Bad Dad's Deviant Story Bits

Alyssa: When School is Always in Session




Teenage Alyssa was correct in her assumption that it would be easy to break into the dilapidated 100 year old high school late at night to retrieve the iPhone that her inconsiderate history teacher took from her.

What the fifteen year old hadn’t counted on was the old custodian catching her in the act. Fooled by his feigned compassion, she let her guard down and didn’t expect him to jump her as he followed her down the hallway to the exit.

Six plus months later she hadn’t missed a day of school, including weekends, holidays and summer vacation. Kept in a room far deep in the catacombs of the old structure, her new teachers were the secret covenant of uneducated but loyal district janitors. Unfortunately the only two things she learned during her stay was the uncountable perverted ways the male species can use and abuse a young girl’s body and that school lunch really wasn’t so bad compared to the daily noon feedings she now endured.

In the wake of the newly opened high school, the old school was demolished the next winter, her inside. Lack of township funds left the rubble intact for the next 10 years.

Alyssa would, however, live on forever on peer to peer networks, starring in a multitude of epic videos and pictures.



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