Nights Fun

By Dead One

It is late at night. I sneak into you house

Slowly I creep to you room

Shut your door behind me

I pick up a pillow from you bed

Hold it in both hands, and … pounce on top of you covering you head with the pillow. You 
try to scream but the pillow muffles it and you cannot see who it is

I then handcuff you hands

Tie them to the headboard

Slide the pillow up a little and put duck tape over you mouth

Then put a pillow case over you head so you cannot see

Slowly I tie one ankle to one side of the bed

I then tie you hands with rope to the headboard and remove the handcuffs

Then the other

I then take out a knife and cut you nightgown off

I start by playing with you tits then in insert a finger

Then I fuck you

And fuck you again and keep going till the sun starts to rise

I then loosen the knot connecting you to the headboard

So that you can escape if you work at it enough

And I leave

Never letting you know who I was.