The Wanderings of Amy
Copyright 2002, 2004 by EC
(Warnings: Adult sex, erotic discipline, public nudity)

Chapter 7 - November 1

Amy expected to quietly slip into the apartment and into her own room. She 
would have to sleep on her stomach. She would have to figure out how to get the 
temporary tattoos off before Suzanne saw them. She needed to figure out an 
explanation for her hair. Most of all, she needed to figure out an explanation for 
the dark red marks on her bottom. But she could deal with all that tomorrow. At 
that moment she just wanted some sleep.

Amy quietly put her key in the door and eased it open. She was startled by the 
loud metallic crash of pans falling on the floor. A light went on in the living room. 
"Amy, get in here!...Now!" snapped Suzanne's voice. So much for a quiet entry.

Amy pushed open the door into the pans, which seemed to clatter in protest. 
Suzanne had stacked them next to the door precisely to warn her when Amy 
pushed it open.

"Nice hair."

Suzanne sat up on the sofa, a blanket wrapped around the lower part of her body, 
glaring at Amy. Her bare, folded arms covered her breasts.

"Amy, you have one chance, and one chance only, to tell me where you were 

"I...I was at a professor's Halloween party."

"WHICH professor's Halloween party, Amy?"

"My economics professor."

"The name. I want to hear the name."

"...Ruth Burnside"

The expression on Suzanne's face and the tone of her voice made it obvious that 
she knew something. Amy wondered how much.

"Amy, were you a guest at this party?"

"I was invited..."

"That's not what I asked you. I didn't ask you if you were invited. I asked you if 
you were a guest."

Amy felt sick. Suzanne knew. "I...I...was a...hostess for Dr. Burnside. With 
another girl from my class."

"Now for the question that most interests me. WHY were you a hostess for Dr. 

Amy looked that the floor. She could face Burnside easily enough, but not her 
roommate. Finally she managed to answer.

"I...I...downloaded a term paper from the Internet. I...made a couple of small 
changes and turned it in as my own work. Burnside caught me. It turned out that 
the other girl, Wendy, downloaded the same paper. Burnside...told us that...if we 
hosted her party, she'd let us re-write our papers."

"Were you planning on telling me this when you got back?"

Amy's emotional strength gave out. She had held up all evening, impressing 
Burnside and helping Wendy get through the ordeal. She was not prepared for the 
shock of having to face her roommate. She was beyond exhausted. Her spirit 
collapsed. She started to cry.


"And what were you planning to do if Dr. Burnside had not let you re-write your 

Amy buried her face in her hands. "I would've gotten kicked out of school."

Suzanne looked harshly at her roommate for a few minutes. "Take off your 
clothes. I want to see happened to you."

Reluctantly Amy pealed off her clothes. At least she no longer needed to worry 
about getting the temporary tattoos off before Suzanne saw them...

"Turn around." Sadly Amy turned around. Fourteen dark red stripes, seven on 
each side, marked her bottom. She would have them for at least several days, 
possibly a week. Suzanne was infuriated. This would cause her to have to cancel 
the photo shoot she had planned for the following weekend.

"You're probably curious how I know. I guess you weren't aware that Lisa 
Campbell, your TA, is a friend of mine because she's a member of my 
photography club. Two nights ago Lisa mentioned that the professor who she 
works for caught two students cheating. They turned in the same term paper about 
the Marshall Plan. I thought that was somewhat interesting so I asked her for 
more details. When Ruth Burnside's name came up, I remembered seeing the 
Marshall Plan paper near the computer last week. I'd been wondering what it was 
for. Figuring out you were one of the cheaters was not rocket science."

"You really put yourself at risk, Amy." Suzanne continued. "It'll be interesting to 
see what Robert thinks."

"SUZANNE! PLEASE, NO!" pled Amy. "Please don't tell him! I've been 
punished enough!"

"Not by us you haven't. You stay right there, as you are. I'm taking you to 
Robert's place as soon as it's light outside. I want to watch you explain this to 

Amy could not have been more miserable. Obviously there would be no sleep for 
her any time soon. She was terribly afraid that Robert might strap her over her 
welts. She dreaded having to face his cold stare once he found out that she nearly 
got kicked out of college. She stood in the middle of the living room crying.

It was getting light outside. Amy had not realized how late it was when she and 
Wendy left Burnside's house. Suzanne dialed Robert's apartment and handed her 
roommate the phone.

"Hello Robert? Suzanne and I...are going to come over in a few minutes."

"Great. What do you want for breakfast?"

Amy put her hand over the phone to pass the question to Suzanne.

"Tell him I'll have whatever's convenient for him to fix. Tell him that you're not 
having anything."

"Suzanne says that she'll have whatever you want to fix. She says I can't have 

Robert was silent for a moment. "Amy, what's wrong?"

"I...have to tell you something when I come over." Amy's voice broke. "You're 
not going to like it."

When she hung up Suzanne passed her a robe. There was no point in getting 
dressed, she explained. As soon as they got to Robert's place he would see the full 

For the second time in less than an hour Amy's bottom throbbed as the welts were 
pressed into a car seat. Suzanne, normally a cautious driver, seemed to delight in 
hitting all the speed bumps hard that morning.

Suzanne was genuinely infuriated at her roommate. Amy's clumsy effort to cheat 
with the Internet paper disgusted her. Suzanne was an idealist when it came to 
academic integrity, to the point of not being realistic in her expectations of fellow 
students. There were two reasons for her feelings. First, about four years before 
she met Amy, she had been accused of plagiarism herself when she had actually 
been innocent. She managed to prove her innocence by showing her notes and the 
list of books she had borrowed from the school library, but still felt that she was 
not really being believed. Much worse for her was the time that another 
photography student stole and attempted to copyright some of her pictures. 
Suzanne was unable to prove the pictures were hers, but got revenge by helping 
the photos' model file a suit against the thief for not having a model release. For 
Suzanne a breach of academic integrity was unforgivable.

When the two roommates entered Robert's apartment, he looked at them with 
astonishment. Suzanne was almost speechless with anger. Amy, with a miserable 
expression on her face, was wearing only a thin bathrobe with nothing 
underneath. She had that strange black haircut. When Suzanne ripped off the robe, 
Robert shocked eyes first went to the tattoos on Amy's arms and thighs. "What in 
hell did you do that for?"

Amy mumbled "They're temporary. They'll come off in a few days."

"Turn around" snapped Suzanne. When Amy hesitated, she grabbed her arm and 
twisted her around. "Now, explain please, why you look like this."

Amy, between tears and sobs, told him the story of the paper, her office visit with 
Burnside, Wendy, and the party.

Robert's reaction relieved Amy and dismayed Suzanne. He did not explode; he 
did not pull out his strap. He simply said, "Sounds like you had one hell of a 
night. I take it that you learned your lesson, that you won't be doing this again?"

Amy nodded. Robert picked up the robe from the floor and handed it to her.

"Good. Let's sit down for breakfast. Then Amy, I want you to take a bath and go 
to bed."

Suzanne stared at Robert in disbelief. "I don't believe this! You're going to just let 
her get away with plagiarism? Plagiarism?"

Robert looked at Suzanne. His temper began to get short with Amy's roommate. 
"Look, you need to calm down! You need to get some things into perspective! I'm 
not letting her get away with anything!"

They sat down for a very strange breakfast. Amy was so tired she could barely get 
her food down. Suzanne was fuming at both Robert and Amy and ate very little. 
Robert looked from Suzanne to Amy and back again, more interested in Suzanne 
than in Amy. The idea was forming in his mind that he needed to talk to Suzanne 
once Amy was asleep.

Amy's remaining energy was fading fast. She skipped the bath and collapsed on 
the guest bed. Robert took a closer look at the welts on her bottom, then covered 
her up. That professor had been quite vicious. Robert did not fault Burnside for 
having whipped Amy. There was no question in his mind that she had deserved 
her punishment, because what she had done was sheer stupidity. She was lucky to 
still be enrolled in college. However, now that she had been punished and the 
matter apparently settled, it was time to move on.

Robert was irritated that Suzanne wanted to punish Amy further. To hit her on 
these welts would risk real injury. What on earth was she thinking? Her apparent 
desire to hurt Amy disappointed him, because he had always liked Suzanne. He 
was seeing a different side of her, one that he did not like.

Suzanne glared at Robert when he re-entered the living room.

"She's asleep. Come on, it's a fairly nice morning for this time of the year. Let's go 
for a walk."

Once on the street Robert pondered how to begin talking to Suzanne. Finally he 
said "You know, it seems that the issue of plagiarism pushes your buttons a bit."

"I just can't believe that Amy could do such a thing! She knows how I feel about 

"Oh, I think you made your feelings quite clear, to both me and Amy. I take it that 
you had negative experiences in your own life as a result of plagiarism?"

"Of course." With that Suzanne launched into long description of her bitter 
feelings about the two incidences of cheating in her life. Her bitterness about 
having been falsely accused of plagiarism weighed on her even more than the 
photo incident. She wanted to get her hands on the people who actually did cheat 
and caused her so much embarrassment...

Robert sympathized, and laid out a couple of examples of ethical violations he 
had witnessed as an attorney. "The point is that these violations exist everywhere. 
They're a part of life."

"Well, I don't want them as part of my life!" snapped Suzanne. "I don't want them 
as part of the life of anyone around me!"

"Maybe. Many people would think that your outlook is admirable. But the point is 
that I am curious as to what exactly you expected when you dragged Amy over 

"I expected you to come down on her! I expected that you would punish her so 
hard that she wouldn't even think of trying to plagiarize again! I didn't expect that 
you would simply hug her and say 'It's OK, Amy, I understand. You had a rough 
night. Go beddy-bye.'"

"You don't think she had a rough night? That professor punished her worse than I 
would have. I, personally, think she behaved admirably with that other girl, if I 
understand the story correctly from the way she told it."

"The point is she did something that disgusted me. She knows how I feel about 
plagiarism. She knows it's the one thing I can't stand. She did it anyway! I take it 
personally and I think she should pay for it!"

"And you don't think she paid for it last night? You don't think that being stripped, 
being caned, being forced to serve drinks in the nude all night, having to keep that 
other girl from going to pieces the whole time, facing an angry roommate at the 
end of it all, and finally having to re-do the term paper...that's not paying? You 
don't think she was punished?"

"Not by me. Not for her betrayal of my principles..."

"Your principles? What does this have to do with you? It's Amy that we're 
worried about, not you. Didn't you see those welts? Do you really think that 
punishing her over those welts would in any way help her?" That punishing her 
when she can barely stand on her feet would help her? That punishing her, when 
she still needs to complete that make-up term paper would help her?"

Robert paused. Suzanne said nothing, not liking the direction of the conversation. 
Suddenly he felt that he had enough information to understand what she really 

"Suzanne, I've always liked you. I've always thought that you've been a good 
influence on Amy. She loves you like you were her sister. But this morning I'm 
seeing a different side, a vindictive side, of you that I don't like at all. I believe 
that it is not Amy who you are trying to punish. It's that guy who stole your 
pictures. It's the people involved in your plagiarism accusations that you want to 
punish. Subconsciously, because Amy did the same thing they did, you were 
going to take out your anger on her. You were going to take out all your hostility 
against everyone who ever committed plagiarism on one person, on Amy."

Robert paused, then drove home his point. "Think about this for a second. You are 
struggling with your own issues when it comes to this, not Amy's. You're mad at 
everyone who ever committed plagiarism. Because Amy tried it, you wanted to 
transfer your anger against the world of plagiarists onto the one person who trusts 
you the most. You wanted to humiliate her, punish her, hurt her, grind her down. 
Not because you wanted to help her, but because you hate all plagiarists. If what 
I'm saying is true, then I find it reprehensible. I find it reprehensible that you 
would want to hurt your best friend because of personal issues that you are 
dealing with. You tell me if I'm close to the truth."

Suzanne went white. She looked directly at Robert. It was not in her nature to 
look away when confronted with an ugly fact by another person. She paused to 
think, to try to give him an honest answer. He had pushed through her veneer of 
self-righteousness and had forced her to do so as well. She realized he was right.

"I guess that's the truth. I never thought about it like you described, but you're 
right. I'm afraid I owe Amy an apology. I owe an apology to you for disappointing 

They walked in silence for a long time. Suzanne was lost in thought. Robert had 
forced her to see something about herself that troubled her. She now realized how 
cruel she had been to Amy. She felt horribly ashamed for what she attempted to 
do to her friend at Robert's apartment. Worst of all, she had disappointed Robert, 
the only man in her life she had ever respected. Suzanne was not one to cry easily. 
However, her face clearly reflected her sadness and anger at her own behavior. 
Suddenly she looked up.

"Robert, I have a favor to ask of you when we get back."

Robert glanced over at Suzanne. Her next words surprised him.

"I'm the one who should be punished, not Amy."

"I think that Amy should be the one to do that. She's the one you wanted to hurt."

Suzanne looked at Robert, her eyes full of sadness and fear. She struggled to 
express her next words.

"Amy is not that strong. She wouldn't be able to...hit me hard enough. She 
wouldn't want to hurt me anyway. You'll have to do it."


They said nothing more on their way back. Robert could tell that Suzanne was 
terrified of the impending punishment that she had requested for herself.

Outwardly Robert maintained his cold demeanor towards Suzanne. Inwardly he 
was thrilled at the thought of seeing and punishing Amy's attractive roommate. 
Although her figure was not girlish like Amy's, Suzanne's body was intensely 
feminine. She was much more solidly built, with full hips and a nice large bottom 
that would take a lot of punishment.

Robert's emotions were much more confused than the simple conflict between his 
anger at Suzanne and his thoughts about her body. He looked over at her sad 
expression and the long strands of loose hair that were blowing about her face. 
Robert actually found Suzanne extremely desirable. Secretly he had wanted to ask 
her out for several months. There was not the issue of her having been under his 
care, as had been the case with Amy. However he had held back, worried about 
their difference in age and the possibility of problems with Amy.

As soon as they got back Robert checked on Amy. She was deeply asleep. He 
closed her door.

Suzanne looked sadly at Robert, waiting for him to speak.

"Do you still want to do this? Have me punish you, I mean?"

"It's not that I want to. But I have no choice. I have to. I don't know how else I can 
...I mean it's what I wanted you to do to Amy." She walked over to an easy chair. 
"Is it OK if I put my clothes here?"

When Robert nodded, Suzanne began to undress. She neatly folded each piece of 
clothing as she took it off. As was typical for her, she wore no underwear. When 
finished she stood next to the chair, one hand resting on the back, waiting for his 
next instructions. Her figure reminded Robert of the Roman frescoes of Venus he 
had seen when he and Tricia had visited Italy a few years before.

"The strap is on the wall in my room, next to a dresser. Go get it."

Robert admired Suzanne's bottom as she walked to his room. Quickly she re-
appeared with the strap in her hand. From Suzanne there was none of the modesty 
that Amy had shown the time Robert punished her.

Together they moved the side table to the middle of the room. Robert realized that 
there was no need to tell Suzanne to be still during the punishment. Quickly she 
bent over one end of the table and grabbed the other end with her hands.

"Put your feet on the outside of the table legs." Suzanne complied, exposing 
herself to Robert. Suzanne did not shave, but she did not have much hair on her 
vulva nor between her bottom cheeks. Robert had as clear a view of Suzanne as 
he had of Amy when he had strapped her. He paused for a moment to enjoy the 
sight of Suzanne's bottom, and then tapped it with the strap.

Robert stepped back. Suzanne closed her eyes.

CRACK! The first blow landed in the middle of Suzanne's left bottom cheek. The 
familiar pink rectangle made its appearance on Suzanne's bottom. Suzanne did not 
move, or make any sound at all other than a faint gasp.

CRACK! Robert landed the second swat across both sides of her bottom. Suzanne 
gasped again. CRACK! Another swat across both cheeks, immediately below the 
first. Robert realized that it was going take a longer and more severe punishment 
to get through to Suzanne than had been the case with Amy. He would not time 
the strokes like he did with Amy at the beginning of the year. If he did, he and 
Suzanne would be here all day. CRACK! Robert landed the fourth swat to overlap 
the others. He hit hard, but the only result was a slightly louder gasp from 
Suzanne. She was tough, no question about it.

Robert moved to Suzanne's right side. CRACK! A back-handed blow to her right 
side shook her whole bottom. CRACK!...CRACK! Robert laid two more 
backhanded swats against Suzanne's right bottom cheek. CRACK!...CRACK! 
Two more back-handed across both bottom cheeks deepened the color somewhat. 
Her breathing became heavier. She bit her lip. Still, she had not made a sound or 
even started to cry.

Robert switched sides again. This time he did not hold back. 
CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!... Robert laid five vicious 
blows into the left side of Suzanne's bottom. He switched sides. 
CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!... Robert laid five 
backhand blows into Suzanne's right bottom cheek. She gasped with each swat. 
Her voice broke with the last three. Tears were running down her face. Robert 
was just starting to get to her.

CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!... Robert laid three backhanded blows across both 
Suzanne's bottom cheeks. She began to cry quietly. Robert switched sides. 
CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!... Three more swats across both sides of her 
bottom. Suzanne sobbed quietly on the last one.

Robert stopped to look at Suzanne. Her bottom was a deep pink, but not marked 
as badly as Amy's had been at this point in her punishment. Robert actually had 
been hitting Suzanne harder than he had hit Amy, but with less effect. She had 
been right about Amy not being up to the task of punishing her. Robert was stiff 
under his pants. The sight of this voluptuous, pink bottom in front of him...

"Suzanne, spread your legs as much as you can for the next ones. The next swat's 
going to be on the base of your bottom." Suzanne managed to spread herself 
slightly. Robert lightly tapped the tender skin on the inside of her left bottom 
cheek, near the base...CRACK!... Suzanne jerked, and sobbed. CRACK!... 
Another swat in the same spot made her squeal with pain. CRACK!...CRACK!... 
Two back-handed swats on the inside of Suzanne's right bottom cheek seemed to 
finally start breaking her resistance. She started to cry more loudly.

Robert moved to Suzanne's left side. He tapped the strap on the swollen left side 
of her bottom. CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!... Full 
force, he laid on five swats to her left bottom cheek Again he moved to her right 
side. CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!...CRACK!... Suzanne now was 
crying continuously. Her body shook with sobs. Purplish welts began to form.

Robert was impressed with Suzanne's endurance. He actually was starting to get 
tired from swinging the strap. Still, her bottom was now in bad shape. The 
punishment was almost over. Robert decided to finish with five full-force swats to 
both bottom cheeks. CRACK!... Suzanne squealed. CRACK!... She screamed for 
the first time. CRACK!...a second scream. CRACK!...Suzanne now started to sob 
uncontrollably. Her knees began to shake. CRACK!...

Robert stepped back and set the strap down. Suzanne's body jerked with sobs. 
This was by far the most painful experience that she had ever had, one that she 
would remember for a long time. Robert experienced a flashback to Amy's 
punishment, when it took every bit of effort to not unzip his pants and take her 
from behind.

This time it was even more difficult because there was nothing girlish about 
Suzanne's voluptuous body. Her figure invited sex, not protection.

"Stand up!" snapped Robert. Suzanne stood up and turned around, looking at 
Robert though her tears. She noticed the swell in his pants. The pain from her 
bottom intensified her emotions. She suddenly realized that she badly wanted 

Although Robert did not realize it, Suzanne had noticed his glances and longing 
expression over the summer. She had wondered why he never said anything to 
her. Now she wanted him to hold her. She threw herself into his arms. Robert was 
too shocked to react right away. Then the feel of having this young woman, one 
that he had wanted for such a long time, actually pressed up against him, brought 
back the old physical sensations. He moved his hands over her back, causing her 
to hug him all that much harder.

For a long time Suzanne had her arms around Robert, as tears fell down her 
cheeks. As he would shortly find out, she had been through a lot in her short life. 
The pain that had built up inside her was coming out, first with her explosion at 
Amy, then with the feeling of needing Robert.

At first the hug was one of gratitude and forgiveness, but suddenly Suzanne 
stepped back. Her emotional state and physical needs were starting to take control 
of her. She took Robert's hands in hers. She looked into his face, her eyes with a 
hungry, wild expression.

It had been over a year for Robert since he had last been with anyone. The passion 
built up from a year of missing Tricia suddenly came out of him. He let go of 
Suzanne's hands and moved his hands to the sides of her face. He buried his 
mouth into hers. She reached for his belt and struggled to unlatch it. Robert's 
pants dropped to the floor, his erection freed from its cloth restraint. He struggled 
to step out of them as Suzanne wrapped her hand around his penis. She massaged 
his hair and balls. It felt so good.

They dropped to the floor. At first Suzanne straddled Robert, pushing up his shirt. 
Suddenly he rolled her over on her back. The intense pain coming from her 
bottom as it pressed to the floor heightened her desire. Robert grabbed her hands 
and pushed them to the floor above her head. The feeling of Suzanne's 
helplessness exhilarated both of them. Robert pushed inside of her. She grunted 
faintly with each breath. Robert stayed hard after he came. He wanted to give her 
another orgasm and continued thrusting. Within seconds his efforts were 
rewarded, Suzanne let out a series of high pitched groans that differed from her 
normal voice.

The passion did not fade with the end of their first lovemaking session. As Robert 
struggled to unbutton his shirt, Suzanne got up and bent over the table. She spread 
her legs and wiggled her red bottom mischievously. Robert was hard almost 
immediately. He squeezed her swollen bottom cheeks and moved his hands up her 
back. He grabbed her shoulders and again thrust inside of her. This time was even 
better. He took his time, enjoying the feel of Suzanne's body. Again she let out a 
series of high pitched groans. Sweat was pouring down their bodies when they 

They calmed down enough to move to Robert's bedroom. They tore off the 
blankets from the bed. For a while they simply lay quietly, Suzanne happily in his 
arms. She started to teasingly touch him. Within a few minutes Robert was hard 
again. She got on her elbows and knees, her marked bottom on full display. Again 
he took her from behind.


It was fortunate for everyone that Amy stayed asleep the whole time. Robert and 
Suzanne had forgotten all about her. They took a bath together in the Jacuzzi 
bathtub. They slept together for a little bit. Suzanne remembered that she was 
hungry from not having eaten breakfast, so they had a late lunch. They cleaned up 
the mess in the living room. Finally Robert decided to get dressed. Suzanne put on 
a robe.

They sat on the sofa. Suzanne lay in Robert's arms, content to stay there quietly. 
Finally they heard Amy's door open. Suzanne jumped up.

Amy had on the white terry-cloth robe that she had worn when she was staying 
here at the beginning of the year. She shyly walked out, not knowing what to 
expect from her roommate and her father's law partner. She was surprised to see 
Suzanne in a robe in Robert's apartment.

Suzanne took Amy's hands in hers. She spoke immediately. "Amy, I treated you 
horribly this morning. I am so sorry. Please forgive me."

Amy embraced her roommate.