Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Eunju noticed Stephen for the first time one day as she drove home with her American husband, David, and their 2-year-old daughter. Stephen was on a bike in front of the neighbor's house, pedaling slowly alongside a neighbor girl, Tameesha. The first thing Eunju thought when they pulled in the duplex driveway was that Stephen was a man on a dirt bike, given the way he was moving, with muscular and well-coordinated movement, which she thought odd. Then he turned his face toward her and it was clear he was just a teenager. But something in his chocolate, well-formed face grabbed her attention. "Looks like our neighbor girl has a friend over," Eunju said, as their Toyota bumped into the driveway. "Hmmm," her husband said, indifferently, guiding the car into the garage bay. "I wonder if he's her boyfriend?" "She's too young for boyfriends," David said. "Oh, you think everyone is too young for dating," she said. "He looks too old to be her boyfriend," he said. "How old do you think he is?" "I don't know," he said. "I didn't grow up with black people and it's hard for me to tell. Why don't you ask?" Eunju snorted at him. "I'm just curious," she said. "In one way he looks older, in another way he looks young. But whatever." And in David's mind, that was that. Little did he know that within a few weeks, that conclusion could be called one of the biggest mistakes of his life. A couple days later Eunju was coming into the house when she saw Tameesha giggling into her cell phone. The girl snapped the phone shut as Eunju came near. "Hi Tameesha," she said. "Were you talking to the boy I saw here the other day?" Tameesha blushed. "Oh, that's just Stephen," she said. "Just a friend." "Just a friend, huh?" Eunju said, with a wink. "He's awfully good-looking." Tameesha's jaw dropped, and she flashed a smile. "Well," Eunju said, "he looks older. How old is he?" "Sixteen," Tameesha said. "Only a year older than me." "Well," Eunju said, "just be sure you do what your parents say around him." As Eunju searched for her keys, Tameesha called out after her. "Where are you from?" "Me?" Eunju said, turning. "I'm from Korea. Why?" "Oh, Stephen asked me," she said. "He wanted to know." "Really? Why?" "He says orientals have very pretty skin," Tameesha said. "He was just curious, he says." Eunju laughed. "Well, return the compliment for me, please," she said, and continued fumbling for her keys. She happened to look back and saw Tameesha gazing a little dejectedly over the yard. Knowing Tameesha had no mother in her life, Eunju paused and went back to her. "Everything okay?" Eunju asked, sitting down next to her. "Something you want to talk about with another girl?" "You ain't no girl, Misses Kim," Tameesha said. "Well, I'm not that far from it. I'm only 32," Eunju said. "I've gone through it all before. What's on your mind?" Tameesha sighed. "It's Stephen," she said. "I'm not sure he's gonna keep on liking me." "Why would you think that?" "Well, he won't hold my hand or nothing," Tameesha said. "Or give me a kiss when he says goodbye. I don't know why he's like that." "Did you ever think he might just be shy?" Tameesha frowned. "I don't think so." "I think so," Eunju said. "What else could it be? Who wouldn't be attracted to a beautiful girl like you?" Tameesha smiled. "Even if you're right, it doesn't solve anything," she said, finally. "He still won't kiss me or nothing." "Is that important?" "He's my boyfriend!" "Alright, alright," Eunju said. "Have you tried talking to him about it?" Tameesha shook her head. "Naw. I'm too embarrassed. Besides, he should know. He's a boy." "All boys are different." "Hmph." "Try talking to him," Eunju said. "And tell me what happens. Just find a moment when nobody's talking, and say, `Why don't you kiss me?'" "Misses Kim!" Tameesha cried. "Boys are clueless," Eunju said. "You need to shock them into stuff. Go ahead and try it. Will you?" Tameesha smiled. "Alright," she said. "Good girl," Eunju said, patting her knee. Then she went inside, shut the door, and smiled. Talking about teenage love affairs made her feel young again, as if she were 15 again instead of 32. A couple days later Eunju was driving home when she saw Stephen coming on his bike. She slowed down the car and rolled down the window to flag him down. She was alone. "Are you Tameesha's friend?" Eunju said. "Stephen?" "Yeah," Stephen said, smiling at her as he straddled his bike. "Nice to meet you. I seen you next door to her. She says your name is Misses Kim. From Korea. Nice to meet you Misses Kim from Korea." Eunju laughed. "How'd you like another reason to come by Tameesha's house?" "I'd like another reason," Stephen said. "Do you mow lawns?" "All the time, Misses Kim." `Give me your number. I'll call you when we need it. My husband does a terrible job. Maybe you can do better," Eunju said, with a wide smile. She could already tell she liked the boy. Stephen gave her his number, which she wrote on a grocery receipt and stuck in her purse. She said goodbye and drove home, where she saw a glum Tameesha on the front steps. "Well, did you ask him?" Eunju said. Tameesha frowned. "Yeah, and all it did was scare him more!" She said. "I dunno what to do now!" "Oh, I'm sorry," Eunju said. "He must be different than other boys." "I guess so." Eunju sighed. "Well, look," she said. "I saw him and I have his number to mow our lawn. Do you want me to help? I can have David talk to him about girls." Tameesha laughed. "What does your hubbie know about girls?" "Well, he was a boy once, too," Eunju said. "And he knows how to charm girls. Or he used to know. Maybe he can make Stephen a little more comfortable showing his affection." Tameesha shrugged. "Whatever." Later that evening, after David came home after picking up their daughter from day care, they sat at the dinner table. Eunju brought up Tameesha and the dilemma with Stephen, then asked David if he'd speak to the boy. "What? Are you crazy?" David said. "Teach teenagers how to get intimate? Are you trying to put me in jail?" "Don't be silly," Eunju said. "You're just teaching him that affection is okay." "It'll just lead to one thing after another, and before you know it Tameesha will be a mother at age 15." Eunju snorted. "You have this all figured out, don't you." "I can see the future," he said, cynically. "Well," Eunju said, "I wish you'd at least talk to him. I feel a little responsible." "You should have never gotten involved," David said. Eunju said nothing. She didn't think it was a mistake at all. A week passed. She picked up the phone one morning, found the grocery receipt, and dialed Stephen's number. As she did, an involuntary, almost subconscious thought wandered through her head. She wondered if Stephen took off his shirt when he mowed. Ring. Ring. "Hello?" "Stephen?" "Misses Kim!" "Wow," Eunju said. "You knew who it was!" "I can recognize your voice," he said. "What can I do for you?" "Can you mow my lawn today? I'll pay you $20." "Can I use your mower?" "Yes." "Then $20 is too much. I'll do it for $15." She laughed delightedly. "Fine. You're a hard bargain. I'll throw in some lemonade and we'll call it even." "Deal. Can I do it today? I'll do it before Tameesha gets home. We're supposed to go the park later." "Of course," she said. "Come whenever you please. I wouldn't want you to be late for your date." Fifteen minutes later there was a knock at the door. She opened it and there was Stephen, in a collared short-sleeve shirt and pressed shorts. "I asked you to mow my lawn, not take me to dinner!" Eunseong said. He smiled. "I know, dinner comes later," he said, laughing, and she slapped playfully at his muscular shoulder. "Do you mind if I mow without my shirt?" He said. "That way I don't have to mess up my clothes before I see Tameesha." "Of course," she said, her stomach doing a little twirl. "Whatever. I don't mind." And there, with the youthful brashness of a 16-year-old, he removed his shirt, revealing a stack of hard abdominal muscles and a thick chest. Her eyes widened a bit, and he saw it, so to cover she pulled at straws. "What's that?" She said, pointing a finger, letting it come to rest on his hard belly. "Had a fight," he said. "Some kid cut me with a bottle." "You poor thing!" She said, running her hand along the scar concernedly. "You shouldn't fight!" "I had to defend myself. Shoulda seen the other guy." "My goodness!" "I'm jus' kiddin'," Stephen said with a laugh. "It was surgery. Somethin' stenosis." "Oh you!" She said, letting out a whoop of laughter and pushing him gently. "So we have a comedian mowing our lawn. Get busy." He did. She watched from behind the curtain. Eunju felt herself giggling to herself like a schoolgirl again. A rush of feelings came back; she remembered watching older boys when she was a girl. Wow, she'd say to her friends, in Korean. He's so hot! And they'd laugh and laugh. Now, from behind the curtain, she felt herself giddy again as she watched Stephen. It was happiness mixed with guilt. The best kind of feeling. He finished quickly and efficiently and rang the bell. She greeted him with a tray of lemonade and they sat on the porch. He sat shirtless, gripping his shirt in one big hand. "Do you like lemonade?" Eunju said. "I didn't even ask." "Of course I do," he said. "Doesn't everybody?" "Well, I never grew up with it," she said. "That's right. You're Korean, right?" He said. "Yes. We drank a lot of tea when I was growing up. If it was warm out we just waited for it to cool." "I like iced tea too," he said. "Can I say something?" She laughed. "Of course." "I wish I knew you when you were growing up." "What in the world for?" "I woulda asked you on a date." Eunju laughed, slapped his shoulder. "That's very nice. I might have said yes, too." "For real?" "Well, why not?" She said. "You're very handsome. And very sweet, and honest. Tameesha is very lucky." Stephen smiled broadly. "Misses Kim, you just made my day." She smiled and pointed at his glass. "Are you finished?" "Yeah," he said, and handed his glass over. She gathered the glasses and pitcher and brought them inside. She went back and sat next to him on the porch "Everything okay?" She said. "Yeah," he said. "Why?" "Well, I just wondered if you were nervous before your date with Tameesha." "Why would I be?" "From what I heard you act a little nervous around her." Stephen sighed. "What'd she tell you?" "Why don't you hold her hand?" Eunju said. "Does she want me to?" "Of course!" "I didn't know," Stephen said. "Oh, B.S.," Eunju said. "You're scared, that's why." Stephen said nothing. Eunju rested a hand on his shoulder and pat reassuredly. "That's okay," Eunju said. "You just need to build up a little confidence. You want me to help?" "Help? How?" "I'll show you how a woman likes to be approached," she said. "Hmph," he said. "It's easy," she said. "They like simple gestures. Just put your arm around her shoulders sometime. That'll start something." "Arm across her shoulders?" "Yeah," Eunju said, "like this." She grabbed his right hand and pulled his arm around her shoulders. He let one big hand rest on her opposite shoulder. His wide palm wrapped around it. "There," she said, looking at him. He swallowed. "It's easy, isn't it?" She asked. "I guess," he said, with a little grin. "And rub her shoulder, like this," she said, pressing his fingers so they kneaded her shoulder. In a moment he took over, rubbing her shoulder. "Nice," Eunju said, her eyes drooping a bit. "Women would love to have that big arm around their shoulders, believe me." She didn't say anything, but Stephen pulled his hand away. "Do you know how to hold hands?" Eunju said. "Doesn't everyone?" "Not like lovers do," she said. "Here. Like this." She took Stephen's hand and intertwined their fingers. "Every now and then squeeze, or rub the palm," Eunju said. "That's a very intimate sign. Like this." She ran her thumb across his palm. Stephen's face was split by a big grin. "I like that," he said. "Well, that's how you do it," she said, pulling her hand away guiltily. She told herself she shouldn't be giving pleasure to a 16 year-old no matter what the circumstance. "Look, there she comes," Eunju said, noting her neighbor's white car turn the corner. "I'll duck inside. Try those moves! They'll make a lot of difference!" Later, Eunju heard voices outside and looked through the curtains to see Tameesha and Stephen on the front steps, talking close to each other. She said their hands intertwined. Stephen's thumb was brushing Tameesha's palm, and Eunju smiled. But then Tameesha went up on her tip-toes to kiss him, and Stephen almost fell over trying to avoid it. He left with his head down, and Tameesha stormed inside. Crestfallen, Eunju turned off the lights and went upstairs, where she found David in bed, reading. "What's the matter?" David said, looking from his book. "Oh, nothing," she said. "I've heard that before. Why don't you tell me," he said. She did. She told him the whole story of Tameesha and Stephen. When she finished, she looked at David, who looked at her disapprovingly. "You let him do what to you?" David said. Eunju frowned. "What? I just showed him how to hold hands. I had to give him an idea what it was like to touch a woman." "You could go to jail for that! How old is he?" "Sixteen," Eunju said. "I take it back. He's legal, technically, in this state. But that doesn't give me much comfort," David said. "Oh relax!" She said. "I didn't seduce him or anything. Just very friendly interaction. No different than giving him a hug for selling the most popcorn boxes in the Boy Scout fund drive." David frowned. "I dunno," he said. "So what's next, love doctor? Are you going to teach him how to kiss?" Eunju snorted. "No. That's where I draw the line." "Good." "But my help did improve the situation," Eunju added, after a moment. "Yeah, well, I don't know. You built up poor Tameesha's expectations, and then Stephen went running," David said. "Hmm," Eunju said. "Now I feel even more guilty." She didn't seen Stephen for a few days, so she called him one day to ask him to mow the lawn. He was there 15 minutes later, stripping his shirt and hitting the lawn. At the end of it Eunju again brought out some lemonade. She sat next to him on the porch. "I see my tip didn't work out so well," Eunju said. Stephen shrugged. "I was just nervous. I'll do better next time." "You can't get much worse than that," Eunju said, with a smile. "Don't make fun of me, please," Stephen mumbled. "Oh, Stephen," she said, putting a hand on his broad back and rubbing, "I'm not making fun of you! I'm just trying to get you confident! A man's got to be able to kiss a woman, right?" "I don't know how," Stephen said. "The only woman I kissed was my mother, and Tameesha don't want to be kissed like that." "No, she doesn't." "Do you have any ideas how I can learn?" He asked, looking at her. Eunju blushed at the light in his eyes, and she turned away to hide her devilish little smile. "Let me think about it," she said. "Will you?" She looked back at him, saw something playing in his eyes. She smiled. "Yes, I'll think about it." That night, Eunju brought it up with David again over the dinner table. "How did you learn to kiss?" She said, suddenly. David almost choked on his food. "What kind of question is that?" He said. "Just answer it. You're a good kisser. Where did you learn it?" David looked bewildered. "I guess experience. My first kiss was an awkward, laughable thing. She actually laughed at me. May I ask why this line of questioning?" Eunju told him about Stephen's shyness. David waved a hand. "I told you to not get involved with this teen stuff," he said. "Stephen will learn how to kiss. Don't worry." "But when? How?" "It'll happen!" David said, with a half-smile. "Why is this so important to you?" Eunju shrugged. She didn't really know why. "I feel bad about them," she said. "It's so fun to see people fall in love for the first time, and I don't want to screw it up." David rolled his eyes. "Well, don't get too involved. Teenagers fall and out of love faster than you can spit. Just forget it, that's my advice." "Don't worry," she said. "I won't." That night, Eunju lay awake for a long time, pondering. Should she or shouldn't she? Weighing the pros and cons, the thing that convinced her to try to teach Stephen how to kiss was her own memory of that age, when a boy tried to kiss her, and she laughed in his face for all his awkwardness. She felt guilty about that for years to come. She still did. Eunju felt that maybe she could repent that guilt a little bit by helping Stephen out of his jam. The next day she called Stephen again. "Your lawn didn't grow that fast, did it?" He said, over the phone. "No, there was something else I was hoping you could help me with," she said. "Can you come over?" "Sure!" Stephen said, a bit too enthusiastically. Fifteen minutes later, the knock at the door. Eunju answered it and this time she invited him in, told him to sit on the couch. He obliged, looking at her curiously. "What work did you want me to do?" He said. "Oh, I was hoping you could clear some junk from our back yard, but that can wait," she said. "I want to talk to you first." She got lemonade and sat down next to him. She propped her head on a hand and smiled at him. "So," she said. "Have you learned how to kiss yet?" Stephen looked away, swallowing nervously. He cleared his throat. "No," he said. "I tried the other night and Tameesha laughed at me." "Oh, Stephen," she said, patting his shoulder reassuringly. "It just takes practice." "How can I practice?" He said, frustratingly. "Did David tell you any tips?" "Just that it'll come," she said. Stephen's face fell. "Tell you what," she said, her voice dropping. "I don't agree with David's advice either." He looked at her, his brow furled. "You have another idea?" "Well, yeah, I do," she said. "I don't know how you'll feel about it." "If you want me to practice on a dog, the answer is no!" He said, laughing. "No, that's not it," she said, cocking her head. "How about you practice on me?" He searched her face for a joke, saw nothing but a serious question. He grinned widely. "Misses Kim, I don't know..." "Why not?" She said. "No one has to know. The blinds are drawn. It doesn't mean anything. It's just... practice." Stephen swallowed, looked around. He glanced back at her, looked at her mouth, let his eyes drop a moment to her shapely body, looked away. "You're smiling," Eunju said. "No I'm not," he said. "I believe you are," she said. "Is that a yes?" "Misses Kim--" "Is it?" He looked at her, licked his lips. "Promise not to laugh?" "Of course." He closed his eyes. Opened them. "Okay, then, yeah. Let's practice." "Good," she said, trying to sound businesslike. Her stomach had just done a little flip, but she kept it under control. "Now, you have to get a girl in the mood. Did you chew gum before coming here?" "Yeah. Spearmint." "Good," she said. "And I can smell the cologne. Very nice. But you need a little more. Look me in the eye. Not fearfully. But like you're very interested in me. Enthralled with me." He looked at her. "Not like that," she said. "Imagine what it's like to kiss Tameesha." "Can I imagine you?" "Well, whatever works," she said, with a laugh. He looked again, directly at her, their brown eyes meeting. This time she felt a little jolt. "Good," she said, calmly. "Now what are you going to say to her?" "Say?" "You need to talk, Stephen!" "I like your eyes?" "Over-used," Eunju said. "Say something original." He pondered it. "Keep looking at me like that," Eunju said. "And say what you're going to say." "I love it when the phone rings and it's you," he said. "Better!" Eunju said. "Now keep that gaze. Say something else." "I think I pulled a muscle biking over here after you asked me to come over, I came here so fast," he said. "Oooo, that's sweet," Eunju said, holding his gaze. She found herself biting her lip delightedly. She felt herself traveling back through time to high school... "I will cut your grass every day of the week if you ask me to," he said. "For free. Just for that five minutes I can sit and drink lemonade with you." She said nothing, just scrunched her eyebrows a bit. Flashed a smile. "I never met anyone like you," he said. "What's different?" "What?" "Oh, you have to be ready for that one," Eunju said. "Women use it to trip up their men every time." "Your heart, that's what's different," he said. "I can tell you have a big one." A warm sensation went through Eunju's face. That's exactly what her first boyfriend told her 16 years ago. "Well, that does it," she said. "I think if I were Tameesha, I'd be ready to kiss." Without pause, Stephen reached out, put his hand behind her head, and pulled her gently to him. "Gentle, gentle," she said. "Show her you want it, but let her make the final move." He pulled her close, then stopped, and she smiled. "Ready?" "Yes." She leaned in the final two inches and planted her lips on his. "You have to kiss me back!" She said, drawing back. "You're like a cold fish!" "Let's try again," he said. "I was too stunned to move." "Good," she said. "A sense of humor during intimate moments. Women like that." They came together again, and this time he puckered. They pulled apart with a smooch. "Okay," Eunju said, "that's better, but still one better suited for the family reunion. You need to open your mouth a bit." They came together again. He opened his mouth slightly, and she surprised him by slipping her tongue between his minty lips, and touching the tip of his tongue. "Misses Kim!" He cried, pulling away, his fingers on his lips. "You didn't like it?" "Well, yeah, I did, I was just surprised--" "Intimacy, Stephen!" She said. "That's what women want! Come back here." He leaned into her again, and again her tongue crossed the threshold, played with his. He surprised her when his tongue chased hers back to her mouth. "That was good!" She said. "Now let's try the tongue and lips together. Work them like a unit." In a minute their tongues were rolling about each other's mouths, like a couple of seasoned lovers. They worked their jaws against each other, his tongue lapping against hers. "Good, Stephen!" She said, pulling away, her face flush. "You learn fast!" "I have a question," he said. "What do I do with my hands?" "Now, now," she said, pushing him away gently. "Let's not get carried away! I think this is quite the lesson for the day." For a moment, Stephen just sat there, looking at her with his big, innocent eyes, yet with something hungry lurking in his gaze. "Misses Kim," he said, "I sure feel nice things about you right now." "There, there," she said, standing up and straightening her clothes. "Let's keep this at a teacher-student relationship, shall we? I am a married woman." She locked gazes with Stephen for a moment, and they both smiled, as if she'd told a joke. That evening, David came home with their daughter. As they ate dinner he looked over at Eunju. "You have a silly little distant grin on your face," he said. "What's the joke?" "Hm? Oh, nothing," Eunju said. "Just heard something on the radio. Did you know they expect to start selling Christmas decorations in August this year?" "That's what you were smiling about?" "Yeah," Eunju said. David caste her a skeptical look and went back to cutting meat for their daughter. Eunju went back to her daydreaming. David was right. Her smile wasn't about Christmas shopping habits. She was thinking back to the moment earlier when Stephen got off the couch to leave. For a second she'd seen an enormous twitch beneath his khaki shorts. It was huge. A couple days later Eunju came out of the duplex and saw Tameesha again sitting on the porch. The girl had a silly little distant smile on her face. "Stephen kissed me last night," Tameesha said, dreamily. "It was sooooo hot. He's like a champion kisser." Eunju laughed. "I wonder where he learned that?" "He just said he was practicing," Tameesha said. "I don't really believe that but I don't care. He's my man now and nobody's going to touch him but me!" Eunju laughed and then played her card. She'd had another long night of planning. "Well," she said, "just be careful where things go from here. Men tend to want to escalate things after they start kissing." "Escalate things?" "Yes, you know, like touching, that kind of thing," Eunju said. "I only tell you this because I know you need a woman figure in your life telling you this. Warning you." "Touching?" Tameesha said. "Yeah, Stephen will know what he wants," Eunju said. "Just be careful. You two can do things together that feel really, really good, I mean tremendously good, but there may be consequences." "Tremendously good?" Tameesha repeated, intrigued by the phrase. "Oh yeah," Eunju said. "But don't let anyone know I told you that. I wouldn't be doing you any favors not telling you, though. See you, Tameesha." A week passed. There was a knock on the door soon after David left for work, and Eunju opened it to see Stephen standing there. "Why Stephen!" Eunju said, smiling despite herself. "I didn't expect to see you today!" "Is that okay that I'm here?" He said, looking around. "Of course," she said, glancing around the empty street. "Come on in." He went and sat at his usual spot on the couch, rubbing his hands together. Eunju went and sat next to him. "We just practiced, Stephen," she said, "yet you look so concerned. What's going on?" "Well, it's like this," he said. "Last night we were kissing again, and suddenly Tameesha goes all crazy on me, asking me to touch her, make her feel `tremendously good.' I didn't know what to do! I touched her but she just laughed." "You must not have been very convincing. A man can turn on a woman by touching her cheek, if he has the right air about him." "How do you get that air?" "You just have to be confident." "Well, I'm not," he said. "Want to learn how?" Eunju said. "From me?" He looked at her, couldn't help smiling. "Misses Kim," he said, "I dunno." "Come on," she said. "I taught you kissing, didn't I?" "Yeah," he said. "You did a good job. It's just that this is different--" "Well, I can teach touching, too. Come here. You don't fool me anyway. I know this is what you were hoping for." He looked at her, then scooted across the cushions until their thighs were touching. He looked at her, waiting the next instructions. "Okay, touching happens after kissing has gotten hot and heavy," Eunju said. "So let's go. Get me to that point." Stephen went through the paces. The compliments. The gentle kissing. Then holding her face, and really going to down, his tongue jumbling around her mouth. "Okay," she said, between kisses, "now, do you know a woman's erogenous zones?" "Her what?" "Do you like the smell of my neck?" Eunju said. "Yeah, I can smell your perfume. It's making me wild--" "Good," she said. "So go after it. You smell it on my neck, so kiss it. Gently. I don't want to be explaining hickies." He did it like a pro, and didn't even know it. His lips went from her mouth to her cheek, then her jaw, until it finally found her neck. She tilted her head for him, and he kissed along the smooth skin, and she let out an involuntary sigh. "Are you okay?" Stephen asked. "Hmm? Oh, yeah. Yeah!" Eunju said. "Stephen, you're good at this!" "Is your ear a derogenous zone?" he said. "You mean erogenous zone? Goodness, yes. I'll bet--Oh!" She gasped as his lips nibbled at her earlobe, and he ran his tongue along her neck. She felt a fine tracer of pleasure travel up her skin. "Oh, nice, nice!" She heard herself say, and she pulled at his shirt involuntarily, a surge of lust swelling up inside her. The doorbell rang. They sprung off the couch, dazed, recomposing themselves. Eunju straightened her clothes and went to answer the door. There stood her friend, Hyo-bin. Her eyes got big as Stephen walked past her, smiling and saying hello. Eunju ushered her inside as he left. "Eunju-ah, who was that?" Hyo-bin said. "Oh, he cuts our grass in return for a little tutoring I give him," Eunju said. "He was just leaving." "He's cute," Hyo-bin said. "Hmm? Oh, yeah, he is, in a boyish kind of way," Eunju said. "Because he is a boy," Hyo-bin said. "Yes, of course," Eunju said. She didn't like how this conversation was starting to feel. "How old is he?" "Hm? Oh, I think 16," Eunju said. "I think so," Hyobin said, deliberately. "My son is in class with him, I think. My son. He's 16. Sixteen." "I see," Eunju said, composing herself. "Well, let me go change and then we can--" "Eunju-ah," Hyo-bin said. "Your lipstick is smeared." "What? Oh, so it is," Eunju said. "That's funny." Hyo-bin looked at her. "Have you been kissing that boy?" Eunju acted shocked. "What? How dare you--" "Don't try to hide it," Hyo-bin said. "I looked through the blinds! I saw!" "You peeped on me?" "What does it matter? I saw him go in and I was curious. Now I know what's going on!" "It's not how it looks," Eunju said, breaking down. "I'm acting as his therapist! I'm doing it so he can date the girl next door!" "His therapist? Well," Hyo-bin said, "you could get in a lot of trouble for what I saw today." Eunju sighed, finally relenting and giving Hyo-bin what she wanted: details. She told Hyo-bin what was happening ever since the first kis on the couch. Eunju had been feeling guilty and it felt good to get it off her chest. "Goodness," Hyo-bin said, digesting the story in the silence that followed. "You always have had a complicated love life, Eunju. Ever since you were a girl." "This is not a love life," Eunju said. "I am merely helping the poor boy." "Some help," Hyo-bin said. "I saw you pulling at his shirt. If I hadn't come along, who know what would've happened." "I'm completely in control of the situation," Eunju said. "I feel no lust toward the boy at all." "That's not how it looked." "I'm a good actor. I'm just trying to help the poor thing!" Hyo-bin sighed. "Does David know what you're doing?" "Not at all. He wouldn't understand," Eunju said. "I'm not sure anyone would, least of all the man you swore to be faithful to," Hyo-bin said. "In my heart I'm faithful," Eunju said. "That's all that matters, even if I press lips with a grass-cutter." "Well," Hyo-bin said, "I can't be stationed outside your window all the time. Be careful that you don't get too instructive with the boy, if you know what I mean." "We've reached the limit of my lesson plan," Eunju said. "Trust me." "I hope so. Any further might... complicate things." "You're telling me," Eunju said. 'It's more than that," Hyo-bin said. "You know what they say about black men." "What?" Eunju said, perking up a bit. "They... hurt," Hyobin said. "What? What do you mean?" Hyobin gave her an impatient look. "You don't know?" "What's to know?" Hyo-bin sighed. Her voice dropped and she leaned forward. "Their penises are too big to fit in Asian girls." "Hyobin!" Eunju cried. "There's no way at all... you're insane for even bringing that up!" "Am I?" "Yes!" And Eunju had meant it. She had planned to call Stephen two days later, but she recalled Hyo-bin's warning, and she put it off. She was watering plants one day a couple weeks later when she saw Tameesha come by with a big smile. "Tameesha," Eunju said, "tell me, how's the love life?" "Wonderful, Misses Kim," she said. "Stephen is absolutely wonderful. He knows how to touch me, that's for sure." "Oh! Be careful," Eunju said, with a big, fake smile. "How often do you see him now?" "Just about every day," she said. "Is that so?" Eunju said, her blood rising. "Well, I'll see you later." Eunju went inside and picked up the phone. She hadn't seen Stephen for days, and meanwhile he was using all the tricks he learned on Tameesha full-time. Without so much as a thank you. In a moment Stephen was on the line. "I guess you're all done with my lessons," Eunju said, curtly. "I haven't heard from you." "I got scared after the last one, when your friend came over," Stephen said, apologetically. "I don't want to get caught." Eunju's anger ebbed just a bit at this viable explanation. Still, she had some acid left in her veins. "I saw Tameesha. She looks a little depressed," Eunju said. "Didn't you learn anything from me?" "I--I thought she was happy..." he stammered. "Well, think again. She said you don't know how to touch her." A pause from Stephen's end. "That's not what she said... how she acted..." "How do you know what a woman feels? What she says and what she means are completely different. I could have taught you that, but you think you know everything," Eunju said. "I don't think I know everything--" "So I guess we're done with the lesson plan. Good luck getting Tameesha smiling again," she said, and slammed down the phone. She was watching television 15 minutes later when there was a knock at the door. Eunju, dressed in a bathrobe, went and opened the door a crack. Stephen was there, his eyes puffy. "Misses Kim," he said. "I'm sorry." "Fine," she said, coldly. "Now go find Tameesha. Good luck." "No," he said. "I don't want to go find her. I want to say sorry." "You already did." "I want you to know I mean it." "I do." He sighed heavily, his voice filled with tears. "Please," he said. "I don't want our lessons to stop. I have a lot to learn." "You didn't think so for the past couple of weeks, though," Eunju said. "I told you why..." "Only after I called," she shot back. "What did you expect, me to just call you up, `Stephen, come over and kiss my neck again!' I don't like being dropped like that, Stephen!" His eyes welled up with tears. "I didn't mean to drop you," he said, his voice cracking. "Honest." Eunju sighed. She had a soft spot for tears, even when they came from a man. She slid the chain on the door and opened it. "Come in," she said. Stephen stepped inside. She took his hand and led him to the couch. They sat down, and Eunju turned off the television. They faced each other. "I'm willing to continue your lessons," Eunju said, "but only if I think they're being appreciated. I'm taking a lot of risk doing this, and I don't want to be at the mercy of some teenage punk who takes off and does whatever he wants at anytime. Do you want my lesson to continue?" He nodded. Eunju stared for a moment, then allowed a smile. She reached out and stroked his cheek. Glanced to be sure the drapes were closed so that sneaky bitch Hyo-bin couldn't see in. Stephen looked up and smiled, relieved. They leaned in and kissed each other. "There's another lesson," Eunju said. "That's how you make up." Stephen nodded. "Can we do that again?" She smiled and nodded. In a moment they were kissing again, and he was searching for her erogenous zones along her jaw and neck and ears. This time, Eunju grasped his hand and pulled it to her chest. His eyes went wide. "Touch me there," Eunju said. "Women like that." "There?" He said, incredulously. "There." Hesitantly, Stephen put his hand on her right breast, feeling it through the thick cloth of the bathrobe. "Keep kissing," Eunju said. "Touching is the main show now, but you have to keep kissing!" They did for a while, with Stephen kneading her breast. Then he felt the other. "Good, good," she said. "That's right. Show some initiative!" After a moment, with their breathing quickening, she grasped his hand again. "Put it under the robe," she said. "Misses Kim?" "Do you want to feel what it's like? Do it!" Stephen obliged, slipping his big hand between the fold in her robe. He gasped slightly as her breast filled the palm of his hand, and he kneaded the nipple and flesh with his fingers. Eunju moaned low and arched her back to press her breasts into his hand. "Notice anything changing?" She said. He looked at her. "Your nipple got hard," he said. "Yeah," she said. "That's usually a good sign you can take my top off." His eyes got wider, big as paper plates. "Come on," she said. "Don't lose momentum. Untie my robe with your left hand." He did, pulling at the thick, pink ribbon, and pulling it away, revealing a long, olive slit of skin from her neck to her belly button. "Push if off my shoulders... like that," she said. With both hands, he reached out, and pushed it off her shoulders. It dropped to her waist, revealing two perfectly round, softball breasts. Stephen blushed and licked his lips, couldn't tear his eyes away. Eunju reached out, put a hand on back of his head, and pulled him in. "Kiss the nipple," she said. "Just like you're kissing my ear." He went after the right breast. In a moment her nipple was in his mouth, and he was licking and biting at it gently with his teeth. Pulses of pleasure traveled up and down her body. "Oh Stephen," she said. "Nice, very nice..." He moved to the other breast, with gusto, opening his mouth wide to draw in her breast. She clutched his head close. Then she leaned back to the cushions. "You need to come down on top of me to kiss my breasts," she said. And he did. As he leaned over her, she reached for the spot between his legs. He let out a little cry. "Surprise," she said, touching his penis through his pants. "Misses Kim!" "Oh, you're hard as a rock," she said. "I dunno if we should... my momma--" "Hush," she said. "You want to have a woman? You've got to let her touch you without acting like she just inserted a cattle prod up your ass. You've got to let her stroke a little, like this." And the palm of her hand ran against his crotch. Stephen moaned slightly. "Jeez," she said, "you're HUGE down there. I mean it. HUGE." "Is that good?" He said, faintly, eyes closed as her hand worked at his cock. "Oh yeah," Eunju said. "Women LOVE big dicks." The phone rang, and Stephen sprung off the couch in surprise. Eunju pulled the robe back over her shoulders and got up. Answered the phone. It was David. "Everything alright?" He said. "I had this feeling I should call you." "Oh, you're such a worrier," she said. "Everything is fine. Just laying around." "I'll be home in a couple of hours." "See you soon." "Love you." "Love you too," she said. When she hung up, she saw Stephen sitting awkwardly. "Well, that's enough for a day," Eunju said. "We'll resume this, later? Soon?" Stephen nodded dazedly. She could see an enormous crotch rocket in his pants, and it excited her. Nothing subtle about the feeling now. She tried to ignore the coming complications. "Misses Kim," he said. "How far are you going to - willing to -" "You'll be done with me soon," Eunju said. "Then Tameesha will be your teacher. Goodbye, Stephen." He looked like he wanted to say something, then left. She watched him go, smiling. That night, she lay awake again. She hadn't really been thinking about how far, exactly, she would go with Stephen during their lessons. To this point she had maintained her original goal, which was to teach Stephen not to be shy around women. All because of residual guilt from years before, when she laughed in the face of another shy boy. Regardless, she had kept her cool until today, when his lips were on her breast. She thought she could turn her desire off and on as necessary, but tonight she almost told him to take off his pants, before she stopped herself... The next day, however, she kept thinking about what would come next. The answer came to her quickly and she picked up the phone. "Stephen?" She said, after his mother had gone to get him. "Misses Kim," he said. "Can I come over?" "Now." She ushered him into the house when he arrived a few minutes later. She was in her robe again, its soft material caressing her bare body underneath. She had one of David's robes over her arm. "Go get into this," she said, handing it to Stephen. "Make sure you're naked underneath." He looked at her then went into the bathroom. He was in there for a long time, and she could hear him talking to himself. Then he emerged, wearing only the robe. "Have you ever heard of cunnilingus?" Eunju said after they situated themselves on the couch. He frowned and shook his head. "This," she said, propping one knee up against the back rest, and parting her robe. Stephen's eyes went wide as her pussy spread before him. "Have you ever seen a girl's vagina?" She said. "Maybe... pictures..." he mumbled, his eyes never leaving her crotch. "Ever tasted one?" He looked at her in the eyes now, warily. "Don't look so afraid," she said. "All good men do it for the women they appreciate. Do you appreciate me, Stephen?" He nodded his head. `Good," Eunju said. "So kiss it." He licked his lips and shifted. Eunju put her hand on top of his head and guided it down between her thighs. She closed her eyes and smiled as his thick lips met the folds of her pussy. "Just kiss it," she encouraged. "Just like you kissed my breasts. You did it so well. Just kiss it." He did, and waves of pleasure filled her body. "Use your tongue, Stephen," she said, her voice trembling. In a moment she felt his tongue running along her pussy. "Good, good, you're a natural... unh!" Eunju exclaimed. She gripped his head and held it there, as his tongue dashed back and forth over her pussy, hitting her clitoris. He figured out that it caused a reaction in her and dwelled on that little bump of flesh, sending pulses of orgasmic sensation rippling up her spine and through her belly. Eunju gritted her teeth and bucked her hips into his face; she could feel pre-orgasm beads of sweat emerge on her forehead. That's when she realized she was hurtling toward orgasm with this kid. Reason pushed its way back through, and she pushed his head away. "Oh, Stephen," she moaned, leaning her head back against the arm rest. "How did you know to do that so... well?" "I just paid attention to you," he said. "Oh, honey," she said, with a smile. "You're sweet. Kiss me." He leaned over her prone form and kissed her. Well. She slipped a hand under his robe suddenly and found his bare, swinging cock with her hands. This time Stephen was more ready for it, though he jerked instinctively. "Easy, easy," she said, stroking the long slab of meat. With each pull, it grew longer and harder. Stephen began to moan as his penis stretched to six inches, then seven, then eight, then... "I'd say nine inches," Eunju said. "Hnnnh?" "Nine inches of penis," Eunju said. "You'll make some horny girl very, VERY happy..." "Are you horny?" He said. "I want to make YOU happy..." She laughed. "Let me try something," she said, and scooted down the cushion until the head of his penis hung an inch from her face. Then she opened wide and took it in her mouth. "Misses Kim!" He breathed. Unswayed, she began to roll it about in her mouth, running her lips up and down the long shaft. Impossibly his penis seemed to grow. She concentrated on the feeling its veins and ridges running along her cheek, hardly noticing that Stephen's breaths were coming in frenzied gasps. "I'm gonna!" He cried. "I dunno what!" She bobbed her head, and Stephen let out a cry, and then suddenly there were spasmodic jets of cum spraying into Eunju's mouth. She pulled back and aimed his cock at her chest, watched as long lines of white sprayed all over her perked breasts. "Oh, Stephen, wow!" She said. "You are a fully functional man, that's for sure! Look at that cock come!" After a few more jets of cum, Stephen crashed down on top her her, quivering, his schlong pressed against her belly. She laughed and ran her hands along his back, and head, and arms. "Nice, Stephen," she said. "Beautiful." "Misses Kim," he said, after a moment. "Does it get better than that?" She smiled. "Can you imagine feeling that way together? At the same time?" He looked at her. "What do you mean?" "Oh, nothing," she said, holding an arm over her eyes, trying to suppress the surge of hormones rampaging through her bloodstream. He was young. In a moment, she thought, he'd be able to get that magnificent cock hard again, and it would be so easy to let him slip it into her pussy, just for a moment... Lord knew she was wet enough right now... maybe they could do it just for a moment... just slip it in to see if it fit... "You'd better go," she said, abruptly. "My husband might come home any time." The words had their effect. He leaped off her, cock swaying, and dressed furiously. She calmly donned the robe and watched him, a little smile on her face. He bolted for the door, and then turned around. "Misses Kim," he said, "is there another lesson?" She shrugged. "I don't know. That depends on you." He looked at her, and then ran out the door. She watched him go up the street, and then went to take a shower. "Oh Eunju," she said, eyeing her naked body in the mirror, "what in the world are you doing?" Life proceeded normally the next few days, or at least as normally as possible. Eunju's mind constantly drifted to Stephen, and the feel his penis made against her belly. She daydreamed so much that her husband thought she was sad, and constantly asked her what the problem was. She denied anything was wrong, then scared him off by snapping at him. He was disrupting her daydreams. One day she saw him in town, biking down the street, alone. She was in the car at a stoplight and he passed right in front of her without noticing. She smiled and watched him go, his powerful legs pumping, pumping, pumping him up the hill. The next day the phone rang in the afternoon. "Misses Kim," he said, "I can't stop thinking about you." "Ahhh, wait a minute. This is supposed to be all about you and Tameesha!" "Okay." Eunju smiled into the phone. "What are you thinking about?" "I keep thinking about the moment I had the... orgasm." "Oh, you know the name of what happened!" Eunju said. "You did your research." "Yeah, a little," he said, with a laugh. "I just can't stop thinking that there was something more I want to do." "Oh, really?" "Yeah. I dunno what. But it's been keeping me awake at night." "Mmmm," Eunju said. "Is that so." A long pause. "Misses Kim," he said. "I'm here." "Can I come over?" "The front door will be unlocked. Come on in. You don't have to knock. Let's see if you can find that nameless thing you're looking for." Ten minutes later Stephen tested the doorknob of the front door, looked around, and slipped inside. He saw a note on the table next to the door, in Eunju's handwriting. "Stephen," it read. "Lock the door and come upstairs for your final lesson. Throw this note away first!" Mouth dry, he locked the door, tossed the note in the trash, and ascended the steps. When he reached the top he saw all the lights were off except for one at the end of the hall. He walked down the hall and stepped into the master bedroom, and then he drew in a breath. There, stretched on the bed, was Misses Kim, nude. "Come here for your final exam," she said, with a little smile. "And take off your clothes." He swallowed. "All of them?" "We need to be naked at the same time for this." Quivering again, he removed his clothes, keeping an eye on Eunju's lithe shape on the bed. He pulled his pants and boxers off last, in one motion, and his big black penis was beginning its twitch. Eunju smiled and beckoned him over. He walked over, put a knee on the bed, and climbed onto the thick mattress. "Snuggle close," she said, and he put an arm around her, and they hugged. Then they started to kiss. Suddenly he felt her little hand grasp his cock. "Oh, I can't help myself," she said. "This thing is so awesome..." In a moment she was stroking it in long, firm pulls. It grew and grew, until its tip poked her belly button. Without being directed, Stephen reached down to her crotch, felt a patch of moisture, and searched the folds for the bump. When he found it, Eunju went electric, squeezing his cock, putting a leg over his, and pulling him close. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled, feeling her breasts press against his chest. "Misses Kim," he said. "I want to do something to you and I don't know what!" "Relax," she said, stroking his cock, "I know, I know." "Do you want me to?" "Do what?" She said. "I don't know!" She laughed. "Yes," she said. "To a point. But then we have to stop. We must. If we don't draw the line I might get pregnant--" "What?" "I'm ovulating," she said. "So we have to be very careful. But we can still have fun. Listen to me. You know the bump? Press your balls against it," and she grabbed his nuts, hefting them in her hand, "and rub." "Just rub?" "Just rub." Eunju said. "How?" She laughed. "Silly. You'll lay on top of me. I'll spread my legs and you'll lay between them, so your balls rest on my bump." "Oh." "You'll see," Eunju said. "Here." She went flat on her back and spread her knees wider and wider, until they were each resting on the bedspread. Stephen sat on the bedspread, eyeing her vagina with wide-eyed fear and lust. "Now," she said, "kiss me. Come up between my knees and kiss me on the lips." He did as he was told, leaning over her to kiss her. As he did, she put her hands on his hips and pulled them down, down, moving them, positioning them, until his testicles were pressed against her mound. "There," she said. "Now rub. Just move your hips. Rub them against the pubic bone, the thing that sticks up." Awkwardly, he shifted against her, bracing himself with his arms, letting his legs lay flat. She looked down and saw his enormous cock hovering between them, bobbling about as he moved his hips against hers. She drew in a breath as his testes bumped and grinded against her clitoris. She tried unsuccessfully to stop imagining that cock inside her pussy. "You like that?" She said, feeling a pleasant rush of hormones course through her veins. "Oh, yeah," he said, and for the first time, he lost the look of sheer terror and shock, and he smiled. He closed his eyes and concentrated on rubbing her spot with his balls. The big sausage of his penis still stuck in the thin bit of space between their belly buttons, and she reached down to grab it. She pulled with the rhythm. Stephen smiled wider and thrust his hips. Then she could feel the hard stem of his cock rubbing her clit. She arched her back and thrust her hips back at him, and the bed began to squeak and shift. She drew her knees up and wrapped her calves around the back of his hamstrings, hooked her feet, and grabbed his sides for more leverage. Their thrustings on the bed grew more firm, more excited. "Misses Kim," he said. "Is this it? Is this it?" That's when she made her mistake. She should have told him that was the pinnacle of the sexual experience, let him come all over her belly, and then find out the truth later. But she was pumped full of so many hormones by that point, all of them unleashed by the act of virtually fucking Stephen, and she let loose what she'd later regret. "Oh, almost," she said. "Almost..." Bump bump bump, went the mattress. "What's better?" he said, lustily. "Well, you could actually get below that pubic bone," she said. "How? My balls can't reach down that far," he said. "Silly," she said. "The long part of your penis would go down there!" He looked at her. "How is that better than this?" Eunju shook her head, reached for the last straw of rationality. "Don't try it," she said. "I want to." "We can't." "I want to!" "I told you that we can't. I'm ovula--oh!" Stephen arched back, grasped his penis, and pointed it down. The tip of it extended down below her pubic bone, and then snapped back up against the opening of her vagina. The feeling was so exquisite that Eunju couldn't help but let out a happy gasp, even though she should have warned him sternly against it. But Stephen saw her smile and thrust his hips, sliding his cock down along the lips of her pussy until the tip of his cock poked her ass. "You're slippery down there," he said, as though making a revelation. "Stephen we shouldn't--" "Then why are you smiling so much?" "Stephen, oh, baby, STEPHEN, we shouldn't, oh, baby, we--" He was bobbing his ass up and down now, his fat cock sliding along the lips of her pussy. She felt her pussy shooting forth waves of lubricant as her body screamed for him to just angle his penis just a little more, just a little more parallel to the bed, but her mind said, no, he's just a boy, and you're ovulating, he can't go inside... "Stephen," she said, trying to say it firmly, but coming out as an amorous moan. He bobbed faster, evidently enjoying himself, his groans getting louder. She was just beginning to think she might get away with this - she knew now she couldn't tell him it could get better, for he'd chase it like a dog - when he shifted weight suddenly. She felt a sudden, hard burn between her legs. "Hey," he said. "My penis just went somewhere!" "It's nothing," she said. "No, it did!" He said. "It can go in there! How far can it go in? Oh, is that your ass? I'm sorry--" "No, it's not," she said. "But nevermind. You can't go furth--oh!" She felt another hard burning sensation. "I think it can go further! What is this?" Stephen said, excitedly. "Stephen..." "I like this spot," he said. "Can I try again? Is it an erogenous zone?" "No," she said. "Stephen, no." "Just for a minute." "No, Stephen I mean it--" But then he ignored her and did try again, and to her dismay, her pussy was all too accommodating, and she felt that stretch again, but this time it didn't go away. She looked down to see his big penis probing the opening of her pussy. "It keeps going!" He said. "It gets deeper! What is it, Misses Kim? Where is my penis going?" "Oh Stephen," she moaned, hormones taking over, "it's my pussy, honey, it's my vagina... OH!" No doubt her pussy wanted what it was getting. It gushed with her juices, and her hips bucked involuntarily. She felt the hard stab of his cock probing deeper. "It's still going in!" He was saying, and his abdomen flexed as he pressed his cock forward, and she felt that burning stretch reach deeper. In another attempt to stop him, she pushed at him but he pushed back powerfully, and his cock sunk deeper, emitting a cry from her throat. "Ohhhh Misses Kim!" He said. Your pussy is so good! It's so tight! This is what I dreamed about!" With a primal mix of horror and lust, she felt his penis probe even deeper, three inches now. My God, she thought, I'm a married woman having intercourse with a 16-year-old. This is wrong! But her body had been hijacked by hormones, and her legs wrapped around his hamstrings, and now, instead of pushing him away, she caressed his chest and shoulders, which he took as a welcome sign, and pushed again. His cock extended four inches into her pussy now. She moaned loudly, in pain and pleasure. Reason was being chased away by legions of hormones. Her hands spread along his side to his ass, and she pulled, and he surged forward, driving his cock past where David's had ever reached. She felt the deep, stirring pressure between her hips. She estimated Stephen was seven inches in, then eight, then it kept going, until finally, his steel cock was up to its hilt inside her pussy, his balls squashed against her butt cheeks. He let out a triumphant groan. "This is it! This is it!" He cried. "Just for a minute, Stephen," she said, "you have to get out now." But he shook his head and his ass began to bob, just as she'd shown him a couple minutes prior. His penis probed in and out, in and out, and she bit her lip to keep from crying out in passion, but she did anyway. With his big cock inside her she felt on the verge of losing control. "Ohhh FUCK!" Eunju cried. "Yes, Stephen, YES!" "You like it, teacher?" He said. "Oh, Misses Kim, am I gonna pass?" "I think we should stop..." He didn't. All he could hear was the tone of her voice, which was peaked and moaning. He was in a zone now, his gyrating, black body atop her little yellow one, trapping her against the puffy white comforter, his hips lodged between her outspread legs, their bodies hooked together by his long, hot rod probing deep between her hips. As she lay there helplessly being fucked, gasping with each thrust of his penis, Eunju could only admit to herself that she had brought it on herself. There really was no other conclusion. That sense of helplessness led to a new burst of hormones, and she reached around his ass and dug her fingers into it, feeling his muscles there flexing as he burrowed his meat inside her. "Grind it," she said, her head swimming in lust. "GRIND it... that's it. Women fucking LOVE that... GRIND it... Yeah, Stephen, YES!" His cock just seemed to keep growing. Eunju cried out: "Ten inches! You're ten inches! I've never... NEVER... been FUCKED like THIS!" Emboldened still, his body rigid, he grabbed her ass and pulled it into him, so they had the double effect of pulling each other's fuck toys together. Their bodies, black and yellow, meshed together, strained against one another. The bed thumped steadily against the wall as his thick schlong filled her tight pussy. She began to hear a low moan growing in his voice. "Stephen," she said, "You can't come... inside me... YES... you can't... I'm asking... I'm begging..." He looked at her, wild-eyed. "If I don't," he said, "I won't never sleep." Anchoring himself, he swayed his hips side to side. His penis rubbed deep within her cunt nicely a few times, and she emitted a groan like she never had before, but then Stephen's cock popped out, slapping her inner thighs. She grabbed his cock and held it before he could thrust it back in. Stephen reached down, swatted her hand aside, and slipped the member back between her legs. "Oh YEAH," she cried, despite herself. "FUCK that pussy..." But in a moment some reason returned. "We have to stop..." she moaned. A smile grew on his face. "Nuh-uh," he said, fucking her firmly. "Not til we're done. You want it." "But you HAVE to come out... before you come..." Eunju moaned, closing her eyes mid-sentence as his cock rubbed places she never even knew she had. She could feel his swollen cock stirring around beneath her skin. Maybe, she thought, just maybe he could come, just a little bit... She arched her back into him, pressing her breasts against his chest, her body afire. Her nipples brushed against him hard. His big cock slid against the wet skin of her pussy, and this time she let out a quivering moan. "Oh Stephen," she said. "That's just--that's just--" "Hmm?" "Oh! Fuck!" She said, as he moved again. "Things are getting crazy... Fuck me HARD..." Her passionate voice prompted him, and he pushed forward and back in a quickening rhythm. She looked down and saw his wide dark shaft, emerging, and disappearing beneath her furry mound. How would she tell Hyobin that she was wrong? Asian pussies CAN handle black cock... Their skin slapped together. "Oh, Stephen, Stephen," she moaned. "You're so big... I love it, I LOVE it!" "Misses Kim!" He said, moving his hips a little faster. "I got this itch..." "Well then SCRATCH it," she cried. "SCRATCH that itch! Oh, Stephen, YES! Oh yes, YES!" "It's itchin, it's itchin..." "Scratch it, baby! SCRATCH it!" His cock moved so furiously now that it all came together in one feeling, so she felt her pussy was just filled with some hot piece of metal. She bucked and thrashed against it, a part of her still trying to time when they should pull apart so he wouldn't come inside her, but oh, wouldn't it be nice... and how could she pull all 10 inches out in time anyway? She just didn't have the leverage to pull all of that massive thing out of her in time... she may as well just enjoy it... "I'm gonna come," he announced. "You can't... not now..." "I'm gonna come!" "Stephen..." "I'm gonna... scratch..." She looked at him and saw that he wasn't hearing. His hands were wrapped around her thin arms like paws. If she tried to break loose she might get hurt. Well, she thought, she brought it on, she may as well enjoy it and face the consequences later... "Come, Stephen.." "Huh?" He looked at her, surprised. "Come, dammit," she said, "Come inside me and don't let me forget. Make love to me. I love you." "Oh Misses Kim," he said, his thrusts evolving into long, firm pushes, like gentle waves. But they were right on the peak of orgasm, and any movement was driving her wild. Her head whipped back and forth against the pillow as his cock propelled up her pussy one last time, halfway up his cock, two thirds, three quarters, and finally, full length, and just poised there. He began to shake, as if he was having a seizure. His cock vibrated against her clit. "OhStephenOhbabyohbabybabybaby..." She cried, in a stream of passion as her orgasm overflowed, tipping slowly, and then unleashed itself, and she rocked her hips into his, and her vagina clenched and unclenched spasmodically against his protruding cock. "Come mylittlebaby COME inside that pussy oh baby STEPHEN COME COME COME..." And then Stephen came. He let out a gutteral moan as a pulse of fire erupted up his shaft, and all he knew was that he wanted to be oh so deep when it reached the tip of his cock, so he thrust one last mighty time and rolled his head back. Her hands clawed at his chest, and her legs squeezed his sides. Her nipples stood up like stacked drums. "STEPHEN!" Eunju cried, feeling her orgasm unfold into a second wave that she had never felt before, rendering her speechless and sending her eyes rolling back into her head. "Misses KIM!" he cried back, and then he exploded. His penis pulsed and pulsed like he never felt it, uncontrollably, sending burst after burst of the white stuff deep into Misses Kim's pussy. He was going to yank himself out, but she howled something he couldn't understand, something in Korean, and pulled him close, and he could feel her vagina squeezing against his cock fiercely, in long, hard contractions. Little did he know that his semen was fueling the most intense orgasm she'd ever experienced. "OH, sweet YES, holy SHIT, fuck ME!" Eunju cried out, feeling his cum splash about inside her. "I never... NEVER... scratched an ITCH like THAT..." He felt some great flood from himself emptying inside Eunju's vagina. He was rigid with ecstasy for a moment, and then suddenly he was spent, and crashed on top of her. She showered kisses on his head, ran her hands over his body. Finally, she pushed him slightly, and he pulled his penis out of her. It was followed by a torrent of semen. Stephen looked at it wide-eyed. "That's what you put inside me," she said. "That makes babies." "But we ain't, right?" He said. She shook her head, but worry and reason had already begun to creep back. Just earlier that day, she had felt the distinct ping in her belly as she ovulated. That egg was swimming in a sea of sperm right now. The thought drove her wild with lust. She might have Stephen's baby. She reached over and grabbed his cock, held it as it swayed back and forth. "What a magnificent object," she said. She held it, wiping her juices from it. "I have a question," she said. "Huhn?" "Can you keep seeing Tameesha?" "Huhn? Why? Why not you?" She smiled, pulled him close, and kissed him. "You're sweet. Things are so complicated in my world. We can't let my husband or anybody know what we just did. I'll lose my daughter, everything." "We was just havin' fun." "Yeah, well, societal rules say we can't have that kind of fun, even though your body says otherwise," Eunju said. "Glad our bodies won the argument." She laughed and kissed him. He looked at her. "So why do you want me to see Tameesha?" "Silly," she said. "So you can come around here more often. Then maybe we can... do this more. More lessons. There are... more ways to do this." "We gotta keep it secret," he said. "No problem," she said. Eunju looked at his cock. "Goodness," she said. "It can't be..." "Yes'm," Stephen said. "I feelin' that urge again." They heard the rustle of tires, and they looked out the window to see Tameesha getting home. She looked around for Stephen, then went inside. "Maybe you should go see her," Eunju said. "She won't scratch that itch like you can," he said. She smiled at him. "Goodness. Twice in a ROW. Hard to believe." He cocked his head. "Why?" "You'll understand someday." "Misses Kim, can I--" "Yes," she said, grabbing his considerable shaft and pulling. "By all means, scratch that itch of yours against mine. We'll scratch together." The second time was better. She felt his cock torpedo deep down her shaft and she wrapped her legs around the back of his firm hamstrings as they found traction on the bed, helping to drive his monster cock deeper than ever. And again he scratched until he erupted, and she felt his semen sloshing around inside her the rest of the day. A month later, Eunju packed her bags and drove across town to the clinic after she'd dropped off her son. She sat in the waiting room, then went in, changed, and lay down on the table. The doctor looked at her and shook his head. "Back again, Ms. Kim," he said. She just looked at him. "Monster cock. I couldn't resist." "When will this stop?" He said. "Why don't you use protection? Some condoms now are very thin, yet resilient. Almost like the real deal." "We've gone over this," she said. "I don't just want it skin to skin. I want to be impregnated. That's why I do this. I'm fucked up." He sighed. "No, you're not." "Flattery?" She said. "You want to make me pregnant next? I know you like Asian women." The doctor looked at her. "Does your husband know you do this?" "Not really." The doctor put her under. When she woke up, he was done with the abortion. She got dressed, paid her bill in cash, and went to the car. She noticed the doctor sitting in his car nearby, and she went to say hello. He rolled down the window. "I was thinking about your offer," he said. "Yes?" "I'm 7 inches." "That'll do." "When do you ovulate?" "I'll let you know." "I'll be waiting." "I bet you will."