Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This is a work of fiction. All characters and events are imaginary. Any similarity with real life events is purely coincidental. Some of these stories contain erotic and often very violent and immoral content. To continue reading, you should be 18 years or older, and over the age of majority in your country. You should also understand the difference between fiction and reality. If any of these conditions do not apply, leave now. --------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Doppelganger Main website: /~doppelganger/ Title: The Hammer Keywords: (MF, Mf, humil, tragic, viol) Optional Keywords: (snuff) --------------------------------------------------------------- This story is set in the fictional "Reatcher World" /files/Authors/doppelganger/reatcher_world.txt. Read it to understand why the described events would be possible. A sort of paramilitary group or gang emerges across different western countries, called "The Hammer". It declares itself male supremacist. It starts with websites and pamphlets, where they declare certain guidelines about how a "deserving" woman must be, which cover things like very high physical standards, not following higher education or having a career outside traditionally feminine fields, not defending equality between sexes, etc. Sometimes guidelines are inconsistent or vary across different subgroups, for instance regarding how a woman must dress in public, though there is a general tendency among groups to declare that she must dress very conservatively if she is with a man (in which case she should rarely be alone), but revealing if she doesn't. Websites, pamphlets and graffitis are soon followed by vandalism and personal violence. They declare a curfew at 22.00, after which groups of several men patrol streets randomly and stop any woman found walking alone. They can be distinguished because their usually wear their logo, a hammer inside a circle, on some piece of clothing or uniform. Usually, they "judge" her on the spot. If she is found to be "deserving", she is usually raped, as punishment for breaking the curfew. In very few cases she is allowed to leave. But if she is found "undeserving", she is brutally beaten instead of raped, sometimes leading to death. Some subgroups or individuals occasionally "judge" women outside the curfew, if they find the situation appropriate. In some cases, a more organized subgroup sets up more organized jobs, targeting a particular woman. The authoritarian and plutocratic governments turn a pragmatic blind eye on he whole issue. Women can no longer vote, and statistics reveal that almost 1% of the male population is member of The Hammer (though most limit their participation to paying a fee and receiving a monthly journal and some regalia). In addition, up to 10% of the male population express some sympathy towards The Hammer, and another 20% agree with some but not all of their tenets. While this still makes the movement a minority, it makes too inconvenient for the government the option of seriously and effectively fighting it. The ruling elites have their daughters and spouses well protected in their well-off and well-guarded residential areas, and what happens to other people is not of their true concern, so maintaning a soft and pragmatic approach to that movement seems the best strategy, as long as they do not collide with each other. Therefore, while the physical attacks are technically illegal, cases are shelved by the police and the perpetrators enjoy a fair degree of impunity under the tacit agreement that the amount of serious attacks will be kept at manageable numbers. The organizations themselves, in addition, remain legal, being allowed to print material and organize meetings, under the same tacit agreement with the leaders that they will not mess with the ruling elite in the governments, and may even offer some ideological support.