Warning:  Erotic Material

Something about the Berne convention, a few thou shalt nots, and a warning not to try this at home girls. It is fiction guys, try not to take it as gospel...
You might go blind.  ;)

This was going to be too easy.  The cliche came to mind: like
taking candy from a baby.  He had dropped the two bait girls at
the door then parked the van.  A public swimming pool.  No one
would expect this, nor would they see it coming.
Also as it turned out, he picked a good day for this.  There had
to be twenty-five girls there for a birthday party.  "Happy 10th
Allie!" streamers emblazoned on the south pavilion.
He looked to the church tower on the corner.  Bekka was trenched.
 Not only was she to be the first shot fired, she would also take
out any Police interference, should they take too long to do
Over his shoulder, Roni was in a blind of her own atop the roof
of the Middle School, ready to do the same.  Her job was making
sure that all adults died quickly.
Two of his best girls followed behind him as he drew the silenced
.44 Judge.  He loved loading this thing with .410 gauge shotgun
shells.  And it fired so fast.
His first shot, a man in his mid twenties, changing his two year
old son into swim trunks.  The pistol made a little more sound
than he planned, but some one had cranked the music outside.  No
one heard as one shot made both semi-naked males fall to the
Kelly and Emma already had four girls gagged and tied before he
entered the female changing area.  Three older women on the
floor, one still in convulsion from a head wound.  Kelly and Emma
nodded at him, stone-faced.
As soon as his head poked into the fenced area of the public
pool, Roni, Bekka, Emma, and Kelly let fly with all weapons.  In
just a few seconds, all adults and all males were writhing on the
ground in pain, most fatally.  Not one collateral; all females
under puberty were screaming and running in a mad havoc.
Those who had tried to run for the locked gates now clung to them
as if their lives depended on them.  They didn't.  He had no
intentions of killing anyone else.  He was finished within these
He watched Roni scamper down the rope from the top of the school,
her tiny bare butt shining in the sunlight.  He wondered how she
was managing the decent without rope burn between her legs.  Then
again, maybe she enjoyed that kind of thing.  Once on the ground
she ran for the school bus that had already been hot-wired and
sat waiting for the girls that they were kidnapping to be loaded
Emma and Kelly were slowly herding the girls into a crowded
circle.  Each one was now zip-tied; hand behind their backs.
"Ladies," he shouted, "There is no further cause to be scared. 
Where you are going you will love it.  These girls do.  And I
make no apologies for saying that you should try it, and if you
don't like it you can come home.  But once you've been there, I
doubt that will happen.
"We will need each of you to find a seat on that bus over there.
And once you are sitting down, you may enjoy the ride to your new
He turned for a second, then paused and turned back to them as if
forgetting something.  "Oh, and you won't need those clothes."
Kelly instructed each girl to stand in single file and once Emma
had cut the swimsuits from each of them Roni ushered them to the
"Three more minutes, my Nude Ninjas"  He said looking at his
He dropped his trunks to the ground and strode to the bus.  His
count stood at forty-three.  Twenty more than he planned.
He smiled.
He bounded back off the bus as Roni was bringing a little blonde
in the six year old range to the bus.  The look on Roni's face
was mortification.  He wondered what the problem was.  He
followed her back on the bus and in full view of the sixteen
girls that were already on the bus, she took his erection into
her mouth.
In his moment of bliss he remembered his hard and fast rule that
the girls aren't allowed to waste his erections.  He leaned
against the railing as she slurped him into oblivion.  She
continued his ministrations even for a bit after his seed
exploded and swam down her throat.  The mind blowing tingle from
a girl who was only just eight with the thickest brown, curly
hair he had ever seen.  He loved it when it was her turn to bed
with him.  Her curls caressing his shoulders as he held her at
night.  He had yet to penetrate her, but her time would be soon.
She was up to three of her fingers now, and he wasn't exactly
endowed.  Though he had noticed considerable growth these past
few months.
Once she was finished she had to escort them two at a time now as
she had gotten behind the stripping process.  The shiny blonde
hair of Emma now brought two as well.  He had walked back to the
single file line after picking up his headset.
"Anything Bekka?"
"I hearing them Sir, but no eyes yet."
"We're almost through here.  Stay sharp."
"Yes Sir."
Kelly was the oldest at ten and her nearly black hair was to her
waist in shiny straight strands that covered her as if she had
clothes on.  She would drive the bus.  Emma and Roni would cover
the bus with supressing fire if necessary, and he would drive the
Mustang to the church to extract Bekka, then provide a runner for
the Police to chase while the bus got away.
So far the Police were behind his schedule.  Not a bad thing. 
But adults are adults and the only good one is a dead one.  He as
glad his girls didn't think that about him though.  He smiled as
he dropped his bare ass into the soft cloth seats of the black
Cobra R.
He waited until the bus clutched and took off.  Then he started
the car and sped out of the lot.  He was hearing the shots now. 
Bekka was sniping the Police cars.  He only had a small amount of
time before the few on duty Police would call in the more
formidable Sheriff Department.  The bus was headed straight
toward the Police station on purpose.  They probably would not
think anything about a school bus until someone actually called
in to tell them that they saw one drive from the pool.
And the beauty of this was, no one would think of that because
this small town's bus garage was on the same land as the public
pool and the middle school buildings.  It wasn't uncommon for a
mechanic to be test driving repairs during the summer.
They might make the connection too late as the two dead mechanics
would tell the story quickly.  But when would they find them? 
Long after the girls were already in the warehouse.
Bekka had descended the same way Roni had and was now climbing
into the car.
"All three officers on duty came from the same direction.  Two
disabled.  One was calling for back up."
He reached across and gently slid his hand between her neck and
her short cropped brown hair.  He pulled her to him and kissed
her.  She returned the kiss.
"I owe you a good fuck tonight."
"Yes Sir, you do,"  she smiled impishly.