Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Fred pulled up to Eunju's house just before 7 a.m. and parked in the driveway. He glanced at himself in the mirror, patted his hair, and tooted the horn. In a moment the front door opened and Eunju appeared in her work clothes -- heels, form-fitting slacks, a loose top -- and carrying her bags. She was just an inch or two over five feet tall, rather petite. Extremely attractive in Fred's eyes. She turned back to the door and kissed her husband briefly, then ran out to the car. She jumped in and tossed her things in the back. "Hi!" She said, with a smile, then waved to her husband as they pulled out. In a moment they were on the way to the office. It was an hour drive. She kicked off her shoes and leaned back in the seat. "Wow," she said, in her slight Korean accent. "Nice car! I love the big seats." "Yeah," Fred said, "my daughter needed the Corolla today, so we get the Cadillac. Your husband is a good-looking guy. When were you married?" "A couple years ago. Things are going well." "Well, you've got a nice house. Are you guys going to have kids?" Eunju shrugged and adjusted her shirt. He caught a glimpse of an ample swell on her chest and then looked back at the road. He couldn't help think about what was under the shirt. He kept ruminating over how stunningly attractive she was. He'd seen her during a greeting session at the university, and he'd learned her name. A couple weeks later he saw that she posted a message on the drive board that she wanted to carpool. To his surprise he saw that she lived just a few minutes away from him, in a new subdivision. He dropped her an innocent note via email, not belying the fact that he hoped to the heavens that she hadn't already found a commuting partner, and his stomach did a flip flop when she responded a few minutes later with her schedule. Their schedules matched -- after he hurriedly changed the time of his weekly meeting -- and they'd been driving together for a week now. " I think we're just going to try again," Eunju was saying, in response to his question about kids. Fred nodded sagely. "Well, come what may, right?" He said. "Indeed," she said. "We were lucky," Fred said. "We didn't have to try much to have kids. It really worked out." "You must be potent," Eunju said, with a smile. "Ha!" Fred said. He blushed a bit, but she didn't say if she noticed. They whizzed through the cornfields, the sun rising over the eastern horizon. The drive would take about an hour. "I wonder where all these side roads lead to," Eunju said, looking off at one of the many county roads veering off the highway. "Nowhere," Fred said. "I've driven on a lot of them. They just go on and on for miles. Not even many houses back there." "Hmm," she said. "Sometime I'd like to do that. Just go driving, you know?" "Yeah," Fred said. "I can understand that. It's nice to take a break from real life and just..." "Go," Eunju said, and they shared a laugh. Eunju rested her head back and in a moment had drifted off. Fred glanced over at the smooth slope of her neck and creamy, Asian skin. He let out a little sigh. She was probably 26, maybe 27. Indeed young enough to be his daughter. His daughter would be appalled at his having these thoughts -- not to mention his wife. Or Eunju's husband, of course. He looked like a big, solid character. And white, just like Fred. So Eunju liked white guys. The thought brought a little smile to his face. He wondered if she had a fixation for white guys when she was dating. "What are you smiling at?" Eunju said, making Fred jump. "I thought you were asleep!" He said, laughing. "Just closing my eyes for a minute," she said. "So what were you smiling at?" "Oh, nothing," he said. "Just good thoughts." "That's good," she said. "You look good when you smile." "Ha!" He said. "Well, thank you. Shall I return the compliment?" "Why ask?" "Well, some women get offended if you compliment their looks." "Not me." "Well, I might look good when I smile, but you look pretty good no matter what," Fred said. "Oh, to be young again!" "You're not that old," She said, obviously pleased with his compliment. "How old are you?" "46." "Really? I would have guessed 35, maybe. You must work out. You look great." "You think so?" He said. "Thanks. I do swim." "It's obvious." They drove in silence for the rest of the trip. Fred couldn't help but smile. Eunju glanced ove at him a couple times but said nothing. "See you on the way home," Fred said, smiling to her as he dropped her off. "See you," she said. "And you've been smiling the whole trip! I like it!" "Have I?" "Yes!" She winked and shut the door. He watched her for a moment and then drove off. It was hard to concentrate that day. At the end of the day he picked her up at their designated spot and talked the whole way home, on a wide range of topics. When he dropped her off at the front door she surprised him and reached over to pat his hand. "Thanks for the ride," she said. "No problem," he said. "It was the best part of my day." "See you tomorrow!" She slammed the door and ran up the walk. That night at home, Fred's wife looked at him curiously. "How did the carpool go?" She said. "What? Oh, fine," Fred said. "Nice to have some company." "I'll bet." "What?" "You must be quite pleased to be seen driving around with such a pretty little thing," she said, with a knowing smile. Fred laughed. "Why do you say that?" "You've been smiling all night." "Ahhh," Fred said, waving his hand. "You'll never trust me. The Tigers won. That's why I'm smiling." "Don't make me babysit your car rides," his wife said, with a wink. "I'm way out of her league," Fred said. The next day Fred pulled up to Eunju's house in the Corolla -- she was giving him more than her share of gas money to do all the driving -- and she emerged looking more glum than the day before. She flashed a smile and said hello but they drove the first few minutes in absolute silence. 'That road there," Fred said, finally breaking the silence and pointing to an overpass, "leads to an old rock quarry. They don't use it anymore, but it used to be the only limestone quarry in the region. The guy who owned it made a killling." "Hmph," Eunju said. "Lucky guy." "Everything okay?" Fred said. "Hope I didn't say something that offended you." "You? Oh, not at all, I'm so sorry," Eunju said, patting his leg. "I just had a fight with Dale. He can be such a... jerk sometimes." "Oh, boy," Fred said. "I had an old friend call last night," Eunju said. "We used to be a thing. Used to be. But Dale can't get over it. Why not? Everyone else did." "Guys look at things differently," Fred said. "You're just sticking up for him. Dont' be a man!" She said. "How can I help it?" She laughed. "I'm just kidding." Fred smiled. "Men have a harder time getting over their womens' past relationships than you think. At least Dale is honest about it." "Why are my relationships so hard for Dale to get over? I moved on. Why can't he?" Fred looked over. "He can't stand the thought of you being... physical with anyone else." "Oh, but he can have this claim that he slept with eight different women, but I have to be a virgin until our wedding night?" "Don't get mad at me!" Fred said. "I'm just explaining things." "I know," she said. "He's just SO jealous sometimes. It's not like there's really anything to be jealous of." "That's odd," Fred said. "What?" "I mean, I'd be jealous of your old boyfriends too. If I were Dale I'd want to have been your lover all your life." "Awww," Eunju said, patting his hand. "That's sweet." "Anyway, that's good you're over your old boyfriend." "Don't say it like that." "Like what?" "He's just an old friend," Eunju said. "Nothing more." "I didn't say it was anything more!" Eunju looked at him. "In fairness to Dale, his jealousy isn't completely irrational. I cheated on him once." "Oh." "With this friend who called last night." "Ah." "But it was a HUGE mistake." "Was it?" "Yeah, in more ways than one," Eunju said. 'What?" "Yeah," she said. "Big mistake with a big... um... yeah." "Oh!" Fred said, bursting with laughter. Eunju laughed too. "Yeah, he was well-endowed," Eunju said. Once they stopped laughing, Fred looked over. "Well, you haven't severed ties with the well-endowed friend," Fred said. "Are you covering something up?" "No, no," Eunju said. "Besides, he's quite a bit older. Maybe he's your age. It would never work." "Why's that? What's wrong with older guys?" "Oh, now you're just sticking up for 40-somethings," Eunju said, slapping his shoulder. "You're right," Fred said. "Young and attractive women overlook us 40-somethings." "Not all of us," Eunju said, smiling. Fred blushed again because of the way she said it, how it was directed at him. That was countered by the frustration that ff course he couldn't do anything about it. "Aren't you going to advise me to stop talking to my friend to save my marriage?" Eunju said. "Since you mention it, no," Fred said. "Why not?" "You need to do what makes you happy," he said. "I'm not going to advise anything. You know what's right." She looked at him. "You're right," she said. "You're so right." They drove on. "Thanks," Eunju said. "Hm?" "Thanks for your thoughts," she said. "They helped." "Glad they did." And then her head was resting on his shoulder. "Do you mind?" She said. "Um, no," he said. "But... why?" "What a silly question," she said. "Tell me if you want me to stop." "No, that's okay," he said. "I thought so." They drove on. Before they reached campus she lifted her head. She smiled at him as she got out, waved bye with her fingers, and shut the door. He watched her go. And then he sighed deeply. It got to be the thing for the next couple of days. At some unexpected moment she would lean against his shoulder. The first couple of times he wasn't sure how to respond, other than allowing it. But he liked it -- damn, she smelled great -- so he felt he should reciprocate a little, just to show that he didn't mind it, while not appearing too eager. So near the end of the week he put his hand on her shoulder. "There it is," she said. "About time." "What?" "Your hand on me. It's about time. I'm an affectionate person. Does this make you uneasy?" "No." "Would you tell your wife?" She asked. He paused, considering his answer. Honesty was the way to go now. "No." "I see," she said. She didn't move her head from his shoulder, nor move away when he touched her slim arm. Friday came. He picked her up in the Cadillac. She saw it and let out a little squeal. "I love this car!" She said. She got in, and they drove for a few miles. On the interstate she rested her head on his shoulder again, and they talked that way. She looked to the back seat. "Can I go back there?" She said. "Sure. Why?" "I want to take a nap!" "That's fine." She crawled over the back seat, her perfect ass waggling in the air next to his face, and then got in the back seat. "Oh, man," she said, from the back. "What?" "I just LOVE this seat," she said. "So much space!" He glanced back and saw her stretched out on the back seat. There WAS a lot of room. He drove on. On the way home, for the first time she rested her hand on his chest as she leaned her head into him. By the time they were halfway home she was rubbing his chest. "You DO work out," she said. "There's nice firmness here, and in your shoulders," she said. "Mmm." "Wife would be pissed?" "Yep." "Are you uncomfortable?" "No." "Good. Greg would be pissed, too." "Well," Fred said, "let's keep it quiet." She giggled. The next day she did it again, rubbing his chest as he drove, her head on his shoulder. "I like your smell," she said. "I really like it." Her strokes across his chest were getting firmer and firmer, and she unbuttoned his shirt, slipping her hand underneath. "Mmmm," she murmured. "Nice. I like you, Fred." "I, um, like you too," he said, hardly able to string his words together. "Like you a lot." Smiling, she ran her hand up and down his chest, murmuring compliments and tracing his muscles with her index finger. She tore his undershirt from his waist band, and slipped her hand up against his bare skin. "Ooo, Fred," she said. "So nice, so nice." He put his hand on her back and rubbed, trying to keep an eye on the road as they whizzed down it at 70 mph. She rubbed and rubbed, and then he felt her leaning into him, and he gasped as she nibbled at his ear. "Did that startle you?" She said. "I, um, no, uh, yeah, a little," Fred stammered. "Did you like it a little bit?" Eunju said. "Yeah!" He said. She smiled and leaned into him again. This time her tongue brushed his ear. "Eunju," he said. "Wow." "You like?" "I can't believe this." "What?" "What are we--where are we going with this?" She smiled and sat back in her seat. "What a question," she said. "We're going where it goes, silly! Typical man, you are. Trying to rush things along." "What? What are you talking about?" "What kind of answer did you want?" Eunju said. "That I'm going to fuck you? Just skip past all the getting to know you stuff?" "Eunju, I--" "I know how men think," Eunju said. "You want an answer right now where this is going? Fine. It just reached the finish line." "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to--" "I know what you meant." And that was all she said the rest of the trip, and the return trip home. She got out of the car without saying a word and slammed the door shut. It was a Friday, and so Fred spent the weekend wondering if he should pick her up the following Monday. His wife asked him what was on his mind. "Oh, just work stuff," he said. "How's the ride situation working out?" Carol asked. "Oh fine," he said. "Why?" "Can't I ask about my husband's carpooling with a 28 year-old woman without being grilled for it?" She said. "She's married," Fred said. "Hmph," Carol said. She said nothing more. Fred almost called Eunju to ask if she still wanted to ride together, but instead he just drove to her house in the Corolla. He pulled up in front of the house and honked the horn. For a moment nothing happened. Just as he was about to pull away, the door opened and Eunju strode out. She came to the car, opened the door, threw her things in, and climbed in the seat. For just a moment she made eye contact. "I didn't think you'd come," she said. "Of course I would," he said. "You're brave." "A bit." A smile cracked her lips. "Sorry for being such a bitch last week." "That's okay." "No it's not. You had every right to ask that question." "You were right in a way. I wanted to rush ahead." "I know," she said. "And I sent your thoughts in that direction. It's okay." "Is it?" She smiled and leaned her head into his shoulder. That was mile marker 198. By mile marker 205, she was leaning into him, her breasts pressing his arm, her hand running up against his bare belly and chest. She had unbuttoned his shirt and pulled his teeshirt from his waist band. He couldn't help it. He had a raging hard on. "I'm so glad I picked you up," he said. "I can tell," she said, between nibbles of his ear. "Oh?" "May I?" "Hmm?" "I mean," Eunju said, "can you concentrate?" "Hmm? What do you mean?" "Dummy," she said. Her hand dropped to his pants. She drove her hand into his crotch, rolling the stem of his cock along her palm. He let out an "unnnhhh" sound. "Oh, baby," she whispered. "Fred, you're big under there!" She rubbed her hand back and forth against his crotch. Fred breathed hard, trying to keep concentrated on driving. A truck passed and tooted its horn. They laughed. "Oh, Fred," she moaned after a few moments. "Fred, I want to feel it, honey." He swallowed. "Okay." She tugged at his zipper. "It's hard to unzip when you're like this." "Be careful!" She giggled, and, with both hands, carefully unzipped his pants. She parted them, revealing his bulging underwear. She slipped her hand against his cock and grasped it through the cotton. "Oh, jeez," she squealed. "You are big!" And before he knew it, she muttered something in Korean, and slipped her hand between the pleats in the underwear, and wrapped her hand around his shaft. "Oh, Eunju," he moaned. "Baby." She pulled at his cock. "Oh, Fred," she said, "you're getting me all hot!" She jerked and jerked. As her hand grew sweaty it slid easily against his rock-hard cock, and Fred clenched his jaw. He could feel the stirrings of an orgasm. One hand slapped down on her arm, and added some strength to her strokes. A low moan built in his throat. He'd come all over his pants, but he didn't care. He had all day to think of how to cover it up- "Oh, no," she said. "No? You don't want--" "No, there's the exit," she said, pulling her hand out. "Oh, shit," he said. "Damn." "I know," she said. "That's okay, honey." That day he really couldn't concentrate. He kept thinking of her little hand running up and down his shaft, the feel of her firm breasts on his arm, the smell of her hair, some kind of flower. He ran his hand over his cock when he went to the bathroom and smelled his hand, and could smell her, just faintly. That would be a problem if his wife were to give him a blow job when he got home. The suggestion made him laugh. The last time THAT happened was years ago. The end of the day finally came. It was getting darker earlier now, and the sun was just above the horizon when she came bounding to the car. She flashed her smile when she got in. "So what were we talking about this morning?" She said. They laughed together. "Fred," she said, "I'm going to do what I wanted to do earlier." "We have to be careful," he said. "Carol will see me... we can't have any..." "Stains on the blue dress? Don't worry, I don't plan to let that happen." She rested her hand on his crotch, thus achieving his hard-on in a matter of seconds. "Cripes," he said, "I haven't responded like that in 20 years." "Oh, Fred," she said, "I've been thinking about your penis all day." "Oh, pinch me," he said. "Maybe," she said, and slipped her hand down his underwear. She grasped his cock and began to pull. It flopped a little in her hand a couple times, and then was hard as a rock. "Mmm," he said. "Oh, Eunju, baby, you know how to stroke it." "I think you better pull over," she said. "Hmm?" "You won't be able to concentrate through what I'm going to do next." Fred obliged. He found an exit and pulled off, drove a short way down the road, and moaned as her face dropped to his lap. He felt her pull his cock out from under his briefs, and then her mouth surrounded it. Her head bobbed up and down as her lips ran along his shaft, and her tongue twirled around the head of his cock. "OhhhhOHOHOH!" Fred moaned. "Oh, fuck, baby, yes..." "I'm going to stop," she murmured, between slurps. "No!" "I'm gonna stop." "No, baby, no!" "Yes." "No!" Laughing, she quickened her head thrusts, and Fred felt his loins loosening, and his big cock start to contract. "I'm gonna--!" "Do it," she shouted. "Oh, fuck, YES!" "Come!" And then he did, grabbing her hair as he did so, and came full in her mouth. She wrapped her lips around his shaft so none of it leaked out. When he was done, she leaned over, rolled down the window, and spit it out. "Sorry," she said. "I don't swallow." "Do I look like a man who needs an apology?" He said, motioning at his stiff dick, sticking up in the air. She laughed. She dug out a little bottle of mouthwash, took a swig, and spit out the window. "Coverup," she said. She grabbed a handful of tissue and wiped at his cock. His eyes rolled back. When she was done, he threw the car in gear and got back on the highway. He rested his hand on her thigh. "Feel good?" She said. "You know it. I haven't been treated like that in I don't know how long." "Your cock is magnificent." "Stop." "I mean it," she said. "It's big, hard, and well-shaped. I just can't, well..." "Can I touch you?" She cocked her head at him. "Where?" "Wherever you let me." "Aren't you driving?" He reached his hand over. She took it and guided it to her chest. He felt her firm breast through her shift. He kneaded it, and she leaned back and closed her eyes. After a moment, tentatively, angling his fingers, he slipped his hand through a gap in her shirt and got a layer closer to skin. She arched her back, and he kneaded, kneaded, and slipped it deeper. She reached her hand behind her, and suddenly her bra was loose. His hand found her bare breast, and hard nipple. She moaned as he felt it. A truck passed, but no honk. It was too dark. "Eunju," he said. "Can I..." She nodded, and took his hand. She guided it to her leg and let go, to let him do the rest. His fingers crept up her slacks, to her crotch, and he felt a small patch of moisture. She gasped and bucked her hips into his hand as he rubbed her mound. "Can I feel it?" He said. She nodded, eyes closed, and unbuttoned her pants. Arching her hips, she pulled her slacks down, and took her panties down with it. "Oh, Eunju," he said, the car swerving slightly. She was naked from the waist down. She threw her feet up on the dash and spread them. She grabbed his hand and guided it to her crotch. Breathing shallowly, he moved his fingers to her crotch. It was slick with moisture and hot to the touch. He rubbed his fingers across her firmly, finding her clit. Eunju moaned and took deep breaths through her clenched teeth. Fred's fingers slipped into her, and she shouted out, and bucked her hips. As his middle finger slipped in, he felt the folds of skin in her pussy. As his hand brushed her clit again, she moaned, and he felt her pussy contract against his finger. "Oh, baby," Fred said, over her cries. "Feel that squeeze! Baby! Feel that!" She smiled, her legs shaking as waves of orgasm coursed through her. In a moment he removed his hand, and she recomposed herself. She pulled her pants back on and buttoned up her shirt. She checked herself in the mirror. By the time they hit the exit, they were both as they had left. Fred pulled up to her house. She gathered her things. As she got out, she looked back at him. "Tomorrow," she said, "bring the Cadillac." "My wife needs it to--" "Bring the fucking Cadillac," she said, and shut the door, and went running for the house. Fred got home to find Carol in a foul mood. "You're half an hour late," she said. "You called me when you were leaving. What was the hangup?" "I had to get some gas," he said. "They had a helluva line." She was quiet all through dinner. The kids looked at them uncertainly. They got up to leave. "You had to get gas?" Carol said. "Are you telling me the truth?" "Yes." "Swear it?" "Yes, cripes! What is this?" "I don't like you driving with that girl!" "What? Why in hell not? Didn't you want to save gas?" Fred said. "Yes, but you come home every night smelling like her perfume, and I don't think you're telling me everything!" "So she wears heavy perfume! What should I do? Govern her wardrobe? She wants to carpool, not get fashion tips!" She was quiet for a moment. "Why are you defending her so much?" "I'm not." Her eyes smoldered. "I just have a bad feeling." "Well, lose it," he said, forcefully. "There's nothing going on. We're saving a bunch of money. With gas prices the way they are, we're lucky we found someone who works at my office this far away. Lucky." Carol got up and cleared the dishes. "Sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to be such a bitch." Fred mused on how it was the second time a woman said that to him today. "I'm not feeling so attractive these days," Carol said. "After seeing that girl you drive with, shoot. I feel even worse." "Don't," Fred said, coming up behind her. "You're beautiful to me." "I can smell her." "Sorry. I'll change." He turned to go upstairs. Then he stopped. "I need the Caddy tomorrow," he said. "What?" She said, turning. "I need it, remember? The women have their card game. I'm driving." "Sorry," he said. "There's something going on at work and I have to drive. I really need it." She sighed. "Fine," she said. "Betty can probably drive. I just wish you'd told me." "Last minute thing." "Okay," she said. "Will you wait up for me tonight?" "Ooo la la," he said, and she giggled. But later, when she went up, dressed in her good slip, she found Fred fast asleep. She laid down next to him, and caught a whiff of that girl. The next morning Fred pulled up to Eunju's house in the Cadillac. She came bounding out the door in a form-fitting pants suit, with a big smile on her face. She climbed in. "You brought it," she said. "You bet." "The power of suggestion." They drove in silence for a bit, their hands twiddling nervously with each other. A couple miles down the road Eunju looked at him. "I don't think I can wait all day," she said. "Me, neither." "Take the next exit." "There's not one for miles." "Then where?" He pulled to the shoulder, and put the emergency flashers on. "Here?" She cried. "Who stops to look at cars pulled over on the side of the highway?" "Oh Fred! I... don't know!" "No one will see us," he said. She bit her lip. "Okay," she said. They vaulted over the front seats into the back, onto the wide, long back seat. Eunju came to him, her mouth pressing into his, and they fell down on the seat, him on top. She reached down and grabbed his cock through his pants, and he kissed at her neck and jaw, and ears. She fumbled with his pants, pushed them down, reached under his briefs. He reached for her crotch and her leg sprung up to accomodate him, and he rubbed at her clit as she fondled his cock. She unbuckled her pants, and pushed them down. Cars whizzed past, oblivious. He looked down and drank in the site of her exposed pussy, lying so close to his bare cock. "Well," she said, "let's take advantage of this giant seat." She threw up a leg over the back rest, and put another on the floor, creating a space around her crotch. Fred, his heart hammering, put one hand on the floor next to her head and braced his other against the seat on the other side of her head, and settled his midsection onto hers. She rocked her hips into his, and he felt his stiff cock rubbing against her pussy. "Oh, Fred," she moaned. "Eunju," he said. "I don't know exactly how this happened, only that I really, really want it," she said. "Me too," he said. "Can you put that big beautiful thing inside me?" "Oh baby..." "Yeah..." He grabbed his cock, positioned it, and pressed it against her vagina. Eunju pressed her eyes shut and hissed in pleasure. He surged forward, felt resistance, repositioned, pushed again, and felt his schlong start to slip into the heavenly folds of her pussy. "Uhhnnnnnn," she moaned. A truck roared past, rocking the car. "We're gonna rock the car," she whispered. He nodded, pushing his cock. He was in an inch. Two inches. Three. Four. She grunted with every inch. Finally he was full inside her tight little twat, feeling her pressing on his shaft. He pulled back, thrust forward. Pulled back, thrust forward. In a moment they were bumping their hips together, grinding the genitals as cars flashed by outside. Her little ass slid back and forth against the leather seat. "We're fucking, Fred," Eunju said, smiling. "We're having intercourse in your car!" "Oh, baby, jeez, I can't believe it, thank you, this is fucking wonderful..." Her tight little twat gave way grudgingly to his swollen cock, and the fucking was slow and strong. As he kissed her neck he saw that her face was flushed with passion, and in a moment she pulled back her blouse, revealing her tight undershirt. Fred helped her out of it, so she was in her bra. "Let's get naked," she said, and he helped her out of her bra. As they fucked, she unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it off, and then pulled off his undershirt. "Totally naked," she said, and they pulled each other's socks off before he laid back down on her, and slipped his cock back into her pussy. "Oh baby," she moaned, thrusting her breasts into him so their chests were rubbing together, "I love that, getting totally naked with you." "Eunju, Eunju baby," he moaned, grabbing her ass as he fucked her. "I'll bring the Caddy every day, baby, every day!" "Oh yeah!" She cried. "Why did you wait so long? Why did you wait to ask me to fuck?" THey cuddled together and made love in long, deep strokes. Fred felt that stirring of an orgasm again. "I want to come," he said, as their bare bodies rubbed together. "Then come." "Can I come on your belly?" "No." "No?" "Come inside me," she said. "Eunju?" "Come inside my twat," she said. "I mean it!" "Oh, I'd love to but--" "But nothing," she said, grabbing his ass. "Come inside me!" "Is it safe?" "Fuck me!" "Eunju..." "Baby..." Their bodies rocked into each other, his rigid cock thrusting deep between her hips. Her moans grew to shrieks of pleasure. Fred made up his mind. There was no way he could let her down. And then she was coming, and her pussy clamped down on his cock like a Venus fly trap. Fred cried out in surprise, and then felt the fierce rush of his own orgasm. His cock convulsed against the contractions of her pussy, and together the two reactions drew out his semen in great globs that were so big they hurt his cock. Cum squirted out of her pussy onto the seat. He kept thrusting and thrusting. She clung to him, whipping her head back and forth and moaning. The orgasm seemed to last forever. When they were done, he withdrew his cock slowly, and with it a flood of cum. He crashed down on top of her, exhausted. She kissed his face and ran her fingers over him. "Fred, that was wonderful," she said. "I don't think I've ever come like that. Ever." Remarkably, they fell asleep. When they awoke, it was a half hour later. Her cell phone was ringing. She reached into the front seat and picked it up. "Oh, honey, hi," she said. "Yes, I'm here. Sorry I forgot to call. I got busy. What? No, that wasn't a car. Bad connection. I'll call you at lunch? Okay, love you too. Bye." She hung up, kissed Fred, and they dressed hurriedly. A car honked. That was the only sign that they had been spotted at all through the whole thing. Fred got behind the wheel and roared to work. They held hands tightly, but she left the car as she always did. "Probably best," Fred muttered to himself, and drove the rest of the way to his office, where he'd spend the rest of the day daydreaming again. *** Eunju picked at her food over lunch. Her friend, Lisa, looked over her plate at her. "Everything alright?" Lisa said. "Hm? Yes, fine," Eunju said, and laughed. Then her face went serious again. "What's that?" Lisa said. "Are you going to let me in on this?" "It's nothing." Lisa laughed. "Is it something at work? Did you get a deal at the store? What?" "I tell you," Eunju said, "it's nothing!" "Don't give me that. I know you," Lisa said. She gazed at Eunju. "Is it that guy you're carpooling with?" Eunju's eyes flashed. "What?" "It isn isn't it," Lisa said. "Is he still flirting with you?" Eunju laughed. "Well, yeah, you could say that." "You look happy about it," Lisa said. "Be careful, honey. Guys sometimes get the wrong idea. I know it's really flattering, but you've got a marriage to worry about." Eunju smiled. "Yeah, I know." "What's that look?" Eunju twirled her fork. She smiled mischievously. "Well, it went a little beyond flirting today." "Oh, no. What happened? Did he say something? Did he try to kiss you? I tell you, you need to be a little more firm in rejecting men--" "I didn't reject him," Eunju said. "What? Are you crazy? Don't even think about starting something. This will screw up your life--" "It's already started," Eunju said. "I fucked him." Lisa's jaw dropped. "You... fucked him? What? When?" "On the way down. We pulled the car over and got in the back seat." "What?!?" Lisa cried. "You didn't. You're joking." Eunju didn't smile. "We did. Right by the 190 mile marker." "Oh, shit, Eunju, what are you thinking?" Lisa said. "You're married! He's married!" "We honestly didn't talk about that," Eunju said. "It didn't really have anything to do with our marriages." "But it has everything to do with them!" "We're just attracted to each other," Eunju said. "And we acted." Lisa looked at her. "So that's it? What now? Are you going to pull over every day and fuck in the back seat?" Eunju smiled. "Not every day." "Oh, jeez," Lisa said. "You're really into him, aren't you." Eunju smiled. "He's got it going on, as you Americans say." "Just be careful. Shit, be careful! What if Dale finds out?" "He'll kill both of us." "You think he won't find out?" "He won't." "Oh, Eunju, be careful!" "I might be pregnant!" "What?" "I'm ovulating, and Fred, well..." "He didn't." "He didn't pull out. I didn't want him to. I would have killed him if he did. As I said, we got carried away." "Oh, Eunju." Eunju smiled. "Don't worry. I know how to work these things out." "I hope so. I want you to be okay. I want you to be happy." "You should have heard me this morning." "Eunju!" *** The trip home was dark, so they pulled into a rest stop, parked in a dark area of the parking lot, and got naked again. This time she mounted him in the back, driving her hips into his stiff cock until it swelled inside her. "Are you sure I can come?" Fred moaned, feeling his cock stir around her pussy. "You'd better," Eunju said, holding his hands against her perky breasts. "You fucking better!" His cock exploded with cum as it was wedged deep, deep in her hot twat. She thrashed her hips with the orgasm, driving her hips into his shaft again and again until he begged her to stop. "Just wanted to get all of it out," she said, smiling, as she sat up, and his exhausted cock seeped out of her. When he got home, he was late again. Carol was calmer than the previous night, and later, after the kids had gone to bed, she approached him as he dozed on the couch. "To bed," she said. "Now." "Now?" "Now." "I had a long day--" "Now." Up in bed, Fred did all the things right with the foreplay, but when it came showtime, with his cock hanging over Carol's shaking body, he couldn't get himself more than semi hard. The truth was his shaft and testicles were aching from the incredible workout it had earlier that day with Eunju. "C'mon," Carol said, stroking his cock. "Get it up, honey, and make me feel like a woman." But he couldn't. He tried to push it into her cunt anyway, and she pushed him away angrily. "What's the matter with you," she hissed. "I'm not going to settle for a tofu dick." "Sorry, babe, it's been a long day--" "Are you fucking her?" "What?" "You heard me. Are you fucking that girl now? Is that why you can't get it up tonight?" "Don't insult me!" "You ALWAYS get it up," Carol said. "Two weeks ago you got it up after working on the yard all day. Why not now?" "Some nights just aren't--" "Bullshit! You NEVER have an off night! What's going on?" "Nothing!" He hissed. "Shit, you call it off whenever you have the slightest headache, and one night I can't perform, well, it's gotta be because I'm having an affair?" "Guys are supposed to be ready all the time." "Yeah, well, sorry." She was silent for a minute. "If I find out you're fucking her," she said, "I'm going to divorce you. I won't hesitate a second." "Yeah, well the same goes for you. No fucking around. I never have." "Fine." "Fine." *** Eunju moaned like a wildcat as he slipped his stiff cock into her pussy from behind in the Cadillac. He cupped a hand around her breast and felt it swaying gently around his palm as his hips slapped into her ass. "God, your ass is perfect," he said. "It's so perfect." "Is it true?" Eunju moaned. "Is it true you couldn't get it up for Carol?" His thick shaft was slick with her juices. "Oh, it's true, baby," he said. "All I could think about was you." "Oh baby," Eunju moaned. "You just earned the right to come inside me." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Yeah?" "Oh, yes..." "Eunju..." "Come!" In the middle of his orgasm, the phone rang. As his cock convulsed, he looked. Carol. "I have to get it," he said. "Noo..." "I have to." He sagged to the seat and flipped open the phone. "Hey, babe... No, I'm not out of breath. No. Yes, we're almost there. Oh, okay. Sorry. Tomorrow. You can have the Cadillac tomorrow." "Noooo," Eunju moaned. "Huh?" Fred said. "Oh, she was just... reading a newspaper article. I think she saw something she didn't like." "I hate it," Eunju said. Fred hung up. "We're going to have to stop taking these calls." *** The next day, Eunju looked out the window when the horn sounded and laughed when she saw a Chevy van out front, with Fred behind the wheel. "Did he get a new car?" Dale said, oblivious to the fact that his wife had been fucked three times lately during her commute. "I don't know," she said, bounding out the door. "You coming home at a normal time?" He called after her. "I'll be late again!" She cried, and hopped in the van. "What's this?" She said, once inside, looking around. "I borrowed my friend's van," he said. "My wife needed the Cadillac, and my daughter needed the Corolla. He's let me borrow the van before." Eunju looked around. "This is... nice. Spacious." "You better believe it," Fred said. Fifteen minutes later she had her legs hooked around his waist in the back, her back rubbing back and forth along the floor (they had covered it with a blanket) as he drove his firm, pulsing cock into her pussy. 'So much space," she moaned. "Stretch out, baby, stretch out..." She spread her legs wide, shrieking as waves of orgasm began to course through her little body as Fred's significant penis got slippery in her twat and did its work. Her cell phone rang, but they just let it ring. Cars roared past. *** It was on the way home that things began to change. Fred pulled up to the door to pick up Eunju, and he saw her standing there talking to someone he hadn't seen before. She saw him, waved, and talked to the man a little more. He was tall and sturdy looking. A good-looking guy. He said something and she laughed, then came running over. "Sorry," she said. "I just found out he lives in our town, too." "Oh," Fred said. "So... how did you meet him?" She looked at him. "At the Union. He's a friend of a friend. We all had lunch together." "Oh," Fred said. "That's nice. What's his name?" "What is this?" She said. "What? I'm just asking," Fred said. "You're more transparent than you think." "What's that mean?" "Look," she said, her voice suddenly fiery. "You're one level away from being allowed to be jealous. You're the lucky guy who gets to fuck me without any of the strings attached." "What? Eunju, I--" "Don't bother," she said. "You might screw me, but you don't have any control over me." "I know that." They drove in silence for a few miles. "Pull over," she said. "Here." "Here?" "Here," she said. He pulled over. She climbed into the back. "Are you coming?" "I didn't know you would want--" "Shut up and get back here," she said. "I don't like to say I'm sorry for being a bitch again. I'm going to fuck you instead." "No complaint here," he said, as she dragged him down to the floor. She undressed him and then forced him on his back and mounted him like a bike, sliding up and down his shaft wildly until he simply couldn't come any more. She pulled his cock out, and their genitalia dripped with semen. "I forgot to tell you that jealousy is a HUGE turn-on for me," she said, and kissed him. *** It went that way for a while. They didn't fuck every day, but quite often, with Eunju using little disagreements and spats between them as reason to clamp her legs together and say, "Not today." Fred suspected it was a tactic meant to keep interest up, but he didn't mind. At 46 he wasn't the rabbit he used to be. Besides, he used those breaks to seduce Carol, who was still suspicious. He didn't always succeed, but now and then that particular fall he was fucking five times a week, albeit with two different women - his wife and Eunju. One Friday, after Eunju had mounted him in the back seat and given him another glorious ride in which he ejaculated in her pussy (and wondered vaguely about her ovulation cycles), she smiled at him as he pulled up to her door. "I'm getting another person in the car pool," she said. "What?" "Dean. The guy you're so jealous about," Eunju said, with a wink. "Oh, no," Fred blurted. "We can't--" "Relax, he's coming with us only two days a week," she said. "We'll have plenty of time for our joy rides. Besides, he'll help pay for rides, and he's easy to pick up. Don't you want to save some gas money? At $4 per gallon? I would think you would. Saving a little gas money might help keep Carol happy." "Hmph," Fred muttered. "Come on," Eunju said. "He's a nice guy. You'll like him." "How much do you know him?" Her gaze hardened and Fred held up a hand. "Sorry," he said. "I'm out of line." "And you also know how I feel about jealousy," she said. "But not in front of the house. I've talked to him now and then, just like anyone would when they work in the same department. But that's all. We're not even holding hands yet." "Oh, alright," Fred said, laughing at her joke. "I agree. I just hope it doesn't put a crimp in what we've got going. I haven't felt this great for years." "Don't worry. Gotta go. Dale is watching," she said, and bounded out. Fred saw her husband open the door for her from inside, and she was giving him a big kiss as Fred pulled away. *** The next Monday Fred picked up Eunju, then drove south a couple minutes and stopped in front of an apartment complex. In a moment Dean came. He was tall and big-boned, completely dwarfing Eunju. She got in the back seat, allowing Dean to sit in front next to Fred. He smelled like cologne. Yet he wasn't a bad guy. He was funny - he made Eunju roar with laughter - and had a peculiar look, with bushy black hair and big teeth. He was, all in all, a good-looking fellow. And young. He was Eunju's age. Fred felt resentment and jealously creeping up with every laugh of Eunju's at his jokes. That night Fred dropped off Dean first, then drove toward home. Just out of sight of the apartment complex he pulled over. "What are you doing?" Eunju said. "Come on," he said. "I'm ready for this. Let's get in back." "Are you crazy?" Eunju cried. "We're in town!" "Not really," he said. "Nobody really looks in parked cars on the side of the road." "Not on the interstate, but they would HERE," she said, her face slack with shock. "Then let's go to a hotel or something," he said. "No!" She said. "Who's gonna pay? No, Fred, wait until tomorrow. Holy shit. What's gotten into you?" "I'm jealous," he said. "I'm afraid Dean is going to steal you away." She laughed. "At least you're honest. Look, you worry about keeping our affair a secret from your wife. I've got my hands full keeping it a secret from Dale. In case you haven't thought about it, you've been filling my vagina with cum for the past six or seven weeks, and neither of us has breathed a word about using a rubber. I have a doctor's appointment. I missed my period." "What?" "Don't freak out. I'll take care of it. It happened to me before. When I was a teenager. If I could take care of it as a teen girl in Korea without anyone finding out, I can do it here." "Don't hurt yourself!" "I'm not stupid. I'll have a professional do it. Come on, let's go home," she said. Silently, Fred threw the car into gear and headed toward her house. "I might be a dad?" He said. "No," she said, cutting the air with her hand. "You are not going to be. This is a byproduct of sex, not a child. Think of it that way." "Sheesh." "It's the only way to think of it. Unless you want to throw our lives into complete ruin an turmoil." She got out at the house without saying anything. The next day, they drove in silence both ways. The day after that, Dean was riding again, and he had them both roaring at his jokes and comments. Fred just kept thinking, you bastard. *** Eunju skipped work the next day for her appointment. She kissed Dale goodbye and went running toward the bus stop. In a little while she was at the doctor's office. She took a pregnancy test, and the nurse came back a few minutes later. "False positive," the nurse said. "Sorry. Is the father in the picture?" Eunju smiled. "Yes, he is," she said. "Boy, it must be my problem. I swear I've had sex almost every day for the past six or seven weeks." The nurse's eyes widened, then went professional again. "Well, it could be you, or it could be the father. Just keep trying." Eunju took the bus back home. She walked in and kissed Dale, who was at the table working. "How'd the dentist appointment go?" He said. "Just fine," she said. "No problems that need to be taken care of." *** Dean had a car, so he and Fred began alternating weeks. Dean drove a big Chevy van, not unlike Fred's friend's van that he used one day. He had the back cleared out and a mattress laid down for camping, he said. "Lots of space," Eunju marveled, making Fred groan. "What's that?" Dean said. "Just something caught in my throat," Fred said. He felt Eunju's finger come up on the other side of the seat and poke him. "Nice van," Fred said. Dean nodded and smiled. The next day, as they drove alone, Eunju finally assented to getting fucked again. "I want to go missionary," she said, sticking her tongue in her cheek. In a moment their chests were flat against each other as Fred thrust his eager cock into her soaking pussy. Her knees swayed in the air on either side of him. "Go, Fred, go," she moaned. "Grind it... grind it, baby, grind it... oh, FUCK, yes..." "Can I come?" Fred said. "Can I come inside you, baby?" "Mmmmhmm," she moaned, excitedly. "Go, baby, go, fuck it, fuck it HARD, oh, OH, YES, baby, YES, I CAN FEEL IT, oh, baby, I CAN FEEL YOU COMING!" The car rocked as Fred erupted inside her, filling her with hot jets of semen. Afterward, they dressed and proceeded home. As Fred dropped her off he held up his hand. "I'm not going to work next week," he said. "We're taking a little vacation. Can you find a ride?" "Oh, yeah, Dean can give me a ride," she said. "Don't worry. Have a nice trip! See you when you get back." She slammed the door shut and ran to the door. Fred watched her and felt queasy with worry. *** It was Saturday and Fred was just about to head out the door when the phone rang. He picked it up and it was Eunju. "Hey babe," she said. "Oh, hi!" He said, and Carol, arranging the packed lunch, looked over at him, squinting slightly. She had a nose for Eunju. "I forgot my purse in your car," Eunju said. "Can I get it somehow? It's very important." "Oh of course," Fred said. "We can swing by your place on the way out." "See you." He hung up. Carol looked at him. "Who was that?" "Oh, Eunju left her purse in the car," he said. "Hmph," Carol said. "Wonder what she was thinking about to forget her purse?" Fred shrugged innocently and went to the car. There it was, stuffed under the front seat. Suddenly an evil idea creeped into his head. At first he dismissed it, but then he gradually convinced himself. He dashed to his office and rifled through a few drawers, then came up with a recording device he used during his old reporting days. It was small and voice activated. Turn it on and it would last for days. And it was very sensitive. Fred took it to the car when the others were inside. He turned it on and stuffed it in Eunju's purse in a side pocket full of gum wrappers. He was pretty sure she wouldn't find it. On the way out of town he stopped by her house. She met him at the door and smiled. "Have a good trip," she said. "See you when I get back!" He said. "Dale's not here," she said. "Come in for a minute?" "Everyone's out in the car!" Fred said. "Just for a minute. Make something up." "I--I--alright," Fred said. He turned back to the car, held up an index finger -- wait a minute -- and went in. Eunju pulled him into the living room and grabbed his cock, unzipping his fly. "Quick, now," she said. That's when he noticed she had no underwear under her skirt. She spread her legs and flopped back on the couch. Fred jerked down his pants to his ankles and mounted her, thrusting madly, letting his cock grow stiffer and stiffer, and then he was inside her, all inches of his schlong thrusting in and out, in and out. "Go, baby, go," she said. "Hurry! They're waiting! Oh, FUCK, go! Fuck me HARD, fuck me FAST..." His cock plunged in and out of her twat, and then he came in a rush, and she laughed in pleasure, and pushed him off. His rigid penis came out with a popping sound, and he pulled his pants back up. As he ran for the door, Eunju cried, "Wait!" He stopped, and she straightened his collar and wiped away a bit of lipstick. She stuffed a bag of cookies in his hand. "Your excuse," she said. "Go, now. I'm going to miss you next week." He looked at her and squeezed her arm. Then he ran out. "What was that all about?" Carol said, as he sat back down in the driver's seat. "Oh, she wanted to give us these," he said. "You were in there for five minutes!" "She had to pack them in the bag," he said. "Relax!" "Mom, did you take your medicine today?" Their son called from the back seat. Everyone laughed, including Carol. Then they were on their way. *** The week went by as all vacations do. One day near the end of the week Fred called Eunju when he knew she'd be at lunch. He had run out to grab some milk. "Hey, babe," he said. "Glad to hear from me?" "Oh," she said. "Good to hear from you." "Oh, sorry, say 'yes' if you're not alone," he said. "No, I'm alone," she said. "Oh, are you feeling alright?" "Yeah, just busy." "Do you want to talk?" "I'm really busy." "Okay, just thought I'd call to say hello," he said. "See you next week." "See you." They hung up. Fred stared at the phone for a moment, puzzled at her distant demeanor, and for the first time he remembered that he had planted a recording device in her purse. He wondered if she had found it. They got back from vacation, and the following Monday Fred went back to pick up Eunju. They had to pick up Dean, so in the two minutes it took to get there he reached out his hand and put it on her leg. "I missed seeing you," he said. She didn't pull her hand away. "Me too," she said. "Sorry I was busy when you called." "Did you want me to call more often?" "That would have been nice." "I'm sorry," he said. "It's... hard." "I know," she said. "I don't mean to get all attached." They picked up Dean. Fred tried to strike up small talk, but he was surprised how quiet the car was on the way down. Halfway through the commute Eunju asked to stop at a rest stop. Dean was asleep. Fred looked at her purse after she got out, looked at Dean asleep in the back, and moved quickly. In a moment he had the recorder in his hand. He turned it off and slipped it into his jacket pocket. When Eunju came back, they continued as they had before. "You look like you haven't slept well this week," Fred said. "You look a little sore or something." "I worked out," she said. "I'm still recovering." The next day, Fred looked forward to pulling to the side of the road, but Eunju waved her hand no. "I'm not feeling so well," she said. "Not today." Fred nodded and said all the right things -- "just hope you're feeling better soon!" -- but at that moment resolved to visit his old friend Garcia. He called in sick the next day -- though he still commuted to work as if he hadn't. After dropping off Dean and Eunju, however, he drove to a small split-level home in the working class side of town. He pounded on the flimsy door and a short, sloppy fat man with glasses answered. "Fred, you sonofabitch," the man said. "Haven't seen you in a long time." They had some chit-chat, and then finally Fred got to the point. "I have another job for you, Garsh," Fred said. "Thought you were done with the reporting," Garcia said. "This is personal." "Ah." "I have about 15 hours of tape here," Fred said, holding out the recorder. "I want the recording cleaned up so I can listen to interesting parts. Can you do that?" Garcia held up the recorder. "I smell something funny about this one," he said, "but I can go ahead and do it. I need to charge you, though." Fred nodded. "Of course," he said. "When can I pick it up?" "I'm at a slow time, so you can get it next week," Garcia said. *** It was a slow week. Eunju came down with something and missed an entire week of work. Fred drove Dean for a couple days, but otherwise rode alone, pondering where the affair was headed. The damned thing about it was he was at her mercy, really. He was the one getting lucky. At the end of the week he went to see Garcia. The man saw him come in the front door, raised his eyebrows slightly, and went to dig out the envelope. He handed it over -- there were several tapes inside -- and Fred paid. He tried to read the man's eyes. "Tape three, 35-thirteen," Garcia said. "What?" "The tape is a little garbled, but it gets interesting at 35 minutes, 13 seconds," he said. He said nothing more. Fred couldn't wait. He popped the tape in as soon as he got in the car. It started normally enough. Bits of conversation came through. Eunju's laughter. She sounded pretty perky. "Did you play football or something?" Eunju said. "You're huge." Dean chuckled. "No, I never got into that," he said. "I was too busy chasing girls." "I'll bet you were pretty successful." "Ha!" Dean said. "Thanks for the compliment. You ain't so bad yourself. I would have gone after you pretty eagerly." A slap. "Oh, stop it," Eunju said. "I mean it." A moment of silence. "Really?" "Really." "I would have responded," she said. "How did girls respond?" "38." "What?" "Thirty eight of them responded quite well." Eunju laughed. "Thirty eight! Are you serious?" "You better believe it." "Well," she said. "I wouldn't have responded THAT well." "You never know." Laughter. A slap. "Stop it, you," she said. "I'm a married woman. You can't talk to me like that." "Sorry," he said. "Can't really help myself." "Dean," she said. "Is that okay?" A moment. "Okay," she said. "Just keep it there." The talk was mundane for the rest of the ride. It picked up again for the return trip. "I'm a married woman, Dean," she said, at some point. "I know that." "Did you know that people never really look at a parked car along the interstate?" "Oh?" "Pull over," she said. "Here?" "Here." A moment later: "Let's get in the back." Rustling. The smack of lips. Muffled grunts. A few chuckles. "You're so big," Eunju said. "That's only the part you can see," Dean said. "Mmmm. When can I see the rest?" "What's the wait?" *** Fred gripped the wheel and pulled over. He had a raging hard-on by now. He unzipped his fly and started stroking himself. He'd never felt so betrayed and horny in all his life. He listened on. *** The unzipping of pants. "Unnhh," Eunju moaned, more firmly. "Take it off," she said. The snap of a waist band. Then, a gasp from Eunju. "Oh, that's too big," she said. "What?" "It won't fit." "You'll stretch. Pussies stretch." "Not THAT much." "I've always fitted into everyone." "Anyone as small as me?" "Yes." "That's a lie." "Let's try it," Dean said. "I don't know." "C'mon, babe," The unzipping of pants. "Unnhh," Eunju moaned, more firmly. "Take it off," she said. The snap of a waist band. Then, a gasp from Eunju. "Oh, that's too big," she said. "What?" "It won't fit." "You'll stretch. Pussies stretch." "Not THAT much." "I've always fitted into everyone." "Anyone as small as me?" "Yes." "That's a lie." "Let's try it," Dean said. "I don't know." "C'mon, babe," he said. "Let's get naked. Then decide." The rustle of clothes. Cars rushing past outside. "God, you're sexy," Dean said. "I always knew your body was dynamite even with the clothes on, but damn." "Not so bad yourself," she said. "You look like you were built in the hot shop." "The what?" "Don't make fun of me," she said. "Come here." "You want to try?" "I don't know yet." Smacks. Light moans. "C'mon," Dean said. "I don't know." "Spread your legs just a little." "Dean--" "Just a little." "I want to--" "Okay, then," he said. "That's not what I--" "Just a little, like this." "Oh, jeez." "I'll be gentle." "Please," she said. "Please be gentle--ohOHH!" "Are you okay?" "Mmmhmmm..." she said, sounding a little worried. "Let's try it again, then..." "OH!" "Just relax." "OhhhhOOO--OUCH!" "ALmost there, baby..." "OUCH, Dean, OOOHHHH, Dean, go gentle--" "It's easier this way." "Dean!" "Relax..." "AHHHNnnnn..." "THere, babe, there..." "OWWWoooWWWW..." "We're in,babe, just relax, it'll get better..." "OW! OW! OW!" "Just relax..." "OWWWW Take it out! OW! OW!OWWW!" Eunju cried. "Relax, babe, it'll feel great, you'll never want to turn back..." "Dean! Take it out! You're OWW hurting!" The slapping of skin. "Relax, babe, arch your back..." "Dean!" "Just do it." "Okay..." "Does it help if I pull like that?" "A little..." "How about that?" "Dean..." "Oh, that sounded better." "Yeah..." More heavy slapping of skin. "You like it a little more?" "Mmmmhmmm...." "Damn, you're so hot." "Dean..." "I knew from the moment I saw you that I wanted you." "Oh, Dean, you're so fucking BIG..." "Oh, baby, you're so tight..." Slap-slap-slap-slap-slap.... "So are you fucking Fred?" "Huhnnn?" "You heard me. Are you fucking him?" Slap-slap-slap-slap-slap... "Yeah..." Eunju moaned. "Nice," Dean said. "Oh, fuck, baby, nice..." "Oh, Dean... OH DEAN..." Slap-slap-slap... "Who do you like more?" "UNNNhhhhh...." "Who?" "GOD YOU'RE SO HUGE..." "Oh, Eunju, tell me who..." "YOU, DEAN, YOU..." "Oh, FUCK, YES, BABY, yes, yes, YESSS...." "Can you come in my pussy?" "Wha?" "I said, can you COME in my TWAT?" Slap-slap-slap-slap... "Eunju, oh, Eunju, do you mean it?" "FUCK, baby, FUCK, do I SOUND like I mean it?" "I'm gonna do it." "DO it." "I'm gonna..." "COME, baby." "EUNJU!" "OH, fuck, I'm gonna TOO!" "YEAH! OH, YEAH, babybabybaby YES!" "I'm coming I can feel you God DEAN OH FUCK YES DEAN OHhhhhhh YES! FUCK!" The sound of skin slapping reached a crescendo, then subsided into moans, sighs, and finally, soft laughter. Then, a shared moan between them. "Oh, jeez, you have any tissue?" Eunju said. "There's a ton of it." "Here you go." "Oh, wow, I got it all over me," she said. "All up and down my thighs... I feel like I just fucked a horse!" "Close enough!" They laughed. *** Fred rested his head against the steering wheel. His come was all over the seat. He'd have to clean that up. But first, he listened on. *** The next car ride started as usual. A few minutes into it Dean suggested they pull over again. "Not today," Eunju said. "No?" "Dean, my pussy hurts like hell," she said. "It's distracting. I can hardly walk. I don't think we can do this." "Really?" "Really." "That's too bad. We had a good time, didn't we?" "Hell, yes," she said. "But it's just not worth it. I'm sorry." "Alright. Well, it was fun." "Yes it was," she said. There was the sound of a quick kiss. And that was that. *** The following Monday Fred went to pick up Eunju. The sound of skin slapping and muffled shouts reached a crescendo, then subsided into moans, sighs, and finally, soft laughter. Then, a shared, happy moan between them. "Oh, jeez, you have any tissue?" Eunju said. "There's a ton of it." "Here you go." "Oh, wow, I got it all over me," she said. "All up and down my thighs... I feel like I just fucked a horse!" "Close enough!" They laughed. *** Fred rested his head against the steering wheel. His come was all over the seat. He'd have to clean that up. But first, he listened on. *** The next car ride started as usual. A few minutes into it Dean suggested they pull over again. "Not today," Eunju said. "No?" "Dean, my pussy hurts like hell," she said. "It's distracting. I can hardly walk. I don't think we can do this." "Really?" "Really." "That's too bad. We had a good time, didn't we?" "Hell, yes," she said. "But it's just not worth it. I'm sorry." "Alright. Well, it was fun." "Yes it was," she said. There was the sound of a quick kiss. And that was that. *** That was a Friday. The following Monday Fred went to pick up Eunju. She came out with a big smile, which Fred reciprocated only briefly. "Let's go get Dean," he said. "Okay," she said. "Everything alright?" "Why wouldn't it be?" "I don't know." They picked up Dean. Fred rode in absolute silence as they talked quietly. It was the same way home. The next day, Fred drove silently again, even though he was the only one in the car with Eunju, and she seemed in a good mood. She was puzzled as she left that night, and the following day, Wednesday, the same routine went. On Thursday, Eunju reached out her hand to the steering wheel and started guiding the Cadillac to the side of the road. "I can't today," Fred said. "I have a meeting this morning." "I don't want to fuck," Eunju said. "I want to talk." "About Dean?" "What?" "Don't play dumb," Fred said. Fred pulled over and put the car in park. "I know about the two of you," he said. Eunju looked at him. To her credit, Fred, thought, she didn't try to lie. "How do you know?" "Forget that," he said. "Why did you do it?" She shrugged. "For a good time. The same reason I started fucking you." "You put me and Dean at the same level?" "I didn't say that." "You're putting me at risk, too, by the way," Fred said. "Who knows where Dean has been!" "Then don't fuck me." "I--" Fred stammered, "I didn't say that." "What's this about?" Eunju said. "Is this about reproductive health? Or am I missing something?" "That's just one thing. I'm also feeling betrayed. Cheap," Fred said. Eunju laughed. "So you, the betrayer, is feeling bad about being betrayed? I agreed to have your cock slipped into my twat, but I didn't commit to you, Fred." "I'm also jealous." "I know. Now you have something to tell me." "What?" "How... did... you... know?" Eunju smiled. Fred sighed. "I taped it." "What???" "I slipped a recorder in your purse. I'm sorry. It was an impulse. But I had to know." "You twisted bastard!" "I'm sorry." "Where is it?" "I took it out." "I can't believe you!" "Well, I found out something you never would have told me." "Then I suppose," Eunju said, "that you also heard the part where I broke it off with him?" "I did." "Good." She stared out the front window. "I can't believe this." "Eunju," he said. "How many times can I say sorry? I think I have feelings for you." She turned to him. "Don't." "How can I help it?" "I'm not getting a divorce because we've had a few good fucks in the car," she said. "Maybe we can establish something more... permanent, though." "Fred, this isn't going anywhere." "It can be, like, permanent fun." She looked at him. "What does that mean?" "We just keep things on the low down. Now and then we can get away for a little trip. Meanwhile we keep our marriages and families intact, but we have the fun here." Eunju smiled. "You think it's that easy? That simple?" "It could be." She reached out and put her hand on his. "Let's get in the back." "Jeez. You mean it?" "Yes." A few moments later, Fred was on top of her, wedged between her legs, driving his penis deep into her pussy. Eunju moaned deeply and often. They fucked slow and deep, and he pushed his shaft into her hot cunt all the way to his testicles. They were making love. "Oh, Fred, I missed you," she said. "Oh baby, you don't even know," he said. She gripped his ass cheeks with both hands and pulled him into her as they reached their climax. "Does it hurt, baby, does it hurt? Are you okay?" Fred said. "Oh, come, honey, come, oh, OH, OHHHhhh..." Fred erupted in her deep, pulling her ass into his hips as he did so. "I love you, Eunju," he said, kissing her ear as his cock squirted a long series of cum jets into her. She paused. "I love you too." It was a prolific week of love-making. They told Dean they weren't going to work and fucked every single day, both ways. On Friday they made love twice on the way home. Fred arrived home outrageously late, and Carol was mad as a hen, but Fred blamed it on a late meeting and that was that. *** On the following Monday, Fred pulled up to Eunju's house. The door opened and Eunju came out. She didn't have her bag, and he clutched a Kleenex. "I'm not going down today," She said. "I'm sick." "Too bad," Fred said. "I know," she said, flashing a smile. "Dale is watching. Gotta go. See you tomorrow, I hope!" Fred drove down and worked for the day. It got busy, and he ended up leaving late. As he drove home he listened to music. About halfway home he squinted as he saw a van pulled to the side of the road ahead. He whizzed past. "It couldn't be," Fred said. But as he drove he was more and more unsure. He took the next exit, circled back, took another exit, and passed the van again. He was pretty sure this time that it was Dean's van. He circled back around again, but this time he stopped about 200 yards down the highway and parked. In the darkness he got out and shut his door softly. Then he walked along the grass toward the van. Cars rushed by. As he got closer to the van he slowed down. He couldn't hear anything yet. He crouched down and came up next to the van. The engine was running, and music was playing. He heard talking inside. Then a laugh. It was Eunju. "I can't believe I'm sitting here with you again," she said. "Well, let's get started," Dean said. "I can't take this anymore, just laying here naked with you. It's driving me wild." "I can tell!" More laughter. Eunju's voice again: "There's ... what do you call it? Johnson?" "Oh, baby, it's so ready for you." Fred inched along the van and looked in. There were curtains on the window, but through a slot in the cloth he saw that there was a soft light on. Eunju and Dean were naked, sitting cross-legged on an arrangement of pillows and facing each other. Eunju was fingering Dean's cock, which was huge. It made Fred think of the big salamis in the grocery store. Eunju began to stroke it. "Now here we go," she said. "You knew if you showed it to me you'd get lucky." "Am I gonna get lucky?" "Come here." Fred watched as Eunju reclined on her back. Dean, excited, leaned over her, and began to grind his big cock against her crotch. It seemed way too big to fit, but in a moment the head of the thing caught on her pubic bone, and crept in. With a few more big thrusts, and some shouts from Eunju, Dean had burrowed his rigid staff between her hips. His ass flexed as he drilled his penis in and out of her pussy. The lips of her vagina clung to his shaft as he pumped it in and out. "Ohhh Dean," she moaned. "Yes, YES, YESSS..." "Is it better this time?" He said. "Do you love it?" "Oh, FUCK, yes..." "Does it hurt?" "Oh, it hurts GOOD..." "I wanna fuck you all night," he said. "OH, YES..." They dissolved into a tangle of limbs, rubbing and pulling at each other. In a moment Dean began to grunt, and Fred saw specks of moisture spraying about Eunju's thighs. "COME, baby..." Eunju moaned. "Oh, GOD, I WANT YOU TO COME!" "Inside?" "Come INSIDE, FUCK, YES, FILL that PUSSY!" Dean shouted as he came, and semen splurted out in big white globs. After a moment he pulled out his cock, and it kept erupting, throwing semen all over her breasts and belly. "OH, Dean, Dean, Dean," she moaned, pulling on his cock. "Was it good? Was it great?" Dean said. "Will we do it again?" "Yes, dammit, yes, you persistent bastard," she said, with a smile. "You and me will fuck for a long time. Years, dammit." Fred was whacking off the whole time, and shot his wad over the side of the van. Then he zipped up and slunk off, his eyes dark. *** He wasn't going to say anything about it. The night after he witnessed Eunju fucking Dean, he convinced himself that it was okay, that he was cool with it, that she wouldn't screw him forever, and that he shouldn't be jealous of another man's wife anyway. The day after, he picked her up and they had hardly made it to the interstate when she was pulling him into the back again, and she mounted him and fucked him with a gusto he'd rarely seen. That helped him forget. A few weeks and a couple suspicious absences later, however, Eunju asked him to pull over, but this time she didn't drag him into the back. "I'm pregnant," she said. "And it's not Dale's baby." "I suppose you'll say it's mine." She arched her eyebrows. "We've been fucking for months and not ONCE did we use birth control. Skin to skin, as you said. Who do you think it was?" "Oh, I don't know," Fred said. "How about Dean?" "That's over." "Don't bullshit me. I saw you. On the roadside. You let him fuck you again. At least once. You told me you were sick, but instead you rode with him, and you screwed. I saw the van, and I looked. I saw it all." "My," she said. "You're everywhere, you sneak." "You guys just aren't very careful." She sighed. "It's true," she said. "He hurt me at first and I broke it off, but then I read that it gets better even with a big cock. He was persistent and finally I gave in again. We've been doing it off and on for a few weeks now." "How many times?" "Maybe a dozen." "Shit. Then how do you know I'm the father?" "Because," she said, "I can tell when I'm ovulating. And the only guy I've allowed to fuck me when I'm ovulating is you." Fred put his hand up to this mouth. "Oh, Eunju." "It's true." "Jeez, I'm sorry." "Show me." "Huh?" "Get in the back and show me." They were back on the Caddilac's back seat in a moment, pulling each other's pants down and rocking the car. He kissed at her ears, jaw, and neck madly. "I love you," he kept telling her. "I love that I made you pregnant." "I love it too," she said. "Can I keep it? Can I have your baby?" "Oh, yes, baby," he said. "Tell Dale it's his, but we'll know... we'll know..." And then he was coming again in her pussy, deep and strong. *** He had the Corolla for a couple of days, as Carol needed the Cadillac. It put a crimp in he and Eunju's sex life, but they both thought a break was warranted. Fred was at work one afternoon when his phone rang. "You bastard," said a shrill female's voice on the other end. "You rotten bastard!" "Carol?" Fred said. "What's wrrong? What's going on?" "You tell me!" Carol cried. "You tell me how many times you fucked her!" "Who?" A scream of rage on the other end. "You know who, you bastard! That girl! That girl you've been driving back and forth! Well, she's not so bright. My friend found her PANTIES stuffed in the seat! They thought it was mine! I had to play along as if it was, even though I was ENRAGED, just to spare the embarassment! As if I wear little pink panties with lace on them! You bastard! How many times have you fucked her?" "Carol, just calm down--" "HOW MANY TIMES?" "I--I don't know, a few--" "A FEW? HOW MANY?" "Pro-probably 50-60 times," he said, at last. "WHAT?" "You heard me," Fred said, gaining courage. "Maybe even closer to 70 times. Hard to say. She gave me what you refused to. And now she's pregnant, you know that?" Silence on the other end. Then, quietly, "You're ruining our family." "You ruined it long ago with your constant complaining and refusal to do anything physical with me!" Fred roared. "What did you expect? That I'd just put my hormones away?" "You BASTARD! Don't come home! Don't! I don't want to see you again! Don't come home!" She slammed down the phone. Fred sat there with the receiver to his ear for a bit, then slowly hung up. Later, he picked up Eunju. "You did it," he said. "You broke up my marriage." Eunju looked at him. "It was for your own good." "My kids," he said. "I still love them." "You have another on the way," she said. "You should be thanking me. I started your new life for you. No hard conversations, nothing. You just start over." Fred looked at her. "Thank you," he said. "Will you be mine?" "Yes," she said. "But I can't promise I won't fuck Dean, or someone else, again." "I know," Fred said. "I can live with it. It's the stuff we're made of."