Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. This story contains mature content and is intended for the exclusive use of consenting ADULTS ONLY. If you can be offended by pornographic descriptions, or if you are a minor,Under the age of 18, it is illegal and forbidden to view, download, access or acquire this file by any means. Please go do something else. This material is Copyright, 2009 by cookiesncream925. All rights reserved. I specifically grant the right of downloading and keeping ONE electronic copy for your personal, non commercial use and reading so long as this notice is included. Reposting requires previous permission and is only allowed IN ITS ENTIRETY, including this copyright notice. Any other use is illegal without the prior written consent of the author. All persons here depicted, except public figures depicted as public figures in the background, are figments of my imagination and any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. Halloween Treats Chapter 1 It was my turn and oh how I hated it, but then again it's just another part of raising kids. I sat on the front porch swing sipping my coffee and trying to figure out exactly how I was going to accomplish this latest demand. It was my turn to host my daughter's school Halloween festival and I had decided that it should include a "haunted house". Just how was yet to be determined. With a little help from the guys at work, I was able to fashion a bunch portable wall sections made out of wood and stretched black plastic. These I took home and assembled in the living room to create the necessary maze. It used the whole space and gave me a maze, with its twists and turns of nearly 100 feet long. Now for the scary parts within. I had planned on slimy vinyl streamers, the typical dry ice "boiling cauldrons", cold "spaghetti guts" in a bowl, Jello brains, meatball "eyeballs", kool-aid blood, and warm liver "beating hearts" as well as the screeching noises and a few zombies (courtesy of some adults). Everything seemed to be coming together rather well and as I was changing into my zombie outfit the bell rang. Rather jolted me back to my senses as I had already changed the door bell to the sound of a shrieking witch. As I opened the door, there stood a real life replica of a sasquatch and in his hands he held what looked like a torture rack. He stepped in an said he had wanted to be Frankenstein but the outfit had been rented out. He said that the rack was to add some realism to the maze. We found the perfect spot for it in a little niche that back up to one of the outer walls. He said that we should really find someone to strap to it to add that little extra sense of realism. I agreed, only now to find the right volunteer. The kids started arriving some with and some without their parents it was really nice to see that some of the parents cared enough to stay and help as well as participate in the games and activities. The kids and the adults had a blast eating all of the weirdly shaped food and snacks as well as participating in old games like bobbing for apples, pie eating, and a twist with a ghost piņata. One of the fathers had had brought an old poker table he had converted with a spinning top for us to use in one of the games. Bowls were to be placed on the table, then while the participant was blindfolded, the table was spun. Their hands were then placed in whatever goo was in the bowl and they guessed what it was. Kind of a Halloween "spin the bottle". They were all anticipating the haunted house. Well it was time for the haunted house and as we made the final preparations our "torture rack" volunteer appeared in the flimsy gauze outfit we had given her to change into. She had redone her makeup and she truly looked like some trolop from the 1600's that needed punishment. She snuck into the maze and sasquatch helped her into position and strapped her onto the rack. She was slightly bent over facing the maze with her behind against the black plastic backdrop. Everything was in place and we started the kids through the maze in groups of three. There was a lot of screaming and screeches as well as numerous requests to go again. As the maze was completed the kids circled around in the den to watch a few Halloween movies. I was curious as the some of the kids had mentioned how real our "rack" lady had sounded in her pleas for help. I looked around and didn't see her so I check the bathroom and bedroom to see if she was there as I wanted to personally thank her. She was nowhere to be found, then I heard it, what sounded like a murmured moan. Did we forget to unstrap her? Was she still in the maze?