This is a make believe story about make believe characters.

My story archive: /~brd/

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: A Summers XXX-Mas
(FFf, anal, incest, food,viol)
by Big Red Dope (

With school out for Christmas vacation Buffy and Dawn laid sprawled out
in the living room while Dawn handled the remote and channel surfed.

"There's absolutely nothing on during the day," Dawn commented finally
settling on some soap opera she had never seen before.

"It's the holidays so everything's a re-run if it isn't some Christmas
special.  Besides there's nothing on during the day anyway unless you like
soap operas and crappy talk shows."

"You want to go to the mall then?"

"Might as well, there's nothing to do around here."

"You want to call Xander or Willow?"

"Nope, no Spike either.  Just the two of us if you don't mind.  I don't
get to spend much time with you without it involving demons or vampires or
some other evil scourge and it's Christmas so I'll stick to family for

"That's fine with me," Dawn smiled as she got up.  "Give me a few
minutes and I'll be ready."

"No problem I've got to get ready myself before we leave," Buffy
replied. Dawn was about the turn the tv off when a news bulletin came on
the air.

"Sorry to interrupt your program, but we have late breaking news," a
middle-aged brown haired news anchor said on tv.  "There's been another
attack on holiday shoppers.  It happened in the parking garage at Plaza
View Mall approximately forty-five minutes ago.  The victims are a white
middle aged couple who were attacked while loading items into their
vehicle. Police aren't releasing the names of the victims until next of kin
can be contacted and we have received reports from various eyewitnesses who
claim the vehicle was crushed like a toy car and that the bodies of the
victims were dismembered.  Right now police aren't commenting on the
condition of the vehicle but are strongly denying any dismemberment of the
bodies.  Whatever the truth may be this much is clear.  This is the fifth
attack in the last two weeks all seeming to be random and whoever is behind
this is trying very hard to ruin the holidays for everyone."

As the special bulletin ended and returned to regular programming Dawn
turned off the tv and threw the remote onto the couch.

"Oh man," Dawn complained flopping onto the couch.  "There goes our

"Not necessarily, we'll just do something else.  There's nothing even
hinting at the slightest that there's something supernatural behind this,"
Buffy replied picking up the phone and dialing seven numbers.

"Who are you calling?"


"I thought you said there was nothing supernatural going on."

"There isn't, I just want to check and make sure with Giles is all."

"Hey Giles it's Buffy," Buffy said into the phone as the other end
picked up.

"I assume you're calling about the news cast just now."

"Yeah I am.  Dawn and I were supposed to spend the day together so
please tell me there's nothing supernatural behind the attacks."

"Sorry Buffy."

"Damn it."

"I can't say for sure that it is supernatural, but I've had strong
suspicions since the first attack that it was."

"Ok, what's the who and the why?"

"If it's as I suspect then it's an Equana demon causing the problems."

"Equana demon?  That doesn't sound even remotely familiar."

"It's not really a demon, more like half horse half man.  They're
creatures who live in another dimension and are only summoned to our world
by low end summoners or by people with little money who hire a summoner to
seek revenge on others.  Now that I think about it the last known
appearance of these creatures in our world was in Boston in 1962.  There
was a series of attacks similar to ours.  Right around Christmas too if
memory serves me.  These demons are mostly used to seek revenge on others."

"Family disputes with ex-husband and wives.  Makes sense I guess, but
why summon this creature instead of hiring someone to do the dirty work?"

"Actually the cause of the attacks in 1962, which I'm sure is the same
cause for these attacks, was the over commercialization of Christmas.  More
focus given to gifts than to the true nature of Christmas whatever that is
to the person responsible for the Equana's appearance."

"Please tell me you're kidding?  Somebody's summoning this Equana demon
because they're pissed off that Christmas has come to do more with getting
presents than with anything else?"

"If you take into account that we still kill each other over shoots and
cars then it's not that surprising."

"Ok, so how do I kill it?  What's its weakness?"

"The Equana don't have any real weaknesses.  I suppose the best thing I
can tell you is to beat it up until you can kill it.  However in cases of
emergency if it feels it's about to lose it's life it does have enough
mystical energy to teleport itself to safety."

"Beat up, kill.  Got it.  Now where can I find it?"

"I really think you should talk to the others and develop a plan before
you go hunting it."

"Beside its ability to teleport itself in an emergency does it have any
real magic strength?"


"And it's a physical creature when fighting right?"


"Then don't worry about it, I can handle it.  It'll be dead and things
will be back to normal by the end of the day.  Now again where can I find

"I've been plotting the locations of the attacks since the first one and
there doesn't seem to be any kind of pattern.  All I can say is to start
out and just patrol the city, perhaps you'll get lucky and come across the
creature or I can figure something out.  If you do run into the Equana do
be careful.  If nothing else they can be quite vicious creatures, more so
than vampires."

"I'm always careful, you know that."

"I'd say reckless and foolhardy instead, but that's me.  Anyway, just
come back alive."

"Gotcha, and Giles?"

"Yes Buffy?"

"If I don't see you before Saturday Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you and Dawn as well."

"So you're going patrolling huh?" Dawn asked as Buffy hung up the phone.

"Yeah, there goes our trip to the mall today.  Evil never rests," Buffy

"We can just go tomorrow then."

"Sorry Dawn, I really want to spend time with you."

"It's not your fault.  It's like you said 'Evil never rests.'"

Buffy went to her room and packed for the hopefully quick upcoming
encounter.  She grabbed her duffel bag and stuffed numerous stakes,
crossbows, holy water and other instruments used in fighting evil.  Buffy
walked back downstairs where she found Dawn watching tv again.

"I'll be back as soon as I can I promise."

"Don't worry about it Buffy, it wasn't like we had this all planned out.
Besides we've been to the mall a hundred times."

"Yeah...  right..."

As Buffy left the house and started down the road she started thinking.
Christmas this year wasn't going to be easy for Dawn.  Buffy wasn't sure
how close Dawn was with coming to terms with not being her sister or even
human.  Joyce and Buffy insisted that they loved her like family and that
she was apart of it and they tried to show her they meant it at every
possible turn, but now Joyce was trapped in San Francisco on business and
just could not get out of it.  At first Dawn questioned why Joyce was gone
if they were family, but had stopped making a fuss of it lately.

Buffy made a number of trips around Sunnydale hitting all the typical
bad guy haunts, but had no luck in finding the Equana demon.  She was about
the head home when Plaza View Mall came into sight.  It was common sense
among man and creature alike not to strike the same place back to back so
soon, but Buffy decided to check it out anyway.  Level by level she
searched the five story-parking garage, but found nothing as she suspected.

As Buffy returned to the fifth level elevator and pushed the button to
go down she hear a loud snorting noise behind her.  She quickly turned to
see a huge half-man half-horse creature standing at what she guessed to be
eight feet rocking an s.u.v.  with a screaming couple inside of it.  Buffy
quickly dropped her bag and reached inside pulling out the crossbow.

"Hey you!" Buffy screamed across the parking lot.

The beast stopped rocking the vehicle and turned its attention to Buffy
howling at her.  An arrow flew from the crossbow striking it in the left
eye.  The Equana demon screeched as it reached for it's injured eye.  Buffy
shot a second arrow at the creature, but it caught it with its hand and
broke it in half.  The demon pounded on the s.u.v.  as it pulled the
protrusion from his eye, removing the eye as well.

Blood dripping from the hole in its face the Equana charged at Buffy.
She sidestepped it letting it stumble past her.  She followed up with a
dropkick to the back and it fell to the ground.  Buffy reached inside her
bag and pulled out a nine-inch long razor sharp hunting knife that she only
used for the biggest and strongest of creatures.  She then walked over to
the Equana demon as it was standing up and sensing her presence it quickly
turned around swinging his fist at her.  Buffy barely dodged the attack and
brought the knife down across the creature's right wrist.  It screamed
bloody murder as the hand fell to the ground leaving a bloody stump at the

As Buffy was about to stab the Equana through the heart it suddenly
disappeared and she stabbed air.  The creature just as suddenly appeared
behind her and clubbed her in the head with its left hand.  The sheer force
of the blow knocked Buffy to the ground and sent the knife clanking across
the concrete.  Buffy quickly started to get up, but felt her throat
suddenly clamped onto by the demon's hand.  It lifted her into the air
extending its arm all the way above its head.  Buffy reached ten feet off
the ground.  She started clawing at the arm beating it as air left her
lungs and she was carried towards the edge of the parking garage.

The Equana demon stumbled forward dropping Buffy onto the hood of a car.
It growled in anger as it reached behind itself for the arrow sticking out
of its back.  As it turned to face it's attacker it was struck in the right
eye with another arrow and was now completely blind.  Buffy saw the wounded
creature stumbling around the top level of the parking garage clutching at
its bloodied face.  With an aching body Buffy got up and stumbled towards
the knife on the ground.  She picked it up and waited for the Equana demon
to turn around.  When it did she quickly jammed the knife into its heart
and it let out a screeching howl before disappearing into a flash of life.

Buffy made like the knife and fell the ground sitting there and
breathing hard to get air back into her body.  She looked back to see who
her lifesaver was and raised an eyebrow when she saw Dawn coming towards

"What...  What are you doing here Dawn?" Buffy coughed.

"I came to the mall with one of my friends and her mother and we parked
on the top level.  They took off when they saw that horse thing you were
fighting.  Was that the Equana demon you and Giles were talking about?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure it was.  Let's get home and let Giles know it's

"It's not even really a demon know you?" Dawn joked as she helped Buffy

"Bah, so where did you learn to use a crossbow like that?"

"From you of course."

"Don't make a habit of it Dawn, being a slayer isn't all it's cracked up
to be.  Ah man, I got Equana blood on my hands."

"You only cut off its hand and stabbed it in the heart.  There's blood
all over the parking lot."

"Huh.  That's odd."

"I know they're two different creatures, but when you stake a vampire in
the heart in disintegrates into air clothing and all.  I stabbed the Equana
in the heart, which also disappeared when it died, although there was a
flash of light when it disappeared, but the blood is still here."

"Hey Buffy..." Dawn called out as she bent over with her hands on her
knees.  "I'm feeling kind of dizzy."

"Yeah me too," Buffy replied as she started to feel lightheaded herself.
"Let's get home."


As she dropped her shirt to the floor Buffy turned around in the mirror
and noticed the large purplish bruise on her back where she had fallen on
top of the car during the fight with the Equana demon earlier in the day.
She let the bath tub finish running and when she could see the steam rising
from the water she stepped into it.  She grinned and sighed as the heat
engulfed her body.  Buffy closed her eyes and dozed off to sleep as the hot
water massaged her.  She was startled and quickly woke from her slumber as
the bathroom door flew open and slammed into the wall.

"Hey Dawn what's up?" Buffy asked seeing her sister in the doorway.

"Get out of the tub Buffy."

"Why?  What's going on?"

"Don't ask me why, just do it!"

"Jeez, ok I'm getting out of the tub," Buffy huffed as she climbed out
of the water.  "Uh Dawn, why are you dressed like a reindeer?"

Dawn was wearing a matching bra and panties set that were a light brown
color.  The panties had a small poof tail near the top of the back and a
slit ran down them from the back to the front allowing access to Dawn's
pussy and ass to whoever wanted it.  Dawn was also wearing a black leather
collar with a bell attached to it, a red Rudolph nose, and antlers on her

"Get you're robe on and let's go the living room.  Mom has something she
wants to show you."

"Mom came home?  I thought she was stuck in San Francisco on business."

"What world have you been living in?  Her trip got cancelled and she
came home for the holidays."

"That's good to hear."

"Yes it is and speak no more unless spoken to."


"Just shut up Buffy."

"Ok fine, you big meanie," Buffy huffed as she entered the living room
with her sister.

"Good morning Buffy.  It's so nice to be able to be with my two
daughters on Christmas day after all.  It's time to open presents.  You
really shouldn't have taken a bath so early in morning.  You don't need one

Buffy's jaw dropped when laid eyes on her mother.  Joyce was sitting on
of those large red chairs they use with mall Santas.  Joyce herself was
dressed up in Santa garb.  She wore the red and white hat, but instead of
the pants and jacket typically associated with Santa she was wearing a red
and white felt skirt and top.  The skirt was fastened at the top with a
button that allowed for a quick removal of garment and the top was a zip up
that had long sleeves and was cut really low showing lots of cleavage.  It
also stopped right above Joyce's stomach allowing a view to anyone who

"Mom, what's going on?"

"Dawn called me last night and told me you were feeling kind of blue,
because I was gone and you still thought you really weren't a member of the
family because you were the Key.  Dawn may be the slayer and may act tough
sometimes, but she loves you just as much as I do and we want you to know
that you're just as an important part of the Summers family as we are ok?"

"Yeah listen Buffy," Dawn said assuringly as she took Buffy's hand into
hers, "Sorry for being so abrupt back there, but I really wanted you to
hear what mom had to say.  I love you very much, we both do, and you mean
the world to us ok?"

"I don't know what to say," Buffy said smiling largely, "but that I'm
sorry for ever doubting you."

"That a girl," Joyce smiled.

Joyce got up and the three Summers females embraced.  Buffy was startled
for a moment when she felt a hand reach inside her robe and start to fondle
her right breast tweaking her nipple between fingers.

"Buffy I may be the Slayer, but you're my big sister.  Let me take care
of you," Dawn whispered as she broke open Buffy's robe and let it fall to
the floor.

Buffy felt exposed and vulnerable as she stood naked in front of her
sister and mother, but as Dawn's reassuring touch returned to her breasts
she quickly felt comfortable.  As Dawn started to fondle Buffy's breasts
their lips locked and sisterly love transferred between them.  Joyce
removed her Santa hat and placed it on Buffy's head.  She then sat down
behind her oldest daughter looked on in refined lust at Buffy's smooth
round ass.

Dawn only let her tongue wrestle with Buffy's briefly, not wanting to
wait to get her lips on the very globes her hands had just been touching.
Buffy let out a nervous gasp as she felt Joyce's hands explore every inch
of her butt including the crevice that led to her puckered asshole.
Buffy's attention was soon swung back to Dawn her pinkish lips surrounded
her nipple and Dawn began gingerly suck Buffy's breast.

Joyce smiled in delight as Buffy groaned when her mother's tongue
started to push into her anus.  Joyce held Buffy's ass cheeks apart and
began to really dig her tongue into her butt.  She enjoyed the little
quivers of delight that ran up and down her daughter's body everytime she
tried to lick all of the goodness from Buffy's behind.

Dawn's mouth left Buffy's nipples erect and alert as she started her way
down the body.  Dawn stopped at the little patchwork of hair between
Buffy's legs and ran her tongue up and down her sister's slit.  Buffy
groaned as her body tingled with delight.  She just wasn't sure if it was
from Dawn eating out her pussy or her mother eating out her ass.  All Buffy
knew was that she felt wet and Dawn knew it too.  She began to suck Buffy's
juices from her twat and Joyce became all too aware of what was going on by
Dawn's loud slurping.

"Dawn, baby?" Joyce called out.

"Yes mother?" Dawn replied looking around Buffy at her mother as some
girl cum glistened on her lips.

"Let's let Buffy sit down for a moment, let her get in on the fun.
Besides, it's my turn.  I'm thirsty as well."

"What about Buffy?  Is she thirsty?"

"Yes I kind of am," Buffy answered meekly.

"Can you get her something to drink?" Joyce asked.

"I think so," Dawn replied sitting down on the Santa chair.

There she spread her panties apart widening the slit in them.  Buffy got
on her knees and leaned forward sticking her nose into Dawn's crotch.  Dawn
smiled feeling ticklish as Buffy's nose rubbed against her clit.  She felt
even better once Buffy stuck out her tongue and began to lick Dawn's
opening.  With Buffy busy trying to drink from Dawn, Joyce took the
opportunity to get Buffy off of her knees.  With Buffy's legs sticking way
in the air Joyce placed them over her shoulders and began to suck at
Buffy's every moistening hole.

As Buffy started to really dig her tongue deep into Dawn's snatch as
Joyce tried to suck Buffy dry, Dawn felt her body start to burn as she
watched them.  Buffy squealed at the first sign of Dawn's girl cum and
eagerly lapped it up as fast as it came out.  Buffy became so obsessed with
drinking and sucking her sister's cunt that she failed to recognize that
Joyce had removed herself from her bottom and set her back down on the

Buffy definitely took notice and even lost her concentration as she felt
something enter her vaginal walls.  She looked back and watched as Joyce
started to pump a giant ten-inch long one-inch thick candy cane into her
pussy.  Buffy groaned each time her mother thrust the candy cane into her
vagina.  As she listened to her daughter moan with pleasure Joyce
unbuttoned her skirt and let it fall to her ankles.  She reached down
between her pantyless legs and began to finger herself.  Listening to
Buffy's cries of gratification was a great turn-on to Joyce her finger's
lathering up in her girl cum as she wet herself.

While Buffy was busy taking pleasure from the thick candy cane, Dawn
climbed off of the chair and walked into the kitchen.  She returned a few
minutes later with a straight thick peppermint stick that was twelve inches
long and two inches think.  Dawn slowly and succulently began to suck on
the end of the peppermint stick.  When it was nice and wet and sticky she
did the same to the other side.

Joyce giggled with excitement as Dawn began to push the stick into her
sphincter.  When a good four inches of it was in her mother's ass Dawn
turned herself around and positioned her butthole near the free end of the
candy stick.  She bit her lip and grunted as the thick shaft entered her
behind, but soon Dawn and Joyce were able to feel each other's butts
pressed against each other as the peppermint disappeared inside them.
Joyce's cunt began to really gush as she and Dawn began to work back and
forth with each other as she continued to finger her sloppy cunt and push
the candy can deep into Buffy's twat.  With each push of her ass onto the
stick Dawn dug her fingers deep into her pussy working up her juices.  She
tingled with pleasure at each and every one of Buffy and Joyce's moans.

With the thrusting of the candies and the fingering of their pussies the
Summers women began to moan and pout excitedly.  Buffy was easily the most
excitable and came first.  White droplets of cum dribbled from between her
cuntal lips and oozed down her legs.  Joyce left the candy cane sitting
tight and snug in her daughter's cunt as she ravaged herself with her
hands. With the addition of Buffy to the fun Joyce's pussy burned and
gushed like it hadn't in a long time.  Having a large thick shaft in her
anus certainly helped as well.  Dawn was the last to come.  If nothing else
she wanted to teach Buffy well so she'd look forward to every Christmas
with the family.

"Mother let's show her," Dawn huffed on the verge of orgasm.

"Yes, let's show Buffy," Joyce agreed laying on her back opening her
mouth wide.  Dawn straddled Joyce's face placing her dripping snatch right
above her mother's mouth.

"Oh god!  Here I go...!" Dawn grunted as a thick white load of female
ejaculate started to ooze from her cunt dropping into her mother's mouth.
Joyce smacked her lips and swallowed Dawn's first load and waited for the
second.  The amount of cum that Dawn was releasing Buffy had only seen men
ejaculate in porno movies.  She smiled admirably as Dawn was able to come
as she did and Joyce eagerly swallowed each load without missing a drop.

"How are you feeling baby?" Joyce asked Buffy standing up.

"Like I'm dumb for ever doubting I was part of the family," Buffy
replied smiling.

"Good, you and Dawn go clean up while I make breakfast," Joyce said
putting her Santa skirt back on.  "We'll open presents later."

Buffy picked up her robe and returned to the bathroom.  She emptied out
the tub getting rid of the cool water and turned on the hot water.  When
the water was hot and there was steam rising from it Buffy stepped into.
She closed her eyes and as the heated liguid massaged her body she fell

Buffy woke with a start and shot up in the bathtub splashing water
everywhere.  She looked around the bathroom and saw the clothes she had
bloodied while fighting the Equana demon.  Just to make sure it really was
a dream she just had Buffy called for her sister.

"Dawn!  Come here please!" Buffy shouted.

"What is it Buffy?"

"Why are my clothes all bloody..." Buffy nearly came to a stop a she
looked up at Dawn and saw her wearing the same reindeer outfit that she had
on the dream.

"You killed an Equana demon and cut off its hand.  Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine...  Why are dressed like a reindeer?"

"Mom asked me to.  Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Good then.  Oh Giles called back a few minutes ago and said that there
isn't anything he can find to worry about from being exposed the Equana
blood.  Get your robe on and let's go the living room.  Mom has something
she wants to show you."