Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This is a work of fiction. All characters and events are imaginary. Any similarity with real life events is purely coincidental. Some of these stories contain erotic and often very violent and immoral content. To continue reading, you should be 18 years or older, and over the age of majority in your country. You should also understand the difference between fiction and reality. If any of these conditions do not apply, leave now. --------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Doppelganger Main website: /~doppelganger/ Title: The Swan Lake Keywords: (MF, Mf, humil, tragic, viol) Optional Keywords: (snuff) --------------------------------------------------------------- In an authoritarian regime, the ballerinas rehearse once again. Normally, this implies enormous effort, 9-hours-a-day and 6-days-a-week hard rehearsals with sweat, ankle and feet pain, exhausted body, and despite all that, a rehearsed smile as part of the body language that must comply with the norms for satisfying the powerful politicans and oligarchs in the public. Sometimes, the heavy make-up and final dresses are part of the rehearsal too. Everything must be tested and repeated again and again in order to offer a perfect experience for the viewers. But this time it is different than others. The most powerful man in the country will attend the spectacle. There are numerous stories about his difficult character, his fussy personality and his cruelty. The dancers fear that if some of them makes some mistake, or draws his attention for whatever reason and is not liked by him, she risks unpredictable consequences. The rehearsal is even more painful, even more hard, and the limelight of the final show even more daunting in their minds. Every one of them does her best to be perfectly synchronised and graceful pieces of a pleasing selfless whole. The man, on his part, has decided it is a good time to hunt and break down a graceful swan.