Good Wife University (GWU)
bi bobbi jo

Chapter Three -- Kim's Tests

Kim was sure the others were asleep.  It seemed like they were
going to stay up all night, whispering intimately at the other
end of the room, occasionally gasping or giggling.  They finally
turned out the lights and drifted to the beds to get some sleep.

Kim waited a little longer, listening for even breathing and
total quiet.  Then she slowly counted to one thousand. 
Throughout the long count, she heard no sound but the crickets
outside and a bullfrog far off in the distance.

She sat up slowly, fearing that the bed would creak.  It didn't. 
She felt for her shoes, then decided that high heels weren't
suitable for an escape and left them on the floor by the bed. She
did want some clothing, though.  Something.  Anything to cover up
with.  Not willing to stay in the old building any longer than
she had to, Kim pulled the top sheet from the bed and wrapped it
around herself before tiptoeing out of the room and into the

Dim nightlights along the hallway lit her way.  At the door, she
pushed gently, just enough to get it to swing.  She was
surprised that it wasn't locked.  Then she slid through the
opening barely wide enough to get her body through, the cold
metal grazing her exposed flesh and pulling off the sheet.

Once outside the building, Kim decided to follow the driveway. 
She reasoned that it would lead to a road that would lead to
a larger, more traveled road.  With luck, she would find her way
to a phone where she could..  What?  Dial 911?  Call her
husband collect?

She decided that she'd deal with that when she reached
civilization, far from the weirdoes at the old school. 
She started down the driveway, paved with brick near the entrance
but soon turning to gravel.  The sharp stones bit into her bare
feet so she moved to the grassy edge.  The grass was cold and
soggy but better than the gravel.  The going was tough because of
a moderate up-hill slope in that part of the lane.

As she moved away from the building, darkness became total.  A
sliver of moon provided just enough light for her to make out
the driveway.  Night sounds were more evident now, closer,
each making her jerk toward it.  What kind of animals might be
out here, wherever here might be, she wondered.  Were any
harmful?  A raccoon might not be deadly but she had heard about a
rabies epidemic.  Or what about a skunk?  Or a bear?  Or were
there wolves?

'Why do I have this feeling that I'm being watched?' Kim
wondered, then dismissed the feeling as paranoia.  When a fern's
frond wet with dew brushed against her leg, she gasped and moved
back to the gravel.  The woods came right to the edge of the
drive now.

"Where do you think you're going?" a man's voice demanded from
somewhere ahead of her, startling her so much that a squirt
of urine escaped to run down the inside of her legs.  Without
thinking, Kim ran away from the voice up the middle of the
driveway, bruising her bare feet.

"It's Kim," came Gwen's voice, disgust evident in her tone.

Kim heard a whine.  A light came on behind her.  She
recognized the sound as an electric motor, probably a golf cart. 
Knowing that she would never escape by the driveway, she turned
into the woods.  The edge of the woods was full of briars,
prickly wild rose bushes, and even more prickly wild blackberry

"Kim, come back before you hurt yourself," Gwen demanded in
an even tone, shining a flashlight on Kim's naked bottom.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Kim screamed, moving sideways to try to find
a path through the thorns.  The light blinded her, destroying
her night vision.  The flashlight threw such harsh shadows that
Kim became totally disoriented.  When she tried to take her
next step, a vine snagged her ankle and she fell into the
brambles. She screamed as thousands of thorns pricked at her

"Come on, Kim.  You'll only make it worse," Gwen called calmly.

Kim cursed Gwen, and the man who waited quietly on the driveway,
and her husband who talked her into agreeing to come here,
and herself for being so stupid as to sign papers agreeing
to corporal punishment and restraint and.  She had to get her
mind back on track.  She saw now that there would be no escape
through the woods.  She struggled to stand, still tangled in
thorny vines.  It didn't matter where she put her hands, she
found more thorns, but she finally managed to stand.  Dozens of
thorns remained hooked in her skin when she managed to stagger
back to the driveway.  The sheet was hopelessly snagged in the
briar patch so she left it there.

"Come on, Kim, and we'll take you back."

"Fuck you!" Kim shrieked.  "There's no fuckin' way you're going
to take me back there."  She stood defiantly, sobbing.

"It's not that bad," Gwen said in what she hoped was a
soothing and convincing voice.  "I won't hurt nearly as."

"Fuck you!" Kim repeated, pulling her arm back and swinging
her fist at Gwen's silhouette, barely visible in the darkness
because of a stray cloud blocking even the sliver of moon.

Experienced at martial arts, Gwen saw Kim close her fist and
draw back.  Gwen was ready when Kim swung, and deftly moved to
the side and parried, grabbing Kim's arm and twisting it behind
her back in a hammerlock.  Gwen's husband, Rodney, helped
affix police-issue handcuffs to Kim's wrists, locking her hands
behind her back while Kim continued to curse and

"There are consequences for every action," Gwen calmly told
Kim although she was a little out of breath from the adrenaline
rush of the short fight.  "I had hoped that you had learned a
lesson, but it's obvious you need more convincing."

"Fuck you, bitch," Kim repeated, refusing to move.

"OK," Gwen told her after putting a collar around Kim's throat
and locking a long chain to it.  "Go ahead.  Fuck me."

"Gladly," Rodney answered, lifting his wife to the seat of
the cart and plunging in.  Gwen was soon groaning in
ecstasy, muttering, "Yes, deeper.  Harder.  Ah, yes!"

Kim struggled in her bonds, discovering that the other end of
her chain leash was locked to the frame of the cart's surrey top. 
She stood there in disgust and disbelief as the couple fucked
just a few feet from her.  The gravel under her feet hurt. 
The cuffs were uncomfortable.  Her shoulders still ached from
being cuffed last night and now she was cuffed again.  And every
inch of her skin stung from the thorns.

Tears flowed freely as she waited until first Gwen and then
Rodney groaned in orgasmic relief.  As the couple's
breathing slowed to normal, Gwen said, "I guess it's time to take
this one home.  So start walking, future good wife."

"Fuck you, bitch," Kim spat out.  "There's no way I'm going

"You're repeating yourself," Gwen said calmly.  "I've
already heard that one.  Now, let me explain things.  You _ARE_
going back.  You can either go back the easy way, pretty much
like you are now, or you can go back with your butt covered with
welts.  Which will it be?"

Still defiant, Kim shouted her favorite expletive.

"I really hate to do this," Gwen sighed, climbing out of the
golf cart.  "Some of the staff get off on whipping students, but
for me it's just a necessary chore.  Now move."  With that, she
swung a whippy switch at Kim's bottom.

"Yei!" Kim shrieked, twisting to avoid the switch.

"Want more?" Gwen asked.  "I can switch your boobs or belly
as well as your bottom if you want.  And if the switch doesn't
get you moving, I can get a whip or a cattle prod.  And if they
don't work, we can always drag you, but I'm afraid the gravel
might scrape off all your skin.  So, what will it be?  More
stripes and then the whip?  Or are you ready to start walking?"

"Fuckin' bitch," Kim muttered as she took her first step
back toward the cluster of buildings.  Rodney slowly moved the
cart, keeping pace with Kim as Gwen followed with the switch. 
It seemed to take forever to make it back.  By the time they
did, Kim's feet were swollen and terribly bruised.  She was
panting and covered with a salty sweat sheen that stung as it
flowed over the thorn pricks that covered her body.

"We better check her," Gwen told her husband as she unlocked
Kim's chain leash from the cart.  She lead the defeated woman
back into the building through a side door and down a hall to
what appeared to be a doctor's examining room. "Have a seat and
let us have a look at you."

Kim felt totally humiliated as the naked couple examined her
body.  She desperately wanted to cover herself.

"Kim, you've really done it.  Nettles are broken off in your
skin.  There's nothing we can do now but wait for them to
fester out," Gwen sighed.  "We can't leave you like this, though. 
You'll get infections.  Will you give me a hand, hun?"

"Whatever you need, sexy," Rodney grinned.

"We're going to have to scrub her down with an antiseptic.  I
guess alcohol."

"No!" Kim screamed.  "No!"  And she continued to scream at the
top of her lungs as Gwen poured rubbing alcohol into a stainless
steel bowl.  Then the couple used sterile sponges from plastic
packages to scrub Kim's entire body with the antiseptic, stopping
occasionally to pluck thorns from her skin.

When they finished, Gwen gave Kim a few minutes for the
stinging to subside and for her to regain her composure.  Then
she said, "I hate to do this, Kim, but it's standard punishment
for someone who tries to run away."  She produced a pair of
demiboots with six-inch heels and put them on Kim's feet, locking
them on with padlocks.  Then she brought an eighteen-inch-long
bar with eyelets on each end and used two more padlocks to secure
it between her ankles.

"Can you take these off?" Kim whimpered, twisting to show
the handcuffs.

"Cuffs are standard punishment for trying to hit a staff member
or anyone else, for that matter.  We can make you a little
more comfortable, though."  With Rodney's help, Gwen buckled
padded leather cuffs to Kim's wrists and removed the steel

"Now, Kim," Gwen said in the tone of a mother's lecture,
"Your next few days are going to be pretty miserable, but it'll
get better if you'll just go along with the program.  If you
don't, you'll be miserable for the next twelve weeks and
you don't want that.  Oh, and the standard punishment for
profanity is a day gagged, but I'm going to forget the number of
times I heard the F-word tonight.  Now, try to get a little

Gwen kissed Kim's cheek, then lifted the side rails of the
hospital-style gurney, and turned out the lights as she left.

Kim tried to sleep.  With her ankles spread by the bar,
she couldn't sleep on her side and the cuffs made it impossible
to sleep on her back.  The pain and then itching, plus not
being able to scratch where she needed to, made sleep impossible. 
She was still awake, sobbing softly, when she saw daylight
filtering in from somewhere and heard movement in the halls.


"Up and at 'em," Tina yelled, flipping on bright overhead
lights in the two freshman rooms.  "Stand in the hallway with
your back against the wall and await further instructions."

"What time is it?" Laura groaned, rolling in her bed.

"You weren't given permission to speak!" Tina yelled.  "That
will be two demerits.  No one speaks unless given
permission, understood?  I don't hear you, ladies!  Do you

"Yes, ma'am," came some mumbled acknowledgements as they rose.

"I can't hear you!  DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"

"Yes, ma'am," they all called out clearly.

"Now line up in the hallway.  And welcome to hell week." 
Tina always yelled even when she wasn't intentionally yelling
thanks to her background as an Army Drill Instructor, a position
she still held in an Army Reserve Training Regiment.  "If you toe
the line, I'll be gone in three days.  If you screw up, I'll
make your life a living hell for weeks.  So, don't screw up.  I
am Miz Tina.  You will say only 'yes, Miz Tina' or 'no, Miz Tina'
as is appropriate.  Do you understand?"

"Yes, Miz Tina," they all called out.

"Now assume 'the position'.  The position is feet shoulder
width apart and hands behind your neck, fingers interlaced. 
Don't move until I say you can," Miz Tina ordered, walking away
with a swagger, swinging her riding crop menacingly.  She was
actually a very attractive woman who just turned thirty.  At
home, she loved to serve her husband as his personal slave.  That
turned her on like nothing else.  Except for dominating women. 
After a day of dominating women, she was a most subservient sex
slave to her master and husband.

But that would be later.  For now, she had to fetch Kim and
make her life just barely tolerable while showing the woman how
much easier it would be for her to cooperate.  She mentally
reviewed dozens of alternative ways she might handle the rebel,
knowing that she would have to make snap decisions on what path
to take as she observed the woman.

Steeling herself, Tina burst into the infirmary.  "You!  Rebel. 
It's time to get up and get on with your training and hell week. 
You started a bit early, don't you think?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Yes, Miz Tina," she roared.

"Yes, Miz Tina," Kim managed to say through her parched throat.

Ah, Tina thought.  I've got it.  "Don't you tell a soul I
went soft with you or I'll make it even worse on you," she
whispered sternly to Kim.  "I have to keep up my image."

Kim smiled to herself in spite of her discomfort and fatigue
as the drill instructor filled a glass with cool water, stuck in
a straw, and set it on the table.  Tina lowered the rail on
the gurney and helped Kim sit up.  Her legs, still secured in
the uncomfortable boots and spreader bar, dangled over the side. 
Tina offered the poor woman the straw.  Kim immediately sucked
the glass dry.

"And now you've got to pee, I bet," Tina smiled wickedly.

"Yes, Miz Tina," Kim answered submissively.  

Mentally, Tina screamed, 'Yes!' while keeping her expression stern.

"There's no graceful way to pee when you're being punished. 
Humiliation is part of your punishment, but it'll be easier to
do it in here than in front of everybody else.  Come on." 
Tina helped Kim to the floor and into the tiny toilet room in the
side of the examination room.  Kim found out just how
difficult walking could be when wearing heels and a spreader bar
with her arms cuffed behind her back.

As soon as her bottom hit the cool seat, Kim released a stream
of steaming urine with a satisfied sigh.  "Thank you," she
sighed again, making a few more squirts to completely empty her
bladder, quickly adding, "Miz Tina."

"All you're allowed this morning is yes or no," Tina sternly
reminded Kim.  Then she smiled, "Your classmates are standing in
the hallway, dying to pee.  I'm enjoying making them wait."

Kim thought about what Gwen said about other staff who loved
to cause pain.  She immediately feared Tina and what the woman
could do to her.

"I can't make them wait forever or the floor will be flooded,"
Tina said.  "I did that once and I found out that once one
woman loses it, they all do.  We'll have to be quick.  Where are
you most uncomfortable, future good wife?  You may answer."

"My bottom, especially that crease where my bottom meets my
legs," Kim told Tina.

"OK, here's the deal.  I gotta look tough so I've got to make
you do something.  Ah, here we go.  You have to carry this
antiseptic soap in your mouth.  Now we're not supposed to let you
out of the heels and cuffs for three days.  Usually a rebel who
tries to escape doesn't get to bathe for that time, and they
usually don't even get to wipe their butts for that time, so
they'll do just about anything just to get a shower, but I've
decided to have pity on you.  I'm going to tell the other women
to release you from your bondage so you don't ruin the leather. 
I'll let you get a shower.  Maybe it'll help keep you from
getting infections all over.  I don't want any objection when you
have to put this stuff back on, got it?"

"Yes, Miz Tina," Kim answered, unable to get up from the
toilet because of her bondage.  Tina pulled a 'wipe-n-dipe' from
a plastic package and wiped Kim's pubis, then she pulled out
a fresh one and took a few more swipes, going far higher
than necessary to be sure that Kim's clit was stimulated... just
a little bit.

Kim blushed with embarrassment at being wiped by another woman
and was thankful when Tina threw the oily towellette in the
wastebasket and helped her to her feet.  "Remember, not a word
to anybody that I'm giving you any kind of break," Tina snarled.

"Yes, Miz Tina," Kim managed as Tina put the cap of a plastic
squeeze bottle of antiseptic soap into Kim's mouth.  Kim
submissively gripped the bottle with her teeth.

"Now move," she snapped, slapping the riding crop down hard on
the gurney.  With difficulty, Kim shuffled forward, shuffling
each leg forward a few inches, feeling her inner thighs
strained by the awkward position.  Getting through the doorway
took some effort.  Then everyone was looking at her.