Note: This story was dynamically reformatted for online reading convenience. Mike sat at the stop light with his son in the back seat. He was two blocks from the day care center and running a tad late, but the pedestrians had the light and he was letting them amble and pedal past before he took his right turn. A car behind him blew its horn. "Jesus, you want me to run someone over?" Mike said, glancing in his rearview and seeing a white car. He figured the driver must have realized her mistake because as he finally took the right she waited for more pedestrians to filter through before turning behind him. Mike turned into the loading zone and saw the white Buick creeping down the street. It stopped and turned into the lot after him, and Mike realized with some amusement that the driver was a day care parent, too. He looked closer as the car came near and saw that it was the Korean mother that his wife disliked so much. The lady sheepishly drove past him and Mike could read her mind: Great, I honked at someone in day care. Instead of stopping the woman continued on out of the parking lot. Mike could see her park far down the street, probably waiting until he had dropped off his son and left. Mike dropped off his son and got back in the car. He called his wife and told her he was going to work at the library. "Guess what," he said. "I got honked at for waiting for pedestrians and it was that woman you don't like. That Korean with the little girl. She was all embarrassed she had honked at someone in day care." His wife tsked. "See, I told you my instinct was right about her," she said. "She's not a good person at all. She's just so... American. She spent most her life in Korea and now she's here and she married an American and so SHE's American. You know what I mean? I hope people don't look at me that way." Mike snickered. In reality his wife and this woman were running parallel lives. They came over from Korea to go to school, met and married Americans, and had kids at roughly the same time. But he knew better than to point that out. "No," he said. "You still act Korean." His wife seemed satisfied with this answer and they chit-chatted another few minutes before saying goodbye. He drove to the library and parked to wait for the doors to open. He was ten minutes early. To his amusement he saw the white Buick coming down the street. The Korean mother took a left into the lot and circled around behind him before finding a slot. Mike wondered what she must be thinking. He glanced in his rearview mirror and saw her getting out of her car, all kinds of bags draped on her arms. Her hair had been pulled up quickly so it formed a kind of nesty bundle at the back of her head. She wore a knee length black skirt and sandals, all of which revealed small and slender feet and trim calves. She was wearing a tan, skin-tight top, modest in that it covered her skin but alluring because it revealed her every curve. Her breasts were smallish but not tiny. He guessed her height at about 5'5. In fact, Mike thought, she wasn't a bad sight. Not at all. It would be best if he didn't let his wife in on that thought, either. When the doors opened he got out of the car and went to his usual spot inside at a desk near the window. He cracked open his laptop and started to open his files. In a moment he heard light footsteps coming up behind him. He didn't think anything of it until they stopped at his desk. He looked up and saw the Korean mother standing there. She smiled at him guiltily. "I sorry I honk at you," she said. "I was in rush and I didn't see the people. I so embarrassed. Then I saw you at day care too! I said, Oh, no. I feel so bad. I thought you no see the light!" Mike waved his hand. "Don't worry about it. I figured it was something like that," he said. "No need to be embarrassed." They looked at each other for a perceptible second. She had gently sloped eyes and creamy skin, and the typical firm jaw line of a Korean. Her facial features all complemented each other, however, so that she possessed a striking face, Asian yet enough round features to be related to by Westerners. He could see how an American fell for her. He wondered what she saw in Americans. Mike had a thing for attracting Asians, both in casual circumstances and under the sheets. 'So," the woman said, "What your name? My name is Betty?" "Betty?" Mike said, standing up to shake her hand. "Then my name is Kyung-Ho. No, really, tell me your real name. My name is Mike. Tell me your Korean name." The woman blushed at his knowledge of how Koreans assume English names for the sake of Americans. "My name is Sung-Kyung," she said. "Sung-Kyung," he repeated, flawlessly. "Yeah, my wife is Korean, so I know a little bit about how to speak the language." "Oh, your son is the one!" She said. "He look like my daughter, sort of." They laughed. "Yes, I've seen your daughter," Mike said. "She's very pretty." "Thank you!" She said. "And your son very handsome. Like his father." Mike blushed. She laughed at the sight. 'Well, then," Mike said. "I'll see you around. I drop off Min-Su every day. Maybe we can honk some more at each other." Sung-Kyung laughed and rested a hand on his arm. She squeezed his bicep gently and said goodbye. The days passed and he saw more and more of Sung-Kyung during drop-offs and pick-ups. They made a habit of saying hello and chit-chatting, first about their kids and then, as weeks went by, more and more about each other. She had grown up poor, like his wife. She came over on a rotary scholarship, like his wife, and gone to work, where she met her husband. Unlike his wife, Sung-Kyung elected to be a stay-home mom. "It's a hard choice," Mike said, of her decision. "My wife decided to work. It's not what I grew up with so there's been a lot of adjustment. I've had to learn to cook and clean a lot more than I used to." "Oh," she said, tilting her head in sympathy. "I understand your wife, but I understand you, too. Sometimes the natural order of things is not what current... fashion says it should be." Mike looked at her, sensing sarcasm, then realized she was serious. "You think this feminism stuff is a fad?" She shrugged. "We do things one way for thousands year, then in the past 30 year we do things new. I just think there something nice about the way I do things." "Oh baby," Mike said, with a laugh. "Are there a lot of Korean women who think like that? Maybe I should have shopped around a bit more before I got married!" "Oh Mike!" Sung-Kyung said, laughing. She slapped his shoulder. "You get in trouble with your wife if she hear that!" 'Well, can you keep a secret?" She laughed again and slapped him playfully. "Yes, I good at keeping secrets." They drew a few glances from other parents and said goodbye guiltily. As he walked to his car Mike turned his head, seeing if he could see her. When he saw her he realized she was doing the same thing. She smiled rather devilishly at him and turned to her car. Mike kept thinking about that little look. The next day he bumped into her again as they were leaving. "Oh Mike!" She said. "Can I have your email? I was wondering on Mondays sometime when no day care if you want to have playdate." Mike's head roared, and then he realized that she was talking about getting their kids together. "Oh that would be nice," Mike said. Then he lied. "My boy talks about your girl sometimes so I think he'd like that." "Great!" She said. They exchanged email addresses and she swished off, her curves hinting at themselves below her billowing skirt. A few days later his stomach lurched as he saw an email from Sung-Kyung in his inbox. "Hi Mike," it began. "I was wondering if you would like to meet me at pool on Monday morning. It opens at 9 a.m. and admission is only $2 for kids. -Sung-Kyung." Mike looked around quickly. His wife was upstairs and she knew nothing of his budding friendship with Sung-Kyung. It had started innocently enough. He just didn't tell her that he talked to the woman because he didn't want her to get unnecessarily jealous, as she sometimes did. But it was getting so that maybe his wife should be a little wary. Still, Mike couldn't resist. The idea of seeing Sung-Kyung in her bathing suit spurred him on. "Sure!" he wrote back. "See you there!" At the pool, in the lockerroom, Mike dressed his son and then hemmed and hawed about his own attire. The shirt, or no shirt? He could always take the shirt off if Sung-Kyung appeared in some bikini or something, but that might be a little overbearing. On the other hand if he showed up with no shirt and she was there in pants and long-sleeves, that would be awkward too. He'd appear like some kind of show-off. 'Let's go, Daddy!" His son cried. "Okay, let's go," Mike said, stuffing the shirt into the locker. "Sometimes you gotta take a risk for what you want, son." His son looked at him oddly and they walked, both bare-chested out of the lockerroom to the pool area. As luck would have it he bumped into Sung-Kyung and her girl as they emerged from the women's lockerroom. Sung-Kyung was draped with bags but wearing a two-piece green bikini. It clung narrowly to her perfect hips and didn't leave a whole lot to the imagination on her round ass, or her perky breasts, for that matter. He saw that her nipples were erect. Sung-Kyung had given him the once-over, too, and they both seemed to sigh with relief as they realized they had both grappled with the same problem and, likely, come to the same conclusion. "What a nice couple of men!" Sung-Kyung announced, putting a hand on Mike's muscled shoulder and saying hello to his son. "Look Min-Su," Mike said to his son. "We've got a couple of babes to go swimming with!" It wasn't until they were at the kiddie pool and chatting did Mike come to grips with what was going on. He was at the pool, unbeknownst to his wife, with a woman his wife didn't like, and she was wearing a bikini to die for. He glanced around quickly to confirm that he didn't know anybody. The kids put an innocent light on the outing, and, given a couple of weeks, he might be able to convince his wife of his innocence if she found out about this outing, but he still hoped he wouldn't have to. Besides, a naughty little voice told him, you want to find out how far this will go, don't you? They talked together and played with their kids, each casually checking each other out and cataloguing their bodies bit by bit. She was as lithe and healthy as she appeared from afar and with clothes. Sung-Kyung evidently liked what she saw, too, because at the end she asked if he wanted to do it again. "Yeah, I'll email you by the end of the week to confirm it," he said. And then a nasty little voice: You'd like to put something in her inbox, wouldn't you, Mikey? To his surprise SungKyung leaned close and kissed his cheek before she left. His face went hot with blush. She winked at him and left, her ass swishing under the suit. He kept thinking about that moment over and over as the water left by her hand dried on his chest. Her right breast had pushed firmly into his pectoral muscles, and her hips and thigh had pushed along his. He kept thinking about it. The next day he emailed her. "9 a.m. Monday?" Within an hour the reply: "See you there!" When he arrived at the pool the following Monday she was waiting for him outside the lockerrooms. She smiled and waved, and came up to him to speak very carefully. "Let me take Min-Su into the pool," she said. "I have a couple of friends, they watch over him and my girl." "Oh," Mike said, confused. "No, don't worry, I can watch him--" "No you can't!' She burst, then laughed. "No, you leave him with my friends. You and I go, I show you something." "Oh, okay," he said, his stomach twirling and dancing. Show him something/ His sense of fatherhood repressed the excitement temporarily. "Well, maybe I should go meet them first--" "No, you don't do that, either," she said. Sung-Kyung looked around and pulled him discreetly to the side. 'Look, it best if my friends don't know about our playdates. They talk, you know. I tell them that I watching Min-Su for a friend. They watch him, and you and I go do something else. Okay?" Mike looked at his son. His boy was laughing and already playing with Sung-Kyung's daughter. "I guess it's okay," he said. Sung-Kyung smiled and led the two kids away. "Go change!" She called over her shoulder. "I meet you on other side of lockerroom in pool area!" Mike changed, leaving off his shirt again. Holy shit, he thought, if his wife could see him now, leaving Min-Su with strangers so a lady in a bikini could "show him something," she would have his head on a plate. Still, hormones won the day, and he went out to the pool area. He looked and saw his son playing with the girl and a couple of Korean women. It looked alright. Suddenly Sung-Kyung emerged from the lockerroom, dressed this time in a pink bikini, and took him by the hand. "Let's go!" She said, leading him to the outdoor section, where there was a tall water slide. 'Where are we going?" Mike laughed. "To the slide!" She bounded up in front of him, pulling him up the stairs by his hand. Mike admired her trim little body with its enticing curves. They reached the line at the top and she hopped up and down with excitement, still holding his hand. Good Lord, Mike thought, if his wife could see him now, well, it might take a year to convince her he was innocent. Maybe he never would convince her. They got to the head of the line. A sleepy-looking lifeguard announced that only one could go down the slide at a time. "Oh, okay," Sung-Kyung said, then turned and cast Mike a surreptitious wink. When the lifeguard saw the previous water-slider emerge at the bottom he nodded to Sung-Kyung "Let's go!" Sung-Kyung cried, pulling Mike by the hand to the tunnel. "Hey!" The lifeguard cried, and reached for Mike. He missed and Mike leaped onto the slide after Sung-Kyung. She sat on his swimsuit and leaned back into him and they pushed off, descending the chute pressed close to each other, to the outraged cries of the lifeguard. They screamed all the way down. The forces pushed Sung-Kyung onto his crotch, and he felt the twin cheeks of her ass on his cock through the thin layers of swimsuits. By the time they crashed into the water on the bottom he was semi-erect. They broke the surface of the pool, laughing and shouting, and Mike felt her hand "accidentally" brush his cock, probably confirming the enormous heft she'd felt on the way down. "Hey!" A lifeguard shouted, circling the pool. Word was out. Mike and Sung-Kyung sprung from the water and ran. Whistles blew, but by the time others realized what was going on they had ducked into a little nook in the wall near the women's lockerroom. They pressed against each other, looking for lifeguards. Then they turned to each other, their eyes locked, and they kissed. Mike felt her tongue eagerly push into his mouth. His cock twinged again. "Come on," she said, taking him by the hand again. They darted around the corner into the women's lockerroom, where they passed a couple of startled occupants. "Sung-Kyung! Jesus!' Mike said, laughing. She pulled him into a private dressing stall and pulled the door shut behind her. They laughed together and then their gazes locked. "Mike," she said. "I don't know what we doing." "Let's find out," he said, and took her in his arms. The space was tight, with a wooden bench on one wall, but circumstances were such that not a lot of space was needed. He jerked the string holding up the top piece of her bikini and tore it off by his teeth. With her back against the wall she wrapped his head in her arms as he buried his face into her breasts, tonguing them furiously as she gasped amorously and arched her back into him. She rose her legs so they encircled his hips and she was suspended by them and her back against the wall. His hands found her ass as he kissed her. "Oh Mike," Sung-Kyung said, "what your wife say if she saw this? She no like me anyway." "Now I know why," he muttered into her chest. "She always had good instincts." "You naughty---oh!" His tongue danced on a nipple and she squeezed. She allowed herself to slide down a bit and her hand dropped to his swimsuit. She untied it, peeling it back from his wet skin, allowing his raging hard-on to burst forth. She took it in a hand and smiled broadly. "Oh, just what I thought, you big, you so big..." she said, stroking it firmly to full attention. "I think about you inside me when I fuck my husband," she added. "I think about being inside you even when I'm not fucking my wife," he replied, and she laughed. "Rip my bottom off," she said. That confused Mike until he realized she was talking about the bottom of her swimsuit. He grinned and grasped the waist strap in both hands. He pulled it apart and it resisted at first, then stretched and tore. She let out a little "Oh!" as it came flying off and he tossed the remnants to the floor. Nothing was between their fucking things now. She wrapped her legs around his hips and hooked her ankles behind his ass. She thrust her chest into his face and lowered her pussy onto his cock. "Fuck me," she commanded. "Fuck me like Korean lady never get fucked." Mike bounced her up and down gently a few times until the head of his penis caught in the folds of her vagina skin, and then he let her slide slowly down the wall, letting gravity force his throbbing penis deeper and deeper into her soaking and eager pussy. When his cock reached its hilt, where his balls allowed no further access, he coiled his legs and began to bounce Sung-Kyung on his penis. "Ohhhh-OH! Ohhh-OH! Ohhhhh-OH! OH!" She cried, feeling his penis wedged firmly between her legs, deep between her hips. Her eyes clenched shut and her faced screwed up in passion. She had slid down far enough so his face was at her collarbone instead of her chest now, and he kissed at it hungrily as he kept up his thrusting. His penis made a slurping sound against the wet, thick walls of her pussy, which wrapped firmly around his shaft. "Oh, Mike, MIKE, MIIIIKE..." she belted, encouraging him, kneading his back with her hands - careful not to scratch - and squeezed his ass with her feet. "What your wife think if she saw THIS, Mike? What she THINK, huh? What?" "She'd be a little... upset," he said. "But how can I ... help... myself? I'm just a MAN..." "Oh yeah, you man, you big, strong, man, you, fuck me, FUCK me, fuck me HARD..." Their pace increased to a fever pitch as she bobbed like a pogo stick atop his cock. Her head whipped back and forth, her fragrant hair flying in his face, and she squeezed his head with her arms as lights began to pop like cameras before her eyes. She felt a deep itch she'd never felt before, which grew to a wave that took her hips, making them shudder, and traveling up her spine until all her erogenous zones - breasts, belly, neck, ears, and, of course, her pussy -- were on fire and she bucked wildly into Mike, striving to have them all touch him at once. That was all the signal Mike needed, and he felt his own itch that grew into a wave. He felt the first hot jet of semen gathering deep down, somewhere between his asshole and testicles, and then he cried out as his penis contracted, the muscle propelling the cum up his shaft in a giant pulse. And then it was pulsing like mad, firing squirt after squirt of semen into Sung-Kyung's quaking pussy. THey clenched to each other for some 45 seconds as their orgasms peaked together, then slowly subsided. Exhausted from the effort, Mike sagged to the bench, Sung-Kyung still perched on his penis. She reached behind her ass and rubbed his balls tenderly, coaxing the last of the semen out of him. His penis throbbed a couple more times and then, tuckered out, it started to shrink. Sung-Kyung put her feet on the floor and raised her body gradually off him, her eyes half-slitted from the intense orgasm. He'd released so much semen into her that it leaked out, oozing to the floor in a gooey string. She caught some of it and rubbed it over her breasts and belly. "Oh Mike," she moaned. "We must do this more often. I like playdate with you." They opened the door of the stall carefully. They snickered as a few huffy women who'd heard it stormed out, and, when the coast was clear, Sung-Kyung dashed to her locker and dug out a spare swimsuit. "Go! Go!" She hissed. "They're coming!" Mike threw on his swimsuit, glanced out the door and slipped outside, unspotted. By the time he was spotted it was no big deal. He had slipped seamlessly into the crowd. He overheard a woman talking to a lifeguard. "Yeah! Right there in the lockerroom, I tell you! Some guy doinking a woman right there for all to hear!" Mike smiled and went to dress. He waited outside until Sung-Kyung finally appeared with her daughter and Min-Su in tow. She glanced around and put a hand on Mike's cheek and kissed him firmly. 'We'll see you again soon," she said. "Thanks for the WONDERFUL time..." Their hands brushed each other's and they parted to their cars, as if strangers. Later that night, when his wife came home, Min-Su almost blew the whole thing. 'Where Sung-Kyung?" He said suddenly, at the dinner table. "Who?" His wife said. "Sung-Kyung." "Who's that?" His wife said, shooting a glance at Mike. 'Oh, that's the name of some kid he met at the pool today," he said. "You went to the pool?" "Yeah. Had a great time." "See anyone you know?" "Well, no, but now we know someone, don't we," he said, patting Min-Su's head. "Sung-Kyung. He chases her around all the time. We'll be seeing her a lot."