This story contains detailed descriptions of sexual 
acts between consenting adults and others. If you 
do not like this then delete the file and go away. 
If you are under the age of consent where you live, 
or it is against any law or statute where you 
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Otherwise read and enjoy this long, multi-part 
 davidb234 author.
Check out my archive at www.asstr.org 

Jacks Family Saga Volume 2   



Not only was Ted delighted so was the board, and 
although it wasn't normal practice it had been 
decided I should have a big increase in my bonus 
that year. "They took some persuading Jack but 
when I told them Bill Holland had informed me it 
was the way he was entertained that gave him a 
good opinion of you and your work they also agreed 
to an increase in your salary as from the start 
of this month. Do you know how much business he can 
generate for us?" I shook my head, I only  knew 
the few tens of thousand dollars worth I'd been 
concerned with. "No idea Ted, I guess it must be 
quite a bit." Ted grinned "You could say that Jack, 
it looks like ten million over five years." I 
sat there totally stunned for some time before Ted 
got up and slapped me on the back "One other 
thing Jack I want you to take those girls of yours  
out to dinner on your expense account, they 
deserve something too." "Thanks a lot Ted, I'll 
tell them what you said, look why don't you and the 
wife come along too, I know the girls would like to 
thank you personally, see if you've got a slot 
we can all fit into." After he'd agreed to do this 
I left and went home. The only thing I missed 
about going home now was not being greeted by Lisa 
and Kelly as they waited by or in my car, now 
their car of course, which is why they no longer 
met me, just goes to show progress isn't all good 
When I got in it was obvious to Jenny that I 
had some good news, but when I didn't tell her 
immediately she knew I wanted to tell her in 
private so she broke off preparing for the party 
and followed me up stairs and sat on the bed 
waiting 'til I'd had a shower and came in to 
change. Jenny was overjoyed with my news and 
laughed when I told her I had asked Ted and his 
wife to join us "At least if your boss is there he 
won't be able to question your expense account will 
he darling." "Damn, I never thought about that, 
surely he won't think.." Jenny threw herself onto 
my chest and kissed me hard. "Don't be so silly 
darling, of course he won't, he told me at that 
first party that you were the only one who's 
expenses he never queried because you've never 
tried to cheat the company. He also told me your 
honesty was the deciding factor in getting 
promotion, but please don't say I mentioned it will 
you darling?" I kissed and told her I'd forget she 
said it, suddenly, and for a few minutes, feeling 
good about myself 'til Jenny informed me that Dave 
and Vera would soon be arriving and I should go and 
be there to meet them. 
Dinner was fairly rushed even with Dave and Vera 
joining us, and Kelly and Lisa excused themselves 
as they still had a mountain of work to do getting 
ready for the party. After dinner Dave and I were 
pushed out of the kitchen after being told we were 
in the way and so we retired to the Den carrying a 
six pack. As we sat down and opened a beer Dave 
said excitedly "I've got to tell you this now Jack, 
even though there's nothing signed yet but you know 
at the party the other night I was speaking to Bill 
Holland just before we left, well he told me to 
call him the next morning at his office. I did and 
I also saw him there this morning as well. It turns 
out he's looking for contract servicing for his 
vehicle fleet, and fuel account facilities for the 
locally based vehicles. It looks as if I've got 
both, all I have to do is to decide where to base 
the workshop, the ones I have now won't be big 
enough." I grinned widely "That's great news Dave, 
will you be able to manage the expansion OK?" he 
nodded "I think so, I've been thinking of taking on 
an old place just behind one of my existing places 
anyway, but my current workload didn't justify it, 
this will, if I land the contract next week." He 
paused and took a good long belt from his can "I've 
got you to thank for this Jack, if you hadn't 
invited us here that night and told him about me 
this would never have happened." I burst out 
laughing and when I finally stopped Dave looked a 
bit annoyed saying "I don't see what's so funny 
Jack, this is dead serious stuff for me" "I'm sorry 
Dave it was just you assuming I told Bill about 
your business, to be honest the thought never 
entered my head, I just wanted you to come and 
enjoy yourselves. I'm not the one to thank mate" 
and I told him about what Sarah had said to Bill 
just as I took him away to give him the demo.
 "You see, it was the excited way Sarah told him 
she was starting to learn the business because you 
didn't have a son to pass it on to, and that she 
wanted to learn about mending cars. It has to be 
that conversation that impressed him, certainly 
nothing I said." Dave sat there stunned "But she 
never said anything about talking to Bill, and he 
never mentioned a thing about it either. It seems 
there's more to my daughter than meets my eye!" 
Just then Sarah came in with Sue and sat on the arm 
of her Daddy's chair "Daddy, we never did decide  
if I could sleep over this weekend, can I please?" 
Dave winked at me then said sternly "Are you sure 
it's not just an excuse to stay up partying 'til 
after midnight young lady?" Sarah and Sue both 
blushed "Nooo, Daddy as if I'd ...." Dave hugged 
her tight "It's all right darling, I was just 
kidding. If it's OK with your Mom, it's OK with me. 
And I want to thank you for what you did for me 
at the party the other night. It seems what you 
told Mr. Holland about wanting to learn the 
business has made him think about giving me a big 
contract. He must like pretty girls talking 
business especially when they seem to know a lot 
already, now you go and enjoy the party and don't 
stay up too late." *

A few minutes later Vera came in, bringing us cups 
of coffee "Jenny didn't want you two getting drunk 
so sent this in to help sober you up" she said 
smiling then went and sat beside Dave. "Darling, 
what's this Sarah's just told me about the 
Holland contract, she said you think it was her 
that helped get it, but I thought it was Jack?" 
Dave shook his head then explained what I'd told 
him had happened. "I'm sorry to disappoint you 
Vera, but this time I didn't do anything, to be 
honest I didn't even know he ran a fleet of cars 
and trucks, it was Sarah that impressed him with 
her knowledge of the way the business is run, it 
looks as if her career's sorted out for her" I  
said with a big grin. "Well you just never know do 
you" was all Vera could say as she went back to the 
kitchen. When he'd finished his coffee Dave came 
and sat on the sofa with me and, as he opened 
another can said quietly "Can I ask your advice 
about something that's beginning to worry me a lot 
please Jack?" "Of course Dave" I said brightly 
"Ask away, if I can help I will, you know that" he 
smiled gratefully. "The thing is Jack, since I 
started to give Sarah her tummy rubs she's begun to 
get, sort of Errr.. sort of sexual. She actually 
had an orgasm one time, and it scared her quite a 
bit. The thing is Jack, it scared me even more, 
she's my daughter for god's sake!" he took a deep 
breath and before I could think of anything 
to say continued, "There's this kissing goodnight 
and tucking in business, she frightens me there as 
well, the way she kisses me, like I was her 
boyfriend or something. But to be honest if I knew 
she was kissing boys like that I'd be even more 
worried" and he chuckled at his final thought. 
"So Dave, what's your problem. That she wants you 
to show her you love her? Or that you can arouse 
her feelings to where she reacts as she would to a 
lover? Or that she wants to show you she loves 
you?" "I don't know Jack, incest's not nice you 
know" he replied. "What utter ROT you're talking" I 
said forcefully. "How are you committing incest 
just by kissing your daughter. If you were to get 
her pregnant, that would be incest. I take it 
you're not actually fucking her on a regular 
basis." Dave sat upright "I ought to beat you to a 
pulp for suggesting that" he shouted as I sat there 
sipping my beer. "Hang on Dave, it was you that 
brought the subject of incest up, not me, I 
naturally assumed you weren't doing it, not that 
you were." Dave sat down hard and grinned sheepishly 
"Yeah, all right sorry Jack. It's just that this 
thing's got me all wound up." "Dave, I can't tell 
you what to do, it's something you have to decide 
yourself, all I can do is tell you what I think, 
OK?" Dave nodded and grinned "I guess you're right 
Jack, it's just something I never thought I'd have 
to deal with." I sat back against the sofa arm, 
"I think Sarah's at the age when she want's to know 
more about sex, I know that most of her friends 
are actively engaged in sex of one sort or another. 
Just think back to when you were a teenage hormone 
bank, these kids are no different, their problems 
are no different, apart from AIDS which is a 
complication we didn't have. Their solutions 
are the same as well, learn what you can, where 
you can, any time you can, and do it fast. Even 
though they've more reliable information these days 
they still get pregnant, or contract diseases in 
the same way our generation did, they just get 
sorted out much more quietly than we ever could. 
The thing about incest is that it means different 
things to different people, in Britain first 
cousins can marry, in the US many States forbid it. 
The reasons given are either Religious, moral or 
medical. If you've no strong religion that's one 
reason gone. The medical thing is supposed to stop 
recessive genes being enhanced. This is rubbish 
because it's more likely that the good strong  
dominant genes will predominate not weak bad ones. 
This brings us down to the moral issue, and here 
you have to decide at what point you're actually 
committing incest. Is it kissing her, is it 
touching her intimately, is it bringing her to 
orgasm manually, or is it having intercourse with 
her. There are those who say it isn't incest unless 
she gets pregnant, but I reckon they have an axe to 
grind. The thing is Dave you have to set your 
limits and stick to them, that way you'll all know 
what you are doing. Why don't you talk this over 
with Vera first, if she agrees to go along with 
what's happening play it by ear and see what 
happens, and deal with each situation as it arises. 
I'd have thought your priority would be not to 
hurt Sarah." 
Dave sat back on the sofa and frowned for a while 
'til I said "Look Dave, one more thing to think 
about is that what goes on in your own home, in 
private, is nobody's business but your own, 
provided you're causing no harm to anyone 
involved. I have to tell you in confidence that 
I punished Susan severely for telling Sarah what I 
did for her when she had the same problem Sarah 
was having. Not because I didn't want to help the 
girl, but because she spoke about something I 
considered very private. Actually Sue asked to be 
punished when she realised just what she'd done. 
She didn't really understand the 'statuary rape' 
concept at the time. She does now though and won't 
make the same mistake again." Dave sat up again, 
"You mean Sue was punished for helping Sarah?" he 
said and looked confused when I shook my head. "No 
Dave, I'd never punish her for helping a friend 
in need. Susan was punished for putting Jenny and I 
at risk of prosecution. If she'd come and asked 
first I wouldn't have refused, it was the fact she 
didn't ask that got her the punishment, I was 
proud of her for wanting to help sort out Sarah's 
problem." *

A few minutes later I had to go to the bathroom and 
as I got to the door I was amused to see the 
sign stuck on it at eye level, 'This is our 
Bathroom do not treat it like yours', unfortunately 
I opened the door to see a youth with his head in 
the bowl and a small bottle of whiskey in his back 
pocket. Not wanting to cause too much trouble I 
went back down stairs and found Lisa and Kelly, 
took them to one side and explained what I'd seen, 
"I did ask that there should be no hard booze 
tonight darlings, could you sort him out please 
rather than have me do it, you'll be much more 
gentle with him than me" I said with my most 
winning smile. The next thing I know the drunk was 
being thrown bodily off the front porch by Lisa and 
Kelly who were being cheered by an audience 
standing behind them. Lisa turned round and said in 
a firm voice, "If anyone else has hard booze 
get rid of it, if we see it you don't get any more 
invitations to this house, we're here to enjoy 
each others company, not get pissed, come on lets 
party folks!." 
As Lisa and Kelly shepherded their guests back into 
the house I stood at the bottom of the stairs 
smiling and saw Dave standing in the doorway to the 
Den when our attention was brought round to the 
front lawn where the drunk was struggling to his 
feet and shouting "Where's that stupid bitch, I'll 
show her she don't throw me out of a stinking party 
that don't have any booze" and he started to 
stagger towards the house. I quickly walked out to 
stand in front of him and hold him upright, 
allowing him to focus on my face before saying very 
softly "Do you know Mark Anderson?" he nodded and 
said "Sure, he just left town, some bastard beat 
him up." "Yes" I said  "He was shown he can't get 
away with upsetting the Avenging Angels, I'm sure 
you've heard of them, haven't you?" he nodded 
"Yeah, so what?" "My dear young man, if word gets 
round that you threatened Lisa and Kelly you can 
book a bed in the local hospital, they have far 
more friends than you, and they have a very 
protective father. That by the way is ME, so I 
suggest you make your way down the street quietly 
and forget what you just said, because if you don't 
I'll put you in hospital for so long you'll be old 
and grey by the time they let you out, understand?"
"Yeah, OK, I'm gone" and he staggered of mumbling 
to himself as he went. 
As I turned to walk back I heard slow applause and 
looked up to see Dave standing there clapping his 
hands and grinning widely. "Even nice to drunks, I 
don't know how you do it Jack, I'd have given 
him the toe of my boot" he said as I walked up the 
steps. "Nah.. he didn't know what was happening, 
Sarah could have thrown him out, and he'll be a 
pussy cat in the morning if he remembers what I 
said to him, if not..." and I shrugged my shoulders 
as we walked back into the house. As I closed 
the door Kelly came up to me and put her arms round 
me "Sorry Daddy, he tagged along with someone 
else and crashed the party, we didn't know he had 
that bottle, it won't happen again, promise" and 
she kissed me as I patted her on the bottom and 
said softly "Not your fault darling, go and enjoy 
your party" and went with Dave into the kitchen to 
rustle up some food. Dave and I had been working 
our way through a plate of finger food and another 
six pack when Jenny came rushing in and said 
urgently "Jack darling, can you come quickly 
please, there's trouble in the back garden" and ran 
back with Dave and me following. 
When we got there we saw Kelly and Lisa sitting on 
some guys face and stomach while Sue and Sarah  
were holding the rest of the kids back and Sandi 
was sat on the grass holding one of the girls. I 
stood over Lisa and Kelly and said "Let him up and 
tell me what happened, but first get that girl into 
the Den please." As Kelly and Lisa stood up the guy 
on the ground made to get up too until I said 
quietly "It might be to your advantage to stay 
there for a moment or two, I'd hate to think you 
might make a break for it." He lay back down again 
until Lisa came back and stood beside me. "OK Lisa 
darling, what happened, why did I find you sitting 
on this guys head?" Lisa put her arm through mine 
"He went too far with Ginny and wouldn't stop when 
she asked him to. We heard her scream and found him 
holding her down on the ground trying to get her 
panties off. We do have a number of witnesses if we 
need them Daddy" "Daddy? I thought your parents 
were away" the guy said as he tried to sit up. I 
squatted down beside him and said quietly "No, I'm 
here and I take a very dim view of rapists, even 
more so when they try it at a party, given by my 
daughters, in my family home. You my boy are in 
deep shit, to put it in words you might understand. 
You can leave now and wait for the police to come 
and find you, or you can sit where you are 'til 
they come here, make your choice. Whatever happens 
remember what happened to Mark Anderson, he did the 
same as you, and look at where he is now." As soon 
as I got up he jumped to his feet and ran for all 
he was worth and I walked back to the house 
thinking why do I have to get all the damned 
rapists in this town. Going into the Den I saw 
Jenny and Sandi sitting beside Ginny, and Sue and 
Sarah together in an armchair. As soon as Ginny saw 
me walk in she shrank close to Jenny and murmured 
softly "No, I can't." 
Sandi got up and allowed me to sit close to the 
poor girl, "Ginny, I'm Sue's Daddy, I won't hurt 
you I promise, I just want you to tell me what 
happened before Kelly and Lisa jumped on that 
idiot, will you do that so I know what to tell the 
police." "No, you can't call the police, please, my 
Dad'll kill me if he found out I let a boy touch 
me, please don't tell him." I motioned to Sue and 
Sarah to leave us alone and as Sue passed me I said 
softly "Ask Kelly to come in please darling"  and 
sat beside the sobbing girl holding her hand in 

When Kelly came in she sat opposite us looking 
kindly at Ginny as I said "Kelly darling, Ginny 
tells me she'll be in trouble with her Dad if he 
finds out about tonight, could you ask your 
friends not to spread it about please, we can deal 
with the idiot that did it some other time?" "OK 
Daddy, I'll go and get it sorted right now" Kelly 
said and jumped to her feet and walked swiftly 
out into the hall. "Right Ginny, now that's sorted, 
how about you tell me what happened so I don't 
have to call the police?" She sat up and took a 
deep breath then told me much the same as Lisa had 
told us without any graphic details, but by the 
time she had finished she was laying against my 
chest with my arm over her shoulder resting on her 
rib cage. "Well, you know Ginny, I think your best 
bet is to tell your Dad exactly what happened, try 
to make a joke of it by telling him how two girls 
jumped the guy and held him down 'til I came. 
You see, despite Kelly asking the rest of the kids 
out there to keep quiet someone's bound to say 
something and it might get back to your parents 
that way, then you'd be in serious trouble, wouldn't 
you?" Ginny nodded her head "I see what you mean,
I guess I'd better tell him tonight, can I ask him 
to call you please instead of the police?" 
I smiled and nodded then Jenny pulled her over and 
said "How are you getting home tonight darling, do 
you have a ride, or someone to see you home safe?" 
Ginny nodded "Yes, I came with some others, I just 
hope they haven't left me behind." 
Jenny and Ginny got up and went out to find the 
rest of her group as I sat back and sighed. By this 
time most of the kids had left, the episode with 
Ginny putting thoughts of a party out of their 
Heads. Kelly, Lisa and Susan were clearing 
up with the help of Sandi and Richard as well as 
Sarah. Dave and Vera came in and sat with me, Vera 
saying "Are you OK Jack, you look a bit off colour." 
I say upright and smiled as best I could "Sorry 
folks, I was just wondering why I always seem to 
get involved with young girls being raped, or at 
least attacked." 
Dave laughed "I guess they're just lucky you're 
around, I know Sarah was and Ginny was glad to have 
your arm round her for a while" he said as I gave a 
grimace. "Yeah, well I suppose you're right, 
although  it was the girls that did it this time, I 
almost burst out laughing when I saw Kelly sitting 
on his face. Some guys in this town have been 
trying to get her to do that to them for ages" and 
chuckled as Dave and Vera looked shocked. "Sorry 
again guys, especially if you're shocked, but be 
honest, Kelly and Lisa are both adults, are both 
gorgeous young things, and know it. The only reason 
we don't have queues of guys at the door is because 
they're scared of upsetting the Avenging Angels. I 
told you we have few secrets here, and the girls 
talk to Jenny and I when they have had relationship 
problems, that way they don't make the stupid 
mistakes some of their friends have made." Vera 
came and sat beside me, very close "Jack, Dave told 
be about the talk you had, but we're both a bit 
worried in case it may go too far, and things 
happen we can't stop.." "Look Vera, the only 
advice I can give you is, if something does start, 
sit down with Sarah and talk about it, make her 
know just what is and is not acceptable. You'll 
have much more success dealing with the problem by 
talking about it than shutting her out and telling 
her she's doing wrong. Just think back to when you 
were her age, and what your parents told you. 
Honestly I can't tell you what to do, you have to 
decide between the three of you, just trust to 
Sarah's good sense and upbringing." 
Just then and before Dave and Vera could say 
anything Sue and Sarah came bouncing in to the room 
and Sarah stopped dead, "Mom, Dad, I thought you 
went ages ago, I was just going to bed honest" and 
her parents started to laugh at her guilty 
expression. "Go on with you" Dave said smiling, "As 
I won't be here you better get Uncle Jack to tuck 
you in tonight, just don't try to drag him into bed 
with you, all right young lady." Sarah blushed 
prettily "Daddy, as if I  would, not with Lisa and 
Kelly watching" and she gave a cheeky grin as she 
went out with Sue leaving Dave and Vera speechless 
and me chuckling like a Loon. Jenny came in and 
told us Ginny had been take home by her friends, 
and that she was feeling more relaxed about telling 
her parents what happened. We were just sitting 
down to a final drink when there was a knock on the 
front door and I opened it to an angry father and 
frightened daughter. I gave a deep sigh and invited 
him in, taking them into the family room where Dave 
and Vera were sitting with Jenny, Sandi and 
Richard. Dave looked up and said "Oh hi Fred, 
what's up?" Ginny's father looked round and saw 
Dave and Vera sitting there smiling. "Oh hi Dave, I 
just came round to sort out who ever it was raped 
my daughter, and find out why the cops weren't 
called to cart the bast.., the animal away, what 
are you doing here anyway?"  Dave stood up and 
looked at me "Look Jack, can I have a word with 
Fred in the Den?" and when I nodded the two of them 
went out of the room, as Jenny took Ginny and sat 
beside her with an arm round her shoulder as she 
sat shaking with fright. In a few minutes Dave and 
Fred were back, Fred looking very contrite, "I'm 
sorry Jack, I guess I jumped to conclusions and 
didn't listen too much to what Ginny said to me. 
She screamed at me to talk to you first that's why 
I didn't call the cops. Anyway it seems I owe you a 
debt of gratitude for saving her from something 
worse." At this I held up my hand again "Nope, sorry 
Fred but all I did was whisper words of advice to 
the young idiot, Kelly and Lisa did the saving."*

Fred grinned, "Yes, Dave told me what happened, I 
don't suppose I could thank them personally, if 
they're still up?" I grinned at him, "Of course, 
Ginny would you like to show your Dad where the 
kitchen is, I think they're just finishing clearing 
up in there?" Ginny took her fathers hand and 
led him to see Lisa and Kelly. What was said I 
wasn't told, but the girls saw Fred out and then 
came and issued threats of physical violence on my 
person if ever I put them in such an embarrassing 
situation again. "Honest Daddy" said Lisa "I just 
didn't know where to put myself, please don't do it 
again, it was awful!" She then told us they were 
going to bed and wished us all a very good night, 
words echoed by Dave and Vera as they got up to 
leave too. Richard also said he would have to go, 
but might see us in the morning when he came to 
collect Sandi. Ten minutes later I'd locked up and 
Jenny and I were on our way up stairs, Jenny 
pausing at the girls room saying "You go and do 
your nightly duty darling, but hurry up and come 
into bed with me please." I knocked on the girls 
bedroom door and Lisa called for me to come in. I 
found Kelly and Lisa still sitting up chatting 
quietly as were Sue and Sarah as they lay beside 
each other. 
I sat beside Sue and bent to kiss her "Thank you 
for helping tonight darling, you were very helpful 
keeping those people off that idiot" and I kissed 
her again this time letting her make it a 
passionate one. I went round to Sarah and kissed 
her tenderly "There, your Daddy said I could tuck 
you in, and you haven't dragged me into bed. You 
were also very good helping Susan tonight as well, 
well done my dear" and found myself being pulled 
down by a pair of arms 'til my lips were pressed on 
hers. "Daddy didn't say I COULDN'T have a good 
night kiss, did he?" and I grinned as soon as I 
escaped her clutches, "No darling, he didn't, 
should I tell him you stole one?" and Sarah grinned 
and shook her head. "Better not Uncle Jack, he 
might get jealous" then lay down giggling as I 
tucked them in. Sitting beside Kelly I took her in 
my arms and hugged her tight "Well done darling, 
you were very brave again tonight. Did you get your 
friends to agree not to spread the story about?" 
Kelly kissed me wetly and passionately. "I think so 
Daddy, but there may be one or two who'll shoot 
their mouth off, I just don't think we can trust 
all of them", another hug and another kiss as 
before and I was tucking Kelly in tight. I hugged 
and kissed Lisa as I had Kelly, at least she kissed 
me the same as Kelly had and I felt her cheek warm 
as I said "You did a wonderful job tonight as well 
darling, not only throwing that drunk out but also 
tackling that idiot at the end. Do you know him?" 
Lisa nodded her head "Yes Daddy, but we didn't 
invite him, he and the drunken one tagged along 
with someone else and we only let them in because 
they promised to behave. We honestly didn't know 
they had a bottle with them." 
I took her face between my hands and kissed her on 
the tip of her nose "I'm not blaming you for what 
happened darling, I am saying you and Kelly handled 
the situations very well indeed and I'm proud of 
both of you, now stop worrying and go to sleep, you 
can work out your revenge in the morning." Lisa 
blushed bright red and I glanced round and saw 
Kelly was the same colour. "How did you know..." I 
kissed her hand and said "Girls, you may be able to 
twist me round your little fingers but I am capable 
of thinking you know, just be careful what you're 
doing, and who you involve OK?" They nodded their 
heads and grinned as I said softly "Good night 
girls, sweet dreams" and quietly closed the door. 
As I climbed into bed and lay beside Jenny she put 
her arms round me and hugged me tight, "Are Lisa 
and Kelly all right darling, I know they were 
worried you might be annoyed about the drinking and 
the episode with Ginny?" I freed myself from her 
tight grip and kissed her tenderly "Am I so stern a 
step father to your girls, that they should think 
of me so?" I said in my best 'horrid step father' 
voice, and winced as she dug me in the ribs, "Of 
course not Jack darling, but you had said there was 
to be no booze, and were very firm about it." "I 
know, and that's why I wasn't annoyed with them, I 
trusted them to keep it out and none of their 
invited guests brought any in. The two idiots that 
did were gate crashers and as you saw, the girls 
dealt with them very effectively, did you see the 
one they bodily threw out of the front door, he 
looked a real fool laying on the lawn unable to 
stand." Jenny chuckled silently "Lisa told me about 
it, she also told me you had words with him but 
couldn't hear what you said. What did you say to 
him darling?" and she kissed me passionately as she 
asked the question in an effort to get me to 
tell her. "Oh, I just pointed out one or two truths 
about living in this town, I think he 
understood my meaning." As she moved her hand down 
to my stomach she whispered "Come on darling, 
you must have said something to him to make him go 
away quietly" and she wrapped her hand around my 
stiffening cock, "What was it you said darling, you 
now you can tell me my love" and she moved her 
hands down to cup my balls, holding them a little 
too tight for my liking. "Ahhh, if you hold any 
harder darling, I'll  be struck dumb" and she 
loosened her hold a little. "Jack darling, if you 
don't tell me immediately what you said you won't 
be speaking for a week, now cough!" Knowing when 
I'm beaten I told Jenny what I had said to both 
Guys. "I think they believed what I told them, but 
I also have an idea they may regret their folly 
before I can do anything about them, remember there 
are a lot of people that think a lot of the girls." 

I hoisted myself up on to my elbow and looked down 
at Jenny saying quietly "How about we forget 
about the girls for a while and I make passionate 
love to the most wonderful woman in the world" and
I dropped a sweet tender kiss on her brow and her 
Nose. "Will you be very long finding her Jack, 
I don't think I can wait for ever you know" Jenny 
replied smiling and I gently placed my lips on 
hers, kissing her softly and tenderly as I ran my 
fingertips up and down her side, round the 
underside of her breasts and up over  her rigid 
nipples, bringing a gasp as I flicked them with my 
fingernails. Very slowly I ran my moist tongue 
round the line of her jaw and down her neck until I 
found her sternum which I followed down to the soft 
warm gap between her firm rounded breasts. I 
placed a ring of tender kisses all round the base 
and over the contours of her breasts in turn, 
kissing and suckling on her nipples. All the time I 
was using my mouth on her upper body my hand 
was making it's way down her abdomen searching for 
the tiny patch of hair I leave when I shave her. 
I knew it was Jenny by the half round patch and 
after twirling my fingers in it for a second or two 
I ran the flat of my hand over her puffy hot and 
very wet pussy, pressing the heel of my hand on 
her clit and gently inserting two fingers between 
her sopping wet lower lips. "Ahhh, YESSSS.. don't 
stop darling, please don't stop" and I pressed my 
lips to hers to quieten her down, seeing as we had 
a young guest in the house, while I increased the 
pressure of my hand and speed of my fingers as 
she cried for more. Suddenly her thighs clamped 
themselves on my hand  and she began thrusting her 
hips at it, still yelling into my mouth as I kept 
it clamped on to hers as a silencer. As I felt 
her begin to relax I slowly lifted my head and 
smiled down at her as she lay there gasping for 
breath. "What a noisy girl you were, you almost 
woke the whole house" and copied her smile as she 
opened her eye. "I needed that Jack darling, I've 
been so hot for you all afternoon and evening, 
if Dave hadn't have been with you I'd have come 
into the Den and jumped on you. Now I want you in 
me, and I want you to fill me up so I'm dripping 
all day tomorrow". I kissed her and said "Your 
wish is my command lady, how do you want me, under 
or over you?" "Over me, I don't have the energy 
for too much exercise right now." 
For the  next twenty minutes I made soft gently 
passionate love to my darling wife, stimulating her 
to a few screaming climaxes and one or two tiny 
gasping ones until she cried huskily "Please Jack 
darling, please cum in me, I want to feel you fill 
me with your wonderful burning cum as it shoots 
deep into my womb, hurry Jack darling, I need it 
now." As I bent my head to kiss her she jammed a 
hand between my thighs and cupped my balls in it 
then began to caress and gently squeeze them with 
her soft warm fingertips. Unable to hold on for 
much longer I whispered hoarsely "I'm going to cum 
darling, ready for it, I'm cumming NOOOOWWWW" and 
gave a loud yell as I spurted stream upon stream of 
hot semen deep into Jenny's warm receptive body, 
then collapsed on top of her for a second or two 
before rolling off her to lay on my side and hold 
her in my arms. Jenny lay there for some time with 
her eyes closed and her breath coming in short 
gasps, then she turned and looked at me and I saw a 
tiny tear in her eye as she said very  softly 
"Jack Bowman why couldn't you have been my first 
husband, my life would have been so much better." I 
smiled as I kissed away her tears "Jenny darling, I 
sometimes wish I'd met you years ago, until I 
remember you came to me with a ready made family 
that I love. If I'd been their father I may have 
been better than theirs, I don't know. As it is I'm 
the luckiest man in the world with the most 
loving family any man could ever want, and the most 
wonderful and understanding wife in the whole 
wide world." I held her tight to me as I kissed her 
as passionately as I could manage, then lay 
down beside her and we both fell asleep. Saturday 
morning I was brought to full wakefulness by the 
smell of coffee and the tender warmth of a pair of 
soft young lips being pressed on mine. 
I opened one eye and saw what I expected, Susan, 
sitting on the bed beside me with Sarah standing 
shyly next to her, eyes wide open at what her 
friend was doing to her Daddy. "Yes darling, what 
can I do for you?" I asked sleepily as I turned on 
to my back. "Daddy, can I come and have a cuddle in 
bed please, and would it be all right if Sarah did 
as well?" before I could say a word I felt a warm 
hand on my stiffening penis and Jenny said "Of 
course darling, why not, I have to go to the 
bathroom and then get breakfast ready, just don't 
be too long and don't tire Daddy out please" and 
she swung herself out of bed and walked out of the 
room in all her wondrous nakedness. Sue quickly 
jumped into bed taking Jenny's place as I looked at 
Sarah, smiled and held up the bedclothes to 
allow her to get in beside me. "Come on Sarah, we 
don't have much time" said Sue and she leaned 
over to her friend and grabbed a hand, pulling her 
on to the bed "I won't bite you know Sarah 
darling" I said softly as I smiled at her, and she 
slowly sat beside me as I lay back on the 
pillows. Very tentatively Sarah lay back on the bed  
and, as I put my arm out lifted her head and 
allowed me to pass it under her shoulders and pull 
her close to my chest. I bent my head and placed 
a tender kiss in her hair. "I'd this what you 
wanted to try Sarah?" I said, "Or did Sue say 
something else would happen?" Sue looked up at me 
and blushed, "Yes Daddy, I said I'd ask if you 
could show what it's like to have a guy eat her 
pussy, would you please Daddy?" *

I turned back to Sarah and smiled "Is that what you 
want darling, for me to eat your pussy for you" 
Sarah gave a timid smile and nodded, "Yes please 
Uncle Jack, if you would. Sue makes it sound a 
wonderful thing and I never had anyone but you 
touch me there before so I want you to be the one 
to show me instead of some silly boy that might 
hurt me, please Uncle Jack." I kissed Sarah 
tenderly and gave her a hug. "Sarah my love if 
that's what you want, that's what you shall have, 
shall we do it now?" Sarah sat up and nodded "Ohhhh, 
yes please Uncle Jack, what do I do?" Before I 
could answer Sue was kneeling beside her and 
lifting her nightie up. "Get naked first" she said 
as she stripped Sarah's only garment from her. "Now 
lay down and open your legs as wide as you can, 
bending your knees a little" Sue continued, 
revelling in the fact she was so experienced. I was 
slowly making my way down the bed so I could get 
between Sarah's open thighs and lift her bottom so 
I could push the pillow I had, under her and raise 
her pussy a few inches off the bed. "Just relax 
baby, I won't hurt you so don't worry" and I gently 
placed a line of tender kisses on the inside of her 
thighs from knee to hip joint as I gently caressed 
the outside of her legs with my hands. As my face 
got close to Sarah's pussy I could smell the sweet 
aroma of her young body and tenderly kissed her 
warm moist pussy lips then licked my way up from 
anus to mons, pausing above her tiny clit to press 
on it then give it a suck, before working my way 
down again. 
All this time I could hear Sarah gasping and giving 
tiny mewls of pleasure, these turning to louder 
cries as I placed my tongue at the entrance to her 
vaginal passage and slowly pressed it in as far as 
it would go. As I was tongue fucking her I placed 
one thumb on her clit and worked it in circles 
making her hump her pelvis at my face as she cried 
more and more. Giving her no chance to relax I 
pressed the tip of one finger into her hot wet 
dripping pussy and moistened it well then I placed 
it on her tiny pink puckered rosehole and slowly 
pressed it in through her tight anal ring, making 
her scream louder as she had the hardest hitting 
orgasm of her young life. Sarah made so much noise 
it brought the rest of the family running into the 
bedroom to find out what was happening just as I 
lifted my cum soaked face from between Sarah's legs 
to see Susan holding Sarah down as she writhed in 
ecstasy as I continued to finger fuck her ass. I 
turned to look at the audience and smiled as I 
raised myself up on to my knees. "It's nice to see 
Daddy hasn't lost his touch Mom" said Lisa as she 
put her arm round Jenny's waist. "Isn't it just" 
replied Jenny as she came and sat beside Sarah who 
was still coming down from the heights of her most 
intensive climax. 
As Sarah relaxed she opened her eyes and saw 
Jenny sitting beside her, blushed bright red and 
gasped "Oh, Aunt Jenny, I'm so sorry I didn't mean 
to seduce Uncle Jack, I mean... I'm so sorry I 
won't do it again ever again please don't be angry 
with Uncle Jack it wasn't his fault me and Susan 
made him do it honest." And she quickly turned over 
and hid her face in the pillows on which she was 
resting as she started to sob uncontrollably. 
Jenny motioned to Sue to leave and Sandi, Kelly and 
Lisa followed leaving Jenny and I with the 
crying girl. I sat beside her and took her in my 
arms, pressing her young naked body close to my 
chest as I caressed her hair and back whilst I 
rocked her in my arms. When she had stopped crying 
I sat her up and said "Shhh, Sarah my love, Aunt 
Jenny's not mad at you, why don't you sit up and 
listen to her for a minute" and I bent down,
kissed away all her tears and moved over so Jenny 
could sit on the other side of Sarah. "Sarah 
darling" said Jenny, "Why do you think I left you 
and Susan to get into bed with Uncle Jack. I knew 
there was something you wanted to do, so I left you 
with him to do it. I think it's a wonderful thing 
for you to have a kind and gentle guy like Uncle 
Jack to teach you about making love as well as the 
general sex things you hear about at school, but 
in a way that means you won't get hurt. I just wish 
I had someone like him when I was your age, my 
love life would have been a lot better." Sarah sat 
open mouthed "You mean.... you mean you don't 
mind Uncle Jack having sex with me, but you're his 
wife, aren't you mad at him for being unfaithful 
with a young girl, and me for taking him away from 
you?" Jenny laughed "Don't be so silly my dear, 
he's not being unfaithful to me because I know what 
he's doing and who he's doing it with and most 
important why he's doing it. You can't take him 
away from me because he loves me so much. He loves 
me so much he risked going to prison to teach Susan 
that sex isn't bad, and I know that no one will 
take him from me, no matter what they do." Sarah 
gave a huge sobbing sigh as she relaxed against my 
chest and Jenny leaned over and said softly "Would 
you like Uncle Jack to do that again, this time 
with me holding your hand to show you I approve, my 
dear?" Sarah looked at Jenny and said in a 
whisper "Would you do that for me Aunt Jenny, 
honest". Jenny nodded, "Yes darling, why don't you 
lay down again and see." Sarah wriggled her bottom 
and returned to the position she was in a few 
minutes earlier as Jenny moved to sit beside her and 
hold Sarah in her arms taking her hands and holding 
them tight. "Come on Jack darling, Sarah needs 
another orgasm, don't keep the poor girl waiting"
she said as she smiled at me, so I shuffled 
round to my original position and replaced my mouth 
on to Sarah's cum oozing pussy. *

How fortunate it is that women don't get drained in 
the same way men do, and have to rest for so 
long between orgasms. It took almost no time at all 
for Sarah to be thrashing about in Jenny's arms 
as she got closer and closer to another crashing 
climax. Once more she screamed as it hit her 
when I inserted my finger in her anus, making her 
body tremble as she lay tight in Jenny's grasp. 
By the time Sarah was opening her eyes I was 
sitting beside her and she was in mine and Jenny's 
arms as we lay together in bed covered over. Jenny 
smiled at Sarah and said gently "Well, how was 
it that time Sarah darling?" Sarah looked at Jenny 
then at me, smiled and said quietly "I wish my 
Daddy could do it like that. Is it wicked of me to 
think like that Aunt Jenny?" Jenny grinned "No 
darling, sexy, even erotic, but not wicked after 
all it isn't incest you know, just a way of 
showing you love someone, like if you did the same 
thing for Uncle Jack one day. You ask Susan what 
it's like, she loves to do it for him. Now lets get 
cleaned up, why don't you and Uncle Jack go and 
have a shower together, then I can get dressed in 
peace." Jenny got out of bed and began to sort 
out her clothes for the day while Sarah and I 
walked hand in hand to the bathroom where Sue was 
just getting out of the shower. 
"Bother!" she said as she saw us come in together 
"If I'd known you were coming in here so soon I'd 
have waited. Never mind, enjoy it Sarah, he's great 
to shower with, just make sure you get to wash ALL 
of him, not just his back" and Sue stepped out and 
started to dry herself as Sarah and I got under the 
water jet. We had a wonderful shower with me 
caressing rather that washing her and I brought her 
off again with my finger on her clitty. Sarah spent 
a long time washing my genitals as she explored 
them as never before, even practising taking me in 
her mouth for a moment or two, before we dried 
ourselves, then went and dressed in our own rooms. 
We walked down to the kitchen together and Sarah 
blushed as she saw the admiring looks she received 
as we sat down. 
Sue leaned close and asked softly "Was it as good 
as it sounded?" and Sarah looked down at the table 
and nodded quickly as she whispered "It was 
wonderful Sue, I never felt anything like it 
before, we need to talk, and soon." Sue grinned and 
nodded as she returned to her breakfast. 
Sarah was still looking slightly embarrassed half 
way through breakfast until Jenny said "Sarah 
darling, I know it might seem strange, but you 
mustn't feel embarrassed about making love, we all 
do it darling, and sometimes we make a little noise 
especially when something wonderful happens. 
The only thing we think about is wishing it was us, 
instead of whoever it is, such as you this morning. 
We felt very glad that you could enjoy something 
so new to you, you did enjoy it didn't you?" 
Sarah lifted her head up and grinned as she looked 
round the table "Aunt Jenny, it was the best thing 
that ever happened to me. I never knew I could feel 
anything like that I just wanted it to go on for 
ever. I'm so grateful that you allowed Uncle Jack 
to do it for me." 
Jenny suddenly turned her head to where Kelly and 
Lisa were sitting and said "Now, girls" because 
they had started to giggle at Sarah's naive words, 
Jenny turned back to Sarah "It's OK my dear, 
they're only giggling because they know how much 
Uncle Jack likes to eat a nice soft warm pussy. 
Just like they enjoy having him eat theirs 
sometimes, don't you girls?" and Kelly and Lisa 
grinned at Sarah and nodded their heads vigorously.

After breakfast I went into the Den and started to 
work on the programming for Dave's business package 
and had only been at it for half an hour before 
there was a soft  knock on the door. I called come 
in and soon had Sue with her arms round me and her 
lips on my ear and cheek "Daddy, I don't know what 
you and Mom did after we left you but Sarah feels 
wonderful. Thanks for doing it and not getting mad 
at me darling, you're not mad at me are you Daddy?"
I spun round on my chair and took Sue on my lap 
"No darling, not really, I just think you need a 
spanking for being presumptuous in bringing Sarah to 
your parents marriage bed and asking for sexual 
favours, it'll be this evening, now will you ask 
Lisa and Kelly to come and see me before they go 
out please." And I lifted her off my lap and turned 
back to my PC as she left the room.
A few minutes later Lisa and Kelly knocked and came 
In. "You wanted to see us Daddy" Kelly said and I 
turned round to face them. "Yes darling, I've been 
thinking about last night and find I'm not fully 
satisfied with your control over proceedings. 
You should have spotted the idiot you eventually 
threw out for being drunk and throwing up in the 
bathroom, instead I had to ask you to sort it out. 
I have therefore decided that as I am spanking 
Susan tonight you might as well have one as well, 
what time will you be home from your dates?"
The girls looked at each other and Lisa said quietly 
"We'll be home early under the circumstances Daddy,
by dinner time, will that be all right please?"
I nodded and said "Perfectly all right, after all 
I don't want to spoil your day completely do I?"
They smiled and said "No Daddy, is that all?"
I smiled and nodded then pulled them close and 
kissed them lovingly "Yes darlings, go and enjoy 
yourselves, it's a lovely day out there."

After the girls had gone out Jenny came in and sat 
beside me. "Jack darling, Lisa tells me they're 
to be spanked tonight because they let you down at 
the party by not finding that drunk before you 
did. Is that really fair my love, after all you 
already told them you didn't blame them for the 
booze that was brought in." I turned to her and 
grinned wickedly "You're right Jenny darling, it 
isn't fair but it's going to be a lot of fun, and 
they're looking forward to it, as is Susan." This  
made Jenny sit up, "What! Why are you going to 
spank Susan, what's she done that deserves 
punishment?" Again I grinned "Well, I had to think 
long and hard for a reason so I decided on her 
bringing Sarah into our bed this morning and Sarah 
getting so upset thinking she'd betrayed your 
trust by seducing me into eating her out. Why, can 
you think of a better reason?" Jenny smiled as 
she understood what was happening. "I'm sorry Jenny   
darling, if you don't think it right you can tell 
them you've talked me out of it and I'll forget 
all about it. I just thought it had been so long 
since they'd had some fun, this seemed a good 
opportunity." Jenny stood up and came over to sit 
on my lap, "Jack darling, you're wonderful, it is 
a long time since we had some fun like this. Will  
you spank me as well please darling?" I kissed 
her tenderly "Of course I will my love, my only 
problem will be managing to stay hard enough to 
satisfy all four of you. I might manage two before 
I come, I may have some difficulty getting it up 
again for the other two, any ideas?" Jenny looked 
at me and smiled "Jack darling for all you're being 
very intelligent I sometimes wonder if you were 
taught to count, there are FIVE of us" I shook my 
head "No darling, Sandi's away for the week..... 
Damn, I forgot all about Sarah. OK I guess we leave 
it for another day, when she's not staying over.  
Will you tell the girls please darling, I hate to 
do it after making the promise in the first place."  

Jenny smiled at me "Jack why don't you get 
Sarah involved. I don't mean spank her as well, 
but maybe use her to bring us in and then maybe 
help you to recover after you cum." I frowned at 
this then said "OK, what I'll do is ask her if 
she's willing to do it. I won't coerce her in any 
way, she  must be willing from the word go." Jenny 
slipped off me lap "I'll go and get her so you 
can talk to her" and she almost ran out of the room 
looking as excited as a schoolgirl at a party. 
I closed down my PC and sat on the sofa just as 
Sarah came into the Den. "Aunt Jenny said you 
wanted to see me Uncle Jack, something important 
she said" said Sarah as she came and stood in 
front of me. "Come and sit on my lap Sarah darling" 
I said gently and she sat close as I placed my 
arms round her and held her tight. "Sarah, you know 
we all like to make love in this family, even 
you like some of the things that happen don't you?" 
she looked at me and grinned "Hmmm yes Uncle 
Jack, I love some to the things you do, I just wish 
my Daddy..." I stopped her with a tender kiss. 
"Shhh.. listen to what I have to say first" and sat 
her upright so she could se my face. "Sarah, 
making love can take many forms, some people enjoy 
it in lots of different positions, some of which 
you may learn about. Some people like to do very 
strange and dangerous things. Some even like to be 
in a lot of real pain." I could see she was getting 
a little worried and said softly "It's all right 
darling, we don't do that sort of thing. One thing 
that we have found makes for a really good love 
making session is when I spank one of the girls for 
doing something wrong and then very soon 
afterwards I make love to her. All of the girls 
enjoy this, even Sandi and Aunt Jenny. Does this 
surprise you my dear?" Sarah smiled shyly and shook 
her head "No Uncle Jack, Sue's told me you 
sometimes spank her if she's been naughty, like 
when she brought me to ask you to pop my cherry. 
She said it always makes her so hot you could do 
anything to her and she cum's in floods." And I 
felt her wriggle her butt on my lap and suddenly 
felt a tiny damp spot on the leg on my pants. 
"Well the thing is Sarah, I have to spank all four 
of my girls tonight including Aunt Jenny, and I 
need some very special help. I was wondering if 
you'd like to be that special help." Sarah sat up 
"What.. ME... you want me to help you spank your 
wife and daughters, and be there to watch. Is that 
what you want?" I smiled and nodded "Yes darling, 
if you think you'd like to, AND keep it a very 
deep secret. It would hurt all of us if people got 
to know, you do understand that don't you my 
dear?" Sarah nodded as she sat there speechless. 
"There's one other thing I'll have a problem with; 
if I'm going to make love to all four of them I'll 
need some help half way through, getting and 
keeping an erection. Normally Aunt Jenny would be 
doing this for me but as she's being spanked as 
well I was wondering if you might want to do that 
duty as well?" Once more Sarah's eyes opened wide 
and she gave a gasp "You want me to do things to 
get you hard" she said breathlessly and once more 
I nodded. "Yes my dear, it's very hard for a guy to 
keep hard enough to satisfy four beautiful women 
one after another, I don't care what you may see in 
porno movies." Sarah giggled and hid her face in 
my chest, "But how... I mean what will I need to do 
to keep you... Err.. make you ready again, I 
never did anything like that before?" I kissed her 
again and said very softly "Why don't you go and 
ask Aunt Jenny, make sure Sue doesn't get to know 
what's happening, after all she's being spanked 
tonight. I'm sure Aunt Jenny will be able to give 
you some handy tips. If you want to do it that 
is?" Sarah nodded vigorously "Oh yes please Uncle 
Jack, especially if I can be there and watch it. 
But what about.... I mean that means I'll be the 
only one that..." I kissed her softly "No you 
won't darling, just trust me, you'll be all 

Sarah bounced out of the room and I turned back to 
my PC and fired it up again meaning to get down 
to some serious work when Jenny came in once more, 
"Why you sneaky devil you, what's the idea asking 
me to give away my secrets on how to arouse you 
when you're flagging, and to a sexy teenage girl 
at that. Mind you it does sound like a wonderful 
idea darling." I turned round and pulled her close 
enough for me to kiss her, I then sketched out 
what I wanted to happen, and how I wanted all 
five of the girls to be dressed. "Rather than have 
you brought in one at a time, I thought it might be 
better if you were lined up against the door and 
Sarah brought you over in turn. That way you'd all 
see each other getting spanked and watch everything 
else that happens as well." Jenny smiled and I saw 
a wonderful pink flush of anticipation suffuse her 
cheeks as I held her by the hands. "All right Jack 
darling, I'll go and get the clothes sorted out,
will it be on the chair or the padded bench?" 

I thought for a minute, "Chair I think darling, 
that way you'll all feel my erection pressing into 
your stomachs, if I get turned on by five half 
naked and very lovely girls standing round me." 
"Jack darling, if you don't get an erection in the 
first thirty seconds we'll all parade naked each 
morning for the rest of the year, and that's a 
promise." A final kiss and Jenny left me to my 
work, closing the door tight shut to ensure I 
wasn't disturbed again, at least 'til lunch 
time. A knock on the door and a terse "Come in" 
from me and Sarah came in with a tray of food and a 
couple of cans of beer for me. "Aunt Jenny asked me 
to bring you this Uncle Jack, and said to make 
sure you stopped and ate it, so could you do it 
please, I don't want to get into trouble and have 
to be spanked for it, do I?" she said with the 
widest grin I ever saw. I save my work and closed 
down while I sat beside Sarah and ate my lunch, 
"Uncle Jack, what will I actually have to do, I 
mean, Aunt Jenny told me how to... you know, keep 
you... well, active, but I don't know what I 
should actual DO when you start." I explained 
what was going to happen and what she'd have to do 
and when. "The thing is Sarah darling, you mustn't 
tell the girls what's happening. I always try to 
make it a little different each time so they always 
have a surprise, like having you do the Mistress 
of Ceremonies, instead of Aunt Jenny. Boy will that 
surprise them!" 
I then went on to explain some things in great 
detail, based on what I expected to happen. Sarah's 
eyes were almost popping out of her head by the 
time I was finished. "Well" I said "Do you still 
want to do it my dear, or do you think it too 
disgusting?" "Oh, no Uncle Jack, not disgusting, 
just a bit strange, some things you want me to do I 
never did before, will Kelly, Lisa and Susan and 
Aunt Jenny think that I'm a slut for touching them 
the way you said?" I turned her to look at me 
"Sarah darling, no one in this house ever uses the 
word slut, no matter who we talk about. Nothing 
that happens here ever hurts anyone, and no one is 
ever forced to do anything they don't want. We all 
have the safeword and I'll always respect it, ask 
any one of them. No Sarah darling, there are no 
sluts here only sexy women that enjoy making love. 
Have you ever heard anyone ask me to fuck them?" 
Sarah shook her head. "No" I said "They may ask me 
to make love to them, but never to simply fuck 
them, now are you OK with what I'm asking you to 
do?" Sarah put her arms round my neck and hugged 
me tight then leaned back and kissed me 
passionately. "Yes Uncle Jack, but only if you 
promise to make love to me after you've satisfied 
all your other lovers." "It's a promise" I said, 
suddenly thinking of a special treat I would try to 
Sarah took the tray away when I'd finished eating 
and I went back to work, losing myself in my 
program until I was forced to stop by the need 
to go to the bathroom. As I came back to the Den I 
popped my head into the kitchen and asked Jenny 
for a quiet word, when I asked a favour of her that 
she agreed to instantly. "What a wonderful idea 
Jack darling, why didn't I think about her needs. 
By the way, everything else is ready and we can 
start at nine if that's OK with you?" I kissed her 
and said "Perfect, gives us loads of time so we 
don't need to rush anything" and I went back to 
work. By the time I'd done all I could for the time 
being it was almost dinner time and I decided to go 
and have a quick shower before the queue started.
I was just finished dressing when Sue knocked on 
the bedroom door and came in to sit beside me on 
the bed. "Daddy darling, what should I tell Sarah. 
I don't want to send her home but I know she 
shouldn't be here tonight." I looked sternly at her 
and said "You don't need to worry about that I've 
arranged for her to be doing something so she 
needn't go home. Just don't speak to her about 
what's happening, I don't want her to be 
embarrassed, understand?" Sue nodded her head "Yes 
Daddy, I understand" and she walked slowly back to 
her own room. Dinner was a quiet meal, it was also 
a light one, consisting of salad with ice-cream 
for dessert. As Kelly, Lisa and Susan cleared the 
table and did the dishes Jenny went for a shower 
first and came down in her bathrobe to relieve one 
of the girls. Each of them showered, dressed as 
ordered and came down wearing their robes, all 
except Sarah who also had a shower but came down 
with her normal outer clothes on as if she was not 
included in the evenings festivities. 
At nine o'clock I went into our bedroom and pulled 
out the upright chair we normally used, stripped 
off all my clothes and sat down to await the 
arrival of the girls.

The bedroom door opened and Jenny led Kelly, Lisa 
and Susan in, lining them up against the door. 
They spun round as the door opened again and Sarah 
walked in wearing a set of Susan's sexiest and 
most revealing underwear. "SARAH... what are you 
doing here" cried Susan as her friend began to 
remove her robe, followed by the rest of them. 
"Sarah is Mistress of Ceremonies tonight because 
your mother is also being spanked, now strict rules 
apply, no talking unless told or... well you 
know what happens." As I spoke Jenny looked at my 
lap, smiled and gave me a wink, OK so I wasn't 
going to have a naked parade for the rest of the 
year but I doubt if a monk could have failed to 
get an erection with what was in front of me. Jenny 
had dressed them all in the same clothes, a 
short skirt. That's it, a short skirt, I also knew 
they'd have panties on underneath, not sexy 
French knickers or anything, just little girl type 
white cotton panties that needed to be taken 
down to expose four sets of firm rounded buttocks, 
no wonder my erection was so obvious. After 
putting the bathrobes down Sarah came and stood 
beside me and placed an arm across my shoulders, 
pressing her body against my side as she glanced 
down at my lap giving a barely audible gasp as she 
saw my erect penis. I whispered a word and she went 
over and stood behind Jenny, tying a light silk 
scarf over her eyes then led her to stand by my 
right knee, pressing on her back to make her bend 
over and lay across my lap. "Jennifer, you are here 
to be punished for not carrying out a simple request 
because you were too busy with something else, what 
do you have to say?" Jenny took a deep breath 
"I'm sorry Jack darling, I should have done as you 
asked and I deserve to be punished." 
I looked at Sarah and she came and stood in front 
of me, tentatively lifted Jenny skirt over her back 
and then slowly pushed her panties down to below 
the cheeks of her bottom. As Sarah's hand touched 
Jenny's skin Jenny gave a tiny gasp and her ass 
cheeks twitched; when Jenny's bottom was bare I 
placed my palm on it and pressed lightly then 
lifted my hand, bringing it down with a loud 
THWACK. It was loud and Jenny jumped but it wasn't 
actually hard despite leaving a red hand mark. Four 
more I gave her before resting and caressing her 
buttocks for a moment, at the same time feeling her 
pussy lips to find them swollen and very moist. 
Another five times I spanked Jenny, making them 
loud but playful before telling her to stand so 
Sarah could remove her panties and blindfold then 
lead her to sit by the wall with her knees bent and 
her legs open to display her hot wet pussy lips. 
Sarah brought Kelly over next and after 
blindfolding her removed her panties completely 
before I bent her over my knee. 
"Kelly, you are being punished for losing control 
at your party, what do you have to say?" "I'm sorry 
Daddy, I should have been more vigilant and I need 
to be spanked for letting you down." Sarah lifted 
her skirt and once more I gave five noisy spanks. 
As I rested to feel Kelly's pussy I felt her flexing 
her stomach muscles against the  head of my cock 
that was pressing into it as she lay there. 
"Naughty" I whispered and gave her one hard slap 
that made her jump and give a soft groan as she 
flexed the muscles of her butt in anticipation of 
more of the same. I returned to the playful but 
noisy kind and finished her ten by quickly slipping 
a finger into her pussy making her gasp with 
pleasure. Sarah led Kelly to sit beside Jenny and 
removed the blindfold going to Lisa to put it on 
her. Lisa bent over my lap as soon as she felt her 
knees touch my thighs. Sarah lifted her skirt and 
as she went to pull down Lisa's panties I stopped 
her and shook my head. Sarah went to stand behind 
me again and pressed her soft warm body against my 
back as I asked Lisa "Do you know why you are being 
punished Lisa?" "Yes Daddy, because it's my fault 
Kelly has been punished for losing control at the 
party, as well as being my responsibility for not 
finding the strong liquor, and I deserve to be 
punished more than Kelly." All the time she was 
talking I was caressing her bottom and could feel 
the spreading wet spot on the crotch of her 
panties. I lifted my hand and brought it down hard 
on her cotton covered bottom. 
This made it almost silent and we all heard the 
gasp Lisa gave as it landed, I followed it up with 
another four then paused as I slid my hand inside 
the waistband of her panties and pushed them down, 
sliding my finger between the crack of her ass as I 
did. This brought another gasp from Lisa but of 
pleasure this time. I gave her another five noisy 
spanks and smiled as I felt her tense her thighs 
together and gasp as she trembled through an 
orgasm. As she stood up I saw a large wet patch on 
my leg and felt it begin to cool as her cum ran 
down the side of my thigh and also down her legs. 
As Sarah walked her over to sit beside Jenny and 
Kelly I heard them gasp and Kelly giggle quietly as 
they saw Lisa's wet legs. After taking off the 
blindfold Sarah went over to Sue and put it on her 
and led her to stand beside me. As Sue bent over 
Sarah lifted her skirt and slid her hands inside 
the waistband of Sue's panties pushing them down by 
sliding her hands over her friends buttocks. This 
made Sue wriggle with pleasure until the garment 
was finally removed. "Susan, you were the first to 
deserve a spanking, do you know why I decided to do 
it?" "Yes Daddy" she said in a hushed voice, 
"Because I asked for someone not in the family to 
be allowed into bed with you. I should have asked 
you or Mom first and I'm sorry I put you in such a 
situation. Please punish me for being so naughty."
As I lifted my hand Sarah whispered in my ear 
"Can I do one please Uncle Jack?" 

I held one finger up and whispered back "In a 
minute" and brought my hand down on Sue's firm 
rounded bottom, holding it on for a second so I got 
maximum contact. Four more I gave her, each time 
she gasped and flexed her cheeks and each time 
I held my hand on her flesh. During the pause I 
got a feel of her sopping wet pussy and made her 
wriggle as I pushed a finger inside her for a 
second. As I started to give her the final five I 
heard a gasp from beside the wall then felt Sue's 
hand cup my balls in her hand. Kelly had seen Sue's 
hand move and had brought it to the attention 
of Jenny and Lisa who sat there smiling at Sue's 
impudence. I ignored what Sue was doing until I 
had finished her full ten spanks then, as she began 
to get to her feet I held her down with my hand 
on her back and brought Sarah round to stand in 
front of her and put up three fingers. As Sarah 
lifted her hand I mouthed "Hard" and sat back to 
watch Sue's reaction. As the first of Sarah's 
blows landed Sue jumped as if she had been stung 
"SARAH.... NO.. not you, please" cried Sue, as she 
realised it wasn't me spanking her. And she cried 
out as each of Sarah's two further spanks made 
her jump. When she'd finished Sarah led Sue to sit 
by the wall and made her adopt the same position 
as the others so I was then able to look at four 
sopping wet pussies that I was now about to begin 
entering in turn. Very shyly Sarah went to Jenny 
and held out a hand to help her to her feet, then 
led her to stand in front of me. Sarah was blushing 
as she carried out the instructions I had drilled 
her in earlier. "Aunt Jenny, how do you want Uncle 
Jack's manhood, standing or kneeling on the floor?" 
Jenny smiled at Sarah, trying to make her relax. 
"Can I have it standing please" Jenny 
said softly and Sarah turned the chair round so 
Jenny could hold on to the back. Sarah sat 
astride it facing Jenny and me as I stood behind 
Jenny. I suddenly had an idea and beckoned Sarah 
to come to me, whispered to her and nodded as she 
blushed and shook her head. I took her hand and 
smiled. "Yes darling, please" I said urgently and 
she took my penis in her hand and guided it into 
Jenny's open pussy lips. As Jenny felt a hand she 
knew wasn't mine touching her pussy lips she 
gasped out loud and pushed back against it for a 
second before Sarah took it off me and went back 
to straddle the chair. I began to slowly pump my 
prick in and out of Jenny's wet grasping vaginal 
passage and looked at Sarah's face as she watched 
what was happening in front of her. Suddenly 
Sarah smiled and I saw Jenny had lifted her head 
and was looking at Sarah. Jenny must have made a 
sign of some sort because Sarah leaned over the 
back of the chair and gently kissed Jenny on the 
lips. No sooner had their lips touched than Jenny 
broke it off and gave a loud scream as she 
climaxed, almost falling to the floor but for my 
grip on her hips and hers on the chair back. I 
held Jenny there for a few minutes until she 
managed to stand on her own. As soon as I let go of 
her Jenny went over to Sarah and took her in her 
arms kissing her more passionately than I had seen 
her kiss another woman for a long time. "Sarah, 
thank you so much, you made it so wonderful, 
helping Uncle Jack to enter me then kissing me so 
tenderly. I think Lisa and Kelly would like the 
same darling, will you do it please?" Sarah blushed 
and nodded "Yes Aunt Jenny, I'd love to, it felt 
so sexy I almost came myself." As Jenny went 
to lay on the bed Sarah moved over to bring Kelly 
and once again asked how she wanted to take me. 
"Oh, standing like Jenny please, just like Jenny" 
said Kelly and she placed her elbows on the chair 
back as she bent over. This time Sarah moved over 
to me without being asked and grasped my prick 
firmly, this time holding Kelly's pussy lips open 
with her free hand. This made Kelly have a tiny 
orgasm that Sarah felt as she offered my cockhead 
to the moist opening. Sarah stood there for a 
moment and watched as my prick slid right inside 
Kelly's opening then rushed round to straddle the 
chair again this time starting to kiss Kelly as 
soon as she had sat down. Sarah also reached her 
hands round and gently cupped Kelly's breasts in 
her soft warm hands, gently squeezing them as they 
kissed. To increase Kelly's arousal I reached 
under her pelvis and pinched her clitty between two 
fingers and rubbed round and round until she 
suddenly reared up and climaxed with a loud scream. 
Kelly reared up so high I was able to quickly 
move my hands up to hold her breasts and prevent 
her collapsing on to the floor. As I held Kelly to 
me I looked over her shoulder at Sarah and saw she 
was sitting there with her eyes tight shut and 
her pelvis working back and forth on the cushion of 
the chair. The little fox was having an orgasm, 
and enjoying it too by the look of it. As my 
softening prick slipped out of Kelly's pussy I 
scooped her up into my arms and laid her beside 
Jenny on the bed. Turning round to where Sarah was
sitting I looked at her and smiled. "Sarah darling, 
I seem to need your help" and stepped up close to 
her. She smiled at me and said softly "It's no 
wonder Uncle Jack, after what you just did, let me 
see what I can do." Quickly opening the front of her 
borrowed bra Sarah bared her breasts and stepped 
up close to me, pressing her rock hard nipples into 
my chest as she placed her soft warm wet lips 
on mine and kissed me like she never did before. 
Her tongue was pressing against my lips and I 
opened them to allow it into my mouth where she 
sought mine to fence with for a few seconds.*

Breaking off the kiss Sarah lowered her head to 
where she could take my nipples in her mouth and 
suck hard on them, Jenny had certainly taught Sarah 
very well indeed. Slowly working her way down 
Sarah trailed her warm wet tongue down the line of 
hair on my lower abdomen until she was kneeling 
in front of me and holding my rising penis in one 
hand and my balls in the other. Without a pause 
Sarah opened her mouth and placed my stiffening 
prick inside to lay resting on her tongue as she 
gently caressed my swollen balls in her free hand. 
As she felt me swelling and stiffening Sarah 
clamped her lips together and alternately sucked me 
and wiped her tongue around the swollen purple 
head of my cock. As far as I knew this was only the 
third time she'd taken a prick into her mouth, 
she was a natural. All too soon Sarah moved her 
head back and stood up. "Aunt Jenny and Kelly taste 
wonderful Uncle Jack, I must try some fresh very 
soon." She then went to fetch Lisa, who jumped to 
her feet and walked rapidly over to the chair, 
bending over and whispering to Sarah "Tell Daddy 
I want it in my bottom please Sarah darling, and 
I want you to put it in please." Sarah blushed and 
shook her head. "How?" she said and Lisa smiled and 
said softly "Watch, you'll see it's easy" then Sarah 
walked up to me and said "Uncle Jack, Lisa says she 
would like it in her bottom please, will you 
show me what to do?" I whispered to her and she 
went to fetch the KY  I'd told her to get ready, I 
then explained how she should lube up Lisa's anus. 
Sarah placed the opening of the tube to Lisa's 
rosehole and pressed it in slightly then squeezed 
the tube. I told her to push her finger in and 
work it round in a circle. Although she was a 
little reluctant at first she eventually did it and 
smiled as Lisa gasped with pleasure at the feeling 
of her fingers movements. Sarah then covered the 
head of my prick with the gel and took me in her 
hand touching me to Lisa's anal ring. Very gently 
I pressed forward and heard Sarah gasp as Lisa 
relaxed and allowed me to slip in a couple of 
inches, only stopping when Sarah's hand touched 
Lisa's butt cheeks. Open mouthed Sarah went to 
straddle the chair and look closely at Lisa's 
expression as I butt fucked her, eventually leaning 
forward to kiss her lips and cup her breasts in her 
own soft warm hands. As the girls kissed Sarah 
heard Lisa beginning to moan and felt her body 
start to writhe under the stimulation of my prick 
and Sarah's hands and lips until Lisa reared up the 
same as Kelly did and also screamed in ecstasy 
as I held her up by her breasts as she thrashed and 
trembled in my supporting arms. Sarah sat there 
and said a quiet "WOW" as I scooped Lisa in my 
arms and also laid her on the bed. Sarah came up to 
me and said "Is this what the bowl of water and 
towel is for Uncle Jack?" I smiled and nodded, so 
she pulled me to the dresser and washed my half 
hard prick off and patted it dry then walked 
hand in hand with me back to the chair. Sarah went 
to Sue and offered her a hand and they walked 
like this over to stand in front of me. "Floor or 
chair Susan" Sarah asked tenderly. "Floor please, 
doggy style and  69 if I can?" Sarah looked at me 
and I briefly explained what Sue wanted. Sarah 
grinned and nodded and she knelt in front of me and 
took me in her fingers, laid me between her 
breasts and pressed them together so I could give 
her a few titfucking strokes as she licked the 
tip of my prick each time it came close enough. As 
soon as she saw I was hard again Sarah dropped 
to the floor and shuffled beneath Sue as I knelt 
behind her. Taking me in her hand Sarah sucked me 
for a moment to wet me then guided me into her best 
friends pussy, watching my prick sink to it's 
full length into Sue's hot wet hole. Sarah gave a 
gasp as Sue placed her mouth over the only 
untouched pussy in the room and sucked like mad as 
I pounded away at my stepdaughters wet grasping 
cunt feeling Sarah's lips and tongue as they worked 
on Sue's clit. Together Sue and Sarah came in a 
screaming dual orgasm, certainly the hardest Sarah 
had ever cum, and even Sue collapsed on to 
Sarah's body, pulling herself off my pulsating 
prick. Tenderly I rolled Sue off Sarah and picked 
her up and took her to the bed. I left Sarah on 
the floor in her post orgasmic trance until I'd 
removed the chair to the side of the room. Going 
over to sit beside Jenny I leaned over and kissed 
her softly and lovingly until she opened her eyes, 
"You do have some very good ideas Jack darling" 
she said quietly, "What happens now?" I smiled and 
whispered in her ear, making her open her eyes 
wide and look across at where Sarah was still 
laying, "Will she, do you think?" she said and I 
nodded "I think so darling, she hasn't refused to 
do anything yet." Jenny sat up and whispered to 
Kelly who lay beside her, then to Lisa and Sue, all 
of whom quickly stood up and stripped off their 
skirts so they were naked. I went over to Sarah and 
helped her to her feet, holding her tight to me 
as I allowed her to recover from her recent 
experience. As I took Sarah over to sit on the edge 
of the bed the girls all went to stand in the 
middle of the room and look over at us. "There is 
one last duty for you to perform Sarah darling, 
it's a very special present to the girls for being 
so good. As you know I still haven't had an orgasm, 
that's because I've tried to save it for this one 
last act before going to bed and you're the only 
one to help me, are you ready?" "Ready for what 
Uncle Jack, I thought we were done?" I shook my 
head, "No darling, what I need you to do now is to 
masturbate me so I cum all over four beautiful 
naked women."*

Once again I'd surprised Sarah and once again she 
sat with her eyes wide open as she said "What 
did you say Uncle Jack?" I grinned "I said I want 
you to masturbate me so I cum all over four pairs 
of naked breasts, they're waiting for it, are you 
willing to give it a try?" I walked Sarah over to 
where the girls had now knelt down in a tight semi 
circle and were smiling up at Sarah and me. 
Sarah blushed bright red "But Uncle Jack" she said 
in a hushed voice "I never did this before, I 
don't know how to do it for you. I don't want to  
mess it up for you, please can't one of the 
others do it for you?" I hugged her tight and kissed 
her tenderly "Don't cry darling, it's really 
very easy. Look, let Sue show you how to do it, then 
you have a try, OK?" Sarah nodded and smiled at 
Sue as she got to her feet and stood on my left 
side, taking my rigid penis in her hand and began 
to work it up and down my shaft, explaining to 
Sarah what she was doing as she did it. "Don't 
squeeze too hard and don't go too fast darling" she 
said kindly then told Sarah to try. As Sarah 
began to get the idea Sue nodded then went round to 
her friend and whispered very quietly in her 
ear, making Sarah giggle as she nodded her head and 
say "OK, I'll try it." Sue quickly returned to 
her position as I put my arm round Sarah's soft 
young frame and gently cupped one breast in my hand 
playing with her nipple as I concentrated on trying 
to cum. Sarah quickly got a rhythm going and I 
felt myself getting closer to an orgasm when I felt 
her soft warm hand move from my waist down over 
my buttocks and then felt a finger slide between my 
ass cheeks until it rested on my anal ring. As 
Sarah worked her hand a little faster as she jerked 
me off she slowly and very gently began to press 
her finger into my tight ass and work it in 
time with her hand. I could feel my balls begin 
to swell as I got closer to my climax and gasped 
out in a husky voice "I'm going to cum soon Sarah 
darling, make your aim true first time baby and hit 
them on their tits and their lips, get ready I'm 
going to cum NOOOOWWWW" and my hips jerked as I 
thrust myself into my orgasm and shot a huge 
stream of cum over the gap between me and the 
girls. Almost by default Sarah spread my semen 
around as she jerked at my spurting cock and 
managed to hit all the girls either on the face or 
on the chin, then as she allowed her hand to drop 
she sprayed all their chests and breasts.
Once again Sarah took us all by surprise and as I 
finished shooting cum she dropped to her knees and 
placed her tongue under the end of my penis to 
catch the final few drops and take it  into her 
mouth giving herself a good taste of my warm semen. 
As she looked up at me smiling I placed a hand 
tenderly on her head and smiled down at her. She  
them looked round to see what the girls were doing, 
and sat speechless as she saw them all rubbing my 
cum into their skin, then licking their fingers 
and palms clean. Not to be outdone Sarah turned 
back and took my prick back into her mouth and 
sucked and licked me as clean as she could, 
standing up when she had finished and, with her 
arms round my waist kissed my chest and said "Uncle 
Jack, this is the most wonderful day of my life. I 
never knew there were so many ways to enjoy making 
love, it sure beats being roughed up in the back 
seat of a guys car." And she laid her head on my 
chest and hugged me as tight as she could as I 
looked down at four gorgeous women kneeling at my 
feet covered in my semen. Jenny stood up first 
"Come on girls, I think you all need a shower and I 
think Daddy should clean us all off seeing as 
it's his cum making us all sticky." There was a mad 
rush for the bathroom and Jenny and Sarah held 
back so they would be last. As I got to the shower 
Kelly, Lisa and Susan were all fighting to be 
first, "Hold it" I said firmly and as they turned 
to face me I pulled some of my chest hair out and 
held it in my hand, making the three of them wince 
as they watched what I did, "Right the one that 
gets closest to the number of hairs I have in my 
hand goes first, and so on, agreed?" they nodded 
and all guessed a number, Sue said ten, Kelly six 
and Lisa eight, I opened my hand and Jenny counted 
Sue jumped up and down and shouted gleefully "I go 
first, I go first" and pulled me into the shower 
and turned the water on. As I held Sue in my arms 
Kelly pulled the door over so we had a little 
Privacy. "Daddy, that was the most wonderful 
spanking I ever had, thanks for getting Sarah to 
help, I never had such an huge orgasm, can we do it 
again one day please, if Sarah want's to of 
course." I kissed her very tenderly as I rubbed my 
soapy hands over Sue's back and bottom "Yes darling,
if she want's to, but don't put any pressure on 
her please, it might spoil it for her. Now come on, 
let's get you clean and into bed." 
Between us we both got washed clean and I eased her 
out of the shower so Lisa could take her place. 
As I expected I was soon in Lisa's arms and she was 
hugging me. "Daddy, times like tonight are why I 
don't think I'll ever find a guy to replace you. 
You're so kind and considerate, and make love so 
wonderfully, even when it's to four of us at once. 
God, I can't even get a good hand job from any of 
the guys I'm going with just now, let alone cum 
when they do get to get in me." She blushed when she 
realised what she had just said, "I'm sorry 
darling, you're not upset knowing I've tried it 
with a couple of guys are you?" I smiled and shook 
my head "No my love, all I ever asked was that you 
always stay well protected, you know you're always 
welcome to come back to me any time you like, 
especially when your boyfriends can't perform, it 
does wonders for my ego." *

Lisa kissed me one last time and washed off the 
soap I'd applied while we were talking and held 
back the door as Kelly stepped in with me. As I 
had the door open I saw Jenny sitting talking 
quietly with Sarah who was sitting wide eyed and 
open mouthed. As I closed the shower door Kelly 
was all over me. "Daddy you're the most wonderful 
man I know. I'm thinking about giving up boys and 
just having what I can of you when Jenny and the 
rest have done with you. Even that little bit's 
better than all the guys in town." She looked 
down at her hands as she fiddled with her fingers 
"Daddy, would you be mad if I told you I've tried 
fucking a few of the guys I've been going out with?" 
As I shook my head she said hurriedly "I always made 
sure they had a condom on Daddy, I promise. The 
trouble is they rush it so much. They couldn't 
bring one girl to a screaming orgasm without 
having one of their own, let alone four like you did 
tonight. And the way Sarah helped was so erotic 
darling, I hope we can all do it again sometime." 
Kelly got out of the shower smiling and bringing 
a low comment from Jenny. I saw Kelly shake her 
head and say softly "He just held me in his arms 
Jenny, honest" and walked slowly to her own bed.
As I stood there watching, Jenny and Sarah came 
and joined me "Jack darling, I've told Sarah we'd 
like her to sleep with us tonight, it's her choice 
and there's no pressure to do anything but lay in 
bed with us. If anything else happens, it happens,
do you have any objections to that arrangement?" 

I shook my head "I think it's a wonderful idea 
darling, what about you Sarah, is it what you 
want my love?" Sarah just stood there and nodded
then threw herself at me, wrapping her arms round 
my waist as she pressed her cheek against my 
chest. I eased her off me and said "Come on then 
darling, lets' get you cleaned up then we can get 
to bed." Jenny and I washed Sarah between us, and I 
made sure I was the one to do her breasts and 
pussy as she stood with her chest pushed out and 
her legs wide apart. Once Sarah was rinsed off I 
concentrated on Jenny allowing Sarah to see how 
erotic I could make the simple act of washing a 
body then, despite the fact I'd already had three 
washes I allowed Jenny and Sarah to caress rather 
than clean me. In the end we had to stop so we 
could get to bed, and as I was dry first I put on a 
robe and said "I just have to go and say good night 
to my girls, I won't be long." I gave a gentle 
knock on the girls bedroom door Sue called for me 
to enter and I went over to Lisa and sat beside 
her as she lay naked with the sheet laying just 
below her wondrous breasts. I kissed each of her 
nipples then her lips "Good night darling, I'll see 
you in the morning" and I covered her naked 
body and tucked her in. With Kelly also laying with 
her naked breasts in view I placed my hands on 
them as I kissed her. "Your breasts feel wonderful 
darling, do your boyfriends treat them right?" 
Kelly giggled and said softly "They have to 
darling, or they don't come back for seconds" and 
put her arms round my neck and pulled my face down 
so it lay between her titties. I covered her over 
and tucked her in with a final tender kiss then 
went over to Sue. "Where's Sarah Daddy" she said as 
I sat beside her. "She won't be joining you tonight 
darling, your mother thought it would be nice 
if she slept with us, seeing as she did so well for 
all of you, all right?" Sue grinned "Yes Daddy, 
I'm only a little bit jealous, please be good to 
her darling, she's such a nice person" and she put 
her arms round my neck and pulled me down on to her 
soft warm moist lips and kissed me so very tenderly. 
After tucking Sue in I made to go, stopping at the 
door and saying "Good night my darlings, Sweet 
dreams." I switched off the light and closed the 
door softly then made my way to my own bedroom 
where I saw Jenny and Sarah sitting up side by side 
naked to where I could see and chatting away like 
old friends. "At last Jack, we were beginning to 
wonder where you'd got to, are the girls all right?" 
I smiled and said "Yes, one of them is a bit 
jealous, but she'll get over it by the morning.
Is there room for me between you two beauties" and 
I scrambled over the bed to get in between them and 
lay down, closing my eyes as if going to sleep.

Sarah looked at Jenny a little disappointed when 
she thought I was tired, 'til Jenny winked at her 
and said "Don't worry Sarah my love, if Uncle 
Jack's too worn out we can always use a vibrator, 
it's almost as good and doesn't get tired like an 
old man". "Less of the old man if you don't mind, I 
wasn't about to go to sleep, I was just wondering 
how many guys are laying in bed between two 
gorgeous young things like I am, not many I guess" 
and I reached out with both arms and pulled them 
both close to me. "Jack darling, seeing as you've 
already made love to me once why don't you 
concentrate on Sarah first, I'll see if I can help 
while you do." Sarah looked at Jenny with tears in 
her eyes "Do you mean that Aunt Jenny, can Uncle 
Jack do me while you lay next to him?" Jenny smiled 
"Sarah my love just lay back and see what he can do 
before you start thinking too much. I really do 
want you to enjoy yourself, just don't be surprised 
if I have an orgasm or two myself, OK?" Sarah 
grinned and lay on her back, her head turned to me 
as she looked at me adoringly. As I lowered my lips 
to hers I placed my hand on her abdomen and gently 
rubbed it round and round in a familiar motion, 
slowly getting lower until it was touching her 
soft fur where I allowed it to rest for a few 
seconds. As I moved my hand lower so I could 
get between her legs she opened her thighs and let 
me slowly insert my finger between her hot wet 
lower lips, giving a sigh as I did.*

With my finger buried deep in her pussy I moved my 
mouth down so I could take each hard nipple 
between my lips and nibble and suck at will. To my 
surprise Sarah was so aroused this was all it 
took to bring her to her climax and she bucked her 
hips and her body shook as she gave a long low 
cry before collapsing back on to the bed gasping 
for breath as her heart pounded like a trip hammer 
under my caressing hand. Very gently I rolled her 
over so she was laying against my chest with her 
hard pointed breast pressing into my ribs and her 
head resting on my left nipple. I held her there 
'til she had calmed down and her heart had stopped 
racing when she looked across my body to Jenny 
and said quietly "Is it always like this when you 
make love to him Aunt Jenny, so quick I mean?" 
Jenny smiled and shook her head "Not for me 
darling, but then I'm not quite so young as you, 
that makes a lot  of difference, believe me."
 Jenny came and lay on me as Sarah was and began to 
play with my still soft penis 'til Sarah said 
softly "What's it like to be spanked Aunt Jenny, I 
saw all you getting it and you seemed to enjoy it, 
I thought spanking always hurt?" Jenny pushed 
herself up on an elbow and looked at Sarah smiling 
"No darling, not this way, it just makes your 
bottom tingle and your pussy get all hot and start 
to go all soft and runny. Look why don't we get 
Uncle Jack to show you, if you don't like it, say 
your safeword, all right?" Sarah jumped into a 
sitting position and I followed, a little slower. 
As Jenny got out of the way I told Sarah how to lay 
across my thighs, opening them slightly so my 
erection could make itself known to her. 
"First of all my love I'll hold you down gently 
with one hand between your shoulder blades. I'll 
then place the spanking hand on your bottom and 
caress you for a moment or two just to let you know 
my hand's ready. I'll then lift my hand and some 
time after I'll bring it down sharply on to your 
naked bottom." As I spoke I did the act, making her 
jump as my hand connected with her butt. "Did that 
hurt?" I asked and she murmured "No, but it sort of 
tingles in the shape of your hand." I caressed her a 
little more as I explained how I could get 
different feeling by landing on different parts of 
her bottom. 
I then held her firm and gave her six quick noisy 
slaps, making her jerk her pelvis each time my 
hand landed. I then rolled her over on to her back 
and bent down to kiss her tenderly on the lips 
as I placed my hand on her pussy again. This time 
she opened her legs wide and bent her knees up as 
I rubbed her up, making her gasp as I pinched and 
rolled her nipples between finger and thumb and 
pressed her breasts flat against her ribs. Before 
she could cum I eased off and just caressed her 
inner thighs and her hair as she mewled and moaned 
for me not to stop "Please Uncle Jack, do me some 
more darling, I want to come again please make me 
cum, don't make me wait like this it's not fair." 
I sat her up on my thighs and kissed her. "Sarah my 
darling, how would you like to make love to me, 
have your own orgasm then see if you and Aunt Jenny 
can make me cum again?" Sarah looked at me then at 
Jenny. "How can I do that Aunt Jenny, will you help 
me please?" she said as she moved to kneel beside 
Jenny. As I lay back Jenny took Sarah and spent a 
couple of minutes telling her what she should do then 
knelt beside me and bent down to kiss me. 
"Are you ready Jack darling, Sarah's going to make 
you cum like never before" and she kissed me again 
as I felt my stiffening penis enveloped in a warm 
wet haven that brought me to full hardness in a 
flash. Before I could look to see what was happening 
I felt a cold wind on my prick as Sarah's mouth 
was taken off me. Then suddenly it was wet and warm 
and very, very tightly held as Sarah slowly lowered 
herself on to my rigid manhood, taking me to my full 
length and allowing me to see our pubic hairs get 
mixed as she began to work her pelvis back and forth 
on my throbbing flesh.  

Once again Sarah was very quick to cum, she was 
almost insatiable and before Jenny could do more 
than kiss me a few times to get me aroused she 
heard Sarah crying out as she reached another quick 
climax, soaking my prick and pubes with her free 
running juices as they leaked out around my penis. 
Jenny helped Sarah to raise herself  and then lay 
beside me, then she whispered to Sarah saying 
"Watch" as she covered my cum coated prick with her 
mouth the proceeded to lick me clean of Sarah's  
sweet tasting juice, bringing her mouth to mine so 
I could enjoy the taste as well. This made Sarah 
gasp, something else new she learned today. As 
Sarah lay beside me Jenny threw a leg over me and 
in a single stroke buried me deep inside her pussy 
and worked her hips like a crazy woman as she drove 
herself to a short sharp climax on my still rigid 
cock. Jenny got off me and looked at Sarah saying 
softly "Now it's your turn darling, help Uncle Jack 
to get a taste of my cum like I did with yours." 
Sarah got up on to her knees and copied what Jenny 
had shown her by cleaning me of her cum then 
kissing me so I could get that Oh so familiar sweet 
tangy taste of Jenny's pussy juice as I sucked on 
Sarah's cum coated tongue and lips. 
"Hmmm that's nice" said Sarah as she licked her 
lips. "What do we do now Aunt Jenny?" and Jenny 
whispered "Sarah darling, we give him the best blow 
job he ever had and at the same time we get him to 
eat us all up 'til we're clean and dry, are you 
ready?" Sarah grinned and nodded then placed 
herself in a 69 position over me and started to 
suck on my pulsating penis as I sucked on her cum 
oozing pussy.*

As I lay there with Sarah's pussy in my face I 
opened my mouth and channelled her juices with my 
tongue as they flowed from her. When they slowed 
down enough I began to use my tongue in her love 
hole and on her hard little nubbin as I used my 
hand to caress her butt and one finger to enter her 
anus. That was enough for the little sexpot. As 
soon as my finger got past her sphincter she 
exploded into another orgasm this time throwing 
herself off me and almost on to the floor as she 
writhed and twitched as her orgasm wracked her 
young body. Jenny knelt there in amazement as she 
leaned over to try to hold on to Sarah. "This girl 
is something else darling" Jenny said quietly. "I 
never saw anyone cum like she does." And she lay 
down beside me and cuddled up close. "What are we 
going to do with you Jack darling, you still 
haven't cum yet and I know you're about ready to, 
how about if Sarah has a shower, it'll be another 
first for her." I grinned and nodded then between us 
Jenny and I turned Sarah round and lay her on her 
back beside me with my arm under her shoulders 
and my lips hovering over hers. I  placed a tender 
kiss on her lips and said softly "Sarah my love 
I want you to lay just as you are and don't move 
whatever happens, all right?" She nodded, too 
spent to do much else then, when she felt a 
movement by her hips she looked down and saw Jenny 
masturbating me. Sarah looked up at me and smiled 
sweetly then turned pink as I said "Lay still 
darling, this is just for you, no sharing like the 
rest did." I pulled her closer to me and kissed 
her, holding it 'til I felt the pressure building 
up inside me and groaned "Watch it Sarah, it's all 
for you darling" and Jenny gave one last jerk as 
she felt my semen forcing it's way through my 
pulsating member as she aimed the head up so 
the first spurt hit Sarah full in her open mouth, 
the second, splashing off her chin and over her 
sweet neck. The rest of my cum all landed between 
Sarah's nipples and navel where it gathered in 
pools where there was a small depression in her 
Sarah just lay there and stared, her mouth still 
open and dripping cum from her lips, until she 
suddenly realised what she was missing and licked 
her lips' closed her mouth and swallowed. She then 
ran her palms all over her body searching for where 
she could find a pool of semen to spread. When she 
found a nice big pool in her navel she scooped it 
up in her fingers and quickly rubbed it on and 
around her swollen clitoris gasping with pleasure 
as she brought herself off to another orgasm. As I 
watched Sarah Jenny got busy cleaning the head of 
my shrinking prick before allowing it to lay limp 
and warm on my thigh as she watched Sarah revelling 
in her new moisturiser. As Sarah began to relax 
Jenny said "Would you like me to wipe you off a 
little Sarah darling, you may get uncomfortable if 
you go to sleep with that much over you?" Sarah 
turned to Jenny with a strange look in her eyes 
"Would you mind if I stayed like this Aunt Jenny, 
if it won't mess the sheets up that is." Jenny 
smiled "No that's all right darling, I can always 
wash the sheets, if you want to go to sleep covered 
in cum that's OK with me." Sarah blushed "Aunt 
Jenny, do you think I'm acting weird or something?" 
Jenny grinned "No darling, you're just getting a 
lot of new experiences coming to you very quickly. 
In time you'll sort them out and decide what you 
like and what you can live without just the same as 
we all do. Just try not to do too much too soon, 
you've a long life in front of you to get more 
experience, always remember that." Sarah smiled and 
said sleepily "Thanks Aunt Jenny, can I go to sleep 
now please I'm so very tired" and she turned on 
her side and snuggled back to my body as Jenny did 
the same behind me and we lay there like spoons 
in a drawer.  
Sunday morning and I was being woken up by the 
sound of giggling schoolgirls. I opened my eyes to 
see I was right, Sue and Sarah were sitting on the 
edge of the bed tracing the lines of smeared cum 
that covered Sarah's naked body. "Will you please 
be quiet girls, I didn't want to wake up this 
early, why don't you go and get Sarah cleaned up 
before you go down for breakfast" and they jumped 
up and made to leave the room. "It's not so very 
early you know Daddy, it's almost ten o'clock" said 
Sue as she shut the door. I turned over and shut my 
eyes just as Jenny came in and sat beside me 
offering me a cup of nice strong tea. I surrendered 
and sat up, drinking the tea Jenny had made for me,
then lay back thinking about the previous evening 
and night. "Penny for them darling" Jenny said 
gently as she laid her hand on mine. 
I turned to her and smiled "Not much my love, I was 
just wondering what Dave would make of Sarah's new 
found sexuality if he found out." Jenny shuffled 
over and laid her head on my chest as she said 
"Don't say I told you darling, but Sarah and Vera 
have already got Dave softened up, it won't be 
long before he finds out what having a loving 
family really means. About the only thing he won't 
be doing very soon is actually having intercourse 
with Sarah, everything else is fair game as far as 
Vera is concerned, and Sarah really wants to show 
Dave just how much he means to her. Yes darling, 
Dave is in for a very hot time very soon. All I ask 
Jack darling, is that you keep this to yourself, no 
macho guy stuff and men sticking together, all 
right?" I turned my head slowly and placed a kiss on 
the top of Jenny's head. "Yes all right my darling, 
I promise to keep it secret." After a slow lone 
(for a change) shower I dressed in casuals and made 
my way down to the kitchen for my breakfast. As I 
walked in there was a general scuffle as three 
chairs were pushed back and I found Kelly, Lisa and 
Susan were queuing up to give me a kiss good 
morning, and I responded in kind before I could sit 
down and eat.*

After a drawn out breakfast I took a cup of fresh 
coffee and sat out on a lounger in the yard. I was 
enjoying the sunshine and the sounds of the 
neighborhood on a Sunday morning when I heard a car 
pull into the driveway and the sound of doors 
slamming. No ring on the bell meant it was likely 
to be Sandi come home early from her weekend date 
and I was just wondering what went wrong when I 
heard Kelly calling me to come in and hurry. I got 
up and walked lazily into the family room where 
Sandi and Richard were sitting together in an 
armchair while Jenny and the girls were all buzzing 
round them. I went over to them and kissed Sandi 
lovingly as I always did and said Hi to Richard as 
I sat down. "OK, what's all the hurry for, the 
Martians haven't landed again have they?" Sandi 
smiled "Not quite Jack darling," she said softly as 
she moved from Richard's knee to mine, where 
she put her arms round my neck and kissed me long 
and hard. "Hey steady on Sandi, I don't want to 
have an angry boyfriend after me, what's happening 
to make you do this my dear?" I could see Jenny 
and the girls were full of something but were 
keeping themselves in check except Jenny who said 
sharply "Sandi if you don't tell him soon I'll 
burst, get on with it damn you" and Sandi gave me a 
kiss on the cheek. "Jack darling, I have to tell you 
Richard has asked me to marry him and wants to 
know if he has your approval." 
All the girls then burst out cheering as I said 
"Sandi darling, you know he wouldn't have lasted 
two visits if I hadn't approved, not that mine is 
necessary, you have a father you should be asking." 
Sandi hugged me tight "Jack darling, your approval 
means more to me than my parents, you know that. If 
it hadn't been for you I wouldn't be here now. I've 
told Richard EVERYTHING that has happened since you 
and Jenny got married, and I do mean everything." 
Here I looked across at Richard  "Can you live with 
all that Richard?" I asked and he grinned. "After 
what Sandi told me Jack, I couldn't do anything 
else. I just don't want to lose her now I've found 
her and I owe that to you pulling me in from the 
Mall that day. I guess I owe it all to you." 
Before I could say anything Jenny said "We must 
have a party, and soon." "Hang on a minute" said 
Richard, "We are having a party, it's at my parents 
house next Friday and we want all of you to come 
and meet my family. They've been told so much about 
you all they're dying to meet you." Sandi and 
Richard stayed for lunch then went out again to 
continue on their rounds of telling friends about 
their wedding plans. Jenny and the girls were left 
talking nineteen to the dozen about what they were 
going to wear to the wedding and what they should 
get as presents. I shut myself away in the Den 
and continued to work on the program I was 
building, really only having to do a final debug 
and run some test data through it before calling 
Dave and getting him to come and have a look. As I 
was about to pick up the phone it rang and I found 
it was Dave, wanting to come over and see me. "If 
you're not too busy Jack, but I do need to speak to 
you as soon as possible." I agreed he should 
come right over and he was knocking on the door in 
five minutes and sitting down with a cup of 
coffee in less than ten. Before he could say 
anything I started in to telling him about the 
package I had just completed and when he saw the 
demo he agreed to have it installed for trials as 
soon as I could get it done. "Could you call Kelly 
and Lisa if they're at home please Jack, I need 
them to hear what I'm going to say." I got up and 
went and got the girls who came and sat beside me 
on the sofa facing Dave. "OK Dave, what's this 
problem the girls need to listen in on?" I asked 
and he gave a short barking laugh, "I'm sorry Jack, 
did I make it seem there was a problem? It's just 
the opposite actually, I received in the post 
yesterday morning a signed service contract to 
maintain all of Bill Hamilton's company's fleet of 
trucks and pool vehicles. It's worth almost as much 
as my existing business, and that's not counting 
the value of the fuel account he's given me." It 
was obvious that Dave was really hyped up over his 
good fortune and I was just as pleased for him as 
were the girls, and they let him know it. "The 
thing is girls, it does mean I won't be able to do 
your repairs at the discount I offered before" and 
he stopped to take a sip of his coffee. "Oh that 
doesn't really matter Uncle Dave, after all if 
we're a bit short we can always get one of our 
boyfriends to help us out. We understand you have 
to make your business your first priority, so you 
don't have to feel too bad about it, we won't I 
promise" said Lisa with a smile. "Yes, it can 
actually be good fun getting a guy to work on our 
car on the promise of a date" said Kelly and they 
both giggled as they thought about the prospect. 
"Damn it girls, I knew you'd not let me finish, 
what I was going to say was that I can't be 
bothered working out discounts, so I've told all my 
shop foremen that you don't pay for any work that 
needs doing, and that includes regular servicing. 
It also starts from today." 
"Dave" I started to speak. "Sorry Jack, my mind's 
made up, the decision's made. If it hadn't been for 
the invite to your party, and your girls help in 
getting Sarah to chat to Bill, none of this would 
have happened. I know I owe this to you and your 
family and the only way I can repay you is by doing 
what I know best, so please just accept it in the 
spirit in which I offer it and leave it at that, 
agreed?" I grinned "Agreed Dave" and chuckled as 
Lisa and Kelly launched themselves at Dave to thank 
him in their own inimitable fashion. It so 
happened that Jenny walked in while Dave was still 
buried under two teenage girls and she said 
"Well! What's all this?"*
Continued in chapter 12 of volume 2.
Check out my archive at www.asstr.org