Author: Dr. Gamble
Title: My Laboratory
Summary: We have met the degenerate doctor, we have
met his evil father, and now we get to hear the doctor
tell his own story.  I must warn you that the
"doctor" is a pretty sick puppy himself, and his
sense of right and wrong tends to deviate somewhat
from the norm.  However, if you have made it this
far in the series you should be pretty much aware
of what he is capable of doing.
Keywords: MF caution nc rape Mdom bd sad violent tort lac

This story is of an adults only nature, please do not continue
reading if you are not of age to do so.  This story is a part of
a collection of related fantasies which deal with rape and
violent torture of a non-consenting nature.  The content of these
stories is entirely based on fantasy and not to be confused with
reality or construed as an endorsement of the activities
depicted.  While some of these stories contain characters who are
subjected to various situations including slavery, abuse, and an
assortment of other unspeakable acts against nature, remember
that both the victims and perpetrators are characters and not
real people.


I've often wondered what my life would have been like if I had
never come to the island or if I'd been lucky enough to have
grown up in a normal kind of place.  I was born in Argentina in
the mid-1950s and grew up in my aunts' house.  My mother died
just a few hours after I was born and my father died a short time
later.  Actually, I firmly believe that he was murdered.

My father was a medical doctor who had been a member of the Nazi
elite.  He moved to Argentina shortly after the war to escape
prosecution and from the few stories I heard from those who knew
him in Germany, there were plenty of good reasons for him to
flee.  He had worked with the SS during the war as an
interrogator and the job they gave him was to counteract the
French Resistance.  He was captured for a time by the British in
Northern Africa and taken to England but managed to escape, with
a little help from the Luftwaffe, while being transported by air
to the United States.

He spent some time in Eastern Europe after that, but as the war
was inevitably coming to an end he managed to get out of Germany
with a sizeable cache of gold, jewels and other valuables. 
Arriving in Argentina he became a dairy farmer, married a local
girl and lived a rather conventional life, at least until I was

Since like I said my mother died in childbirth, my father soon
after begged his sister in Germany to come to join him in
Argentina in order to help him raise me.  She arrived with two of
her female friends, whom she insisted that I also call my aunts
even though we all knew fully well that we weren't related. 
Apparently she had never liked my father, and never knew much
about his past life either, but after arriving on the farm all
that began to change.

The aunts soon picked up on the gossip which flowed through that
small town about my father's past during the war.  I guess they
knew he was in the army but had no idea about the methods of
harshness he was accused of using in his counterespionage work. 
When I was about four years old he mysteriously died of food
poisoning.  I've always been convinced they did it to him, but
that wasn't the worst of it.

After that time, growing up for me was pure hell.  I ended up
literally being their slave, waiting on them hand and foot.  The
cruelest part of it was when I reached puberty and began to
realize that I was gay.  That was when their tortures became more
and more repressive.  They would make fun of me in public, scorn
my friends, and then one of them decided to force me bathe with
her so that I would "learn correct sexuality."  Things finally
peaked when they decided that they had to mutilate and get rid of
my best friend in school, for my "own good."

He was a real sweet guy and the only one I could confide in
during that whole time.  One night after I had invited him to
sleep over at my house, the three of them broke into my room with
a butcher knife and went at slicing at his genitals with it.  I
managed to get loose from them and freed him before they
succeeded in completing their little scheme and then the two of
us somehow managed to flee the house before they could catch up
with us.  However, the three aunts called the police, accusing my
friend of attacking them and they came and picked him up and took
him away to some prison somewhere.  He never survived that place
long enough to go to trial.

After that incident my life steadily grew even more unbearable. 
Their crusade to "correct" my sexual orientation continued with
renewed strength and vengeance and I became subjected to all
sorts of sexual rituals with both them and with the various
female prostitutes they hired to "teach" me.  I finally managed
to escape from their house and never returned.

People have told me that my aunt and their friends are the cause
of my hatred for women but that's not really true.  I don't hate
women.  To be honest, I really just don't care about women.  I
have no problem with them as long as they know how to behave. 
Its just when they get weepy and whiny that I can't tolerate them
and it seems that the ones they get for us on the island are
usually these little, soft, skinny and hairless females who tend
to talk a lot and cry all the time.

Actually, the fact of the matter is, I find females to be
biologically fascinating.  I mean if one looks at the reality
that they come with a rather deep sturdy hole in their crotch
along with having a pair of milk sacks hanging off their chests,
they seem to be just begging to be put to some useful purpose. 
We eat eggs.  We drink milk.  Quite honestly it seems as if the
female body in any species is built to be not much more than a
little supply factory.  I guess I see them, like cows and hens,
as a biological entity which can be put to some useful purpose

I had always been interested in the sciences, biology in
particular, and maybe it was that fascination combined with some
sort of genetic drive which led me to enroll in medical school
after I left my aunt's house.  As it turned out I didn't have the
money to finish, only managing a couple of years of study, but
that little bit of training has since paid off in the long run. 
It also gave me the opportunity to find new friends and it was
while I was in medical school that I met my lifetime companion
and we are still together today.

He has his quirks but we have similar backgrounds of social
rejection by our families and most important, I am confident that
he understands me.  Actually I believe I enhanced his reputation. 
I won't go into the details but when we met he was working as an
enforcer for a large scale Cuban drug operation.  It wasn't
particularly difficult or time consuming work but from time to
time he would be asked to either discipline or occasionally to
eliminate certain of his "colleagues" in the drug trade.  I told
him some of the stories which I had heard about my father during
the war and he especially admired and then adopted the way in
which my father used to go about executing his particularly
uncooperative prisoners.  This particular method consisted of
taking a shotgun and discharging it up into the prisoner's

Soon my companion was known all over, from Buenos Aries to Mexico
City, as the hit man who shot your balls off.  Unfortunately his
"calling card" also led the police to be able to readily identify
his work and within a few years, by the late seventies, he was
looking for something else to do which wouldn't call as much
attention to himself and his employers.

The organization he worked for had many diversified interests
including drugs, smuggling, gambling, night clubs, and
prostitution.  It was in association with this last thing that my
companion saw a unique opportunity to create a profitable
enterprise both for himself as well as for the family.

The family had first acquired the casino on this little island in
the Caribbean in the late fifties as part of a larger financial
settlement dealing with some failed real estate venture in
Florida.  It remained just a little backwater resort until the
Cuban revolution forced the closing of their extensive holdings
in Havana.  Since they enjoyed favorable political and legal
status from the local authorities on that little island, they
completely renovated the hotel and casino building and expanded
the island's airport as far as the hills would allow to support
larger twin engine aircraft making the place a popular vacation
spot and playground for men seeking something more than just the
warm sun.  The casino offered gambling and entertainment, and the
female staff offered a wide variety of "personal services" for
the patrons.

The madam for this operation was this big German woman whom they
had nicknamed "the cow" although I'm pretty certain nobody ever
called her that to her face.  Her specialty was in straightening
out problem hookers where they might need a little extra
disciplinary conditioning.  Soon enough she had established the
casino as the place where any operator could, for a small fee,
send his less cooperative girls for necessary obedience training
sessions.  Every once in while they would also receive requests
from clients on the island who wanted to take one or more of the
girls home with them.  Actually some of these guys had pretty
bizarre fantasies and the girls they bought usually didn't last
too long but the outright sale of females constituted only a
small part of this whole operation.  Usually there were a few
girls anyway that were either untrainable or somehow knew too
much about something they weren't supposed to and if it kept the
clients happy the family had no particular objections to seeing
them go.

About the time my friend found himself retiring from the drug
trade, one of the casino's hookers apparently had enough of "the
cow's" training methods and the big madam was found in her bed
one morning with her throat cut open.  Her murderer was found and
sold off to an African client who was said to practice
cannibalism but her demise left no one in charge of the
retraining operation on the island.  What we saw in all this
enterprise was a decent potential for revenue from our various
foreign clients for young unattached females and to this day,
particularly in the Far East, Middle East and in Africa, there
still seems to be a steady demand for young white women among the
wealthy and powerful.  We used to joke that it became so popular
in Africa because the Africans saw it as the black man's revenge
to get to finally fuck over the whites for a change, but
ultimately it seemed to offer some rather profitable
possibilities for us.

After some campaigning on our part the family came around to
regarding it as a lucrative enough idea to consolidate and then
dominate the entire market for both retraining and supplying
prostitutes.  However at the same time, they were greatly
concerned that getting involved in this type of operation posed a
considerable danger of unwanted publicity if it were ever
"discovered" and publicity was one thing they weren't at all
interested in.  So instructing us to operate as discreetly as
possible, it was finally decided that they would allow a trial
project and appointed my companion to organize the thing and get
it up and running.  He of course hired me to help and to go along
with him.

On the south end of the island was a private estate separated
from the casino by a long stone wall.  Around 1970 the main house
suffered major damage from a tropical storm and the owner decided
to sell out to the family rather than rebuild.  The sole
remaining building in the estate was a large warehouse building
which had been built up on pilings so it survived the storm surge
that had destroyed the house.  It was empty but in still
reasonably good condition when we arrived on the island in 1980.

This warehouse building, separated by both distance and a wall
from the casino, seemed a natural to become the base for our
operation.  We found this huge guy, a former professional
wrestler who was at that time a bouncer at the casino, to work as
a guard for the facility, and together we quickly assembled some
holding cells, a kitchen, and a small apartment for the live-in
guard.  Then we began to work on getting the business started.

The first thing we did was to work out arrangements to maintain a
steady supply of females for the retraining operation.  Although
we seem to get all types, we prefer that the stock we end up
buying to be more or less small in stature and young, late teens
or early twenties.  The market for younger ones is better and if
they get too big or too old they don't intimidate as easily and
are usually harder to control.  Of course the guard has no
trouble with any of them and particularly likes the bigger
athletic females with big breasts but I only use the smaller,
younger ones which I can more easily control when I'm working
with them in my lab.  We primarily deal with females who are
already managed by the outfit such as prostitutes or dancers, and
only occasionally do we do favors for other operations who have
hookers in need of additional submissiveness training.

Generally all this traffic eventually funnels through either
Bogota or Miami where we have control of airport freight loading
areas secluded enough to allow transfers to the island with
little notice or interference.  The females are flown through
these distribution points in a special compartment built into the
old DC-3 we use to shuttle supplies and freight to the casino. 
Generally we only have to fly them in this way since going back
after they have been reconditioned they are always very
cooperative and offer no resistance.  We've never encountered any
problems with this part of the operation.

The guard literally jumped at the chance to take over this
reconditioning training.  He went ahead on his own and set up his
bedroom apartment as a sort of discipline chamber with all sorts
of leather harnesses, whips and that sort of thing.  He refers to
it as his submissiveness training center and he has become quite
successful at turning out compliant hookers after only a few days
of instruction.  He even has a reasonable rate of success with
many of the hard core problem cases.

The process we developed wasn't really all that difficult to put
together and isn't really all that original.  Largely it is based
on nineteenth century prison theory and mainly involves intensive
isolation, strict discipline, quick punishment, and constant
supervision.  Each female is kept in solitary confinement and
since silence makes for mental isolation, they are not allowed to
talk, not allowed communicate with one another in any way, and
not allowed any personal freedom.

In prison terms, silence is the advantage of the keeper versus
the inmate.  Communication allows the inmate to conspire.  In
conspiring, the prisoner creates the connections and comradery
which make up the prison subculture.  The important thing is to
prevent them from communicating which in turn breaks the back of
that subculture.  Then you as the keeper have the upper hand in
breaking them of any independent spirit they might have in order
to make them more responsive to the training procedures.  In our
operation this is established as soon as they arrive on the
island as part of their initial processing where they are
required to strip in front of one of us, given their I.D. collar
and then they are made to submit to a rather through medical
exam.  Also their fingernails are kept very short and
occasionally their hair is cut allowing us to more easily
maintain their physical reconditioning.

There is a whole psychology to making them strip and remain naked
all the while they are on the island and we feel that by doing it
we set up at the very beginning a capitulation of identity and
complete obedience to our training goals.  The key is to keep
them continuously off guard with surprise inspections, irregular
but constant discipline and a general lack of any sort of
routine.  Then as long as they remain with us, this lesson is
reinforced by keeping them subservient and continuously denying
them any human individuality.  Basically, you might say we treat
them as if they were animals.  Once we get through to them and
they realize that they have to rely on us for everything, and
they finally agree to relinquish to us all control over their
lives, our training is complete.  It usually doesn't take very

Soon after we started up, however, we began to acquire our own
females from various sources inside and outside the family who
simply didn't want them back.  This development forced us to
undertake some leg work toward creating a market for these new
acquisitions while at the same time making sure that our
operation remained low profile.  Having our own stock to sell did
enhance the profitability of the operation and we have since
developed new markets in Africa and the Middle East with the
demand for new females growing to two or three a month by 1990
with seasonal peaks in the spring and around New Years.

Interestingly enough, my medical training seemed to come in handy
right away.  From the very beginning the supply of females was
marginal and many of them were not in great physical condition so
I became known on the island as the doctor.  Right away I got
pretty good at patching them up, at least to get them off drugs,
looking healthy, maximizing our profit margin and creating a
better bottom line for our operation.  We were also able to
screen them for any sexually transmitted diseases, quarantining
the sick ones until we could give them a clean bill of health or
else marketing them as disposables.  Our clients are highly
appreciative of our efforts in this area.  Actually, it paid off
in some other ways as well.

A couple years after we arrived on the island I had a chance to
set up a little laboratory in some empty space in the warehouse
building.  The lab was originally established to do some
experimentation on dietary supplements since some of the females
coming through seemed anemic, poorly nourished and sickly.  In
order to establish the high level of quality control in our
product that I felt was necessary, I did a considerable amount of
work on tailoring diet needs to individual females and then
combining that with specific regimens of exercise designed to
correct various physical deficiencies.

The result to this effort was that besides their psychological
reconditioning, I was able to get pretty consistent results in
achieving a much improved physical look with our female product. 
The female physique I was aiming for was pretty much one which is
slim without being skinny, fit, healthy, attractive and without
defects.  I like smooth clear skin with no abrasions or bruises,
nice proportional breasts which are full without being saggy,
thin waists, tight round butts, and tight thigh muscles.  I can't
stand pierced anything except maybe ears, and I hate tattoos,
several of which I have had removed off their little bodies.  It
seemed that I spent most of my time reworking butt and leg
muscles and in spite of the fact that we didn't have any means of
changing their facial features, I was even able to make some
progress in that area though both a generous and judicious
application of name brand cosmetics.  We also invested a
considerable amount of our funds in acne and skin medication to
the point where every single one of our females was returned not
just acting better but looking considerably better as well.

While I was in the middle of that work it was suggested to me
that perhaps there was a way to alter a female's diet in order to
somehow enhance breast growth.  Well that theory made sense to me
so I embarked on a study of trying several different growth
oriented substances on a few of the more promising ones to see if
it might have some positive effect.

The results I obtained on dietary methods of breast enlargement
were mostly inconclusive.  It seemed that the time required in
order to see any positive results was simply too long compared to
the time the females were normally housed on the island, so I
then moved on to hormone injections in order to stimulate them
quicker.  I guessed that what I needed was a source of human
hormone supplements but all I had available through my various
pharmaceutical connections was stuff intended for goats and dairy
cattle, and the majority of these chemicals just seemed to
succeed in making my subjects get sick.

Then one day I had an interesting breakthrough.  Working with a
combination of various synthetic hormone compounds in relatively
large doses, one of my females started expressing milk.  It was
really something I didn't expect and I managed to draw about 200
ml. or so from its breasts before it dried up.  Since I didn't
detect any particular side effects from the injection and since
the lactation seemed so short lived, I began to experiment on the
quantity and mixture of my hormone concoction and eventually
found that with a hot enough dose I could get about 500 ml. from
each udder within a couple of hours after administering the

The only real side effect I could detect from the hormone mixture
was a virtual shut down the menstrual cycle along with a nominal
amount of temporary breast enlargement.  This side effect was
actually rather fortunate since the guard had decided that the
way to compensate for the milker's structured routine was to make
them into his personal love slaves and in spite of the amount of
unprotected fucking the guard and our visiting clientele used to
subject them to, I never once had one get pregnant.

It turned out that the female could produce a pretty steady
supply for about a month or two if limited to one injection and
milking session each day before the whole mammary system would
just give out, probably from the build up of stress caused by the
massive artificial stimulus.  This was pretty exciting because
not only did it give us a whole new product line but it allowed
us to recover almost all the costs involved in feeding and
sheltering the females while they were on the island for not much
more than a few dollars a day in pharmaceutical expenses. 
Marketing the product turned out to be surprisingly easy and not
only did we find our regular customers interested, it seemed to
generate interest in areas that we had not yet developed.

I soon designed three milking tables which were fabricated out of
stainless steel on which we could lay the females, strapped to
its surface at the wrists, ankles and waist, face down so that
the udders would pass through holes in the table top.  Beneath
the table I had hooked up a small used Surge milking machine
which I had purchased in Venezuela.  The machine worked well when
it was working but the thing always demanded constant attention. 

It turned out that one of the key problems I had with the old
Surge was first figuring out how to adapt its cups to fit female
breasts and then how to keep them from falling off in the middle
of the milking process.  I had picked up some little glass breast
cup things from a shop in Miami that stocked bondage stuff but
they only proved to be too fragile for production use.  In
addition, I couldn't keep them attached for the whole session
without also designing a set of straps or something.  So I
decided to start from scratch and began to look around for
something else I could use.  

I started with all sorts of things, from those little oxygen
masks you use on airplanes to the rubber boot that fits around
the gearshift lever in my VW.  While I was in the midst of this
puzzle, I noticed that while pouring a drink from a two liter
plastic Coke bottle that the top part of it was shaped just about
right.  Using the bottle as a mold, I fashioned a pair of breast
cups out of liquid latex, placing a fitting on the apex of the
device to accept the machine's intake hose.

The cup itself I designed to be a double walled affair, a hard
outer shell made out of a lightweight rigid plastic and a latex
inner insert which the vacuum would collapse firmly against the
breast.  I correctly assumed that I would need some sort of
mechanical means to stimulate milk ejection and the latex insert
seemed to provide the necessary massaging action to squeeze the
fluid out of the interior of the gland down to the nipple.  The
hard outer shell was provided with a series of small holes
surrounding the perimeter on the inside circumference of the lip
so that the vacuum from the machine would firmly grip the cup to
the base of breast while at the same time create enough suction
inside the cup to draw out the milk through the nipple.  It
worked well from the very first day.

With three milkers in continuous production, I immediately began
to produce surplus quantities of product and subsequent
adjustments to my serum formula allowed me to increase butterfat
to the point where I was able to experiment with other dairy
products.  Skimming the cream off the milk I could produce small
amounts of butter, or with whole milk I could make cottage
cheese, a sort of mild cheddar cheese and even succeeded in
making ice cream.

Sometime in 1988 one of our Arab customers visited the island and
suggested that my products might be more enticing if I somehow
used female power working on their own milk to produce my dairy
line.  So, figuring that butter would be the easiest to start
with, I once again began to experiment with my milkers.

My first attempt involved a mechanical churn which the female
would work using a small bicycle saddle device with a solid plug
which would fit up into the vagina and another smaller one for
the rectum.  Attached to the churn in this way, it would be made
to do pelvic thrusts in order to agitate the cream into butter. 
This was interesting to watch but it didn't really work very
well.  The chief problem with this method was keeping the subject
moving long and intense enough to get any real results.

Next I decided on a less mechanical approach which basically
consisted of a thick rubber bladder that would be run up into the
vaginal cavity so that it was completely contained within the
female's own body.  I could then pump the cream into it and then
mechanically agitate the abdominal area until the butterfat
finally congealed into a lump of butter.  I've always been
fascinated with how incredibly tough and resilient the female
reproductive system is and amazingly enough, could get about a
full liter of solution in a bladder of this type before the
subject would become too uncomfortable to continue.  While this
system worked better, I still wasn't pleased with the result
until an accident led me to the definitive solution.

I was working around one of my lab females during one of the
routine daily milking sessions when the old Surge decided to once
again blow out.  Actually, this time the motor shorted and since
it was up against one of the metal table legs it sent a shock up
into the milker's legs, across its body and back down to the wet
floor through the breast cups.  Before the motor finally blew its
fuse, the female lurched like crazy from the resulting electrical
stimulation.  That's what gave me the idea that perhaps a
controlled, rhythmical pulse could be used to agitate the vaginal
bladder, utilizing the milker's own muscle power to churn the
milker's own butter.  It was just the answer I was looking for.

The stimulator device I built to do this is basically a simple
electronic pulse generator.  Of course one needs to exercise
caution when using it, just like any other electrical device,
especially around the moist environments of the lab and dairy,
since the apparatus is perfectly capable of producing voltages
that can cause harm or even electrocution to its operator.  In
normal use this apparatus produces up to several hundred volts at
various locations within its enclosure and is designed to create
at the output terminals three millisecond pulses of up to forty
milliamperes and two hundred volts.  At its maximum settings the
output is approximately as hazardous as an old crank type
telephone generator.  

I did some further research and experimentation on what kind of
electrical pulse in terms of voltage, amperage and frequency
would give me the maximum stimulation without leaving burn marks
on the skin surface, it being important not to damage the
subjects in any way which might reduce their market value.  In
order to get the most efficient muscle contractions it became
apparent that a pair of electrodes clipped to the lips of the
vulva acting against ones placed internally near the top of the
vagina created the necessary sharp, sudden and exceptionally
controlled spasms which could be used to efficiently churn the
cream contained in the vaginal bladder.  I then devised a steel
cylinder device which not only wouldn't collapse from the
female's strongly induced muscle exertions but would allow me to
use its metal surface to evenly distribute the electrical pulses
across the vaginal sheath's tissues, ensuring regular and
thorough muscular contractions.  Fifteen minutes to a half hour
of agitation would yield a maximum quantity of butter from a
given amount of cream.  In addition, the process has the positive
side effect of enhancing muscle tone in the tummy, buttocks and
leg muscles which has yielded measurable improvements in some

We have also begun to ripen the cream using some special cultures
I picked up on a trip to Argentina, giving our butter a much more
intense butter flavor and a much richer, warmer feel than regular
butter.  I also worked out a method of  mechanically cooling of
the cylinder during the churning process in order to help
maximize the yield out of the available butterfat in the cream,
increasing the efficiency of the entire operation.

I was very proud of the engineering which I designed into the
churn.  This remarkable little device consists of a stainless
steel tube twenty centimeters long and five centimeters in
diameter.  One end has a spherical top which threads into the
cylinder and can be removed for filling the cylinder with cream,
removing the fresh butter and buttermilk, and for cleaning.  The
bottom is finished with a flanged end to which the refrigerant
hoses are connected.  Inside, the cylinder is lined with a series
of small tubes which carry the alcohol coolant and serve to keep
the cream mixture at the optimum temperature throughout the
churning process.  The coolant flow additionally turns a paddle
mechanism inside the churn which keeps the cream solution
thoroughly stirred. 

Adding the coolant tubes had originally increased the diameter of
it a little and there was some concern that it would be too big
for the slaves to accommodate.  The guard was particularly
worried since he sort of thinks of the slaves like they were his
own little harem.  Well I pointed out to him that most of our
stock comes pretty much reamed out already and anyway the vaginal
tissue is plenty stretchable and sturdy enough for what we need
it for.  I can really recall only one problem we had in terms of
ruptures or tears and that was with some little Brazilian which
had gotten itself all tensed up while anticipating the churn's

Actually I did a bit of research on how much stress the churn put
on their little physical systems in an effort to make some
determination of just how much of their reaction was from real
discomfort and how much of it was just in their minds.  While we
were on a weekend up in Nassau the dairy operation became a
subject of conversation with a certain one of our club friends
there.  Now this particular guy might seem like your run of the
mill a toy boy but he is actually a very serious expert when it
comes to heavy bondage things.  As an active submissive he has
designed some devices for himself which I don't even care to
imagine much less relate here.  Anyway, he convinced me to let
him try the thing out as so we invited him down to the casino and
I brought the stimulator and a churn unit over there for him to

He gave me some advice on electrical stimulation and then before
long he had the churn jammed up his poop chute with the
stimulator cranked way beyond any settings I've ever run with in
our dairy operation.  Overall he truly admired the little device
and after finishing up with it, didn't seem any the worse for
wear.  Be that as it may, I've never been particularity
interested in trying out the thing myself and took his word for
it that it was relatively harmless.  Of course he turned down an
invitation to observe it in production on a churning session
since he couldn't really figure out why we would want to waste
such a fine piece of craftsmanship on cunts.

The churn unit is connected to a small refrigeration compressor
and coolant reservoir by two hoses: an insulated hose carrying
the chilled coolant and a thinner, uninsulated return hose.  The
hoses also carry the wires which deliver the electrical impulses
into the vaginal cavity.

At first we were doing the milking early in the morning, like on
the farm.  This would give us fresh milk every morning for our
casino hotel guests and a ready fresh supply for our lab
activities throughout the day.  But eventually we found ourselves
regularly using our milking stock to perform various other
domestic duties around the facility like preparing meals,
cleaning and laundry.  However, it seemed that after the daily
dairy sessions, especially if they had been involved in churning,
the females would become just too exhausted to be of much value
in their chores.  So that's when we switched the dairy sessions
to late afternoon, after chores were completed and just before
they were put to bed for the night.

The regular work session for the milkers now begins in the late
afternoon when they are walked from their cells to the dairy
wing.  The one which has been chosen to perform the churning for
that day is brought out first and taken to the shower room where
it is given an enema.  We have found that this procedure not only
eliminates any organic accidents during the churning process, but
it also reduces the risk of vaginal infections developing in the
stock from the presence of residual fecal bacteria.  It also, of
course, protects the butter and buttermilk products from any
possibility of contamination.

Once it has been cleaned and readied, the one chosen to do the
churning is walked to the dairy chamber along with rest of the
stock and they are all strapped to the milking tables.  First
they get their injections and then while we wait for the hormones
to take effect they are bathed and prepped for milking.  The
breasts are cleaned with a disinfectant and the whole body is
washed with soap and water to insure product quality.  The stock
usually gets pretty groggy or passes out for a while after
getting their inoculations making them pretty easy to deal with
during this cleaning operation which is necessarily through. 
Once cleaned they are then hooked up to monitoring devices which
track pulse rate, respiration, blood pressure and temperature
giving us some true indication of their overall health status. 
We found it to be important that they not eat for several hours
before this procedure because the injections also occasionally
induce nausea and vomiting so they are only fed a light lunch and
then are not fed again until after they are returned to their

It takes the hormone solution about in hour and a half to two
hours to do its work by which time they are awake again and
primed and ready for milking.  We then hook them up and work them
for about a half hour which is about as long as the effects of
the hormone treatment will normally last.  The stuff never really
induces a normal nursing "let down" so they have to be constantly
pumped in order to keep the milk flowing.  I have also never been
able to get them to lactate on their own with much success once
the treatments are withdrawn.  Without the daily doses, their
milk yields rapidly diminish, generally completely ceasing within
a day or two.

In order to churn the butter, I originally modified one of the
tables by placing an extra set of ankle straps on a pair of
outriggers set perpendicular to the table top.  Then, taking one
leg at a time, I would manually spread open the churning female,
reanchoring the ankles to the outriggers.  In this way I could
get the legs spread far enough apart to get unobstructed access
to the vaginal cavity.  Of course, there was always the danger of
getting kicked in the face during this process, but the table
device was merely a prototype and I guess that was just an
occupational hazard or maybe a tribute to my physical training

Once the female is in this openly accessible position, it becomes
a simple matter of taking the churn cylinder and sliding it in up
into the vagina, stretching its tissue until the flat end of the
churn is even with the outer lips of the vulva.  Depending on the
subject, this insertion procedure can be effortless or a struggle
and occasionally the device won't seem to fit all the way in,
necessitating other measures to sufficiently lock it in place. 
Once it is secured and ready to go, we release the waist strap,
allowing the female more freedom of movement in order to
accomplish the most efficient agitation throughout the churning

The biggest problem I've encountered with this system is that on
some of the more developed subjects, particularly those who have
had extensive sexual experience, the churn cylinder occasionally
falls out in the middle of the operation.

At first we tried using belts and straps to hold the device in
place but it seemed like every female pelvis is a different size
and getting the belt adjusted for each one of them took a lot of
time.  Then once we had it on, it seemed like with all the
physical activity of the female subject, the hoses and especially
the vaginal clips would get knocked off or broken by all the
abrupt movement caused by the stimulator pulses.  Finally, I
ended up having to wash and deal with maintaining the belts all
the time so one day I just decided to try gluing the thing in.

I experimented with several different formulas and ended up with
something I put together by myself which had the right
consistency and drying time.  It is primarily based on a
commercial rubber based cement since that seemed to be the only
product I could find which was capable of maintaining a
successful bond to both the steel cylinder and the moist walls of
the vaginal conduit but yet will allow us to break that seal once
the churning is over.  The stuff is really only mildly toxic and
doesn't seem to have any lasting effect on the female's health.

Right from the beginning my little churning operation proved to
be very popular with our clients and the demand for my new line
of dairy products soon grew substantial enough for us to set
aside a portion of the quarters to use solely as a dairy.  Then
in 1992, our growing success finally resulted in permission to do
a major renovation of the slave quarters, as it had been called
by that time.  My laboratory and dairy enterprise was a featured
part of this renovation and a substantial part of the new
building is now dedicated to its operation.  The rest of the
facility consists of the kitchen, storage, several holding cells
and one double cell which can be used as an infirmary for ailing
females along with the small two room apartment for the guard.

The new dairy was designed to accommodate six milkers in
simultaneous production with all new built-in milking machines
along with improved electrical stimulators and refrigeration
compressors specifically designed for the butter churning
process.  I also designed the new stainless steel milking tables
which we had fabricated in Venezuela, each with motorized leg
spreaders and contoured in shape, adjustable to fit a varied
assortment of female body sizes.  In addition, the laboratory
included all new equipment which I have since put to good work
toward further increasing and improving of our dairy output.

As I recall, it was during the renovation that we had our only
successful escape attempt.  This happened while the laboratory
and dairy were located in a temporary storage area inside the
building while we completed the final phase of renovation and
installed the new equipment.  The escape attempt was led by this
hooker from the States and who had gotten just a little bit too
independent to manage properly.  So its pimp sent it out to us
for reconditioning and sale and we ended up with it on the
island.  That independent streak lasted a little too long into
the whore's stay at our facility.

I had been in Caracas that week arranging for the shipment of the
new dairy equipment and my companion had been on an extended trip
to both the Middle East and various parts of the former Soviet
Union contacting clients.  He had just been placed in charge of
the entire reconditioning outfit and figured it was critical that
he assess and evaluate the existing business before deciding in
which direction we might expand next.

There were only three females in the quarters at the time, all
dedicated to the dairy operation, and the big guard had left for
the casino after feeding and locking them up for the night.  From
what we can figure out, this one hooker knew a bit about picking
locks and sometime after the guard left, opened its own cell, the
other two cells and the deadbolt on the loading dock door.  The
three of them managed to get to the warehouse dock area just
beyond the security wall where they stole a small boat.  They
headed west and around daybreak had made it to another small
island just a few kilometers from where they had started.

Now it just so happened that I was flying back home that very
morning in our single engine Cessna seaplane and happened to
notice the casino's boat drifting in the water near that island. 
Circling the little island I could make out the three of them,
wrapped in sheets and blankets they had stolen from the quarters,
attempting to hide in the sparse vegetation.  Trying to figure
out what was going on, I radioed the casino and they confirmed
the missing boat and then a few minutes later the missing
milkers.  So I landed next to the island, taxied to the beach and
immediately recaptured the three of them.

Once I brought them back, I had to keep the big guard from
killing the trio out of sheer anger.  Actually, I believe the
only one who was really guilty of anything was that American
whore and I promised him that I would personally take care of the
punishment of that one.  In Caracas I had gotten some ideas for
new products and after talking them over with my companion, now
the head of our own outfit, he agreed that we should give them a
try.  I had temporarily set up my lab in what would eventually
become a storage room once the renovation was finally complete
and there decided to try a few of my new ideas on this little
rebellious number.  The guard first had the hooker put in
shackles and then we had it do all the churning for next couple
of days.  In the mean time, I took the opportunity to do some
fine tuning on my hormone injections having found some new stuff
while I was in Columbia.

The first thing I tried was to see if output could be increased
by doubling the milking sessions to twice a day but it seemed as
if that just wore the milkers down quicker and output really
remained about the same.  The additional serum seemed to leave
them in a continual drug stupor and it became difficult to get
them to eat and to keep their liquid intakes up.  However, the
work I did on boosting butterfat yields proved to be much more
productive.  After about a week of my new blend, I was getting
results in the ten percentile range which was about three times
what we were seeing before.

Soon after we had gone back to the once a day milking schedule
and the new serum formula, I observed a marked improvement in the
health and spirit of the milkers.  I left the other two on what
was now the normal evening schedule but did the hooker in the
morning so that I would have a female available throughout the
day in my lab.  The little whore developed a habit of kicking me
in the face every time I would spread its legs open for churning
so I figured it might be a good time to try something altogether

I had used the vaginal bladder device in my previous unsuccessful
attempts at making butter but I figured that maybe it would work
for making cheese.  I would just need enough agitation for the
milk and starter to mix together and then I would have to be able
to add the rennet and continue some light agitation so that the
curds would form.  So I modified the rubber bladder with a filler
tube and added a separate injection tube for the rennet, dug out
my old chair unit with the mechanical shaking device hooked to it
and put the hooker on it.

It wasn't much fun for the female or me either for that matter. 
There was a lot of panic involved with fitting the bladder up
into the subject as well as with the filling process.  I had to
pressure pump the warm milk into the bladder to overcome the
heavy back pressure caused by having to stretch out the vaginal
muscles.  After getting about one liter into it, I stopped and
turned on the agitating motor.  I didn't have any real problems,
but the female went crazy.  It always seemed that with this
bladder device, once they would see their little tummies bulging
out they would just loose all control.  This time, the whore
managed to pee all over the chair while we were stirring in the
rennet, almost shorting out the motor. 

After about a half hour or so, I drained out the whey, removed
the bladder and opened it up.  While the process successfully
produced some tasty cheese curds, I figured that there would have
to be an easier way to accomplish this task which didn't involve
so much screaming, wailing, and clean up afterwards if we were
ever going to do this thing in a full time production setting.

I then went to work on an ice cream maker which instead of using
a motor would be slave powered.  Borrowing from my previous
experience with electrical stimulus and with that same bicycle
saddle device I had used while developing the butter churning
process, I created a mechanism which would convert pelvic motion
into the stirring needed for ice cream processing.

I fit the slave with the new saddle, which really only connected
to the churn through a couple of solid plugs running up into the
vagina and rectum.  Then I experimented a bit with placement of
electrodes on the abdomen in order to maximize the strength of
the muscle spasms necessary to run the device.

Overall, the contraption worked well enough but there seemed to
be a lot of stress on the female's genital tissues, particularly
around the opening to the vagina as it worked toward the end of
the process when the ice cream mixture grew the thickest.  In
order to keep the mechanism functioning, I had to crank the
voltage to the electrodes between the shaft ends and those taped
to the abdomen up to maximum output.  This seemed to create too
much stress on the subject who subsequently passed out in the
middle of the process and I ended up stopping the device before
it started to tear tissue or cause permanent damage to the
vaginal or rectal orifices.  While testing for production is
important, one must remember that living subjects are expensive
and you really never want to run the risk of causing hemorrhaging
and then losing the female in the lab.

With the whore beginning to dry up and the final delivery of the
new dairy and laboratory equipment imminent, it was getting to be
time for me to finish up my research and to prepare for the
switch over to the new gear.  Since the operation would have to
be closed down for a few days, we had been storing up milk to see
us through for about a week or so of down time.  We also had been
searching for some special customers to take our little renegade
travelers since having been around and off the island, they might
be able to identify the place to others and therefore compromise
the security of the entire operation.

I wasn't too concerned about the two young ones and ended up
sending the both of them to an Arab prince who was one of our
earliest dairy customers.  He had dining habits which could best
be described as macabre and I was pretty sure they wouldn't be
talking anyway.  The hooker, on the other hand, I don't think we
ever did get properly reconditioned, so I had that one sent to a
special customer in Africa who dabbled in bestiality with wild
animals and really relished taking his pleasure with white

The guard helped a great deal in the setup of the refurbished
dairy.  He worked on the new stainless steel milking tables
allowing me to set up the laboratory equipment and the central
milking machine and electrical stimulator to be used for the
churning operation.  Having this equipment built in rather than
portable allowed it to be considerably quieter in operation
besides being far less susceptible to accidental damage.  In
addition, it made the dairy less cluttered and easier to

The only problem we had with the renovation was that the
refrigerator we used to keep the stockpiled dairy products in the
warehouse building decided to quit the day after we closed down
the dairy.  Then, as luck would have it, the same night the
courier plane arrived to transfer the old slaves out, we had an
unexpected visit from one of our established dairy clients at the

I happened to be at a party up in Nassau that afternoon, a
wedding involving members of the family, when I received a
panicked call from the casino's hotel manager that this guy was
staying over for a few days and was requesting some fresh dairy
products.  The hotel manager had heard from our courier that we
had received a young hooker from the States early that same
morning on the supply plane out of Miami and he couldn't locate
the boss to find out if he could put that one into immediate
production or not.  Well I made it clear to him that while I
wasn't the boss and couldn't really tell him what they could do
with that or any other female, I knew just who the client was and
how important his patronage was to the operation.  So I told them
that they should go ahead and I would get back to the island as
soon as I could to straighten things out.

The equipment in the dairy wasn't really ready, most of it was
still in boxes, but the guard had the tables ready to go and I
had just that afternoon finished installing the milking machine
and electrical stimulator unit although I hadn't had a chance to
test or calibrate any of it.  We weren't expecting to put any of
the new milkers into production for another several days.

Well the buyer and the guard processed this new female, gave it a
massive injection of my new serum, probably more than I would
have done seeing as how it only weighed about forty to forty-five
kilograms, and then gave it its enema and strapped it down to one
of the new tables.  Well since it was bound to happen, my
companion, the boss, while breaking in a new employee on the
island, encountered this little milker in the dairy, all prepped
and ready to go.  He was a bit pissed about not knowing anything
about what was going on but after I arrived back on the island
and explained everything he was all right.

While I didn't make it back to the island in time for the
milking, I did arrive in time to join my companion in trying out
the new butter churn.  Since that female had produced enough
cream in that one milking to make butter, we decided to go ahead
and use the opportunity to test out the new electrical stimulator
and churns.

Maybe it was just that it was the first one we used to try out
the new dairy equipment with, but there was something I always
liked about that little female.  While it didn't really fit the
physical profile for the regular milkers, being younger and less
physically developed than most, it still managed to produce a
respectable yield of milk with excellent butterfat content,
actually better than any milker I had up until that time.  

We had originally been told that the female was a young
prostitute from the States but I remember thinking at the time
that with such a tight vaginal conduit and just the way it was
acting, it just didn't seem that fully developed emotionally or
sexually to have been that much of a hooker.  Then when I did its
initial medical exam the next day, the freshness of the skin
breaks around the vaginal opening confirmed my suspicions that
thing couldn't have contained much more than a Tampax before we
had shoved our churn in there.

Well luckily we decided to coat the churn with glue before
inserting it since as it turned out the vagina was so small that
we couldn't get the thing all the way in.  With about thirty
centimeters of it still exposed, I finally managed to get the
vulva clips attached and got the churn going.  But, as it turned
out, it must have been pretty dry in there and the glue held so
well that I had to loosen it up with a solvent before being able
to break it loose from that little cunt hole once we had

Overall the churning process worked pretty well.  Although it
just barely fit the table, the female was in excellent physical
condition and exhibited good, firm contractions keeping the churn
in constant agitation.  We probably didn't need to run the unit
as long as we did, but the session did allow us a good check out
of the new system and the little female seemed to perform through
it all pretty well.

I noticed a few interesting things while monitoring the tightness
of the churn on this particular run.  The first thing, probably
because of the amount of serum which was administered, was that
the breasts continued to express milk throughout the churning
process.  I've since noticed this phenomena in a few other
females too, although not very often and primarily among those
which were underweight or showed nominal breast development.

The other interesting thing I noticed was that the clitoris
seemed to be quite positively stimulated by the electrical
impulses.  Now this curiosity I had never observed before,
perhaps I just wasn't looking or maybe the new stimulator was
that much better, and I have since only noticed it in a limited
way in very few of the other females.  It doesn't seem to be any
indication of sexual arousal, apparently being just a side effect
of the muscle stimulation caused by the electrodes, but it gave
me some new ideas.

I kept this particular female in production even after we
received the ones we had planned to populate the dairy with
mainly because it was such a good little producer and remained
very obedient.  I had wanted to keep it around at least until I
had my new lab up and running because it inspired me to try out
some new things I had been thinking about.

Since its little clit seemed so easily stimulated and it kept up
such good butterfat levels, I fabricated a special churn unit
which was a little shorter out of some aluminum tubing I had
laying around.  This was so that the thing would fit the shorter
vaginal chamber in that particular milker.  It also could be
hooked to a vibrator unit so that once I got the thing going, I
figured the artificial electrical impulses could be shut off and
the vibrator used alone to excite the female enough to go into
orgasm.  I thought it might work on this particular one, if any
of them, since it had exhibited such positive clitoral
stimulation from the electrical unit and it would give me a
butter product which would be churned through a more "natural"
method than the electrical stimulators.  Unfortunately, the day I
finished it was the same day this Arab general appeared on the
island and he bought the little female before I could try out the

Overall I've been very pleased with the new facilities.  The new
dairy is all tiled, floor and walls, for easy cleaning and
maintenance and has its own mop sink, refrigerator for cold
storage and equipment storage closets.  The six new contoured
stainless steel tables are each convertible for butter churning
and the built in central milking machine is much quieter and more
reliable than the old Serge ever was.  In addition, it has built
in electrical stimulator units with voltage, amperage and
frequency adjustments for every table besides two additional
outlets in the lab area.  I also built in timer circuitry for
each of them which allows the electrical variables to shift over
a period of time so that, for instance, I can automatically
increase the pulse intensity toward the end of the churning cycle
to compensate for muscle fatigue.  Hookups are available at every
table to monitor the subject's pulse rate, blood pressure,
respiration and temperature which has already yielded a
considerable amount of useful data on physical stamina.  Once I
am able to effectively isolate the monitoring devices from the
churning pulse generator, we plan to collect data on muscle
endurance toward further increasing overall efficiency of the
churning cycle.

The lab itself, besides storage cabinets and lab tables, has a
new large refrigerator/freezer unit, stove top, oven, double
stainless steel sink and dishwasher.  Along one wall I was able
to get a small metal shop put together with lathe, drill press,
and band saw for tool and prototype equipment fabrication.  It
also has its own milking table, this one being more of an open
frame restraint system where I can secure a female's torso in any
number of configurations for various experiments.

My current project is finding a better way of keeping the churn
devices contained in the vaginal conduit and the real solution, I
believe, is to elevate the slave's pelvis high enough so that the
vaginal channel is at least horizontal.  With the host laying
flat on its stomach, the angle of the butter churn is such that
unless it is tightly gripped or secured it seems to naturally
slide out.  While the obvious solution might seem to be to just
turn them over on their backs, keeping them face down tends to
keep the operation cleaner by allowing fluids to drain directly
to the floor.  I've seen it all here, from vaginal discharge and
urine to throwing up, and anything which keeps the churn
uncontaminated or the female from choking on its own vomit is
important to the process.  The table design I've been working on
will allow me to modify our present tables so that they will
angle the pelvis up to a slightly elevated position, making it
easier for the vaginal conduit to efficiently contain the
implements placed inside it.

Of course the building also has a kitchen facility and cells for
the females, including one double room which can be used as an
infirmary.  I've also included a private visitation/examination
room with a double bed, wet bar and VCR/television, so that our
special clients can test out their new purchases without us
having to take them up to the casino hotel.  This new room will
also permit us to occasionally entertain selected patrons and
allow them to tour the facility and even participate in the daily
routine.  It's not that we want to turn the quarters and dairy
into some kind of theme park but there seems to be a growing
interest among our regular clients in seeing the operation in
action and it seems a good idea as long as the overall security
of the island isn't compromised.

Besides opening the facilities up to the clients for occasional
"hands on" tours, our plans also call for increased biological
and physiological research toward the improvement of the dairy
operation and expansion of the dairy product line.  We also want
to do some work to improve the health and appearance of the
females before they are either returned or marketed.  For
example, plans include conversion of one of the storage rooms in
the dorm wing into a photo makeup room where we will be able to
do cosmetic work on them before they are presented to potential
buyers or renters, enhancing their value for what will only
amount to a minor investment.  We have also invested in several
exercycle machines which are allocated as needed to females who
are given a daily quota of exercise time until they are either
built up or trimmed down.  Their use to date has been extremely

One of my friends from college days is now a plastic surgeon up
in Nassau.  About a year ago he was doing some work for the
family when I ran into him at the casino and he immediately
became interested in our operation.  He suggested that perhaps he
could be brought in to do some work on some of the females in
exchange for some recreational exercise.  Since that time he has
reworked few noses along with some other relatively simple
procedures, all of which contributed to considerable improvement
of our product.  There was one female he took a particular
interest in and after devoting an extensive amount of work on its
facial structure the female wasn't even recognized by its owner
when we shipped it back to him.  That particular client was very
impressed.  Overall our clients have been delighted with his
specialty work as well as with what we have been able to
accomplish with their females both mentally and physically.

The one other thing he began experimenting with was
reconstructing hymens.  This he did with several of the females,
a few of which he tested himself after they had healed and I
recall at least one which was used as part of a performance which
was staged over at the casino.  He is quite a good craftsman and
I know from experience that you really can't tell the one's he
rebuilt from the originals.

He also came up with this other idea that maybe instead of
reconditioning females, we should start growing our own.  In
medical school he had a special interest in cloning and genetic
engineering and now whenever I see him, he always brings up this
scheme of his for breeding these sort of Stepford wives who would
all look like Barbie dolls and be trained to provide sensual
pleasures of all sorts.  His ideas all seem just a little to
wacky for me but judging from the photos we have taken over the
past few years, his value to our operation is made quite evident
by the substantial improvement his work has made to the quality
of our product for virtually nothing in cost.

The idea of taking photos of the females actually came from the
guard while we were setting up initial processing procedures for
new stock after the renovation.  He figured that if we took
pictures of them right after their physical exams we could have
publicity photos to help with sales of those that weren't going
to be returning to their previous operations.  So he offered to
temporarily set up a photo studio in his apartment.  It seemed
that the big guy had always been interested in photography and
even had a small darkroom up and running in the casino before we
hired him.  This has since become a regular part of the
processing of new stock and has helped a great deal in marketing
the product to clients who can now see in advance what they are

Other plans include expansion into the Orient, both in the areas
of marketing our dairy line as well as in reconditioning female
stock.  With the abundant market for prostitution in the Orient,
our particular operation has already drawn the interest of a few
of the key businessmen we deal with in Japan who have come to us
looking for suitable white stock.

Additionally, while I know that some of our sales have already
involved the making of videos involving action that would be
difficult or impossible to get normal actors to agree to, we have
had requests to stage similar live entertainments in our casino. 
Besides just heavy bondage exhibitions, there seems to be some
interest among certain clientele to stage various "Nazi bondage"
"Japanese rope" and "leather and chain" type divertissments with
the disposables as they become available.

The amusing thing to all of this is that I have been asked again
to do some laboratory research into some kind of injection or
dietary supplement that would enhance breast size.  This being
where we got started with the whole dairy operation, I guess it's
high time I finally did some serious research on that particular