Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. My collection of Ultima smut. Most of it, unfortunately, has been written by myself. Ultima, for those of you who have gotten here by accident or serendipity, was a long (1979-1999) running series of CRPGS put out by Origin Systems before their recent demise. For more information, go to or , and gen (non-erotic) Ultima fanfiction can be found at . (I recommend Prisons, by BloodyCats Dragon; and Captain Huggies, by Skyblade Dragon. And don't miss Monomolecular Dragon's Ultima: Core of Darkness, the first known computer game fanfiction on the Internet.) If you have written any Ultima sex fiction, send it to me at , and I will add it to this collection. Please note that there is, as of this writing, no Ultima Online related content in this directory. I'm not sure that I'd want any in my public collection, since I'm worried that I might end up archiving something that violates some player's privacy. Unfinished (subdirectory): A few odd unfinished pieces of, of fiction. Goodnight, Avatar and An Infusion of White Light are here; but they may be moved to the main directory if I ever get around to finishing them. NEW FOR AUGUST 2000: UltimaVIISI_RevealingNights.txt [Revealing Nights] (24K): Female Avatar/Shamino, Female Avatar/Dupre. Written by Ikona Avatar. Passions of many kinds emerge among the Avatar's companions in Monitor after their raid on the Goblin Camp. A striking first effort, full of subtleness and memorable scenes. (MF, cons, nc) Ultima_VI-Slippery_Key.txt [The Slippery Key] (31K): Female Avatar/Dupre/Shamino/Iolo. The Avatar and her three main companions get trapped in a small cave in the castle dungeon; guess how they get out.... My first story, and still my favorite, even though I never got the ending quite right. If you don't read anything else in this collection, read this one. Lady Cyrrh gave it an A. (MMMF, oral, spank, rough) Ultima_LBNose.txt (10K): The Tale of Lord British's Nose, written by Frentic Dragon. Until Revealing Nights came out, this was the only Ultima fanfic not written by me that even came close to being a sex story. Frentic specializes in fannish humor pieces, and this is one of his best. (no-sex, humor) UltimaIX_ComingToAgain.txt [Coming To Again] (11K): Female Avatar/Shamino. This was actually written a week before Ultima 9 came out, and has nothing to do with the finished game itself. It was inspired by one of the plot points (the 'bringing Shamino out of the Astral Plane' one) that Origin leaked during U9's long development period. It was written in a hurry and rush-released (much like U9 itself) so that I could get it out before U9 shipped, and it ended up being a little wordier than I wanted it to be. However, I'm starting to warm up to it--it flows well, and it's short. (MF, immobilization) UltimaVIIBG_OtherPainting.txt [The Other Painting] (2K): A collection of silly innuendoes, written in 15 minutes as a response to one person's complaints in about how long it was taking me to write a followup to Slippery Key. Read at your own risk. (no-sex, humor) First uploaded much too early in the morning of June 4, 2000 Last updated much too late in the evening of August 3, 2000