The Pledge Mistress
Copyright 2006 by EC
EC's Erotic Art & Fiction -

(warnings: erotic discipline, sex between adults, medical fetish, public nudity, 
sexual hazing)

Chapter 46 – Epilogue

Lisa Campbell woke up at 5:30 a.m.  She stretched, sat up, and watched with 
satisfaction as her two attendants crisply knelt forward and placed their foreheads 
to the floor.  She looked out her bedroom window to check the weather.  It was a 
dreary late October morning and the thermometer outside read 42 degrees.  The 
reading meant the uniform for outdoor PT would have to be shoes, socks, and 
sweatshirts.  After buzzing her Sergeant-at-Arms to announce the day’s exercise 
outfit, Lisa turned her attention to the two naked servants kneeling before her.

“Good morning, Attendant Kathleen.”

“Good morning, President Lisa.”

“Good morning, Attendant Ken.”

“Good morning, President Lisa.”

“Please stand up and kiss me.”

Ken and Kathleen knelt upright, and then Kathleen stood up.  She stepped 
forward and gave Lisa a passionate kiss on the mouth.  She then lightly kissed 
each of Lisa’s breasts, gently sucking her nipples before letting go.  Upon 
finishing the greeting, she returned to her knees, but stayed kneeling upright, 
awaiting her next order.

Ken was next.  He repeated the morning greeting, first a kiss on the mouth, and 
then a kiss to each breast.  Ken always greeted Lisa after Kathleen, because she 
was Lisa’s first servant.  Ken was Lisa’s second servant, and thus had to do 
everything after Kathleen.  Once Ken was kneeling next to Kathleen, Lisa sat 
down on her bed.  Her two servants each put on a sock and an athletic shoe.  
Kathleen took Lisa’s right foot and Ken took Lisa’s left foot.  Ken then held up a 
sweatshirt and Lisa stood up to put her arms into it.  After Kathleen zipped the 
front, Lisa left the room to use the bathroom, leaving her two servants to get ready 
for PT.

Lisa’s servants dressed each other in the day’s PT uniform, because they were not 
allowed to dress themselves.  The same was true for personal hygiene.  Ken and 
Kathleen always entered the bathroom together, shampooed and combed each 
other’s hair, cut each other’s fingernails, and shaved each other’s bodies.  It was a 
life completely devoid of privacy, but it was a life they both enjoyed and would 
not have traded for anything.

Once Lisa returned to her room, she and her attendants walked single file down 
the stairs.  The Four-Beta-2 house was silent, because the seniors and juniors were 
out doing their morning run, while the sophomores and freshmen were standing in 
formation in the back yard.  Each woman had an exercise mat unrolled at her feet.  
Like Lisa and her two attendants, no one in the back yard was wearing anything 
except athletic shoes, socks, and uniform sweatshirts.  That was standard for a 45-
degree temperature.  If the morning temperature was 65 degrees or above, the 
women wore just shoes and socks.  They wore light T-shirts if the outdoor 
temperature was between 55-degrees and 65-degrees.  Between 40 degrees and 55 
degrees, the women wore sweatshirts instead of T-shirts.  If the temperature was 
below 40 degrees, the women conducted their upper body PT in the basement in 
the nude.  Under no circumstances was anyone allowed to wear clothing below 
the waist in the back yard, at any time or for any reason.

Standing in front of the group was Erin, the chapter’s vice president.  As soon as 
she saw Lisa come out the back door Erin shouted:


“Yes VP Erin!”

Erin, Kathleen, and Ken took their places with the rest of the group.  There were 
34 women and one man, ready to perform the upper-body workout.  Lisa, as 
chapter president, always led the younger women during the daily exercise 

Lisa knew that Brittany, her Sergeant-at-Arms, had taken the Four-Beta-2 seniors 
and juniors to the original Four-Beta House so they could run in formation with 
the women from the original Four-Beta Sorority.  When not shouting exercise 
commands, Lisa could hear the combined running group chanting off in the 
distance.  When combined the Four-Beta and the Four-Beta-2 seniors and juniors 
made an impressive group, ninety women, all of them wearing the same running 
outfit, running and singing in formation.

Once PT and stretching were finished, Lisa turned the younger students over to 
Erin and took her two attendants back upstairs.  As chapter president, Lisa had a 
private shower large enough to accommodate three people.  A large shower was 
important, because Lisa never touched her own body while showering.  Her 
attendants were responsible for cleaning her.  She grabbed a handle hanging from 
the ceiling and closed her eyes while Kathleen and Ken sprayed her body with 
warm water.  They shampooed and rinsed her hair before lathering her body with 
soap.  Ken looked at his mistress’s armpits, noting they needed to be shaved.  He 
nodded to Kathleen, who picked up two razors and handed one to her fellow 
servant.  Ken shaved Lisa’s armpits, while Kathleen shaved her legs.  Once 
finished, the servants played a silent game of rock-paper-scissors to determine 
who would shave Lisa’s vulva.  Kathleen’s paper defeated Ken’s rock, so she got 
the privilege of running the razor over her mistress’s most intimate area.

While Kathleen knelt and worked on Lisa's front, Ken began lathering her back 
and bottom.  As Kathleen finished shaving her mistress, her own body was 
covered in soap by her fellow attendant.  The soapy young woman sprayed her 
mistress's vulva with a shower nozzle, landed a quick kiss on her vagina, and then 
turned around to lather Ken's body.  The attendants then rubbed their bodies 
against their mistress.  Lisa bent over so Ken could take her from behind, while 
passionately kissing and fondling Kathleen.

Lisa climaxed and kissed both her attendants in gratitude, even though they 
simply were performing their duty.  Their mistress was used to having at least two 
orgasms each day, although usually she wanted more.  Lisa's sex drive had not 
diminished over the years she had held the lives of Ken and Kathleen in her hands 
and her libido was quite spoiled.  When Mistress Lisa wanted an orgasm, her 
servants were expected to give her one immediately.  

Once Lisa and her attendants were clean and had dried each other off, the 
entourage went downstairs to have breakfast.  Like everyone else in the Four-
Beta-2 house they still were naked, because being naked at all times was a 
requirement for any member or visitor of the Four-Beta-2 chapter.  Lisa's chapter 
was the first nudist sorority chapter in the U.S: not clothing optional, but nudist.  
The Four-Beta-2's were more hardcore than the Four-Betas, with stricter 
discipline and a stringent lifestyle.  While in the Four-Beta Sorority full nudity 
was required only for pledges and in the pool area, the Four-Beta-2 chapter 
prohibited the use of clothing anywhere on their property at any time.  A Four-
Beta-2 was sworn to be naked whenever possible, which meant the women only 
dressed to go on campus.  Whenever in the sorority house or at home, or any other 
indoor place that was not public property, they always were naked.  They did not 
own swimsuits and only swam at nude beaches.  When camping or hiking, Four-
Beta-2's did not wear any clothing except for shoes.  When going out at night, the 
Four-Beta-2's wore light dresses, sandals, and nothing else.  Whenever possible, 
they took off their dresses once they reached their destination, and Lisa had made 
arrangements with two local nightclubs to allow her members to dance and 
socialize in the nude.

Lisa sat down at the dining room table with several other seniors.  Her attendants 
served the chapter president her breakfast before serving each other, and then 
waited for permission to sit down and begin eating.  Lisa exchanged conversation 
with several other naked women and discussed the academic problems of a junior 
that was having trouble in one of Dr. Ruth Burnside's classes.

The chapter president put on a pair of sneakers, a dark mini-skirt, and a Four-Beta 
T-shirt to go to campus.  Kathleen wore the same outfit, although her skirt was 
longer than Lisa's and extended to just above her knees.  Neither women wore 
underwear, because sorority rules specifically prohibited any members from 
wearing more than a single layer of clothing when going out.  Ken dressed in a 
pair of cargo pants and a loose-fitting shirt.  Like his two female companions, he 
did not wear anything underneath his pants.

Lisa told her attendants to get her a jacket, because it was the last week of 
October and the temperature was not likely to go above 55 degrees that day.  Ken 
held the jacket while Lisa put her arms into it.  Kathleen zipped the front.  Then, 
as always, the two attendants put on each other’s jackets.


Once on campus, Lisa dismissed her servants so they could go to class.  
Meanwhile she had to report to Ruth Burnside’s office and check in.

Three years had gone by since Lisa started working for Dr. Ruth Burnside.  Since 
she started as a student aide, Lisa’s responsibilities under the professor had 
expanded from year to year.  Lisa now was a graduate student, having finished her 
BA the year before with honors.  When she earned her diploma, Lisa’s status in 
Burnside’s office changed as the professor began treating her more like an adult 
and an equal.   Now she was a teaching assistant with two seminars of her own.  
She had full access to the students’ records and helped the professor prepare 
quizzes and examinations.  She also helped her boss catch cheaters and recruit 
“volunteers” for her S&M parties.  Burnside had shared her vast knowledge of 
academic cheating with Lisa, who was fascinated by the topic and loved the 
challenge of catching plagiarists and other would-be academic frauds.

The previous afternoon, after Burnside had gone home for the day, Lisa identified 
two culprits.  The students were two young women that had turned in plagiarized 
term papers for Burnside’s History of Economics class, which normally was taken 
by freshmen.  Both girls had turned in the exact same term paper about the U.S. 
Marshall Plan for post-World War II Europe.  The report had been downloaded 
from a website that Burnside and Lisa had known about for more than a year, so 
as soon as she saw the paper Lisa recognized it.  One of the students had the tried 
to change some of the wording around, but that didn’t do her any good.  Her effort 
was so pathetic that Lisa actually thought it was funny.

When Burnside found out that two students had turned in the same plagiarized 
paper, at first she also thought the incident was amusing.  However, she quickly 
became angry, because she viewed the clumsy effort as a personal insult to her 
intelligence.  It was as though those stupid girls were actually trying to get caught.  
Oh well…

Lisa knew what would happen next.  She handed her professor two blank manila 
folders while her boss wrote two small notes that read:

"See me in my office after class. -Burnside-"

Lisa copied the names of the two students onto the envelopes: Amy Debbs and 
Wen-Chuan Lee.  During class when the term papers were returned to the 
students, Lisa would hand the two girls folders instead of their term papers.  The 
freshmen would show up together at the professor’s office and then be confronted 
with the awful reality that they had turned in the same plagiarized report.  There 
would be no argument, because the fact was indisputable.

A couple of hours later Lisa and Burnside passed out the term papers to the class.  
Lisa was responsible for giving out the two folders.  Amy got hers first.  When 
she opened her folder and saw the note, the stricken look on her face was 
priceless.  As for Wen-Chuan, or Wendy, as she liked to be called, it was obvious 
that she was about to cry.  Lisa quickly sized up the two girls’ personalities and 
knew they probably would be willing to serve as hosts in Burnside’s upcoming 
Halloween S&M party as an alternative to being kicked out of the university for 
academic cheating.  She left a note in her boss’s office with her observations and 
left to teach her seminar.

When she returned to Burnside’s office, Lisa passed Amy and Wendy in the 
hallway and couldn’t resist giving them a knowing look.  It was obvious the two 
girls were scared out of their wits, and with good reason.  A very traumatic 
Halloween night awaited them.

However, that’s part of someone else’s story…