing about that. Nineteen women, pregnant. Not including my Karen and Joan. Nor, for that matter, Diane. It seems she was a bit saddened by her room mate's pending motherhood, that she stopped taking the pill. Her and Dave married this past April. I've heard a rumor that the whole floor is being turned into a maternity ward. Of course, the news media caught wind of it, but since it could be classified as a rape case, no names were released, and transcripts of the report were not released.

Now we're in the month of June. Both girls work, thanks to a close business associate of my mom's. And I work as well, all three of us waiting to return to school, I in the fall, and they in January. I groaned, feeling that wonderful feeling of when a guys cum makes the fast journey out of his balls and up his shaft, depositing it where ever his cock may be. This time in Karen�s hot mouth. I opened my eyes and watched her throat bulge out, swallowing every bit of my spunk. She jerked it all out, and Joan giggled, "Hey save some for me."

Karen chuckled on my staff, before she was finally satisfied that she had the last drop. She then grabbed the covers, and pulled them over the three of us in our king-size bed, and Joan raised her body, her milk filled breasts dragging across my chest, and the two of them kissed, with Joan getting some of my cum passed into her mouth from Karen. "Ewwww, gross." I stated, causing both my girls to giggle.

Joan said "Hey, we don�t say anything when you kiss us after eating our twats." We all laughed as they laid on their sides, and both kissed my chest, before placing their pretty faces on my shoulders.

With a sigh, Karen stated "I sure do want to get this baby born, I need to feel your cock inside of me again, John."

I chuckled, as Joan expressed the same sentiment, "Same here. It's been months since we got stretched out by a good fuck from you."

I laughed, "In a couple of weeks, you'll be stretched out for sure."

"Couldn�t be any worse having a baby come out compared as to what was shoved up inside to put it there in the first place!", declared Karen. We all laughed, snuggled under the covers together, and thankful that we have each other.

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