Title: Author's Note to Readers

Author: Dudester

Keywords: no-sex, personal message

Summary: A note to the readers, from the author

   For thousands of years men married girls aged twelve to fifteen.  This was
necessary because child birth is traumatic to the body and young teens
bounce back quickly from traumatic injuries.  It was the explosion of child
pornography in the late 1970's that caused a change in the culture.  Child
advocates suddenly appeared, causing a sea change in laws.  Almost
overnight, the admirer of young flesh became the boogeyman.

   Lately men have been punished for doing what they have been doing for
thousands of years.  Overlooked in all of this is not only nature, but also
the true feelings of the girls for whom these laws were created.  What
started me thinking this was an interview I saw in the paper in 2001.  A
local high school had been the National Champion of the Academic Decathlon
for two years running.  Naturally, the five girls on the team finished at
the top of their graduating class.  In the interview, four of the five
girls on the team said they weren't looking forward to working for the next
thirty to forty years.

   Yes, the feminist revolution is rejected by some females, and not just
those who drop out of school and live in trailer parks, but also those from
upper middle class homes with bright futures.  It is because of this, and a
belief in young passionate females that I write these kinds of stories. 
When I was in High School, I found out that I wasn't just competing with
other High School guys for female attention, I was also competing with
affluent grown males who were marrying underage girls left and right.  I
saw girls as young as twelve marry grown men.

   A history teacher once told me that the pendulum swings back and forth
on cultural changes.  A conservative society evolves into a liberal
society, then eventually back to a conservative society.  In the 1970's
children were considered property in some jurisdictions.  The outlawing of
child pornography, and the Traci Lords pornography scandal in 1985 caused a
passage of laws that not only protected, but empowered children.  Children
deserve protection, but they also deserve the chance to follow their hearts
and feelings.  The puritanical zeal to punish "offenders" who hurt
children, has also punished parents who have taken innocent pictures of
their children in the bathtub.  These parents have been seperated from
their children and labeled sex offenders.  Some parents have been forced to
live in other countries to avoid prosecution.  The zeal to protect children
has become an out of control crusade that sometimes tramples on the
innocent.  Thank God the First Amendment still exists.

   There are great many Lolita stories out there, but the majority of them
are poorly constructed.  A child doesn't understand discretion and this is
why child molesters get caught and many Lolita stories fall on their face.
In order to construct the perfect Lolita story, first you have to seperate
the girl, emotionally and physically, from her family and friends.  If you
don't, the girl will tell someone about her romance, then the jig is up for
the guy.  Second, you have to make the girl and man emotionally dependent
on each other.  It helps if you can create a situation where the girl and
man have a situation where they can grow their relationship away from the
prying eyes of those who would call the cops, or social services, to check
out the May/December romance.  Lastly, you must develop an escape hatch for
both parts of the relationship, in case one or the other decides to move

   I hope that you enjoyed my stories. If you have, I have an entire library 
of stories at /~dude/  that you can peruse. Please 
support the First Amendment, and vote responsibly-or we can kiss the right to
read and write such stories goodbye.  

--The Dudester