Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This is a work of fiction. All characters and events are imaginary. Any similarity with real life events is purely coincidental. Some of these stories contain erotic and often very violent and immoral content. To continue reading, you should be 18 years or older, and over the age of majority in your country. You should also understand the difference between fiction and reality. If any of these conditions do not apply, leave now. --------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Doppelganger Main website: /~doppelganger/ Title: Hell's pavement. Keywords: (M/F, humil, tragic, viol, snuff) --------------------------------------------------------------- Maria is kind of a bookwormy girl. She studies literature and works in the library to pay her studies. She prefers staying home reading or seeing a film than partying. She has a small circle of friends and no boyfriend, since she is still waiting for the appropriate guy. She is a bit introverted, but also nice and helpful, the kind of girl that helps you kindly to find a book in the library and may expend 30 min doing so, not because she must do it, but because she likes what she does, and the sensation that she has helped someone. One day, a mobster leaves a suitcase between some shelves in the library, to be picked up by other guy, but she finds it while ordering books and she takes with it, thinking it is lost. After a few hours she opens it to see if she finds something that allows her to contact the owner, and without having to delve much, she finds a phone number inside which she calls, telling she found it and that it can be picked up in the library. A guy picks it up, but the suitcase contained sensitive info and the mafia boss doesn't want any risk, lest she had peeked into the contets. So he sends a hitman to her place to get rid of her. He may be the same guy that picked up the suitcase, or a different one...