Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Dale sunk between the coats and dresses in his fiancee's closet, holding his breath. Eun-ju was in the apartment, but she didn't know he was here. He had made an unexpected trip to her apartment to get some answers while she was at school, but as he was searching her things for proof of what he suspected -- that she was fooling around behind his back -- he'd heard the rattle of a key slipping into her lock. The closet was the only place to hide in her crackerbox apartment before the front door opened. He could see through a crack in the door. He let out a little sigh of relief. Eun-ju apparently was back for just a minute to get something, as she didn't take off her coat and was shuffling through paper on her desk. Dale allowed himself to relax a bit, and reflect on what he was doing. He wouldn't have been doing this if he hadn't had that damn dream. He dreamed he was riding with her in the car and she asked him to pull over. "I have something to tell you," she'd said, in the dream, which he could remember clear as day. "I can't keep it secret. I had another man over at my apartment two nights ago." "Oh that's okay," Dale had blurted, trying to head off where he feared she was going. "Having visitors is okay." "No, you don't understand," she'd said, in the dream. "Listen to me. We had some wine. We listened to music. Then we laid down in bed together. We took off our clothes, and he put his penis inside me until he came." That's when Dale woke up. He couldn't get back to sleep. It was true that the dream was likely the result of nagging suspicions, but it was so clear, and his feelings so strong, that he finally went ahead with his plan to ransack her apartment for proof of her cheating. The thought of her so casually putting out for another man when she was making him wait until marriage -- or at least rarely put out -- was like a blade to the chest. Only now, he was wondering if he had overreacted. Then there was a sound and Eun-ju looked toward the front door. Dale tried to see through the cracks in the door but saw nothing. "Oh you didn't have to come up," she said, cheerfully, to whoever it was. "I'll be down in just a minute." "That's alright," said the voice. "I thought I'd come keep you company." Dale instantly recognized the grating voice as belonging to Abe Paine, aka "pain in the ass" to everyone, and he managed to relax slightly. He knew that Abe had a crush on Eun-ju just as he had a crush on every other Korean he laid eyes upon, but Dale wasn't too concerned. Abe was probably just giving her a ride, and while Dale resented him -- Abe was probably getting his rocks off on being in her apartment -- he wasn't actually worried about the guy. Eun-ju was aware of Abe's crush, because he was always hanging around her, but in private to Dale she spoke of Abe's thin, boney, rather discombobulated frame, his intensely white skin, heavy glasses and scruffy face. She shook her head when she mentioned it. Dale wasn't really concerned about Abe. Dale actually suspected Chris, a rather handsome, young professor in the department who'd asked Eun-ju to join him on several studies. Dale heard Abe come in and shut the door behind him. You're getting the most out of this, aren't you, pain in the ass? Dale thought. Bet you'll spank yourself silly tonight just knowing that you were alone in Eun-ju's apartment with her, he thought. Eun-ju flashed a puzzling smile at Abe as she searched through her things. "It was right here..." she said. "Where could it have gone?" "That's okay," Abe said. "I don't mind hanging out here for a while. I'll do whatever you want." She shot him a glance. "Don't you start," she said. "I'll be ready to go in just a minute." Don't start? Dale thought. Don't start what? He still couldn't believe anything was going on between those two, but he found himself thinking back suspiciously to the first time he'd heard of Abe. He and Eun-ju were just dating then. Dale heard from Eun-ju that after class one day Abe had asked her out to lunch. When she refused -- on the basis of having too much homework -- he'd gone right on down the line of her Korean friends, being rejected each time. He'd even learned some Korean through the ordeal. They'd laughed about that now and then. "He's not very attractive," Eun-ju would say, although Abe was undeterred, asking her out frequently for harmless lunches. Now and then she agreed, just to be friendly, but she took care not to send him any signals. When they'd become engaged, however, it seemed to Dale that Abe had backed off. Abe and Eun-ju maintained a rather sympathetic friendship, where Eun-ju would still have lunch with him to give him company, but Dale hardly even thought about these things. It was evident from Abe's tone right now, however, that Dale would have to pay more attention. A small voice in his head said: Maybe it's already too late. It couldn't be, he thought. He watched Abe saunter a little closer to his fiancee. Eun-ju had seemed so devoted to him, surprising him by cooking meals and other unexpected acts of charming kindness. She raved about Dale to her friends. When Dale proposed she'd blurted yes before the question was out, and she was so happy she'd cried. Abe walked across the room to Eun-ju. He stopped by her and put a hand on her slim arm and kneaded it. "You'll be ready to go, huh?" "I said, don't start!" Eun-ju said, with a laugh, still searching her desk. Dale shook his head; women were crazy, he thought. They complain how certain guys never leave them alone, but then they never deliver a strong signal to leave them alone. A choice phrase to Abe would send him away forever, Dale thought, if Eun-ju had the mean streak to deliver it. "I'm just showing some simple, friendly affection while I wait," Abe said, in his grating voice, as he rubbed his hand on her arm. "Your skin is so smooth..." "Oh, right," Eun-ju said. "I know you better than that. I know what's on your mind. It's more than just... manners." Dale was watching now, eyes wide, barely breathing. This was heading down a path he could not be-fucking-lieve. Then he remembered one day a couple of months ago. Dale had made his regular wise-crack about Abe, but to Dale's surprise, Eun-ju had stood up for him. "Abe is misunderstood a lot," she said. "He's really pretty smart. And funny. And nice." "Listen to you!" Dale had said. "You used to be the worst at making fun of him. Now it sounds like you've got a crush on him." "No, I don't," she said, vehemently. "Yes, I said those things, but it was rude of me," she had replied. "He's a nice guy. A poor thing. No women will respond to him. But he's nice." Now Dale shook his head, kicking himself for not nipping it in the bud, as it appeared at this moment that he had been missing signs that things were changing. And now here he was, stuck in the closet, and Abe had her arm in his hands, and she had yet to flash the red light. A disturbing thought hit him. What if this wasn't just innocent flirting on Eun-ju's part? Who knew how far things had gone already? Dale looked close. They didn't seem THAT comfortable physically... they wouldn't have done... anything... yet, would they? He doubted Eun-ju would. She had always been so convincing that Dale had stolen her heart, and she had no room for another. "Yes, you do know me better than that," Abe was saying, as he stroked her arm. "How'd you like to know me even better?" "Abe," Eun-ju said, but she smiled and blushed as she said it -- not exactly the outraged blow-off that Dale expected, and now only hoped for. But from the look in her eye, it appeared Eun-ju wasn't going to blow him off at all. "That beautiful blush," Abe said, and reached up and touched her cheek. "You really are beautiful." It was all Dale could do to stop from breaking out of the closet. The thing that stopped him was simple curiosity. He wanted to see how far she'd go. He felt betrayed already. Dale was wondering now if this was worth calling off the wedding. He'd just wait and collect information. Besides, he thought, he'd come across as a little creepy to reveal himself now. "You shouldn't do this," Eun-ju was saying, but her tone wasn't exactly cold. Her eyelids fluttered slightly at his touch on her cheek. "I just came up to get something. Not lure you up here." "Oh, but you left the door open," Abe said. "I'm good at spotting the little signs you leave. I've been watching you for a long time, if you remember." "Oh really? Little signs? Such as?" "You know," he said. "The first time we got serious. You asked me to drive you home late because Dale was on a trip to his parents." "That wasn't a small sign!" She said. "That was a big, 'Come and get me!' billboard!" They laughed. Dale felt sick now. "Yeah," Abe said, "but do you think I'd miss that article on top of your desk when I came over, the one in that women's magazine about last-minute flings before a marriage?" She gave him a fake scowl. "You think you're so smart, don't you," she said. "Oh, but I did what I was supposed to do, didn't I? I saw it," Abe said. "We made out for an hour that night. I could hardly believe it. I still can't. I still think about it." "Mmmm," she said, cooing pleasantly at the thought. "The night of the storm. I remember it too." Dale felt dizzy. He could remember that snowstorm. She'd told him she was stuck at the graduate lab. And maybe she was. She had told him that Abe was there, and again Dale had thought nothing of it. In fact he was happy that she wasn't alone. Dale could see his fiancee melting at Abe's words. She tilted her head into his hand. Suddenly Abe took a step forward and bent down slightly, and his fiancee locked lips with the most annoying man in the graduate school. They kissed lightly for a few pecks, but after a moment it looked as if they were exchanging tongues. Her hands ran up to his arms. "It's warm in here," Abe said. "How about we take off our coats as we look for this... thing... you were looking for?" "It was a sign-up sheet..." Eun-ju protested. "I didn't just make it up--" "Yeah, well, sign me up," Abe said, and they laughed. "You seemed kind of insistent on me driving you home to find this sheet of yours." He lifted the coat off her shoulders, and she grinned, blushed, and allowed it. She was wearing a tight, gray knit sweater that revealed the swell of her breasts quite revealingly. "I've got class," she said, in weak protest. "I know you've got class. And that sweater has been driving me crazy all day," Abe said. "I can't even remember what class was about." She laughed, exposing her long neck, and slapped his shoulder. 'What?" Abe said. "Pretend you didn't wear it because it was a Wednesday. Abe's day." Dale's jaw slowly dropped. Eun-ju was hard to reach on Wednesday because of an all-day class schedule, she had told him. It hadn't gotten so busy until the last month or so. In the evenings her phone would just ring and ring. Eun-ju stuck her tongue in her cheek and wrapped her arms around his back. "What?" she said. "You think I just constructed my whole day around catching your eye?" "So she admits it!" Abe said, they laughed, and then they were kissing again, practically swallowing each other. Dale couldn't believe it. Pieces were falling into place in his mind. Eun-ju hated beards, and Abe had been shaving lately. For about the past month. Dale remembered it because everyone made a big fuss when he showed up without his usual scruff. Abe had just smiled. "I like this smooth skin," Eun-ju murmured, rubbing the skin along his jaw. "Shaved this morning," Abe said. "It's Wednesday, you know." She laughed and they kissed again. Then she pulled away and walked to the stereo. "I guess we could play -- I mean stay! -- for a little while," Eun-ju said, to Dale's intense dismay. "Maybe I'll think of where I put that sheet." She flipped on the radio and soft Beatles music came on. "Uh-oh," Abe said. "Beatles! Eun-ju must be in a good mood!" She smiled and embraced him. "A very good mood," she said, between kisses. "It's Wednesday!" "I still don't see what you see in me," Abe said, after a few more moments of kissing. She didn't answer right away. "Maybe it's the whole package," she said. "You don't know the whole package yet," Abe said. "Sometime I will," she said. "Don't worry." As they kissed, absorbed in each other, Dale parted the closet doors slightly. Now he had a good angle to see much of the room, including the bed. He didn't know if things were headed that way, but he had a sickening suspicion that they would. Things were definitely getting heavier; their hands ran up and down each other, and they breathed deeply through their noses so they wouldn't break the kiss. Their hips were pressed against each other. Then her hand reached down and patted his ass. "Nice," she said. "You used to call it skinny," he said. "Boney was the word," she said, and laughed. He reciprocated by reaching down and squeezing her ass. She squawked in mock surprise. "But I've always said your ass was dynamite," Abe said. She had a look in her eye as she pulled away. Dale watched her wrench her engagement ring off her finger. "Starting to get carried away," she said. "I think I should take this off." "Why don't you keep that on?" Abe said. "It kinda turns me on to be messing around with someone's fiancee." She stopped, considered it, and put the ring back on. "I don't want to turn you on TOO much--" "I know, I know," he said, walking to her. "We can't do more than kiss, I know..." Again they embraced and kissed. "Can we sit down, at least?" He said. "Where?" She said, smiling and blushing again. Lord, Dale hadn't seen her blush like that in a long time. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen her blush like that. "Well, you've got such a small place," Abe said, leading her to the bed. "There's not many places to sit, except... here..." "Abe!" He pulled her down next to him on the bed and their kissing resumed, with new energy. His lips went down her ear, to her jaw, to her neck. She turned her head to accomodate him, and rubbed his chest with the palm of her hand. "Abe," she said. "Mmmm?" He kissed her collarbone. "Is the door locked?" Dale sighed. It was her standard question every time they got intimate. The first time they had sex, believe it or not -- and it was only Eun-ju's second time ever, and the first of only three times they'd had sex -- a drunk guy had pounded on the door. She had freaked out when Dale said it wasn't locked, and she almost called it off. "Yeah, it's locked, just like you like it," Abe said. "Why? You expecting Dale?" She smiled. "Good grief, I hope not... You know we have the whole day to ourselves. I just want to feel secure." Then Dale watched as she grabbed the bottom of her sweater and pulled it over her head. She tossed it to the floor. Abe watched approvingly as she exposed herself, in a black lace bra. "Wow," he said, eyeing her body. "I mean... wow. I didn't--" "Expect this? I guess that's called progress," she said, laughing, drawing his hand to her skin. Tentatively at first, Abe's hands ran over her shoulders to her side. When he paused, she grabbed it and pulled it to her breast and let out a little sigh. "Beautiful," Abe murmured. "God, you're beautiful. When I came up here I didn't--" "Are you trying to change my mind?" She chided. "Not at all!" "Good... good..." she said. "Now don't get too excited. I just want things to go a little further..." Dale watched her hands travel up his shirt, then unbutton it, one by one. Abe smiled and helped her along, and in a moment his shirt was off, on the floor, and then his undershirt was gone, and then he was bare, with a little tuft of black hair in the middle of his thin chest. Eun-ju found it with her hand and ran her palm over it. "Nice," she said. "I like thin." "Then I'm your man," he said, and put an arm on her, pushed gently, and they fell to the single bed. It creaked slightly. Eun-ju was on her back and Abe leaned over her, the skin of their torsos pressing, kissing her awkwardly but vigorously. "Oh Abe," she murmured, as his lips dashed across her jaw, her ears, her neck. "You're so frisky today." "It's the afternoon light," he said. "I'm full of energy." She smiled and kissed him deeply. "Me too." "Oh?" "Not THAT frisky," she said. "Don't get too excited." "Oh." "Stop," she said. "You know the rule. And especially not today." Dale ran his mind. Then he realized what she was talking about. She was halfway to her period. She was ovulating. Abe, meanwhile, smiled and resumed kissing his fiancee. In a moment his thumbs found the waist strap of her pants. Then he began to unbutton them. In a moment she helped him, unzipping herself. She stopped, her zipper halfway down. "We can't--" "I know," he said. "We can't do that." She unzipped entirely and peeled her tight pants from her shapely legs, and then there she was, with another man in her bed, in her underwear. Her pants hit the floor. They resumed kissing, and his hands ran all over her body -- her breasts, the small of her back, her buttocks, pulling her hips into his. She ran a thigh along him. Then Dale saw her hands dart to his midsection, fumble with his button. "You naughty girl," Abe said, then helped her get him out of his pants. Then Eun-ju was alone in her bed with another man, both of them in their underwear. Hurdle after hurdle was falling. Then another one fell: Her hand didn't stop, and darted to Abe's crotch for just a moment. "Oh!" She said, grinning mischievously. "Sorry about that." "No you aren't," he said, and they laughed, kissed. "You've never done THAT before." Eun-ju let out a low moan, and suddenly his hand went to her crotch. She sighed and knocked her knee against him, writhed a bit on the bed as his hand rubbed her crotch. Dale could see a dark stain forming on the cloth of her panties, under his fingers. In this tiny apartment he was only a few feet away. "Is this progress, honey?" She said. Again, it was Eun-ju who took the next step. Her hand slid down his chest, down his belly, then between his skin and the waist band on his briefs, and Abe moaned happily as her hand found the growing bundle between his legs. "Wow," he breathed. "This is... You've never done THAT, either..." "Progress," she mumbled, and then she stroked her little find, nestled under the white cloth, and Abe responded by sliding his hand around her back. She sat up for a second as he unlatched her bra, and it fell away, revealing her grapefruit breasts, punctuated by erect nipples. "Never--" "Never done that, either, I know," Eun-ju said, giggling. She laid back down and Abe's lips found her breasts. His tongue dashed over them eagerly and she let out a little cry as he bit one gently. Her hand continued to stroke firmly, causing the bundle between his legs to become a major bulge, stretching the cloth. "Oh Abe," she said, in a hushed tone, "you really ARE big... I've never felt it before..." "We've always kept it under the pants, haven't we," Abe said. "I thought it was your BELT..." "Surprise!" He said. She smiled and kept stroking it. Then Abe's hand slipped under her panties, rubbing what he found. Eun-ju cried out into his mouth as they kissed, and she arched her hips into his hand, spreading her legs to accomodate his fingering. Dale couldn't see what Abe was doing -- his hand was covered by the thin cloth of her panties -- but whatever he was doing, he was doing it well. Eun-ju was writhing and moaning urgently. "Can last time..." Abe murmured. "It's not like last time when you laid on me," she said. "Last time we kept our pants on..." "Can I...?" Eun-ju paused, considering it, then nodded enthusiastically. Her face and chest were flush. One of her knees dropped, their hands left each other's underwear, and Abe settled between her thighs, resting his midsection on top of hers. Slowly at first, they began to dry hump, separated only by their underwear. "Oh Abe," she said, as they began to hump more heavily. "I can feel you like never before... do you like it?" "It's tremendous," he said. "Baby, this is twice as nice..." They grinded their barely separated crotches together, the single bed creaking. Dale, thunderstruck, couldn't help admire his sexy fiancee, albeit somewhat sadly. Her slim arms and legs were creamy and beautiful; well-toned and unblemished. Her full breasts rubbed against Abe's chest as she dry fucked him, their flat bellies pressed and parted, pressed and parted. They kissed eagerly, their tongues dashing in and out of each other's mouths. She dropped her arms and held his ass. 'My oh my," she murmured. "Is it me, or are you just getting bigger and bigger?" "You wanna see?" "No!" "Just checking," he said, grinding into her. "Just checking, babe..." But she gripped his ass firmly, and in a moment Eun-ju broke the kiss. "Okay," she said. "Let's try something." "Something?" "Yeah," she said. "Let's see." She smiled, reached down, and pushed at the waist strap of his briefs. "Oh yeah! I didn't expect--" Abe said, squirming out of them as she helped. "Don't get so excited," she said. "This is as far as we go! I read something." Dale watched, amazed, as Abe wriggled out of his briefs and his joint sprung out unimpeded, swaying between his legs like an eel. He WAS big. It seemed ridiculously out of proportion on his skinny and frail body, but there it was. Eun-ju stared at it for a moment, her eyes half-slitted, then she reached down tenderly. "Can I...?" She whispered. "Of course." Her right hand wrapped around it, squeezed, and then she gave his massive joint a few test pulls, as if verifying it was real. "Goodness," she said. "This is the first time I've seen it." "Am I bigger than Dale?" Abe said, eagerly. "A woman doesn't talk about that kind of thing," she said, with a wink. "Alright," Abe said. "That's alright..." By then she was stroking it, her small hand running the length of his swollen shaft. "God, I could feel that you were big before," she murmured, stroking him. "But now, jeez, it's just keeps getting harder..." 'What did you... read?" He said. "Don't get so excited," she said. "It's not what you think. It's this." She pulled his joint up to her chest and for a second Dale thought she was going to suck his dick. Then she wedged it between her ample breasts and began to tittie fuck him. Abe moaned his assent. "You like it, honey?" Eun-ju said. "You like fucking my breasts?" "Unnnhhhhh..." Abe said. His shaft grew long and hard between her breasts. His moans gained urgency, and Dale closed his eyes, not wanting to see Abe blow his wad all over her face. "Wait," she said, pushing him away after a minute. "Let's try... let's try..." Abe seemed to read her mind. He settled back down on top of her, so that his bare cock rested against her crotch. "This is what you wanted, right?" He said. She bit her lip and nodded. "Just grind it, so I can feel you a bit better against me down there... there... no, there... oh! OH!" Abe ground his swollen joint against her crotch. "I guess you can call this a damp fuck?" Abe said. Eun-ju laughed between gasps and slapped his shoulder playfully. "Such dirty words," she said. "MMMMmmmm..." "We're doing a... naughty thing," Abe said. "We've never gone this far," she replied, with a smile. "Mmmmmm..." "Not even close..." "I like it... I like it..." she moaned. Dale could see her left hand gripping his shoulder as he rocked his body into hers. The ring he had given her glinted in the pale afternoon light. He kept watching quietly. The intensity of their borderline sex grew. "No, don't..." Eun-ju said as their rhythm quickened, and Abe slackened off. His cock was a full 9 inches and so engorged that it was a deep, deep red. 'What's the matter?" He said. "Nothing," she said. "I just don't you to come yet... " 'Sorry," he said. "What are you... we... waiting for?" "I don't know..." "I'm aching for you..." Abe breathed. "Oh, alright, don't be blind," Eun-ju said, and pushed him gently. "I want... more." "More?" "Don't be so excited," she said, smiling at him. Then she reached down and pushed down her panties, wriggled out of them. Abe's eyes grew big as saucers. So did Dale's. Another hurdle. An unlikely one. In a moment she was naked in bed with another man. "Eun-ju..." he said, running his hand down her body. "I've never seen you naked... God, you're, so beautiful..." She pulled his face to hers and they kissed. Abe began to settle his body toward hers. His cock twitched in excitement. Then she stopped him with one hand, and blocked her cunt with the other. "Wait," she said, and pulled a corner of sheet between their crotches. "I want to be naked with you, but we can't, you know... this is insurance, we'll call it..." "I know, I know, we can't do that," he said. He lowered his body and settled himself between her knees again, and again they began to grind anew. Dale watched the contrast of their two bodies, his almost as white as the sheets, hers a golden yellow, clutching each other, pulling at another, rocking in rhythm, separated now by only a thin patch of sheet between their crotches. "Oh, Eun-ju," Abe moaned, rocking his hips enthusiastically. "I sure would love, I would LOVE--" But he couldn't finish the sentence. Eun-ju said nothing, just turned her head to the side and closed her eyes, smiling as she enjoyed the feeling of their crotches rubbing. Dale heard Abe's breaths quickening again. "Abe." She said. "Hmmm...?" "I don't want you to come until I say so, okay?" She said. "Believe me, it'll pay off..." He nodded. She pushed him gently, he lifted slightly, and then she pulled away the sheet that was separating them. Abe eyed her mound hungrily, his joint pulsing as it hung above it. 'Well...." Eun-ju said, her face flush, and she rested a hand on his cock. 'Maybe we can--" "Can what?" Abe said, breathlessly. "You can stay outside of me, can't you?" She said. He nodded, his face turning a bright red. Eun-ju looked at him for a moment and nodded. "Don't go inside," she murmured, pulling him. "Just rest it there." He nodded and settled back onto her crotch, resting his bare cock on her bare pussy. They began to grind again, but it was with a new urgency, this skin on skin. Their moans were uninhibited as his shaft and balls grew wet with her juices. "Oh ABE," she moaned. "You're so BIG... so HARD..." He thrust his crotch against hers. Dale could see his big cock rubbing along the outside of her pussy. The head of it would start at her clit, then the full length of his shaft would skip along her clit until the tip of his penis poked her little belly button and his balls slapped against her vagina. Each of these long, wondrous thrusts seemed to reach deeper and deeper into Eun-ju's psyche. She moaned louder and louder, more loudly than Dale had ever made her moan, and finally she yelled. "Dale!" She cried. Dale recoiled but managed to stay quiet. Fortunately she shrieked, muffling and sound he made. Her hands flew up to her face. "Oh Abe," she said. "I'm sorry... I lost control of myself..." "That's okay," Abe said, mocking disappointment. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine," he said. "I guess you've gone through this before." "Oh Abe," she said. "No, I haven't." "No?" "Come here." He leaned down and they kissed. Her next words were a whisper. "You're much bigger than Dale," Eun-ju said. Abe smiled. "Really?" "You're huge. God, I'm so glad Debbie didn't agree to go out with you. If she had, she might have never let you out of her bedroom..." "I'm glad she didn't say yes, too," Abe said. "Because then I wouldn't be with you." "Oh, Abe," she said. "Come here." He settled down again, and in a moment they were grinding anew, even more energetically, her hips rocking and rolling against his midsection, his joint wedged between them. "Oh, FUCK, Abe, good, so GOOD..." "You want me to come?" He gasped. "No!" She said. Creak, creak went the bed. "Not yet!" "No?..." Joink, joink, squeak, squeak... "I want..." She said. "Hmm?" Creeeeak, creak, creak, creeeeeak... "Just wanna...maybe we can..." "Just wanna what, baby?" "Don't get so--Oh, fuck it," she said, pushing him off her. "Do you have one or not?" "A what?" "Don't be dumb," she said. "Do you have a condom?" He looked at her, his jaw dropped. Dale swallowed hard, his head spinning. 'What?" She said, breathing hard. "We've been dry humping for a month and you haven't thought that maybe you should carry a condom on Wednesdays?" "I--I--I... what?" "I want you to put your penis inside me," she said, holding his joint in his hand. "I want you to put your penis inside me until you come." Wordlessly, Abe got up and walked to his coat. He cast her a wink, made her giggle, and reached into his coat. He came back to bed with a little package in his hand. He tore it open, and, with her eyes rapt on him, rolled the condom onto his cock. "I got this the other day," he said. "Just in case." She smiled and bit her lip. "Are you sure?" Abe said. She nodded. "Just for a minute, Abe, promise me," she said. "I just want to feel you... just for maybe 20 seconds. 30 seconds. Maybe a minute. But that's all. That'll be enough...I just want to feel it..." He nodded. Dale saw his Adam's apple bob. "I've never done this..." Abe said. "Come here," she moaned. "Oh, come here, baby." Abe settled between her legs again, this time with seeming infinite care. Dale was at just the right angle and he could see the tip of his penis lodge against the opening of her pussy. "Abe!' She moaned. "Okay?" "Yes... yes, baby, be gentle, just for a minute... I just have to feel you for a minute... you're so big... you have to be gentle..." He eased his hips forward, and his cock bent and turned as it met resistance. His ass unflexed but she shook her head and pulled at him. "Don't stop, go, go, just go," she said, her eyes pressed shut. So Abe pushed on, and suddenly his joint straightened out, and Dale saw the head of his penis slowly disappear below her pubic hair. "Yesssss..." Eun-ju moaned. "Oh yeah. Oh fuck. Ahh! Oh, baby, baby cakes, yes, YES... so good. So good, keep pushing, oh, OH, OHHHH, it's NICE, it's AWESOME..." Inch by inch his swollen dick slid into Dale's fiancee's soaking pussy. She cried out with every inch that entered her until his cock was buried in her tight snatch all the way up to his balls. Dale had no idea she could handle that kind of cock. But she did, and she smiled as she began to rock her hips into his. "Oh, SHIT, Abe, oh, FUCK, FUCK YES, keep it COMING, keep FUCKING me..." Eun-ju moaned, her eyes still squeezed shut. "I love it. I fucking LOVE it...just wanna... just for a minute... feel what a cock like this is LIKE... ohhh I'm stretching so GOOD..." "You're so tight, baby, so tight...." Abe moaned, arching his back into her. "Oh I love it... better than I imagined..." "You imagined?" "Hell yeah," he said. "All the fucking... time...OH BABY..." She drew her knees up against him and her thighs slapped his sides as the bed creaked and bent under their weight. Her breasts swayed and brushed against him, and her arms hooked under his armpits as they fucked in long, strong thrusts. 'First time, baby," Eun-ju breathed. "Ohhhh it's so great... I love it....'re so fucking AWESOME..." "You're good, so good..." Abe moaned. The clock hit 2:13. Then 2:14. Then 2:15. Still they fucked. To Abe's credit, he glanced at the clock. "Baby, I don't wanna stop," he moaned, "but a minute is gone... we're at four minutes now..." "Don't stop," Eun-ju said, shaking her head. "Don't you fucking stop... just another minute...just another... OHHhhhhOHHH FUCK!" Abe reached down and gripped her ass with one hand, pressing her hips into his as he thrust his big, slick joint into her vagina. It went all the way in to its hilt, as Dale used to say when his balls slapped her ass. "Oh THIS," she moaned, clawing at his chest, "THIS is fucking AWESOME... you're so big. So much bigger than Dale..." "Oh, baby, say it again," he said. "Compare me to Dale." "You're BIGGER, and HARDER, and you fuck STRONGER," she moaned. "And I fuck YOU harder...." "Oh, sweet baby, yes, yes, yes..." Abe moaned, and his hips slapped against hers, their bodies moving together with the nine inch penis locking them together. Dale glanced at the clock. Another minute came and went. Two. Three. "Abe!" Eun-ju said, amid a steady flow of moans and gasps. "Don't come, baby, don't come, DON'T COME!" Abe slowed his rhythm, his eyes registering surprise. "I'll pull out before I do..." "Yeah," she said. "Pull out now." "Oh," he said, his face falling. He pulled out dejectedly, but when he tried to pull away she grabbed his cock. "Don't go anywhere," she said. Eun-ju grabbed the base of his joint and pulled, rolling the condom off his penis. It came off with a snap, and she tossed it to the floor. "Well?" She said. "Don't you want to continue? Or have you had enough? Did you think I was finished?" "No! I mean yes! I mean--" "Don't get so excited," she said, with a laugh. "I mean, yeah, I was just... worried..." 'Shhh," she said. "Come out of me just before you come. It'll be our little secret. I wanna feel YOU, Abe... I want skin on skin..." Face red, Abe settled back down on top of her. This time his bare cock slid into her slick pussy easily, as if it belonged there. Their moans now were even more fierce and deep than before, echoing around the room. "I love it," Abe gasped, looking down at their attached hips. "I LOVE it, baby, you're so HOT... so TIGHT... it's a fucking DREAM...I can FEEL you... every fold in your PUSSY..." "You have to come out before you come," she said, thrusting her hips vigorously. "It's really a risky time of month for me...OH FUCK, ABE!" She cried, in a sudden outburst of passion. She thrust her genitals wildly into his. Abe cried out, head down, watching their bare genitals grind together. Abe's hips were swinging into his fiancee's willing hips eagerly, his long, hot joint surging in and out of her pulsing, soaking snatch, their pubic hairs grinding into each other. "OhhhOHOHOHOH... FUCK!" She hissed, through grit teeth, and Dale could tell she was coming close to orgasm. "Oh fuck, Abe, FUCK, I'm gonna..." "I gotta come out..." He said, his voice shrill. "Oh God, I can FEEL you THROB...." "OhhhhOOOOOHHHhhhh," she moaned, his cock still wedged inside her. "I'm coming! I'm coming! I can FEEL you so HARD..." She pounded his sides with her fists, clenched his shoulders so hard her fingers left deep red marks. "Baby," Abe said, "I gotta come out..." "Don't!" "If I don't..." "I don't care!" She cried. "Come inside me!" "You don't mean that--" "OhhhOOHHh yes! YES I DO!" Eun-ju moaned. "I fucking MEAN it! Come INSIDE me, Abe!" "I'm gonna come big..." "Oh come BIG," she moaned. "Come HARD... I'm ovulating..." "What?" His body kept grinding into hers enthusiastically. "Your COCK," she cried, starting to shudder in the early waves of orgasm, "is probably... an inch... from my ovulating ovaries..." "Oh baby." He said, thrusting deep. "Oh FUCK yes,it is," she moaned, out of her wits with a crescendo of orgasm. "Your beautiful COCK is so CLOSE... I'll have your baby. Just COME. Don't come out until you fucking COME..." "I'm gonna come deep..." "Come DEEP," she moaned. "There's gonna be A LOT..." "OH YES. You're all PENT UP, huh, baby?" Eun-ju moaned. "All ready to COME?" "Baby..." "COME, Abe, COME, please COME, OHHHhhhh YEAH..." They came together. Dale could tell. They cried out together, shuddering against each other so hard that the bed scratched the wall. Abe's balled contracted with the effort. "OH!" Eun-ju cried. "I feel it! I feel your CUM! Splashing all over inside me! THERE! Oh THERE! THERE! THERE!" Abe could only gasp with each deep ejaculation. He was rigid on top of her for a moment, and then he collapsed on her breasts, shaking. They held each other for a long time, drawing in ragged breaths. Finally Abe pulled out of her, his big cock flopping onto the bed. A river of white cum oozed out of her pussy, onto the sheets. Eun-ju moaned happily and tested it with her fingers. "How'll you explain that?" Abe said. "I'll make him understand," Eun-ju said, tracing her finger over Abe's back. "Oh goodness. What a FUCK. What a quality FUCK. I've never... I've never been fucked like that..." 'What if you get pregnant?" Abe breathed. "I came so much..." She traced a finger over his skin. "Don't worry about that... I'd love to carry your baby..." They laid there for a long time, murmuring to each other. An hour passed. Dale's feet, legs and back screamed from holding one position so long. Then he watched as Eun-ju's hand went down and grasped Abe's incredible joint again.