I seed your air, yet am unknown
I am the inside metronome
I face the man with all his lies 
I am the ticking of his pride

I am the somewhere in your mind
I am the thing that's you defined
I'm the shadow from behind...
I'm the eye in we

We see we are a fallacy
I know you feel it, set me free
How can a coast defeat the sea?
Or find a place to hide?

No longer will I hear that voice
Of shadows, cloaks and "there's no choice"
Refuse today to hear its rage...
Tomorrow live to middle-age,
A burning smoke within my eyes
A whisper from the darkest cries,
A shadow cast down from the sun
Somewhere I lost the light of fun :o)

A part of me must always be the loner without kin
For too long have I stood apart, for too long have I sinned
Yet even me, this ship-at-sea, may yet remake the wind