Songs of Innocence and Depravity



From In Search of Pleasure Island: The Manly Travails of the Masculinists



Siren Song


We love each other as men ne-ver could.

Consumed with passion for each we love.

And do-ting-ly,

By false means we share.


We feast upon the vi-gil.

Crying only songs of love.

And ten-der-ly,

We have each other so . . .

(From The Tragic Amours of Erysichton)




Blocked Up


No matter how hard I push I get nowhere.
Push. Push. Push.
I can feel the blood swelling now.
Building up.
This is the worst thing that has ever happened.
I'm losing consciousness.
I must keep on pushing.
The end is in sight.
I can feel it coming now.
Onwards into the abyss.
I'm getting nowhere.
Here it comes.

(From The Tragic Amours of Erysichton)




The Bin Man


He takes out the rubbish.

He's looking pretty sluggish.

I think he needs a pee.

I'll offer him some tea.


I can't do anymore of this.

I really need a piss.

I want to go home.

I need to use the phone.

(From . . .)




A Bin Man’s Comfort


Drifting bin-man drinks,

Haunts gladly, ancient girls sob;

Brightly, childishly.

(From . . .)




Slick Rick


There was an Old Pedo of Bangor,

Whose face was distorted with anger;

When not in a pram,

He decided to SPAM,

That dirty Old Pedo of Bangor.

(From . . .)




Speak Not of Your Suffering


Huddled close and sheltered from above;

The winds streak through

The broken passage.


Dressed like beggars, new born;

Blinking in the artificial sun

Minds absent of a better day.


Weened on half-truths;

Dillusioned, with thought

Of life's travails.


The heat of summer and furious winter;

Are each theirs and in between

Each year taking little forth.


Away from here, close by;

The same blind youth

Are cut from their mother's womb.

(From . . .)




Tyrannosaurus Rex


Suspended on an iron hook,

Another ‘victim’ laughs.

Oh that Saddam, what a jolly nice man.

Shame to miss the acid baths.


What’s a few hundred thousand deaths,

Between you and a friend?

Such a crying shame his reign of peace,

Has met its tragic end.


If he had stayed but a few more years,

Think what he could have done!

A little death, a little torture;

All in the name of fun.


But here we are with fascist Bush.

Far more monster than man.

Iraq’s proud people bemoan their loss;

They cry: Bring Back Saddam!

(From . . .)




Sightless Wanderings


Slowly going blind, perhaps

Should have bothered me more.


Long ago I lost the ability

To discriminate, between one and all.


Now, as ever it must have been

All is a cloudy chaos.

A fantastic vague mess.


Somewhere in there I am

Near the edge, struggling

To be in and to be out.


It had to happen I suppose,

It was bound to happen one day.


Now so much complex beauty

Has sprung from our groins.


Yet everyone says the same:

Modern art is shite.

(From . . .)




Not Without My Onus


Once great we were all,

Each of us achieved greatness,

In our own way, as we wished.


We took what we could not buy;

Unpunished we stayed, powerless,

They were, yet not now.


Now we grow weak once more,

Weak against the incursion.

Yet this is how we pay,

For our misdeeds, were greater,

Than those we now incur.


Flooded, drowning in impurity,

We all are now, now we cannot,

Breathe or speak, our throats,

Are held tight, as the cesspit,

We drown in lets nothing out,

Filth pours in and yet does not fill.


Eventually it overflows, as before;

Spreading across the land covering,

Every inch, claiming everything.


We brought this on ourselves.


We created this filth, it was us,

Who shall clean this filth,

From the land we love so dear.

(From . . .)




As I Watch And Wait


My best mates bird is so fucking fit, right.

Like she's got blonde 'air which goes down her back.

I just wanna fuck 'er, I bet she's tight.

One time right she bent over I saw her crack.

I'd give her a taste of my nine inch meat.

I bet ya her bush aint blonde, like, you know.

I can also be nice like rub her feet;

You use your thumbs right and suck her big toe.

I'm not so bad as you might fuckin' fink;

'Cos I look like a bit of a rough bloke,

It's only 'cos you know I had a drink.

So me writing this must look like a joke.

   Though crude I appear, I am but a man;

   I will win her love yet, howe'er I can.

(From . . .)