Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. The Estate (C)2003 d. edwards/san francisco Chapter 1 She rolled over slowly, her motion hampered by the cast on her left arm and the IV tubes attached to her other wrist. Waking up a bit more she also became aware of the bandages on her head and shoulders. Gasping with the pain of trying to raise her head Elena fell back, heart tripping in panic and sweat sticking the nightgown to the center of her back. A nurse, hearing the gasp, hurried over to find Elena shivering in confusion. "Shhhh, shhh, there now, you're awake", murmured the nurse, her hands soothing Elena with their cool touch pressing her back to the bed. ''You're in a private hospital, in the Intensive Care unit. Your husband brought you in last night. That was a pretty bad spill you took, do you remember anything about it?" She held Elena's hand quietly, watching her reaction, looking for the lie she suspected. Elena flushed with the sudden memory, her eyes slid down and away from the nurse in shame, confessing the truth to the nurses practiced eyes. The nurse watched her patient thoughtfully for a moment, considering something, and made up her mind. "I have someone I want you to talk this over with, someone to help you through this ordeal" she said, adjusting Elena's blankets while she talked, "A person that can help make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again. Would you like to talk to her?" Elena's tongue stuck in her suddenly dry throat, the fear of her husband's reaction stilling her voice. Seeing the sudden paleness in Elena's face only confirmed the nurses' resolve. "Don't you worry about anything" she said firmly, "This is entirely a private matter, between you and the........ specialist. The hospital doesn't normally refer outside services of this nature, but I believe this woman can help you in ways I'm sure you haven't imagined. It will be just between you and her and me" she smiled, "I promise". Elena could only nod slightly in reluctant consent. With that the nurse stood up and carefully helped adjust Elena's arms and legs to a more comfortable position. ''You call if you need anything" she said, making sure Elena understood. "Anything", she added, smiling warmly. Elena just nodded. Chapter 2 Over the next few days Elena managed to get up and start walking again, sometimes in the hall late at night when there were no other patients around, and more recently during the early morning before the days' rush, where she would stand at the nurses station, quietly watching their firm skill at handling all the confusion that swirled around them. The nurses there noticed her but did little more than nod a quick hello. It was clear to everyone on the staff that Elena's husband was curiously absent; no on spoke or enquired about him, giving Elena some peace in this regard. Later that afternoon Delores swept in, radiating distress. "Elena, your husband is here", she said, keeping a blank look on her face." He's upset because I made him wait at the nurses station, but I'll tell him to come back at another time if you really don't want to see him". Elena knew, even having said nothing, that the staff had a pretty low opinion of John, his absence telling more than she could. But she had to face him sooner or later, so now was as good a time as any. At least there would be people nearby, forcing him to be on his best behavior. "You can let him in" Elena said, touching Delores' arm, "Just stay near by, OK?" 'Honey, you haven't said word one about this man and that's a good enough reason for me to beat him silly if he tries to even so much as lift a finger in your direction. I'll be in the room the first couple of minutes then I'll be right outside the door, all right?" Elena smiled at Delores' anger, feeling suddenly more secure. John entered the room without knocking, having become impatient with the request to wait outside. His initial anger at being denied his wife had rapidly wilted under the steady cold gaze of the staff and had dwindled into a sullen insolence. Seeing Delores there in the room didn't improve his mood. "Give me and my wife some time alone please", he said dismissively. Delores walked directly up to him, stopping just in front of him, to to toe, causing John to back up slightly and said quietly, "When I'm finished", looking him in the eye steadily until he turned away, his neck flushing red with anger. Elena cringed, not being used to seeing John handled that way. Over his shoulder Delores grinned and winked, moving to finish folding the bed sheets at the foot of the bed. "I'll be just outside if you need anything Elena", she said, "Nice meeting you.............John", she added, walking briskly out to the hall. "Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out ", he muttered, saying it so quietly that only Elena heard. The door clicked shut. Chapter 3 She watched the door close behind Delores, her eyes not wanting to look at her sulking husband sitting on the edge of her bed. "What did you tell them?", he asked softly, his hand slowly stroking her arm. She winced at his unwanted touch, a small panic creeping up to stiffle her throat. "Nothing....honest'', she said, "I never said a word.....'' John continued to glare at her until, with a snort of disgust he got up off the bed and went over to her purse lying next to the coat she'd been wearing when the first brought her in. Rifling through it he glanced up at her, "I need a few extra bucks until next week", he mumbled, grabbing a few bills and stuffing them into his jeans pocket. "This should do.'' Remember, it was an accident.......right?", he asked balefully, seeing her pale face nod slightly. With that he sauntered over to the door, glanced back once and stepped out the door. Standing there with towels in her arms, Delores blocked his path bringing him to a stop. "Be seeing you" she smiled, looking directly into his eyes. John paused, started to say something, looked again into the nurses' eyes, thought again, and brushing her to one side with his shoulder stalked off down the hall.