By Zachyboy and Brad
M/b, b/b, oral, anal

Samantha is a neighbor. Single parent. And not a very good one.

She sells weed to make ends meet and she gets mixed up with all sorts of
people. And it's not just weed. I've seen her out-of-her-face several
times. Who knows what she's up to?

It's Connor I feel sorry for.

Well, kinda.

Connor is Samantha's little boy. And he is little. 9-years-old, but you'd
swear he was younger than that.

You'd swear it.

He fends for himself most of the time. Hard to believe he's so angelic and
sweet coming from Samantha, but he is.

I've had my eyes on him for a while. And he likes me. Not many people smile
at Connor - he gets ignored a lot - but I smile at him.  A lot.  And he
likes it.

I've played with his Legos with him on the drive. He loves that
too. Samantha barely notices.

I love it that he loves it.

And I love that Samantha barely notices.

"I gotta go out," Samantha suddenly declares in one of her
everything-must-happen-now moments.

"Get in the car, Connor," she yells.

"Can't I stay here with Brad?" Connor asks with the most adorable
melt-you-in-a-heartbeat face.

Samantha looks at me. Says nothing.

I shrug my shoulders. "'S'cool with me."

Samantha looks relieved. Doesn't say a word and makes to her car like she's
scared I might change my mind.

She drives away. She doesn't say bye to me...or to Connor.

Connor looks at me. Sighs.

We play more Legos.

"I'm hungry," he tells me twenty minutes later.

"Me too. Hungry for you."

My words are lost on him.

"Come on," I tell him, "let's go get something to eat."

We head out in my car.

He struggles to see above the dashboard from the passenger seat. Like I
said, he's little for 9.

"Mom always makes me go in the back seat," he says.

"Do you like it in the front?"

Connor nods. He's so fucking cute. And innocent.

"I'm not your mom, and I like you being in the front too. Where I can look
at you."

Connor presses his hands onto the seat to lift himself up so he can see out
of the window - his own weight too much for his young skinny arms, he sits
back down and looks out of the side window instead.

As he looks out, I look at him. So small and tender and skinny and milky

So cute in his little cotton blue t-shirt and his blue and gray Reebok
shorts. The only pair he has.

# # # # # # # # # #

He ate his burger and fries like it was the first meal he'd had in a week.

I loved watching as he put a fry in his mouth and then struggled to eat it,
chewing it over-and-over with his baby-teeth.

I pulled into a clearing about a half mile from the highway on the way
home. As the engine stopped, I could barely hear the sound of traffic in
the distance.

"Where are we?" Connor asked.

"We're here."

"Where's here?"

"I needed to stop."

"What for?"

"To look at you."

Once again, my words lost on little Connor.

"Do you want to sit in the driver's seat?" I asked him.

A beam immediately came over his face, followed by an excited, "Yeaaah!"

"Okay," I told him, "but you have to take your t-shirt off."

"Why?" he asked.

"Don't you wanna sit in the driver's seat?"


"Then you have to take your t-shirt off first."

Without another objection, Connor pulled his t-shirt over his head and
threw it in the back seat.

We swapped seats with each other.

As his young, thin, fresh skin rubbed against me in the transition, it took
all I had not to just grab him and molest him right there and then. But I
had to maintain some restraint. And I did.

In the driver's seat, he looked so cute.

"You look so cute," I told him.

He smiled. He seemed to like it.

"Lean towards me a little bit," I told him, "so I can take a picture of you
on my phone."

And what a great picture it turned out to be.

"Connor," I said. "There's something I need to do and there's no way of
saying it any other way to you."

Connor just looked at me.

"I really like you. I mean, a lot. I really like you a lot. And, I know
you're just a little boy, but when a man likes a boy, they can share a
secret and the boy can make the man very happy. Would you like to make me
happy, Connor?"

Connor nods, listening intently.

"But it must be a secret, okay? You can't tell your mom."

"I don't tell my mom nuffin'," he says.

"Good boy. Because here's what I want to do..."

He looks at me, waiting for my request.

"I want to know what your little bottom smells like."

There's a silence and then I watch him as he tries to process what I just
told him.

He wriggles a little uncomfortably in the driver's seat. Then he smiles.

"Did you hear what I said, Connor?"

Connor nods.

"What did I say?"

Connor wriggles again. It's on the tip of his tongue but it's clear from
his body language that he feels uncomfortable repeating what I just said to

"Can you remember?"

Connor shakes his head. It's the easy way out.

"Look at me," I say to him and then slowly and more directly I say...

"I want to sniff your butt."

Connor giggles. And wriggles.

"You gonna let me?" I persist.

"Nawwwwww," he says in the most childish voice, "I don't want you to" He interlocks his skinny arms together in front of him.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, Connor," I reassure him, "I don't mind
if it's a bit stinky."

Connor's face goes into a sweet contortion. He knows that it might be true.

I smile and lean over him a little.

"Is that it, Connor? Is that what you're worried about? Is your little
bottom stinky? Is it? Is it?" I ask as I begin poking him teasingly in his
side with my finger.

Tickled, he wriggles on the seat then settles back down.

"I bought you all that food and took you on a nice ride and all I want to
do is sniff your bottom and you won't even let me?"

He giggled at my mock pout.

He shrugged. A good sport.

"Okay...okay," he conceded.

"Okay what?"

"Okay, you can sniff it."

"Sniff what?"

"My butt."

Hearing Connor say that made me harder than I'd been in years.

Little Connor. He just agreed to let me sniff his butt.

And I did. In the car. While he was in the driver's seat, turned away from
me. His shorts down under his little creamy bottom cheeks.

And it turns out I picked the most perfect day to sniff Connor's little
ass. Oh yes, I did.

And completely unknown to him, I came in my jeans while I sniffed the
pungent scent of his raw, ripe, 9-year old boy anus. Then I drove him home.

"A secret, remember?"

"Secret," he innocently confirmed.

# # # # # # # # # #

Connor McCarron sat in his bedroom, legs crossed on the floor, explaining
all this weirdness to Barrett Hall, his classmate, neighbor and BFF. Right
now that stood for "Best Friend Forever." A few weeks down the road, it
would start standing for "Butt Fuckers Forever," but neither of the boys
knew that yet. Right now, they were still sort of new to the whole concept.

The boys sat "Indian Style." Well, we called it that back in my day anyway,
before political correctness snuck in and sort of changed the landscape for
you, me and Native Americans everywhere. Now kids call it "Criss-Cross
Applesauce," can you believe that shit? I'm not kidding. Ask an elementary
school teacher. "Indian Style" is a thing of the past.

But forgive me. I'm getting off track. Let's get your erection plumped-up

So, yeah. Connor and Barrett were sitting on the floor, shirtless and
criss-cross, their creamy little tummies and dime-sized little nipples the
dick-hard envy of the neighborhood, trying to make a little sense out of
what had happened the day before with Brad in the car.

"He sniffed your WHAT?" Barrett asked incredulously.

"My BUTT," Connor repeated for the third time. "How many times do I have to
tell you, he stopped the car and sniffed my BUTT!"

"I don't get it," Barrett said. "What for?"

"I don't know what for," Connor replied. "What am I? A mind reader?"

"So let me get this straight," Barrett said. (And keep in mind, Barrett was
already getting some fairly sophisticated action of his own, back at home,
in the hands of his next door neighbor and frequent babysitter. In fact,
just two nights ago, they took a bath together that raised the roof off the
joint). "He pulled the car over just to sniff your crack-a-doodle-doo?"

"Yep," bragged Connor. "And he said it was a secret."

"Doesn't sound like much of a secret to me," Barrett shrugged. "Sounds a
little kooky, but not a very big secret."

"Well, I don't know," Connor defended. "If a guy sniffs your ass, you don't
exactly want to put it on Facebook."

"True," Barrett relented. "But really? That's it? Just a sniff? Nothing

"Nope," Connor said. "Just a sniff. Nothing else."

"No fingers?"

"No fingers."

"No tongue?"

"No tongue."

"Not just a little bit of tongue?"

"Not even a little."

"Huh," said Barrett, admittedly impressed. "That's pretty weird. My guy
would have had his whole wiener up there by now."

"I know," said Connor. "I'm not sure what comes next."

"You're probably gonna find out."

"Yeah. Probably."

"Did you get your sparkles?" Barrett asked.

"I didn't have time," Connor shrugged. "It happened too fast. My peener
didn't even get hard."

"So, let me get this straight..."


"Sorry, but this is mixed up. He sniffed your butt, but didn't touch your
peener, and nobody got their sparkles..."

"Oh, he got his," Connor admitted.

"Oh. Good. Fine. So somebody got their sparkles."

"Yep. He grunted. And his pants were wet."

"Okay, good. I was beginning to think this was weird."

Connor uncrossed his legs and stretched them out. He unzipped his pants
while Barrett watched him.

"You wanna suck peeners?" he asked his friend.

"Sure," said Barrett, unzipping his pants too.

After making sure the door was locked, the two boys moved into a 69
position on the bedroom carpet to do what they'd recently discovered was so
much fun.

Before they did, Barrett asked, "Are you going to let him do it again?"

"If he wants to," Connor shrugged. "I wish he'd just do stuff to my peener,

"Yeah. The butt sniffing's kind of weird."


"Have him put finger up there, though," Barrett suggested. "That feels
pretty good."


"Uh-huh. Or his peener. That feels really good."


"Yeah. Kind of hurts at first, but then it's good. You'll see."


The boys started to suck each other.

"Hey," Connor interrupted, taking his mouth off his friend's cock. "Do me a
favor. Sniff my butt for a second."

Barrett shrugged. Lifted Connor's legs up. Gave it a little whiff.

"Do anything for you?" asked Connor.

"Not really," Barrett shrugged.

"What's it smell like?" Connor wondered out loud.

"What do you mean, what's it smell like?" Barrett said, shaking his
head. "It smells like your butt? What do you think it smells like?"

"But nothing special?" Barrett asked.

"Nope. Just a butt."

"Huh." Barrett said. "That's what I thought."


"He's weird, huh?"


"Okay. Let's suck peeners."

And they did.

# # # # # # # # # #

The next time I saw Connor, he was decidedly more hands-on with the
direction of our activities. Decidedly more open. Decidedly more

"You can sniff me again, you know." he grinned, alone at his apartment, me
babysitting, Samantha gone who-knows-where until who-knows-when.

"Did you like that, Connor?" I asked him teasingly. "Did you like that when
I sniffed your stinky little bottom."

"It was okay," he shrugged. "You could have done more, though."

That made my eyebrow shoot up.

"Have you been telling anybody what we did?" I asked him casually. "A
friend maybe? Maybe Barrett?"

He grinned. Shrugged. Lied through his teeth.

"Nuh-uh," he said. "You said secret, so it's still a secret."

Bullshit, of course, but I didn't call him on it. Little Barrett's been
bouncing on my friend Zach's cock for the past four nights now and if the
two of them want to kiss and tell, fine with me. It's not like Z and I
aren't doing the same thing. BL babysitters compare notes, you know. Can't
pull the wool over our cocks.

"So, what else do you think I should do to your bottom?" I asked him.

"Sniff it," he giggled.

"Okay, I will."

"And kiss it, and touch it," he giggled again.

"And then what, Connor? Then what should I do to your pretty little

"Then you should put your finger in," he whispered dirtily. "And then when
I tell you to, then you should fuck it."

He said the word "fuck" in an extra-special soft-dirty whisper that made my
cock leak.

"Oh, baby," I told him. "I think we can do all those things just fine."

Lubed up and kneeling in front of me five minutes later (and why do they
call that "doggie style," because there's nothing "doggie" about it. It's
pure boy), Connor giggled while I sniffed his pretty asshole.

"Why do you like that?" he asked me. "Just smelling like that. I don't get

I lifted my face from his crack. Took his sticky scent along with me.

"I don't know," I told him honestly. "I guess because I remember that smell
from when I was little and I did sex stuff with my little friends. It's a
good smell. A happy smell. A smell that reminds me of sweet sexy boys like
you and what it was like to be with them."

"Do you smell other boys, or just me?" he asked.

"There have been others," I admitted freely.

"Like who?"

"Like Liam and Landon. Like Kieran. Like Marco."

"Marco?" he giggled. "You mean down-the-street Marco??"

"Yep," I smiled. "That's the one."

"Whatever," he shrugged. "I don't get it, but do whatever you need to do."


"Sniff me if you want to," he said, "but then let's do all the real stuff."

And who was I to argue.

He let himself relax. And he let himself melt into it. This weird little
thing that I did. This not-so-normal but not-so-terrible to endure bit of
foreplay. It wasn't scat. It wasn't dirty or disgusting. He just happened
to make a smell that was close to my heart. Close to my boyhood and close
to my memory. And he didn't understand what it did for me at all. Maybe he
would when HE turned 40. But for now, he was content and kind enough to
just let me do it, logic or not.

And since he offered, I did get braver. I started with a finger, just
spit-slick and tentative, slipping up his asshole. And then I lubed it. And
then I really stuck it in him. And that part he liked. That part made him
hiss and push back.

I slowly fingered my digit into the slippery tight squishiness of his
sweet-smelling boy chamber, stretching his rim for the bigger and better
things that definitely lie ahead. Connor had a secret, everybody. He was
about to have a bigger one.

I licked his ass from the bottom of his balls to the top of his crack. He
moaned and shuddered and behaved just exactly like you'd expect a boy to
behave when that happens for the first time. Shaky. Nervous. Uncertain and
wobbly-kneed. All of those things, yet completely lost in the sheer, raw
lust of it. He pushed back hard and my tongue dug up his hole. Sweet,
bitter boyhole. Like ear wax. Like dandelion stems. How can something be so
sweet and so bitter at the same time? It shouldn't be possible, but it
is. It's wonderful.

"You wanna get fucked now, Connor?" I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah," he grunted. "I wanna get fucked now."

"Where do you want me to fuck you, baby?"

"In my hole," he whispered. "In my stinky little shithole."

"Good boy," I told him, licking the back of his neck. "Good boy."

Lubed and lined-up, I pressed my thick cockhead to the star of his pucker
hole. His back arched up and his moan rose out as I slowly pushed through
the rings of his sphincters into the tight hot glove of his rectum. He made
a nose, somewhere between "oww," and "mmm." I'm not sure what it was
exactly, but it made me even harder, and it made me want to be inside him
even more.

I pushed slowly forward until before I knew it, my whole cock was deep
inside Connor's magnificent boy tube. I could smell the musk of my own
sweaty pubic hair. I could smell the earthy sweetness of Connor's hairless,
open asshole. The two scents merged in the heat of his bedroom, in the air
of his boyhood, as I slid in and out of his wet, squishy hole on squeaky
bedsprings and stars-and-planets bedsheets.

"Oh, Connor," I whispered to his ear as I fucked him. "Such a tight pretty

I filled him. I fucked him.

"I like it," he whispered. "It's dirty. It's sexy."

His own little dickie was soft from the shock of it, and when I reached
down, there were glistening drops of piss on the end of it.

"Sorry," he whispered. "Can't help it. Can't help it."

His treble voice matched the rhythm of my thrusting.

"Gonna fuck you," I whispered. "Gonna fill you. Gonna fill you."

He grunted, he trembled, he pushed back against the power of my hard
rutting cock. He gripped his own, but I didn't give him time to make it

"Fucking you," I whispered. "So hot, so tight, Connor."

He squeezed his ass muscles when I said his name. Contracted and gripped
with his hot, grasping rectum, and that, in that moment, was all I could
take. I grabbed his hips, pulled his amazing asshole back on my shaft and
threw back my head and erupted.

"NNNNNGHHHHH!!!!!!" I grunted, as the sweat fell from my forehead. "Oh
fuck--- oh fuh ----"

And my cum gushed out of my balls and into his ass in a torrent of
completion. In a wonder rush of love and fulfillment and release almost

"Oh fuck," I grunted as I licked the sweat from the back of his neck. "So
good, baby. So good."

He squeezed his ass again, milking my cock. Getting every drop of it.

Spent and deflating, my cock slid from his ass. He turned and he licked
it. Went down on me. Cleaned it off. Tasted his ass and my cum mixed
together. Looked up at me with bright, happy eyes and he smiled. A proud
smile. A boy smile. A fucked-boy smile. You only see that smile once. You
see it their first time. And then it's something else. But that first time,
it's sheer pride.

"Come here, baby," I whispered to his pretty eyes and his now-hard
cock. "You need some relief for that, huh?"

He nodded and smiled. Brought his cock up to my mouth and his thumb up to

And looking at me with the most innocent eyes, began to suck his own thumb
as I sucked his sweet babycock.

It was so hot. So sexy.

He moaned and he shook and he filled me with shivers. Dry, trembling boy
shivers. Grabbing my hair. Sucking his thumb. Shaking his sparkles from the
boycock on-up.

"Our secret," he whispered, as my arms wrapped around him.

"Secret," I promised, as he pressed up against me. Naked and boy
hot. Slippery, against me.

# # # # # # # # # #

"So you got your sparkles?" Barrett asked him, the next afternoon after
school, as they went over the play-by-play.

"Definitely got my sparkles," Connor smiled happily.

"From the sniffing part or the other stuff?" Barrett pried.

"The other stuff," Connor answered. "Definitely the other stuff."

Barrett nodded.

"I still don't get the sniffing part," Connor said.

"Me neither," said Barrett. "Wanna suck peeners?"

"Sure," said Connor. "Sure. Why not."

# # # # # # # # # #

So, not many get it.

It's Connor's little secret.

Why would a grown man would want to sniff a little boy?

Like that?

Down there?

Oh well. That's okay if you don't understand.

Connor gets it now.

Gets it quite regularly, in fact.

But, shhhhh. Don't tell anybody.

It's Connor's little secret.

And yours now, too.

But mostly it's Connor's.

So, shhhhh. Move on.

Deep breaths.

Move on.

# # # # # # # # # #
