Collar My Heart

C. Stanton Leman




Chapter 4




I asked Tanaka if I could wash up and change my shirt before eating. Tanaka summoned the butler and he escorted me to my room. My suitcase was at the foot of the bed and lying on the bed was a men’s black lounging kimono. I stripped off my shirt and tie and washed up. I declined the kimono due to the early hour and instead donned a clean shirt.


I’d just stepped out of my room and had turned to pull the door closed when all of a sudden WHAM!  immediately followed by a high-pitched “Eeeek!” Someone had nearly bowled me over. I was knocked into the door jam and was barely able to avoid having my face rudely kiss the teak doorframe.


I turned to see my assailant and found Mioko sitting on the floor, legs askew. She quickly moved to all fours without taking her eyes off of me then moved to a kneeling position. She looked up at me with fear in her eyes like she was about to be flogged for nearly bowling me over. My silent demeanor didn’t assuage her fear either.  I thought it amusingly fortuitous to see her kneeling before me so soon. Damn, things are going ahead of schedule! I silently mused. I didn’t have the heart to torture her any longer so I leaned over and with a smile offered her my hand. She relaxed and her eyes lit up and she smiled.


“Are you all right?”


“Hai, Daniel-san.”


She placed her tiny hand in mine and I felt her tremble. She stood as gracefully as she could under the circumstances, blushed and bowed her head saying, “Moushiwake arimasen, Daniel-san, (I’m sorry, very formal).”


“Did you know you’re beautiful when you smile?”


Blushes. “Domo, Daniel-san.”


I lifted her chin with a finger and said, “I didn’t mean to frighten you, Little One, but you looked so lovely on your knees I just had to take you all in.”


“Arigatou, Daniel-san. I am honored you are pleased with me.”


Still gently holding her chin with my finger I replied softly to her, “I’m very happy to hear you feel that way. I think we’ll get along nicely, don’t you?  Provided, that is, you don ‘t break my neck first.”


She giggled then said, “I was in a rush to get to the patio before you and wasn’t paying attention.”


“Well now that you needn’t rush, let me escort you to lunch.”


I didn’t give her a chance to think much less answer. Taking her hand and heading towards the living room I said, “Shall we?”


“Hai, Daniel-san.”





When Papa said that Daniel-san had gone to his room to freshen up, I told Mama, “Good, that will give me just enough time to change my panties,” and off I went.


After cleaning my seeping pussy, I donned a fresh pair of panties, straightened my kimono and headed for the patio. I was hurrying down the hall fussing with my obi (belt) when all of a sudden it felt like I hit a stone wall with an “OOOF! I bounced backward and landed flat on my butt with an “Eeeek!”


When I looked up to see what I’d run into, to my shock I saw Daniel-san pushing himself away from the doorframe. He turned and looked down at me with an expressionless gaze. Shit, shit, shit! He doesn’t look angry… I think. Surprised, no… Hell, I don’t know. Why do things like this happen to me?  Get up you idiot!


I tried to save what little dignity I had left and awkwardly tried to get up. Damn this kimono! Resigning myself, I moved to all fours, but I dared not break eye contact. Fumbling, I then moved to a kneeling position to stand up. I looked up at him and froze. He still had that expressionless look on his face and hadn’t said anything yet so I just held my position.


He then smiled as he leaned down, offering his hand and asked, “Are you all right?” and I knew everything was okay. Relieved, I smiled and with an embarrassing nod answered, “Hai, Daniel-san.”


As I took his hand I felt a tingle run up my arm. I couldn’t help it; I just shivered at the feeling. I felt embarrassed as I attempted to stand as gracefully as I could. Being nervous didn’t help matters any either.


I could feel his eyes on me and I flushed. Get a grip, girl! I lowered my head and with the utmost respect apologized, saying, “Moushiwake arimasen, Daniel-san.”


I expected him to say something like “That’s okay,” but instead he said, “Did you know you look so beautiful when you smile?”


My pussy flooded. He thinks I’m Beautiful!  God, his voice! The words rolled off his tongue like melted butter. If my pussy acts like this every time he speaks, I’ll have to wear a maxi-pad all day. Damn thing’s got a mind of its own… so much for clean panties.


I was so flustered I could barely get out “Domo, Daniel-san.”


When he told me I looked lovely on my knees, I almost lost it. I don’t know what came over me but without even thinking I blurted out, “Arigatou, Daniel-san. I am honored you are pleased with me.” Did I just say that?  My heart spoke for me and I was flooded with joy because he said he was pleased with me.


When he made a joke about me breaking his neck, I giggled. I was going to coyly ask Him if I deserved a spanking, but quickly thought to myself, Don’t be bratty, you don’t have much meat back there. He’s a big man and you may get more than your tiny butt can handle.


He took my hand and immediately started walking down the hall saying he was going to escort me to lunch. Trust and follow, Trust and follow…. In awe of him I simply replied yes and followed like a good little girl.





I didn’t wait for her answer I just walked her down the hall to the living room. With Tanaka’s blessing and Madoka’s tacit approval, I knew I had a lot of leeway within a set of boundaries and there was a great deal I could do within those boundaries, so I thought I’d have a little fun with Mioko over the incident. When we reached the living room, I didn’t know the way to the patio so I asked her, “Which way?”


She started to let go of my hand, but I gently held firm. She looked at me, smiled and nodded the way so I gently pulled her towards our destination. When we walked out onto the patio holding hands, Tanaka raised an eyebrow and Madoka gave a Mona Lisa-like smile.


The four-foot square, four-legged table was a bit small for four people, seeming to be more appropriate for an informal eating area for two, but would intimately accommodate four. As Tanaka seated his wife, I observed that Madoka sat erect with her feet tucked under her chair. As I seated Mioko, I noted that Tanaka, having a bit of middle-aged baggage around the midsection, sat with his legs on either side of the chair across from Madoka. I watched as Mioko sat gracefully erect, but had slid her tabi-toed sandaled feet forward a little, ankle to ankle. I chuckled to myself that this was going to be fun.


I sat myself across from Mioko and smiled at her. She blushed, fluttered her eyelashes and demurely looked down as she placed her napkin on her lap.


As the maid served the sushi, Tanaka made the usual polite inquiry asking if everything was to my liking. Mioko looked at me directly for a moment, probably wondering if I was going to mention our earlier collision, then turned her gaze to her plate. Both Tanaka and Madoka were discreetly observing both of us closely. I answered jovially, “A delicious meal with close friends and a lovely flower to appreciate. How can life be any better?”


Mioko blushed again. Damn, she’s a pretty little thing when she blushes! I started to firm at the thought.


Tanaka chuckled and replied, “Well said, Daniel-san, well said.”


Madoka followed with, “Domo, Daniel-san, domo arigatou.”


My little flower just smiled.


Everyone was waiting for me before starting, so I took my first bite and with that, everyone began to eat. Tanaka had been my sensei and I knew the way he thought. After swallowing, I remarked, “Tanaka-san, I have to sadly confess that I was assaulted in the hallway a few minutes ago by a speeding, kimono-clad waif and was forced to admire the craftsmanship of your woodwork close up.”


Mioko looked like she’d died of embarrassment. Madoka simply smiled, and Tanaka answered, “Is that so.” He cocked an eyebrow toward the perceived perpetrator and asked, “Did you recognize this speeding, kimono-clad waif?”


“Indeed I did, Tanaka-san. But since I’m a guest in your home, I thought I’d simply bring it to your attention and leave the matter to you.”


“Well, Daniel-san,” Tanaka grinned, “since you were the offended party, I trust you can determine a response that’s appropriate to your satisfaction.”


“I’m puzzled though and I seek your advice,” I said as I watched Mioko out the corner of my eye, “Sensei and will defer to your wisdom. Do you think a spanking would suffice or merely a good tongue lashing?”


Mioko perked up, froze and squeaked, her mouth agape with a piece of sushi an inch from her mouth. She first looked at me with a wide-eyed stare and then her father, anticipating his response. Madoka giggled.


She’s flushed and squirming in her seat. I’d venture her little pussy is a sopping mess and I bet she tastes as sweet as she looks! I was really enjoying this! Tanaka and Madoka were too and from the condition of the subject of our discussion, so was the naughty little girl. I almost had to adjust my growing appreciation for her delicate charms.


“Hmmm,” he muttered contemplatively, “Motive is the key here, don’t you agree? If you feel the assault was premeditated, then by all means the discipline should fit the crime. But if it was unintended, then a good tongue lashing might be sufficient, don’t you agree?”


”I agree, Tanaka-san,” I said with a coy smile to my squirming little flower, “that motive is the determining factor and I will carefully consider your advice.”


I watched as a blushing Mioko swallowed and shoved the sushi into her mouth followed quickly with a sip of tea. With part one of my little plan complete, we moved on to polite conversation and continued eating. Mioko was surprising silent as she ate, opting to be seen and not heard. I wonder why?


After allowing a few minutes to pass until things settled, I slid my foot forward under the table and removed my foot from my house slipper. I eased forward with my foot and grazed the top of Mioko’s tabi-socked toes and quickly pulled back about two inches right as she was about to put another bite in her mouth.


She jerked a little, pulling her foot back while emitting a mouse-like peep. Her eyes flew open staring at me, and at the same time, reflexively opened her chopsticks allowing the intended bite of sushi to slide off her bottom lip and down into her lap.


I simply smiled. Touché!


Tanaka pulled back and looked at her startled and Madoka coughed. Tanaka asked her, “Why so jumpy, child?”


“I, I thought I felt some… thing,” she replied as she neatly folded the piece of sushi into her napkin.


By now, Mioko’s parents realized I was playing footsies under the table and thought it quite amusing. Madoka turned and said to her, “Anticipating that tongue lashing, are we?”


Mioko lost it and lifting her eyes skyward dreamily grunted a soft “Uhhh.”


Damn! I think she just came! What’s next?


Mioko looked around the table to see that everyone had witnessed her loss of control and turned a bright pink. All of us returned to eating as if nothing had happened, Mioko is a perceptive woman and it didn’t take her long to realize the game was afoot (pun intended). While observing me through her lashes, when she saw me look at her with a smile, she slowly raised her head and gave me a coy smile as she slid her foot forward until she felt the tip of my toes and wiggled hers against mine.


I again pulled my foot from my slipper and placed it on top of her toes. She wiggled her toes under my mine and I slowly began to caress the top of her foot. When I extended my foot enough to caress her arch, she must have figured that two can play this game and lifted her big toe and scraped the bottom of my foot, sending a jolt up my leg, ending in my shorts. Touché, Little One.


Feeling proud of her for taking the offensive, and not wanting to carry things too far, I settled my foot back in my slipper, pulled back and the meal continued on without any further shenanigans.


Near the end of the meal, Madoka turned to Mioko and said, “After we finish here, why don’t you take Daniel-san for a tour of the garden. Perhaps, you could perform the chado (traditional tea ceremony) for him in the gazebo.”


“Hai, Haha,” she replied while looking at me with a smile.


Smiling at her I interjected, “Mioko, I would like that very much.”


“Hai, Daniel-san,” she replied with her gentle smile, “I will try my best to ensure you enjoy it.”


“I’m sure you will,” I answered, leaving the double entendré hanging. Perceptions, right?





Daniel-san was walking briskly and I shuffled along a step behind him trying to keep up, hindered by my restrictive kimono. Watching this gorgeous hunk of a man’s physique as he fluidly moved down the hallway, I couldn’t help thinking He’s so handsome with clothes on, I think I’ll just die when I see him naked!  When we reached the living room, he asked me which way. I tried to let go of his hand and lead the way, but he gently held my hand firmly. In resignation, I nodded towards the direction of the patio and followed, looking at my hand in his as we approached the patio.


I knew that holding the hand of a man in my parent’s presence sent a powerful message and I thought, It will be apparent to Mama and Papa that I’ve taken the first step out in the open for the first time. I can’t believe he knows I’ll be his and is claiming me!  I suddenly felt a knot in my stomach as I tried to imagine my parent’s reaction. I think they’ll be pleased, but…


I squealed a silent “Eeeek” inside when he didn’t even pause at the patio door: he just walked out holding my hand like we’d been doing it forever. Trust him… I took a deep breath and followed him out the door. What choice did I have?


When they saw us step outside, Papa cocked an eyebrow and Mama barely gave a hint of a smile. Hmmm, that went well.


Papa seated Mama and then quickly moved to sit across from her. Daniel-san seated me at the nearest empty chair. I followed him with my eyes, just enthralled with the fluidity of his movements as he walked around the table and took his seat. He gave me a warm smile. I was so enamored that I blushed and shyly looked down placing my napkin in my lap. What’s happening to me? He just makes me want to melt.


Oh no! I suddenly thought, What if he tells Papa of my clumsiness in the hall? He wouldn’t. Surely he’d keep it between us, wouldn’t he? I quickly tried to dismiss that thought and looked at my plate.


Papa asked Daniel-san the traditional, polite inquiry about the meal being to Daniel-san’s liking. His equally polite answer made me blush again when he called me a lovely flower. I’m so happy! He said I was a lovely flower! Oops, my pussy’s dripping again. Down girl, keep it together. This is turning into such a wonderful meal! I was beaming.


I was shocked back to reality when I heard Daniel-san tell Papa about my stupid clumsiness. Damn! Why? Things were going so well. You were cordial, you complimented me, and you even made pussy juice up. Why? I was so embarrassed, I just wanted to die and slip under the table.


When he asked Papa about spanking me, I stifled a shiver and I got a little wetter. Down pussy! But then… then… when he deftly made the double entendré about tongue lashing my pussy I was shocked! I went spastic! My mouth dropped, and I could hear myself squeak. My pussy clenched — hard and gushed. I can’t believe he just said that — and Papa agreed!!!! Just the thought of his tongue in my untouched treasure had me just one nano second away from cumming. I realized that I was a sopping mess. Jeez, did I pee myself? Please, Sir, no more! Just one more mention of your tongue in my pussy and I’ll lose it for sure! I squeezed my thighs shut as tight as I could to stop my little kitty from purring out of control.


I was blushing again, but I didn’t care. I was trying hard to drive the thought of him eating my ripe peach out of my mind and sadly away from pussy, just barely succeeding. I swallowed and quickly stuffed the bite of fish in my mouth followed by a gulp of tea.


Things settled down and it seemed like we’d have a “normal” meal. Boy, things are really weird when you just want a simple meal with your Dom.


A few minutes passed and I’d gotten ‘little pussy’ barely under control when all of a sudden I felt him touch my toes with his. I was blindsided and wasn’t expecting it and it startled me. My eyes shot open and I stared at Daniel-san as I gave a start and tried to hold back a startled shriek. Partially successful, all that came out was a tiny squeak. My sudden reaction caused me to relax my hand and my bite of fish tumbled off my bottom lip and fell into my lap.


Why Daniel-san? Can’t you see if I get any squishier, I’ll cum all over your foot?


My sudden twitch caused Papa to pull back and ask, “Why so jumpy?”


I didn’t know what to say. I saw Mama out of the corner of my eye when she coughed and I knew that she knew what had happened. All I could think of to say was that I thought I felt something. Well, I learned a valuable lesson right then. Never give parents like mine a double entendré when sexual tension is heavy in the air. It was my mother, my bratty mama that was my undoing. My dear, sweet Mama… my most trusted friend who knew me better than anyone else in the world, delivered the coup de grace.


She knew I was simmering to a boil over the thought of Daniel-san eating my tender peach. She also knew the only thing keeping my quivering vaginal walls from collapsing was my hymen — and it had a hole in it! So when she said “Anticipating that tongue lashing, are we?” I came unglued. My head tilted back slightly, my eyes rolled up and I came. Boy did I cum! I just couldn’t contain it. As the dam broke and my dirty little cunt gushed, all I could do was grunt when my stomach tightened up. That little thing between my legs wasn’t a peach, a kitty or little pussy any more. She’d failed me and acted like a dirty little cunt.


Actually, I felt sooo much better when I opened my eyes. Everyone was looking at me, but I didn’t care. I had an excuse: it’s Mama’s fault — she made me do it! So, what did I do? I did what any woman would do after having a good cum: I blushed, thank you very much, and continued eating my sushi.


I was eating my calamari and feeling a little frisky like all women do after a nice cum, I thought to myself, He may be a Dom, but I ain’t no pushover either. We can play footsies, who cares? I’d just came in front of my parents, I mean, only a brazen sub slut cums in front of her parents, right?


 So I watched him through my lashes and when he looked at me, I gave him my “want to play” look and a coy smile as I slid my foot forward until I felt his toes: Yep, he’s still game. So I wiggled my toes and smiled.


He covered my toes with his and then began to massage the top of my foot. I felt a little bratty and hoped he was ticklish and would jerk back like I did. As he moved up my arch, I lifted my big toe scraping the bottom of his foot. The look in his eyes changed, but barely perceptively. Yep, he felt that! My god the control he’s got!


I guess he conceded the point to me and withdrew his foot. We continued eating like nothing had occurred. As I finished my plate I thought I did okay for my first ‘scene’. I don’t know if they scored these things like a game or something but if they did, I thought I faired pretty well for a newbie. Daniel-san: two, Mioko: one and Mama: one, but she scored bonus points for making kitty squirt.


As we were finishing our meal, Mama suggested I take Daniel-san on a walk through the garden and perform the traditional tea ceremony. I wanted to spend time alone with my future Dom and thought it was a good idea. I mean, what can go wrong serving tea?