Collar My Heart

C. Stanton Leman



Chapter 5


I’d put my trust in Tanaka when I agreed to meet Mioko and left New York with an open mind and an optimistic attitude. I’d tried to plan for all the contingencies and “what ifs” so I copied a BSDM checklist and a humiliation chart to a disc and printed out a hard copy of each for Mioko to fill out along with a contract if there was a chance that she and I hit it off. I wanted her to fill out the checklists so that I could get an accurate understanding of all her limits: hard, soft and everything in between. I also wanted to find out about her various kinks.


In planning for those contingencies and “what ifs”, I also made some alternate plans in case Mioko’s and my meeting didn’t turn out as Tanaka had hoped and we didn’t connect. I had called Asuko’s parents and told them I was going to be in Tokyo for a week and would like to visit.  They were ecstatic and offered to put me up for the duration. I politely declined saying that I would be very busy with business and would be keeping some crazy hours, but I did agree to staying and visiting with them over the weekend. Considering the very full day that Mioko was having so far, these arrangements would work out to both of our advantages.  I’d get to visit with my former in-laws and Mioko would have time to reflect and fill out the checklists.


After lunch, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth in anticipation of my garden tour with Mioko. After finishing my ablutions, I put the checklists in my shirt pocket.  Before I exited the bedroom door, I looked both ways before entering the hall. I chuckled to myself Maybe they should put a flashing yellow light and a sign that says ‘watch out for speeding waifs’. Thankfully, there was no speeding kimono-clad waif cruising the hallway.


I walked to the living room and Madoka told me that Tanaka had left to see a business associate and would be back for dinner. Mioko was changing her kimono and would be ready shortly. I told her that we could forgo the tea ceremony, thereby allowing Mioko to dress casually[1]. Madoka wouldn’t hear of it.


I asked her, “I’m curious, Madoka, why did you tip her over the edge?”


She laughed and replied, “Because the poor girl was teetering on the brink like she was walking on a razor blade ever since you insinuated performing cunnilingus on her. All I did was put her out of her misery. Besides, you started it.”


“Guilty as charged, but I didn’t expect her getting that worked up over a little innuendo.”


“Daniel-san, you need to remember that she’s never been with a man. She has dreams and fantasies about all kinds of sexual scenarios. She is totally overwhelmed by you, your looks, your manner, everything. Her fantasy Dom and lover now has a face. You are now the focus of all those fantasies and believe me; she may look like a tiny little girl, but she’s definitely a woman with a healthy imagination.”


“I’ll keep that in mind,” I said appreciatively.


“Please, Daniel-san,” Madoka said as she looked down at her hands in her lap, “she’s awed by your dominant carriage, but she needs to know that you can be tender, loving and caring towards her also.”


“I can see that, Madoka,” I responded. “I know that those qualities are also needed for her to give her submission with a joyful heart; not because she simply wants to be dominated. She can get that be going to a club and choosing someone to scene with.”


“Sumimasan (I’m sorry, informal), Daniel-san,” she answered, “I didn’t mean to presume you didn’t understand. I just wanted to give you my assessment of her needs.”


“I know you didn’t, Madoka,” I assured her, “and I appreciate your input. It is always welcome.”


Mioko made her appearance a few seconds later dressed in a beautiful pink and periwinkle kimono with flowing chrysanthemums and cherry blossoms with a wide, royal blue obi. I remembered Asuko telling me a little history of the kimono and the obi. The height of the kimono fashion was during the Edo Period[2]. The social and marital status of a woman or young girl could be determined by the color(s) of her kimono and the width and height of her obi.


I stood as I saw her enter and as she approached I smiled and said, “You look absolutely beautiful. You seem to bring such beauty and character to the kimono that I can honestly say that I’ve only sensed on a few women.”


She blushed almost as bright as her kimono, bowed and replied, “Arigatou, Daniel-san.  Interestingly, I love to wear kimono. I’m Japanese; proud to be Japanese and this is the traditional dress that only a Japanese woman can bring to life. It’s strange that you say that I bring something to kimono. Let me see…”


She walked over to the bookshelf and after looking for a moment extracted the book she was looking for saying, “Here it is,” and turned to a page she had bookmarked at some earlier point in time. “A Japanese writer by the name of Kondo Tomie once wrote about the kimono and I quote: ‘If you wear kimono yourself, it's obvious that the sleeves get in the way as soon as you do anything and that your steps are hindered by the narrow skirt. I suppose, too, that the soul of a woman who wears kimono is spiritually in a man's shadow as she walks behind him, suppressing any trace of her own ego. Since such women are rare these days, it's probably useless to hope to find anyone who truly loves to wear kimono.’  I guess it’s just in my nature to love to wear this garment. I have a full collection that I wear for any and all occasions.”


With that, she closed the book and respectfully returned it to its place on the bookshelf.  As she turned from the bookcase to face me I said, “Mioko, you certainly bring out the spirit and beauty of the kimono in all of its splendor.”


“Domo arigatou, Daniel-san,” she replied with a blush. “You are too kind.”


“I would never lie to you, Mioko,” I answered firmly but softly, “I’m only stating the truth.”


Our eyes met and I gave her a look that let her know that my words had a more relevant meaning than just to her kimono. The look in her eyes told me she understood.


“In my heart I believe you, Daniel-san.”


Her heart spoke through her eyes as if she had a peace in saying it. Our eyes remained locked on one another for a few seconds, then she blinked as if to shake herself back to reality and said, “Well, Daniel-san, it would be my pleasure to give you a tour of our garden and perform the chado for you. I am at your disposal,” and with that, she gave a coy smile and looked down.


“By all means, little one,” I replied with a soft smile. So, it seems the little woman didn’t get enough at lunch and was in the mood to play. I’m game. So as coyly as she had spoken I replied, “”With a lovely kimono-clad woman at my disposal, I’d be remiss if I didn’t take the opportunity to enjoy her company.” With that, I stood and waved in the direction of the patio and said, “Lead on, Little One.”


With a slight bow she replied “Hai, Daniel-san,” and turned to walk outside.


We stopped momentarily to put on our sandals then headed towards the garden path. As we walked, Mioko was explaining about this flower and that, and she was proud when she pointed out the cherry trees and said that her father had them planted when she was born.  She especially liked the rather large but peaceful koi pond with its trickling stream. The sound of flowing water over the rocks was all that was heard other than Mioko’s voice. In true Japanese fashion, this environment brought a feeling of peace, tranquility and contemplation.


I listened quietly while Mioko babbled on about this and that and simply observed her. Whenever she would look at me her eyes would brighten and she’d invariably blush and turning her head, continued on with the tour. Before I knew it, we were standing in front of the doorway to an elaborate, enclosed gazebo.





When Daniel-san said he was going to his room to freshen up, I thought, Thank god! I can go change my sopping panties, wash my bad, bad pussy and change my stained kimono.


I was leisurely going through my closet when it dawned on me to get my butt moving. Doms don’t like to be kept waiting and here I am fussing in my closet.


I quickly decided on my pink kimono: one of my favorites. Having chosen my kimono, I went to the bathroom for some personal hygiene. Looking at my nude form in the mirror, I placed my hands on my flat chest and sighed, “Why can’t I have a decent pair of tits? I’m not greedy, even an A cup would be fine.”


I figured that I’d forgo the bra, but I definitely needed panties. I knew for sure that my kitty would be leaking down my thighs the minute I was next to him and looking into those dreamy blue eyes. I suddenly realized and giggled at the thought that I was “gaga over a gaijin.”


So I quickly slipped on a matching lacy pink pair and started getting dressed. Once I got my obi tied, I carefully turned it so that the bow was in the back and made my way to the living room.


As I entered the living room, Mama and Daniel-san were talking but stopped when they saw me enter the room. Daniel-san said that I looked absolutely beautiful. My heart fluttered. I felt a soothing warmth envelope me and it felt like I melted inside. Kitty started juicing up too. My god! I thought, what’s happening to me?


He made the comment about me bringing character and beauty to the kimono. I was immediately reminded of a passage I’d read and saved in a book on Japanese fashion. I went to the bookcase and after a moment, found the book. It was easy to locate the passage because I’d marked it for future reference and I read it to him. I wanted him to see that a Japanese woman wearing a kimono was carrying out centuries of submissiveness that’s been prevalent in our history.  I wanted so much for him to approve of me and see that I was submissive.


He complimented me again. At first, I thought he was just being polite, but he made it perfectly clear when he told me he’d never lie to me. I could see into his heart and I knew then that he meant it and he also meant that it applied to any relationship we might establish. My heart spoke and I simply uttered, “In my heart I believe you, Daniel-san.”


I was surprised that it came out, but proud that it did. When he looked into my eyes, it was as if he was searching my soul and I knew from a tiny gleam that he believed me. I blinked to come to my senses and told him I was “at his disposal” in regards to the garden tour. Shit! I didn’t mean for it come out that way. It almost sounds like a whore turning a trick.


I saw an instant of surprise then a glint of lust in his eye, as he didn’t miss the meaning. He retorted with a comment about taking advantage to “enjoy my company”. Oh boy! Here we go again. Somehow pussy did the talking. Maybe I should put my foot in it to keep her quiet.


With his comment, he waved in the direction of the garden and I meekly led the way saying, “Hai, Daniel-san.”


Once on the garden path, I started politely enough, but became more nervous as time went on because he didn’t speak. He sometimes seemed like he was taking in the serenity of the garden while at others, he was intently observing me. I’d catch him looking at me and just blushed and looked away. I just kept babbling and kitty kept bubbling. I was relieved when we reached the gazebo.


At least with the chado, I’d get my mind, I mean my pussy, occupied with something non sexual.





When we came to a stop at the gazebo door, Mioko turned to me and looked up with a smile. She looked into my eyes and it seemed her knees might buckle, so I reached out and held her by the arms. I thought she might be ill and faint. When I had taken hold of her she gave a start and closed her eyes. She appeared to be on the verge of tears so I gently pulled her to me and held her gently and she quivered. I put my hand behind her head and held it to my chest and just stroked the side of her face as I held her.


It felt so strange to hold this tiny woman. Her head came up only to about my solar plexus and she was shaking a little. I kissed the top of her head and softly asked her, “What is it, Little One? Are you all right? Are you ill, do you feel faint?


She moved her hands from her sides and put them around me and hugged me tight. In a tiny, little bird of a voice she whispered, “I’m frightened, Siren (Sir).”


“But why?” I asked. “Have I done or said anything to make you frightened?  You needn’t be frightened of me, Mioko. I wouldn’t consciously do anything to make you frightened of me.”


“No, Daniel-san,” she answered. “I felt so humiliated today when I almost knocked you over because of my clumsiness. Then, when I climaxed at lunch in front of my parents, I was embarrassed at first, but then I felt glad inside because you could see what effect you had on me. I just don’t want to make a mistake and you’ll reject me. When I realized that it was time to perform the chado, I suddenly became scared because I might make a mistake and make a fool of myself again.


“I’m frightened of myself. Meeting you today, feeling this, this… this connection with you in my heart: my feelings seem so overwhelming. Emotionally, mentally and, and… physically. It’s as if I don’t have any control of what I’m feeling. My entire being has this overwhelming need for your acceptance and approval. I want you, Daniel-san, and I want you to want me.”


I kissed the top of her head again and as I stroked her cheek I replied, “Oh, Mioko, but I do want you. I feel the same heartfelt connection you do. I’m so proud of you that you can stand here and tell me honestly what you want. All this is both a shock and very new to you and it’s normal to be frightened, giddy, excited, and clumsy and yes, even overwhelmed at times. All of those things are screaming at you “I want this!” and you haven’t any idea how to cope and work through everything.


“That’s my job, Mioko, and if you’re willing, I will help you and guide you. We’ve only known each other for a few hours. Have a little patience and everything will be all right. Can you trust me to alleviate your fears and help us both have something meaningful? Are you willing to take that leap of faith and take that journey with me?”


“Hai, Daniel-san,” she replied as she nodded against my chest. “I’ve been on pins and needles ever since we first met. Do you really want me, Daniel-san?”


“Yes, Mioko,” I assured her, “I want you very much.”


My little bird hugged me tighter and I could feel all the tension in her body release. Having reassured her, I thought a little humor might lighten the mood so I said to her, “Don’t you think you should get your little butt in there and make me some tea before your father gets home? I might have to spank your tiny butt if you made the terrible mistake of keeping a Dom waiting.”


She giggled and replied, “Promise?”


“Don’t get bratty, Little One.”


“Hai, Siren.”





When we stood at the gazebo door, I realized that I now had to perform the chado. I looked into his eyes and I wanted him so much! All my insecurities just flooded to the surface and I suddenly felt like falling to my knees. All the events of the day fast-forwarded before my eyes: my clumsiness and running into him like a little girl, losing control and my orgasm in front of my parents. And now, I have to perform the chado. What if I make a silly mistake? I’ll lose him: I just know it!


When he grabbed me, it felt like sparks of energy of different colors cackling in the air and tickling at the Chi deep in my belly; my pussy tingled and my panties were flooded. I wanted to cry. Cry for joy at feeling his touch for the first time, Joy for the look of concern for me on his face, and yet with the joy there was the fear that I could lose him.


He pulled me into his arms and I tingled in the warmth of his embrace. When he kissed the top of my head, I never wanted to leave the safety of his arms. He began to speak and just the commanding yet soothing tone of his voice began to alleviate my fears. In a meek and small voice, I admitted I was frightened.


He asked me if it was his fault that I was having these feelings. My god! I thought, he’s not blaming me but taking the blame onto himself!


His question moved me so much that the floodgates of my heart opened and poured out all my fears to him. And finally, I spoke my heart’s desire and told him I wanted him.  I waited with baited breath for his response, but there was no pause, he didn’t even hesitate. He told me he felt the same deep connection and that he wanted me as much and that it was okay for me to feel like I do and that I needed to have patience 


When he said that he wanted me, I thought it was all a dream and just had to ask him again if it was true, “Do you really want me, Daniel-san?”


“… I want you very much.”


My gawd, he really, really wants me! It felt like I’d died and gone to heaven! All of the pent up tension just seemed to evaporate into thin air and my body relaxed. I knew he could feel it so I hugged him tighter. He probably thought that my panic attack was now over and wanted to move on so he made a joke about spanking me if I made the mistake and served him cold tea.


I felt a little emboldened by his acceptance of me and sort of challenged him by jokingly saying “Promise?”


He chastened me, but I could hear the playfulness in his voice. I can’t wait for your hands on my little butt!


Like a good little girl, I answered, “Hai, Siren.”




[1] In the Chado (literally means “the way of tea”) the woman is always dressed in the traditional kimono.

[2] The Edo Period  (1603-1867)