By Zachyboy
b/b, b/g, oral, anal

My name is Riker T. Guerrero, and I'm named after William T. Riker on a
show called "TNG," whatever that means. Even my middle name is the same as
his (Thomas), and when I asked my mom why my dad got to name me after a guy
on that TNG show, she said she has no idea because frankly most guys who
liked that TNG show never got close enough to a lady's vagina to make a
baby, so it pretty much took her by surprise too. Anyway, I'm named after
William T. Riker, but I've never seen that show, because its ancient and we
don't have Netflix streaming.

My twin brother's name is Riley A. Guerrero, and the "A" is for "Allen,"
and he's named after a lady in a movie my mom liked about this cool
astronaut lady who killed aliens. And really, his name was supposed to be
"Ripley," but my dad said, "What kind of name is Ripley for a kid?" and my
mom said, "I don't know, what kind of name is Riker from a man who probably
got no dates in high school," and long story short, my brother got named
Riley instead of Ripley, but his middle name's Allen, because the lady in
the movie's first name was Ellen. I have no idea how all that works, but my
mom and dad love movies and TV and it makes perfect sense to them.

Anyway, we're Riker and Riley Guerrero and we're 11, and we do stuff with a
bunch of kids in our neighborhood that involve everybody's butts, dicks,
balls and occasionally a pussy.

And the girl who lives one street away from us is going to be in this story
too. Her name is Jaycee Sanders, and as far as I know, she's not named
after anybody on TV or in movies, but I have to put her in this story
because I fucked her in her butt and my brother fucked her in her
pussy. She kinda talks dirty a lot when we fuck her, and even though we
like boys better, as soon as she yelled out "fuck it in my cunt, you
fuckers!" I told Riley, "Yep, she's definitely going in the story."

And Jacyee's brother Matthew is in this story too, but just for a little
while. Riley says he gets a cameo. I have no idea what that means. He has a
boyfriend named Jacob S. who can lay over on his back and flop his legs
over his head and suck on his own cock. And if you ever saw that, believe
me, you'd put both of them in a story too. Matthew's a nice guy. He sucks
and fucks us both and we like him, but he needs to wipe better. We went to
summer camp with him last year and he didn't wipe there, either. Not even
in the woods with leaves.

Also, Ethan and Dylan are in this story a little bit. We went to summer
camp with them too. Riley tried to get both of them to fuck us tag-team
style. But they don't like butt sex. They just like to suck a lot.  Dylan
cums a ton and feeds it to his little brother Patrick, and Ethan's dad has
been making him suck his cock since he was 10.

And let's see. Who else is in here? Oh, Duncan is in here, obviously. The
whole ice cube thing was his invention. He lives in the neighborhood
too. He's only 8. I could take him or leave him, but Riley says his butt
tastes good, even without the ice cubes, so what the hell, let's put him in
here too.

And last but not least, our cousin Jackson is in here. He's only 7, but
he's done more stuff than me and Riley put together. He says he already has
a boyfriend named Dommie, and they both did stuff with our older cousin
Casey, who I'd do stuff with anytime he wanted me to! And Jackson also said
he peed next to a man in the movie theatre bathroom last year and the man
jacked his cock and shot his juice and put a glob of his spoo-cum up
Jackson's butt with his finger! Ewww! I don't believe that part, but it
makes a good story.

Okay, so that's our cast.

Riker (me) and Riley Guerrero, 11.  Matthew and Jacob, 12, our neighbors.
Jaycee Sanders, 9, Matthew's little sister.  Ethan and Dylan, 13, two other
boys from camp last year.  Dylan's brother Patrick, 7, who eats Dylan's big
loads of jizz.  Duncan W., 8, who invented ice cubes up the butt.  And
Jackson, 7, who's full of shit about the man in the bathroom.

It's an active neighborhood.

And this is a story about how we all put ice cubes up our ass.

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Did you ever have something catch on in your neighborhood where one kid
does it and then suddenly ALL the other kids are doing it?

That was sort of what happened with Duncan and the ice cubes.

My mom calls it a "craze" when stuff catches on, although I'm pretty sure
she was only referring to stuff like everybody playing Monsuno and trading
the game guys, or seeing the Lego Movie twice in a row, which we all had to
do once Duncan did it. I'm pretty sure she didn't know about the ice cubes
in our butts. Well, not at first, anyway.

When she finally did find out she said to me, "Honey, you boys can't put
ice cubes in your rectums. You might damage the tissues."

First of all, I giggled because she said "rectums," which just made her
mad, and secondly I said, "Tissues? No we use a towel."

And she said, "No, not tissues like Kleenex, tissues like the tissue of the
skin inside your buttholes. It's very sensitive and delicate in there."

"You're telling me," I wanted to tell her. "You stick Matthew Sanders cock
up your tissues and tell me how sensitive it is."

But I didn't think I better tell her about getting Matthew's cock up my
ass. She was worried enough about a few little bitty ice cubes up
there. She'd definitely get nervous about Matthew's cock. Parents worry WAY
too much, if you ask me. Both feel fine, as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, the whole conversation was getting uncomfortable, so I told her
we'd stop putting ice cubes up our butts, and that must have been the right
answer, because other than my dad coming into our room later that night and
saying, "I was just talking to your mom, boys. Is there anything you need
to talk to me about? Any questions you might be having?"

We both shook our head no, because if you think talking about ice cubes up
your ass with your mom is awkward, try having that conversation with your
dad. We just shook our heads and did that thing where you shrug your
shoulders and finally he went, "errr, okay," like he does when he doesn't
know what else to say, and he left us alone.

"Whew," that was close, I giggled to Riley.

"No shit," he said...and then as soon as he was sure our dad had gone back
downstairs, "Do you have all the ice cubes?"

I nodded and I reached for the baggie under my pillow.

"What are they this time?" he said with an excited giggle in his voice.

"Grape Kool-Aid," I grinned. And I held them up to show him

"Oh wow," he giggled, and he took down his pants, laid down on his tummy on
the bed and spread his butt cheeks apart for me, really, really wide.

I locked the door and opened up the baggie.

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But first, back to Duncan and how the whole ice cube craze got started in
the first place.

Matthew has been fucking Duncan for over a year now, so he's first on our

Me and Riley watched him get fucked from Matthew's closet once, and man,
was it hot.

Duncan was playing Skylanders with his pants off in a beanbag chair and
Matthew was behind him licking his butt for about ten zillion seconds
before he spit on his cock and shoved it right inside him and Duncan didn't
even blink. He just kept playing. And Matthew was really giving him a good
one. Believe me, Riley and I have both been on the receiving end of Matthew
when he's in the mood and there's nothing slow about it.

So, that day we watched, Matthew was fucking Duncan really hard up the
butt, and Duncan was just happy as a lark playing Skylanders and Riley got
so hard watching it through a crack in the closet, he had me unzip my pants
so he could suck me and play with his cock while he watched out of the
corner of his eye.

And right when Matthew was grunting his cum up Duncan's ass and saying
"sweet little pussy boy, sweet little pussy boy" over and over again,
that's when I lost it and jizzed in my brother's mouth and he just gulped
and gulped, not because I jizz a lot, but just because it feels good on my
cock head when he gulps it when I cum and he knows that, so he always does

So that first time, Matthew jizzed in Duncan, Riley jizzed in me, and we
all went home happy.

But we followed Duncan home and asked him, "Hey, Dunk. Doesn't that hurt
when Matthew humps you that hard? I mean, Christ. You're just a little kid
and he's got a cock like an elephant."

"Nah," Duncan shrugged. "I still like him. He lets me play his
Wii. Besides, if my butthole gets sore, I just stick an ice cube up


You could have knocked us over with a feather.

"You put an ice cube up your butt?"

"Sure," Dunk shrugged. And he went right out into his kitchen and showed us
how. "Don't use the big ones," he said. "They hurt. They don't melt fast
enough. You have to use the little bitty ones."

And sure enough, he pulled out a little tray, cracked a few out, and pulled
down his pants (his mom was at work), and bloop, bloop, bloop, popped those
cubes right up his red little hole like my grandma taking her arthritis

"Holy crap," Riley whispered, impressed. "Then what happens."

"Then you just walk around and they melt back out."

That was hot. We all went upstairs and went up into Duncan's room and
watched them melt.

And while we were watching, Riley licked Duncan's ass a little, which made
him giggle and then I pulled my pants down and fucked him, and boy, was my
dick cold!

So, first of all, thanks to Duncan for inventing ice cubes up the butt and
the famous Duncan Ice Fuck of 2014.

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And the funny part was, the next time me and Riley fucked up in our room, I
wasn't even thinking of Duncan and his ass cubes.

I was thinking of Jacob from two streets over and how he could bend his
legs over his head and suck his own cock.

"Still wish I could suck myself like Jacob," I told my brother as he got
ready to fuck me. He could do it really hard, too. Not as hard as Matthew,
but definitely second best.  "It would be different to suck yourself,
right? Different's good."

"You want different?" Riley giggled. "I got different."

Suddenly, I jumped three feet in the air and my butt exploded in a wild

"Oh my God, what the hell was that?"

"An ice cube," Riley giggled.

"An ice cube?" I shouted. "You're crazy!"

But then he licked me and fucked me with it and I didn't think he was crazy

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So, obviously the first person we had to try it on together was our little
cousin Jackson, because he's a total little horn dog and if anybody's going
to enjoy getting an ice cube up the ass, it's going to be Jackson.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute," he said. "You want to stick ice up my ass?"

"Well, not like an icicle or anything," Riley shrugged. After all, it was
January. "We just want to pop a couple of cubes up there and see what

"Do I shit `em back out?" Jackson asked.

"Nope," I said.

"Then where do they go?"

"They just sort of melt inside you and run down your leg. And then we lick
your butt a little. And probably fuck you."

"Sounds good to me," he shrugged. "But you have to trade me."

Oh God, here it comes again.

"You can put ice cubes in my butt, but then we get to play doggie sniffers
for ten minutes."

Oh for crying out loud. What was it with this kid and playing doggie
sniffers. Every time we saw him, including Christmas, we had to get down on
our hands and knees and bark and sniff his ass. Jesus.

"Fine," Riley said. "Assume the position."

And that's how we fucked Jackson for the first time with an ass full of ice

"F my A-Hole, F my A-Hole!"

He always said that when we were getting ready to jizz in him. It was kind
of cool. We could smell his ass and we could feel really cold water. Riley
fucked him first, then I reloaded him with ice and I took a turn. You
really should try it. If you've been fucking hot asses for a while like we
all have, you're not going to believe how different a cold one
feels. Different is good.

After we fucked him, we of course played his dumb doggie sniffers game, and
Jesus, he gets off on that one. Then we asked him about the man he claims
he did stuff with in that bathroom at the movie theater, and he said yeah,
the man even bought him popcorn afterwards, but truthfully, we still think
he's full of shit.

And then right before he left, he said, "You should try Kool-Aid, you

And Riley said, "What?"

And Jackson said, "You should make your ice cubes out of cherry Kool-Aid or
something. That would be fun to pop up somebody's ass and drink it back out

And holy fuck, just like that, the Kool-Aid era was born!

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The first person we tried our Kool-Aid cubes on was Matthew's little sister
Jaycee who liked us to fuck her two at once, Riley up her pussy and me up
her butt. We even fucked her once with Matthew giving her a BJ fuck at the
same time. That was a fun one. She's the one who talks dirty when you fuck
her. "Fuck it in my cunt, you fuckers." That's her famous line around the
neighborhood. Everybody fucks Jaycee. Even Duncan. And especially
Matthew. Matthew says why nobody's given her a solo story on here by now is
anybody's guess.

Anyway, she was a little skeptical at first, so while Riley was busy
licking her pussy and making her grab his head and grind her hips up into
hip tongue, I was busy sneaking around the back end and popping a cherry
Kool-Aid ice cube up her hiney hole, which I have to admit is very pretty,
and even though she's a girl, is one of my favorite places to squirt my
jizz in the whole neighborhood.

"Motherfucker Jesus WOO!" she yelled. "What the fuck was that?"

"It's an ice cube going up your butt," I told her. "Shut up and let it work
its magic."

Well, that shut her up. She laid back and let us do our work. I put another
ice cube up her butt, Riley put a small one up her pussy hole, and before
we knew it, she was shaking and shivering and cumming like crazy, and we
didn't even lick yet!

"OH my fucking pussy fuck GOD!" she yelled, and I'm not kidding, she was
really cumming. It made my cock hard to watch her cum so hard. And so we
stood her up and got on our knees and got her on both ends and Riley licked
her pussy and I licked her butt and oh God, she tasted so good like cherry,
like pussy, like cherry like butt, I started jacking my cock and licking
her butt and drinking the sweet cherry out of her ass and oh fuck, I came
just jacking off drinking the cherry out of her butt.

So that time Riley had to fuck her alone while I watched. He fucked her
really hard and he shot his jizz up her cunt. And there was red running out
of her pussy when he fucked her, but nothing to worry about, it was just

And after they were done, I licked them both clean.

And by that time I was recovered, so I fucked her up the ass and I came in
her really good.

"That was hot," she whispered, all out of breath. I'm gonna show Matthew
how to do that.

And as far as I know, Jaycee was the one who taught Matthew and Jacob about
ice cubes as soon as she got home and found them fucking up in Matthew's

She butted in. No pun intended.

And before they knew it, Jacob had an ice cube up his butt, Matthew had an
ice cube up his (stinky) butt, and Jaycee was calling the shots, watching
Matthew fuck Jacob's cold ass, while she hopped on and squatted on his
face, letting him eat her own cold pussy.

What can I tell you.

These things spread like wildfire.

# # # # # # # # # #

And the only ones left in this story are Ethan, Dylan and Patrick.

Ethan and Dylan we went to camp with last year. We tried to get them to
fuck us, but they were both just interested in sucking each other off. They
sucked us off once too, but we didn't jizz too much last year, so they
weren't very interested. We could tell it was a pity suck.

Dylan cums a lot when he jizzes. I mean A LOT. I mean so much you have to
spit some of it out or you'd probably throw up. As far as I know, Ethan is
the only boy who's ever swallowed it all. But then again, Ethan has a lot
of practice swallowing big jizz loads, because he sucks his own dad. He
acts like it's a big secret that nobody knows, but Jaycee saw him doing it
once when she came over to see if she could suck him. (I told you Jaycee
does it with everybody).

But instead of finding Ethan alone in his room, she found him on his hands
and knees down in front of his dad's easy chair and his dad was drinking a
beer and Ethan was going up and down on his cock and they were both eating,
and Ethan's dad was whispering, "Oh, yeah, you hot motherfucker, that's the
way your daddy likes it, bitch. Eat that hot cock you sweet motherfucker."
And then he grabbed Ethan by the head and pumped his jizz up into him and
Ethan grabbed the arms of the chair while he ate his daddy's jizz, and his
daddy ran his fingers through Ethan's hair and whispered, "Oh fuck, I love
you baby. I love you so fucking much." And Ethan looked up and smiled at
him and after he sucked his cock, he came up and sat on his laps and put
his arms around his daddy's neck and they kissed and they kissed and they
kissed, and Jaycee saw it all and told the whole neighborhood.

And Dylan and Patrick have been fucking forever. Dylan is 13 now and
Patrick is 7, but I'm sure they started when Dylan was 6 and Patrick was
born, because they just look like they're really, really good at it. And in
fact, if you ever go over to Dylan's house and pretend you don't like boy
sex, he even lets you keep your reputation and tells you, "Hey, we all like
girls, don't worry about it. But until we can get some, we might as well
practice on Patrick." So, basically, we all do.

So me and Riley just went over to practice on Patrick (with our ice cubes,
that is), but it turned out Ethan was there, and Dylan was there, and
Jaycee was there, and thank God Ethan's dad was at work, because before
five minutes went by, we all got naked and everybody had little bitty ice
cubes up everybody's ass.

That day we ran out of ice.

We were all hungry when it was over, so Ethan made everybody peanut butter
sandwiches and trust me, you don't want to know where those wound
up. Jaycee was mad for a week.

# # # # # # # # # #

But back to what I started with.

After my dad came up to our room and asked us if there was anything we
wanted to talk about, after my mom caught me putting an ice cube up my own
butt in the bathroom that morning.

"I was just talking to your mom, boys," he started nervously. "Is there
anything you need to talk to me about? Any questions you might be having?"

We both shook our head no, because if you think talking about ice cubes up
your ass with your mom is awkward, try having that conversation with your

We just shook our heads and did that thing where you shrug your shoulders
and finally he went, "errr, okay," like he does when he doesn't know what
else to say, and he left us alone.

"Whew," that was close, I giggled to Riley.

"No shit," he said...and then as soon as we were sure our dad had gone back
downstairs, "Do you have all the ice cubes?"

I nodded and I reached for the baggie under my pillow.

"What are they this time?" he said with an excited giggle in his voice.

"Grape Kool-Aid," I grinned. And I held them up to show him

"Oh wow," he giggled, and he took down his pants, laid down on his tummy on
the bed and spread his butt cheeks apart for me, really, really wide.

I locked the door and opened up the baggie.

First I licked his ass really good and really long. I love to lick my
brother's ass. He doesn't even have to take a shower first, and in fact, I
like it better if he doesn't. I like his ass to taste like ass. Not soap.

And as soon as he was good and ready for it, and I always know when he is
because he makes little whimper noises like he's almost starting to cry,
then usually when I climb up and put my dick in, this time I put a little
bitty ice cube in instead.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," he whispered. "That's cold, that's cold."

"That's okay, Riley," I whispered in his ear, climbing on and spitting on
my cock. "I'm going to warm you up now. I'm going to warm you up really,
really good."

"Oh yes," he whispered. "I love you, Riker. Warm me up, please."

I pushed my cock into my brother's cold bottom. His ass was freezing and
the grape Kool-Aid oozed around the shaft of my cock.

"I love you," I whispered in his hot sweaty hair as once again, I began to
steadily fuck him, to fill him with my jizz.

"I'm fucking you, I'm fucking you," I whispered as my dick slid in.

He moaned and shivered and went from cold to warm, cold to warm. I made my
brother hot with my fuck.

Later, when I jizzed him, I ate it all out of him. Grape and sperm and
Riley's ass-taste. I could eat that all day and never get enough.

I want to eat my brother's ass forever.

Thanks, Dunk. We appreciate your ice trick. And thanks, Jackson, for giving
it some flavor.

The funny part is, a few weeks later? My dad caught us doing it. He caught
us in the act.

And then he got a boner.

And then things really got interesting. And really grown-up, really fast.

It turns out what Riley and I were doing with all the neighbor kids was
just the beginning.

It turns out the kid part was just the tip of the iceberg.

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Riker & Riley & Zachyboy

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