Sugar Daddy (MF,Rom,Slow)
By Davidb234
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descriptions of sexual acts between consenting 
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Sugar Daddy 
By Davidb234

As usual I sat in a window seat as I sipped my way through my three 
cups of coffee, all the time staring blankly at the people walking 
by. The place? A modern shopping Mall, the time. Saturday morning in 
the spring of my forty-fifth year, and my fifth year on my own. My 
wife had died of Cancer some six years ago, and almost a year later 
my only daughter had upped and married her long term boyfriend, 
moving with him when a promotion took his job across the country. It 
wasn’t an easy parting, but I held back the tears that were welling 
up inside me, until they were out of sight. It took a few days for me 
to gain control of myself enough to even want to get back to work, 
let alone actually need to do so. As it happened things were quiet 
and I wasn’t needed, after all I had recruited the best staff I 
could, and paid them a good deal of money to do the jobs they were 
hired for, so if they couldn’t handle things for a few days without 
me, I'd got the wrong people. In the end my PA called to ask if 
someone else should handle a meeting that was due, and I told her I'd 
be in the next day. From then on things got better. I worked harder 
(so did my staff) and made much more money than when I had a family 
to think about. The truth is I buried myself in my work, not wanting 
to return to an empty house each evening, but realising I had little 
option for the moment. For the next five years I lived a very lonely 
existence, working through the day, sitting reading or watching TV at 
night. The two things that broke up my week were the weekly phone 
call to my daughter Jane, when I got an update on her growing family, 
and my weekly visit to the coffee bar in the Mall. This is where all 
my memories came flooding back, while I looked at the girls as they 
met their friends, male and female, and lived their young lives to 
the full. 

It was during one of these mornings, I was on my third coffee, and 
about ready to get up and leave, when I saw a young woman pushing a 
baby buggy towards the door of the café. What got my attention wasn’t 
her exceptional good looks, or the way she was dressed. It was the 
fact she looked so very sad, and also had a strong resemblance to one 
of my daughters oldest and best friends. Not wanting to make a fool 
of myself I just got up and made my way to the door, simply smiling 
at her as I passed where she was sitting. The fact she smiled back, 
and that her face lit up like a beacon as she smiled, made no 
difference and I continued on past her and made my way home. What 
disturbed me somewhat as I walked home, was the way her face seemed 
to drop as I walked past her. It seemed as if she wanted me to 
recognise her and speak to her, and was showing her disappointment 
when I didn’t. That evening as I sat in my study after dinner, my 
mind kept on going back to the young woman's face, and her beaming 
smile began to haunt me. Again it wasn't her good looks, it was her 
resemblance to Kelly, Jane's friend of long ago. That’s why I spent 
the whole of that weekend digging out old photos in an effort to find 
one with Kelly in it. Finally, just before I went to bed on Saturday 
I found what I was looking for, a snap of Jane and Kelly playing 
together in our back yard. The girls would have been about twelve or 
thirteen at the time, and I suddenly remembered it was a very bad 
time for Kelly, and one that I believed I managed to help her get 
through in as painless a way as was possible. What happened was that 
Kelly's parents were going through a very bad patch in their 
marriage, her Dad was cheating on her mother, and also drinking a 
lot. Things wouldn’t have been so bad if he hadn't also begun to get 
abusive towards Kelly. He was blaming her for being the reason he 
couldn’t get a quick divorce, and took it out on her every time he 
saw her. During this period Kelly was staying at our house more than 
at her own, something her mother allowed as it meant Kelly wasn’t 
close to her father and liable to get hurt. 

I had always been in the habit of allowing Jane to cuddle up to me 
and watch TV, when she was a little girl. As she got bigger she 
continued to do this, and when Kelly was sleeping over she sort of 
slipped into the same routine, and I ended up with the pair of them 
in the circle of my arms as we watched a movie or whatever. As time 
went on we all got more at ease with the situation, and my wife 
didn’t even object when she found me with Kelly sitting on my lap, 
her head on my shoulder and my arms round her firm young body. In the 
end Kelly was calling me 'Daddy Dave' and telling be all about her 
life in and out of school. Almost the last time I saw Kelly was the 
day her father killed her mother, then himself. Kelly was staying 
with us at the time and the police came and found her, told her what 
had happened, and that they had called one of her aunts to come and 
collect her to look after her. Kelly collapsed on to my lap and spent 
the next ten hours there, crying all the time as I cuddled her in an 
effort to comfort her. Even when I had to go to the bathroom Kelly 
didn’t want to let me go, and Jane ended up sitting with her until I 
got back. When her Aunt finally arrived the next day Kelly had calmed 
down, and accepted that she was an orphan about to start living on 
the charity of her relations. It pained me that I could do nothing to 
help her, all I managed to do was get a promise from her to write to 
me regularly to keep me up to speed on what was happening to her. I 
still had her letters, and sat for hours that Sunday reading and re-
reading them. It was then I discovered just what had happened to her, 
something I hadn't managed when I read each one on it's own. For 
years Kelly had written about what she had been doing, telling me how 
unhappy she was, and how she wished she could come and live with the 
three of us. I hadn't picked up just how bad her life must have been 
living with her relations, and suddenly realised her letters had 
stopped just as Jane had got married and left home. When I got back 
to work on Monday I got in touch with an inquiry agent I knew and 
asked him to do some checking for me. By Friday afternoon he was back 
to me with a report that was about to change my life. The gist of the 
report was that Kelly had been mistreated by her relatives until she 
was eighteen years old. That’s when things got worse for her. She 
left her aunts home the instant she could legally do so, and took up 
with her current boyfriend. After a year or so they married, and soon 
had a child. This was the one I saw her pushing in the buggy. The 
problem was that her then husband deserted her for another girl and 
she spent a year trying to get a divorce. When that actually happened 
Kelly returned to our home town and was currently living in a tiny 
apartment trying to live on the income from her parents house that 
had been let on a long lease after probate had been granted. 

I went home that evening and spent all my time planning how I was 
going to help Kelly get back on her feet, look after her child, and 
make sure she never wanted for anything again in her life. It wasn’t 
until Saturday morning when I was sitting in my usual seat in the 
café, waiting for Kelly to appear, that it suddenly occurred to me 
that maybe Kelly wouldn’t want my help, and might actually resent 
anything I tried to do for her. I was still nursing my second cup of 
coffee when I saw her. Once more she was pushing the buggy, and once 
again she came into the café where I was sitting. This time though, 
when she sat down at the table next to mine she just looked at me, 
then looked away as if to say 'OK mister if you don’t want to know me 
I won't recognise you either'. I could see the hurt in her eyes as 
she ordered a drink, and as the waitress walked away I got up and 
went to sit opposite her. "It is Kelly isn't it?" I asked softly. The 
way her eyes lit up as she nodded her head was wonderful, especially 
after the sadness that I saw there a moment before. "Daddy Dave?" she 
gasped, I nodded, "Yes my dear, I'm sorry about last week, I didn’t 
realise who you were until I was almost home. It's been so long since 
I last saw you, you've changed quite a lot." Before Kelly could 
answer the waitress reappeared and placed Kelly's drink on the table, 
giving me a funny look until I ordered another one for myself. That I 
was known, and was a regular is all that stood between me and the 
waitress asking if I was bothering Kelly, and I chuckled as I 
explained this to her making her giggle too. We sat there for hours 
catching up on our lives, our excited chatter being disturbed only by 
the waitress coming and asking if we wanted more drinks or food. In 
the end Kelly had to leave as she had to feed and change her baby 
before putting him down for the night. That’s when I took my heart in 
my hands and asked Kelly if she could get a babysitter that evening 
so she could come and have dinner with me. She blushed and averted 
her eyes, then said she would try, promising to call me as soon as 
she knew what was happening. I spent the next four hours like a cat 
on hot bricks, only keeping from screaming out in frustration by 
keeping myself busy preparing dinner. When the call did come I almost 
fell over in my efforts to reach it before the second ring. That the 
answer was yes made me want to shout out loud with happiness, but I 
managed to restrain myself enough to tell her to take a cab and I 
would settle up when she arrived. 

The doorbell rang and I jerked it open, shoved a twenty in the 
drivers hand and pulled Kelly in through the door stifling the 
drivers thanks for the ten dollar tip. The instant the door was 
closed I turned to face Kelly and she fell into my open arms sobbing 
with happiness as I cuddled her close to me. We stood like that for 
some minutes, before I got a whiff of something well cooked. I don’t 
remember serving, let alone eating dinner, but a load of dishes in 
the washer told me it was time to relax and sit with Kelly who had 
been making a fresh pot of coffee. When we were sitting on my old 
leather sofa I managed to get Kelly to tell me all about her current 
situation, something she had skipped over when we'd talked in the 
café. In the end she told me what I already knew, and that’s when I 
made my proposal. By the time I was ready Kelly was sitting on my 
lap, just as she used to when she was younger, and I had my arms 
round her, hugging her as close as I dared. "What you need Kelly 
darling is someone to look out for you. Someone that loves you, and 
can afford to give you all you need, for you and your son. What you 
need my dear is someone rich and lonely, in fact you need a Sugar 
Daddy. Do you think I might be a suitable candidate?" As I said this 
I looked down at Kelly's face, saw the tears in her eyes and bent to 
kiss them away before she said softly "Only if you let me do 
something for you Daddy Dave." Before I could say anything she was 
straddling my thighs, struggling to undo my belt and run my zipper 
down. I quickly placed my hands on hers, stopping her from undressing 
me. "You don’t have to do this Kelly my love, I'm not offering you 
something you need to pay for this way." Kelly sat back on my thighs, 
looked into my eyes and said softly "Daddy Dave, I've wanted to do 
this ever since I started to sit on your lap, you remember don’t 
you?" I smiled and nodded "Yes dear, I remember, I just hoped you 
didn’t know what the lump was you often sat on." Kelly grinned 
wickedly, "Oh, I knew, and I always wished I could put my hand on it 
to see what would happen. Jane told me what you looked like after she 
caught you coming put of the shower one morning with the bathroom 
door left open." I blushed and before I could say anything Kelly 
leaned forward, touched her soft warm lips to mine in a tender kiss, 
"Please Daddy Dave, I really want to do this. Please don’t say I 
can't, I don’t know what I'd do if you rejected me right now." A 
minute later and Kelly was impaled on my hard throbbing penis, her 
hips rocking to and fro as her lips were locked tight to mine. Both 
of us were so aroused, and had been without for so long that it took 
very few minutes before first Kelly then I were screaming in ecstasy 
as our climaxes hit us like express trains. 

I wanted to go and collect Kelly's son and all her worldly goods 
straight away, she having agreed to move in with me so I could look 
after her properly. Kelly was more practical, and insisted she went 
home that night and packed up in the morning when I could collect her 
with the minimum amount of fuss. Whatever, by Sunday evening we were 
sitting down to a meal Kelly had cooked and afterwards I sat on my 
sofa with Jack in my arms as he slept comfortably while his mother 
did the dishes. From then on all our lives changed. No longer did 
Kelly look sad. I was so happy even my staff realised something had 
happened and were soon finding they had to handle more and more of 
the running of the company as I spent more time with Kelly and Jack. 
I suppose it was inevitable that my puritan streak surfaced after a 
few weeks of pushing Jack in his buggy while Kelly hung on my arm as 
we walked round the Mall, and the town. That’s why my daughter 
received the shock of her life in the form of a wedding invitation 
with her best friends name engraved in gold. They never came, but I 
didn’t expect it as they were so far away, but I also suspect Jane 
didn’t approve of what I was doing. It didn’t matter to Kelly and I, 
we spent every day of our lives loving each other, and she and Jack 
never wanted for anything ever again thanks to her Sugar Daddy.
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